Ah yes, a Metroid Prime: Federation Force Animated Series. I can see it now. Captain Izotz, the new fresh out of academy leader of the M.A.I.T. (Mecha Armoured Infantry Team) Izotz is a highly disciplined and skilled trooper but has yet to prove himself as a leader. Chief Blaze, an old grizzled veteran trooper and former outlaw. Blaze has the experience and charisma to be a great general but is held back by his overly aggressive and sometimes rebellious personality, because of these faults Blaze is placed as second in command of the team Major Perun, a quiet, dependable trooper during missions but a bumbling and overly enthusiastic husband/father the rest of the time. Perun joined the Federation Force too protect his beloved wife and daughter form the Space Pirate hordes, his favorite pass time is obnoxiously showing his comrades pictures of his daughter. Sergeant Peters, the newest and youngest member of the team, Peters is a wise cracking joker with an almost obsessive love of Mountain Dew. despite his personality faults Peters earns his place on the team with his impressive mechanical knowledge and unnatural luck. The only thing Peters loves more then Mountain Dew and playing practical jokes is Samus Aran. due to an incident where a then GF trooper Samus saved his life during a Space Pirate attack, Peters has developed a massive crush on Samus and will be reduced to foolish stuttering when in her presence. General Kawasaki, the commander of the team and it's support groups. (as well as the narrator of the show) Kawasaki is a firm but fair commander, despite his near constant arguing with Blaze, the two share an odd friendship. Yeah... what do you guys think?
@@zerohero4359 I think that Sargent Peters was inspired by Jay from Lego Ninjago. I might be seriously wrong but I can see some contrasts between them. Jokester, mechanical knowledge, lover boy, -green- -member- -of- -the- -team,- not the most dependable teammate... I dunno maybe I am too much of a fan of that show but still. ( I do like the character concept of Sargent peters though. I always pictured one of the federation force members as a huge fan of Samus)
@@liamdalemon1525 I assure you that the comparison is purely coincidental. In fact, with exceptions of the Mountain Dew, his character traits are the only ones I completely pulled out of a hat.
"Metroid Prime: Federation Force! Samus Aran has sent a distress signal and needs your help!" "The Galactic Federation Force has sent out four of their elite to do the job..." "Captain Izotz gives the opposition the cold shoulder!" "Chief Blaze scorches the space pirate scum!" "Major Peren delivers a shocking ultimatum!" "And Sergeant Peters scores some Mountain Dew.... Heh-heh!" "The space pirates won't know what hit 'em when they encounter..." "Metroid Prime: Federation Force! From Hasbro! Ice cubes & Mountain Dew sold separately."
Nope, Month of Metroid was only the 2-D games. Prime was a review done afterwards, then Prime 2 a year later. Prime 3 was done after the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai review.
Adam Williams That's why I compare the 2 a lot. TH plays like a 2D Zelda (specifically LBW), but is a co-op game and not and overworld adventure game (a traditional Zelda game). FF plays like Metroid Prime 1 & 2, but again, a co-op game and not a traditional Metroid.
Tri Force Heroes also came out duing a time where people had a lot of other more traditional Zelda games to play. If Zelda went missing for over 6 years and all we got was Tri Force Heroes, people would have complained about it as well.
Sammy D There hasn't been a 3D Zelda in about 5 years (I think SS was 2011), and despite knowing about Zelda U's existence, Nintendo had up until the recent e3 refused to give us more info on the game, and have delayed it SEVERAL times. So you'd think the fanbase would be furious about getting LoZ 4 minus 1 Swords instead on Zelda U info, but they didn't, and as of now, TH has over 1 million copies sold.
I'd honestly like to see these Federation Troop mech suits return in Prime 4 because this game shows that they're fairly larger than the average human. Maybe have these guys return and give Samus some heavy artillery cover fire similarly to how she gives these troops some backup occasionally? That'd be pretty badass.
Glad I saw this comment. Hearing that song, I was going through the list of what 80s cartoon I watched as a kid had that theme. I loved Voltron as a kid. It was my anime power rangers.
I assume you mean the Prime series in general, because as far as I can remember, the Federation isn't even in Prime 1. Maybe it's mentioned offhand once or twice, but you don't start interacting with them in even the broadest sense until Prime 2.
SerenGetter You take a series that already doesn't sell a whole lot and you have butthurt fans complain about it and swear never to play it that's liable to happen. +P MF I'm sure those user reviews are totally fair and unbiased and are in no way just a bunch of people being butthurt.
Honestly, Johnny's thoughts on Federation Force were almost exactly what I was thinking about. It's a huge step for Metroid because it's the first co-op game. Makes me think Nintendo will use this for Metroid V or Metroid Prime 4. I was shocked at the hate the game got before it came out, but I can agree that it's somewhat disappointing because it isn't a mainstream game. From Prime 3 Corruption (2007) to Other M (2010), you'd expect that after 3 or 4 years, another good one would come, and 6 years later we got this instead. I guess Alien 5 will be the inspiration for Metroid V, whenever that'll be. *I am sick and tired of people saying Metroid is dead. Samus is in Federation Force (with her Prime 3 suit to boot) and Super Smash Bros. 4. (with her Other M suit) Nintendo did not take her out of the spotlight with those consistencies. It's simply a hiatus. Give Nintendo time to figure out what to do next with this series.*
The initial backlash to Wind Waker was purely because some people didn't like the art style after seeing that Spaceworld trailer. And even then, the cartoony look was (I thought) a nice throwback to the 2D games, so still true to the series. With Federation Force, that big head look being not at all in line with the rest of the Metroid series is just one reason a lot of fans weren't excited when it was announced.
VladNorris Right. I said "just one reason." Or are you talking about Wind Waker when you say no mark was hit? In that case I just disagree, but I assume you mean Federation Force.
Smarmee I meant Federation Force. It miss on more marks than just the art style when it was first presented, SPECIALLY since they started with Blast Ball
Federation Force 2 gets announced and it consists of playing solely as Admiral Dane wrecking shit using his flagship as a personal umbrella... I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
No, it won't. It can't. It was made on Game Maker, so it can't be ported to Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. They'd have to completely remake the game from the ground up with a compatible engine.
Still not big on the chibi art style. Metroid always felt like the more darker side of Nintendo; something more like a dark sci-fi with some occasional light hearted stuff.
It's a spinoff, I'm guessing they wanted to try something different for once, which isn't the best idea considering the last good Metroid game was 9 years ago
Tanabe claims that they went for the chibi style in order to shrink the characters and make them easier to see and follow on a handheld screen. Not a good excuse, as Metroid Prime Hunters worked fine with its standard Metroid art style. I'd also guess that Federation Force went chibi in order to remove polygons and complex textures in order to increase performance.
If they wanted to increase performance, why did they not just bother moving it to the... They probably figured it wasn't worth it. Was it really not worth it, though... ?
I think the simple, exaggerated art style was needed for a handheld. I had a heck of a time seeing far away enemies in Hunters. I can appreciate why they did it.
To me it wouldn't make it much better. The graphics aren't by far my biggest problem with the game...but doesn't matter anyway. The game is what it is and its reception is as well. Time to look ahead and to hope that the next game is a really great Metroid game again...be it Metroid 5 in 2D or a new 3D game.
Soundchaser Graphics ≠ artstyle. The chibi artstyle was one of the many big complaints of this game. At least with a realistic artstyle, it'd feel like I'm in the Metroid Universe.
Resilience of Will and Might Ok, artstyle...still same opinion. If it looked the same but played like a real Metroid game, I wouldn't mind it that much...that's also the reason why Wind Waker is accepted now, because mainly only the artstyle was different, but it's still a typical Zelda game.
Soundchaser Zelda and Metroid are two completely different things. The artstyle worked because the game was mostly lighthearted and made enemies fit in with it like a cartoon. The characters were also very expressive with their faces. Not like this game. Putting this kind of artstyle in a gritty sci-fi FPS feels like it was awkwardly forced in there. Unlike WW, this game doesn't have expressive characters, nor the enemies. Speaking of the enemies, they made the Space Pirates look incredibly awkward. Take a look at Prime and you'd see how terrifying the Pirates look and move. They lose all terror in this game with their awkward appearance and are laughable at best. Imagine if 343 wanted to "spice up" Halo and they decided to make Halo 5 have this artstyle. It worked for Wind Waker and everyone thought that looked bad and it turned out good, so maybe it'd work for Halo 5, right? Fallacious logic. Just because an unconventional cartoony artstyle worked on a Zelda game doesn't mean it'd be okay on anything, much less a gritty first person game. The Metroid universe, if you were unaware, is a horrible place, the Galactic Federation, the most civilized of them, is a very corrupt back-ally dealing government. I don't think I need to describe the rest of this terrifying setting. There's no place for cartoonishness in this kill-or-be killed, shady universe.
Giordan Diodato No, but the amount of people not understanding the situation nor what the petition was about and still going crazy about it is overreacting, IMO. It was the same with the dislikes. Some people were freaking out just because people were disliking the trailers. It seems like some people can't cope with negativity, even if it has nothing to do with them.
P MF The "situation"... Are you not aware of how long Shenmue fans have had to wait for a 3rd game? Metroid fans are self-entitled babies and are worse than Sonic fans.
Giordan Diodato You don't understand it either. Metroid has literally nothing to do with Shenmue. And calling other people "babies" (whatever that is supposed to mean) is simply stupid.
I like how Zelda fans wrote off Wind Waker as a bad game because of the art style. It was the same for people writing off Metroid Prime as a bad game before launch because it was an FPS. People love to jump the gun, and boy does it make me laugh at how arrogant people can be.
Agreed. I tend to try and avoid passing judgment until I've tried the game myself. Judging a book by its cover never really pans out terribly well, in the majority of cases.
This is why Johnny is my favorite TH-cam video game reviewer, because of how honest and straigh-forward he is with his opinions. He might get a little nostalgic with games ha played when he was young but even then, he tries to remain calm and explain'em as best as he can so you can decide yourself if it is good for you or not.
You can't blame him, Sunshine is a very divisive game even among the Mario fanbase, but you can always count on him to give his honest opinion. His Ocarina of Time review is really critical too, but I still respect his opinions.
+Mikewolv007 You realize by then end of that video, he said it was great and in many ways better than 64? And that the only real issue he has with Sunshine no real reward for 100%-ing the game?
"This game could be decent in its own way" And that pretty much that sums up Johnny's channel and what makes him so great! Always giving the game a chance and not being TOO biased when it can be helped. Great review Johnny!
I said this in my recent video and I'll say it here. It's not bad to have a gut feeling about a game, that's understandable. But writing it off outright and saying it sucks before it's out is completely asinine.
I honestly expect this game to be okay by what I saw, but I never jumped the gun on being either or. I just was gonna keep my out when it comes out then try it. You know What Johnny just did.
What do you think I was talking about when I said "In my recent video" It's not bad to have a bad gut feeling or not liking Konami, But don't punish a game for that if it isn't out yet. Nothing is out yet, no one has had there hands on it, Hell, no one really knows everything about the game. If you want to shit on the idea, sure. If you want to shit on the company, okay. But don't punish the art because of the artist. Just because Van Gough and Edgar Allan Poe wanted to "keep it in the family" that doesn't mean their work was degraded because of it. What I'm trying to say is, saying it "might" suck is okay, but it doesn't mean it "already" sucks is completely idiotic.
I think the best way I can sum it up is that reasonable detractors expect the game to be bad, but don't WANT it to be bad. Because realistically, what do we gain from that? If I think the game will be underwhelming and I'm wrong, then I have a nice little side entry in the series. No reasonable person wants the game to be terrible, even if the evidence suggests they won't like it.
If they released this right after Samus Returns, it would not have gotten nearly as bad of a backlash. 2015/2016 was not a good year for Nintendo at all with this, Color Splash, Star Fox Zero, and the awful software drought of that time.
Another awesome review Johnny. I'll be honest I do like Federation Force and Prime Hunters because while they don't hold up as strong as the main series Prime games for a handheld Metroid Prime fix I think they're pretty damn good and you can still see the heart of Prime in these games albeit on a much smaller scale. Also one tip for you chaps if you beat challenge mode in the Blast Ball demo you unlock the Hyper Mode mod which really makes single player less of a chore when playing the game.
I am with you all the way man! People really need to stop bitching about Prime Hunters not being as "exploration" heavy as the other Prime games. Prime Hunters did its job at trying to reel in new fans by taking advantage of something that was very popular during the time it came out. First. Person. Shooters. It would be stupid if Nintendo didn't take advantage of this opportunity!
Mike Anthony Yeah I think for a handheld fix and a decent self contained story between the 2 it's a nice buy. Didn't really have the same problem with the controls though I thought they worked fine though that maybe because I'm used to PSP FPS's you know?
Great review johnny. Honestly this video shows how far you've come when it comes to balancing the more informative parts of the review with the humor bits. Really well put together. Unfortunately, federation force is not for me. Not because I have a grudge or vendetta against it like a lot of metroid fans (as it is I've only really started to get interested in the series and am at most a casual fan of it dabbling in a couple of the games), but because while I have friends with 3ds's, they aren't going to pick up this game. It's the same reason I left triforce heroes on the self, I rarely ever get into online multiplayer focused experiences.
Great thing about Johnny is that he's been around for ages like the other big youtubers but he hasn't degenerated into relying on sycophantic memes or narcissistic sensationalism. (Looking at you Game Theory & The Competionist)
Sean A. Emrick No. That was a remake of Metroid 2, and it totally didn't die, seeing as how it was completed and still entirely available for anyone to download.
Sadly, I feel the opposite. Other M atleast has the merit of being and playing (mostly) like a Metroid game, regardless of how much everybody hates it.
Johnny, why are you so entertaining? I've never played a Metroid game in my life yet I find myself watching this just to enjoy your hilarious writing and sarcastic sense of humor. Great job on this.
Someone who gets Metroid Prime Federation Force. Meant to be played with others and not solo. It's not as bad as fans made it out to be. It's just a cooperative multiplayer lite shooter. I will say however that it controls a little better on the "new" 3DS/3DS XL/2DS XL line of systems thanks to the C nub replacing the gyro aiming. Gyro aiming is fine, but you'll definitely stick out if by some chance you're playing in public.
Poor Game Devs for Federation Force. They probably had a whole other idea ready and Nintendo told them to put a coat of Metroid paint over it. It probably was meant for a new IP.
It was made by the same guys who made Luigi's Dark Mansion 2 and they did a damn fine job with that as well. Honestly their only fault here was the fanbase in which the were trying to appeal to because in terms of quality FF is pretty damn decent.
+The X-Factor Maybe they shouldn't have timed it so poorly then. The last (actual) Metroid game came out 9 years ago. Hell, we've been waiting 15 years for a Metroid 5.
This game being about the Federation Force reminds me when they tried to make a Ben 10 MMO back in the day and a month later you find out it was going be based off the no-name bounty hunters that Ben fought instead of Ben 10 himself.
I can't help but feel that this was a situation like Star Fox Adventures. Like the game was originally meant to be its own original idea but then Nintendo higher-ups came and slapped a Metroid skin on it instead of making a new game from the ground up. Probably wrong, but it sure feels like it.
Actually it's been like this since the beginning. The team behind this wanted to make a Federation Force game but were set back by the DSi's limitations and only just resurfaced thanks to the N3DS.
I believe that series producer Kensuke Tanabe has stated that Federation Force was always a Metroid spin-off about the Galactic Federation. It was planned as a DSi title, so it theoretically would've released close to Prime 3 or Other M. If it had released back then, no one would've minded it.
That is kind of what happened, it was in development for the DS before the 3DS and was supposed to be in a separate series but turned into a Metroid spinoff.
I actually really like Federation Force solo play. I don't know anyone else (personally) who owns this game, or has even thought of owning it, so I'm forced (unless I tolerate the horrible lag in online matches with Japanese players) to explore on my lonesome. And I love it. I really enjoy having to master each level, doing it multiple times to learn its layout and the optimal way I can go about finishing it quickly and getting all three medals. Hell, that giant beetle on Bion literally took me 1:38 to solo on my best run. It's an excellent game, and sorely underrated. It's nice to see the GF soldiers not being slaughtered for once. I loved the Prime series a lot. The first game was my all-time favourite game for many years. But Federation Force is still a great game, regardless of the stigma surrounding it. P.S. Your toy ad parody was brilliant.
I love that I can come to this review knowing that, while you are a metroid fan and can be critical where necessary, you're also not an idiot and can judge a game for its own merits. Unlike pretty much every Metroid and Paper Mario "fan" out there who will cry over anything that isn't "the game I'm nostalgic about part 2"
This game's reception actually reminds me of the original Metroid Prime's initial reception! Speaking of which, at the time I write this, I'm actually replaying Metroid Prime. But seriously, that beginning and the commercial remind me why you're one of my favorite reviewers! ^o^
That's the thing I hate about the gaming community, mainly the ones driven by nostalgia. It the game doesn't cater to each and every one of their desires, it's "bad". It doesn't matter what is done right, it's "bad". What a buncha spoiled babies.
It might be an ok game, but prime was a massive departure from the previous games and it is generally beloved, I think a lot of it is just because the game is mediocre and doesn’t even compare to the rest of the series.
1:51 - AWESOME!!!!! I'd buy that for a dollar!! Oh, and I'd love if they make Metroid Prime: The Samus Directive, so you can see the OTHER side of the story (play as Samus).
Gotta love how Metroid of all series is the only one Nintendo is comfortable developing a long story across multiple mainline games and spinoffs, meanwhile if Star Fox ever comes back it'll probably be another reboot
Donkey Kong Fan next level games. they developed this game, punch out wii, (i think) luigis mansion 2 dark moon (which was after 2d metroid was canceled)
iownalx23 Oh yeah, you're right. I love Next Level Games, I had a ton of memories with Punch Out and Dark Moon. But I also love Retro Studios, since they helped me find my favorite video game character.
I think the absolute best comparison to Federation Force is Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Fans of BK didn't get a main series game in forever and when they finally see their series again it's a Build your own Kart game. To many it's a good game in it's own right, but it's a kick in the balls to old fans who want to see it comeback. FF feels the same, we haven't seen a new Metriod game in awhile and we finally see something in a spin-off game? Common Nintendo.
Wait, people liked the gameplay of Nuts and Bolts? I always heard that even if you ignore the fact that it's Banjo Kazooie, the gameplay itself was terrible
The difference is that Fed Force didn't insult its fanbase within 10 minutes of the game. Nuts and Bolts DID, then proceeded to turn into a kart builder.
I agree, that made no sense to do that to the old fanbase. I'm sure Rare thought they were being funny with it and it could have been if a BK3 existed. It also doesn't help that Nuts and Bolts was hyped as a main series game and then changed gears catching the fans off guard.
The thing is that Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts tried to act like a main game AND a sequel. It was even developed by Rare. Metroid Prime: Federation Force on the other hand is clearly a spin-off game developed by Next Level Games, a company that made spin-offs in the past and is likely to continue doing so.
Soundchaser you can calm down Dislikes don`t affect the video or the owner`s account in any way it`s just there. so that`s why i don`t mind them too much nowdays.
Soundchaser oh sorry man it`s just that i`ve seen some people cry or get depressed over dislikes so i just wanted to say that they don`t to anything to your video anyway. also seeing sarcasm via text is pretty hard honestly lol.
Now that Return of Samus and Metroid Prime 4 are announced, I doubt people are still complaining about this game. Perspective can be a funny bitch sometimes.
The real tragedy is, MPFF is actually not a bad game. After playing this, once I eventually recovered from my fanboy rage, I...kinda like it. They technically did a decent job with making it a fun multiplayer game. Honestly I fully agree with Johnny. Nintendo pretty much released this game at the WORST possible time. If they had released this, say, some time after they announced that they were scrapping and redoing the entire Metroid Prime 4, I assure you this game would not be as hated...
I think this game might have worked better as an expansion to a single player Metroid game, a dedicated coop game campaign thought if this game did have its own single player campaign it would also have worked. I am a bit in doubt if this title had been received better if it had indeed been released after Nintendo announced that Metroid Prime 4 was delayed, but it could have been so. Probably best not to dwell to long on this topic.
Part of me wanted to laugh at the Metroid fanbase after this game was announced for how they kept bitching about Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, but then I remembered Paper Mario's current state and I can sympathize. It was after this game was already announced, not too long ago when I finally played all of the Prime games. Now I can sympathize even more knowing how good those games were. I know people will talk shit about the people who complain about this game, because complaining about people complaining makes perfect sense, but could you at least know were they're coming from? A series they love isn't getting the respect it deserves, we're not talking about some obscure game not many people know about, this is fucking Metroid, one of Nintendo's big 3. This year was it's 30th anniversary, and all it got was some spin off co op shooter on a handheld where you don't even play as the main character of the series. People don't really hate the game itself, just that it's all they got, like many have said, if it was released along side a proper Metroid game, no one would have complained. But one thing I do like about this is that the prime games are definitely back in cannon and Samus doesn't have the Other M suit design anymore, I really didn't like the look of it.
Well, Metroid games rarely sell well in Japan. I remember I saw a poll in which it asked what Japan player's favorite Super Famicom games were and Super Metroid didn't even make the list at all (the list consisted of dozens of games). Even the composer of the original Metroid didn't realize the game was a hit in the U.S, or anywhere for that matter. Worldwide the Metroid series just isn't as popular as Mario, Zelda, or pokemon...
I know it's not the best selling thing they have, but it's still a well known and respected series. I know Nintendo is biased for Japan, but they seriously need to pay more attention to the rest of the world.
I don't know about you but when I think of Nintendo's big 3 I think Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. I suppose Pokemon overtook Metroid (and maybe Zelda as well at this point) in terms of sales, but at least from what I can tell a new Pokemon isn't as exciting as what a new Metroid or Zelda would be, given how frequently Pokemon comes out. But I could be wrong seeing how Pokemon Go blew up.
I doubt it, Wind Waker was still the next main series Zelda, a console game, and heavily advertised. This game is none of that so would be forgotten before anything else.
no it won't. at the end of the day wind waker was a unique taken on the Zelda formula. it has the same core gameplay and exploration but in a unique setting and with a new art style. wind waker disappointed fans but they eventually came back one they realize what kind of game it was at its core, federation force doesn't have the elements that metroid fans are looking for so no one is going to come back too this is 5 years and realize they were missing out
This review perfectly describes everything I love about your reviews. Excellent video with great criticism and reasoning. I would love for a new metroid game to come out, but I do partially hope this game doesn't get too ignored.
Why has no one replied to this 🤔 also wassup nitro rad
The G Force theme set it off
90s toy adverts in a nutshell
@@timersky98 I wonder where the phrase “in a nutshell” originated.
It sure was!
Ah yes, a Metroid Prime: Federation Force Animated Series. I can see it now.
Captain Izotz, the new fresh out of academy leader of the M.A.I.T. (Mecha Armoured Infantry Team) Izotz is a highly disciplined and skilled trooper but has yet to prove himself as a leader.
Chief Blaze, an old grizzled veteran trooper and former outlaw. Blaze has the experience and charisma to be a great general but is held back by his overly aggressive and sometimes rebellious personality, because of these faults Blaze is placed as second in command of the team
Major Perun, a quiet, dependable trooper during missions but a bumbling and overly enthusiastic husband/father the rest of the time. Perun joined the Federation Force too protect his beloved wife and daughter form the Space Pirate hordes, his favorite pass time is obnoxiously showing his comrades pictures of his daughter.
Sergeant Peters, the newest and youngest member of the team, Peters is a wise cracking joker with an almost obsessive love of Mountain Dew. despite his personality faults Peters earns his place on the team with his impressive mechanical knowledge and unnatural luck. The only thing Peters loves more then Mountain Dew and playing practical jokes is Samus Aran. due to an incident where a then GF trooper Samus saved his life during a Space Pirate attack, Peters has developed a massive crush on Samus and will be reduced to foolish stuttering when in her presence.
General Kawasaki, the commander of the team and it's support groups. (as well as the narrator of the show) Kawasaki is a firm but fair commander, despite his near constant arguing with Blaze, the two share an odd friendship.
Yeah... what do you guys think?
I think you got major peruns character from fma and that concerns me
Get this idea to Nintendo right now
I think you're on to sum here buddy
@@zerohero4359 I think that Sargent Peters was inspired by Jay from Lego Ninjago. I might be seriously wrong but I can see some contrasts between them. Jokester, mechanical knowledge, lover boy, -green- -member- -of- -the- -team,- not the most dependable teammate... I dunno maybe I am too much of a fan of that show but still. ( I do like the character concept of Sargent peters though. I always pictured one of the federation force members as a huge fan of Samus)
I assure you that the comparison is purely coincidental.
In fact, with exceptions of the Mountain Dew, his character traits are the only ones I completely pulled out of a hat.
That commercial was so on point, Sir Johnny!
I agree, it should have been the E3 2015 trailer!
I think I might by the game just because of the commercial.
Buy. Freaking spellcheck.
"Metroid Prime: Federation Force! Samus Aran has sent a distress signal and needs your help!"
"The Galactic Federation Force has sent out four of their elite to do the job..."
"Captain Izotz gives the opposition the cold shoulder!"
"Chief Blaze scorches the space pirate scum!"
"Major Peren delivers a shocking ultimatum!"
"And Sergeant Peters scores some Mountain Dew.... Heh-heh!"
"The space pirates won't know what hit 'em when they encounter..."
"Metroid Prime: Federation Force! From Hasbro! Ice cubes & Mountain Dew sold separately."
The homemade MPFF commercial was absolutely perfect! Props, good sir!
I'd buy a product advertised like that.
So would I.
Code name S.T.E.A.M. wished it sold that many in Japan in its first week.
Indeed that add was just awesome. You missed your call as a toy commercial narrator.
Ace in the Hole
Yeah, it almost (keyword being "almost") made me want to run out and buy MPFF.
3:35 Got that call back immediately. Glorious...
Yeah, I wonder how many people are gonna get that joke.
He did shoot the Screw Attack guy dead during the Month of Metroid so, yeah. That asshole ain't coming back.
He actually shot him during the Prime 3 review.
ultrapyrusbrawler Wasn't Prime 3 part of the Month of Metroid?
Nope, Month of Metroid was only the 2-D games. Prime was a review done afterwards, then Prime 2 a year later. Prime 3 was done after the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai review.
Plot Twist: Federation Force is commanded by Adam.
Any objection, big robot suit dudes?
Well yeh, isn't Adam high up in the federation?
Samus wasn't authorized to be the final boss, so Adam sent his dogs after her.
Oh I see you wanna play it that way? Fine! next mission, I'm using the Hypermode and Lone Wolf mods. You can carry the water cooler.
What'chu talking about Johnny? We all know Metroid Pinball is the best in the series.
...It...does have a pretty rocking soundtrack.
Metroid Prime Pinball is actually really solid for a pinball spinoff
i still play Prime pinball during long trips!
I think he didn't compare it with Fed Force because of how different they are,
you can't really compare the two
Pinball is kind of boring
I think it's fair to call this the triforce heroes of the metroid franchise. Tedious single player, and enjoyable co-op, especially with friends
Except Triforce Heroes didn't get shitcanned by entitled purist fanboys. This is why we can't have anything nice.
+Denzel Rozier true enough, but the gameplay concept is similar.
Adam Williams
That's why I compare the 2 a lot. TH plays like a 2D Zelda (specifically LBW), but is a co-op game and not and overworld adventure game (a traditional Zelda game). FF plays like Metroid Prime 1 & 2, but again, a co-op game and not a traditional Metroid.
Tri Force Heroes also came out duing a time where people had a lot of other more traditional Zelda games to play. If Zelda went missing for over 6 years and all we got was Tri Force Heroes, people would have complained about it as well.
Sammy D
There hasn't been a 3D Zelda in about 5 years (I think SS was 2011), and despite knowing about Zelda U's existence, Nintendo had up until the recent e3 refused to give us more info on the game, and have delayed it SEVERAL times. So you'd think the fanbase would be furious about getting LoZ 4 minus 1 Swords instead on Zelda U info, but they didn't, and as of now, TH has over 1 million copies sold.
Great review, Johnny. Kudos to you for gettin in there wtih this game
Well someone had to. Clearly he’s the hero for the job. Hell, he survive Bubsy 3D and Sonic 06’s nightmare of a plot.
I'd honestly like to see these Federation Troop mech suits return in Prime 4 because this game shows that they're fairly larger than the average human.
Maybe have these guys return and give Samus some heavy artillery cover fire similarly to how she gives these troops some backup occasionally?
That'd be pretty badass.
Oh my God, your toy commercial parody for Federation Force was on point. That should've totally been a commercial.
Dude,that commercial....Too good! 😱 Voltron.....*sobs*
I was instantly taken back to younger days when I watched Voltron on bootleg VHS tapes. Good old days.
Glad I saw this comment. Hearing that song, I was going through the list of what 80s cartoon I watched as a kid had that theme. I loved Voltron as a kid. It was my anime power rangers.
That needs to be its own video!
+dullahan1 did tou watch the new one on netflx
The only Galactic Federations worth mentioning are the one in the original Metroid Prime and the one in Lilo & Stitch.
...Metroid x Lilo and Stitch crossover!
it must happen!
When people like the Federation Force in a fucking Disney movie more than the one in a Metroid game.
What about the Galactic Federation from the Xenosaga trilogy?
I assume you mean the Prime series in general, because as far as I can remember, the Federation isn't even in Prime 1. Maybe it's mentioned offhand once or twice, but you don't start interacting with them in even the broadest sense until Prime 2.
a lilo and stich crossover where you fight gantu as the final boss
Only 5 minutes in and Johnny is already better than the majority of people who bitched about Federation Force.
If this game came out near a mainstream game then this would not have even been acknowledged. I honestly think the outrage helped it if anything.
The game is already bombing in sales.
SerenGetter You take a series that already doesn't sell a whole lot and you have butthurt fans complain about it and swear never to play it that's liable to happen.
+P MF I'm sure those user reviews are totally fair and unbiased and are in no way just a bunch of people being butthurt.
CometX-ing I'm talking about the critic's score. it has a 65, the worst score by far for a Metroid game.
The "Federation Force from Hasbro" bit was hilarious! Props to you Johnny
Honestly, Johnny's thoughts on Federation Force were almost exactly what I was thinking about. It's a huge step for Metroid because it's the first co-op game. Makes me think Nintendo will use this for Metroid V or Metroid Prime 4.
I was shocked at the hate the game got before it came out, but I can agree that it's somewhat disappointing because it isn't a mainstream game. From Prime 3 Corruption (2007) to Other M (2010), you'd expect that after 3 or 4 years, another good one would come, and 6 years later we got this instead. I guess Alien 5 will be the inspiration for Metroid V, whenever that'll be.
*I am sick and tired of people saying Metroid is dead. Samus is in Federation Force (with her Prime 3 suit to boot) and Super Smash Bros. 4. (with her Other M suit) Nintendo did not take her out of the spotlight with those consistencies. It's simply a hiatus. Give Nintendo time to figure out what to do next with this series.*
And 1 year later, we got samus returns. I still need to play it, but a lot of people liked it
@@TheChefBoo some months later we got metroid dread and also mp4 coming...sometime
@@Suminse1998 I hope late next year.
This game is kind of like if instead of Breath of the Wild being announced, we got Tingle's Rosy Rupyland 2
But Zelda hasn't been on a five year hiatus.
You mean Balloon Trip of Love?
Um, yes it has lol. It will be fives years since _Skyward Sword_ this November.
+Supertron A a Link Between Worlds is a game that exists that is t a spinoff.
Nicktendo 1 Oh... Yeah...
The initial backlash to Wind Waker was purely because some people didn't like the art style after seeing that Spaceworld trailer. And even then, the cartoony look was (I thought) a nice throwback to the 2D games, so still true to the series. With Federation Force, that big head look being not at all in line with the rest of the Metroid series is just one reason a lot of fans weren't excited when it was announced.
Completely agree.
True, but that's only one reason why people didn't like the game when it was shown.
When it was shown NO mark was hit, though, so NO. It WASN'T the only reason people hated it.
VladNorris Right. I said "just one reason." Or are you talking about Wind Waker when you say no mark was hit? In that case I just disagree, but I assume you mean Federation Force.
Smarmee I meant Federation Force. It miss on more marks than just the art style when it was first presented, SPECIALLY since they started with Blast Ball
1:52 you made the advertisement so perfectly XD
Federation Force 2 gets announced and it consists of playing solely as Admiral Dane wrecking shit using his flagship as a personal umbrella... I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
If I scan a dead body, will Samus appear?
And so will Captain Falcon and Megaman
If it's something like; "Buy Metroid 2, GB version and get AM2R on a select nintendo system!(3DS or Wii U)"
it doesnt work like that. the company wants to protect its brand. they would sooner destroy it than accept it even as a computer game.
No, it won't. It can't. It was made on Game Maker, so it can't be ported to Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. They'd have to completely remake the game from the ground up with a compatible engine.
Still not big on the chibi art style.
Metroid always felt like the more darker side of Nintendo; something more like a dark sci-fi with some occasional light hearted stuff.
It's a spinoff, I'm guessing they wanted to try something different for once, which isn't the best idea considering the last good Metroid game was 9 years ago
Tanabe claims that they went for the chibi style in order to shrink the characters and make them easier to see and follow on a handheld screen. Not a good excuse, as Metroid Prime Hunters worked fine with its standard Metroid art style. I'd also guess that Federation Force went chibi in order to remove polygons and complex textures in order to increase performance.
If they wanted to increase performance, why did they not just bother moving it to the... They probably figured it wasn't worth it. Was it really not worth it, though... ?
omg let the petty bs go already
I think the simple, exaggerated art style was needed for a handheld. I had a heck of a time seeing far away enemies in Hunters. I can appreciate why they did it.
If they gave this game a realistic artstyle, I bet the reception would be better.
Kevin The Skeleton No. Granted it would still be complained about a lot, but compared to the angry reception is now, it'd be lesser.
To me it wouldn't make it much better. The graphics aren't by far my biggest problem with the game...but doesn't matter anyway. The game is what it is and its reception is as well. Time to look ahead and to hope that the next game is a really great Metroid game again...be it Metroid 5 in 2D or a new 3D game.
Soundchaser Graphics ≠ artstyle. The chibi artstyle was one of the many big complaints of this game. At least with a realistic artstyle, it'd feel like I'm in the Metroid Universe.
Resilience of Will and Might
Ok, artstyle...still same opinion. If it looked the same but played like a real Metroid game, I wouldn't mind it that much...that's also the reason why Wind Waker is accepted now, because mainly only the artstyle was different, but it's still a typical Zelda game.
Soundchaser Zelda and Metroid are two completely different things. The artstyle worked because the game was mostly lighthearted and made enemies fit in with it like a cartoon. The characters were also very expressive with their faces.
Not like this game. Putting this kind of artstyle in a gritty sci-fi FPS feels like it was awkwardly forced in there. Unlike WW, this game doesn't have expressive characters, nor the enemies. Speaking of the enemies, they made the Space Pirates look incredibly awkward. Take a look at Prime and you'd see how terrifying the Pirates look and move. They lose all terror in this game with their awkward appearance and are laughable at best.
Imagine if 343 wanted to "spice up" Halo and they decided to make Halo 5 have this artstyle. It worked for Wind Waker and everyone thought that looked bad and it turned out good, so maybe it'd work for Halo 5, right? Fallacious logic. Just because an unconventional cartoony artstyle worked on a Zelda game doesn't mean it'd be okay on anything, much less a gritty first person game. The Metroid universe, if you were unaware, is a horrible place, the Galactic Federation, the most civilized of them, is a very corrupt back-ally dealing government. I don't think I need to describe the rest of this terrifying setting. There's no place for cartoonishness in this kill-or-be killed, shady universe.
I still think the petition to get it cancelled is ridiculous.
No, it's ok. People overreacting to a petition is ridiculous, however.
P MF criticizing = overreacting?
Giordan Diodato No, but the amount of people not understanding the situation nor what the petition was about and still going crazy about it is overreacting, IMO. It was the same with the dislikes. Some people were freaking out just because people were disliking the trailers. It seems like some people can't cope with negativity, even if it has nothing to do with them.
P MF The "situation"...
Are you not aware of how long Shenmue fans have had to wait for a 3rd game?
Metroid fans are self-entitled babies and are worse than Sonic fans.
Giordan Diodato You don't understand it either. Metroid has literally nothing to do with Shenmue. And calling other people "babies" (whatever that is supposed to mean) is simply stupid.
You got it. It's all about timing. If Metroid 4 had been announced before FF, it would be be received a little better.
Metroid PRIME 4* Metroid Fusion is Metroid 4.
Very true. Federation Force was decent
@ArtBuffalo You do understand what "a LITTLE better" means, right?
I like how Zelda fans wrote off Wind Waker as a bad game because of the art style. It was the same for people writing off Metroid Prime as a bad game before launch because it was an FPS. People love to jump the gun, and boy does it make me laugh at how arrogant people can be.
People are doing it right now with Pikmin 3DS
History likes to repeat itself, doesn't it?
+Fazz Satoshi (The Free Spirit) ah the nieve and ignorant
Agreed. I tend to try and avoid passing judgment until I've tried the game myself. Judging a book by its cover never really pans out terribly well, in the majority of cases.
Ran Cossack If anything, Color Splash is my lone exception to the rule.
This is probably the most fair review I've seen of this game. Good vid my dude.
Metroid’s answer to Republic Commando.
“Federation Commando”
In japan it sold less than 4k copies its first week.
Biggest Bomb of the year.
Not that Japan gives a crap about Metroid anyway.
This is true no Metroid game has ever sold well in Japan though they do often tend to sell better than FF has.
Adam The Gamer Well, the Prime games in general never sold that well at all because they're FPS games and that genre is widely disliked by Japan.
But 4k is worse than bad, specially for Nintendo.
Visual novels sold more than this game.
Metroid has always failed in Japan. If anything 4K is better then most games of the series do.
"Adam Malkovich has nothing on Admiral Dane."
Give it a few years and itll become an underrated gem
That word is starting to lose its meaning just as much as overrated
Undertale sucks
+Cezar Trech of MRI No mentioned Undertale till you
There isn't really a joke in your comment
Alot of dumbasses in the comments, reminds me of the Ghostbusters feminists
"Adam Malkovich has nothing on Admiral Dane!" Truer words have never been spoken.
I always recommend your reviews because they are very leveled headed.
This is why Johnny is my favorite TH-cam video game reviewer, because of how honest and straigh-forward he is with his opinions. He might get a little nostalgic with games ha played when he was young but even then, he tries to remain calm and explain'em as best as he can so you can decide yourself if it is good for you or not.
And then there's the super mario Sunshine review
You can't blame him, Sunshine is a very divisive game even among the Mario fanbase, but you can always count on him to give his honest opinion. His Ocarina of Time review is really critical too, but I still respect his opinions.
+Mikewolv007 You realize by then end of that video, he said it was great and in many ways better than 64? And that the only real issue he has with Sunshine no real reward for 100%-ing the game?
I appreciate the different intros you work on and use
"This game could be decent in its own way"
And that pretty much that sums up Johnny's channel and what makes him so great! Always giving the game a chance and not being TOO biased when it can be helped.
Great review Johnny!
I said this in my recent video and I'll say it here. It's not bad to have a gut feeling about a game, that's understandable. But writing it off outright and saying it sucks before it's out is completely asinine.
What did you expect?
I honestly expect this game to be okay by what I saw, but I never jumped the gun on being either or. I just was gonna keep my out when it comes out then try it.
You know
What Johnny just did.
Heard of Metal Gear Survive?
What do you think I was talking about when I said "In my recent video"
It's not bad to have a bad gut feeling or not liking Konami, But don't punish a game for that if it isn't out yet.
Nothing is out yet, no one has had there hands on it, Hell, no one really knows everything about the game.
If you want to shit on the idea, sure. If you want to shit on the company, okay.
But don't punish the art because of the artist.
Just because Van Gough and Edgar Allan Poe wanted to "keep it in the family" that doesn't mean their work was degraded because of it.
What I'm trying to say is, saying it "might" suck is okay, but it doesn't mean it "already" sucks is completely idiotic.
I think the best way I can sum it up is that reasonable detractors expect the game to be bad, but don't WANT it to be bad.
Because realistically, what do we gain from that? If I think the game will be underwhelming and I'm wrong, then I have a nice little side entry in the series. No reasonable person wants the game to be terrible, even if the evidence suggests they won't like it.
If they released this right after Samus Returns, it would not have gotten nearly as bad of a backlash. 2015/2016 was not a good year for Nintendo at all with this, Color Splash, Star Fox Zero, and the awful software drought of that time.
1:51 Ever thought of being a toy salesman? I think you did a great job there.
Another awesome review Johnny. I'll be honest I do like Federation Force and Prime Hunters because while they don't hold up as strong as the main series Prime games for a handheld Metroid Prime fix I think they're pretty damn good and you can still see the heart of Prime in these games albeit on a much smaller scale. Also one tip for you chaps if you beat challenge mode in the Blast Ball demo you unlock the Hyper Mode mod which really makes single player less of a chore when playing the game.
At least Federation has better control
***** Right after you my friend. ;-)
Oh and er ;-) No, I don't.
I am with you all the way man! People really need to stop bitching about Prime Hunters not being as "exploration" heavy as the other Prime games. Prime Hunters did its job at trying to reel in new fans by taking advantage of something that was very popular during the time it came out. First. Person. Shooters. It would be stupid if Nintendo didn't take advantage of this opportunity!
Mike Anthony Yeah I think for a handheld fix and a decent self contained story between the 2 it's a nice buy. Didn't really have the same problem with the controls though I thought they worked fine though that maybe because I'm used to PSP FPS's you know?
The entire intro of this video was just glorious. xD Well done, Johnny.
Nooooooo Johnny, I need the SCREW ATTACK!!!!
Great review johnny. Honestly this video shows how far you've come when it comes to balancing the more informative parts of the review with the humor bits. Really well put together. Unfortunately, federation force is not for me. Not because I have a grudge or vendetta against it like a lot of metroid fans (as it is I've only really started to get interested in the series and am at most a casual fan of it dabbling in a couple of the games), but because while I have friends with 3ds's, they aren't going to pick up this game. It's the same reason I left triforce heroes on the self, I rarely ever get into online multiplayer focused experiences.
Great thing about Johnny is that he's been around for ages like the other big youtubers but he hasn't degenerated into relying on sycophantic memes or narcissistic sensationalism. (Looking at you Game Theory & The Competionist)
With over 6 years of experience that's going to happen. Also your reason for the game is the same as mine.
12 years since the last official 2D Metroid. Let that sink in. (Thankfully AM2R fills this void)
And since Zero Mission was a remake, it's more like 15
There are other good Metroid based games out there to fill the time. But boy is it annoying that Nintendo hasn't made a new 2D game.
Ben Link I just want Metroid 5!!!
You mean the project that just got killed by Nintendo's DMCA?
Sean A. Emrick No. That was a remake of Metroid 2, and it totally didn't die, seeing as how it was completed and still entirely available for anyone to download.
That ad you did was scarily convincing as a toy line.
That fake toy commercial was clever as hell (and well done, too!)
That fake tv ad looked like the real deal. I was hyped for those figurines like a 6 year old kid again.
It would of convinced me to buy the toys.
"Ice cubes and Mountain Dew sold separately" XD
Here's a sad fact.
Other M sold 10x as many copies its first week as Federation Force did.
yea that is sad.
to be fair other m was hyped like crazy
+Wafflecone69 I'd rather play this game than Other M
Sadly, I feel the opposite. Other M atleast has the merit of being and playing (mostly) like a Metroid game, regardless of how much everybody hates it.
***** Wow, wrong on all accounts. Congrats.
The Hasbro "commercial" by John is pretty much how I've felt when this game was announced.
Johnny, why are you so entertaining? I've never played a Metroid game in my life yet I find myself watching this just to enjoy your hilarious writing and sarcastic sense of humor. Great job on this.
Probably because he's a smart and funny guy you feel like you could talk to.
did you play the prime games yet?
Man, you really captured the old 80s/90s commercial vibe! Kinda gave me flashbacks. Great use of the Voltron music btw!
y'know, looking back, if Nintendo had just said that Samus Returns was on the way, all of this could be avoided
Someone who gets Metroid Prime Federation Force. Meant to be played with others and not solo. It's not as bad as fans made it out to be. It's just a cooperative multiplayer lite shooter. I will say however that it controls a little better on the "new" 3DS/3DS XL/2DS XL line of systems thanks to the C nub replacing the gyro aiming. Gyro aiming is fine, but you'll definitely stick out if by some chance you're playing in public.
Poor Game Devs for Federation Force. They probably had a whole other idea ready and Nintendo told them to put a coat of Metroid paint over it. It probably was meant for a new IP.
It was made by the same guys who made Luigi's Dark Mansion 2 and they did a damn fine job with that as well. Honestly their only fault here was the fanbase in which the were trying to appeal to because in terms of quality FF is pretty damn decent.
It was actually a concept that was being planed since the DS.
+The X-Factor Maybe they shouldn't have timed it so poorly then. The last (actual) Metroid game came out 9 years ago. Hell, we've been waiting 15 years for a Metroid 5.
And that was probably Miyamoto again XD
i dont see a reason to feel sorry i think it was just bad timing. the metroid game that was canceled turned out to be luigis mansion 2 in the end.
This game being about the Federation Force reminds me when they tried to make a Ben 10 MMO back in the day and a month later you find out it was going be based off the no-name bounty hunters that Ben fought instead of Ben 10 himself.
You're going to love AM2R. It's pretty much everything a long time Metroid fan could possibly want out of a 2D Metroid game.
Yup, you would make a good toy comercial narrator
doesn't the ending allude to a Metroid Prime 4?
with Sylux from Hunters being confirmed to be in the ship at the end of 3 and Federation Force
Oh noes, I've been found out !
Dude it got announced baby!
And people thought the plot was terrible
I can't help but feel that this was a situation like Star Fox Adventures.
Like the game was originally meant to be its own original idea but then Nintendo higher-ups came and slapped a Metroid skin on it instead of making a new game from the ground up. Probably wrong, but it sure feels like it.
Actually it's been like this since the beginning. The team behind this wanted to make a Federation Force game but were set back by the DSi's limitations and only just resurfaced thanks to the N3DS.
I believe that series producer Kensuke Tanabe has stated that Federation Force was always a Metroid spin-off about the Galactic Federation. It was planned as a DSi title, so it theoretically would've released close to Prime 3 or Other M. If it had released back then, no one would've minded it.
Ah, that's good to here. I guess the art direction really is just a baffling mystery.
i dont think so but we likely will never know either.
That is kind of what happened, it was in development for the DS before the 3DS and was supposed to be in a separate series but turned into a Metroid spinoff.
I actually really like Federation Force solo play. I don't know anyone else (personally) who owns this game, or has even thought of owning it, so I'm forced (unless I tolerate the horrible lag in online matches with Japanese players) to explore on my lonesome. And I love it. I really enjoy having to master each level, doing it multiple times to learn its layout and the optimal way I can go about finishing it quickly and getting all three medals. Hell, that giant beetle on Bion literally took me 1:38 to solo on my best run. It's an excellent game, and sorely underrated. It's nice to see the GF soldiers not being slaughtered for once. I loved the Prime series a lot. The first game was my all-time favourite game for many years. But Federation Force is still a great game, regardless of the stigma surrounding it.
P.S. Your toy ad parody was brilliant.
1:52 okay but why was this so fucking accurate like I actually instinctively watched it again
Metroid Prime Four Swords
I love that I can come to this review knowing that, while you are a metroid fan and can be critical where necessary, you're also not an idiot and can judge a game for its own merits.
Unlike pretty much every Metroid and Paper Mario "fan" out there who will cry over anything that isn't "the game I'm nostalgic about part 2"
Bad comment. Shame.
Yes, your comment reply is bad, shame on you.
It's not a horrible and unfair generalization by any means, in case you hadn't noticed.
No, it's not.
Deleted your comments because they are invalid and irrelevant.
And yet, I did. You should go to another comment if you don't enjoy gettin rekt.
Thanks to that commercial voice i wanna see a south park marathon
Thanks for this, man. You reviews are consistently analytical, entertaining and unhindered by bias because of your self awareness.
Your videos are really informed, interesting, and honestly very relaxing. Appreciate all your hard work, you're great :)
4:32 for fan-made image that aged well.
Johnny didn't even mention the final boss is a brainwashed Samus...oops, spoilers for a game no one bought.
:/ I bought it. Thanks for the spoiler.
I bought it too.... Thanks -_-
Yeah...that was extremely obvious.
Well i was going to buy it and play it with my friends, thanks for ruining it
its not completely a spin off in that sense.
The Screwattack guy should return when Metroid Dread is reviewed even though he was shot dead by Johnny (Wait this comment aged like milk)
These reviews are amazing, need to watch more.
Great work johnny
This game's reception actually reminds me of the original Metroid Prime's initial reception! Speaking of which, at the time I write this, I'm actually replaying Metroid Prime.
But seriously, that beginning and the commercial remind me why you're one of my favorite reviewers!
Thx for the review. It's so hard to find a fair review of this game on youtube.
That's the thing I hate about the gaming community, mainly the ones driven by nostalgia. It the game doesn't cater to each and every one of their desires, it's "bad". It doesn't matter what is done right, it's "bad".
What a buncha spoiled babies.
Christ yeah those people suck.
This thing is not as good as the thing from our childhood. It’s toxic
It might be an ok game, but prime was a massive departure from the previous games and it is generally beloved, I think a lot of it is just because the game is mediocre and doesn’t even compare to the rest of the series.
@@jandcstopmotion7774 Except not really. It's a good game. Not perfect, but far from mediocre.
"It's a bit unorthadox for me to review fan projects" says the guy who takes a part in the festivities of the annual Sonic romhack contest :P
I still love that commercial.
this game is so underrated.
... Ehem... SCREWATTACK (runs for it)
That commercial was great! Voltron music LOL!
1:51 - AWESOME!!!!! I'd buy that for a dollar!!
Oh, and I'd love if they make Metroid Prime: The Samus Directive, so you can see the OTHER side of the story (play as Samus).
That intro gave me chills Johnny... :') *Immediately goes to replay the Metroid Prime Series*
Apparently this _might_ play a part within 4 and if it does…Ya’all better apologize
Gotta love how Metroid of all series is the only one Nintendo is comfortable developing a long story across multiple mainline games and spinoffs, meanwhile if Star Fox ever comes back it'll probably be another reboot
Secret ending is exactly why Sylux has the mochtroids in the prime 4 trailer and I’m glad it’s canon 😂
@@EisenSMTWith Zelda each game has it’s own storyline and most of them are set centuries apart from each other
You know the secret ending?
Hint: It's Sylux stealing a Baby Metroid,
its why im excited for NX.
I wonder... Is NLG or Retro going to be working on Prime 4?
+DarkLing1996 Who's NLG?
Donkey Kong Fan next level games. they developed this game, punch out wii, (i think) luigis mansion 2 dark moon (which was after 2d metroid was canceled)
iownalx23 Oh yeah, you're right. I love Next Level Games, I had a ton of memories with Punch Out and Dark Moon. But I also love Retro Studios, since they helped me find my favorite video game character.
Great review Johnny. I love how you review games, you give them a fair chance (one that I wasn't originally willing to give)
Who else wanted johnny to dramatically react to the metroids like he did during his month of metroid?
I think the absolute best comparison to Federation Force is Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Fans of BK didn't get a main series game in forever and when they finally see their series again it's a Build your own Kart game. To many it's a good game in it's own right, but it's a kick in the balls to old fans who want to see it comeback. FF feels the same, we haven't seen a new Metriod game in awhile and we finally see something in a spin-off game? Common Nintendo.
Wait, people liked the gameplay of Nuts and Bolts? I always heard that even if you ignore the fact that it's Banjo Kazooie, the gameplay itself was terrible
The difference is that Fed Force didn't insult its fanbase within 10 minutes of the game. Nuts and Bolts DID, then proceeded to turn into a kart builder.
I agree, that made no sense to do that to the old fanbase. I'm sure Rare thought they were being funny with it and it could have been if a BK3 existed. It also doesn't help that Nuts and Bolts was hyped as a main series game and then changed gears catching the fans off guard.
You could also compare this with Metal Gear survive.
The thing is that Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts tried to act like a main game AND a sequel. It was even developed by Rare.
Metroid Prime: Federation Force on the other hand is clearly a spin-off game developed by Next Level Games, a company that made spin-offs in the past and is likely to continue doing so.
I don't care what people say i'm still gonna buy this when i get the money
No one is saying you shouldn't
KidSnivy69 actually i have been told that in other videos
And are you listening to them?
KidSnivy69 I just said i don't care what people say
And no is is saying you shouldn't
It's been posted for 2 minutes and no dislikes. Good job fanbase.
never mention the fact that a video doesen`t have dislikes or else it gets one or more like this video just got /:
Yes, it's soooo sad when videos have dislikes...I always have to cry. :((((
Soundchaser you can calm down Dislikes don`t affect the video or the owner`s account in any way it`s just there. so that`s why i don`t mind them too much nowdays.
Mr Josef's Truthful Channel
In case it wasn't obvious, my comment was meant sarcastic... ;)
Soundchaser oh sorry man it`s just that i`ve seen some people cry or get depressed over dislikes so i just wanted to say that they don`t to anything to your video anyway.
also seeing sarcasm via text is pretty hard honestly lol.
Your toy commercial voice is disturbingly on point.
That metroid federation force commercial was spot on XD
I'm probably one of the only ones that never bitched and moan about this game when it was first announced.
I didn't bitch but I was disappointed
+Person Guy yeah I didn't ether but when I first saw this I thought it was a April fools joke
Yeah, it's a fun multiplayer game.
Me neither
and we all agree the petition is dumb.
Now that Return of Samus and Metroid Prime 4 are announced, I doubt people are still complaining about this game. Perspective can be a funny bitch sometimes.
The real tragedy is, MPFF is actually not a bad game. After playing this, once I eventually recovered from my fanboy rage, I...kinda like it. They technically did a decent job with making it a fun multiplayer game. Honestly I fully agree with Johnny. Nintendo pretty much released this game at the WORST possible time. If they had released this, say, some time after they announced that they were scrapping and redoing the entire Metroid Prime 4, I assure you this game would not be as hated...
I think this game might have worked better as an expansion to a single player Metroid game, a dedicated coop game campaign thought if this game did have its own single player campaign it would also have worked.
I am a bit in doubt if this title had been received better if it had indeed been released after Nintendo announced that Metroid Prime 4 was delayed, but it could have been so.
Probably best not to dwell to long on this topic.
That was an amazing toyline trailer. You nailed the cheesy 90's feel of it perfectly. Thanks for that. I needed a laugh today.
Ah, I see the Johnny Squad has located word of Metroid Prime 4, but still haven't quite found it yet...
Part of me wanted to laugh at the Metroid fanbase after this game was announced for how they kept bitching about Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, but then I remembered Paper Mario's current state and I can sympathize. It was after this game was already announced, not too long ago when I finally played all of the Prime games. Now I can sympathize even more knowing how good those games were. I know people will talk shit about the people who complain about this game, because complaining about people complaining makes perfect sense, but could you at least know were they're coming from? A series they love isn't getting the respect it deserves, we're not talking about some obscure game not many people know about, this is fucking Metroid, one of Nintendo's big 3. This year was it's 30th anniversary, and all it got was some spin off co op shooter on a handheld where you don't even play as the main character of the series. People don't really hate the game itself, just that it's all they got, like many have said, if it was released along side a proper Metroid game, no one would have complained.
But one thing I do like about this is that the prime games are definitely back in cannon and Samus doesn't have the Other M suit design anymore, I really didn't like the look of it.
Well, Metroid games rarely sell well in Japan. I remember I saw a poll in which it asked what Japan player's favorite Super Famicom games were and Super Metroid didn't even make the list at all (the list consisted of dozens of games). Even the composer of the original Metroid didn't realize the game was a hit in the U.S, or anywhere for that matter. Worldwide the Metroid series just isn't as popular as Mario, Zelda, or pokemon...
+Fernando Davalos (Two of those franchises already celebrating their anniversaries this year).
I know it's not the best selling thing they have, but it's still a well known and respected series. I know Nintendo is biased for Japan, but they seriously need to pay more attention to the rest of the world.
lol you are giving too much credit to metroid sadly. it never sells well and is not part of the big 3 for nintendo.
I don't know about you but when I think of Nintendo's big 3 I think Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. I suppose Pokemon overtook Metroid (and maybe Zelda as well at this point) in terms of sales, but at least from what I can tell a new Pokemon isn't as exciting as what a new Metroid or Zelda would be, given how frequently Pokemon comes out. But I could be wrong seeing how Pokemon Go blew up.
Wind Waker was Hated when announced, but it's liked now. Maybe Federation Force will fall into the same category after some time.
One can only hope.
I do. I really enjoyed it.
I doubt it, Wind Waker was still the next main series Zelda, a console game, and heavily advertised. This game is none of that so would be forgotten before anything else.
Those comparisons still don't fit, a better fit would be the last game Johnny reviewed
no it won't. at the end of the day wind waker was a unique taken on the Zelda formula. it has the same core gameplay and exploration but in a unique setting and with a new art style. wind waker disappointed fans but they eventually came back one they realize what kind of game it was at its core, federation force doesn't have the elements that metroid fans are looking for so no one is going to come back too this is 5 years and realize they were missing out
So in a nutshell a generic Metroid themed multiplayer FPS with chibi art...
That is fun to play with friends.
And boring by yourself
it's a pain in the ass playing with other people when you are trying to get medals😠
That could not have been released at a worse time.
This entire comment chain perfectly describes why I should not get the game.
This review perfectly describes everything I love about your reviews. Excellent video with great criticism and reasoning. I would love for a new metroid game to come out, but I do partially hope this game doesn't get too ignored.
Federation Force had so much potential, the only reason why it failed was because fans.