Bard has been getting much more love lately. People don't actually complain anymore when you pick him :) He is such a cool and original champ, love him the most
I tested Bard on the PBE, saw him troll a Brand once. We were about to dive him and instead of ulting us, he ulted Brand and used him as a bait while he ran away. Also my Bard support froze all the enemies at Dragon stole it than Meeped away. He's an amazing champion but the Trolls on Live will start memes. Lots and lots of memes.
These champs are getting more and more creative and unique. Keep playing LoL, and you will listen to more music, understand more jokes, and play more new champions.
***** regardles, when you are gonna be near the wall and suddenly your mate Bard is gonna cast it on it, you may end up suddently floating to your demise cursing all the creation after missclicking it. Depends on how large is the actualy area it triggers : D
@Papa Pedophilia dear stupid person. What i said was a joke. Even as simple sign as bad orthography, could tell you that it was ironically. Well not all people are born smart i guess, some are born like you , without common sense or any sign of developed brain ;^)
@Anti-Vax Mom Your comment does have many grammar mistakes, such as atleast, this things, and is a run-on sentence. You should probably try to evaluate yourself before evaluating other people.
RandomLord777 Upgraded energy based lifeform Omega No, they're trolls. Exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). Nothing to do with exploiting as they are not getting an advantage out of anything, they are just fucking off their team mates using deliberate mechanics in an unintended fashion. Where the fuck did you get exploiters from LOL.
RandomLord777 Upgraded energy based lifeform Omega I suppose if you define "troll" as it's supposed to be, which is harmless fun and/or pranking on the internet, then yes, technically they aren't trolls, as they will be annoying other people and not in a "haha we can all laugh together" kinda way. However, as time has progressed, troll has stretched to mean anyone being a general cun, harmless or not. Actually, I probably hear "troll" being thrown more at the serious offenders (people that get laughs at other people's expense) than the harmless kind. Subjective opinion overall, since nobody on the internet is literally a troll, it can mean anything you want it to. xD
Bard is a pretty cool design especially since he sort of has a neutrality in his game play that matches his lore since half his abilities can benefit the enemy just as much as your allies.
Woah! You commented on an LoL vid! Anyway I dont want to get him mainly because I main mid... which gets the hell out of it nerfed every patch... Well I still have Viktor for another patch or two, but LCS HAD TO USE HIM!!! *sigh* I'll miss you mid lane
Phreak is a melee ranged DPS support bruiser who specialises in disabling his targets with wordplay and providing a plethora of support to his team with humor. [Phreak's Passive is "Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing!"] We don't have to explain what this passive is. For those of you that played URF, you all know how great of a passive it is already. [Phreak's Q is "Hero's Trifecta"]. Phreak channels the power of his inner Hero of Time, allowing him to start with a Triforce at the beginning of the game at level 1. However, he cannot sell his Triforce. When toggled, the spell cycles through all 3 types of SpellBlade affects. Leveling the spell increases the damage and effectiveness of SpellBlade. [Phreak's W is "Wrath of the PUNisher"]. Phreak tells a bad joke in the form of a piercing skillshot in a given direction, applying on-hit affects such as Spellblade and Rage, as well as spell effects and slowing his target. If the target is hit with a basic attack within 3 seconds of him using this skill, he permanently increases the power of his SpellBlade procs by half of its base value every time. [Phreak's E is "ThereIsNoUrfLevel"] Phreak Summons URF back from the pits of Elo hell and surfs on him to a given target location, damaging and slowing enemies in a line. Urf then makes a wave for his team to ride, increasing allies movement speed should they cross the path Urf made. Phreak then becomes temporarily immune to non-champion damage for a few seconds. The duration increases with how many WrathOfThePUNisher stacks Phreak has. [Phreak's Ultimate is "TonsOfDamage".] After a brief channel. Phreak shouts "TONS OF DAMAGE", instantly dealing "tons of damage" to the enemy nexus, turrets , neutral and enemy minions and pets , including, but not limited to Baron, Dragon, Annie's bear Tibbers and Malzahar's voidlings. If any are killed, he get double the gold and buffs that come with the killed target. Enemy champions instead take reduced damage, but take increased damage from SpellBlade and WrathofThePUNisher and are stunned. If interrupted, the channel is stopped, but the champion that interrupted it received "tons of damage" and is silenced for their insolence for a brief moment. This has been The League of Legends Champion Spotlight feature Phreak, the Tons of Damage Dealer. Please remember to like favorite and subscribe to the League of Legends youtube channel.
So let me get this straight. Bard is a cosmic entity that usually protects the balance of the universe? So technically he's our first "alien" in League of Legends! (skins don't count) Either way as a support myself i think i'll really enjoy this champ!
I don't know how this ended up in my recommended, but thank you Riot. Bard is the first champion that set league apart from other games for me, and this video reminds me of much simpler times.
Man this champion really reminds me of Soraka except that 1. He doesn't suck give with this champion spotlight presentation. 2. His healing are extremely effective for both adc and jungler and no partial health have to be sacrificed. 3. With his third ability, he'll basically have Flash, Exhaust, and a short range Teleport for everyone. 4. Bard has meeps. I prefer Meeps over bananas.
I know we talk about mobility creep and whatnot, but is Riot thinking about power creep? These new champions so obviously outclass their predecessors in many ways. Take Bard for example, he will be the premier utility support undoubtedly, his skills are just too ridiculously useful. Bard clearly replaces more than one support by himself. What does Nami bring that bard doesn't bring better? What about Janna? I dunno, it just seems as if this guy's only weakness is low damage, which for a support is a stupid weakness anyway. I mean he brings it all to the table: a potential double stun, healing, map presence, engage, disengage, movement speed buffs, scaling, and a game-breaking ult. Rek'sai and Kalista are also both great examples, as they are both top tier for their positions as well. I mean I'm all for powerful champions, but maybe Riot is getting ahead of itself trying to implement all these cool ideas. I mean when you have champs like Gangplank that bring essentially nothing interesting or unique to the table and then you have this guy that brings it all, it just seems kinda sad. Just my 2 cents though, anyone else have thoughts?
Janna: AOE knockup (unafected by tenacity) with range up to 1700, 240hp base shield + 50 base damage buff and 875 range knock back and team heal for about 800hp, and if that wasn't enough have an increased team speed of 8% Nami: AOE suspend (unafected by tenacity), double damage + heal OR double heal + damage ability for a total of 460(+100%ap) damage + 185(+30%ap) heal or 370(+60%ap) heal + 230(+50%ap) damage, a 255(+60%ap) damage buff + slow, and a 2750(!) range AOE knockup + 70% slow ult. and if that wasn't enough all your abilities increase allied movement speed by 40%. Yeah I don't think Bard will be replacing any of those two supports any time soon.
I'm not saying by the numbers he necessarily beats them in every way, but you essentially get it all, even if it is to a lesser degree. You get a stun that is probably just-as, if not more, reliable than Nami's bubble. You get the healing and the movements speed boosts that you would get from Nami (to a lesser extent for sure). A skilled player gives you decent disengage with Bard's Q. Magical Journey can easily save lives and provide pressure from the jungle that Janna and Nami never could. He roams way better than both of them could combined, and his Ult makes Nami's ult look useless and Janna's only slightly less so. I mean the utility of that ult alone....Baron/dragon steals, Disengage, engage, turret dives, you name it.His passive also allows for a 60% slow with his meeps when it stacks to a certain point for god's sake. I can't see many instances (on paper at least) where I'm picking Janna over Bard, and I don't think I'll ever need to play Nami again.
You're going to love when you realise that Bard's CC on an enemy team is like Zhonya-ing the enemy team. Nami knocks them up and your team keeps wailing on them. Bard? Bard just landed his ult when three of your allies cast their ults and now they've been wasted. There's some cool stuff that Bard does. Bard also brings way, way less damage and healing power than either (excluding delayed lane healing), and while he lightly overlaps with their capabilities it's only a light overlap. You pick Nami or Janna for the same reasons you did before. You pick Bard for a completely different kind of reason, which is the unique moves he brings to the table - certainly not for outdoing other supports where they star.
MrReelio3 I wish bard's ult can knock people up instead of freezing them so that champions like Yasuo can combo. I wish you could stun more then two people with just a single skillshot. I wish I could block attacks against turrets with bard's health pack. I wish bard was a girl support. If only champions like those existed....
Garlyle Wilds Bard's ult is going to be insane. Yeah if you're bad with it it can totally screw you, but anyone competent with it will change games in a second. Imagine stunning both the nexus turrets for a 5 man dive on whoever didn't get stunned. Or stunning baron just in time for your jungler to hop in and steal it. At higher levels that ult is going to be madness and one of the best ults in the game, mark my words. To your other point, I'd say I disagree that we will play the champs for the same reasons we played them before. Maybe in normals yeah, but strategically and in ranked there is no reason to. Why would I pick a champ with heals and CC (Nami) when I can pick a champ with heals, CC, engage, map presence/roaming potential, mana sustain, and mobility? There are kits that are simply better than others for their specific roles, and Bard has (I think) the best utility-based support kit. Why does nobody play Varus? Taric? Zac? Elise? Yorick? Because there are champs that do what they do better. From a competitive standpoint, there is NO reason to pick Elise over Nidalee in the jungle right now, and NO reason to pick Varus over Graves as ADC...EVER. This is why we see the same pool of like 20 champions at the LCS level. And consistently these champions are ones that have been recently released (Rek'sai, Kalista, Vi, Azir before he got nerfed etc) I'm not saying Riot shouldn't make their champions strong, but they just have to watch out for the older champions getting left in the dust. Sorry for the rambling by the way haha, I'm just passionate about this issue.
I think people who say that bard is shit dont have a clue of how to play him right. Probably people who are maining master yi^^ He requires a high amount of skill and timing, but if he is played right, you can really support the living shit out of your team especially in teamfights: 5vs5? Double-stun them easy and watch your team slay them while you heal. They are trying to juke or trying to get away? Is Kata trying to spin? Not today. Right placed Ult and they are shitting their pants as they are stunned and your team is taking Position to wombocombo. Even your Auto Attacks provide you a slow and later even aoe-slow. Your Meeps make poking in Early Game pure Pleasure. Your heals can also help your Mates to escape out of a dangerous situation. The right combination of AP, CDR and Movement will make your enemies fear you! Guaranteed!
Early game poke supp: Karma, Sona Defensive CC supps: Janna, Sona Healing Supports: Sona, Janna Aggressive supps: Leona, Thresh Teamfight supports: All the above + Nami, Annie, Vel'koz PPL arent calling Bard bad because of skillcap or winrate(even though he has the lowest winrate at this time) They complain because every support gives better results, more consistently, and with less risk At least 80% of the LoL community agrees with this lol
Tyler Keaton Exactly and then there are like 10 people that want to prove that bard isnt bad. Despite his low win rate and useless kit. Fucking league hipsters.
+Lerone06 it does not, if the time runs out and someone is still inside the portal still won't disappear until everyone is out, however the entrance is blocked so no one else can get inside
Bard is so the most fun champ to play. I just dont know why but his kit is so cool and satisfying to use. It feels so nice even just when people use your portal and you can do sooo many things with ur ult
people gonna troll soo hard with his ult like you and your pals are retreating when suddenly the bard ults his team and runs away and leaves them all to die this champ is going to be hilarious
Probably one of my favorite moments I've had as Bard was hiding in the bush on Howling abyss in the center of the bridge, telling my whole team "Hey, come check this out." I placed my magical journey over the gap into the enemies bush thinking we could make a clever surprise. Unfortunatly, I was unaware at just how much of the enemy team was in the bush opposite to us and gave them a free Ace which I nervously responded with "I made a death trap! c:' "
***** To be fair, Lux doesn't have a stun; she has a root. There is a large difference. Edit: Or Morgana. Roots. They're things. Don't even mention Zyra.
Good, but I think it’s well worth mentioning that the length oh his Q projectile after hitting a target is static. Meaning you can’t shoot someone point blank and land a stun on someone at max range and you can hit a minion or tank at max range and snipe an enemy carry from about 1500 units away.
DualReload Y'know, people were saying the exact same thing when Rek'Sai was released. And of course, we had people like you shaking their heads, bemoaning these foolish people who clearly didn't know what broken was. Then Rek'Sai gets nerfed three patches in a row, and is STILL a top tier pick. So, yeah.
It actually is , you will break the control of your teammates over thieir champs :D You will seee how many people will whine because they cant escape because of this ability or you fuck up your whole team , because gave the enemy time to advance and set their aoe ;D
***** every hero is over powered in DotA "compared to other MOBA" I got 4000 hrs in DotA 2 myself and like 1000 in original DotA . But I'm also level 30 summoner in league, don't be a "fangay" both games are great if you play them as they are meant to ^_^
His ult is either gonna be a really good thing or a really bad one... It has massive troll potential but I believe in the LoL community... *We're Screwed*
Wait, the last two supports released were braum and bard Braum and bard... Braumbard... Bombard Bombs... Ziggs has bombs... Ziggs buff confirmed. Step up your game rito
***** says the person wanting people who have mental illness executed instead of trying to help them with therapy. Just shows that your heart is just as dark.
What they did not mention is that Bard deals a ton of damage. He is extremely strong. His Q has massive poke, his W can be stashed behind the tower, his E is mostly useful to the jungler as he ganks and his Ultimate is the best thing in this game. They can not escape you. Bard is so strong. He can support himself, build him full ap. I managed to win bot lane solo with him. I love this champion
Gian Gudino Old spotlights went over specific item builds and what masteries to take, which I think was a bad idea. Items and masteries change all the time. Old spotlights are filled with outdated info. These new spotlights suggest items, sure, but also tell you what stats you need in case the recommended items go away. New spotlights are more about the strats of a champ, the pros and cons of it. I personally prefer the new style but your entitled to your opinion.
I hope they don't change bard too much in the future. This is definitely one of the most unique champion we have in a while. Actually alot of our supports and assassins have alot of gimmicky kits.
This is the reason I left LoL. They keep making more, and more ridiculously unbalanced, and intricate champions, while leaving all the old champions we know and love in the dust. It certainly seems all the mainstream attention of this game has poisoned it's game and turned it into a mindless player-base that simply MUST have the new champion as soon as they release it to abuse the new mechanics. It's a real shame because this game used to be so fun, no doubt they've improved on it quite a bit, but they'l truly let down their real players.
Oh dear ! you surely MUST NOT play dota because if you think champions are crazy in mechanics in Lol in dota its Much much crazier . ( imagine blitz grab but can also grab team mates , Spell stealing , Teleporting allies , Incredible debuff that silence,cause damage for so many seconds rendering you useless, Ultimate that let you regenerate Health the more you get hit etc...) Lols real player base are former dota players which are used to crazy mechanics
I had a recent game with a Bard jungler. I was adc and he did save the enemy team a few times but I don't think he meant to XD He was merely trying to stop their escape and honestly I couldn't even get mad because it was kinda hilarious. He was really trying hard and at the end of the day did really well and we won the game :")
Welcome to the LOL, Champion Spotlight, featuring Bard, the GAMETHROW Betrayer: E, Magical Journey, create an arrive/escape tunnel for your enemies. R, Tempered Fate, Stun your allies, Protect your enemies!
pls PLS BUFF HIM. Nearly no range and might have the lowest base dmg after anivia. Q is ok, W is ok but meh in teamfights. E might be op sometimes but it does not help in laning face at all. R is good. Buff the passive and armor/magic resist but mainly armor. i must go marks,seal AND Quintessene so i whont die with full hp when i get q by blitzcrank.Hard to play but is not rewarded for making plays.
Can't 1v1, can't save allies as much as any other support, heavily unreliable spells, squishy, no damage and no way to support as much in lane vs Blitzcrank or Leona. Wtf are you supposed to do if your adc gets pulled in and the enemies minions block your q from stunning the adc? It a support that relies heavily on a good team and can't carry alone
I've never played another champion who made me so happy to do things. I've had my entire team flaming me but I was having so much fun I didn't care
+ljaquos thats kinda what bard is all about not giving 2 shits about anything
You are a terrible person, not really, but still....
+ljaquos Lol, same here. The first I played Bard, I just wandered around the map collecting chimes, having fun floating in the air. :D
tru lol
+ljaquos pretty late but, basically my life playing bard.
"Bard doesn't do a lot of damage"
He doesnt. The meeps however are hela gangsta
@@phylippezimmermannpaquin2062 take electrocute and think again
@@ARiaMARS-zb4ms yep just picked him up bc of this it's fun!!!
Apparently this comment was 2 years ago and there were no rapid firecannon dead man’s plate bard
@@thuytran-vg5vz on hit ap bars still shredded
this makes no sense because bards are traveling performers
I know right?
In the lore bard is a constellation. Hence why he doesn't speak and has a mask representing the constellation.
Tiny Tim oh but the relative term bard is a performer of music and poetry
Brad, the wonderful car taker
+Bard which car?
Kristhor All of them
because ure name is bard, i subscribed
Wait cant talk you make sounds
I am maining you :)
Is it just me or does bard seem like such a nice friendly guy?
same as braum thats why i like these 2 chams^^
He's Santas brother: he has a giant white beard and has an obsession with bells
He's always high as f
+Paul Reuss plus Zac
Zenith Wills yeah I love bard I love how he just leaves me whenever he wants to go collect chimes
Bard has been getting much more love lately. People don't actually complain anymore when you pick him :) He is such a cool and original champ, love him the most
tru I luv bard LOL
yeah I don't complain when my support bard leave me alone in 1 vs 2 and go to get some of this things he collected
>Teamfight ensues
>Bard ults everyone
>Walks away
ayy lmao
>ADC about to get a penta
>ADC needs 1 more hit
>Bard Ults ADC
>Walks away
i love this le meme arrow meme XDDDDDD r/lememearrow
greentexting outside 4chins
I tested Bard on the PBE, saw him troll a Brand once. We were about to dive him and instead of ulting us, he ulted Brand and used him as a bait while he ran away.
Also my Bard support froze all the enemies at Dragon stole it than Meeped away. He's an amazing champion but the Trolls on Live will start memes. Lots and lots of memes.
Bard's second passive is memes.
@Lumieryn how about a thousand with 2 replies?
@@megarayquaza9054 meow
@@Random-20965 bark
@@kinoappha3011 quack
Reversed ratio
now maokai isn't the only one who throws babies
Those are his tiny minions
@@justindy2238 who are also babies
@@onniteeri2381 Nah, he Throws very old men
That portal at the end LOL
Yea best b8 ever i agree
Btw love your videos
Hi Sunny, I love you
RIOT showing who's the portal making boss
GG Zed, AOE Zhonyas LOL
Oh hey there!
All assassins are fucked.
Thinking about it... Given the CD of Bard's ultimate, they are _REALLY_ fucked.
Duksing Chau uhhh what
vlad fizz kayle zilean anivia etc and zhoyas is so standard
Bard doesn't do much damage he says, Bard's only a support he says. Meanwhile. 5 meeps, full ap: Can delete a champion in a second.
Shadow Slivermoon with thunderlords he is burst god
and who use full ap bard?
Mordekaiser Literally everyone nowadays
The AP scaling isn't that good so I like HoB and attack speed items more.
@@Jerry_licious full health Lee sin using his Q to me, 1 aa+Q he died before he reach me
Bard has such unique skills,tunnel,zhonyas aoe ult.Good job Rito.
absolutely love the sound effects on him. This champ alone is a reason to play a little league again ^.^
These champs are getting more and more creative and unique. Keep playing LoL, and you will listen to more music, understand more jokes, and play more new champions.
Benjamin Adler unique? lol, you've clearly never played other MOBAs :D
Unique to other champions in LoL, and I still feel a lot of them bring new mechanics and themes to MOBAs.
ah, well that is true, they are new to LoL and it's abreath of fresh air to be honest. too bad that ulti is troll bait :(
Not as troll as Urgot's ult or Kalista's IMO. Send a fed enemy Katarina into your team or prevent your duo lane from getting kills!
You can forsee all the people clicking the portal by accident and screaming I'VE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE as they slowly drift towards the enemy team
looks like you don't even have to click it, you just have to walk near it and you get sucked into it.
RmonikMusic It's like Thresh's lantern, except easier to click than not click.
regardles, when you are gonna be near the wall and suddenly your mate Bard is gonna cast it on it, you may end up suddently floating to your demise cursing all the creation after missclicking it. Depends on how large is the actualy area it triggers : D
Guferus Yeah, that's what i meant. If you've seen calbel's video, that's probably what ends up happening.
this one's a great nightmare, my friend :/
4:33 here, it would be cool if the grass moved like it was being sucked by the portals strength
Dont expect too much
Rito is smol indie company , no monrey for that
@Papa Pedophilia dear stupid person. What i said was a joke. Even as simple sign as bad orthography, could tell you that it was ironically. Well not all people are born smart i guess, some are born like you , without common sense or any sign of developed brain ;^)
@Papa Pedophilia Um, your comment literally has 8 mistakes in it
@Anti-Vax Mom Your comment does have many grammar mistakes, such as atleast, this things, and is a run-on sentence. You should probably try to evaluate yourself before evaluating other people.
NathanB lmao he’s saying that ironically, the mistakes are intentional
Trolls are going to abuse that ult so much. "Oh, my ADC wants to be toxic? Let me stun him so they can catch up and kill him."
RandomLord777 Upgraded energy based lifeform Omega No, they're trolls.
Exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
Nothing to do with exploiting as they are not getting an advantage out of anything, they are just fucking off their team mates using deliberate mechanics in an unintended fashion. Where the fuck did you get exploiters from LOL.
RandomLord777 Upgraded energy based lifeform Omega I suppose if you define "troll" as it's supposed to be, which is harmless fun and/or pranking on the internet, then yes, technically they aren't trolls, as they will be annoying other people and not in a "haha we can all laugh together" kinda way. However, as time has progressed, troll has stretched to mean anyone being a general cun, harmless or not. Actually, I probably hear "troll" being thrown more at the serious offenders (people that get laughs at other people's expense) than the harmless kind. Subjective opinion overall, since nobody on the internet is literally a troll, it can mean anything you want it to. xD
I will. So much. I'm also going to jungle Bard.
You're goddamn right!
Here's a hint: don't be toxic
No matter what people say as main adc i have never lost a lane with bard as my support. i find him extremely good lane mate.
bard is just an adorable stoner who floats around. hes the best champion in the game
+LePrinceLolz yes with nautilus
LePrinceLolz Yes Bro, He Can Help Other People Using His W, and E ... You can Use His Ss To Get Running Enemy Champion or Save From Other Attack
That's Zilean. He even has groovy Zilean skin.
true but i don't understand the stoner part. what about him says stoner at all?
Bard is a pretty cool design especially since he sort of has a neutrality in his game play that matches his lore since half his abilities can benefit the enemy just as much as your allies.
I've seen enough Dota Chronospheres to know where this is going...
Kshaway Welp you can't hit the enemies with a wooden stick like a crazy maniac while inside
drakis50 but I want to hit enemies with my stick while being inside
Reheapification LMAO that comment made my day
Dalas, is that really you?
Truth is not everybody will get this...
As a Karthus main. I hate this champion already.
Oh the aram glory
I know your feelings bruh
What about zed...
Katarina main...
I totally agree... :D
Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight, featuring Phreak, the Pun Maker
Awesome, I like bards.
Woah! You commented on an LoL vid! Anyway I dont want to get him mainly because I main mid... which gets the hell out of it nerfed every patch... Well I still have Viktor for another patch or two, but LCS HAD TO USE HIM!!! *sigh* I'll miss you mid lane
Oh well back to bard. Hes a "different" support, maybe even late game adc if enough meeps, but I dont know... we'll see
Phreak is a melee ranged DPS support bruiser who specialises in disabling his targets with wordplay and providing a plethora of support to his team with humor.
[Phreak's Passive is "Awesome Buff of Awesomely Awesome Buffing!"] We don't have to explain what this passive is. For those of you that played URF, you all know how great of a passive it is already.
[Phreak's Q is "Hero's Trifecta"]. Phreak channels the power of his inner Hero of Time, allowing him to start with a Triforce at the beginning of the game at level 1.
However, he cannot sell his Triforce.
When toggled, the spell cycles through all 3 types of SpellBlade affects. Leveling the spell increases the damage and effectiveness of SpellBlade.
[Phreak's W is "Wrath of the PUNisher"]. Phreak tells a bad joke in the form of a piercing skillshot in a given direction, applying on-hit affects such as Spellblade and Rage, as well as spell effects and slowing his target. If the target is hit with a basic attack within 3 seconds of him using this skill, he permanently increases the power of his SpellBlade procs by half of its base value every time.
[Phreak's E is "ThereIsNoUrfLevel"]
Phreak Summons URF back from the pits of Elo hell and surfs on him to a given target location, damaging and slowing enemies in a line.
Urf then makes a wave for his team to ride, increasing allies movement speed
should they cross the path Urf made. Phreak then becomes temporarily immune to non-champion damage for a few seconds.
The duration increases with how many WrathOfThePUNisher stacks Phreak has.
[Phreak's Ultimate is "TonsOfDamage".]
After a brief channel. Phreak shouts "TONS OF DAMAGE", instantly dealing "tons of damage" to the enemy nexus, turrets , neutral and enemy minions and pets , including, but not limited to Baron, Dragon, Annie's bear Tibbers and Malzahar's voidlings. If any are killed, he get double the gold and buffs that come with the killed target. Enemy champions instead take reduced damage, but take increased damage from SpellBlade and WrathofThePUNisher and are stunned. If interrupted, the channel is stopped, but the champion that interrupted it received "tons of damage" and is silenced for their insolence for a brief moment.
This has been The League of Legends Champion Spotlight feature Phreak, the Tons of Damage Dealer. Please remember to like favorite and subscribe to the League of Legends youtube channel.
Get to it Rito
So let me get this straight. Bard is a cosmic entity that usually protects the balance of the universe? So technically he's our first "alien" in League of Legends! (skins don't count)
Either way as a support myself i think i'll really enjoy this champ!
DeathKnight Zelma What? Prove me wrong if i'm wrong then xD
Just read sorakas lore and you will see, or do you need me to copy paste?
DeathKnight Zelma .......Oh yah....i forgot about soraka xD....technically i just see her as a goddess of some kind.
She is a celestial being, also voidborn are aliens (Cho, kha, vel etc)
0:55 back when having just 2 passives make you "mysterious and cosmic and stuff"
now samira be like
Y samira akshan has like 10 passives
@@Sev-b6z this comment was before akshan. A simpler time
I don't know how this ended up in my recommended, but thank you Riot. Bard is the first champion that set league apart from other games for me, and this video reminds me of much simpler times.
"bard doesnt bring too much damage to a fight" lolololol biggest lie ever seeeeen!!!
9:34 The plays you expect your team to make.
8:36 The plays your team actually plays.
marioninfreak so true -_-
Remember, kids: If you lose, it's always your teams' fault!
The Malphite missing his ult? Yeah. I expect that too.
marioninfreak But the 9:34 one isn't that good, Malphite's ult missed.
I love his 'voice' so mystical and charming.
How can anyone be mad at this big lovable oaf?
Runaan's Bard here we go!
He seems like something ripped from Spirited Away.
Vesper S How is he "something"?
His trailer looks a lot like something from a Ghibli film.
He looks like a Princess Mononoke character
I just realized that Bard is literally Uncle Iroh
Man this champion really reminds me of Soraka except that
1. He doesn't suck give with this champion spotlight presentation.
2. His healing are extremely effective for both adc and jungler and no partial health have to be sacrificed.
3. With his third ability, he'll basically have Flash, Exhaust, and a short range Teleport for everyone.
4. Bard has meeps. I prefer Meeps over bananas.
10:00 Fuckin Bronze player..
Nocturus the fuck are you sain? this is fuckin oppositive to soraka
Has a main Soraka before her rework I sadly agree.... Fuck you Riot T_T
Firen EX My point exactly. -_-
Nocturus how it can remains you soraka when it's oppositive?
I know we talk about mobility creep and whatnot, but is Riot thinking about power creep? These new champions so obviously outclass their predecessors in many ways. Take Bard for example, he will be the premier utility support undoubtedly, his skills are just too ridiculously useful. Bard clearly replaces more than one support by himself. What does Nami bring that bard doesn't bring better? What about Janna? I dunno, it just seems as if this guy's only weakness is low damage, which for a support is a stupid weakness anyway. I mean he brings it all to the table: a potential double stun, healing, map presence, engage, disengage, movement speed buffs, scaling, and a game-breaking ult. Rek'sai and Kalista are also both great examples, as they are both top tier for their positions as well.
I mean I'm all for powerful champions, but maybe Riot is getting ahead of itself trying to implement all these cool ideas. I mean when you have champs like Gangplank that bring essentially nothing interesting or unique to the table and then you have this guy that brings it all, it just seems kinda sad. Just my 2 cents though, anyone else have thoughts?
Janna: AOE knockup (unafected by tenacity) with range up to 1700, 240hp base shield + 50 base damage buff and 875 range knock back and team heal for about 800hp, and if that wasn't enough have an increased team speed of 8%
Nami: AOE suspend (unafected by tenacity), double damage + heal OR double heal + damage ability for a total of 460(+100%ap) damage + 185(+30%ap) heal or 370(+60%ap) heal + 230(+50%ap) damage, a 255(+60%ap) damage buff + slow, and a 2750(!) range AOE knockup + 70% slow ult. and if that wasn't enough all your abilities increase allied movement speed by 40%.
Yeah I don't think Bard will be replacing any of those two supports any time soon.
I'm not saying by the numbers he necessarily beats them in every way, but you essentially get it all, even if it is to a lesser degree. You get a stun that is probably just-as, if not more, reliable than Nami's bubble. You get the healing and the movements speed boosts that you would get from Nami (to a lesser extent for sure). A skilled player gives you decent disengage with Bard's Q. Magical Journey can easily save lives and provide pressure from the jungle that Janna and Nami never could.
He roams way better than both of them could combined, and his Ult makes Nami's ult look useless and Janna's only slightly less so. I mean the utility of that ult alone....Baron/dragon steals, Disengage, engage, turret dives, you name it.His passive also allows for a 60% slow with his meeps when it stacks to a certain point for god's sake.
I can't see many instances (on paper at least) where I'm picking Janna over Bard, and I don't think I'll ever need to play Nami again.
You're going to love when you realise that Bard's CC on an enemy team is like Zhonya-ing the enemy team. Nami knocks them up and your team keeps wailing on them. Bard? Bard just landed his ult when three of your allies cast their ults and now they've been wasted.
There's some cool stuff that Bard does. Bard also brings way, way less damage and healing power than either (excluding delayed lane healing), and while he lightly overlaps with their capabilities it's only a light overlap. You pick Nami or Janna for the same reasons you did before. You pick Bard for a completely different kind of reason, which is the unique moves he brings to the table - certainly not for outdoing other supports where they star.
MrReelio3 I wish bard's ult can knock people up instead of freezing them so that champions like Yasuo can combo. I wish you could stun more then two people with just a single skillshot. I wish I could block attacks against turrets with bard's health pack. I wish bard was a girl support. If only champions like those existed....
Garlyle Wilds Bard's ult is going to be insane. Yeah if you're bad with it it can totally screw you, but anyone competent with it will change games in a second. Imagine stunning both the nexus turrets for a 5 man dive on whoever didn't get stunned. Or stunning baron just in time for your jungler to hop in and steal it. At higher levels that ult is going to be madness and one of the best ults in the game, mark my words.
To your other point, I'd say I disagree that we will play the champs for the same reasons we played them before. Maybe in normals yeah, but strategically and in ranked there is no reason to. Why would I pick a champ with heals and CC (Nami) when I can pick a champ with heals, CC, engage, map presence/roaming potential, mana sustain, and mobility? There are kits that are simply better than others for their specific roles, and Bard has (I think) the best utility-based support kit.
Why does nobody play Varus? Taric? Zac? Elise? Yorick? Because there are champs that do what they do better. From a competitive standpoint, there is NO reason to pick Elise over Nidalee in the jungle right now, and NO reason to pick Varus over Graves as ADC...EVER. This is why we see the same pool of like 20 champions at the LCS level. And consistently these champions are ones that have been recently released (Rek'sai, Kalista, Vi, Azir before he got nerfed etc) I'm not saying Riot shouldn't make their champions strong, but they just have to watch out for the older champions getting left in the dust. Sorry for the rambling by the way haha, I'm just passionate about this issue.
They spell wrong... His passive is AFK getting meeps
Stole that from MagikarpUsedFly...
reference understood : ^)
Debates Versus ty : ^)
I think people who say that bard is shit dont have a clue of how to play him right.
Probably people who are maining master yi^^
He requires a high amount of skill and timing, but if he is played right, you can really support the living shit out of your team especially in teamfights: 5vs5? Double-stun them easy and watch your team slay them while you heal. They are trying to juke or trying to get away? Is Kata trying to spin? Not today. Right placed Ult and they are shitting their pants as they are stunned and your team is taking Position to wombocombo. Even your Auto Attacks provide you a slow and later even aoe-slow. Your Meeps make poking in Early Game pure Pleasure. Your heals can also help your Mates to escape out of a dangerous situation.
The right combination of AP, CDR and Movement will make your enemies fear you!
Early game poke supp:
Karma, Sona
Defensive CC supps:
Janna, Sona
Healing Supports:
Sona, Janna
Aggressive supps:
Leona, Thresh
Teamfight supports:
All the above + Nami, Annie, Vel'koz
PPL arent calling Bard bad because of skillcap or winrate(even though he has the lowest winrate at this time)
They complain because every support gives better results, more consistently, and with less risk
At least 80% of the LoL community agrees with this lol
Tyler Keaton Exactly and then there are like 10 people that want to prove that bard isnt bad. Despite his low win rate and useless kit. Fucking league hipsters.
League hipsters?^^
You´re a League Nazi then^^
@@frek175 I'm here from 5 years into the future to say that your opinion is wrong
@@awanderer7132 this aged well
I wish I could collect memes with my passive 😞
This is so good :D
Give the Mod makers time lmao
They should make that a skin
Flyguy5798 No matter how many times I see it, that squidward face gets me everytime.
Bard The Wandering Memetaker! Rito make skin plz
"Bard has no CC!"
His passive is a slow, his Q is a slow AND a 2 targetted stun, his ult is a CC.
those puns were phreakish
What happens if Magical Journey disappears while someone is inside?
+Lerone06 it does not, if the time runs out and someone is still inside the portal still won't disappear until everyone is out, however the entrance is blocked so no one else can get inside
Oh I see....
+Lerone06 you fall into someone else's game.
Am I the only one who thinks that his ult is gonna be the ultimate troll tool?
Azerty oh yes even to this day if a team mate is flaming me I’ll ult them when they are running from the enemy team so they know who owns them
@@brendanpowell6043 one of the best ways to troll with his ult is by ulting a turret right before a rift herald hits it.
Yes. To this day
Welcome to the League of Legends Champion Spotlight, featuring Bard, The Simpson
that would be Bart :)
I hope you are just kidding
MightyMike96 it is bart
Ladan Kh
Please you both... Don' tell me you mean it serious. I know it is Bart but that wouldn't match. Please tell me
MightyMike96 They must be so funny, both of them...
The animations and sound effects have come a long way in this game, truly awesome.
Bard is so the most fun champ to play. I just dont know why but his kit is so cool and satisfying to use. It feels so nice even just when people use your portal and you can do sooo many things with ur ult
people gonna troll soo hard with his ult like you and your pals are retreating when suddenly the bard ults his team and runs away and leaves them all to die this champ is going to be hilarious
Yeah because losing is fun...
Official RAZR tryhard lolil
Tolik B Tryhards are simply better at the game :)
Losing is fun if you troll lol
trolls play with free week champs, so we're good for a while
"Cosmic binding might not do a lot of damage to a single target"
laughs in electrocute
Probably one of my favorite moments I've had as Bard was hiding in the bush on Howling abyss in the center of the bridge, telling my whole team "Hey, come check this out." I placed my magical journey over the gap into the enemies bush thinking we could make a clever surprise. Unfortunatly, I was unaware at just how much of the enemy team was in the bush opposite to us and gave them a free Ace which I nervously responded with "I made a death trap! c:' "
Finally I new river lane champion other than Teemo
Crab killed teemo. Teemo diededed
It's nice this champion finally gets the attention he deserves.
Bard's abilities and look are majestic. He also looks quite friendly/
Hes the best support :)
Seems like Bard is influenced by Hayao Miyazaki -- I'm reminded of the Kodomas from Princess Mononoke..
When is he going to be nerfed?
Next week?
nefted? he's squishier than teemo with a tenth of the damage
Look at that perma stun
Yannick Kellekule you mean that stun which is weaker than mords or luxs and does less damage?
***** To be fair, Lux doesn't have a stun; she has a root. There is a large difference.
Edit: Or Morgana. Roots. They're things.
Don't even mention Zyra.
Upon release I assume
Bard is a super strong roaming support and troller. I definitely don't use his ult to stop my teammates so the enemies can catch up to them.
So he shows up when things are unbalanced? Looks like someone is going to get nerfed/buffed.
Have you ever heard what akali says? She talked about balance, in the days where she was the most unbalanced assasin after katarina.
FlyingJetpack1 So what you're saying is........We need more nerfs on kassadins ult.
***** Exacly.
better nerf irelia.
Irelia hasn't been nerfed since 2012 anyway.
Good, but I think it’s well worth mentioning that the length oh his Q projectile after hitting a target is static. Meaning you can’t shoot someone point blank and land a stun on someone at max range and you can hit a minion or tank at max range and snipe an enemy carry from about 1500 units away.
This makes me wonder if you can ult the nexus when you're about to lose as bard
Nope you can’t ult the nexus or inhib
The things he ults have to be able to deal damage
So he can't ult himself?
daffkuh He can deal damage can't he XD
daffkuh BURN
bard should also be a jungler because he can always come by someones lane (no matter how good or bad they are doing) and drop a healing orb
This spotlight is different
I like it
I'm so happy phreak still does these
I can tell that people are going to call this champ broken
That's any new champion.
Snapsi Lights They certainly fixed Veigar.
DualReload Y'know, people were saying the exact same thing when Rek'Sai was released. And of course, we had people like you shaking their heads, bemoaning these foolish people who clearly didn't know what broken was.
Then Rek'Sai gets nerfed three patches in a row, and is STILL a top tier pick.
So, yeah.
It actually is , you will break the control of your teammates over thieir champs :D You will seee how many people will whine because they cant escape because of this ability or you fuck up your whole team , because gave the enemy time to advance and set their aoe ;D
I told my friends that he will be ridicolously OP/powerful from the moment I saw his abilities. And I think I will be right xD.
"Whenever the universe's equilibrium comes under threat."
So... is Riot saying it has balance issues?
his stun is basically windrunner's shackleshot. TIME FOR TOP PLAYS BOIS
Except with damage and a slow instead of a ministun if it misses. But yeah. Pretty similar, which is good because the skill concept is good.
Jack Smilyan but shackle lasts freakin forever dude and has a much longer range and cone
that's why it's op
Jack Smilyan ya that's how DotA works, every hero is OP so no one is
***** every hero is over powered in DotA "compared to other MOBA" I got 4000 hrs in DotA 2 myself and like 1000 in original DotA . But I'm also level 30 summoner in league, don't be a "fangay" both games are great if you play them as they are meant to ^_^
This video just showed up in my recommended tab. I used to main him for 3 years (2017-2019), wonderful champion.
His ult is either gonna be a really good thing or a really bad one... It has massive troll potential but I believe in the LoL community... *We're Screwed*
9:34 That Malphite though XD
Wait, the last two supports released were braum and bard
Braum and bard...
Bombs... Ziggs has bombs...
Ziggs buff confirmed. Step up your game rito
Haha the end part is awesome. Great spotlight, one of the best I've seen!!
I wanna rip out Bard's magical heart and eat it.
***** says the person wanting people who have mental illness executed instead of trying to help them with therapy. Just shows that your heart is just as dark.
That's deep man, or gurl...
***** As you wish. I can tell you're an incurable case anyways.
are you warwick?
Zyda I think you'd end up going on a magical journey. :S
A magical creature called "Memes" will follow you around.
The return of Darude-Sandstorm.
Love the puns of damage, per usual, Phreak.
#punsofdamage #justphreakthings
This champ is a supporter's dream. Health packs, free mana, massive CC, damage prevention, stuns AND quick entry? GG
9:12 - Brand's Skyfall...
CtrlThrottle oh nvm i heard that wrong
Love the design hope it will be in lol wild rift
What they did not mention is that Bard deals a ton of damage. He is extremely strong. His Q has massive poke, his W can be stashed behind the tower, his E is mostly useful to the jungler as he ganks and his Ultimate is the best thing in this game. They can not escape you. Bard is so strong. He can support himself, build him full ap. I managed to win bot lane solo with him. I love this champion
I main Bard and my summoner name is Beedle. I hope J.K. Rowling can't sue me.
Beedle the bard. *sighs* Potterhead here
Champion Spotlights are longer and longer ...
And that is a bad thing?
MultiShadowdragon its a Bard* thing
So many people have sakurasou profil pictures.
Idk.. miss the 4-5 min Spotlights :d
Gian Gudino Old spotlights went over specific item builds and what masteries to take, which I think was a bad idea. Items and masteries change all the time. Old spotlights are filled with outdated info. These new spotlights suggest items, sure, but also tell you what stats you need in case the recommended items go away. New spotlights are more about the strats of a champ, the pros and cons of it. I personally prefer the new style but your entitled to your opinion.
3:56 i thought enemy would gain health too by getting health pack ...imagine all the trolls running towards health pack....
I.. Absolutely love his audio pack!
Anyone here 2021 Dec?
Nidalee takes 5 mins to clear both jgs. Rito nerfs kassadin. *claps*
What nerf ? xD 40 % cdr and his ult is on 1 sec cd .. yea "balanced"..
But I still think Vi is broken:3
No one uses kass anymore. Tbh
I hope they don't change bard too much in the future. This is definitely one of the most unique champion we have in a while.
Actually alot of our supports and assassins have alot of gimmicky kits.
cool spotlight but don't put overused meme jokes in your game if you want it to be taken seriously, use some original humor, come on guys.
No i think its hilarious AND serious
Will you stop bomBARDing them with complains? (jk)
Really now, the puns were cringe worthy...
What are you talking about "meme jokes" no memes were used
Pretty sure he's trolling. I mean, look at this guys videos.
When an ally collects one of bards health shrines does it give him an assists when said ally manages to get a kill?
Pretty sure it would :P
i'm guessing so, it 's the case for any other heal or shield in the game.
Yes, as is the case with all other heals/speed boosts in the game already.
it does
This is the reason I left LoL. They keep making more, and more ridiculously unbalanced, and intricate champions, while leaving all the old champions we know and love in the dust. It certainly seems all the mainstream attention of this game has poisoned it's game and turned it into a mindless player-base that simply MUST have the new champion as soon as they release it to abuse the new mechanics. It's a real shame because this game used to be so fun, no doubt they've improved on it quite a bit, but they'l truly let down their real players.
Oh dear ! you surely MUST NOT play dota because if you think champions are crazy in mechanics in Lol in dota its Much much crazier . ( imagine blitz grab but can also grab team mates , Spell stealing , Teleporting allies , Incredible debuff that silence,cause damage for so many seconds rendering you useless, Ultimate that let you regenerate Health the more you get hit etc...) Lols real player base are former dota players which are used to crazy mechanics
What's your definition of a real player?
Bye :) we wont miss you
Alexander Prates sounds like a satly bronze
so why are you still here?
I had a recent game with a Bard jungler. I was adc and he did save the enemy team a few times but I don't think he meant to XD He was merely trying to stop their escape and honestly I couldn't even get mad because it was kinda hilarious. He was really trying hard and at the end of the day did really well and we won the game :")
So can we all agree this is the worst looking champion ever made (so far), maybe even worse looking then Urgot lol
Not at all. He's a support with interesting mechanics. His ult alone does more than urgot can in a teamfight
Have you seen Irelia's hair?
His skin makes him look better
Bard looks for me like Santa lol
THe most well designed champion. Ever.
Bard is Santa Clause
This Q spell looks so unique! I wonder who on Riot was so smart to invent this spell. Keepo!
Welcome to the LOL, Champion Spotlight, featuring Bard, the GAMETHROW Betrayer:
E, Magical Journey, create an arrive/escape tunnel for your enemies.
R, Tempered Fate, Stun your allies, Protect your enemies!
pls PLS BUFF HIM. Nearly no range and might have the lowest base dmg after anivia. Q is ok, W is ok but meh in teamfights. E might be op sometimes but it does not help in laning face at all. R is good. Buff the passive and armor/magic resist but mainly armor. i must go marks,seal AND Quintessene so i whont die with full hp when i get q by blitzcrank.Hard to play but is not rewarded for making plays.
Learn to play him, before complaining that he's weak.
Talen Beness I know how to play him (now). But he needs buff still. He got tricks and thats it.
Tricks that, if his team is good, are absolutely devastating.
Talen Beness But most teams aren't good...People don't want to rely on their team being good to win games.
hammersbaseball11 A pity, since the entire game is team based... seriously though, it is sad.
Im gonna troll so hard with him LOL D dream!
hell is filled with people like you
***** I guess youve been there
Wait let me pick you up a special place in hell so you can stay there forever
***** ur bronze 5 on your own anyways LOL
soooo pretty..... and a gamer...
probably the best champ spotlight yet
I need Bard in wild rift it just he's extremely adorable
Yeah, and IVERN.
I really want ivern
I don’t think bard’s play style fits wild rift because of the map is so small to roaming around the map.
Is there a chance we can see this on Wild rift
Lol, BECAUSE SOMEONE DIDN'T TIME THEIR ULT PROPERLY that's me XD But this is seriously one of the most OP supports around.
He is good but not op.
Can't 1v1, can't save allies as much as any other support, heavily unreliable spells, squishy, no damage and no way to support as much in lane vs Blitzcrank or Leona. Wtf are you supposed to do if your adc gets pulled in and the enemies minions block your q from stunning the adc?
It a support that relies heavily on a good team and can't carry alone
you could exhust there adc? and if your level 2 press a shrine on them so the get a boost, trust me even if its a second it can save lives
He looks REALLY fun to play