Your Honour, as the prosecution I must attested that the evidence of the line referring to not being taught first aid is incorrect, schools do indeed teach first aid. This shows the the defendant to be a liar
To my knowledge there's 0 evidence of him breaking the laws. In fact his youngest gf was the minimum legal age of consent where he lives, so I get the gist that he DOES know the laws JUST so he can "play it safe".
@@respectable-username Cosmodore was "dating" a 14 y/o, and although that's legal in Germany, it doesn't change the fact that it's really messed up. Same applies to Dave.
@@honeycomblord9384 ok but did I say it wasn't creepy? You insinuated he didn't know the laws, but clearly he does if he's aiming for the minimum age of consent 💀
@@honeycomblord9384 it's bot abuse by law, but could be considered abuse generally. Like financial abuse, or a celebrity dating a fan, it's abusing ones own power position over the other. But there's nothing prosecutable there. It's the same reason Onision was allowed to get away with what he's done.
As a teacher, there's no right answer. It's all about balance. You might not care for isotopes but your friend who wants a career in science will find it interesting. Also, a lot of what is taught isn't just about the content but the skills you learn. That being said, we absolutely should spend more time on developing critical thinking skills, understanding finances, awareness of the political landscape etc.
also how to actually discuss pretty much anything with anybody w/o instantly resorting to personal insults on a site note, that video aged really badly lmfao
Yes. However the problem is that every kids brain is wired differently. It's good that we HAVE those subjects, but when you fail in those subjects and you can't graduate and get any opportunities in life because of that despite it not being important to what you wanted to do to begin with, it becomes a problem. There are some kids that just don't understand certain subjects. Yet they leave school even tho they have potential in other subjects.
@@plzleavemealone9660 imo thats honestly just an issue with how we place grades and scores over what you're actually learning, which makes school unnecessarily stressful and leading to making it even harder to want to be engaged than students already can be
bro to THIS DAY when I think of the quadratic formula, I think of this song. Not that I do maths anymore or need it at all, but it certainly helped me back when I did.
I am someone in finance... I hate when people complain about how pointless math class in highschool was and want to know how money works and how to navigate finance and invest but here is the thing..... That highschool math was the foundation for most of the basic work in finance and money management. If you can't stand working with a the formulas in highschool to find out basic shit. Then you will hate and struggle with the mathematics behind optimizing portfolios. You gotta crawl before running and the fact is that math programs in highschool are fine. There is an issue with motivation in schools but i dont believe there is aa problem with course work itself.
Ok, but you're studying something that made use of math... My friends who went to music school, for example, what do they earn? What about technicians who only really get formed on taking down and replacing computer parts? What about linguists? What about philosophers? What about biologists? Math is basically useless in any of those places.
@@imperialwarhawk123abc5 Yeah, of course, but I think the point is that schools go decently deep into things like math and science, while it literally teaches nothing about the actual adult experience.
@@radiofloyd2359 i understand but (and this is just my experience) most the things that people would consider "actual adult experience" can be figured out in an afternoon. I never learned about taxes and when i had to pay them i had to google how to actually do it.... But it really took like 3 hours to find out and idk if its worth adding a curriculum about it. I think people don't learn the same so the issue is more with the styles of teaching than it id about the actual subjects. And i think i understand what you mean by going heavily into math and science and nothing else. I was lucky and my highschool did have a philosophy class and while i got a C in it some of my friends ended up majoring in it so...
Same situation here. Back when I was active in the UK Official Charts community there was always one guy who linked his videos whenever he perceived someone's takes as elitist or whatever, and while BITB wasn't wrong usually, I found him to be extremely annoying and cringeworthy, and turns out he's an asshole. Similar situation happened with Stevie T, although he hasn't been cancelled (yet)
“They never taught me how to get job” “They never taught me how to pay taxes” “They never taught me how to vote” My dude these are all just work sheets for adults. You read the instructions and do the thing the instructions request of you. 80 percent of the school day is spent practicing to do these things.
this is a song made for kids that get average grades, have decent social abilities, and have really good teachers, but still think that school is the most hellish landscape in life. i know this because this was me and my friends when this song came out.
....that wasn't at ALL what this song was trying to do. Also the dude legit does research on videos and calls up intellectual sources. What are you on about?
It's so unfortunate that the song Empty was made. For context, it's about jaidenanimations' struggle with anorexia and bulimia, two eating disorders. The video she made prior to the release of the song did all that it needed to share her experience and potentially help others (which I think it did), so the song wasn't a necessary addition. The (imo deserved) critical reception it got, I felt, dragged the subject matter down with it, and caused a very personal experience to be received negatively for no fault of jaiden herself. Now, I'm not saying this is boyinaband's fault, either, or that he should be blamed. But I feel it was an unfortunate consequence
That Shakespeare line has always bothered me. Oh yeah, god forbid we expose people to some of the greatest art ever created! everyone benefits from learning how to read and interpret art. Media literacy is so important!
Shakespeare's work is also a source of so many common sayings in English! It only makes sense to read some of his stuff and learn a little about his life and what was happening around him.
While schools should teach financial literacy I don’t understand why we have to attack the humanities, arts, and math. An education system that functions only to get you a job and succeed in the economy is a true capitalist dystopian nightmare.
Hear me out the sing isn’t good in musically wise but the points made in it I believe are correct, you are criticising the song from an American standpoint as the the American education system is extremely different compared to the one in England. We finished high school when we are 16 and at no point throughout our education does the topic of adult responsibilities come up.
Good point but as someone on the autism spectrum I can rightfully say the problem with European high school isn't not knowing how to to taxes or be a good parent, Dave is complaining about what schools don't have for filler, the problem with morden european schools as someone from Northlen Ireland is the bullying, harassment from pupils and support system for learning and metal health, I couldn't learn anything in math class because the pupils didn't want to learn anything, distraction and fighting would often break out and my last view years were just shit we need extra support for those who want to do well in basic stuff and not have GCSEs get in the way. The only thing I can really agree on is sex education, we need to be more open to discussion in that front, especially the laws around sex and sexting, it's mad here!
We've only just started to introduce it in NZ within like the past 15 years or so. Nonetheless, even the smallest advice on how to do a decent job interview goes a really long way!
Ok, so if you learn math, and all that, it should be trivial for anybody with a high school diploma to be able to calculate mortgage rates, taxes, and all that. If you can't, that's on you not the system. Also, let's not act like schools don't also require health knowledge. A majority of schools require a health class in junior high/middle school, and one in high school-wherein they discuss mental issues, often first aid, etc. A lot of people just don't bother to pay attention.
@@wes2287 (if you're talking to me) Yes, I do agree with you we do need to decuss metal health, how to get a job and all that stuff but in that case I did have things to help with that "Prince's trust" and good consoling for my anxiety I had at that age and if you're saying because I can't learn maths that it's on me, let me preface that I'm on the autism spectrum I got support yes, but there was way too many needless distractions and things that would set me off in the maths class, sensory wise...I needed alot of stuff broken down and extra time but with other GCSE work I wanted to focus on what I wanted as a job in film rather than something that felt monumental and still does to me. My point is Schools should focus on basics and if metal health and learning difficulties is a problem with a given person, get the help they need. So maybe yeah some points I made had flauts but I just want people to focus on what's important to a given person and not teach what won't help. Focus on more what a person needs and wants to be. Jobs ARE important so is sex, metal health and law it's all important but preparation of basic needs such as Math, PE, English and Science are needed and we need to work our way around people who are struggling in my opinion.
i think the UK system is much better because it doesn’t baby you and force you to be under teachers authority (a lot of them have weird power complexes) until you’re 18 sixthform/college is actually a great stepping stone to uni or work, if it’s executed right. we had tutor lessons twice a week that taught us basic stuff. but students aren’t forced to stay from 9-3 and they don’t have to ask to go to the bathroom, and don’t have to do any of the ‘sir’ or ‘miss’ bs. it focuses you in on what you actually want to do rather than force you to do maths and science etc. the problem with education up until year 11 (and i guess if you’re american the age of 18, whenever you leave high school) is that is absolutely stomps creativity and focuses way to hard on academics and grades. i will most likely never use my GSCE grades again. maths and english have been the only 2 that have been useful to me. I got to do digital art but wasn’t allowed to choose another creative subject, i was forced to do geography and history or a language, even though i knew i wanted to follow an art based career since i was like 10.
I feel like the worst problem with the song is his delivery and tone - if he could approach it from a more empathetic viewpoint, and take into account things that could be done to actually change things instead of just stating things he thinks should be thought without giving solutions at all, then it'd make it so much better. Edit: just gonna throw in some extra things that I feel are really important to be mentioned in this video that he didn't really touch on, that would have made it so much better - Sex ed being inherently problematic in that there is no required education plan either statewide or nationwide, making it so that depending on your school you could be getting an entirely different and potentially awful education plan (some schools don't teach about safe sex and only talk about abstinence, which can make people who are abused feel worse about themselves) - How politicians aren't willing to revamp the education system for the sake of time and money alone, completely ignoring the needs of students - The fact that your quality of education depends on your background, area, race, identity, income, etc. - Any points stating why certain things he brings up are objectively more important than the other thing it's being compared to - How music programs standardize music so much that it becomes hard to adjust for someone who might be an aspiring musician to do so The list goes on-
@@Mach10AtSuddenSpeed this one actually came before joyner Lucas's song haha, but yeah, I agree 100%. They can be pulled of well if it's thought through and researched well enough, but when that isn't done perfectly the execution suffers because of it.
@@pauliusmscichauskas558 while that's a fair point, I mean more so the process of implementing those things into the curriculum. It's one thing to say we should reach these things instead, and another to give methods of which we can begin the process of implementing those things
yikes being English myself, I think most of his problems come from the fact he went to (judging by the song) a posh private school. The kind for kids that are already set for life. A lot of poorer schools DO teach what he asks for, and we're still poor and stupid lol
If this song is about school, shouldn’t the music video have something to do with, I don’t know, school? Like why is he just randomly chilling on a railroad track. Imagine if it started out with him in a school or something and learning something useless and he ends up getting frustrated and then boom song. Tone feels so weird in the video imo
@@rashotcake6945 but a bunch of his points are terrible. The first verse about not learning “how to get a job”. Like I literally learned how to make a resume 3 different times in my time in high school. The whole point of the school system is not to lock 1 kid into doing a certain job. It broadens the scope so that kids can choose which career path they are passionate for.
So line by line going off the American school system here (I know he’s not American, but it’s likely similar): 1. Claims schools didn’t teach him how to get a job. It’s not their job to get him a job, but rather to give him the knowledge and experience needed to get one. The actual process of getting a job is literally just filling out a resume and hopefully getting an interview. 2. That schools didn’t teach him to pay taxes, I love this one because they actually do, just the caveat is you usually have to sign up for them. Taxes are usually covered in accounting and finance classes. 3. Never taught him how to vote? My guy it’s literally just walking into a booth and picking an option. If you wanna get real crazy you can try to read up on which old fart you’re dropping a vote on. Possibly the strangest criticism I’ve ever heard about school. 4. Wasn’t taught to look after his health, except he was. PE and health class is a requirement about every year for k-12. If you wanna notice something real odd, look at what he tries to bring up as being useless information. Dissecting a frog, Shakespeare, isotopes and learning about cells. 3 of those are science related, which is a very important work field and the other is English/literature, which ironically as a songwriter, he should’ve valued quite highly. Kinda odd for a songwriter to bash English class of all classes, then have the audacity to say they didn’t teach him how to find a job. It’s like saying getting taught how to throw a baseball didn’t help you at all, while being a pitcher in the MLB.
12:33 another banger because again it’s way off. There IS parenting/family living classes in high school. Most of our moms probably took that class, I know mine did and I remember a good amount of people who did when I was in high school too. It’s also just really absurd to be blaming the school system for some kids ending up being bad parents. Does this dude like really expect to be handheld all the way through life or something?
i always interpreted the "don't stay in school" part not directed towards telling the audience to not stay in school but for the things he's calling pointless to not stay in school.
@@tonystamon5672 No, he interprets it that way because it's the logical conclusion of that song up until the very last bar, and it does feel shoehorned in. It was an intentionally provocative title, and the message is incredibly easy to misinterpret because it isn't well-delivered
@@guitarhero01234 The title does prove to be misleading but do you expect people to be clicking on a video called, "The Inefficient Aspects of School" would you?
@@guitarhero01234 if you watch the second video he made it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT what he meant. The whole video was a critique on the useless things 99% of people will not use in their life but are forced to learn only to later forget. Why don’t we learn the things we need in the real world instead? Some people’s parents don’t have the time or are just dead and so can’t teach them so we can’t rely on parents to teach children. He basically says that they should be taught but more as an elective, especially with the more obscure stuff like quantum mechanics or advanced mathematics.
I'm a stem major but I found the philosophy and literature courses taught in school to actually be really engaging and has personally shaped my person to be more well rounded. Most kids dont know what they want to do, so it's important imo for schools to make them learn a variety of subjects and concepts. Learning to power through something that you dont like also builds discipline for later challenges in life that are much harder. However I will always agree that schools should offer more opportunities like finance classes and such; why it's even more important that schools should get the funding it needs. As a person who has more recently gone through the public education system, I will say it has gotten much better and many of the things listed by dave has been implemented. Making kids learn laws or medicine is just stupid however. Go see the doctor, self medication can be dangerous. Laws are complicated and you will not win any court battles with high school law education. The CPR point is the only one that I agree with completely, everyone should get CPR training and it should be subsidized by the government.
I feel like this probably appealed more to british people, the topics, the accent and the complaining style would definitely appeal more to people who've gone through the UK school system
I mean I completely agree and I'm from America and I've seen loads of teachers agree over here. I don't think it's that simple also the TH-camr straight up got some things wrong some of which were addressed in Dave's follow up video on Don't Stay in School to clear up confusion he was seeing online.
guy is just a failure, I'm going through the UK school system after moving from Canada. Both are the exact same, the UK is just much harder. Boyinaband is just a complete failure
@@Regu269 most people in western countries are college graduates. What were his degrees? Considering he said he didn't learn any economics, or business, he writes terrible lyrics, and apparently thinks maths, and sciences are useless, I'm assuming he took some fluffy shit that meant nothing.
Finally a youtuber who sees this as cring =einstead of "Thoguht-provoking" I still remember losing a friendship with someone cus they wanted to use this to convince their parents school was fucked and i was like "Literally pick anything else" and it became this thing that im "closed off" because i thought this video was cringe-inducing and very very full of itself. Good video Brad
I remember listening to this song in high school and it reminded me of if you tried to make a whole song on the premise of that icp bar “how tf do magnets work?”
This is random but I suggest that any white person that aspires to rap listen to Jay-Z. His speed is particularly slow or medium, never as fast as Eminem. Yet he’s always killing it with his Brooklyn accent because it hits like mike Tyson. Not saying you need a Brooklyn accent, but if you can shout and add stress on certain vowels, then there’s no need to crunch in all these words into a single bar.
Looking back, he's actually factually wrong in so many lines. Like for example, in my school (in northern england) we were taught "how to look after our health" in both PE and food tech, we also had an option for our GCSE's to do business studies that you can probably assume taught financial advice though all the people I knew that chose it said it was boring and a waste of time as they probably don't even remember anything they were taught in it
We also have PSHE/life classes, where they basically try to cover all grounds on half the stuff he's talking about; like current events, mental health, puberty, politics, that kind of shit
@@thisisnotharvey In the PHSE/social studies/health classes, they teach you about sexual health, puberty, same sex marriage, divorce, mental health, and racism. Dave is wrong about all of or most of this.
@@sophie_drachen it's because he's an anti-intellectual pseud and a hack musician (whose previous 'music' was trendy garbage like djent and dubstep) whose criticisms of the education system never went father than 'WAHHHHH THEY MADE ME ANALYZE THINGS IN A WAY I THOUGHT WAS POINTLESS'
it sounds great for you then, genuinely great move by schools in England. unfortunately most schools in other places do not even teach or even offer some classes so the point still stands but the song sucks
@@sophie_drachen Don't be so hard on him, he was never taught what laws there are, He was never taught what laws there are, Let me repeat, he was never taught the laws of the country he lives in, Mr. Judge
I feel like you hit a lot of really good points in this video, this song is a very good example of the gapping holes in boyinabands style and execution. The only problem I have with this criticism is that this song is fairly old and there should be a bit of leniency due to that. IMO there is a noticeable improvement in his lyrics and flow as you go on through his later songs and collabs. The best example of this is the idubbbz diss track he did but overall you've hit this on the head.
@@MadWatcher yeah, his best song is probably "I'm not dead" where he claimed that he doesn't think he can hit his prime and show people his true potential, while looking at the music video for don't stay in school
surprisingly, i was never interested enough to click on this song, despite having it in my recommendations multiple times before. this was my first time hearing it lmao considering that this song came out in 2015, i'm not surprised it's this bad. god does that era of internet bring back some cringe memories. anyways imo you're such a breath of fresh air in the music critic community. you give valid points without sounding pretentious (as a lot of music critics sound to me) and bring so much personality into your videos. i hate when people claim that critics should only critique music objectively. that's just impossible, you're stating your own opinions about something, not facts. it's about the way you're expressing those opinions, and i think you're doing it right. you always make it clear that these are all your *personal* views and you explain them in a way that viewers understand where you're coming from and what experiences affected them. this is why i respect you and i don't think i've ever felt "offended" after watching you. discussing about music should be fun after all. so yeah, i just enjoy seeing your growth and passion for music, keep doing what you do brad
the way i relate to the crippling adhd thing my teachers won’t do anything even though I’m almost 18 and have been diagnosed for two years- I’m about to leave school and will fail the whole thing
I mean obviously it depends on the school you go to but my province has a mandated careers course that teaches you exactly how to get a job. A civics class all about how govt works. We had mock elections to learn. I even later chose to take a random class about preparing for the future and they set us up with small local stores to work a few shifts to introduce us to the working world and give us something on our resume. My college level math class even taught us about taxes, credit, mortgages, etc. The classes are often there, its just whether you actually think to take them, or bother to pay attention to the units discussing these things.
So let me get this straight...he's disapproving the points of the og video, which is 6 years old and also written by a currently 33 year old british guy, by comparing it with his experience as an american gen z based on the current educational system on the US... that seems about right. I also think Brad kinda misses the point of a lot of it, the song is not about not being able to learn things as an adult and complaining that they weren't tought , is that most of us go to adulthood not actuallly knowing anything about life and have to figure it out as we go. I mean most criticism is valid but at some point it just feels like he really wants to shit on the song just for the sake of it I don't find the song necessarily good but like damn boy, that was so unnecesarily brutal and inaccurate when put on actual context
Based on his argument, JUST research and teach yourself about everything instead of going to school. This is the most 1 dimensional view of the problem, didn't expect it from Brad.
everyone's clowning on the "i was never taught what laws there are" line, but nobody's acknowledging how stupid it was to begin with? like, do you really need to be taught what laws there are? isn't it common sense by a certain point that you shouldn't murder, you shouldn't steal, you should pay your taxes, etc?
I dropped out of highschool and when the allegations against him came out me and my sister were talking about it and I brought up that song and my mom said "and you took his advice???"
This is an incredibly interesting format and I’d love to see you make more videos like this Brad, it’s very well done! Plus the points made were quite enlightening, I haven’t heard many break down songs line this before.
I think some of your mechanical/technical criticisms are valid. I feel like a lot of your other arguments either missed the point or were more of an aesthetic opinion than a genuine criticism. I'll give you that, 5 years later, the song doesn't hold up well and comes off as cheesy. As you mention, he clearly isn't actually saying that school is pointless. His whole point is that, while school should expose people to a wide variety of topics, it shouldn't do so at the expense of teaching fundamental skills. You take each line as an actual comparison. He isn't saying "boy we should have spent that specific frog dissection class learning job hunting skills." The whole point is that the most common experiences between students aren't ones most of them will use in real life and that's a problem. Not everyone has someone to teach such concepts and skills. The parent line is the one you shit on the most and I think it's the most important one in the song. "The parents are the problem" is referring to the fact that people feel essential life skills should be taught by parents. What Dave is saying is that there are many people who grew up with parents who couldn't or didn't teach those skills (or without parents at all). The two solutions for this are to either teach fundamental life skills in school or, as he's suggesting, establish what parents should be teaching their kids. In other words, they have sex education but don't use any of that time to teach the responsibilities of a parenthood. Finally, you talk a lot about how such life skills are the kinds of things one could just look up. The main issue is that if you aren't exposed to certain concepts you won't even know to research them let alone how. For example, most people know what stocks are and could look that up. How many other methods of investing are you familiar with? How many people missed investments which suited financial situation which they weren't even aware of to research? The other issue with independent research in the dark is misinformation. If I don't have a fundamental understanding of a concept it is so easy to fall prey to misinformation or even exploitation. Take the investment point, for example. You look up stocks and find a page that teaches you about it. That page is run by a brokerage firm. You decide to invest with them thinking their firm is the standard when, in fact, they could be charging you outrageous fees you never knew to question because their page is now your basic understanding of stocks. Schools can't teach everything but they do need to do more of what Dave is suggesting. His lyrics do work effectively even if they are cheesy. The point is that basic life skills are essential, invaluable, but not taught to everyone. Curriculum which is largely standard is less important for the average person. The purpose of public education is to give every citizen fundamental knowledge and skills despite their situation. Leaving critical things like rights (which you left out) is a failure of that system.
That “helping friends with mental illness” line got me hard. It’s not like anyone is emotionally capable of dealing with mental illness, people have to go to an entirely separate school just to prepare to slowly help people over time. What an awful point
3:47 isn't the point that although he did something fun, he wasn't prepared for real life, which is the entire point of the song? It isn't saying "school is boring", it's saying that there are many things that will end up being useless to the student, while there is a deficiency of teaching things that should be taught.
@@marmolejomartinezjoseemili9043 The literal fact that algebra and all the bs we learn about biology only comes up if you study in a related field... Even if it was (though I don't currently think it is) the most used subject for higher education, the fact that it is taught over things that must be universally understood is still wrong (which is, again, the point).
8:15 no disrespect but your take here is a bad one. What I believe Dave was saying is that rather than spending your time in youth learning about stuff that you can't use to further your life, in this case Henry VIII, that you could learn the essentials of being an adult, preparing you for the rest of your life - rather than spending half of your adult life getting to grips with the systems in place. I think your take of "you are an adult, what is stopping you from researching this stuff yourself", could be easily and more fittingly applied in reverse, 'why couldn't we learn about taxes and look up this Henry VIII stuff in the future if we're interested?". Overall Dave's point is, why should we have to research something that is such a fundamental part of society, when we could've been prepared for this from an early age, instead of learning about stuff that does not help us become responsible adults.
I guess the complaint is more about the fact that most people don't have a choice in 12 years of their life because the government mandates education just for that education to be subpar in terms or real world skills. Imagine a fictional book that details that all people in society are forced to spend more than a decade of their life learning things they will never need in the rest of their life while being punished if they fail to play along with the make believe rubric that pretends like succeeding at fulfilling its requirements will make you successful in life. Which is the biggest joke of life because as far as I'm aware the most successful valedictorian is Jeff Bezos and Luigi Mangione, while the other 99.999999999999% of valedictorians in spite of the education system deeming them to have the highest potential for success will at best live in the upper middle class and still have to work 40 years of their life sacrificing fun, family, friends, and time with significant others, just to be able to dream of affording retirement. Just my take on the whole subject.
He addressed a lot of similar criticism you have with the message in his video after the song was released iirc, tho it's been like 6 years since this came out so I'm not 100% on that
8:13 "why doesn't he actually just go out and look for this information?" This sentence sums up one of the major critiques of this video, if I'm not mistaken, being that this information can easily be found and that Dave is complaining about something to which there is an easy solution. Here's my problem with this point: *the whole idea of any education system, especially a public school system, is to guide those who want to know stuff to the stuff.* Not everyone has access to the Internet, computers, specialized schooling, a supportive family, or any similar resources; however, a public school system (in theory) should provide any child of any tax-paying parent the basic knowledge they will need to know for whatever pursuit in life they choose to work towards. Because this system is inherently generalized, we should strive to center the curriculum around what most people will encounter during their life and how they should handle such obstacles, such as paying taxes, finding jobs, the laws of your country, and even some things Dave didn't mention in the song such as cooking, manners, relationships, a lot of things taught in home ec classes admittedly, the environment, the economy, culture and the arts, etc. You may think that these subjects are taught in school, but you'd only be half right. They're often electives that may not be required by the school to graduate, and not every school offers them. The point Dave is simply presenting in this video is that our prioritization of public school subjects that are currently being taught isn't set straight, and should be corrected or taken from a different approach, as he further explains in his other videos on the matter. Side note: Given the structure of this video, the preface saying you "won't attack his character" etc., and the text in the description, I think it's pretty fair to say that this video is a thoroughly thought-out critique of "Don't Stay In School." And while I'd like to watch your video with this belief in mind, your criticisms and tone as you deliver them come across as bitter and angry, which I think takes away from what I think this video is trying to accomplish.
Maybe this is a thing in other schools but I personally was never taught about the most common treatable cancers and how to recognise them. No lifesaving advice was given to me. And yeah, you could just look it up but if something is common and extremely dangerous we should talk about in school.
@@avivastudios2311this has more to do with the policy of the FDA.."Eat more" has been their slogan since the Great Depression, and this is the reason why foods that are less expensive to create have dominated the global market. Eating healthy is not a question of personal responsibility when you factor in prices for protein-rich foods. Force of habit trumps being informed in this regard.
Hey Brad I really enjoyed this video, I agree with the points you made. Your editing also was a lot higher quality in this video. I can tell that you are improving, not that I didn't like your content before but it just shows how far you have come as a TH-camr and a music reviewer. You have definitely inspired me keep doing what your doing 🙂
Dude the songs point is fixing the school system not just saying the stuff your talking about he just wants the school system to be better that’s why this song is made
Another issue is specialty. People that know about stocks had to learn mathematics at first and something as basic as a function can be mocked and portrayed as useless from a baker or a dancer. So my point is information can be useless because the school can not know what we are going to do in the future.
Man, I love Dave’s videos and think he has a ton of talent as a musician (there are plenty of videos of him playing instruments, singing, recreating specific genres, etc.) But as far as his original songs, I never could fully get behind the writing or beat selection.
'I was never taught to pay tax' in England we literally do NOTHING to pay tax, it's automatically taken from our wages, but I wouldn't expect a bloke that doesn't know how to get a job to know anything about payslips
i think you did a really good job on this video! your criticism is very solid. however, there's something i'd like to point out: i think with the, "glad that's in my head instead of financial advice" line, dave is aware that this info is easy to find, just a click away, he just thinks that you shouldn't have to scout out the info yourself. school should, so that it can prepare people for independence better. that's just what i think, though, feel free to tell me i just talked bullshit, haha.
its so funny because i used to love this song as a highschool drop out, but watching your video and hearing this video now?? its so funny how blatantly he kept dissing on math specifically. it really shows he just hated having to learn math lol “ill tell everyone my childhood was wasted” because you had to learn math instead of other things???? like, many, i dropped out of school bc of bullying being too intense for me to be able to focus on my schooling and i was failing due to it. i wish my biggest struggle was having to learn math instead of tax LOL
I really really REALLY enjoy this format, I think it fits you very well. Would love to see more analytical critique-ish videos in the future! Stay safe and keep up the good work
I am coming at this from a Brit who disagrees with a lot of what Dave says because I actually really enjoyed school and although a lot of what Dave mentions aren’t taught in school I don’t think it’s their place to. The point of school is to teach you a broad range of things well enough that you can focus it down to what you want to learn more about in college and university, not to teach you the ins and outs of everything. Having said that I found your choice of what to attack in this song quite odd. A lot of your solution was “look it up yourself everything is a click away”. Dave is 33. When he was in junior school he would have been lucky to have had one computer for the whole class to share. I’m a couple of years younger and in my school we only had a few computers for the whole school. So yes for the current school kids there is a world of information especially as kids learn how to use devices earlier and earlier all the time, but this would have been primarily based on his childhood where access to devices or the internet was a lot less possible, leading to his feeling of his knowledge being stunted. All that aside, though, it is nice to see an opinion that isn’t just “hahahaha yeah I hate school he’s so right” which is what most of the reaction channels at the time said. Keep up the good work.
@Ilzy He isn’t saying that teachers should be people’s new parents. He’s saying that kids shouldn’t just learn about how not to have kids, but they should also learn how to have kids and maybe some basic parenting skills. And, no, there wouldn’t be physic teachers teaching about taxes, perhaps there would be workshops taught by someone (maybe a math teacher for example) to show kids how taxes work. And, like I said, teachers wouldn’t be new parents. Instead, schools and teachers should teach more applicable life things that could help a lot of people. Not to mention so many kids don’t have parents or parents who care enough to truly show them how something like taxes work.
@@captainb1049 another problem with the “look everything up” argument is that it only thinks about the individual. It’s not about whether a single person can learn this stuff if they really need to. It’s about systematically maximizing the ability of an entire population to thrive in society. Considering how teens are, Inevitably, many of them are gonna look up the wrong things at the wrong times, if at all, and on average, young adults are gonna be more ill-prepared for life than they could be, which is exactly the opposite of what school should aim to do
some people didnt like school because of the teachers giving them the "no tolerance" card, homework being stressful, and most importantly the lessons being useless. children at this time are smarter because of the aformentioned (ayo smart word) internet. they should choose their subjects earlier than after twelve years. i agree with giving them a broad range of topics, but i think they should choose what they want after like max of 5 years.
I see this song as a biased and narrow perspective on school based upon Dave's personal schooling experiences. A lot of schools (especially highly privileged ones located in rich neighborhoods) teach the things that Dave wished that HIS school taught him. For one example, some schools actually have finance/business classes that could very well teach students about currency, taxes, and its use around the world. (at least my high school did) His main rhetoric is simply that he wishes schools could give the convenience to students to be able to learn all the things they need to know before they grow up to be adults (pay taxes/how to vote/invest in stocks/etc.) instead of forcing them to have to put in the effort themselves to learn these things on their own. (an experience which I'm sure many people like myself know too well) You keep saying that he needs to teach himself all these things, which is the main reason why he made this song, and you even mentioned being in a "special program" where you learned about taxes/finances. What he really wants is *universal* education across *all the schools* to be available to *every student*. However, what really hurts this song is his lyrics and delivery, which I do agree aren't great. I still, somehow, agree with the points he made.
This is really well said. I'd argue that the reach and positive reception of the song is evidence that his experience is similar to that of a great deal of people.
I was never taught what laws there are *vine boom*
God, I hope David doesn't go near any school.
@@kevinkempt Hey it’s The Giy
@@kevinkempt Guy 👨🏻
Now the "I was never thaught what laws there are" line *really* aged badly.
now he prolly isn't even allowed to go in school period
should have taught himself
Dude made sure to focus on that shit too lmao
That was proven correct?
@@lindboknifeandtool Nope, just allegations
Your honor, my client simply never learned what laws there are
Your Honour, as the prosecution I must attested that the evidence of the line referring to not being taught first aid is incorrect, schools do indeed teach first aid. This shows the the defendant to be a liar
Mr Goodman what the fuck
Your Honour my client pleads oopsy daisies
Let me repeat, your honor, he was not taught the laws of the country he lives in, as he was instead informed of how King Henry VIII killed his wives.
reddit post with no evidence and everyone jumps on it as fact
Before the allegations, I agreed with you. But now I'm beginning to think Dave was legitimately never told what laws there were.
To my knowledge there's 0 evidence of him breaking the laws. In fact his youngest gf was the minimum legal age of consent where he lives, so I get the gist that he DOES know the laws JUST so he can "play it safe".
@@respectable-username Cosmodore was "dating" a 14 y/o, and although that's legal in Germany, it doesn't change the fact that it's really messed up. Same applies to Dave.
@@honeycomblord9384 ok but did I say it wasn't creepy? You insinuated he didn't know the laws, but clearly he does if he's aiming for the minimum age of consent 💀
@@respectable-username Eh, fair. Things might fall under some form of abuse, but I can't say. I'm no legal expert.
@@honeycomblord9384 it's bot abuse by law, but could be considered abuse generally. Like financial abuse, or a celebrity dating a fan, it's abusing ones own power position over the other. But there's nothing prosecutable there. It's the same reason Onision was allowed to get away with what he's done.
1 year ago: "I'm 14 and this is deep"
Now: "I'm deep in this 14 year old"
no why
As a teacher, there's no right answer. It's all about balance. You might not care for isotopes but your friend who wants a career in science will find it interesting. Also, a lot of what is taught isn't just about the content but the skills you learn. That being said, we absolutely should spend more time on developing critical thinking skills, understanding finances, awareness of the political landscape etc.
Yeah, I agree with all of that.
also how to actually discuss pretty much anything with anybody w/o instantly resorting to personal insults
on a site note, that video aged really badly lmfao
Yes. However the problem is that every kids brain is wired differently. It's good that we HAVE those subjects, but when you fail in those subjects and you can't graduate and get any opportunities in life because of that despite it not being important to what you wanted to do to begin with, it becomes a problem. There are some kids that just don't understand certain subjects. Yet they leave school even tho they have potential in other subjects.
@@plzleavemealone9660 imo thats honestly just an issue with how we place grades and scores over what you're actually learning, which makes school unnecessarily stressful and leading to making it even harder to want to be engaged than students already can be
@@robertonome2448 he can't pay taxes but hey he knows how to groom teenage girls
Don’t stay in school taught me the quadratic formula, I will not tolerate don’t stay in school slander
same, it was the only way i could remember it lol
bro to THIS DAY when I think of the quadratic formula, I think of this song. Not that I do maths anymore or need it at all, but it certainly helped me back when I did.
dude, fucking same. it’s the math equivalent of the alphabet song for me.
i'm in my final year of uni and I still use this song to remember the quadratic form lol
this aged incredibly well
I feel like there was a kid like this guy in everyone’s class at school
Well they wouldn't be allowed in a school
@@asackboyplush6508 yes they would be. Wtf?
@@Regu269 They're a child groomer.
@@Regu269 you must not be aware of what just happened….
@@Regu269 what school do you go to where pedophiles are allowed
I am someone in finance...
I hate when people complain about how pointless math class in highschool was and want to know how money works and how to navigate finance and invest but here is the thing..... That highschool math was the foundation for most of the basic work in finance and money management.
If you can't stand working with a the formulas in highschool to find out basic shit. Then you will hate and struggle with the mathematics behind optimizing portfolios.
You gotta crawl before running and the fact is that math programs in highschool are fine.
There is an issue with motivation in schools but i dont believe there is aa problem with course work itself.
Ok, but you're studying something that made use of math... My friends who went to music school, for example, what do they earn? What about technicians who only really get formed on taking down and replacing computer parts? What about linguists? What about philosophers? What about biologists? Math is basically useless in any of those places.
Yeah but schools don't know what you are gonna do with your life. They have to provide a blanket foundation to everyone
@@radiofloyd2359 if you wanna specialize...then you go and take courses and get certifications in those things.
@@imperialwarhawk123abc5 Yeah, of course, but I think the point is that schools go decently deep into things like math and science, while it literally teaches nothing about the actual adult experience.
@@radiofloyd2359 i understand but (and this is just my experience) most the things that people would consider "actual adult experience" can be figured out in an afternoon.
I never learned about taxes and when i had to pay them i had to google how to actually do it.... But it really took like 3 hours to find out and idk if its worth adding a curriculum about it.
I think people don't learn the same so the issue is more with the styles of teaching than it id about the actual subjects.
And i think i understand what you mean by going heavily into math and science and nothing else.
I was lucky and my highschool did have a philosophy class and while i got a C in it some of my friends ended up majoring in it so...
I guess Boyinaband really WAS never taught what laws there are.
nice death PFP
“I don’t dislike David as a person”
*That one didn’t age quite so well*
@@SeizedAlarm because David is a known abuser (at least according to several exes of his)
@@SeizedAlarm he didn’t know the laws
@@SeizedAlarm PDF file
@@yaboiurlz literally just allegations, no actual proof
when the celebrity i hate for being annoying turns out to have a legitimate reason for me to hate them:
I wouldn’t call him a celebrity
@@Bmthighlights niche internet microcelebrity
Same situation here. Back when I was active in the UK Official Charts community there was always one guy who linked his videos whenever he perceived someone's takes as elitist or whatever, and while BITB wasn't wrong usually, I found him to be extremely annoying and cringeworthy, and turns out he's an asshole. Similar situation happened with Stevie T, although he hasn't been cancelled (yet)
“They never taught me how to get job”
“They never taught me how to pay taxes”
“They never taught me how to vote”
My dude these are all just work sheets for adults. You read the instructions and do the thing the instructions request of you. 80 percent of the school day is spent practicing to do these things.
nither were our parents, but somehow, they managed
they dont teach that
80 percent??? lmao in what world
@@ashtonskiiii5156they dont teach you to read and follow instructions?
this is a song made for kids that get average grades, have decent social abilities, and have really good teachers, but still think that school is the most hellish landscape in life. i know this because this was me and my friends when this song came out.
lmao soft
@@artebotastic8846 i dont know why i would be hard writing this
@@potisiveI am
@@xluispx4477 ok?
@@potisive I am too. Matters even more when multiple people are hard doesn't it.
This song always sucked, but when it came out it was untouchable to criticize it because it said everyone's favorite phrase, "school bad".
Anti-intellectualism is one hell of a drug
...what does that even mean
@@b1gBud00bo1 Anti-intellectualism is hostility to and mistrust of intellect, intellectuals,
@@Angel3x111 why are we trusting Wikipedia? That's not a reliable source at all
....that wasn't at ALL what this song was trying to do. Also the dude legit does research on videos and calls up intellectual sources.
What are you on about?
@@nairsheasterling9457 if your idea of education is learning how to do your taxes + practical shit, it is, I'm sorry
He's telling kids to not stay in school because he's not allowed within 200 feet of one
If only there was any real proof, if only he was convicted in an actual court.
@@kvgirisxyaoimasteraint no way bros tryna defend this guy
It's so unfortunate that the song Empty was made. For context, it's about jaidenanimations' struggle with anorexia and bulimia, two eating disorders. The video she made prior to the release of the song did all that it needed to share her experience and potentially help others (which I think it did), so the song wasn't a necessary addition. The (imo deserved) critical reception it got, I felt, dragged the subject matter down with it, and caused a very personal experience to be received negatively for no fault of jaiden herself. Now, I'm not saying this is boyinaband's fault, either, or that he should be blamed. But I feel it was an unfortunate consequence
The allegations of Dave encouraging his girlfriends to starve themselves make this so much more messed up :(
If we don’t critique, we don’t improve. Keep doing what you’re doing, Brad.
the ooz
the ooz
The ooz
if we only critique and do nothing after it there's no change
what a cool guy, i wonder if he was ever taught what laws there are
That Shakespeare line has always bothered me. Oh yeah, god forbid we expose people to some of the greatest art ever created! everyone benefits from learning how to read and interpret art. Media literacy is so important!
odd since the song itself attempted to be art and failed
If they didnt teach about shakepeare then they would come across it one day and be like "Why didnt school teaches us about this!?!?"
I thought it was bizarre that a supposed artist would advocate against extremely influential and important pieces of art being taught in school
Shakespear should be universally banned for destroying all interest in plays at a young age.
Shakespeare's work is also a source of so many common sayings in English! It only makes sense to read some of his stuff and learn a little about his life and what was happening around him.
While schools should teach financial literacy I don’t understand why we have to attack the humanities, arts, and math. An education system that functions only to get you a job and succeed in the economy is a true capitalist dystopian nightmare.
Hear me out the sing isn’t good in musically wise but the points made in it I believe are correct, you are criticising the song from an American standpoint as the the American education system is extremely different compared to the one in England. We finished high school when we are 16 and at no point throughout our education does the topic of adult responsibilities come up.
Good point but as someone on the autism spectrum I can rightfully say the problem with European high school isn't not knowing how to to taxes or be a good parent, Dave is complaining about what schools don't have for filler, the problem with morden european schools as someone from Northlen Ireland is the bullying, harassment from pupils and support system for learning and metal health, I couldn't learn anything in math class because the pupils didn't want to learn anything, distraction and fighting would often break out and my last view years were just shit we need extra support for those who want to do well in basic stuff and not have GCSEs get in the way.
The only thing I can really agree on is sex education, we need to be more open to discussion in that front, especially the laws around sex and sexting, it's mad here!
We've only just started to introduce it in NZ within like the past 15 years or so. Nonetheless, even the smallest advice on how to do a decent job interview goes a really long way!
Ok, so if you learn math, and all that, it should be trivial for anybody with a high school diploma to be able to calculate mortgage rates, taxes, and all that. If you can't, that's on you not the system.
Also, let's not act like schools don't also require health knowledge. A majority of schools require a health class in junior high/middle school, and one in high school-wherein they discuss mental issues, often first aid, etc.
A lot of people just don't bother to pay attention.
@@wes2287 (if you're talking to me) Yes, I do agree with you we do need to decuss metal health, how to get a job and all that stuff but in that case I did have things to help with that "Prince's trust" and good consoling for my anxiety I had at that age and if you're saying because I can't learn maths that it's on me, let me preface that I'm on the autism spectrum I got support yes, but there was way too many needless distractions and things that would set me off in the maths class, sensory wise...I needed alot of stuff broken down and extra time but with other GCSE work I wanted to focus on what I wanted as a job in film rather than something that felt monumental and still does to me.
My point is Schools should focus on basics and if metal health and learning difficulties is a problem with a given person, get the help they need.
So maybe yeah some points I made had flauts but I just want people to focus on what's important to a given person and not teach what won't help. Focus on more what a person needs and wants to be.
Jobs ARE important so is sex, metal health and law it's all important but preparation of basic needs such as Math, PE, English and Science are needed and we need to work our way around people who are struggling in my opinion.
i think the UK system is much better because it doesn’t baby you and force you to be under teachers authority (a lot of them have weird power complexes) until you’re 18
sixthform/college is actually a great stepping stone to uni or work, if it’s executed right. we had tutor lessons twice a week that taught us basic stuff. but students aren’t forced to stay from 9-3 and they don’t have to ask to go to the bathroom, and don’t have to do any of the ‘sir’ or ‘miss’ bs. it focuses you in on what you actually want to do rather than force you to do maths and science etc.
the problem with education up until year 11 (and i guess if you’re american the age of 18, whenever you leave high school) is that is absolutely stomps creativity and focuses way to hard on academics and grades. i will most likely never use my GSCE grades again. maths and english have been the only 2 that have been useful to me. I got to do digital art but wasn’t allowed to choose another creative subject, i was forced to do geography and history or a language, even though i knew i wanted to follow an art based career since i was like 10.
I feel like the worst problem with the song is his delivery and tone - if he could approach it from a more empathetic viewpoint, and take into account things that could be done to actually change things instead of just stating things he thinks should be thought without giving solutions at all, then it'd make it so much better.
Edit: just gonna throw in some extra things that I feel are really important to be mentioned in this video that he didn't really touch on, that would have made it so much better
- Sex ed being inherently problematic in that there is no required education plan either statewide or nationwide, making it so that depending on your school you could be getting an entirely different and potentially awful education plan (some schools don't teach about safe sex and only talk about abstinence, which can make people who are abused feel worse about themselves)
- How politicians aren't willing to revamp the education system for the sake of time and money alone, completely ignoring the needs of students
- The fact that your quality of education depends on your background, area, race, identity, income, etc.
- Any points stating why certain things he brings up are objectively more important than the other thing it's being compared to
- How music programs standardize music so much that it becomes hard to adjust for someone who might be an aspiring musician to do so
The list goes on-
I’ve always hated these r/deep joyner lucas type rap videos that pretend to be way more intelligent and thoughtful than they actually are
@@Mach10AtSuddenSpeed this one actually came before joyner Lucas's song haha, but yeah, I agree 100%. They can be pulled of well if it's thought through and researched well enough, but when that isn't done perfectly the execution suffers because of it.
His solution was "Teach less of that, and more of that".
Is that a difficult concept?
@@pauliusmscichauskas558 while that's a fair point, I mean more so the process of implementing those things into the curriculum. It's one thing to say we should reach these things instead, and another to give methods of which we can begin the process of implementing those things
yikes being English myself, I think most of his problems come from the fact he went to (judging by the song) a posh private school. The kind for kids that are already set for life. A lot of poorer schools DO teach what he asks for, and we're still poor and stupid lol
1:10 "I do not hate him as a person"
Boy, this aged REALLY BAD
If this song is about school, shouldn’t the music video have something to do with, I don’t know, school? Like why is he just randomly chilling on a railroad track. Imagine if it started out with him in a school or something and learning something useless and he ends up getting frustrated and then boom song. Tone feels so weird in the video imo
In hindsight, i don't quite think he should be near a school
@@Kitykitycoco honestly good point
now you have a valid reason to hate him
This song is the definition of “I’m 14 and this is deep”
No, its about a syllabus being flawed and he makes some elegant points in his video where he reacts to hate comments and talks about his message
I mean it's really isn't. Your comment however would certainly fit in that category
Maybe the execution of the lyrics is, but the intended message of it can and has been defended in serious intellectual debate. It’s a complex subject
@@rashotcake6945 but a bunch of his points are terrible. The first verse about not learning “how to get a job”. Like I literally learned how to make a resume 3 different times in my time in high school. The whole point of the school system is not to lock 1 kid into doing a certain job. It broadens the scope so that kids can choose which career path they are passionate for.
@@bradystafford7654 Watch his video rebutting some of the points, he addresses that argument
"I was never tought to read or write, but I could get a double kill in fortnite" jeez that killed me lmao
i used to think this was so deep in middle school
So line by line going off the American school system here (I know he’s not American, but it’s likely similar):
1. Claims schools didn’t teach him how to get a job. It’s not their job to get him a job, but rather to give him the knowledge and experience needed to get one. The actual process of getting a job is literally just filling out a resume and hopefully getting an interview.
2. That schools didn’t teach him to pay taxes, I love this one because they actually do, just the caveat is you usually have to sign up for them. Taxes are usually covered in accounting and finance classes.
3. Never taught him how to vote? My guy it’s literally just walking into a booth and picking an option. If you wanna get real crazy you can try to read up on which old fart you’re dropping a vote on. Possibly the strangest criticism I’ve ever heard about school.
4. Wasn’t taught to look after his health, except he was. PE and health class is a requirement about every year for k-12.
If you wanna notice something real odd, look at what he tries to bring up as being useless information. Dissecting a frog, Shakespeare, isotopes and learning about cells. 3 of those are science related, which is a very important work field and the other is English/literature, which ironically as a songwriter, he should’ve valued quite highly.
Kinda odd for a songwriter to bash English class of all classes, then have the audacity to say they didn’t teach him how to find a job. It’s like saying getting taught how to throw a baseball didn’t help you at all, while being a pitcher in the MLB.
12:33 another banger because again it’s way off. There IS parenting/family living classes in high school. Most of our moms probably took that class, I know mine did and I remember a good amount of people who did when I was in high school too.
It’s also just really absurd to be blaming the school system for some kids ending up being bad parents. Does this dude like really expect to be handheld all the way through life or something?
Bradley's dislike of this song has aged pretty well
like fine wine
aged well unlike his gfs
i always interpreted the "don't stay in school" part not directed towards telling the audience to not stay in school but for the things he's calling pointless to not stay in school.
@@tonystamon5672 No, he interprets it that way because it's the logical conclusion of that song up until the very last bar, and it does feel shoehorned in. It was an intentionally provocative title, and the message is incredibly easy to misinterpret because it isn't well-delivered
@@guitarhero01234 The title does prove to be misleading but do you expect people to be clicking on a video called, "The Inefficient Aspects of School" would you?
@@BradTasteInMusicOfficial "reinterpreting it through my own eyes"
say that again, but slowly...
@@guitarhero01234 if you watch the second video he made it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT what he meant. The whole video was a critique on the useless things 99% of people will not use in their life but are forced to learn only to later forget. Why don’t we learn the things we need in the real world instead? Some people’s parents don’t have the time or are just dead and so can’t teach them so we can’t rely on parents to teach children. He basically says that they should be taught but more as an elective, especially with the more obscure stuff like quantum mechanics or advanced mathematics.
Saul Goodman himself couldn't save this guy
He couldn’t make it legal
But Brad school doesnt teach me about Big Baller B why should i stay?🤔
Love him or hate him, he's spitting facts
Truuuue school sucks
Yooooo big baller b movie when?
based pfp
Average Math Lover>Mean Math Hater
Damn right
Enjoyed that
ultra based
I'm a stem major but I found the philosophy and literature courses taught in school to actually be really engaging and has personally shaped my person to be more well rounded. Most kids dont know what they want to do, so it's important imo for schools to make them learn a variety of subjects and concepts. Learning to power through something that you dont like also builds discipline for later challenges in life that are much harder. However I will always agree that schools should offer more opportunities like finance classes and such; why it's even more important that schools should get the funding it needs. As a person who has more recently gone through the public education system, I will say it has gotten much better and many of the things listed by dave has been implemented.
Making kids learn laws or medicine is just stupid however. Go see the doctor, self medication can be dangerous. Laws are complicated and you will not win any court battles with high school law education.
The CPR point is the only one that I agree with completely, everyone should get CPR training and it should be subsidized by the government.
At least here in New Jersey it is required to graduate that you do a first aid class
@@acejoker1477common NJ W
I feel like this probably appealed more to british people, the topics, the accent and the complaining style would definitely appeal more to people who've gone through the UK school system
I mean I completely agree and I'm from America and I've seen loads of teachers agree over here. I don't think it's that simple also the TH-camr straight up got some things wrong some of which were addressed in Dave's follow up video on Don't Stay in School to clear up confusion he was seeing online.
I’m welsh, went to a British school, has a shit time and I think boyinaband’s outlook is stupid as all hell
guy is just a failure, I'm going through the UK school system after moving from Canada. Both are the exact same, the UK is just much harder. Boyinaband is just a complete failure
@@peckishparrot1041 he's literally a college graduate
@@Regu269 most people in western countries are college graduates. What were his degrees? Considering he said he didn't learn any economics, or business, he writes terrible lyrics, and apparently thinks maths, and sciences are useless, I'm assuming he took some fluffy shit that meant nothing.
Finally a youtuber who sees this as cring =einstead of "Thoguht-provoking" I still remember losing a friendship with someone cus they wanted to use this to convince their parents school was fucked and i was like "Literally pick anything else" and it became this thing that im "closed off" because i thought this video was cringe-inducing and very very full of itself. Good video Brad
Well... this aged well
I remember listening to this song in high school and it reminded me of if you tried to make a whole song on the premise of that icp bar “how tf do magnets work?”
muthafuckin miracles
This is random but I suggest that any white person that aspires to rap listen to Jay-Z.
His speed is particularly slow or medium, never as fast as Eminem. Yet he’s always killing it with his Brooklyn accent because it hits like mike Tyson.
Not saying you need a Brooklyn accent, but if you can shout and add stress on certain vowels, then there’s no need to crunch in all these words into a single bar.
Looking back, he's actually factually wrong in so many lines. Like for example, in my school (in northern england) we were taught "how to look after our health" in both PE and food tech, we also had an option for our GCSE's to do business studies that you can probably assume taught financial advice though all the people I knew that chose it said it was boring and a waste of time as they probably don't even remember anything they were taught in it
We also have PSHE/life classes, where they basically try to cover all grounds on half the stuff he's talking about; like current events, mental health, puberty, politics, that kind of shit
@@thisisnotharvey In the PHSE/social studies/health classes, they teach you about sexual health, puberty, same sex marriage, divorce, mental health, and racism.
Dave is wrong about all of or most of this.
it's because he's an anti-intellectual pseud and a hack musician (whose previous 'music' was trendy garbage like djent and dubstep) whose criticisms of the education system never went father than 'WAHHHHH THEY MADE ME ANALYZE THINGS IN A WAY I THOUGHT WAS POINTLESS'
it sounds great for you then, genuinely great move by schools in England. unfortunately most schools in other places do not even teach or even offer some classes so the point still stands but the song sucks
@@sophie_drachen Don't be so hard on him, he was never taught what laws there are,
He was never taught what laws there are,
Let me repeat, he was never taught the laws of the country he lives in, Mr. Judge
I feel like you hit a lot of really good points in this video, this song is a very good example of the gapping holes in boyinabands style and execution. The only problem I have with this criticism is that this song is fairly old and there should be a bit of leniency due to that. IMO there is a noticeable improvement in his lyrics and flow as you go on through his later songs and collabs. The best example of this is the idubbbz diss track he did but overall you've hit this on the head.
@@MadWatcher yeah, his best song is probably "I'm not dead" where he claimed that he doesn't think he can hit his prime and show people his true potential, while looking at the music video for don't stay in school
I found that Idubbs song to be annoying. It’s like bombastic, and in my face. Music like that will give you a cavity. In your brain.
surprisingly, i was never interested enough to click on this song, despite having it in my recommendations multiple times before. this was my first time hearing it lmao
considering that this song came out in 2015, i'm not surprised it's this bad. god does that era of internet bring back some cringe memories.
anyways imo you're such a breath of fresh air in the music critic community. you give valid points without sounding pretentious (as a lot of music critics sound to me) and bring so much personality into your videos. i hate when people claim that critics should only critique music objectively. that's just impossible, you're stating your own opinions about something, not facts. it's about the way you're expressing those opinions, and i think you're doing it right. you always make it clear that these are all your *personal* views and you explain them in a way that viewers understand where you're coming from and what experiences affected them. this is why i respect you and i don't think i've ever felt "offended" after watching you. discussing about music should be fun after all.
so yeah, i just enjoy seeing your growth and passion for music, keep doing what you do brad
My school literally has a class called "financial literacy" which is dedicated to teaching you how to use and understand the value of money. Lol
the way i relate to the crippling adhd thing my teachers won’t do anything even though I’m almost 18 and have been diagnosed for two years- I’m about to leave school and will fail the whole thing
i...VERY QUICKLY checked to see when this was made after you said "i have nothing against david"
I mean obviously it depends on the school you go to but my province has a mandated careers course that teaches you exactly how to get a job. A civics class all about how govt works. We had mock elections to learn.
I even later chose to take a random class about preparing for the future and they set us up with small local stores to work a few shifts to introduce us to the working world and give us something on our resume. My college level math class even taught us about taxes, credit, mortgages, etc. The classes are often there, its just whether you actually think to take them, or bother to pay attention to the units discussing these things.
So let me get this straight...he's disapproving the points of the og video, which is 6 years old and also written by a currently 33 year old british guy, by comparing it with his experience as an american gen z based on the current educational system on the US... that seems about right.
I also think Brad kinda misses the point of a lot of it, the song is not about not being able to learn things as an adult and complaining that they weren't tought , is that most of us go to adulthood not actuallly knowing anything about life and have to figure it out as we go.
I mean most criticism is valid but at some point it just feels like he really wants to shit on the song just for the sake of it
I don't find the song necessarily good but like damn boy, that was so unnecesarily brutal and inaccurate when put on actual context
That's it
You hit that right on the nail.
Based on his argument, JUST research and teach yourself about everything instead of going to school.
This is the most 1 dimensional view of the problem, didn't expect it from Brad.
everyone's clowning on the "i was never taught what laws there are" line, but nobody's acknowledging how stupid it was to begin with? like, do you really need to be taught what laws there are? isn't it common sense by a certain point that you shouldn't murder, you shouldn't steal, you should pay your taxes, etc?
I dropped out of highschool and when the allegations against him came out me and my sister were talking about it and I brought up that song and my mom said "and you took his advice???"
but sir he never learned what laws there are let me repeat he was never taught the laws for the country he lives in
This is an incredibly interesting format and I’d love to see you make more videos like this Brad, it’s very well done! Plus the points made were quite enlightening, I haven’t heard many break down songs line this before.
I never had the words to describe exactly how I feel about songs/artists like this until now, thanks for making this video brad
I think some of your mechanical/technical criticisms are valid. I feel like a lot of your other arguments either missed the point or were more of an aesthetic opinion than a genuine criticism. I'll give you that, 5 years later, the song doesn't hold up well and comes off as cheesy.
As you mention, he clearly isn't actually saying that school is pointless. His whole point is that, while school should expose people to a wide variety of topics, it shouldn't do so at the expense of teaching fundamental skills. You take each line as an actual comparison. He isn't saying "boy we should have spent that specific frog dissection class learning job hunting skills." The whole point is that the most common experiences between students aren't ones most of them will use in real life and that's a problem. Not everyone has someone to teach such concepts and skills.
The parent line is the one you shit on the most and I think it's the most important one in the song. "The parents are the problem" is referring to the fact that people feel essential life skills should be taught by parents. What Dave is saying is that there are many people who grew up with parents who couldn't or didn't teach those skills (or without parents at all). The two solutions for this are to either teach fundamental life skills in school or, as he's suggesting, establish what parents should be teaching their kids. In other words, they have sex education but don't use any of that time to teach the responsibilities of a parenthood.
Finally, you talk a lot about how such life skills are the kinds of things one could just look up. The main issue is that if you aren't exposed to certain concepts you won't even know to research them let alone how. For example, most people know what stocks are and could look that up. How many other methods of investing are you familiar with? How many people missed investments which suited financial situation which they weren't even aware of to research?
The other issue with independent research in the dark is misinformation. If I don't have a fundamental understanding of a concept it is so easy to fall prey to misinformation or even exploitation. Take the investment point, for example. You look up stocks and find a page that teaches you about it. That page is run by a brokerage firm. You decide to invest with them thinking their firm is the standard when, in fact, they could be charging you outrageous fees you never knew to question because their page is now your basic understanding of stocks.
Schools can't teach everything but they do need to do more of what Dave is suggesting. His lyrics do work effectively even if they are cheesy. The point is that basic life skills are essential, invaluable, but not taught to everyone. Curriculum which is largely standard is less important for the average person. The purpose of public education is to give every citizen fundamental knowledge and skills despite their situation. Leaving critical things like rights (which you left out) is a failure of that system.
👏 👏
not gonna read allat
@@x4nder176 Thanks for taking the time to share your lack of an opinion about a year old comment on an essay for a seven year old video.
@@IMAComedy I was never taught to read or write *But* I could get a *Double Kill* in *FORTNITE*
That “helping friends with mental illness” line got me hard. It’s not like anyone is emotionally capable of dealing with mental illness, people have to go to an entirely separate school just to prepare to slowly help people over time. What an awful point
RIP Brad. Gone but never forgotten
3:47 isn't the point that although he did something fun, he wasn't prepared for real life, which is the entire point of the song? It isn't saying "school is boring", it's saying that there are many things that will end up being useless to the student, while there is a deficiency of teaching things that should be taught.
But do you have any concrete, scientific evidence that the things he said are actually used more and that the things taught are used less?
@@marmolejomartinezjoseemili9043 The literal fact that algebra and all the bs we learn about biology only comes up if you study in a related field...
Even if it was (though I don't currently think it is) the most used subject for higher education, the fact that it is taught over things that must be universally understood is still wrong (which is, again, the point).
@@radiofloyd2359 bro...
Youre still not providing evidence of these claims
@@marmolejomartinezjoseemili9043 I don't think I need to provide evidence that more adults have to deal with, say, filing taxes, than algebra?
@@radiofloyd2359 lol, filling taxes IS álgebra, it's not that simple as You might think
dave doesnt go to school because he cant even go near one, my guy
8:15 no disrespect but your take here is a bad one. What I believe Dave was saying is that rather than spending your time in youth learning about stuff that you can't use to further your life, in this case Henry VIII, that you could learn the essentials of being an adult, preparing you for the rest of your life - rather than spending half of your adult life getting to grips with the systems in place. I think your take of "you are an adult, what is stopping you from researching this stuff yourself", could be easily and more fittingly applied in reverse, 'why couldn't we learn about taxes and look up this Henry VIII stuff in the future if we're interested?". Overall Dave's point is, why should we have to research something that is such a fundamental part of society, when we could've been prepared for this from an early age, instead of learning about stuff that does not help us become responsible adults.
I guess the complaint is more about the fact that most people don't have a choice in 12 years of their life because the government mandates education just for that education to be subpar in terms or real world skills. Imagine a fictional book that details that all people in society are forced to spend more than a decade of their life learning things they will never need in the rest of their life while being punished if they fail to play along with the make believe rubric that pretends like succeeding at fulfilling its requirements will make you successful in life. Which is the biggest joke of life because as far as I'm aware the most successful valedictorian is Jeff Bezos and Luigi Mangione, while the other 99.999999999999% of valedictorians in spite of the education system deeming them to have the highest potential for success will at best live in the upper middle class and still have to work 40 years of their life sacrificing fun, family, friends, and time with significant others, just to be able to dream of affording retirement. Just my take on the whole subject.
immediately came back to this video after hearing the news lol
oh cool
He addressed a lot of similar criticism you have with the message in his video after the song was released iirc, tho it's been like 6 years since this came out so I'm not 100% on that
He’s the rap equivalent of AJR.
they're both great, change my mind
8:13 "why doesn't he actually just go out and look for this information?"
This sentence sums up one of the major critiques of this video, if I'm not mistaken, being that this information can easily be found and that Dave is complaining about something to which there is an easy solution. Here's my problem with this point: *the whole idea of any education system, especially a public school system, is to guide those who want to know stuff to the stuff.*
Not everyone has access to the Internet, computers, specialized schooling, a supportive family, or any similar resources; however, a public school system (in theory) should provide any child of any tax-paying parent the basic knowledge they will need to know for whatever pursuit in life they choose to work towards. Because this system is inherently generalized, we should strive to center the curriculum around what most people will encounter during their life and how they should handle such obstacles, such as paying taxes, finding jobs, the laws of your country, and even some things Dave didn't mention in the song such as cooking, manners, relationships, a lot of things taught in home ec classes admittedly, the environment, the economy, culture and the arts, etc.
You may think that these subjects are taught in school, but you'd only be half right. They're often electives that may not be required by the school to graduate, and not every school offers them. The point Dave is simply presenting in this video is that our prioritization of public school subjects that are currently being taught isn't set straight, and should be corrected or taken from a different approach, as he further explains in his other videos on the matter.
Side note: Given the structure of this video, the preface saying you "won't attack his character" etc., and the text in the description, I think it's pretty fair to say that this video is a thoroughly thought-out critique of "Don't Stay In School." And while I'd like to watch your video with this belief in mind, your criticisms and tone as you deliver them come across as bitter and angry, which I think takes away from what I think this video is trying to accomplish.
Dave: i want to learn something about health
Teacher: ok, so lets start with some basic biology
Dave: well, but how is that related to health?
They don't teach you about the right foods to eat or the most common illnesses and first aid is not mandatory in schools.
Maybe this is a thing in other schools but I personally was never taught about the most common treatable cancers and how to recognise them. No lifesaving advice was given to me. And yeah, you could just look it up but if something is common and extremely dangerous we should talk about in school.
@@avivastudios2311maybe you went to an Ohio school
@@avivastudios2311this has more to do with the policy of the FDA.."Eat more" has been their slogan since the Great Depression, and this is the reason why foods that are less expensive to create have dominated the global market. Eating healthy is not a question of personal responsibility when you factor in prices for protein-rich foods. Force of habit trumps being informed in this regard.
I have a stem degree, I need to know what mitochondria does.
He was never taught what laws they are!
Hey Brad I really enjoyed this video, I agree with the points you made. Your editing also was a lot higher quality in this video. I can tell that you are improving, not that I didn't like your content before but it just shows how far you have come as a TH-camr and a music reviewer. You have definitely inspired me keep doing what your doing 🙂
Dude the songs point is fixing the school system not just saying the stuff your talking about he just wants the school system to be better that’s why this song is made
All of the "arguments" mentioned in the song are straight ass though.
@@mojoo611 The arguments mentioned in this video are even worse.
I really like this video. I wish you would do more deconstructions like this.
I had to learn some boring history and maths instead of metal gear solid's lore? Pfffff school sucks 👎😤
Anyone here after the allegations?
I didn't come here because of the allegations. But yes I am here after them
Another issue is specialty. People that know about stocks had to learn mathematics at first and something as basic as a function can be mocked and portrayed as useless from a baker or a dancer. So my point is information can be useless because the school can not know what we are going to do in the future.
omg i used to think that song was so deep
Man, I love Dave’s videos and think he has a ton of talent as a musician (there are plenty of videos of him playing instruments, singing, recreating specific genres, etc.) But as far as his original songs, I never could fully get behind the writing or beat selection.
Yeah, I gave up on school when there was no class on breathing, like how do I inhale, help
i was nevuh taut whaut laws theh ah
Uh oh, this has relevance again
allegedly goofing off isn't the only thing he was doing instead of learning to care for himself. in fact not caring for himself is part of the problem
he asks where money comes from and how it works but would DIE if anyone actually explained it
oh hey it's David's old friend, parading mental illness around like a strawman
'I was never taught to pay tax' in England we literally do NOTHING to pay tax, it's automatically taken from our wages, but I wouldn't expect a bloke that doesn't know how to get a job to know anything about payslips
i’m digging this new video essay format
i think you did a really good job on this video! your criticism is very solid. however, there's something i'd like to point out: i think with the, "glad that's in my head instead of financial advice" line, dave is aware that this info is easy to find, just a click away, he just thinks that you shouldn't have to scout out the info yourself. school should, so that it can prepare people for independence better. that's just what i think, though, feel free to tell me i just talked bullshit, haha.
loving the algorithm boost
its so funny because i used to love this song as a highschool drop out, but watching your video and hearing this video now?? its so funny how blatantly he kept dissing on math specifically. it really shows he just hated having to learn math lol “ill tell everyone my childhood was wasted” because you had to learn math instead of other things???? like, many, i dropped out of school bc of bullying being too intense for me to be able to focus on my schooling and i was failing due to it. i wish my biggest struggle was having to learn math instead of tax LOL
All I get from this song is that Boyinaband never paid attention in school and still b*tched about being left behind.
I really really REALLY enjoy this format, I think it fits you very well. Would love to see more analytical critique-ish videos in the future! Stay safe and keep up the good work
I am coming at this from a Brit who disagrees with a lot of what Dave says because I actually really enjoyed school and although a lot of what Dave mentions aren’t taught in school I don’t think it’s their place to. The point of school is to teach you a broad range of things well enough that you can focus it down to what you want to learn more about in college and university, not to teach you the ins and outs of everything.
Having said that I found your choice of what to attack in this song quite odd. A lot of your solution was “look it up yourself everything is a click away”. Dave is 33. When he was in junior school he would have been lucky to have had one computer for the whole class to share. I’m a couple of years younger and in my school we only had a few computers for the whole school. So yes for the current school kids there is a world of information especially as kids learn how to use devices earlier and earlier all the time, but this would have been primarily based on his childhood where access to devices or the internet was a lot less possible, leading to his feeling of his knowledge being stunted.
All that aside, though, it is nice to see an opinion that isn’t just “hahahaha yeah I hate school he’s so right” which is what most of the reaction channels at the time said.
Keep up the good work.
@Ilzy He isn’t saying that teachers should be people’s new parents. He’s saying that kids shouldn’t just learn about how not to have kids, but they should also learn how to have kids and maybe some basic parenting skills. And, no, there wouldn’t be physic teachers teaching about taxes, perhaps there would be workshops taught by someone (maybe a math teacher for example) to show kids how taxes work. And, like I said, teachers wouldn’t be new parents. Instead, schools and teachers should teach more applicable life things that could help a lot of people. Not to mention so many kids don’t have parents or parents who care enough to truly show them how something like taxes work.
@@captainb1049 another problem with the “look everything up” argument is that it only thinks about the individual. It’s not about whether a single person can learn this stuff if they really need to. It’s about systematically maximizing the ability of an entire population to thrive in society. Considering how teens are, Inevitably, many of them are gonna look up the wrong things at the wrong times, if at all, and on average, young adults are gonna be more ill-prepared for life than they could be, which is exactly the opposite of what school should aim to do
some people didnt like school because of the teachers giving them the "no tolerance" card, homework being stressful, and most importantly the lessons being useless. children at this time are smarter because of the aformentioned (ayo smart word) internet. they should choose their subjects earlier than after twelve years. i agree with giving them a broad range of topics, but i think they should choose what they want after like max of 5 years.
I see this song as a biased and narrow perspective on school based upon Dave's personal schooling experiences. A lot of schools (especially highly privileged ones located in rich neighborhoods) teach the things that Dave wished that HIS school taught him. For one example, some schools actually have finance/business classes that could very well teach students about currency, taxes, and its use around the world. (at least my high school did) His main rhetoric is simply that he wishes schools could give the convenience to students to be able to learn all the things they need to know before they grow up to be adults (pay taxes/how to vote/invest in stocks/etc.) instead of forcing them to have to put in the effort themselves to learn these things on their own. (an experience which I'm sure many people like myself know too well) You keep saying that he needs to teach himself all these things, which is the main reason why he made this song, and you even mentioned being in a "special program" where you learned about taxes/finances. What he really wants is *universal* education across *all the schools* to be available to *every student*. However, what really hurts this song is his lyrics and delivery, which I do agree aren't great. I still, somehow, agree with the points he made.
This is really well said. I'd argue that the reach and positive reception of the song is evidence that his experience is similar to that of a great deal of people.
Of course this had to pop up in my recommendations
Hey Brad, just wanted to tell you I really enjoy what you're doing here. Keep up the good job 👍
My school had a subject called Physical & Health Education. Where they teach basic self healthcare
Almost all of this guy's songs have these "bars" where it sounds like any child could've wrote em during class.
I feel like most of the things people complain about not learning in school are things meant to be taught by parents.
Holy shit if only I could go back and show this video to my 10 year old self who liked this song when it came out
Holy shit is really bad word at all
Brad, You should check out his "reacting to Dont stay in school hate comments" where he gives arguments for the points more directly