@Theo P but that's flawed logic, from what it sounds like is you were predisposed to try drugs before you tried them if you actually did, like Joe said, it just happened to be the first thing you did, if you tried beer or cocaine or whatever you more than likely would try more regardless of what got you there in the first place
me too. I always walk around with a dab pen and so when with friends and they wanna go drinking I can just take a few hits and not drink anything. Weed definitely made me stop drinking alcohol and that’s amazing in and on itself.
Ulrald but it’s not that simple, people are going to do what they are going to do, you’re much more likely to do other drugs if ur drinking alcohol than smoking weed
The first mind altering “drug” I done was smoke weed starting at 14. Until I started drinking alcohol at 17, is when I started experimenting with other drugs. I completely stopped smoking weed, and drank damn near every single day. That’s when the coke, pills, and meth came into play, while being drunk. Alcohol is definitely the biggest gateway drug there is. I’ve cleaned up, 28 now, got a family of my own. I’m back to smoking weed and I don’t even THINK about going back to other drugs, I barely even drink anymore, maybe a glass of wine or a beer once a month and I’m good.
Highly disagree, for me it started with the high from weed. Then I wanted to see what other highs were like so I got into opiates benzos psychedelics and stimulants. I didn’t even enjoy alcohol weed was my gateway into the drug world.
I find that so hard to fathom, you see I'm from new Zealand and Drinking Alcohol is quite a widely accepted thing here, so instead for me I started drinking at like 12 13 and then starting smoking pot 15 😂
Weed has led me to mushrooms LSD and alcohol, from personal experience it's a gateway drug, but this dudes argument about people are gonna try herion after weed is just dumb
Lmao what makes you paranoid? That your house smells like weed and you’re scared you’re parents will smell it? Quit being a pussy ass bitch and try something harder
@@rchelicopter5105 I used to be that guy too. I guess I can see the argument that the feeling of high/ not being sober could lead you to chasing a larger high, but that could happen with caffeine/nicotine/alcohol. It has nothing to do with the actual substance, but someone’s personal decision to seek out a harder drug
Weed helped tremendously with my anxiety, made me more social, helped me sleep and eat more (I don't normally eat enough), and brought me down a far more spiritual and loving path. About the only negative is that my short term memory isn't quite as sharp, but for me that is a worthwhile exchange and doesn't impede my school or work measurably.
Weed stops you getting rem sleep (high quality sleep). It also causes depression in heavy use, it's most likely gonna keep you depressed if you continue to use it as an escape rather than facing your problems head on
@@chrisscott1402 why not both? I think about my issues both high and not high. I do agree about the sleep thing tho. It helps me get to sleep but i wake up groggy. Its important to look at negative effects too
Marijuana only reveals your inner personality. There's people that just always going to do heroin or meth based on peer pressure or their own weak minded-decisions. Girls do heroin more than men. That's a fact.
@Einstein Alberto I'm hoping you didn't get that from "what the Health" because that's been debunked by VEGAN scientists. That entire documentary is utter garbage
I’ve used cannabis for 20 years. Since then I’ve been prescribed oxy for wisdom teeth and was given fentanyl after surgery. I never touched oxy or fentanyl a second time and only went back to pot.
Try smoking and walking a couple miles for a buritto, i call it a fitness buritto and the joint make the walk and everything more fun and just smoke once and awhile
I've been smoking since 7th grade and I have had no urge for any other drugs. I have a successful career as a young chef, attend the Culinary Institute, work out daily. It has done nothing to my testosterone or ambition. Hell I smoked it before running a marathon at 18 years old. Not a gateway. People are just weak and have no willpower to resist other drugs simple.
I’ve been in pain my whole life for multiple different illnesses, I was on a max dose of OxyContin. After I turned 18 pain clinics were recommending I try medical marijuana. The very first time I used a vape from a dispensary I was out of pain for the first time in my whole life. Because of that I was able to cut the dose of my oxy in half, which were destroying my gi system.
Really though. I grew up a very curious creative person. I never tried many hard drugs more than once and I vape weed... who would of thought 😆. This guy just seems like the boring type of nerd who is fine being in the box.
Allow me to summarise.... "I'm a doctor in Canada and have done extensive research on this topic from a medical standpoint as well as seeing fantastic results first hand in my patients" vs. "I'm a writer than has used only information that benefits my book to create controversy so that I can sell books"
Chamber04 in contrast, one random study with a possibly inherent bias from the beginning vs a certified doctor with majorly positive testimonials and results
I hate weed. But from an ideological standpoint, I think it should be legal regardless of whether it’s bad for you or not. Because A) prohibition doesn’t work and costs huge amounts of money and B) people should be allowed to make their own decisions regardless of it being harmful or not.
it fucking works in Japan also those people are your brothers your countrymen you should not want them to engage in harmful self destructive things if you are a selfish prick then we all live in a civilization and thus live with the shitty actions of said people
I think the reason cannabis CAN be a gateway drug for some people is the following. For years, people were lied to about the dangers of pot (along with other drugs). So a lot of people, when they find out pot isn't really all that dangerous might think "well what else have they lied about".
It's a gateway in that you'll start hanging out with other people who do "the drugs" and are more likely to be approached with other drugs but inhalation of the devil's lettuce has not caused me to do any other wizard enhancement potions.
Sure, I can see that. I started smoking after I got my medical card from some injuries I got in the army. So I have not experienced it myself, the hanging out with those people.
Particularly since it's illegal. It puts you in contact with people who sell illegal drugs. Personally, I believe that the propaganda against it that is sold to kids that makes it a gateway drug. Imagine being told that weed was just as bad as coke, heroin, etc. You try weed when you're a teenager (crazy idea right?) and it's not the nightmare everyone told you. Suddenly you're not sure they're not lying about other drugs and give them a shot. I guess I'm lucky to have grown up around some crack heads and heroin addicts and got to see why it wasn't for me.
I have ALWAYS loved weed. I LOVE IT! Unfortunately I can't do it anymore because of my job, but I gotta pay the bills more than I need to smoke bud. As far as it being a gateway drug, I can't speak for anyone else, but once I smoked weed for the first time and realized that this is what people are making such a huge fuss over and realized it was amazing, after that happened, I began to wonder about other drugs. I wondered if they weren't as big of a deal as others said. I wondered if they were amazing like weed was and I started trying several different kinds of drugs. If I hadn't smoked weed, I would've never had the balls to try other shit. However, I can't blame it on the weed, it was my curiosity to blame. Many smoke weed and never touch another drug. I've always had an addictive personality and that too made me want to try other things and do them again once I realized I liked them. Weed is a good thing though that everyone needs to try at least once. Mushrooms are another.
great way of explaining it, man. I was super against it, i told myself i’d never smoke for a while, cigs and even weed since a lot of people use tabaco leafs. i would get upset at close friends who would smoke (mainly bc they did it for the wrong reasons) but once i smoked weed myself and enjoyed it, the more i did it and genuinely enjoyed it. i thought about hey, this isn’t as bad as most people think. and having people i know who literally post xanax and acid, etc. it is very tempting to try other drugs now that i’ve tried weed, it’s like chasing the high feeling and wanting to know how nice it must feel compared to weed. YET i know it probably isn’t a great idea lol some more than others. I find this similar to alcohol, a shit ton of people drink but not everyone is an alcoholic.
Ive been told my whole life that hard drugs are fucking bad for you. Ive smoked weed for awhile now and never once thought of trying something else, because im smart enough to know that shit fucks you up, and i mean in the bad way. Its not the weed its the person that decides to go after and try other drugs.
Chemicals in THC are very sticky and tend to remain attached to cells in the brain and around the pubic area, which makes sperm and ova less potent. Also, marijuana does mildly negatively impact the health of your nervous system too. However, it is substantially less damaging than alcohol and cigarettes.
Thank you. All I'd like for people on both sides to do is be real about this. Some pro/anti marijuana people say some of the dumbest shit in an attempt to justify/ condemn weed. Just want people be real about the benefits and possible side effects of marijuana use and quit reaching.
Matt Weismiller *negatively* in that it’s abnormal. Some people use weed for chronic pain. I wouldn’t say abnormal nerve function would be negative in this scenario
this is irrelevant lol even if you argue it is a gateway drug it should still be legal... people grow to be whales but cream cheese is still legal.. still many mcdonalds are open... etc.
@@singhatar0912 alcohol is way more of a gateway drug. I smoke almost every day and never get the urge to do anything else, but I've tried coke before while drunk and have a urge to smoke cigarettes too. That's why I quit drinking lol
No it definitely should do should alcohol or just put a limit on alcohol consumption/ how much you could buy in a week or something. But no it should not be legal, to say other is fucking retarded
You can say it is a gateway drug without saying that it has to be illegal for that reason. It obviously can be a gateway drug, even if it wasn't for you. However, I'll reiterate, that has zero bearing on the arguement for legalization.
Before DARE, the 11 year old me only knew of 3 drugs (weed, coke, heroine). Thank you DARE for educating me about all the others available in the wonderful world of drugs and for teaching us how to do them too! Who would've thought you could crush and snort so many things! Whooo-hooo! Thanks DARE! :-D
SouthFloridaLove if you leave the earth your concept of up is meaningless but the concept getting high is universal cuz we probably the only ones out here lighting other life on fire and shit
@@douggoldengolden72 duh you fucking idiot. But you might take a muscle relaxer. Then a hydro, then a xanax, and so on and so forth. Not saying that's what happens to everybody, just saying it's not 0-100
No man in my opinion i saw a loooooot of people who started with weed and started to do other things. it always starts with weed fuck what everyone says. I know what iam saying. Alcohol is not nearly a gateway drug like weed. Alcohols only gateway is to get addicted to it
@@MrMikail06 I hadn’t smoked Cannabis until around 4 months ago, through alcohol i was introduced to cigarettes, MDMA, Cocain and Ketamine. I began smoking cannabis because a friend suggested I give it a try properly to see how I reacted to it. I am 25 years of age and I can genuinely and honestly say alcohol and cocain has had a significant effect on my mental health. I became unreasonably anxious and depressed. But after I began to explore the various mental states which cannabis can create I began to explore my mental states and rather than push things away I began to address these deeply rooted issues I had been internalising since I was 16. I now smoke a joint on occasion in an evening and I feel creative, innovative, relaxed and happy. Even when I’m not stoned I now feel amazing. Excessive consumption of any substance can be damaging but in moderation it can ultimately change your life for the better. I don’t mind having a beer on occasion still, however, I no long feel the need to get completely blind drunk to the point where I cannot remember a thing. I still have to be careful not to over-drink, but I am now much more aware of how to function to ensure I get the most out of life. I have completely ceased cocain and ecstasy use (occasionally still have a night on ketamine with my mates as it’s hilarious while playing poker or computer games). I can honestly say cannabis has positively influenced my life and I might even argue it saved my life (I was not suicidal, however, I don’t feel as though I was far from the more extreme levels of a depressive state of mind. Sorry for my life story, I just felt it was pertinent.
Accurate there is nothing to change. But for me I stopped I realized if I kept doing this ima fuck with my health. So I stopped right now I have withdrawals from weed cause I got that fake government gmo weed. Make sure you get that natural stuff way safer
@@Akkuto literally me man. Stopped smoking about a week and half ago after smoking daily since high school and throughout college. If you have a well balanced life who smokes occasionally, it enhances life but eventually it will drag you down into a rabbit you cant escape from.
I just turned 26 and I’ve been smoking for 9 years now -never touched another drug (besides alcohol) and I am quite successful in my career so far. Nothing wrong with weed according to me. That is to say, your mileage may vary
So because your ok that means that weed is not a gateway drug? When trying to understand if weed is a gateway drug, you need to look at a population not at one or two indivduals. Of course it will not be a gateway drug for many people, but it has been for many others, me included. Now it may be easy for you to say, it hasnt effected me so it shouldnt effect anybody else, unfortunately that is not helpful when trying to understand the effect on society. You might not be affected by depresion or hemorrhoids or whatever but that dosnt mean that depresion and hemorrhoids are not problems for people within our society. This has far reaching ramifications. You may not think this effects you, but one day a tweaker who moved on to meth after trying weed when he was a teenager, might stab one of your family members to death after 5 days on gear and suffering from meth induced physcosis. So because it may not affect you in your personal drug taking, your life may be destroyed by the way that it affects someone else in the future. We live in a society and weather we like it or not we can be affected by drug problems.
@@Rossboe1 it always comes down to choice. Are teens more likely to say yes to pills or coke because they smoke weed sure. But they're just as likely to say no.
Gragon 777 I lost a lot of weight these last few months as well and weed helped a lot with my diet. For me personally when I smoke most strains I actually get the opposite of the munchies and lose my appetite especially if I’m super high. It was a god send on days when I was fasting as it allowed me to either take my mind off my hunger or just ignore it easier.
Cool, ANWAY did you want to have an actual conversation about weed being a gateway drug or did you want to keep quoting the random weed lovers Facebook pages?
@@anhvuxyz Well we don't need sugar for blood glucose, our bodies produce glucose from all carbs and even from protein and fats in certain circumstances.
Anything can be a gateway when the goal is to avoid feeling a certain way. I've seen cannabis and alcohol be the starting points, but I've also seen food, sex and even over spending money be the start of drug use.
You cannot vape "pure THC" as this guy says, in order for it to be vaped the liquid must be thin enough to go to the coil, pure THC could not do this as it is a crystal like substance, so in order for it to be vaped it must be thinned with terpenes and/or propylene glycol, the same as you'd find in any regular ejuice so what you're actually doing is essentially smoking a joint but not breathing in any carcinogens from the burning plant material and you're not inhaling burning rolling papers, many of which are bleached and refined so vaping it would actually be safer than smoking a joint not more dangerous...
Youre talking more about distillates. Distillates even though very clean in its extraction form, still require some sort of additive (mainly propylene glycol) in order to thin out the liquid so it can be vaped. Then theres also co2 exctration which does not require additives of any kind to meet the viscosity levels needed to vaporize, and you can actually taste what specific strain you are trying out.
@@jaybasha I just use a quartz banger an e-nail ..thats the most healthy way,,..heavy user here i used to smoke 7 grams od flower a day now with the oil 4 lil dabs a day do me just right,,
@@andrewegnatis5164 With what? Who the fuck are you buying from???? I've never once heard of it being "laced" Ive heard of dirty/impure oils fuck knows I've probably had some as well but never laced with anything, what's it "laced" with?
Studies have shown that most hard drug addicts also smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol prior to their addiction. So why aren't those considered gateway drugs?
Because it was socially acceptable do smoke cigs and drink alcohol for decades, if not centuries now. People are scared to admit it and completely prohibit it.
I hadn’t smoked Cannabis until around 4 months ago, through alcohol i was introduced to cigarettes, MDMA, Cocain and Ketamine. I began smoking cannabis because a friend suggested I give it a try properly to see how I reacted to it. I am 25 years of age and I can genuinely and honestly say alcohol and cocain has had a significant effect on my mental health. I became unreasonably anxious and depressed. But after I began to explore the various mental states which cannabis can create I began to explore my mental states and rather than push things away I began to address these deeply rooted issues I had been internalising since I was 16. I now smoke a joint on occasion in an evening and I feel creative, innovative, relaxed and happy. Even when I’m not stoned I now feel amazing. Excessive consumption of any substance can be damaging but in moderation it can ultimately change your life for the better. I don’t mind having a beer on occasion still, however, I no long feel the need to get completely blind drunk to the point where I cannot remember a thing. I still have to be careful not to over-drink, but I am now much more aware of how to function to ensure I get the most out of life. I have completely ceased cocain and ecstasy use (occasionally still have a night on ketamine with my mates as it’s hilarious while playing poker or computer games). I can honestly say cannabis has positively influenced my life and I might even argue it saved my life (I was not suicidal, however, I don’t feel as though I was far from the more extreme levels of a depressive state of mind. Sorry for my life story, I just felt it was pertinent.
@@BlastinHash709 Thanks for your concern but my brother passed from leukemia 7 years ago but fought it for 2 years when the doctors only gave him 1/2 a year to live. Truthfully the toughest person I've ever met in my life & the only man I can say I love & would've died for
Theres a correlation NOT a causation. The gateway to drugs is pain. Like literally its some sort of pain big or small you are escaping the pain or just curing the pain.
Gotta give joe rogan mad props for not shutting the conversation down here when someone who disagrees with him on weed speaks like he’s done other times. Awesome video and keep these discussions alive.
As a former weed smoker of 10 years or so I can easily see how dealing with shady dealers can make it a gateway drug. Joe was in his 30s and rich and famous when he started smoking weed so his personal experience is going to be different buying weed, as it is for anyone. Some people have cool dealers who just sell weed or shrooms etc and others have every drug you can imagine and will open that door if they see an opportunity to make money off you and have you coming back for more.
I feel like it's not only that some dealers sell other drugs. But making weed illegal and telling people it's bad is going to make kids think that other drugs that are illegal aren't that bad once they try weed.
i also think it depends on the dealer cause i know many people that wouldnt sell anything other than weed and shrooms to friends and ive heard many a story from people abou how they wont sell this one drug to someone but he'll only sell him weed and some drug dealers just need the money but dont want to ruin the lives of those they know personally but i live in a smallish town so some do care
Couldn't the same be said for alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, caffeine products? Having a good sirloin might make you want to go out and try a ribeye. If all things can be gateways to other things, why demonize just weed for the possibility?
Ehhh not a good example, the feeling of being high is what draws people back, after smoking weed for a while people get used to the high of weed and want to try something harder, trust me, I’ve seen it lead my friends to hard sh**
I started using cbd oil at the beginning of this year and 6 months ago I was able to stop taking depression and anxiety medicine. I've haven't been this healthy mentally in almost 15 years. So thank you cannabis and cbd oil. Oh and I used opiates for 15 years and I don't need those anymore either so thank you again cannabis, you saved my life.
It can dude, power of the mind. I don't really know about depression but anxiety is a thinking/behaving loop that the person is acting out everyday. They are quite literally 'doing it to themselves' in a simple way.
@@DJSimNRecords yes because being born with a bad heart, getting molested by one of my older sisters starting at age 5 for 2 years and then becoming a drug addict by age 14 and developing severe social anxiety and being on depression, anxiety, and antipsychotics for 20 plus years worked so well lol. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one my man
A reason alcohol is more of a gateway drug is its affect on the brain and the entire central nervous system. It makes us think less critically regarding important decisions. It clouds our judgement, just like the beer-glasses phenomenon (girls look more attractive when intoxicated). In ex. it is easier to get pushed into doing coke when drunk then when stoned.
You are right. The only time I ever slept with a 3 was when I was really hammered. I even kissed her sideways burger. I still cringe and want to kick my own ass for it. Have fun.
Alcohol is the worst drug every. It makes you not give a fuck. "Yeah I'll try that".. There are no consequences for getting to high because the alcohol allows you to not fear the bad thoughts
I think it's reasonable to say that people who use x are more likely to start using y and z but the question is how much more likely and how does it compare to alcohol.
A family member of mine spent 2 years in Iraq while in the army. Came back with PTSD and insomnia which he took prescription meds for years for. Eventually Radiation cancer popped up. He went through tons of pain so he was put on opioids. None of the meds ever worked for him. I eventually got him to try cannabis and he’s been a completely different person since...
@@DapperCracker512 she has a few videos even addressing asian guys, but you choose to focus ONLY on a video that only touches on the topic of black guys? lol you wanna know how i know youre insecure? ;)
It is not. Why always pot warriors try to compare a normal use of pot (time from time I mean and not being addicted to it ) to alcoholics ? Because alcohol in normal dose is not damaging . Like people who drink one glass of wine with dinner for example . Potheads are like alcoholics too if you smoke everyday .
Grant C. I do . People are misinformed and think that pot is not an addiction and you are healthy if you smoke everyday . You are not healthy , pot will degrade you eventually too , like alcohol or any other drug .
Crazy Cletus isn’t SO , but still a dick . This is my point , it is not , pies and flowers . Less harmful doesn’t mean not harmful . You can excuse your bad habits all you want but this is ignorance . BTW pot users are counter productive like any other drug user . If you have a business I am sure you wouldn’t like high employees in your factory or whatever is your business .
Tobacco and alcohol were my gateway drugs. I smoked cigarettes for 3 to 4 years before I tried weed. I also drank way more pre 21 than smoking weed. Also both cigarettes and alcohol were easier to get ahold of.
My 2 cents, marajawa has saved my dads life and improved both of our health dramatically. During the covid shutdown, my dads anxiety was INSANE. That with him having a heart blockade was a bad combination. I got him an appointment and now his attitude is much better, he is optimistic, open minded, and energized again. Not to mention it take 90% if his pain away. I have Crohn's disease, so I'm usually in a lit of pain, but I deal with it. I've been prescribed percocet, vicodin, and tramadol. All 3 work, but all 3 mess up my stomach, and I feel like I go through withdrawal in 24--48hours so I feel like it puts me in a bad mood a day or 2 after taking. You may day its BS, but all of my employees, friends, and family always laugh saying you must have taken tramadol yesterday. The Marajawa settles my stomach pain every day, and takes away 85%---95% of my pain, with no side effects other than MAYBE being a little goofy for 30 minutes after I use it. I have been on most painkillers at one point or another and my mother is in a pain clinic that we have now started the proceedings to get her out and with a weed doctor because the opioids she is on are KILLING her stomach. I think it's simple, can it be a gateway drug yeah, but in the same way that smelling scratch off stickers could lead to kids huffing glue. Some are going to go that way to curiosity, but that can be said about EVERYTHING.
@@alastairbelmont7632 That's how it went for me. I never liked drinking but I loved smoking. After a certain point, I could only get so high. I could never break that plateau no matter how much I smoked. One day I was offered some Lortab 10/325's and I took a couple. Once they kicked in and I smoked a little herb, it was a beautiful feeling. Before I knew it I had moved on to Roxicodone, Morphine, Oxymorphone and Hydromorphone. I tried cocaine and speed as well but nothing could beat the opioid/marijuana high IMO. Now I stay away from all of those substances.
NotMe, Most of the time, anxiety and paranoia is caused by strong sativa strains. Heavy indica strains like Northern Lights and Granddaddy purple will calm you beyond belief.
I smoke weed and I have no problem with it being legal or anything, but curly hair guy is right. Weed is fun and help but it's not the clear solution to many problems. The solution to depression or anything like that is to go to the root of the problem: exercise, diet, lifestyle change, properly fixing your life. So, in that consideration, weed is just a temporary solution. And I also think it could be considered a gateway drug. We will soon see a rise in other drug uses, human mind is very weak unfortunately
sugar is definitely a drug. I have seen many people addicted to it including my grandpa who at his age is all he wants to eat and will get shivers if he doesn't have any.
@Grant C. Hey dumb ass, thc is widely considered a psychoactive compound and not a narcotic. Also, to deny the hypocrisy of allowing people to ingest ungodly amounts of sugar but tell people they can't smoke is hilarious. Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions that marijuana won't cause.
I knew from the time I heard Magic Mystery Tour by The Beatles when I was 15 that I wanted to smoke weed and try mushrooms and LSD one day. When I was 19 I finally tried weed, and then mushrooms and LSD soon after. In the 6 years since then, I have been offered heroin, opium, crack, crystal meth, PCP, ketamine, Molly, pills, 2c-i, cocaine, and Adderall, and I've never done any of them, didn't even consider it for one moment.
Ion gon lie when I was younger thought this was bullshit but now going through it all fr , weed can be a gateway for people that want a more serious high
NOT A GATEWAY DRUG! I'm a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner student who has worked at the number one ranked hospital in the country (and no I will not name the hospital) and have extensive work in addiction medicine. With the appropriate CBD and THC ratios, numerous professional articles published within the last year indicate that Medical Cannabis actually attenuates the reward seeking behavior related to: alcohol, opioids (including heroin), cocaine and methamphetamines. Where I live, the illegality of Medical Cannabis for Substance Use Disorder is disgusting! My patients are dying!
We aren’t talking about medically prescribed THC to epileptic patients. We’re talking about 16 year old kids that buy weed from drug dealers and get a taste of what a dopamine release feels like and want more and more
@@Mhmhmhmhm The curly haired gentleman made a comment that it's not a good idea to use cannabis medicinally as an "off-ramp" to get off of opioids. Just wanted to clarify that this is just incorrect.
@@Mhmhmhmhm 16 year olds also drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Couldn't that be a gateway drug? Maybe alcohol is the gateway to marijuana. It's ridiculous and rather than demonizing it and making it illegal, we should teach kids the entire truth about marijuana and the entire truth about opiods, alcohol, etc. Not make up stuff like they did in the 90's.
Weed is the gate way to 711 for a Slurpee and Snickers bar
i eat healthier tbh
For you
Slurpee mixed with snicker is NASTY
truuee 🤣
I liked this and then promptly unliked it after realizing how many likes the comment had
The only door weed opens is the fridge
@Theo P so obviously it's not a gateway, 2 to 1 buddy 😎
@Theo P False
no dumbass if you listened to the video there’s people with a certain personality who’d experiment with other drugs after trying weed or not
@Theo P but that's flawed logic, from what it sounds like is you were predisposed to try drugs before you tried them if you actually did, like Joe said, it just happened to be the first thing you did, if you tried beer or cocaine or whatever you more than likely would try more regardless of what got you there in the first place
Weed itself isn't a gateway drug but the culture of getting high is
Underrated comment
As well as the culture of dealing with criminals
@@wespaul9345 no. elaborate how the government telling you drugs will put you in jail makes people do more?
@@wespaul9345 depends on your area
OK then. It's like any black market. I think it should be legal. Everything but banning it is an invitation to the sordid to get involved
All weed led me to was psychedelics im not complaining
Amen brother
nah ur personality would’ve lead you there regardless, i tried acid at 19 before smoking
Joshua Ledwell nah I didnt use anything and was very anti drug until I moved to the ghetto and realized my parents lied to me growing up 💀😂
Not yet sir
I would say weed is Defiently a psychedelic
Milk is a gateway drink. Every single alcoholic drank milk first
Good job.
I think that's the dumbest comment I've read today.
Jormungandrr it’s a gateway drug bitch
Inigo triggered
How about water then?
I'm 1 day sober from milk...
"There is 50 years of research"
Done 50 years ago, when people thought pot was as hazardous as heroine
Wonder Woman is hazardous?
@@grahambilly7262 fuck me we have an English professor and a comedian
@@grahambilly7262 i cannot believe how funny you are
Sean Walsh thanks
@@grahambilly7262 i just made your week didn't i, your going to be the happiest person in the geriatric ward this week
This anti-weed dude is really killing my high
Lewis O'brien LMAO FRR
Boil yes
@Red Rum if you say profit sucks you dont know anything about selling cannabis
@Red Rum Try the purple panty dropper strain. You will fuck a stump if it had a hole in it. Not all strains are the same.
Most of everything out there is propaganda .how is it clear it's totally an opinion
Damn weed made me quit Alcohol.
More like gate closer
Angami Accent that’s why it’s called a gateway drug is because it closes the gate
me too. I always walk around with a dab pen and so when with friends and they wanna go drinking I can just take a few hits and not drink anything. Weed definitely made me stop drinking alcohol and that’s amazing in and on itself.
Same lmao
@Russian Bot8269 ok mr tough guy
Angami Accent 🙌🏽
The friends you chose are more of a getaway than weed😂
No cap
@King SL you’re on point homie
@@kw616r1 trus me g
@King SLbullseye
Yo who tf wakes up and says hey let’s try crack after smoking a blunt 😂😂😂
Your dumb af if you think it’s that quick, everyone usually does start with weed. No arguing that
Ulrald but it’s not that simple, people are going to do what they are going to do, you’re much more likely to do other drugs if ur drinking alcohol than smoking weed
Daniel M I’m not saying weed is a gateway drug but most people who are doing hard drugs have smoked weed
Right 😂😂😅😅😅
Ulrald and? If they were willing to attempt a drug that’s extremely harmful you think they wouldn’t be willing to try a harmless one? Yeah...ok
The first mind altering “drug” I done was smoke weed starting at 14. Until I started drinking alcohol at 17, is when I started experimenting with other drugs. I completely stopped smoking weed, and drank damn near every single day. That’s when the coke, pills, and meth came into play, while being drunk. Alcohol is definitely the biggest gateway drug there is. I’ve cleaned up, 28 now, got a family of my own. I’m back to smoking weed and I don’t even THINK about going back to other drugs, I barely even drink anymore, maybe a glass of wine or a beer once a month and I’m good.
good for you my man stay strong
Highly disagree, for me it started with the high from weed. Then I wanted to see what other highs were like so I got into opiates benzos psychedelics and stimulants. I didn’t even enjoy alcohol weed was my gateway into the drug world.
you would of wanted to see what those things were like anyways it wasnt the weed@@PureCapsaicin
@@PureCapsaicineveryone is different
I find that so hard to fathom, you see I'm from new Zealand and Drinking Alcohol is quite a widely accepted thing here, so instead for me I started drinking at like 12 13 and then starting smoking pot 15 😂
Been smoking canabis my entire adult life. Never had a desire to swallow snort inject or smoke anything stronger.
Weed has led me to mushrooms LSD and alcohol, from personal experience it's a gateway drug, but this dudes argument about people are gonna try herion after weed is just dumb
Cause we smoke hiiighgrade weed 😄
XXX ANONYMOUS XXX how are you sure the first one you did caused you to do the others?
E E real facts
@@Emperorhirohito19272 umm because I never wanted to try LSD or mushrooms before I smoked weed
Weed has done to opposite to me. It made me so paranoid that I’m 100% confident I won’t try anything harder.
Rogred that’s so funny because it’s true 👀
This guy doesn’t get it^
That just means you don't have any tolerance. Try weaker stuff. Or CBD
Lmao what makes you paranoid? That your house smells like weed and you’re scared you’re parents will smell it? Quit being a pussy ass bitch and try something harder
I only got paranoid once, and that was after eating 3 cookies
This guy has never smoked, bought, or seen marijuana in his life
I used to be that guy until I smoked a bowl then I saw a whole new world
@@rchelicopter5105 I used to be that guy too. I guess I can see the argument that the feeling of high/ not being sober could lead you to chasing a larger high, but that could happen with caffeine/nicotine/alcohol. It has nothing to do with the actual substance, but someone’s personal decision to seek out a harder drug
I think he's never laughed at a joke, at least one from a child anyhow.
I had a debate years back with an ignorant woman who claimed her grandfather OD and died from pot. I laughed in her face and called out her BS.
Weed helped tremendously with my anxiety, made me more social, helped me sleep and eat more (I don't normally eat enough), and brought me down a far more spiritual and loving path. About the only negative is that my short term memory isn't quite as sharp, but for me that is a worthwhile exchange and doesn't impede my school or work measurably.
Same here. I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety and have an eating disorder. Weed helped me on every level, and it’s made me happier and healthier
That's good man
Weed stops you getting rem sleep (high quality sleep). It also causes depression in heavy use, it's most likely gonna keep you depressed if you continue to use it as an escape rather than facing your problems head on
@@chrisscott1402 why not both? I think about my issues both high and not high. I do agree about the sleep thing tho. It helps me get to sleep but i wake up groggy. Its important to look at negative effects too
100% thid
Runners high is a gateway drug
Chocolate Rain am gonna stop running now
It’s an addiction, gym is the same
At least going to the gym or running is better than fucking up your lungs
@theh1n1shot Ur comment is so dumb i cant even believe it. Its worse then a cigg for the lungs.
Weed makes it hard to find the door, let alone open it
I was so gone last night I forgot how to read lol
Great coming from a non user, you don't count!
You're just bias
Nicotine...the OG gateway
Alcohol...the gateway drug...
Marijuana only reveals your inner personality. There's people that just always going to do heroin or meth based on peer pressure or their own weak minded-decisions. Girls do heroin more than men. That's a fact.
@Einstein Alberto it's not about banning tho, but understanding the problem
@Einstein Alberto I'm hoping you didn't get that from "what the Health" because that's been debunked by VEGAN scientists. That entire documentary is utter garbage
Refined sugar
Addictive Personalities, are the original Gateway.
Alaka'i yessir
As someone with addictive personalities and impulsive risk taking behavior, weed unleashed the inner polyabuser in me and out of my chains.
Everyone has an addictive personality. I bet you eat and breathe every single day, probably multiple times a day... So there.
@@coldmoonlight6361 ye i need rehab for my oxygen addiction
@@coldmoonlight6361 Almost everyone is addicted to caffeine, sugar, and junk food, yet flip their shit when it comes to weed. Seems legit
I’ve used cannabis for 20 years. Since then I’ve been prescribed oxy for wisdom teeth and was given fentanyl after surgery. I never touched oxy or fentanyl a second time and only went back to pot.
It's a gateway to my fridge to get munchies
Try smoking and walking a couple miles for a buritto, i call it a fitness buritto and the joint make the walk and everything more fun and just smoke once and awhile
Lmfao 🤣 fuck yea
Count the number of steps between your lounge chair and the fridge I bet it's the perfect twelve steps. Programm
Wow real fuckin original
I've been smoking since 7th grade and I have had no urge for any other drugs. I have a successful career as a young chef, attend the Culinary Institute, work out daily. It has done nothing to my testosterone or ambition. Hell I smoked it before running a marathon at 18 years old. Not a gateway. People are just weak and have no willpower to resist other drugs simple.
I’ve been in pain my whole life for multiple different illnesses, I was on a max dose of OxyContin. After I turned 18 pain clinics were recommending I try medical marijuana. The very first time I used a vape from a dispensary I was out of pain for the first time in my whole life. Because of that I was able to cut the dose of my oxy in half, which were destroying my gi system.
This podcast was a beautiful demonstration on how to conduct a civilized debate. Well done
Yeah, as if your opinion had anything to do with the fact that the discussion went your way.
weed dude is an idiot..
there.. I said it.. 🤣🤣🤣
Life is a gateway to drugs
Its also like a box of chocolates
Well said!! best and most truthful statement I’ve heard. Our Fuc...up society is to blame!!
Mark D ur right
Really though. I grew up a very curious creative person. I never tried many hard drugs more than once and I vape weed... who would of thought 😆. This guy just seems like the boring type of nerd who is fine being in the box.
Joe Rogan podcast is a gateway drug honestly 😂
KM Hemmans The TH-camr
How many people have tried DMT thanks to Joe Rogan?
Allow me to summarise....
"I'm a doctor in Canada and have done extensive research on this topic from a medical standpoint as well as seeing fantastic results first hand in my patients"
"I'm a writer than has used only information that benefits my book to create controversy so that I can sell books"
Random doctor Vs Large-scale studies
Chamber04 in contrast, one random study with a possibly inherent bias from the beginning vs a certified doctor with majorly positive testimonials and results
OrtegaLA don’t try to sound intelligent when you’re not
Alex Teagle If you think those words are super intelligent, you're literally stupid. only pompous asshole here is you dumbass
@@undyingdefect triggered
I hate weed. But from an ideological standpoint, I think it should be legal regardless of whether it’s bad for you or not. Because A) prohibition doesn’t work and costs huge amounts of money and B) people should be allowed to make their own decisions regardless of it being harmful or not.
Jack Philamoré same for prostitution
A universal basic income will be standard in America by 2035 let that sink in.
it fucking works in Japan
also those people are your brothers your countrymen
you should not want them to engage in harmful self destructive things
if you are a selfish prick then we all live in a civilization and thus live with the shitty actions of said people
Viorel viorel let people do what makes them happy as long as it’s not harmful to others. Bacon is not good for you but it sure makes me happy lmao.
But you believe in repealing Rowe v Wade
I think the reason cannabis CAN be a gateway drug for some people is the following. For years, people were lied to about the dangers of pot (along with other drugs). So a lot of people, when they find out pot isn't really all that dangerous might think "well what else have they lied about".
Parties are the gateway drug lol
Yeah you socialize with people at parties you idiots lol
@@museaz6021 lol it's a joke
It's a gateway in that you'll start hanging out with other people who do "the drugs" and are more likely to be approached with other drugs but inhalation of the devil's lettuce has not caused me to do any other wizard enhancement potions.
Sure, I can see that. I started smoking after I got my medical card from some injuries I got in the army. So I have not experienced it myself, the hanging out with those people.
@@ricksanchez1079 i hope you get some friends soon bud
Gx Qx 🤣
Particularly since it's illegal. It puts you in contact with people who sell illegal drugs.
Personally, I believe that the propaganda against it that is sold to kids that makes it a gateway drug. Imagine being told that weed was just as bad as coke, heroin, etc. You try weed when you're a teenager (crazy idea right?) and it's not the nightmare everyone told you. Suddenly you're not sure they're not lying about other drugs and give them a shot. I guess I'm lucky to have grown up around some crack heads and heroin addicts and got to see why it wasn't for me.
This dude is acting like everyone who smokes smokes to bury feelings 🤣
well I mean isn't that what substances are for ?
Naylikeh maybe for you lmaoo 😂
Not everyone. But a lot of people do
@@Gu1d-0 somewhat true but sometimes you just want good fun
@@Gu1d-0 Not everyone is depressing
I have ALWAYS loved weed. I LOVE IT! Unfortunately I can't do it anymore because of my job, but I gotta pay the bills more than I need to smoke bud. As far as it being a gateway drug, I can't speak for anyone else, but once I smoked weed for the first time and realized that this is what people are making such a huge fuss over and realized it was amazing, after that happened, I began to wonder about other drugs. I wondered if they weren't as big of a deal as others said. I wondered if they were amazing like weed was and I started trying several different kinds of drugs. If I hadn't smoked weed, I would've never had the balls to try other shit. However, I can't blame it on the weed, it was my curiosity to blame. Many smoke weed and never touch another drug. I've always had an addictive personality and that too made me want to try other things and do them again once I realized I liked them. Weed is a good thing though that everyone needs to try at least once. Mushrooms are another.
Can closely relate.
great way of explaining it, man. I was super against it, i told myself i’d never smoke for a while, cigs and even weed since a lot of people use tabaco leafs. i would get upset at close friends who would smoke (mainly bc they did it for the wrong reasons) but once i smoked weed myself and enjoyed it, the more i did it and genuinely enjoyed it. i thought about hey, this isn’t as bad as most people think. and having people i know who literally post xanax and acid, etc. it is very tempting to try other drugs now that i’ve tried weed, it’s like chasing the high feeling and wanting to know how nice it must feel compared to weed. YET i know it probably isn’t a great idea lol some more than others. I find this similar to alcohol, a shit ton of people drink but not everyone is an alcoholic.
I hear you but just living in the hood we get to see what these “other drugs” do first hand. It’s still people who jump off the porch tho.
Used to smoke every morning before school now I got a job so I can’t smoke like I used to
Ive been told my whole life that hard drugs are fucking bad for you. Ive smoked weed for awhile now and never once thought of trying something else, because im smart enough to know that shit fucks you up, and i mean in the bad way. Its not the weed its the person that decides to go after and try other drugs.
This conversation is a gateway for Joe to mention 11 hydroxy metabolite. 😂
“Pure thc, the most dangerous form of this drug” bruh anything other than pure thc would be more dangerous...
Weed is a gateway drug to sugar and carbs.
That's the only legitimate concern about smoking.
Not good. Number 1 killer. Erase your comment hahah
@@el3stilo3nt75 no, being obese does, and that's just by eating too much
YO MUMMA hence, gateway lol
Yep leads to to be fat only bad Benefit everything else is good :)
Im a stoner, but I know about the dangers of any drug, including marijuana, its the way it is. lets be real.
Chemicals in THC are very sticky and tend to remain attached to cells in the brain and around the pubic area, which makes sperm and ova less potent. Also, marijuana does mildly negatively impact the health of your nervous system too. However, it is substantially less damaging than alcohol and cigarettes.
Thank you. All I'd like for people on both sides to do is be real about this. Some pro/anti marijuana people say some of the dumbest shit in an attempt to justify/ condemn weed. Just want people be real about the benefits and possible side effects of marijuana use and quit reaching.
Matt Weismiller *negatively* in that it’s abnormal. Some people use weed for chronic pain. I wouldn’t say abnormal nerve function would be negative in this scenario
That was deep man. Thanks.
Matt Weismiller a study was literally just released where it says Cannabis use DOESN’T lower/weaken sperm. Actually it INCREASES sperm count.
this is irrelevant lol even if you argue it is a gateway drug it should still be legal... people grow to be whales but cream cheese is still legal.. still many mcdonalds are open... etc.
i love cannabis and i smoke on the regular, and i dont think it should be illegal at all. but it forsure is a gateway drug..
@@singhatar0912 alcohol is way more of a gateway drug. I smoke almost every day and never get the urge to do anything else, but I've tried coke before while drunk and have a urge to smoke cigarettes too. That's why I quit drinking lol
@@singhatar0912 If you take that route then every drug can be a gateway drug.
No it definitely should do should alcohol or just put a limit on alcohol consumption/ how much you could buy in a week or something. But no it should not be legal, to say other is fucking retarded
You can say it is a gateway drug without saying that it has to be illegal for that reason. It obviously can be a gateway drug, even if it wasn't for you. However, I'll reiterate, that has zero bearing on the arguement for legalization.
The anti-weed guy is like a dude who mostly doesn’t have a solid data to backup their arguments but say it anyway
My D.A.R.E. Officer told me it was though...
DARE only served to make me more curious about drugs lol
By the time I graduated DARE I knew exactly which drugs I would love, try, and avoid. It was an incredibly accurate prediction.
makes me a bit sad. Goodluck! Do it responsibly!
DARE caused more drug use tho lol
Before DARE, the 11 year old me only knew of 3 drugs (weed, coke, heroine). Thank you DARE for educating me about all the others available in the wonderful world of drugs and for teaching us how to do them too! Who would've thought you could crush and snort so many things! Whooo-hooo! Thanks DARE! :-D
Humans will push their limit on how high they can get regardless of herb.
SouthFloridaLove if you leave the earth your concept of up is meaningless but the concept getting high is universal cuz we probably the only ones out here lighting other life on fire and shit
I never smoked weed and thought I want to stik a needle in my arm
@@douggoldengolden72 *CRACKHEAD*
~Jet Life~
@@douggoldengolden72 duh you fucking idiot. But you might take a muscle relaxer. Then a hydro, then a xanax, and so on and so forth. Not saying that's what happens to everybody, just saying it's not 0-100
I think weed makes you realize that some drugs, like psychedelics, really aren’t that bad.
Alcohol is the ultimate gateway drug.
Yeah, my friends went from alcohol to ecstasy in a year
No man in my opinion i saw a loooooot of people who started with weed and started to do other things. it always starts with weed fuck what everyone says. I know what iam saying. Alcohol is not nearly a gateway drug like weed. Alcohols only gateway is to get addicted to it
@@MrMikail06 fuck alcohol
@@MrMikail06 I hadn’t smoked Cannabis until around 4 months ago, through alcohol i was introduced to cigarettes, MDMA, Cocain and Ketamine. I began smoking cannabis because a friend suggested I give it a try properly to see how I reacted to it. I am 25 years of age and I can genuinely and honestly say alcohol and cocain has had a significant effect on my mental health. I became unreasonably anxious and depressed. But after I began to explore the various mental states which cannabis can create I began to explore my mental states and rather than push things away I began to address these deeply rooted issues I had been internalising since I was 16. I now smoke a joint on occasion in an evening and I feel creative, innovative, relaxed and happy. Even when I’m not stoned I now feel amazing. Excessive consumption of any substance can be damaging but in moderation it can ultimately change your life for the better. I don’t mind having a beer on occasion still, however, I no long feel the need to get completely blind drunk to the point where I cannot remember a thing. I still have to be careful not to over-drink, but I am now much more aware of how to function to ensure I get the most out of life. I have completely ceased cocain and ecstasy use (occasionally still have a night on ketamine with my mates as it’s hilarious while playing poker or computer games). I can honestly say cannabis has positively influenced my life and I might even argue it saved my life (I was not suicidal, however, I don’t feel as though I was far from the more extreme levels of a depressive state of mind. Sorry for my life story, I just felt it was pertinent.
Started on alcohol, next cigarettes, next weed, next LSD and variables... So the answer is no, the gateway drug is alcohol
If you smoke weed than wanna shoot up heroin you were never truly against heroin. Us normal people know our line
Illuminated Zach saying you don’t shoot heroin with the boys every now and again?
Stumpy Dlugi only on Wednesdays
@@illuminatedzach4206 sir you’re clearly posing real men know heroine Friday’s with the boys is the move
No it's just you making poor decisions for yourself
Addiction is created by feeling lonely, depressed, and unhappy. Change my mind
Accurate there is nothing to change. But for me I stopped I realized if I kept doing this ima fuck with my health. So I stopped right now I have withdrawals from weed cause I got that fake government gmo weed. Make sure you get that natural stuff way safer
Depression is created by yourself, i sat myself up after not working for a year and half and reality kicked in, I am wasting my life...
@@Akkuto literally me man. Stopped smoking about a week and half ago after smoking daily since high school and throughout college. If you have a well balanced life who smokes occasionally, it enhances life but eventually it will drag you down into a rabbit you cant escape from.
Totally. Drugs are what you chose when you feel like you can't count on no one.
And cheeseburgers are a gateway drug to obesity..
It’s so funny nobody ever talks about food and obesity! It’s the number one KILLER! Bad food and obesity leads to all diseases!!
In my experience, weed leads to cheeseburger, therefore weed is a gateway to diabetus
I just turned 26 and I’ve been smoking for 9 years now -never touched another drug (besides alcohol) and I am quite successful in my career so far. Nothing wrong with weed according to me. That is to say, your mileage may vary
So because your ok that means that weed is not a gateway drug?
When trying to understand if weed is a gateway drug, you need to look at a population not at one or two indivduals. Of course it will not be a gateway drug for many people, but it has been for many others, me included.
Now it may be easy for you to say, it hasnt effected me so it shouldnt effect anybody else, unfortunately that is not helpful when trying to understand the effect on society.
You might not be affected by depresion or hemorrhoids or whatever but that dosnt mean that depresion and hemorrhoids are not problems for people within our society.
This has far reaching ramifications. You may not think this effects you, but one day a tweaker who moved on to meth after trying weed when he was a teenager, might stab one of your family members to death after 5 days on gear and suffering from meth induced physcosis. So because it may not affect you in your personal drug taking, your life may be destroyed by the way that it affects someone else in the future. We live in a society and weather we like it or not we can be affected by drug problems.
Wake up stoner you life is fake
you're probably just an on off smoker, you're not about it.. foh
@@Rossboe1 youve gotta trolling. Theres 7 billion people in the world, but no one this crazy exists.
@@Rossboe1 it always comes down to choice. Are teens more likely to say yes to pills or coke because they smoke weed sure. But they're just as likely to say no.
“There inhaling pure thc the most dangerous form of the drug” me 😬(hits pen)
I laughed when he said that
@ImYour Huckleberry can you elaborate? What symptoms do u have
@ImYour Huckleberry damn thanks for the info, friend
thc is dangerous without the cbd - full stop
cbd is as we all know is the anti-psychotic part of the drug.
"Weed is not a gateway drug"
-Joe "DMT" Rogan
Lol Well done, sir
@@teddyreim3597 exactly
I have lost over 250 pounds since weed was legalized in Oregon. Changed my life. Damn right it is a gateway drug, a gateway yo life!
Gragon 777 I lost a lot of weight these last few months as well and weed helped a lot with my diet. For me personally when I smoke most strains I actually get the opposite of the munchies and lose my appetite especially if I’m super high. It was a god send on days when I was fasting as it allowed me to either take my mind off my hunger or just ignore it easier.
Gragon 777 bruh same. I will clear my pantry
Your statement might be the most ignorant I've ever seen how in the hell can weed make you lose 250 lb
@King SL...okay.... Moron
@King SL fuck u
Smoked weed for a long time, and done mushrooms a handful of times, and never have I ever really wanted to do anything else, keep it natural👌🏼
I'm so high can't make out where that dudes hair ends and the headphones start 😂
Sugar is the
Gate Way Drug
First toxic drug you
Get heavily addicted to
25 years and I'm still struggling with sugar
APE X 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Cool, ANWAY did you want to have an actual conversation about weed being a gateway drug or did you want to keep quoting the random weed lovers Facebook pages?
@@anhvuxyz Well we don't need sugar for blood glucose, our bodies produce glucose from all carbs and even from protein and fats in certain circumstances.
Anything can be a gateway when the goal is to avoid feeling a certain way. I've seen cannabis and alcohol be the starting points, but I've also seen food, sex and even over spending money be the start of drug use.
You cannot vape "pure THC" as this guy says, in order for it to be vaped the liquid must be thin enough to go to the coil, pure THC could not do this as it is a crystal like substance, so in order for it to be vaped it must be thinned with terpenes and/or propylene glycol, the same as you'd find in any regular ejuice so what you're actually doing is essentially smoking a joint but not breathing in any carcinogens from the burning plant material and you're not inhaling burning rolling papers, many of which are bleached and refined so vaping it would actually be safer than smoking a joint not more dangerous...
Youre talking more about distillates. Distillates even though very clean in its extraction form, still require some sort of additive (mainly propylene glycol) in order to thin out the liquid so it can be vaped. Then theres also co2 exctration which does not require additives of any kind to meet the viscosity levels needed to vaporize, and you can actually taste what specific strain you are trying out.
@@jaybasha I just use a quartz banger an e-nail ..thats the most healthy way,,..heavy user here i used to smoke 7 grams od flower a day now with the oil 4 lil dabs a day do me just right,,
dab juice can also be laced, buddies from high school have had real trouble with that because its hard to tell whats safe.
@@jaybasha Read what I said again, why would you need to type my comment again? You've just said the same thing I have...
@@andrewegnatis5164 With what? Who the fuck are you buying from???? I've never once heard of it being "laced" Ive heard of dirty/impure oils fuck knows I've probably had some as well but never laced with anything, what's it "laced" with?
Studies have shown that most hard drug addicts also smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol prior to their addiction. So why aren't those considered gateway drugs?
Because it was socially acceptable do smoke cigs and drink alcohol for decades, if not centuries now. People are scared to admit it and completely prohibit it.
Because weed defines the new high school normal
Alcohol is arguably the most destructive drug you can use and abuse.
@@MaynardOwns lets tax weed, and psychedelics
I hadn’t smoked Cannabis until around 4 months ago, through alcohol i was introduced to cigarettes, MDMA, Cocain and Ketamine. I began smoking cannabis because a friend suggested I give it a try properly to see how I reacted to it. I am 25 years of age and I can genuinely and honestly say alcohol and cocain has had a significant effect on my mental health. I became unreasonably anxious and depressed. But after I began to explore the various mental states which cannabis can create I began to explore my mental states and rather than push things away I began to address these deeply rooted issues I had been internalising since I was 16. I now smoke a joint on occasion in an evening and I feel creative, innovative, relaxed and happy. Even when I’m not stoned I now feel amazing. Excessive consumption of any substance can be damaging but in moderation it can ultimately change your life for the better. I don’t mind having a beer on occasion still, however, I no long feel the need to get completely blind drunk to the point where I cannot remember a thing. I still have to be careful not to over-drink, but I am now much more aware of how to function to ensure I get the most out of life. I have completely ceased cocain and ecstasy use (occasionally still have a night on ketamine with my mates as it’s hilarious while playing poker or computer games). I can honestly say cannabis has positively influenced my life and I might even argue it saved my life (I was not suicidal, however, I don’t feel as though I was far from the more extreme levels of a depressive state of mind. Sorry for my life story, I just felt it was pertinent.
I no longer smoke cigarettes either.
Thank you for your testimony
6:57 If u smoke enough good weed in one sitting, it's a strong ass pain reliever..... What's he talkin about.
And these are the idiots keeping illegal.
Epik1ne 88TX but that goes against what’s in his book so he definitely can’t say that hope your bro is doing well
@@BlastinHash709 Thanks for your concern but my brother passed from leukemia 7 years ago but fought it for 2 years when the doctors only gave him 1/2 a year to live. Truthfully the toughest person I've ever met in my life & the only man I can say I love & would've died for
Non users tend to think like this
Me: look at this guy and his haircut, pff
5 mins in I notice his shirt is from my Province
Me: what a nice haircut.
New-Bie represent baby
Theres a correlation NOT a causation. The gateway to drugs is pain. Like literally its some sort of pain big or small you are escaping the pain or just curing the pain.
Alcohol is the gateway to everything..
That's true and if you smoke weed first alcohol seems really unappealing while high.
And the one you always go back to.
Life itself is the gateway to everything.
Even the most upright squares I've met have tried some kind of drug at least once.
@@shawnadkins8888 true
pot dealers almost never sell other drugs. They’re not Walmart, they usually sell weed bc they won’t catch as much heat/just trying to make ends meet
Gotta give joe rogan mad props for not shutting the conversation down here when someone who disagrees with him on weed speaks like he’s done other times. Awesome video and keep these discussions alive.
Weed is a gateway drug to fitness.
Fitness box of girl guide cookies in my mouth.
Girl scout
been smoking for about 6 years now heavy and i’ve never only been like hmm let’s me go try some percs or xans
Facts tbh I kind of turns me off bc it's like I rather be chill
Percs are pretty good tho
As a former weed smoker of 10 years or so I can easily see how dealing with shady dealers can make it a gateway drug. Joe was in his 30s and rich and famous when he started smoking weed so his personal experience is going to be different buying weed, as it is for anyone. Some people have cool dealers who just sell weed or shrooms etc and others have every drug you can imagine and will open that door if they see an opportunity to make money off you and have you coming back for more.
I feel like it's not only that some dealers sell other drugs. But making weed illegal and telling people it's bad is going to make kids think that other drugs that are illegal aren't that bad once they try weed.
i also think it depends on the dealer cause i know many people that wouldnt sell anything other than weed and shrooms to friends and ive heard many a story from people abou how they wont sell this one drug to someone but he'll only sell him weed and some drug dealers just need the money but dont want to ruin the lives of those they know personally but i live in a smallish town so some do care
Caffeine is the real gateway drug. It’s one of the first times you realize a substance can change your state.
Kevin Cleary nicotine was for me as well
Those are both good ones too! Sugar coffee and cigarettes! Sounds like a good morning. Lol
Kevin Cleary LoL 😂 sure does
Sugar as well
im so confused
is this guy for or against weed
every other sentence is fighting the other side
Watch the whole video lol
@@stupidityevolved7513 no
As a 20 year smoker it definitely is. Drug dealers usually can get other things as well.
Couldn't the same be said for alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, caffeine products?
Having a good sirloin might make you want to go out and try a ribeye.
If all things can be gateways to other things, why demonize just weed for the possibility?
I would disagree with cigars
Ehhh not a good example, the feeling of being high is what draws people back, after smoking weed for a while people get used to the high of weed and want to try something harder, trust me, I’ve seen it lead my friends to hard sh**
Steak is a gateway to cannibalism duh
@@jcurrran7256 lol your friends led themselves to it. Being stoned wasn't it.
j newb what do you think “led” them to harder stuff? Lmao if they didn’t smoke weed in the first place they wouldn’t have done the hard stuff
I started using cbd oil at the beginning of this year and 6 months ago I was able to stop taking depression and anxiety medicine. I've haven't been this healthy mentally in almost 15 years. So thank you cannabis and cbd oil. Oh and I used opiates for 15 years and I don't need those anymore either so thank you again cannabis, you saved my life.
Not gonna lie thats probably a placebo. CBD does almost nothing for mental health in my experience but could be subjective. Glad you're doing better!
@@DJSimNRecords if depression and anxiety were affected by placebo pills then depression and anxiety wouldn't be a problem
It can dude, power of the mind. I don't really know about depression but anxiety is a thinking/behaving loop that the person is acting out everyday. They are quite literally 'doing it to themselves' in a simple way.
@@DJSimNRecords yes because being born with a bad heart, getting molested by one of my older sisters starting at age 5 for 2 years and then becoming a drug addict by age 14 and developing severe social anxiety and being on depression, anxiety, and antipsychotics for 20 plus years worked so well lol. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one my man
@@chadwickvon8019 you're saying some cbd drops cured all of that? Sounds to me you climbed out of the victim role, good for you!
I love how both of them are waiting for him to finish his thought but he straight up interrupts them lol. He needs a joint 😉
A reason alcohol is more of a gateway drug is its affect on the brain and the entire central nervous system. It makes us think less critically regarding important decisions. It clouds our judgement, just like the beer-glasses phenomenon (girls look more attractive when intoxicated). In ex. it is easier to get pushed into doing coke when drunk then when stoned.
You are right. The only time I ever slept with a 3 was when I was really hammered. I even kissed her sideways burger. I still cringe and want to kick my own ass for it. Have fun.
@Dana Roberts Dude, I agree but I think he agrees too. He is talking about alcohol, isn't he? Have fun. : )
@Dana Roberts Apparently, you're too stoned to read.
Alcohol is the worst drug every. It makes you not give a fuck. "Yeah I'll try that".. There are no consequences for getting to high because the alcohol allows you to not fear the bad thoughts
@@owenjasmine7030 Her " sideways burger " lol that's a first.
I think It’s alcohol most people i know said their experience was the same as mine.
Alcohol really does lead to the natural vices within each drinker.
Anti-Weed Mark Cuban is really killing my high
Lol got damned
I think it's reasonable to say that people who use x are more likely to start using y and z but the question is how much more likely and how does it compare to alcohol.
I'd say it helped me quit cigarettes, when I used it for a while. Now I am exercising and living well.
A family member of mine spent 2 years in Iraq while in the army. Came back with PTSD and insomnia which he took prescription meds for years for. Eventually Radiation cancer popped up. He went through tons of pain so he was put on opioids. None of the meds ever worked for him. I eventually got him to try cannabis and he’s been a completely different person since...
Prayers to your family member
It’s only a gateway drug because it’s illegal, which brings the user into the “drug world”
Do you really have a channel dedicated to being a mud shark lol?
@@DapperCracker512 she has a few videos even addressing asian guys, but you choose to focus ONLY on a video that only touches on the topic of black guys? lol
you wanna know how i know youre insecure? ;)
@@ashketchup9555 My thot detector went off the rails when I read the username. That is on me!
Dude said JRE viewers are most probably teenage kids
Alcohol is *_the TRUE gateway drug!_* Virtually every person I know that smokes/smoked cannabis *_started_* with alcohol (at high school parties etc)
Alcohol is way more damaging than pot.
It is not. Why always pot warriors try to compare a normal use of pot (time from time I mean and not being addicted to it ) to alcoholics ? Because alcohol in normal dose is not damaging . Like people who drink one glass of wine with dinner for example . Potheads are like alcoholics too if you smoke everyday .
Drongorius you are incorrect sir..... Please do your research. In fact, there is currently a documentary explaining so on Netflix currently.
Drongorius your comment made no sense
Grant C. I do . People are misinformed and think that pot is not an addiction and you are healthy if you smoke everyday . You are not healthy , pot will degrade you eventually too , like alcohol or any other drug .
Crazy Cletus isn’t SO , but still a dick . This is my point , it is not , pies and flowers . Less harmful doesn’t mean not harmful . You can excuse your bad habits all you want but this is ignorance . BTW pot users are counter productive like any other drug user . If you have a business I am sure you wouldn’t like high employees in your factory or whatever is your business .
Tobacco and alcohol were my gateway drugs. I smoked cigarettes for 3 to 4 years before I tried weed. I also drank way more pre 21 than smoking weed. Also both cigarettes and alcohol were easier to get ahold of.
I've never met someone who smoked weed before they drank alcohol.
That’s me I’m that person that you never met
@@zacharylegars3734 nice to meet you
Some Muslims lol
@@cameron_a9116 PCP was my first drug
Tobacco or alcohol is probably the real gate way drug.
My 2 cents, marajawa has saved my dads life and improved both of our health dramatically.
During the covid shutdown, my dads anxiety was INSANE. That with him having a heart blockade was a bad combination. I got him an appointment and now his attitude is much better, he is optimistic, open minded, and energized again. Not to mention it take 90% if his pain away.
I have Crohn's disease, so I'm usually in a lit of pain, but I deal with it. I've been prescribed percocet, vicodin, and tramadol. All 3 work, but all 3 mess up my stomach, and I feel like I go through withdrawal in 24--48hours so I feel like it puts me in a bad mood a day or 2 after taking. You may day its BS, but all of my employees, friends, and family always laugh saying you must have taken tramadol yesterday.
The Marajawa settles my stomach pain every day, and takes away 85%---95% of my pain, with no side effects other than MAYBE being a little goofy for 30 minutes after I use it.
I have been on most painkillers at one point or another and my mother is in a pain clinic that we have now started the proceedings to get her out and with a weed doctor because the opioids she is on are KILLING her stomach.
I think it's simple, can it be a gateway drug yeah, but in the same way that smelling scratch off stickers could lead to kids huffing glue. Some are going to go that way to curiosity, but that can be said about EVERYTHING.
Any drug is a "Gateway" drug. Doesn't matter if it's weed or coke.
Exactly. If you have an addictive personality, your current high is never enough.
@@alastairbelmont7632 That's how it went for me. I never liked drinking but I loved smoking. After a certain point, I could only get so high. I could never break that plateau no matter how much I smoked. One day I was offered some Lortab 10/325's and I took a couple. Once they kicked in and I smoked a little herb, it was a beautiful feeling. Before I knew it I had moved on to Roxicodone, Morphine, Oxymorphone and Hydromorphone. I tried cocaine and speed as well but nothing could beat the opioid/marijuana high IMO. Now I stay away from all of those substances.
@@wackomanx tc bruh
Gang starr , moment of Truth
5:04 people that think weed is a gateway drug, have obviously never smoked weed before lmfao
Weed just opens the door to relaxation and good vibes
Not for everyone. It's paranoia for some... Although... I think it's temporary. Coz I used to get that, but not anymore
NotMe, that’s the same for some people not reacting well to certain types of alcohol just means it wasn’t for you at that time
NotMe, Most of the time, anxiety and paranoia is caused by strong sativa strains. Heavy indica strains like Northern Lights and Granddaddy purple will calm you beyond belief.
I smoke weed and I have no problem with it being legal or anything, but curly hair guy is right. Weed is fun and help but it's not the clear solution to many problems. The solution to depression or anything like that is to go to the root of the problem: exercise, diet, lifestyle change, properly fixing your life. So, in that consideration, weed is just a temporary solution. And I also think it could be considered a gateway drug. We will soon see a rise in other drug uses, human mind is very weak unfortunately
Fuck you
Recommended sent me here late, I feel like boomers forget that they started smoking cigarettes at 12 years old xD
Weed helps with my ADHD I have to smoke all the time so my mind can relax that’s why I’ve been addicted since I was 12 I’m 18 now
I like to think weed is a gateway. A gateway that opens a door to a life without opiates.
cigarettes, alcohol and coffee are legal gateway drugs.
Coffee??? Really??? Fucking dope.
Daniel Valdes his opnion but id like to know why , i could guess
You guys gotta link the full podcast on your clips
If weed is a gateway drug then so is Koolaid, Mountain Dew, and Chocolate Milk.
sugar is definitely a drug. I have seen many people addicted to it including my grandpa who at his age is all he wants to eat and will get shivers if he doesn't have any.
@Grant C. Hey dumb ass, thc is widely considered a psychoactive compound and not a narcotic. Also, to deny the hypocrisy of allowing people to ingest ungodly amounts of sugar but tell people they can't smoke is hilarious.
Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects. An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar problems and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous conditions that marijuana won't cause.
I went to rehab for Mountain Dew asshole.
@@osufan77 : Thanks bro, I knew people would have my back.
@@DapperCracker512 : Mountain Dew asshole?
Id go to rehab too, AFTER leaving Kentucky!
I knew from the time I heard Magic Mystery Tour by The Beatles when I was 15 that I wanted to smoke weed and try mushrooms and LSD one day. When I was 19 I finally tried weed, and then mushrooms and LSD soon after. In the 6 years since then, I have been offered heroin, opium, crack, crystal meth, PCP, ketamine, Molly, pills, 2c-i, cocaine, and Adderall, and I've never done any of them, didn't even consider it for one moment.
The beatles are the real gateway drug 🍄
molly is tight
but the fact that you've been offered all those means it's a gateway to those drugs.
Ion gon lie when I was younger thought this was bullshit but now going through it all fr , weed can be a gateway for people that want a more serious high
“The most Dangerous form of this drug”😂😂
NOT A GATEWAY DRUG! I'm a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner student who has worked at the number one ranked hospital in the country (and no I will not name the hospital) and have extensive work in addiction medicine. With the appropriate CBD and THC ratios, numerous professional articles published within the last year indicate that Medical Cannabis actually attenuates the reward seeking behavior related to: alcohol, opioids (including heroin), cocaine and methamphetamines. Where I live, the illegality of Medical Cannabis for Substance Use Disorder is disgusting! My patients are dying!
We aren’t talking about medically prescribed THC to epileptic patients. We’re talking about 16 year old kids that buy weed from drug dealers and get a taste of what a dopamine release feels like and want more and more
@@Mhmhmhmhm The curly haired gentleman made a comment that it's not a good idea to use cannabis medicinally as an "off-ramp" to get off of opioids. Just wanted to clarify that this is just incorrect.
@@johnharrison1487 I agree
@@Mhmhmhmhm 16 year olds also drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. Couldn't that be a gateway drug? Maybe alcohol is the gateway to marijuana. It's ridiculous and rather than demonizing it and making it illegal, we should teach kids the entire truth about marijuana and the entire truth about opiods, alcohol, etc. Not make up stuff like they did in the 90's.
John Harrison link to those studies?