Tapi dia terlalu ceriwis ..gw takut ada orang jahat .karena terlalu ramah sama orang GK di kenal juga bahaya banget..tiap ktemu orang slalu ngasih tau nama@@blablewblaw6988
@@frhn5199 kan sengaja biar jadi terkenal semakin banyak kenal semakin banyak yg subscribe saya nonton dia dari vlognya di india dia mintain hp orang2 satu2 buat dia subcribe hahaa dulu gak nyampe 100k skrg udah lebih dari 500k wkwk
Iya orang indonesia emang terkenal ramah, tapi tetap harus hati²... takutnya malah ketemu preman² cabul, apalagi dia sering ngevlog sendirian di jalanan pas malam hari, soalnya gw udah nonton youtube dia sejak dia ngevlog di philipina.
Dia gak bawa temen...gak bawa translator minimal body guard 😂 dia pikir Indonesia kayak Korea aman ...mengkhawatirkan kalau di colek colek atau di copet...
Aman sih bre disini paling ya orang2 ketawa2 aja soalnya mbaknya positif vibes banget haha , asal gak ke tempat sepi dan tengah malam Indonesia sangat aman di kota2 besar buat solo traveler cewek. 👍
Tapi lucu si dia dari belajar budaya India ke Indonesia..harus ada yang temenin dan sabar aja ajarinnya..di jakarta ga setiap orang mau tau namanya tapi dia terus kasih tau namanya Kelly wkwk kedua setiap ketemu orang selamat pagi..di India mungkin harus kyk gitu setiap ketemu di jalan harus kasih tau namanya atau gimana ga ngerti wkwk
Ada juga Backpaker cewek Korea sendirian jalan-jalan ke Indonesia bahkan nyampe ke Kampung Baduy dan nginap dirumah warga...suka naik gunung juga sendirian
bahasa internasional tidak dipelajari karena mungkin dipikarn orang gak guna kalau gak keluar negri...dan kenyataannya orang luarlah yang ke Indonesia 🤣🤣🤣 awokawokawok
si kelly ini keliatan dia cerdas dan berani yang jadi pertanyaan, mungkinkah dia kenegara orang tanpa tau cara berkomunikasi warga lokal dan tanpa riset? gw mau bahas dari sisi negativnya menurut persepsi gw gak tau dia miskin atau pelit, padahal viewernya banyak dari negara yg dikunjungi... gak ada makanan khas indo yg dicicipi berharap makan gratisan, berharap dikasihani.. yg dia beli makanan pinggir jalan, ingat makanan streetfood bagi orang luar tidak menarik kelakuan capernya berlebihan, pake baju pusatnya keliatan, ini bahaya kalo dia dilecehkan, ingat dunia medsos mudah viral.. negara kita dicap tidak ramah pada turis dan youtubnya dia makin berkembang
@@Erwinanekabusana-qj2wk tuh kejadian solo travler vs botak.. viral sedunia (yg miralil orang indo) padahal gak ada paksaan, kalo mau ayok, kalo gak y udah paham kan maksud gw
Kelly ini punya aura yg positif, biasanya orang kek gini tuh mustahil punya sifat jelek... makanya orang² yg ketemu dia di jalan pada senyum² jadi ikut bahagia, gw jamin orang yg lagi stres klo ketemu ni anak di jalan pasti langsung senyum 😁
Ya allah untung aja ya orang Indonesia ramah kelly greget banget aku liatnya dia nyoba ngomong tp disana gada yg ngerti gpp kelly semangat cinta Indonesia selalu ya ❤️
saya agak miris melihat banyak orang indonesia nggak ngerti bahasa inggris dasar, masa ditanya nama aja gak ngerti, tanya harga juga gak ngerti...pada sekolah gak sih? terus tiap hari buka internet nontonin apa coba di handphone nya...darurat sih ini pendidikan di negeri ini
@@oxxie5547 Indonesia itu termasuk negara yang baru Merdeka dari Jajahan orang asing, jadi orang orang yang kelahiran tahun 1950-1970 itu gak kenal sama yang namanya "Sekolah". kenapa? nah orang jaman dulu itu gatau kalo sekolah itu penting dan mengira sekolah itu khusus untuk orang-orang kaya atau pejabat. Jadi orang Indonesia kebanyakan gak bisa bahasa inggris karena dulunya orang tua mereka itu gak sekolah, dan orang tua mereka memaksa anaknya untuk sekolah padahal mereka belum pernah ngerasain sekolah itu kayak gimana. *MAU CERITA SEDIKIT... Ortu saya kelahiran tahun 1966 dan 1967 mereka berdua atau Ayah dan Ibu saya pernah bilang, kalau mereka itu sekolah tapi cuma sampai bangku kelas 6 SD dan tidak lanjut masuk SMP, kenapa? yah karena orang dulu dulu itu mikir kalau sekolah itu tidak terlalu penting dan lebih ingin untuk membantu orang tua mereka bekerja serabutan. pas awal tahun 2000 an Pemerintah menegaskan kalau sekolah itu sangat penting untuk masa depan anak-anak dan masa depan Negara. - - - English : Indonesia is a country that has just become independent from foreign colonial rule, so people who were born in 1950-1970 do not know what is called "School". Why? Well, people in the past didn't know that school was important and thought that school was only for rich people or officials. So most Indonesians don't speak English because their parents didn't go to school, and their parents forced their children to go to school even though they had never experienced what school was like. *WANT TO TELL A LITTLE STORY... My parents were born in 1966 and 1967, both of them or my father and mother once said, that they went to school but only got to the 6th grade of elementary school and didn't go on to junior high school, why? Yes, because people in the past thought that school was not that important and preferred to help their parents with odd jobs. In the early 2000s, the government emphasized that schools were very important for the future of children and the future of the country.
Kelly Your personality is extremely cheerful and outgoing, Indonesian people are not used to that even though we are friendly to foreigners. I suggest you to always be careful where ever you go, and don't give them your number easily
Ngapain mempekerjakan orang lain, ada google translate kok repot. Lagian nanti Kelly kalo berkunjung ke Bali bakal banyak yg bisa BHS inggris di sana. Makanya itu gw selalu minta dia kunjungi tempat wisata populer kayak Bali.
Justru serunya tuh di situ wkwk, karna vlog2 dia sebelumnya di India gk di dampingi, tapi sih India warganya masih bisa sedikit2 bahasa Inggris wkwk, tapi seru
Bisakah saya mencoba? - Can i try? Apa ini? - What it this? Terima kasih - Thanks Berapa harganya - Hou much Enak - Delicious Selamat pagi - good morning Selamat malam - good night Selamat siang - good afternoon Selamat sore - good evening Selamat tinggal - good bye aku menyukainya - i love it Edit : thanks 292 like 😅🎉
Indonesian are friendly, but i think you are innocent girl. You say hello and say your name to everyone in everywhere. I'm worried there is bad guy taking advantage of you. Hope u enjoy and take care Kelly! I like your vlog in Indonesia. ❤
Yes,, exactly what I thought !! She says hello to everyone .. some people smoke and plays card games looks dangerous really !! So she should be more careful as she is a solo traveller 😊
The first you eating is bakwan sayur, (fried vegetables with flavour) The second you eat is cireng/ aci di goreng (tapioca flavour and same its fried) Third is ubi goreng (fried sweet potato) After that you already knew is banana fried, we call pisang goreng After that we call risol bihun (the inside is glass noodles) And than its fried tofu After tofu is tempe goreng, made by soya been also Enjoy your school kelly, hope you always comforts in indonesia.
My advice, Kelly, if you go on holiday to Indonesia alone, try to find a place that is quite busy, stay alert when making vlogs near highways, even from morning to evening, and avoid quiet places or walking alone. Vlog after 21.00 at night, because it does not rule out the possibility of crime occurring, stay safe and comfortable in Indonesia Kelly happy holiday ✨ 😊👍🏻
baru nemu gw vlogger se ceria dan se positive vibes ini, semua orang di sapa hai dan dia ngasih tau namanya, auto subscribe 😂 tapi cukup gimana ya bilangnya karena banyak orang kita gak ngerti bahasa inggris walau percakapan basic terutama yg pedagang dalam menjelaskan produk apa yg di jual, dan tentang nominal mata uang dalam bahasa Inggris
Here's some Indonesian words to help you communicate with the street food seller What is this = apa ini? What is the name = apa nama nya? How much = berapa? Buy = beli I want to try = mau coba One, two, three = satu, dua, tiga Thank you = terima kasih (or "makasih" for short) Bahasa Indonesia is a very simple language, one of the easiest to learn. And some says it is also a cute language 😂 I hope this is helpful for you ❤ And have a beautiful trip in Indonesia ❤❤
Aduh bener2 dah nich bocah Korea lucu dan polos banget. Bikin gw ngakak banget setiap ngeliat video2nya. 😭😭😂😂 Kelly you must always take care, stay safe, keep yourself with good people and avoid bad people in Indonesia. Love you so much, Kelly. God bless you. 🥰🥰😍😍😘😘😇😇🤗🤗❤❤💖💖
Finally coming to Indonesia, thank you for coming to Indonesia, I hope you feel at home, beautiful sister, always healthy, don't hesitate to greet the friendly Indonesian people, don't forget to go to Jogj Temple
The guy literally made me laugh 2:04 😂 Kelly the way you were handling all of them was so good. She was totally chill. I don't wanna make fun of anyone but use of Google translator is must I think so.
Siang means afternoon.... Selamat pagi = Good morning Selamat siang = Good afternoon Selamat malam = Good evening.. How much = berapa harganya Can I pay one = boleh saya beli satu... Most street food average price about IDR 10.000 to 20.000... 😂❤ Most favourite Indonesian street food; Nasi goreng = Fried rice Mie goreng = Fried noodle Baso = Meat ball with boiled noodle Sate = Grilled cickhen Dessert suggested: Martabak = pancake Baverage: Suggested: Avocado juice = just alpukat...
@@penontonyoutube7543 Good evening selalu di pakai untuk greeting " Selamat malam"...ex: Good evening everybody! Good night di gunakan ketika kamu ingin meninggalkan seseorang ex: Good night bro! see you tomorrow. Good night juga bisa di pakai untuk mengucapkan selamat tidur ex : Good night son! Have a nice sleep!😁👍
I think it’s very cool the way Kelly is taking us on this journey the language barrier makes it more exciting, hopefully we can watch her get better and learn some Indonesian as well,thanks Kelly, please take care 👍
aku ngikutin dari dia diindia sih hehe, tpi sepertinya bakal rame disini, karena kmren penasaran aj gimana reaksi orng Korea ke India Nemu chenal ini jdi ngikutin smpe sekarang, meskipun GK nonton awal tpi ttp nonton
@@Hasanah-cu3tt terserah orang lah beg0k hobi banget lu ngurusin komenan orang lain jan c0k ny0cot ae koen, mending lu urusin diri lo sendiri negatif mulu heran anj.
Kelly, try using the translator on your smartphone and type what you want to ask and show the meaning of the translation to the person you are talking to so that you can both understand the communication. Welcome to Indonesia Kelly ✌🙏🙏👍
hay kelly thank you for introducing indonesia in the eyes of the world, stay healthy always..be careful on the way. for good snacks go to bandung jawa barat,. for beautiful nature go to malang east java or bali. thanks, your new friend from indonesia
Silahkan ekplor kuliner makanan Indonesia ada sate , combro. Nasi goreng, martabak , nasi rendang , harganya terjangkau dan enak rasanya kuliner Indonesia masih banyak macamnya kami masyarakat Indonesia bersukur dan berterimakasih sudah mau datang jauh jauh berkunjung ke Indonesia semoga persahabatan kedua negara menjadi lebih akrab lagi bravo Indonesia - Korea .
Iya malu maluin ngra wwkk ky gk prnh liat model gtuan biasa ja pdhl muka cindo belatak di indo penduduk asli jg byk model gtu..alny yotber korea smpe viral kmn mna yg trjdi pelechan di india ..
Hi Kelly im new subscriber from Malaysia. First im seen your videos at FYP Tik Tok. Then, im follow on your yt channel. Hope your enjoy exploring travel❤❤❤
Kelly is so humble. Tapi di indonesia abangnya biarpun kelly ramah tapi tidak ada yang berani pegang-pegang . Respect 👍 beda dengan india yang pegang-pegang kelly masuknya itu pelecehan. Gemas dan kesal nonton vlog kelly di india😡 sehat-sehat kelly ❤️
Bedanya kalau di Indonesia waktu malam malam cewek jalan sendiri juga bisa bahaya,bukan hanya di pegang pegang aj tapi bisa jadi di ajak ke tempat lain
Udah gitu baca komen2 mereka banyak yg gak ngerasa salah, mungkin bagi mereka pegang2 kayak gitu hal yg lumrah kali ya. Gak kebayang gimana stress nya cewek2 india ngadepin cowok2 disana, pantesan di jalanan india jarang liat cewek
The satay you tried is called taichan satay, next time you can try chicken satay with peanut sauce, usually sold as 1 portion containing 10 skewers, not 1 piece, the price is around IDR 15,000 - 25,000, next time try Bakso, Mie ayam, nasi padang, martabak manis komplit ( sweet) / martabak telur ( salty savory )
Haha allow me to subscribe to your TH-cam channel Kelly, because I really like your character who is cheerful, cheerful and gives a positive vibes, thank you for visiting Indonesia 🇮🇩 😊🙏🏻
32:08 Wow in my opinion the price of one chicken satay or "Sate Ayam" skewer in Jakarta is very expensive, maybe in Jakarta the price is normal there, but in my opinion for those who live outside the city of Jakarta the price is very expensive, because in the city where I live the price of one chicken satay or "Sate Ayam" skewer is IDR 1.600,00 only.
in Indonesia, if you wanna eat street food, you had 2 choice, for example, bakso, the street food in the beginning of this video, first you eat that food in that seller place, and second you have to wrapping that bakso in a plastic, take it and eat it in your home but in case the seller have not chair for you to sit, all you have to do is eat that bakso on the edge of sidewalk (idk how to say it English in correctly) usually the bakso seller might be had 1 or 2 chair, so the buyer can sit in the chair😅
Hai, kelly come to bandung to please, bandung is Paris Van Java in here, and in here u can enjoy the street food to but the Bandung street food is different from Jakarta street food kelly@@kellykorea
@@Axilargaritzhcbukan iq70 blok, tapi emang mereka Gk mau aja belajar BHS inggris karena bagi mereka di indo Gk butuh BHS inggris. Makanya suru Kelly ke Bali di sana tempat wisata populer pasti warga nya lebih banyak yg fasih bahasa Inggris
Tolong di temani oleh anak kampus atau orang-orang baik, ini anak sangatlah polos sekali, dia itu sebenarnya ingin mencicipi makanan dan minuman terutama jajanan kaki lima, tetapi mayoritas warga indo tidak bisa berbahasa inggris, tidak ada yg mengerti apa yang dia sampaikan atau apa yg dia tanya, saya hanya khawatir kalau dia itu nanti dibohongi, atau mendapat pelecahan, saya khawatir sekali, tolong lah dia ini di jaga.
You should do research first, what is the name of your favorite street food and simple vocabulary for buying and selling it will make it easier for you besides that you can also use the translate application
Kelly you should learn Indonesian more lots. Because average Indonesia people can't speak English😅 , but don't worry they still can understand. I feel i want to be your translator..🙏❤️😁👍
There are many kinds of fried foods with salty to sweet flavors. 1. Bakwan Bakwan is a type of cake made from a mixture of vegetables, such as sliced cabbage, carrots and bean sprouts, combined with flour and spices. Usually served with chili sauce. 2. Mendoan tempeh Mendoan tempeh is a typical food from the city of Purwokerto in Central Java. It involves thinly sliced tempeh marinated in spices, coated in flour or batter, then fried until crispy. It is often served with soy sauce or sambal (Indonesian chili paste). 3. Fried tofu Fried tofu refers to fried tofu. Tofu is usually cut into cubes or triangles and fried until golden brown. It can be enjoyed plain or with peanut sauce, sweet chili sauce, or a combination of both. Pisang goreng, or fried banana, is a popular snack in Indonesia. Ripe bananas are fried or coated in flour, then fried until crispy. The result is a sweet and savory treat that is often enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee. 5. Cireng Cireng is short for "aci fried", which means fried tapioca flour. It is made by mixing tapioca flour with water, salt, and sometimes other ingredients such as garlic or scallions. The mixture is formed into small cylindrical shapes and fried until crispy. Cireng is usually served with chili sauce. 6. Pastels Although pastels are technically not fried foods because they are baked rather than fried, they are a popular Indonesian snack. Pastels are savory pastries filled with a mixture of vegetables, chicken or beef. The cake is then baked until golden brown and flaky.
In Indonesia there are very various types of very delicious food and the tourist attractions in Indonesia are very good too... my greetings from Indonesia, love Korea❤️
Kelly ini oke gas oke gas punya .... terjang langsung ngulang2 nama saya kelly ... tanya berapa duit .... " berapa duit = how much " .... "ini apa = what is this" ... mahal = expensive ....
mau siang/sore selalu aja selamat pagi dan setiap ketemu pedagang selalu aja (my name is kelly)😂😂 sumpah ini anak polos banget,tapi jujur dia berani banget buat travel keren sih, good luck
Kelly I think you will have difficulty communicating with local people, Especially with seller street food ! ''You just use Google Translate '' Because if you travel to roadside areas, especially people in their 40 year old .They can't speak English
How much? = Berapa? What is this = Ini Apa? You better say "how are you"? = Apa Kabar? You must try street food here : Bakso, Pempek, Cimol, Cilok, Syomai, Ketoprak Gado-gado Soto ayam Mie Ayam And many more... Street food here
Hello Kelly.. come to Bandung west java,, you can see "KOREA" KOpo aREA in Bandung, Bandung is Heaven of Street Food.. always enjoys n takecare in Indonesia.. ❤
Kelly lu bener-bener ye, polos banget, ngakak gue sepanjang nonton😭😭😭
Asli wkwk gua ngakak tiap dia selalu kasih tau namanya ke setiap pedagang di pinggir jalan, padahal mah kagak perlu klo gk ditanya 😂
@@frhn5199 bener bgt wkwk, baru nemu kontennya tadi dan langsung gua sub krna terhibur bgt krn tingkahnya yg gak malu2 🤣
Tapi dia terlalu ceriwis ..gw takut ada orang jahat .karena terlalu ramah sama orang GK di kenal juga bahaya banget..tiap ktemu orang slalu ngasih tau nama@@blablewblaw6988
@@frhn5199 kan sengaja biar jadi terkenal semakin banyak kenal semakin banyak yg subscribe saya nonton dia dari vlognya di india dia mintain hp orang2 satu2 buat dia subcribe hahaa dulu gak nyampe 100k skrg udah lebih dari 500k wkwk
Gw juga,,,tapi lucu ,imut..
Ketemu di jalan gw ajak makan seblak nih anak
Anak ini humble bgt sumpah, agak mengkhawatirkan juga😢
Iya orang indonesia emang terkenal ramah, tapi tetap harus hati²... takutnya malah ketemu preman² cabul, apalagi dia sering ngevlog sendirian di jalanan pas malam hari, soalnya gw udah nonton youtube dia sejak dia ngevlog di philipina.
Gak terima banget gw kalo dia di apaapain😭
Dia gak bawa temen...gak bawa translator minimal body guard 😂 dia pikir Indonesia kayak Korea aman ...mengkhawatirkan kalau di colek colek atau di copet...
Se 7
Iya ada juga orang yang berkedok baik@@Piwpiw-9x
Mbak nya terlalu ceria wkwkwkwk. Org² jadi salting. Tapi jempol buat mbaknya, traveling sendiri tanpa research dulu.
Aman sih bre disini paling ya orang2 ketawa2 aja soalnya mbaknya positif vibes banget haha , asal gak ke tempat sepi dan tengah malam Indonesia sangat aman di kota2 besar buat solo traveler cewek. 👍
Klo tempat sepi bahaya banyak predator
@@muhamad_saxrelo contoh nya😂
Tapi lucu si dia dari belajar budaya India ke Indonesia..harus ada yang temenin dan sabar aja ajarinnya..di jakarta ga setiap orang mau tau namanya tapi dia terus kasih tau namanya Kelly wkwk kedua setiap ketemu orang selamat pagi..di India mungkin harus kyk gitu setiap ketemu di jalan harus kasih tau namanya atau gimana ga ngerti wkwk
Ada juga Backpaker cewek Korea sendirian jalan-jalan ke Indonesia bahkan nyampe ke Kampung Baduy dan nginap dirumah warga...suka naik gunung juga sendirian
Aku liat kelly ini sangat pede dan berani dia tanpa siapapun yang menemani keren smg dia bs bahasa indo
Dari sini kita belajar, bahwa belajar bahasa inggris itu penting, walaupun cuma kosakata dasar.
Yg bapak bapak dulunya gk belajar b Inggris apa.
Kata "Name" aja gak ngerti.
Padahal katanya mirip sama kata "Nama"
bahasa internasional tidak dipelajari karena mungkin dipikarn orang gak guna kalau gak keluar negri...dan kenyataannya orang luarlah yang ke Indonesia 🤣🤣🤣 awokawokawok
nah,heran juga kek pada nyepelein banget
Tukang satenya ngerti.. finally ada tukang dagang yang ngerti bahasa inggris
Wajib tukang dagang belajar inggris ,,untuk menarik turis 🥹
Abangnya juga bisa bahasa inggris, "tell me your coment"
Bener. Tapi itu sate taichan kan? Apakah bener harga 1 tusuk 5rb? Mahal ya.
Dia kan makan 2 jadinya 5ribu. Maybe
Bapaknya mantan TKI jadi ngerti
baru kali ini liat orang korea se friendly ini, tiap liat orang nyapa trus🗿🗿
Yg ini beda 😊
Selamat pagi selamat pagi 😭
betul 😅 biasanya pada flat. tapi keren sih kelly dia bisa percaya diri. kalau aku keknya udah bingung di negara orang
Soalnya dia udah pernah ke bbrp negara
Terima kasih Kelly udah jalan-jalan ke Indonesia semoga senang dengan makanan Indonesia🇮🇩
si kelly ini keliatan dia cerdas dan berani
yang jadi pertanyaan, mungkinkah dia kenegara orang tanpa tau cara berkomunikasi warga lokal dan tanpa riset?
gw mau bahas dari sisi negativnya menurut persepsi gw
gak tau dia miskin atau pelit, padahal viewernya banyak dari negara yg dikunjungi...
gak ada makanan khas indo yg dicicipi
berharap makan gratisan, berharap dikasihani.. yg dia beli makanan pinggir jalan, ingat makanan streetfood bagi orang luar tidak menarik
kelakuan capernya berlebihan, pake baju pusatnya keliatan, ini bahaya kalo dia dilecehkan, ingat dunia medsos mudah viral.. negara kita dicap tidak ramah pada turis dan youtubnya dia makin berkembang
@@loesiapa-33k Sepemikiran Dia smart berani dan penuh persiapan
contohnya Tangannya gemetaran Dia kelaparan Jadi apapun yg dmakan jadi enak
@@loesiapa-33kterlalu berlebihan anda
@@loesiapa-33kTidak Seperti Sangat Berlebihan
@@Erwinanekabusana-qj2wk tuh kejadian solo travler vs botak.. viral sedunia (yg miralil orang indo)
padahal gak ada paksaan, kalo mau ayok, kalo gak y udah
paham kan maksud gw
Kelly bener" mood bngt orang" semua di halo in, bener" terlihat extrovert😭❤
Kalo orang masih mending, bakwan di sapa, tas dia di bye bye in 😂
Auranya positif, makanya orang yg liat dia jadi ikut bahagia 😁
@@adnbdr4973 definisi ke semua yaa😭
Kelly ini punya aura yg positif, biasanya orang kek gini tuh mustahil punya sifat jelek... makanya orang² yg ketemu dia di jalan pada senyum² jadi ikut bahagia, gw jamin orang yg lagi stres klo ketemu ni anak di jalan pasti langsung senyum 😁
Ya allah untung aja ya orang Indonesia ramah kelly greget banget aku liatnya dia nyoba ngomong tp disana gada yg ngerti gpp kelly semangat cinta Indonesia selalu ya ❤️
saya agak miris melihat banyak orang indonesia nggak ngerti bahasa inggris dasar, masa ditanya nama aja gak ngerti, tanya harga juga gak ngerti...pada sekolah gak sih? terus tiap hari buka internet nontonin apa coba di handphone nya...darurat sih ini pendidikan di negeri ini
Masa kalah sama India wkwk
@@oxxie5547saya lulus SD 97 kelas 6 ada sedikit pelajaran bahasa inggris.....terus di Paket B juga di ajarin bahas Inggris
masih mending orang india ditanya gk planga plongo wkwk
@@oxxie5547 Indonesia itu termasuk negara yang baru Merdeka dari Jajahan orang asing, jadi orang orang yang kelahiran tahun 1950-1970 itu gak kenal sama yang namanya "Sekolah". kenapa? nah orang jaman dulu itu gatau kalo sekolah itu penting dan mengira sekolah itu khusus untuk orang-orang kaya atau pejabat.
Jadi orang Indonesia kebanyakan gak bisa bahasa inggris karena dulunya orang tua mereka itu gak sekolah, dan orang tua mereka memaksa anaknya untuk sekolah padahal mereka belum pernah ngerasain sekolah itu kayak gimana.
Ortu saya kelahiran tahun 1966 dan 1967 mereka berdua atau Ayah dan Ibu saya pernah bilang, kalau mereka itu sekolah tapi cuma sampai bangku kelas 6 SD dan tidak lanjut masuk SMP, kenapa? yah karena orang dulu dulu itu mikir kalau sekolah itu tidak terlalu penting dan lebih ingin untuk membantu orang tua mereka bekerja serabutan.
pas awal tahun 2000 an Pemerintah menegaskan kalau sekolah itu sangat penting untuk masa depan anak-anak dan masa depan Negara.
English :
Indonesia is a country that has just become independent from foreign colonial rule, so people who were born in 1950-1970 do not know what is called "School". Why? Well, people in the past didn't know that school was important and thought that school was only for rich people or officials.
So most Indonesians don't speak English because their parents didn't go to school, and their parents forced their children to go to school even though they had never experienced what school was like.
My parents were born in 1966 and 1967, both of them or my father and mother once said, that they went to school but only got to the 6th grade of elementary school and didn't go on to junior high school, why? Yes, because people in the past thought that school was not that important and preferred to help their parents with odd jobs.
In the early 2000s, the government emphasized that schools were very important for the future of children and the future of the country.
Kelly Your personality is extremely cheerful and outgoing, Indonesian people are not used to that even though we are friendly to foreigners. I suggest you to always be careful where ever you go, and don't give them your number easily
This is why one of biggest I ever hates to our some people.
I think you should hire an Indonesian to make it easier for Kelly to communicate, because in Indonesia there are very few who can speak English
Or Using google translate to make it easier
@@agnezmo_bundacorla itu bukan masalah Google... tpi buru2 aja atau ga trlalu consent... yg Indonesian aja yg slh
ngatur2 lo
Ngapain mempekerjakan orang lain, ada google translate kok repot.
Lagian nanti Kelly kalo berkunjung ke Bali bakal banyak yg bisa BHS inggris di sana.
Makanya itu gw selalu minta dia kunjungi tempat wisata populer kayak Bali.
Justru serunya tuh di situ wkwk, karna vlog2 dia sebelumnya di India gk di dampingi, tapi sih India warganya masih bisa sedikit2 bahasa Inggris wkwk, tapi seru
Kocak bener nih turis Korea,hehe..biar kata dah siang Poko nya pagi terus,hehe..
Siyang? Siyang? I dont know whats siyang wkwkkw
I think you should meet or collab with NoonaRosa, She's youtuber from Korea too but lives in Indonesia, maybe she can help you. Fighting Kelly
Iya dia streetfood juga tapi lebih fasih dia soal makanan ngerti aja spot² mantap
Kelly, if you want to talk to Indonesian people fluently, use Google translate to make it easier😊❤
This is challenge
Kelly thinks everyone speaks English 😂
Yes, Seperti JINU TH-camr
Dia ngevlog nya pakai hp bukan go pro.....jadi susah kalo pakai aplikasi terjemahan
Bisakah saya mencoba? - Can i try?
Apa ini? - What it this?
Terima kasih - Thanks
Berapa harganya - Hou much
Enak - Delicious
Selamat pagi - good morning
Selamat malam - good night
Selamat siang - good afternoon
Selamat sore - good evening
Selamat tinggal - good bye
aku menyukainya - i love it
Edit : thanks 292 like 😅🎉
Bantu sundul biar dibaca
Semoga dj baca
Indonesian are friendly, but i think you are innocent girl. You say hello and say your name to everyone in everywhere. I'm worried there is bad guy taking advantage of you. Hope u enjoy and take care Kelly! I like your vlog in Indonesia. ❤
Yes,, exactly what I thought !!
Yes,, exactly what I thought !! She says hello to everyone .. some people smoke and plays card games looks dangerous really !! So she should be more careful as she is a solo traveller 😊
@@akhilaravi5878 don't worry she will not get r*pe or assult Indonesia is not india
The first you eating is bakwan sayur, (fried vegetables with flavour)
The second you eat is cireng/ aci di goreng (tapioca flavour and same its fried)
Third is ubi goreng (fried sweet potato)
After that you already knew is banana fried, we call pisang goreng
After that we call risol bihun (the inside is glass noodles)
And than its fried tofu
After tofu is tempe goreng, made by soya been also
Enjoy your school kelly, hope you always comforts in indonesia.
My advice, Kelly, if you go on holiday to Indonesia alone, try to find a place that is quite busy, stay alert when making vlogs near highways, even from morning to evening, and avoid quiet places or walking alone. Vlog after 21.00 at night, because it does not rule out the possibility of crime occurring, stay safe and comfortable in Indonesia Kelly happy holiday ✨ 😊👍🏻
Sangat mewakili saya komennya bang😂.. mau bilang gitu tpi males translate😂
baru nemu gw vlogger se ceria dan se positive vibes ini, semua orang di sapa hai dan dia ngasih tau namanya, auto subscribe 😂
tapi cukup gimana ya bilangnya karena banyak orang kita gak ngerti bahasa inggris walau percakapan basic terutama yg pedagang dalam menjelaskan produk apa yg di jual, dan tentang nominal mata uang dalam bahasa Inggris
also agak ngeri juga ngelihat dia jalan sendirian, sering di godain abang abang pinggir jalan, mana nanyain tinggal sendiri sama minta nomer wa pula
Syukur gk ada yg megang ato ngerangkul dia 😅
@@justluth ada itu tdi hampir ketika mau nyebrang
gregetan juga saya...sya juga gabisa inggris tp yg dasar2..kaya how much..wht it is ...masya allah...tolong sodara2 ku ... mari belajar bareng..
😅😅😅 7000 ribu di sangka dia gede padahal murah 😅😅 nol nya banyak JD bingung 😅😅
Kelly, you have to learn this words, "aku mau ini = I want this one" or "ini apa? = What is this?" or "berapa harganya? = How much is this?"
Here's some Indonesian words to help you communicate with the street food seller
What is this = apa ini?
What is the name = apa nama nya?
How much = berapa?
Buy = beli
I want to try = mau coba
One, two, three = satu, dua, tiga
Thank you = terima kasih (or "makasih" for short)
Bahasa Indonesia is a very simple language, one of the easiest to learn. And some says it is also a cute language 😂
I hope this is helpful for you ❤
And have a beautiful trip in Indonesia ❤❤
uppp😂😅thanks kakaknyaa baik bangett dah dibantu ngetik ini
Kayak ngajarin anak paud
Miris inggris dasar aja orang indo gak bisa
Aduh bener2 dah nich bocah Korea lucu dan polos banget. Bikin gw ngakak banget setiap ngeliat video2nya. 😭😭😂😂 Kelly you must always take care, stay safe, keep yourself with good people and avoid bad people in Indonesia. Love you so much, Kelly. God bless you. 🥰🥰😍😍😘😘😇😇🤗🤗❤❤💖💖
2:46 he said: you are far from home, so be carefull. RESPECT
Gw benci sm yg jual gorengan baju merah, meskipun niatnya cmn becanda tpi dia coba mau peluk2
Iya betul dia bahaya banget laporkan ga si itu jatuhnya pelecehan@@MemeySusanti-v9q
@@MemeySusanti-v9q mana minta wa pula wkwk
So heartwarming :(
Kamu berani sekali seperti mempunyai sembilan nyawa.. Berhati - hati selalu yaa..
Kelly, you have a lot to learn from a Korean TH-camr named Hari Jisun, she is very famous in Indonesia. Love u kelly❤
Lebih baik jadi diri sendiri, itu sudah jadi lebih baik
Finally coming to Indonesia, thank you for coming to Indonesia, I hope you feel at home, beautiful sister, always healthy, don't hesitate to greet the friendly Indonesian people, don't forget to go to Jogj Temple
Salut bgt ga takut traveling sendirian + ketemu orang yang ga ngerti bahasa kita, klo aku dah planga-plongo sumpahhhh!!!! Hebat bgt mbanyaa❤
Omggg you’re so friendly too, thank you for coming to indonesia and become super positive to us 🫶🏼 i would like to see more from youuu
The guy literally made me laugh 2:04 😂 Kelly the way you were handling all of them was so good.
She was totally chill. I don't wanna make fun of anyone but use of Google translator is must I think so.
Siang means afternoon....
Selamat pagi = Good morning
Selamat siang = Good afternoon
Selamat malam = Good evening..
How much = berapa harganya
Can I pay one = boleh saya beli satu...
Most street food average price about IDR 10.000 to 20.000...
Most favourite Indonesian street food;
Nasi goreng = Fried rice
Mie goreng = Fried noodle
Baso = Meat ball with boiled noodle
Sate = Grilled cickhen
Dessert suggested:
Martabak = pancake
Avocado juice = just alpukat...
Selamat malam kok good evening?
Good night,,salah tulis dia☺️
Good evening selalu di pakai untuk greeting " Selamat malam"...ex: Good evening everybody!
Good night di gunakan ketika kamu ingin meninggalkan seseorang ex: Good night bro! see you tomorrow.
Good night juga bisa di pakai untuk mengucapkan selamat tidur ex : Good night son! Have a nice sleep!😁👍
Up... Good
@@penontonyoutube7543belajar lagi njing
I think it’s very cool the way Kelly is taking us on this journey the language barrier makes it more exciting, hopefully we can watch her get better and learn some Indonesian as well,thanks Kelly, please take care 👍
Video tentang indonesia pasti akan rame , apalagi vlogger kaya gini 😊
aku ngikutin dari dia diindia sih hehe, tpi sepertinya bakal rame disini, karena kmren penasaran aj gimana reaksi orng Korea ke India Nemu chenal ini jdi ngikutin smpe sekarang, meskipun GK nonton awal tpi ttp nonton
Biasa ja terlalu heboh sendri
@@Hasanah-cu3tt terserah orang lah beg0k hobi banget lu ngurusin komenan orang lain jan c0k ny0cot ae koen, mending lu urusin diri lo sendiri negatif mulu heran anj.
Even with the thick language barrier, u're still able to present yourself happy and cheerful, i adore you Kelly
Kelly, try using the translator on your smartphone and type what you want to ask and show the meaning of the translation to the person you are talking to so that you can both understand the communication. Welcome to Indonesia Kelly ✌🙏🙏👍
i recommend papago
Greget banget ya padahal tinggal pake google translate 😂
Gw jg heran knp dia ga pake G translate 😅
Kelly cantik dan ceria banget 👍
hay kelly thank you for introducing indonesia in the eyes of the world, stay healthy always..be careful on the way. for good snacks go to bandung jawa barat,. for beautiful nature go to malang east java or bali. thanks, your new friend from indonesia
Silahkan ekplor kuliner makanan Indonesia ada sate , combro. Nasi goreng, martabak , nasi rendang , harganya terjangkau dan enak rasanya kuliner Indonesia masih banyak macamnya kami masyarakat Indonesia bersukur dan berterimakasih sudah mau datang jauh jauh berkunjung ke Indonesia semoga persahabatan kedua negara menjadi lebih akrab lagi bravo Indonesia - Korea .
Finally you have come to Indonesia, welcome to my country, I hope you enjoy your trip while in Indonesia
Orang indon jgn yg aneh2,,n jgn malu"in..kalo bertemu anak ini..Kelly ❤❤
Bacot lu anjing
Iya khawatir ada yg aneh² kaya viral pas waktu ke pringdapan
Iya malu maluin ngra wwkk ky gk prnh liat model gtuan biasa ja pdhl muka cindo belatak di indo penduduk asli jg byk model gtu..alny yotber korea smpe viral kmn mna yg trjdi pelechan di india ..
Bendera yang Anda gunakan bukan Indonesia🇮🇩
Lu sendiri aja malu maluin masa gak bisa bedain bendera indonesia sama bendera monaco😂
Hi Kelly im new subscriber from Malaysia. First im seen your videos at FYP Tik Tok. Then, im follow on your yt channel. Hope your enjoy exploring travel❤❤❤
Halo malaysia
Remain careful, even though Indonesia is very friendly, crime can happen anywhere because there is an opportunity, ENJOY INDONESIA.
Kelly is so humble. Tapi di indonesia abangnya biarpun kelly ramah tapi tidak ada yang berani pegang-pegang . Respect 👍 beda dengan india yang pegang-pegang kelly masuknya itu pelecehan. Gemas dan kesal nonton vlog kelly di india😡 sehat-sehat kelly ❤️
Bedanya kalau di Indonesia waktu malam malam cewek jalan sendiri juga bisa bahaya,bukan hanya di pegang pegang aj tapi bisa jadi di ajak ke tempat lain
Indonesia and India aren't much different.
Udah gitu baca komen2 mereka banyak yg gak ngerasa salah, mungkin bagi mereka pegang2 kayak gitu hal yg lumrah kali ya. Gak kebayang gimana stress nya cewek2 india ngadepin cowok2 disana, pantesan di jalanan india jarang liat cewek
Kelly sangat² menikmati d indonesia, semoga keramahan orang² indonesia semakin mendunia
Nice vlog kelly🥰,i’m new subscribers from indonesia,i love japanese and korean girls,,hope u enjoy in indonesia love youuu❤️
The satay you tried is called taichan satay, next time you can try chicken satay with peanut sauce, usually sold as 1 portion containing 10 skewers, not 1 piece, the price is around IDR 15,000 - 25,000, next time try Bakso, Mie ayam, nasi padang, martabak manis komplit ( sweet) / martabak telur ( salty savory )
Recomended Indonesiaan Foods: Rendang, Ayam Geprek, Sate, Martabak, Nasi Goreng, Kue Puthu.. 👌
Polos, lucu dan ramah itulah kelly.
Apalagi lihat orang-orang yang bingung dengan bahasanya.
Kelly kelly 😭🤣
Haha allow me to subscribe to your TH-cam channel Kelly, because I really like your character who is cheerful, cheerful and gives a positive vibes, thank you for visiting Indonesia 🇮🇩 😊🙏🏻
Ini mah friendlynya lebih dari orang Indonesia cok si Kelly 😂 dia yg gitu gw yg malu tolong 🙂
Selamat menikmati jajanan di kota jakarta, indonesia😃👍
more vlog please, I like your vlog and really humble
Down to earth vlogger. Lets make this youtuber korea ini famous guys..😁
Thank you for visiting and traveling around Indonesia, I really like your content on Indonesia.
즐거운 인도네시아 휴가 여행 되세요, KELLY님 감사합니다
Love From India ❤️🇮🇳
Ga nanya
32:08 Wow in my opinion the price of one chicken satay or "Sate Ayam" skewer in Jakarta is very expensive, maybe in Jakarta the price is normal there, but in my opinion for those who live outside the city of Jakarta the price is very expensive, because in the city where I live the price of one chicken satay or "Sate Ayam" skewer is IDR 1.600,00 only.
kelly thank you so much coz you made my day...keep smiling ..
Kelly you're so fun. I really love to watch all of your contains. Hope you healhty and enjoy in Indonesia.
in Indonesia, if you wanna eat street food, you had 2 choice, for example, bakso, the street food in the beginning of this video, first you eat that food in that seller place, and second you have to wrapping that bakso in a plastic, take it and eat it in your home
but in case the seller have not chair for you to sit, all you have to do is eat that bakso on the edge of sidewalk (idk how to say it English in correctly)
usually the bakso seller might be had 1 or 2 chair, so the buyer can sit in the chair😅
Mohon dukungannya
@kellykorea I like you ❤😊
@@kellykoreaKelly you look so pretty wearing that adidas outfit... May be you can wearing it on Jakarta car free day event...
@@kellykoreaaww ❤
Hai, kelly come to bandung to please, bandung is Paris Van Java in here, and in here u can enjoy the street food to but the Bandung street food is different from Jakarta street food kelly@@kellykorea
Pentingnya belajar bahasa inggris sejak dini
I'm watching from jupiter here in jupiter we Don't have tasty food like your earth, please make more delicious food video
Hello from mars❤
hello, I am a universe explorer
i love the way kelly ignore people and keep focus with her foods 😂
Mba kelly, semoga selalu sehat2 ya. Selalu hati2 ya mba dimanapun. Duh mbanya humble banget semua disapa 🥹❤️😍
Cakep banget mbaknya 😍 lopyu😊
Agak malu dikit bnyk masyarakat Indonesia yg msih kurang bsa pke b.inggris, semangattt ka Kelly ngevlog di Indonesia,semoga betah yak✨✨✨
Sama orang cina, rusia, spanyol, Vietnam dll juga ga bisa bahasa Inggris
iq 70
@@dhanznroses7692tapi ga seplonga plongo kek indo
@@dhanznroses7692tapi ga plonga plongo,kek indo
@@Axilargaritzhcbukan iq70 blok, tapi emang mereka Gk mau aja belajar BHS inggris karena bagi mereka di indo Gk butuh BHS inggris.
Makanya suru Kelly ke Bali di sana tempat wisata populer pasti warga nya lebih banyak yg fasih bahasa Inggris
Kelly's suggestion is to use the Google Translate English to Indonesian translator because not many people can speak English
The interesting point is that Kelly is passionate about content creation ❤
I hope Kelly is always given health, and always spreads positivity everywhere, and keep safe
Tolong di temani oleh anak kampus atau orang-orang baik, ini anak sangatlah polos sekali, dia itu sebenarnya ingin mencicipi makanan dan minuman terutama jajanan kaki lima, tetapi mayoritas warga indo tidak bisa berbahasa inggris, tidak ada yg mengerti apa yang dia sampaikan atau apa yg dia tanya, saya hanya khawatir kalau dia itu nanti dibohongi, atau mendapat pelecahan, saya khawatir sekali, tolong lah dia ini di jaga.
Iyya lagi haha polos banget 😭
You should do research first, what is the name of your favorite street food and simple vocabulary for buying and selling it will make it easier for you besides that you can also use the translate application
enthusiastic about creating content, and always be healthy😊
Kelly needs a companion if she goes on holiday in Indonesia, because It's very difficult to communicate with people out there😊😊
Respek banget sama paman pedagang sate ,bisa bahasa Inggris 😊 30:55
Thank you for coming to Indonesia, try the typical Bandung food, the food is really delicious🙏🙏
why do many people not understand just "how much", "what is that?" "what is this name?"
because it's Indonesia, not america
I love south Korea🇰🇷 and Japan 🇯🇵 🫰🖤💗💜♾️💕
Enjoy and enjoy Kelly's Indonesian snacks, you have to be careful and maintain your health. I love you
Semoga orang2 indonesia tetap menjaga adek ini..saya sgt khawatir.
Dia yg jln kita yg khawatir...
Kelly you should learn Indonesian more lots. Because average Indonesia people can't speak English😅 , but don't worry they still can understand. I feel i want to be your translator..🙏❤️😁👍
Love from India ❤❤❤😊
There are many kinds of fried foods with salty to sweet flavors.
1. Bakwan
Bakwan is a type of cake made from a mixture of vegetables, such as sliced cabbage, carrots and bean sprouts, combined with flour and spices. Usually served with chili sauce.
2. Mendoan tempeh
Mendoan tempeh is a typical food from the city of Purwokerto in Central Java. It involves thinly sliced tempeh marinated in spices, coated in flour or batter, then fried until crispy. It is often served with soy sauce or sambal (Indonesian chili paste).
3. Fried tofu
Fried tofu refers to fried tofu. Tofu is usually cut into cubes or triangles and fried until golden brown. It can be enjoyed plain or with peanut sauce, sweet chili sauce, or a combination of both.
Pisang goreng, or fried banana, is a popular snack in Indonesia. Ripe bananas are fried or coated in flour, then fried until crispy. The result is a sweet and savory treat that is often enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee.
5. Cireng
Cireng is short for "aci fried", which means fried tapioca flour. It is made by mixing tapioca flour with water, salt, and sometimes other ingredients such as garlic or scallions.
The mixture is formed into small cylindrical shapes and fried until crispy. Cireng is usually served with chili sauce.
6. Pastels
Although pastels are technically not fried foods because they are baked rather than fried, they are a popular Indonesian snack. Pastels are savory pastries filled with a mixture of vegetables, chicken or beef. The cake is then baked until golden brown and flaky.
In Indonesia there are very various types of very delicious food and the tourist attractions in Indonesia are very good too... my greetings from Indonesia, love Korea❤️
Polos banget jadi mengkhawatirkan sendirian gitu jadi pengen jagain
Maaf aku dlu ya kak 😂😂
안녕하세요 Kelly 저는 K-POP과 K-Drama를 좋아합니다 🫰💕🖤💗💜♾️💕
Looks like you need a translator 😅 Don't forget to go to Jogja Kelly or Bali, there are lots of culinary delights you can try
Big respect for you💯💯 . Travel alone? How you so brave 🙏
Kelly ini oke gas oke gas punya .... terjang langsung ngulang2 nama saya kelly ... tanya berapa duit .... " berapa duit = how much " .... "ini apa = what is this" ... mahal = expensive ....
i love it, u r soooooo cute n brave , u should to go to many places in indonesia.... so many wonderful places here
It's better if you use Google Translate so it's easy to talk to local people 😊
Watching from India, have a good time there in jakarta( indonesia) ❤❤❤
Love from Nepal 🇳🇵
Kelly adalah youtuber paling gacor yg pernah sy liat. Kamu lucu Kelly😅😅
mau siang/sore selalu aja selamat pagi dan setiap ketemu pedagang selalu aja (my name is kelly)😂😂 sumpah ini anak polos banget,tapi jujur dia berani banget buat travel keren sih, good luck
Saran untuk memudahkan berkomunikasi gunakan google translate karna bayak warga Indonesia yang kurang paham bahasa Inggris 😊
Kelly I think you will have difficulty communicating with local people, Especially with seller street food !
''You just use Google Translate ''
Because if you travel to roadside areas, especially people in their 40 year old .They can't speak English
How much? = Berapa?
What is this = Ini Apa?
You better say "how are you"? = Apa Kabar?
You must try street food here :
Soto ayam
Mie Ayam
And many more... Street food here
Hello Kelly.. come to Bandung west java,, you can see "KOREA" KOpo aREA in Bandung, Bandung is Heaven of Street Food.. always enjoys n takecare in Indonesia.. ❤
Enjoy your time in Indonesia. stay careful and keep up the spirit. I just found your content