I have seen most of your episodes, but in terms of real life experience this man is the best. There is a lot to learn from his honest and coherent narration of stories as well. Great job, Meri! Kenean, please mind your body language; crossing your arms during conversations/interview signals defensiveness.
The type of person who comfortably navigating through unexpected changes or challenges and a deeper understanding of the world around him. It could be an indication that his mind is better than average smart individual.
Not in our culture though! Crossing arms actually in our culture has different meaning like Melkam Sinesiraten Yasayal! I remember when we were little, the teachers asking us to crisscrossed our arms and to be quiet and listen 😂
My take away form this podcast is ' we must adapt to our situations and be creative to survive and excel, use local resources to make the best out of it, take risks, and enjoy the moment' , Mr Fekade, kudos to you for taking your old mates on board in your entrepreneurial journey. I think that is the key secret to your ongoing success. The biggest challenge in Ethiopia is not the politics or the policy but MANAGEMENT/ FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON TO RELY ON, you got very lucky with that on top of your relentlessness, Thanks for sharing your life's journey. Thanks Meri podcast for hosting such a resourceful soul.
I live in harar near to his new hotel and am so proud to be his neighborhood.. i always see the progress of his hotel its magnificent.... mr. Fekadu you are one of the chosen person in world i said i world not in content..i wish if i work for you am graduated with civil engineer.am proud of you sir you are my role model
A very resilient life story! His persistence, faith, hope, and determination is off chart! As someone from Harar, glad to hear that he is building an international brand in that hostoric city. The last time I visited Harar was 2018. I still remember how shocked I was to stay at Ras Hotel in a room, which had a broken window without hot water. This was a very beautiful hotel we had craved to even step into it's premise. What was interesting? Dire Dawa had multiple world-class hotels. Hope, more hotels open in Harar in the coming years...
Africa is the biggest market for Ethiopia and I also had an experience before 13/14 years in the southern part of Africa and saw a lot of potential special for SME industry
Nama hojii cimaadha! Nama baayyee walitti dhiyaannu! Abbaa qabeenyaa guddaa hawaasa waliin jiraatu! Really was challenging life and always GOD with you
Most of the people who come from Deqemhare, Eritrea 🇪🇷 are smart and successful people. I was in Deqmhare last month and it’s so beautiful place You guys are great and God bless you all.
Mr. Fekdu's interview was truly eye-opening and packed with invaluable life lessons. His insights and experiences shed light on perspectives that are both inspiring and thought-provoking, leaving a lasting impact on all who had the chance to watch it. Thanks Meri Pocast
My perspective on life has completely changed after watching this video. Long live Mr. Fikadu Tsegaye, and thank you, Meri Producers, for bringing this giant, amazing, and historical person to us.
Jegna Abate jegna business man interesting story, he motivated me so much!!!!! 4 geze ayhute more time setachute degame Bekerbu des yelyale buzu temhert yesetalu Thank u Meri
The audacity of the human spirit is amazing. The speaker had tapped into his entrepreneurial nature and loves the challenge of the next thing. I found this program highly candid and educational. Best wishes hope to stay at your hotel when i visit harar. I have been to Dekemhare because i am Eritrean 🇪🇷✌
It’s very educative and great interview. Life by itself is great school. He is a great and so matured person. I wish him good health and more blessings!
I learned very important knowledge in my personal life from other people's life experiences and their business experiences. It's not what you know, or you learned, it's about who you know, because knowlage is power and from other people's experience we can learn, and we can grow.
ከዚህ ቃለ ምልልስ የተማርኩት፤
ፈጣሪ ስራው ግሩም ድንቅ እንደሆነ ነው፤
"ሰዎች ፈረዱበኝ አንተ ግን አዳንከኝ" የሚለውን የምስጋና መዝሙር አስታወሱኝ
ትሞታለህ ተብለኽ ስትጠበቅ በህይወት ትኖራለህ፤
ትኖራለህ ስትባልም ትሞታለህ፤
ሰውዬው በጣም ግልጽና ቀና ሰው ናቸው።
አጋጣሚን መፈለግና መፈጠር ይችሉበታል፤ በደንብም ይጠቀሙበተል።
ውስብስብ ፍልስፍና የላቸውም ቀላል መንገድ ነው የሚከተሉት
"አሁን ያለኽበትን ቦታ ኑረው
ነገህን ደግሞ ቀይረው፤
ችግርን በችግርነቱ ተቀብሎ
መፍሔ ፍለጋ ላይ ማተኮር አለቀ።
የተኖረ ሕይወት እንዲህ ይነገራል። እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ያርዝምልዎ፤
ይገርማል ሠው የሚያልፍበት መንገድ ። ትልቅ ተስፋ መቁረጥ ውስጥ ሆኜ ነበር ይሄን ቪዲዮ መመልከት የጀመርኩት። ምን ጊዜም ቢሆን ህይወትን አስፍቶ ማየትን እና አዲስ ነገር ማድረግን ተምሬያለሁ ።
አሏህ ይጠብቅሺ / ህ ሁሉም ያልፋል ዋና ትግስት ነዉ
Proud Daugther Here, Sooo Proud. Thankyou Again For Having My Dad 🙏🏾🤍🙏🏾
Will you marry me
@@revolution9102😂😂😂😂 lebla lifeh Revolution letderge
ጀግና አባት አለሺ ይህን ችግር ተቋቁሞ ለዚህ መድረሱ
Wow you are too lucky to have such a kind father
This man is the definition of a hustler. His life story makes a great book. May you have more fortune and health for the remaining of your days.
ምርጥ ፕሮግራም ነበር ለእንግዳ ሰፊ ጌዜ በመስጠታችሁ ብዙ ነገሮች አስተምሮናል።መኖር
አጎቴ የኔ ጀግና የዋህ እኛም እንደ እንግዳ ነው ህይወትህን የሠማነው ኮርተንብሀል በተጨመረልህ እድሜ እግዛብሔር ከዚ በላይ የትረፍርፍህ ለብዙዎች አባት ሁን እንወድሀለን
Proud Son here, Soo proud of you DAD🙏
የጋሼ ፍቄ ልጅ
አባትህ የእሰቶቪን የዉጭ አካለ ቆርቆሮን እኛዉ ጋ እንሰራዋለን ኤሌትሮኒኩን ግን ቱርኮቹም ከቻይና ሰለሚያሰመጡ እኛም ለግዜዉ ከቻይና አሰመጥተን እንገጣጥመዋለን ብለዋ
ጋሼ ፍቄ ልብቱ ካለች መድፈር ብቻ ነዉ የሚፈለገዉ ባሉት መሰረት እኔ ኤሌትሮኒክሲም ሀገራችን ዉሰጥ እንዲመረት ሰለምፈልግ አንተ ይህን ያባትህን ሕልም ወደ መሬት ታወርዳለህ ብዬ ይህንን አሰተያየት ሰሰጥ ዜሮ ጥቅም ከዚህ አሰተያየት ፈልጌ አይደለም ደግሞም አልፈልግም ብቻ አንተ የአባትህን ሕልም እዉነት አርገዉ
እንዳባትህ አንድ ሕልመኛ ኬንያዊ ነበር የመኪና ሰርቆትመከላከያ መሳሪያ የሰራል ግን ቻይና ልኮ PCBዉን ሲያሰራዉ ኮፒ አርገዉበት የኬንያን ገበያ አጥለቅልቀዉ አሰቸግረዉት አራሱ ሁሉን ነገሮቹን ኬንያ ዉሰጥ ማምረት ጀምሯል
ሰለዚህ ይሄንን ቪድዬ ተመልከት አቶ Morris Mbetsa ይባላል
Smart Token Electricity Meter - ከቻይና የሚያመጣቹን እቃዉች ተመልከት አንድ ኮንቴነር ብታሰገባ ለአምሰት ዓመት የሚበቃህን ዕቃ አሰገባህ ማለት ነዉ።አሰበዉ መጎጎዣ ላይ የምታተርፈዉን ታክሰ ላይ የምታተርፈዉ በእኛ ጉልበት ሰለሚሰራ ርካነቱን አሰበዉ
How GPS trackers are Made.
እዚህ ላይ ኤሌትሪኩን የሚሰራዉን ማሸን ማየት ይቻላል
ፋክ ኦፍ ይላሉ ፈረንጆች
ጋሽ ፍቄ ጥንካሬ ለብዙዎች ትምህርት ለልጆችህ ኩራት ነው እረጅም እድሜ ከጤናጋ እመኛለሁ🙏
የሚገርም ሰው ነው !ሌላው ቢቀር ይህን ታሪክ ከሰማውና ይህን ቪዲዮ ካየሁ በኋላ Best western የሚለውን ሆቴል ሳይ የሚታወሰኝ ይህ ሰውዬ ነዉ
እዉነት ለመናገር ተቀድቶ ኤደት ተደርጎ የሚቀርብ እንኳነን እንደዚህ አይጠራም ከራስ ዉስጥ የሚፈልቅ የጠራ /no edit/ እጅግ ይገርማል እዉነት ቀሪ ዘመንህ ይባረክ ረጅም እድሜ ኑር!!!
ይህ ሰው እጅግ በጣም እድለኛ ከሚባሉ ጥቂት ሰዎች አንዱ ነው፣ ከሞት፣ ከእስራት ተርፎ እንደዚህ Successful መሆን ምን ያህል ተስፋ የማይቆርጥ ጠንካራ ሰው ነው። እንዃን ደስ አለህ፣ በጣም የምትደነቅ ሰው ነህ።
እውነት? እንዴት አውቀሻል
አቦ በጣም ጠቃሚ ኘሮግም ነዉ " አገሮች የሚለወጡት በሀሳብ ነዉ በጣም የሚጠቅሙ ሀሳቦች የሚንሸራሸሩበት ኘሮግራም ነዉ "እኔ በፈጣሪ ፈቃድ አሁን ያለሁት ሲዊዲን ነዉ እዚህ ሁሉንም ነገሮች ለመኖር ተመቻችቷል ለኔ ግን ይሄ ምቾት አይሰጠኝም ለውጥ የሌለው ኑሮ ሁል ጊዜ ተመሳሳይ ጭንቀት የበዛበት ከአቶ ፈቃዱ ጋር ተመሳሳይ ሀሳብ አለኝ እኔ ኢትዮጵያ ሳለሁ ብዙ የምጥር ደሞ ቀዬን ሲያነሳ ጅጅጋና አካባቢዎች አቦ ትዝታዎች ጫረብኝ ኢንሻአላህ እኔም ሀገሬ የመግባት እቅድ አለኝ አቦ ይመቻችሁ ቸር ተመኝሁ አቶ ፈቃዱ ይሄ ታሪክህ በመጽሐፉ መጻፍ አለበት ትውልድ ይማርበታል
Allah yirdah wendme kechalk gin jigjiga lay tru neger lemesrat aseb
I have seen most of your episodes, but in terms of real life experience this man is the best. There is a lot to learn from his honest and coherent narration of stories as well. Great job, Meri! Kenean, please mind your body language; crossing your arms during conversations/interview signals defensiveness.
በማን ባህል እጅ ማጣመር በኛ እንግዳን ማክበር ነዉ
The type of person who comfortably navigating through unexpected changes or challenges and a deeper understanding of the world around him. It could be an indication that his mind is better than average smart individual.
@@ዋሰBegan bahil kenan is correct.
Not in our culture though! Crossing arms actually in our culture has different meaning like Melkam Sinesiraten Yasayal! I remember when we were little, the teachers asking us to crisscrossed our arms and to be quiet and listen 😂
My take away form this podcast is ' we must adapt to our situations and be creative to survive and excel, use local resources to make the best out of it, take risks, and enjoy the moment' , Mr Fekade, kudos to you for taking your old mates on board in your entrepreneurial journey. I think that is the key secret to your ongoing success. The biggest challenge in Ethiopia is not the politics or the policy but MANAGEMENT/ FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON TO RELY ON, you got very lucky with that on top of your relentlessness, Thanks for sharing your life's journey. Thanks Meri podcast for hosting such a resourceful soul.
በጣም ጠንካራ ሰው..... Mainstream ሚዲያ ላይ ማናቃቸውን ሰው ነው ምታመጡት በጣም ተምረንበታል
What a journey!! Got big life lessons from Gash Fikadu. I wish him more success & health. Thanks, Kenean & Tigabu.
ህይወት ከትምህርት ቤት በላይ ነች። እናመሰግናለን Boss
You know what, I like the fact that you let the gust to tell us his story without unnecessary intervention.
(ችግሩ ሳይሆን ችግር ሚሆነው ችግሩን ምታይበት መንገድ ነው)
* ውድቅትን አለመፍራት
* ከዜሮ መጀመርን አለመፍራት
* ደፋር መሆን
* ተስፋ አለመቁረጥ
* ህልመኛ መሆን
ከርሶ የተማርኩት ነገር እድሜን ከጤና ያድሎት 🙏
ደስ የሚል አገላለፅ ❤ እንግዳዉን የሚመጥን
Amazing, እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ ታሪክ ያላቸውን ሰው ነው ያቀረባቹልን፡፡ መሪ ፖድካስቶች እናንተም በጣም ልትመሰገኑ ይገባል፡፡Thank you. በርቱልን::
ዋው የሚገርም ታሪክ.....የሚገርም የህይወት እይታ , የህወትን ትርጉም ኖሮት የገባው ሰው
ፊልም የሚመስል ታሪክ ነው...ተስፋ እና ጥንካሬን ተምሬበታለሁ። Thank you Meri
I live in harar near to his new hotel and am so proud to be his neighborhood.. i always see the progress of his hotel its magnificent.... mr. Fekadu you are one of the chosen person in world i said i world not in content..i wish if i work for you am graduated with civil engineer.am proud of you sir you are my role model
እንደዚህ አይነት ፅናትና ጥንካሬ በዘመኔ አላየሁም አልሰማሁም!!!
በጣም ተመስጬ ፊልም የመሰለ የህይወት ጉዞ.....”another way of living”. የሂወት ፍልስፍናው ይለያል....” He don’t fear to the unknown 😂 He keeps moving 🏃♂️”. Bravo! 🎊 🎉
እጅግ ፣ ብርቱ ፣ አስተዋይ እና አስተማሪ ሰው። እድሜ እና ክብር ይስጥልኝ ።
አለመማሬ ጠቀመኝ የሚል ርዕስ መስጠታችሁ ተገቢ አይመስለኝም።
ትክክል እውቀት በገንዘብ ሊተካ የማችል ትልቅ ሀብት ነው
ማወቅ የፈለግ ለምን እንደዚህ እንዳሉ ያዳምጥ።
@@eskedarhibstu8389 ፐፐፐፐፐፐ አንቺ ባትፈጠሪ ኖሮ ማን ይነግረን ነበር?
ቂቂቂቂ እግረ-መንገደህን የቄሰ ትምርትቤትም ካልከፈለክ አትማርም በልልኝ
A very resilient life story! His persistence, faith, hope, and determination is off chart! As someone from Harar, glad to hear that he is building an international brand in that hostoric city. The last time I visited Harar was 2018. I still remember how shocked I was to stay at Ras Hotel in a room, which had a broken window without hot water. This was a very beautiful hotel we had craved to even step into it's premise. What was interesting? Dire Dawa had multiple world-class hotels. Hope, more hotels open in Harar in the coming years...
እስከዛሬ ከሰማሁት ኢንተርቪ ትልቅ ትምህርት ያገኘሁበት ነዉ
Africa is the biggest market for Ethiopia and I also had an experience before 13/14 years in the southern part of Africa and saw a lot of potential special for SME industry
ፍቄ ጅጅጋ እያለን ጓደኛችን ነበር በንግድ ሥራ በጣም ደፋር ነበር እግዚአብሔር ከነ ቤተሰብህ እድሜና ጤና ይስጣችሁ
እንደዚህ አይነት ጠንካራ ሰው አይቼ አላውቅም።ይገባካል
የበእምነት አባት ፍቄ ደግ ሰው ረጅም እድሜ እመኝልሃለሁ ገና ብዙ ትሰራለህ ከጅቡቲ አንደኛው አድናቂህ ነኝ
The most comfortable and easy to be listening interview I have ever seen. Thank you all.
Amazing lesson, thank you Mr Fekadu Tsegaye God bless you and thank you Meri podcast
ትልቅ መፃሕፍት ይወጣቸዋል የህይወት ተሞክራቸው ትለቅ ነገር ነው ያስተማሮን እናመሰግናለን❤
This guy is like a book,Mr. Fikadu Thank You so much.Amazing as always Meri podcast.
Good Storyteller ,they didn’t even ask him any question.💯
በጣም እጅግ የገረሙኝ ስው ናቸው ምንአለ ሌላውም ስው እንደ እርስዎ ቢሆን እርስዎ ራስዎ ትልቅ መፅሐፍ ነዎት የሚደነቁ ስው ነዎት ባውቆት ደስ ይለኛል እናመስግናለን❤❤❤
He is hero. I am inspired by his experiences. I passed through tough time and the same route he went through.
The most inspirational interview. Please invite other exmplery business leaders like this one
Nama hojii cimaadha! Nama baayyee walitti dhiyaannu! Abbaa qabeenyaa guddaa hawaasa waliin jiraatu!
Really was challenging life and always GOD with you
🙏🙏THANKS very much Mr, Fekadu Tsegeye for this tutorial history you are amazing God bess you
በቅርበት እማውቅህ ድንቅ እና ጠንካራው ሰው!!!! ንፁህ ኢትዩጵያዊው ፍቄ
The fact you let your guests talk is appriciated.
እጅግ ኣስገራሚ ሰው ማለት እንደዚህ ነው=== ሙሉ ጤንነቱን ይስጥህ===
በእውነት የሚገርም ጀግና አባት ....ስንቱን መከራ ተቋቋመህ ለዚህ ስኬት መድረስህ። እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ ። ልጆቹ አደራ ይህንን ሁሉ ጥረቱን ማስጠበቅ አለባቹህ።
አሏህ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ አባቴ የህይወት ታሪክህን ስሰማ በጣም ነዉ የገረመኝ ዉዉዉ ብርታትህ ጥንካሬህ ተስፋህ ድፍረትህ ረስንቱን ልግለፀዉ በጣም ልዩ ፍጡርነህ በእዉነት ህይወትን በተሞክሮ ያስተማርከኝ ትልቅ ሰዉ ክበርልኝ ። አቅራቢወቹንም አመሰግናችሗለሁ።
በጣም ጥሩ ለምድ ነዉ ቀለል ያለ ግን ብዙ እዉቀት ሚገኝበት interview ነዉ thank you
ጌሽ ፉቃዱ በጣም ጥሩ ስው ነው እንዳለው ስው እንካን አይደለም ይገርማል እድሜ ይስጥህ
Betam dese yemile life testimony!!
Ketemarute belale👏 thank u
ንግግራቸው ምክራቸው የማይጠገብ ጀግና አባት ኑሩልን አባባ በጣም አመሰግናለው
Most of the people who come from Deqemhare, Eritrea 🇪🇷 are smart and successful people. I was in Deqmhare last month and it’s so beautiful place You guys are great and God bless you all.
@@penielkibreab6725 you right
The power of know bedenb sigebah Enlightend setehon Endzih nw, Gash Fikadu I've big respect for you and ur fam.
Mr. Fekdu's interview was truly eye-opening and packed with invaluable life lessons. His insights and experiences shed light on perspectives that are both inspiring and thought-provoking, leaving a lasting impact on all who had the chance to watch it. Thanks Meri Pocast
Thanks for being a genuine and authentic voice in the business space. Your content is refreshing.
"ድህነት ማለት ያለህበትን ሂወት መጥላት ነው!" ምርጥ አባባል
በጣም ነው ምትመቹኝ ብዙ ከናንተ ብዙ ተጠቅሜያለሁ ።from dire.
Well come back Meri 🎉
My perspective on life has completely changed after watching this video. Long live Mr. Fikadu Tsegaye, and thank you, Meri Producers, for bringing this giant, amazing, and historical person to us.
Wow.. Thank you so much for sharing your life experiences, I learned a lot.
Jegna Abate jegna business man interesting story, he motivated me so much!!!!! 4 geze ayhute more time setachute degame Bekerbu des yelyale buzu temhert yesetalu Thank u Meri
This guy is very Very humble. Really from Harare. Very humbleeeeee! Impressive humbleness
#ቁምነገር ...ህይወት የት እንደምታውለን አናውቅም። ዝምብለን መልካሙን እያሰብን እንኑር ። ድንቅ ነበር መሪ እናመሰግናለን! #CAMPTUBE1
የሰው ልጅ እሚያልፍበት ህይወት እጅግ ይገርማል አስገራሚ ጠንካራ ሰው ኖት!! እግዚአብሔር እድሜ ይስጦት!!!
በጣም አስተማሪ ትልቅ ሰው የኔሕይወት ይህ ነው ግን አልተሳካልኝም አድሜ ይስጥህ የኔ ጀግና
Meri Podcast is booming, may Lord Bless you
Meri podcast እንደ ሁሌው በጣም አስተማሪ የሆነ ቃለ ምልልስ ነው #እደጉ!!!
እኔም ከልጅነት እስከ እውቀት በሴትነት በእናትነት በተለየ መልኩ የህይወት ውጣ ውረድ ፈትኖኛል ግን ለኔ ህይወት መንገድ ነው ስትጓዝ እንቅፋት አለ መውደቅ አለ ወድቆ አቧራን አራግፎ መቀጠል አለ ወድቆ ተሰበሮ ደግሞ ለወራት ለአመታት አልጋ መያዝ አለ በምርኩዝ መራመድ አለ በሙሉ ልብ ነገ ቆመህ እንደምትራመድ በውስጥህ ካሰብክ እርምጃ ይቀጥላል አቶ ፍቃዱ እንዳልከው ዛሬን #መኖር ነገን እንደሚነጋ ፀሀይ እንደሚወጣ ተስፋ ማድረግ ሰውን ያኖራል !!
እንደ ፊልም ነው የተከታተልኩት የሚናገረውን ሁሉ እየሳልኩት ነበር። ግን እግዚአብሔር በጣም ከፊቱ የቀደመለት ሰው ነው።በእስር ቤቱ ታሪክ ራሱ ይህን ተመልክቻለሁ። እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ለዚህ መብቃት ህልም ነው የሚመስለው። ተምሬበታለሁ።
ምን አይነት ገራሚ ደፋር ሰው ነው👍👍👍
ድፍረት ለውጤት እንደሚያበቃ ትምህርት ሰጪ ነው
እስኪ ለኦድየንስ ክብር ይኑርህ አባትህም ይኑነ ሌላ አንቱ ብለህ ለምን አትጠራም ነውር ነው የሰውየው ዕድል ውጣ ውረድ ያሳዝኒል መጨረሻው ግን ደስ ይላል መጽሐፍ ይፃፉ ጋሼ ለሰው ልጅ ወይም ለቀጣይ ትውልድ ጥሩ ምሣሌ ይሆናል ተስፋ ለሚቆርጡ ትምሕርት ነው ❤🎉
what an amazing and magnificent story !Great accomplishment.Really amazing
ይገርማል የህይወት ተሞክሯቸውን የስብከት ያህል ነው የሰማሁት
The audacity of the human spirit is amazing. The speaker had tapped into his entrepreneurial nature and loves the challenge of the next thing. I found this program highly candid and educational. Best wishes hope to stay at your hotel when i visit harar. I have been to Dekemhare because i am Eritrean 🇪🇷✌
It’s very educative and great interview. Life by itself is great school. He is a great and so matured person. I wish him good health and more blessings!
በጣም ጠንካራ ሰው ነው አንድ የተረዳሁት ቃለ መጠይቅ ማን ኛው ሰው ከ አለበት ደረጃ ከፍ ያለ ቦታ መድረስ ይችላል እርሱ እራሱን ማዘጋጀት አለበት የሚለውን እናመሰግናለን መሪ ብሮድካስት
Meri interview aderareg sitchilubet!! Keep going
የሚገርም ብቃትና የህይወት ስኬት .ከወታደርነት ከእስር .ከሞት . ከስደት . ከኪሳራ . .የህይወት ውጣ ውረድ አልፎ እዚህ ደረጃ ላይ መድረስ .ያልበግር ባይነት .ተስፋ አለመቁረጥ .ውጤት ነው .ቢሊየነርነት ሲያንስህ ነው : :
ባክሽ ትንሽ ጭንቅላትህን አሰራው
ቆንጆ ትምህርት ነዉ ያገኘሁት አመሰግናለሁ።
Wow i learned lot from this podcast Thank you so much gash Fike
ቆንጆ የህይወት ትምህርት!!!!
Nice talk with amazing life journey and i took a lot from Meri's guest Ato Fekadu. Thank you for all teams of Meri.
Wow i don't have a word to say it's so amazing life we share thanks meri
Amazing testimony and story of success!!!
Wow, so wonderful thoughtful discussion.
This is one of the top stories I have seen on Meripodcast
what a great man we got a lot lesson from him God bless you sir
ሚገርም ታሪክ ነው እናመሰግናለን ጀግና ሰው አቶ ፀጋዬ
This was a great story. The interviewers approach for this one was great as well. Thank you!
Wow I like this guy how he explained his journey. ተባረክ
ይሄ ሰው ባለሀብት መሆንህ ሣይሆን በጣም ጠንካራ ጀግና የዋህ ቅን ሰው ነህ እረጅም ጤናና እድሜ ይሰጥልኝ በርታ ጀግና ❤
what a life experiance thank you sir and Meri Podcast!
What a nice lecture & life experience thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I can say only thank you ur so smart keep it up
So fascinating story. Resilience is the ultimate power,
I learned very important knowledge in my personal life from other people's life experiences and their business experiences. It's not what you know, or you learned, it's about who you know, because knowlage is power and from other people's experience we can learn, and we can grow.
ፍቄ በርታ ከአድናቆቴ ባለፈ ባገኝህና ብንጫወት ለደቂቃዎች ከወታደሩ ህይወት ትዝታ
"ህይወት ሁሌም አጋጣሚ ነው፣ አንተ ብለህው የሚመጣ ህይወት የለም"
This story is a life class thank you so much !❤🙏
Wow wow wow what a story he is so normal kind free a a
I apricate him am from 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 am proud of.him and thanks meri.podcast 😎😎😎😎