Incredible - in a world that essentially worships pleasure and entertainment in the day to day, remembering your death is a deeply Christian and important way to witness to the reality of eternity. The world needs us to live in the remembrance of death
This is my first “ Halloween “ as a Catholic 🤍 I cannot wait to go to mass and think about the lives of all the saints who came before. I will be praying for the holy souls in purgatory. Also currently reading “ Preparation for Death” by St Alphonsos Liguori 🙏🏼
@@Isaac.The.Barber where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas? No where. These are traditions passed down that are deeply rooted in the scripture . Feast days have always been a thing in the Christian’s tradition .
@@daughterofyeshuaa exactly it’s all traditions of men!! You shouldn’t celebrate them. “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Colossians 2:8 KJVA All the holidays you should celebrate like day of atonement, Passover , feast of tabernacle, feast of lights , the sabbath, that’s what Christ celebrated.
That’s beautiful. I’m an ex-Protestant that just started my RCIA. I love your excitement and how you’re reading the Saints. Please pray for me for I am experiencing a lot of anti-Catholicism from friends and family on my way into the church 🙏
Wow! Love this so much! We recently converted from an evangelical background to the Catholic Church this Easter vigil and have not looked back. This faith is so rich!! I am so thankful to be doing what the Church has done for centuries, praying for the dead, being connected to the saints. We will be celebrating all saints and all souls day this year with our children. So beautiful!! Thank you!
I am an Evangelical Christian, and I have always been confused by Catholic culture. This video has definitely opened me up to looking into Catholicism more. I know it is an anecdote, but I feel as though we are losing major aspects of our culture in the general public. I think this is due to Evangelical churches lacking that culture and an ability to bring people together. I feel as though Catholic communities are much more close knit and more powerful culturally.
I’m Protestant but very pro-Halloween and appreciate what Father said here about spooky costumes being a way to mock Death and Satan. Another thing I think that the more spooky aspects of Halloween do is to help us to remember our death. In this culture which basically wants to pretend death can be avoided it’s good to have a time of year of memento mori. One thing I think would be good though is instead of Churches being insular on Halloween, while congregations should go out dresses as Saints and martyrs or spooky things singing hymns about the saints and of Christs victory over Death and Satan and having the best time.
A lot of catholic schools have All Saints’ Day dress up for kids. They get to dress up as their favorite saint and what they stood for (many which were martyrs). It’s also a good way for them to learn about their lives. ☺️
My daughter ran around our neighborhood dressed as the Virgin Mary and carrying Baby Jesus. She proclaimed the light of the world on the darkest day of the year. Lol
A protestant acknowledging "Saints and martyrs?" I thought protestants considered catholics praying to saints and martyrs as false worship. That was one of the things that came out of the Protestant Reformation.
In Poland, catholics dont celebrate Halloween. We celebarte on 1st of November and we go to graveyards to light up a candle and pray for anyone who has died in the family and for anyone else who hasn't got a family and needs a prayer. We can also go to the church on 31st October. Plus hmm it was a pagan holiday. When Europe was christinised there were many pagan holidays which were replaced later on. People in Europe know about it, but catholics focus more on the prayer than anything else. No one is trying to act like these has not been the case and it is fine.
Also on the 2nd of November we should pray for our dead ones, because 1st should and is All Saints Day. We should not engage in halloween, even as little kids, once you associate halloween with fun, you’re Lost.
We are not told in the Scriptures to pray for or to the dead. Once a person dies it is the judgement and speaking to the dead is condemned in Holy Writ.
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783you aren’t paying attention to what Scripture says and beyond Scripture itself refuting them, all of your claims were refuted in this video.
It’s beautiful that father talks about mocking demons during Halloween by dressing up as weird unearthly creatures. Glad he mentioned that. The other aspect of dressing up as all sorts of demonic creatures has to do with the fact that it was always believed that on the Eve of All Saints, the evil becomes particularly active as it is it’s last chance to make attacks and disturbances, as it were, before this day of holy feast arrives. So dressing up like this and making lots of noise on the streets not only mocks but also confuses the demons as if saying we know you’re out there but we’re not afraid of any of this.
Thank you for this podcast!! Newly catholic and you asked ALL of the questions I have had! Being raised protestant we Didn't celebrate Halloween. Looking forward to remembering and celebrating the saints this hallowtide!!
This!! Though there is beautiful tradition in Hallowtide, there is a big difference on what the rest of the world does that day. So much evil, just ask any former Satanist! We are in the world but not called to be part of the world’s worship. We need to make Hallowtide holy again!
Update: Fr Ripperger was interviewed about All Hallows’ and said it’s a Catholic holiday and we should take it back. Dress as saints and call attention to their lives and works etc
It would be a gift if Fr. Ambrose and colleagues might write a book for Catholics on this topic, expanding the Catholic challenge on contemporary understandings of such topics.
We Filipinos still go to the cemetery during on Nov 1 we bring flowers and pray and celebrate. The cemetery are well lit with all lights and candles with beautiful flowers It is a beautiful celebration
I’m Mexican and we don’t celebrate Halloween. In Mexico, we call it “El día de las brujas”, The Day of the Witches. It is a day where a lot of occult activity and human sacrifices take place. From my research, I found that it was pagan, then Christianized, and now secularized, and even satanized. It’s all about the occult now. As a Catholic, I cannot dress up as a Marvel character and get candy from strangers. Those activities have nothing to do with our Lord Jesus Christ. What we can do is go to Holy Mass, offer a mass for a departed loved one, pray the Holy Rosary as a family for the faithful departed and even dress up the children as saints on November 1st. There are so many wholesome Catholic activities that we can do as a family on November 1st. Halloween, as it is celebrated today, does not look Catholic. Online, I see that it’s only the American Catholics who feel strongly about continuing to celebrate it the secular way because their family has celebrated for generations without ever questioning it. I know that Mexico is not the only Catholic country that does not celebrate Halloween and associates it with the occult. It is not a sin to dress up as a movie character and eat candy, why don’t American Catholics do this on a different day or do a costume birthday party to release “the need” to dress up and consume candy. The Protestant reformation is also on October 31st. I wonder if that has anything to do with Halloween as it is celebrated in America.
That's not true, Mexicans celebrate the feast of all Saints Day and the feast of all souls day, Nov 1st, 2nd. This is the Dia de los Muertos celebration. This is the christian holiday, halloween is just the eve of the feast which in the catholic understanding is part of the feast.
You could say the same, that Christmas doesn't look Christian, why do we decorate a tree, etc. Culture develops, some good, some bad developements which is why we need discernment. But dont try to throw away our cultural customs because you dont understand then. Thats a very liberal attitude.
@@SevereFamineHalloween is not to be confused with All Saints Day nor All Souls Day. All Souls Day is not to be confused with día de los muertos. All Soul’s day replaced this pagan Native Mexican holiday. What is el día de los muertos? A day when the dead come to visit and share a meal with us as when they were alive. The Day of the Dead has syncretistic elements that differ from how All Souls Day is celebrated in Catholicism. In Catholicism we offer masses and pray for the souls of the dead. To be honest, I see a lot of Americans and Hispanics with no Mexican roots trying to celebrate a holiday that their own ancestors did not celebrate. I have family in two states in Mexico and was fortunate to know my grandparents and great grandparents. Neither sides of my family ever celebrated Día de Muertos. It seems to be a tradition that is practiced in certain regions of Mexico that practice syncretism. Can you explain to me how dressing up as Spider Man and allowing children to eat candy from strangers is Catholic? The Catholic Church has Christianized the Christmas tree and wedding rings but I don’t see anything Christian about how the secular world, and some Catholics, celebrate Halloween. The Christmas tree is a European tradition that I respect, but in Mexico, it is customary to set up and decorate a nativity scene, pray, go to mass, do posadas and do processions in the streets. We celebrate for many days. We do not focus on Saint Nicholas but instead tell the children that Baby Jesus brought them the presents. Christ makes presents possible but honesty is the best policy. My husband’s parents never lied to them. Lying makes our faith seem like a fairy tale and children will lose faith in their parents. If they lied about Jesus, what else could they be lying about? Halloween seems American. I love America, but the holiday is celebrated in a completely secular/occult way. If I saw people dressing up as saints or angels and asking for candy in anticipation of All Saints Day and All Souls Day, then I would be on board. It can be re-Christianized this way. But to the extent that Spanish-speaking countries call it Day of the Witches is very telling. In Brazil, they call Halloween O dia das Bruxas, Day of the Witches as well. If we are Christians, why should we celebrate Halloween in the same way that witches and satanists do? Also, my family is from Guanajuato and Jalisco. On All Souls Day, many people go to the cemetery to clean the outside of the grave, bring flowers and pray. There is nothing wrong with that. The issues are the pagan beliefs that oppose Christian beliefs and create syncretism.
Growing up in Croatia, we never went trick or treating, dressing up or anything. My mom always said "it's just what Americans do, not we." So to this day in our small community, but in others also, priests do not encourage us to do these things. It is holy days and in a way where we pray and visit graveyards, no need for all this other things that in my opinion has been modernized. If that is your tradition and if you must dress up, as both Father and Lila mentioned, dress as saints and give example that it doesn't all need to be ghosts and evil things. Anyway love the podcast and that you really go in depth with your guests Lila. I support what you do and also accept the differences in our cultures and traditions. God bless you!
Kao Hrvat katolik, moram priznati da sam kao i 99% vjernika ovdje bio u krivu. Ljudi ovdje vjeruju da je sve povezano s Halloweenom pogansko i sotonističko, a nemaju pojma da je to zapravo bilo kršćansko tradicionalno slavlje. Treba shvatiti da katolici u Hrvatskoj, Irskoj, Meksiku, Filipinima imaju drukčije običaje koji se drugima mogu činiti čudni. Slažem se da ne valja slavljenje Halloweena kako to radi današnja sekularna kultura, ali ne mogu reći da je u redu ako se netko maskira i ide po kućama za fašnik, ali ne za Hallowen.
I think it’s beautiful to celebrate Halloween as a catholic as it is a catholic tradition and it is yet another way to practice and live out your faith and I believe it is a way that God has provided us in order to play just as a child does as that is so necessary as you get older.
Thank you for this program. It is doing the job. I love my Catholic Faith because the chuch is wise and teaches Jesus Doctrine. Unity for all Christians. Let us pray !
Wow that was incredibly interesting and informative for someone who grew up protestant and is just now learning about the catholic faith. It's funny bc today while reading my Bible I kept getting this feeling like God was showing me the strengths I had in discernment. And right after I get done reading my Bible I start watching this video. It's interesting that praying for "lost souls" or the dead would be controversial. And actually I had an experience in a very old, small, hometown cemetery earlier this year (my dad is a historian so checking out cemeteries isn't creepy to me, it was more of an intellectual pursuit and pure interest) and I had a weird experience where I felt the need to pray over the souls in that cemetery, SPECIFICALLY a particular gravestone I was looking at, but I prayed for everyone there none the less, and immediately after I got physical confirmation in the form of a gust of wind (out of nowhere - it was late July in south Texas, there's no wind) and unknowingly standing directly under a small windchime that rang out beautifully. And then the wind was gone. So I don't understand why I would have that inclination if it wasn't helpful. Just a thought
In modern times Halloween is not something to celebrate. As a Catholic I don’t agree with you. I will celebrate All Souls & All Saints Day…don’t need Halloween.
I enjoyed this discussion! I personally am convinced that the demonic costumes and decorations are not something I believe we should be participated in. It should be more of a somber community-oriented vigil than a last hurrah for everyone to embody and glorify evil.
I do think you can celebrate, teach and uphold All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day without using the more colloquial term of Halloween. I am very grateful that we didn't celebrate Halloween as a family when I was young. We did All Saints Day parties, went to Mass, visited our family members who had passed, and spent the night eating candy and watching Saint movies in a dark house (so no one would ring the doorbell). My parents used the 'season' to instill a deep aversion and awareness of the occult in us as well as have the conversations about why, as Catholics, we can't always do things the same as everyone else. It gave us the foundation we needed when to leave the room if the girls where playing "bloody mary" in the bathroom, or when we got older to leave the house when ouija boards were pulled out. I thought it was dumb when I was younger, but I understand it now.
I love this idea. The pressure to partake in the secular aspects of this holiday are so huge in my neighborhood. I never really even questioned it until now I have a son and I’m thinking hard about what I want to instill in him
I started feom when my girls were young so at this point its become a tradition and its not like they feel like theyre missing out on anything. We go to mass ,do some baking we carve a pumpkin together with a cross on it and doves and the light represents Christ , i tell them saint stories and we use tje evening to pray cuddle . Its a good example where just because the "majourity or the whole world does it - does it mean you have to do it
What a fantastic episode! I proudly celebrate Allhallowtide with my family we carve pumpkins we trick or treat pray we go to mass in all saints we dress as saints enjoy foods and go to the cemetery and pray for souls. We need to keep holy what has always been holy. God bless Father Ambrose
In the East of Ireland we celebrated Hallowe'en, we needed to do a dance, sing a song or say a poem to get something, maybe some fruit, nuts or some sweets or a coin. We dressed up 'scary' to frigten off the evil spirits before All Saints day... Its now been completely americanised and now many Irish believe it has pagan origins...but hard to believe considering we have the Spanish who celebrated All souls day..makes a lot more sense what this priest said
Satan is not a creator, he’s a destroyer. Satan does not unite, he divides. So I think we should ask ourselves if Halloween is uniting us or dividing us. If every other day of the year is a good day to unite with friends and family, then why not gather with them on October 31st. All days belong God. There is no place for fear here.
Its not a matter of fear - Just like we celebrate Christmas on Halloween this is a day where people who worship satan have conjuring sacrificing and even do rituals over the candies. Just like alot of what we do is symbolic and has alot of power ther is also evil and God ofcourse doesnt want us to be fearful but we are also shouldnt be opening doors or somehow contribute on a day that much evil is committed and masked . Ofcourse we live in wolrd that tries to dress up a harmless dress a child into a " witch, monster or ghost but it has significance
@@andrear1599People worship Satan every day even on Christmas. People worship false demons every day when they offer sacrifices to them like they do in India. Are we supposed to fear everyday or pray for them instead? The occult has twisted many things in the culture, so we Either reclaim them or allow them to win. They will worship to Satan regardless of any holy day of the church like Easter. Also by celebrating, I mean celebrating in a good and wholesome way and at the same time teaching kids about life in Jesus, death, Saints, Souls in purgatory, heaven and hell. It’s a teaching moment. It’s up to us whether we take the easy way or hard way to teach what the day is all about.
@ordinarycatholic658 As mentioned is not a matter of fear but rather reverence to my Lord. As for me and my household my kids dont need to participate in trick or treating and dressing up as little goblins or even superman the true superheroes are the ones who lived and died for Christ which are our Saints. We spend our day going to mass ,praying the rosary ,baking and decorating cookies while i allow them to choose a Saint for storytime . If there is any Hallowseve get-together in their school they participate dressing up as an angel or a saint . It's that simple . Each do as they will 👍
I’m tired of this conversation. The question is not should we celebrate…it’s HOW should we celebrate Halloween? Our celebration should look vastly different than that of what the culture has.
Dress your kids as heroes from the Bible and from church history.... The Holy Archangels are easy ones.... There's nothing more terrifying than warrior angel going into battle with a smile on his face ready to slay evil on God's command. These beings battle the worst evil in the universe. They are wholly good entries , but that doesn't mean they are always nice. 😁 Trick or Treat y'all ..
I figured I would save money this year and just stick a bunch of googly eyes on my face and say " I'm an angel according to the book of Ezekiel😂@@miguelangeldiaz9380
October Blog | Happy Hallowtide | By Father Mark Neal Halloween actually has significant Catholic roots. The name itself comes from All Hallow’s Eve - that is, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day on Nov 1, when Catholics remember those who have gone before us to enter our heavenly home. Immediately afterwards, on November 2, the Church commemorates all the faithful departed still detained in Purgatory, and prays in suffrage for them. All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day-these three days taken together are the “Days of the Dead,” a triduum of feasts also called Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, or Hallowmas (Hallow meaning saint or holy and mas meaning Mass). Why do Catholics celebrate “The Days of the Dead”? * Celebrating these Christian holy days helps remind the faithful of the reality of death. We will all experience it eventually. These days also remind us of the ‘last things’; death, judgement, heaven, hell. * It reminds us to pray for the souls of the deceased. It is also a reminder that we, too, can ask those who have gone before us to pray for us. This is what we mean by the Communion of Saints that is so important in our Catholic Tradition. Is it true that the Catholic celebration of Halloween has some pagan roots? * Halloween is a Catholic holiday. It does not have origins in paganism, Samhain, Druidic festivals, the occult, or Satanism. This common misconception is relatively new with roots going back to the Protestant Reformation with no basis in historical fact. Where did the various Halloween traditions come from? * English, Irish, and French immigrants brought their variety of local Catholic customs to America. Dressing up for Halloween comes from the French; Jack-o-Lanterns come from the Irish, who originally carved turnips; the English begged from door to door for “Soul Cakes,” promising to pray for the departed loved ones of those who gave them these treats-this being the origin of trick-or-treating. These traditions converged in the big American “melting pot” and eventually became popular nationwide activities for Halloween. What can we do to Celebrate Halloween as a Catholic? * Catholics should not neglect the celebration of any of the Church’s major feasts. All Saints Day is no exception. It is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that Catholics are required to attend Mass. It’s a day to reflect on Christ’s triumph over sin, death, and the devil; to meditate on our own mortality and duties to God; to shun sin, Satan, and all his works; to give honor to the saints in heaven. In fact, we say that on All Saints day we honor all the saints; those known to us and those unknown. We pray for all who have gone before us and we ask their prayers on our behalf. How to Celebrate Hallowtide: * Take the family to Mass on All Hallow’s Eve (Sunday Oct 31)-then enjoy a special feast and merriment with loved ones. Here is a sheet for kids to understand these holy days. * Thank the saints for what they have done for you on All Saints Day (Monday Nov 1) -pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven-especially those who are your patrons. * Read about the lives of the saints or have a party with saint-based activities/costumes. * On All Souls Day (Tuesday Nov 2) pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and make sacrifices on their behalf, especially those whom you have known and loved-and pray for those who have no one to pray for them. Remember to pray for the recently departed souls whose photos will be framed near the altar. 20 Ways to Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory * Visit graveyards and cemeteries to pray for the dead, since they can no longer pray for themselves. There is an indulgence for those who visit a cemetery and offer certain prayers on this day. Faithfully and joyfully celebrate The Days of the Dead in a manner that is pleasing to God! Happy Hallowtide!,to%20the%20saints%20in%20heaven.
To paraphrase Orthodox Priest, Fr. M. Sietsema, who quipped in a 2010 article about Halloween: let’s be honest: modern Halloween for you and me-and even the Wiccans down the street-has nothing to do with virgin sacrifice, demons, or black magic. It’s about having fun in a costume and eating things your dentist wouldn’t approve of. No one was ever possessed by the devil because he or she dressed up for Halloween or passed out licorice or read a Harry Potter book. No one is going to hell for participating in a one-day cultural event with zero provable ties to some ancient pagan past. As an aside, most of that you find passed around on the internet as “history” and “fact” regarding Halloween’s origins and, in particular, its “link” to the Gaelic Samhain is mostly speculation and utter nonsense. In the end, we are forced to conclude that, like it or not, Halloween is only ‘evil’ for those who choose to make it so.
You can say this about anything though. The Bible is touted as fact. The fact is that a pagan emperor created the Bible and the pope. Later, King James had his version of the Bible written. Is the Bible then truth?
Sure. This is also like saying that the swastika was a Buddhist symbol of peace. Should we reclaim it and wear it? And say that our intention is different? We don’t want to abandon our faith, but we don’t have to. If I have to do mental gymnastics to determine if celebrating a holiday is morally accurate, I’m out. Personal conviction of overrides a public service announcement or public statement.
@@KR-os6nn It is and it is still very much used in Asian countries. However, the swastika's arms are opposite of the Hackenkreutz (Nazi swastika). No mental gymnastics are needed, just a little common sense.
@@KR-os6nn Exactly! We take an occult ritual and say that we give it different meaning so it's ok. BS! Just because it's popular, we don't give in. Satan likes to be popular. I don't understand how this guy can say all these in the name of the Church.
Woow, I never knew this about the true meaning of Halloween ! I Am catholic! This has answered my question on why my daughters catholic school is doing trunk or Treat 👍🏽
I am a catholic, but in our part of the world we celebrate all saints Day and we do the prayers for dead. Actually I think we have more than 1 day in an year dedicated to pray for dead souls. We certainly didn't have Halloween and had no idea about it until internet made everything global. I have been worried and afraid of Halloween thinking that it's devilish (it looked like that to me). This episode was an eye opener for me. It helped me to view the reality of the customs and right way to do.
Im first generation born in U.S and my mom said when she came to the states she didn’t know what halloween was. In Mexico we just celebrate Dia de Los Muertos. The celebration of the lives if our love one who have passed. Its my favorite celebration of the year
Only made 10 minutes in and I won't be able to finish. This priest has put forth alot of personal opinion and no Christian theological evidence for the support of halloween. Yes I can understand the case for celebrating the actual Christian holidays that run close to Halloween. But to say that it is Christian to go trick or treating or to support a holiday that is based in horror and gore and that this is us "mocking" demons is not anything that is written in the Bible. Yes, through Jesus we have the power to resist evil but nowhere does Jesus tell us to actually mock evil.
@@CIST3 This 'priest' is wrong. Holloween is an occult ritual. He advises to take away its meaning and think it's Christian. But then it's not Holloween.
You know what else is not Christian? Not feeding the hungry, not clothing the poor, not loving thy neighbor, hate and evil. You're just like the Pharisees Jesus criticized.
I went into this video thinking it would be interesting, but I'm not a big fan of him villainizing the Lutherans, especially when he says that they're not part of the true church
As a Catholic and former Buddhist, my family have always celebrated Halloween. We’re not practicing any occult activities… it’s just dressing up, carving pumpkins and eating candy. It’s a time when my friends and family come together to be festive. It’s not that serious brothers and sister.
It actually is. Did you know that carving a pumpkin in the image of something demonic and putting it in your porch is a formal invitation to demons to enter your home. Look that up if you don't believe me,
@@eoinMB3949 Hi, as I said before, it’s not that serious and we don’t practice anything of the occult. We have carved pumpkins before but only silly faces or animals. Nothing really demonic about artistic carving into food now. I think the intention and practice matters. We have commandments and rules to follow. I’m not scandalizing anything nor am I committing a sin. If you think too much about it, to me, it seems you give more faith to the devil rather than God. We have All Saint’s Day in the Catholic faith. If you listened to the video, we pray for the dead by going house to house. Also I’m not going to explain any further because I’m assuming you won’t agree with what I have to say. Halloween isn’t demonic, let children enjoy their childhood, and go spend time with your family. God bless you.
Exactly! People take it to serious. If they don’t wanna celebrate it they don’t have to. I just like to dress up and be with friends, as you said festive. Doesn’t mean we are the devil.
understand my friend this is a matter of a spiritual warfare . Just like we celebrate Christmas on Halloween this is a day where people whose " religion " is to worship Satan - On this day rituals,conjuring, sacrafices are made and even candies are used in rituals prior to giving it to the kids. Ofcourse on the outside it looks like a bunch of fun to have a day to have a child dress up as a little witch monster or ghost but believe me everything is symbolic and sure enough isnt worth participating in if theres any chance of opening doors
It feels like he is mixing the all souls and all saints with halloween. I would like to see a part two of this interview where the priest addresses the The importance and significance of this date to the satanic and its origins vs what he described on this talk. Also about the testimonies of former satanist regarding the significance of witches, zombies, demons and sensual costumes, also the profanity against the Holy Eucharist that happens during halloween and the multiple satanic and pagan rituals that take place.
I'm Catholic and I don't believe in joining the evil and worldliness of what Halloween has become. Thank God we have found an order of nuns in our city that do celebrate All Saints day. They do this by having a day during the weekend, that falls near All Saints day, and welcome children to dress up as their favorite for that year. so we have told our children that we don't celebrate Halloween like most of our neighbors do or like most of our nation does. My husband and I came up with this conclusion because of Catholic, exorcist priest, explaining the evil that happens on this day.
Wow my comment got deleted. I support so much of this channel and will say it again just as much as we know abortion leads to death celebrating a holiday that uses skulls and evil symbols to decorate also represents death. I will not participate for this reason.
I agree you can’t say for practically a whole year that Christians should stay away from that stuff because it’s not from God … except for that one day…. That’s not right and that is the type of double standards that give Christianity a bad reputation
My salvation wouldn't be hindered if I chose to give candy to kids or dressing up like something, but I'm simply not going to try and find where the line is between being involved in an innocent "holiday" and taking part in an occult pagan celebration for the darkness. He can go ahead and do that, but to state "we should," is ridiculous. We should be glorifying God in every sense of the way and celebrating a demonic event is NOT glorifying Him.
I was thinking the same thing. Im not gonna try to find the point where its ok and where its not. Apart from going to mass on all saints day, Im gonna give Halloween a wide berth
@@eoinMB3949 We shouldn’t give the feast over to the world and it’s’ leader. We should be a light to the world. We should celebrate all the Christian feasts properly and whole heartedly to be the example.
As another catholic, i say that you should let people enjoy what they want, being religious doesn't equate to removing all the fun aspects of your life...
This interview was a great education. I can't wait to share it with my children who seem to ask about our beloved dead with increasing frequency the closer we get to Hallowtide. Thank you for the help!!!
I loved this conversation so much, thank you so much Lila and Father Ambrose! This will color my celebration and my growing family's celebration of Halloween, All Saints day and All Souls day for years to come!
Grew up with Halloween. I can tell you I prayed more that night as a child that the witches flying on their broomsticks wouldn't look in my window...but it was a remembrance of the dead. Now most people think of the Hollywood version.
Thank you for this ❤ I'm fed up with holier-than-thou Christians pushing fear at this time of year and insisting that you'll go to hell if you so much as pass out candy.
i have to disagree with Father. I'm Irish, my country is wherr Halloween originates from. It's pagan. It's prechristian. It's superstitious and anti-truth, anti-Gospel. I'm doing All Saints and All Souls this year but you wont see me doing anything on the 31st. Please just believe this Irish woman 😅
I seen something in Fr. Ambrose. He has a look of innocence. One that has been kept away from culture, from the world as most of us know it. His gaze is different then anyone I have ever seen. This is how I know he is from God, not of the world of ordinary people. There is no ego in his eyes, no thought of selfish desires or personal intention. There is peace in his eyes, the peace only God can give.
@lilarose, could you please do a video on the chaplets for the dead and Catholic traditions around All Saints Day and all Souls Day? It would be powerful to learn more about the Beads of the Dead and the chaplets that were traditionally prayed for the souls in purgatory. #lilarose #stmichaelsabbey #FrAbroseCriste #dayofthedead #allsoulsday #allsaintsday
I had a very nehative view about Halloween and All Saints and All Soul's Days. I guess my view is changing because I am gaining more perspective. Many people like to jusge things or fear things that they shouldn't. It os always fun to think about God and our lived ines on holidays :-)
I wasn't allowed to trick or treat when I was a child. I don't resent this at all as an adult. However, I think of it as a wonderful example of charity. I think it is so cool that everyone gets together for one day out of the year to bless children and buy candy just to hand out -- especially considering that our society neglects to think about children so much. I take my kids, again, because our society lacks examples of communal charity and I want to take advantage of the oppurtunity to show my children that people can be kind and generous. I think its beautiful.
The thing I worry about in a post christian culture is people not understanding why we dress up in these costumes and being scandalized by it. Also with how badly the church is doing, are we in much of a position to be mocking the devil? I do hope catholics can reclaim these traditions though because I love the idea of it.
With respect to Fr Ambrose, he is only halfway correct on the origins of Halloween. They go back before Christ to the Celtic celebration of Samhain. All saints day originally was on May 13 (pope Gregory) but moved to Nov.1 in hopes to supplant the pagan celebration. In Samhain we find the origins of "trick or treat", ghosts and ghouls, disguising to trick the dead (costumes) and even the jack-o-lantern. It is true we transitioned to "All hallows eve" in Christendom for some years but over time culture has reverted back to the secular form of Samhain.
These videos are great, I've rarely heard a Priest answer questions, discuss issues, and many of the other things I can watch on Catholic TH-cam channels now.
Hello Father. Part of me wants to disagree with you about the Halloween part….but that is because i was (for too many years) studying metaphysics and the occult. I have for a few years now turned back to Christ and became a Catholic in 2022 (Thanks be to God). How do we disempower the occult setting that has risen since the 1960’s (actually it was before then, but hopefully you get my point)
We also have those creepy 12 foot skeletons in our neighborhood- we’ve been talking ALOT about memento mori and praying for the dead with our three terrified littles. 😅💀 It’s honestly been a good reminder for me!
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20 KJV
II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Get over it. Your bible in incomplete.) Matthew 12:32 Matthew 5:24-25 I Peter 3:19 I Corinthians 3:11-15 Rev. 21:27 Hab. 1:13
Happy Halloween, Lila! And Happy 100,000 subscribers! Here's Hoping for 1,000,000! Nay, 1 billion! Hope you and your family have a wonderful light-filled peaceful celebration!
This was a wonderfully insightful talk with Father! Could you do a Christmas version about Santa Claus? As a parent this helped me know what to do and teach my son!
I was looking for exactly this kind of elaborated and in depth approach. I'm a Catholic from a country where we don't celebrate Halloween (except for the cultural influences in the recent years) but All Saints and All Souls days, so it's really interesting for me to see the different takes from Protestants and Catholics on this. From the information I have I came to understand Halloween as being originally Catholic but misunderstood and rejected by Protestants and then due to cultural influences shifted to a more pagan or neopagan holiday which is actually quite sad in my opinion. And problematic, of course. Though it's understandable that for Protestants the original Catholic meaning of the feasts is very hard to accept. Should we not honor the many unnamed martyrs and heroes of the faith, however?
Disagree. Catholics should be more brave and face up against the demons 😤They are real and they are scary but we have the armor of God on our side, halloween teaches us that lesson. It's totally a Christian holiday.
@CJP.-pq3kr people that don't worship darkness. Search TH-cam for a former satanist who speaks about this directly and how as a Christian, he emphatically states we should not celebrate Halloween. Thank you
@@corythomas3925 Fr Ambrose literally explains that in the podcast. We're taunting the demons, going up to them face to face with the armor of God, knowing Christ is victorious.
Honestly, I’m weirded out seeing Catholics suddenly being “ok” with celebrating Halloween. Jesus said we have to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
"Suddenly being ok" with Halloween? Halloween is a Catholic holiday. It came out of Christian culture, just because in some aspects it has been secularized and I wouldn't say everything the culture has done with it is good, that doesn't mean it's inherently wrong, or we can't celebrate it in a good way.
Catholics have always celebrated Halloween (All Hallows Eve, the night before the Feast of All Saints and two days before All Souls’ Day), many of todays modern takes on it (dressing up, trick or treating, jack o lanterns, etc) are originally Catholic. Just because the world has decided it should become secular doesn’t mean that Catholics cannot retain their own celebration of All Hallows Eve. (Do we give up on Christmas bc the world has secularized it?)
A priest said Christians used to go door to door dressedas saints on All Hallows' Eve, asking for food for the poor, in imitation of the saints. I think the protestants added the "trick" part. That priest said pumpkins were carved with smiling faces "to welcome the saints," i.e., the costume wearers going door to door.
I just read a book called “The Church of Rome at the Bar of History” and explains how the catholic was very divided on their stances. That being said, this priest is awesome.
27:31 I just really don’t agree with him. There is nothing in the Christian Bible that says that we can give salvation to our brothers on their behalf. In fact scripture is very clear that every person is responsible for their salvation every individual needs to humble themselves before God before they die. There’s nothing in scripture except for that book that isn’t even in the protestant Bible the Macabes that says that we can offer a prayers and get our relatives out of hell. Everyone’s salvation is between that person and God.
It isn't in the Protestant bible because they removed it. There are many other verses in the bible that support Purgatory. II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Get over it. Your bible in incomplete.) Matthew 12:32 Matthew 5:24-25 I Peter 3:19 I Corinthians 3:11-15 Rev. 21:27 Hab. 1:13
I love Lila but sis don't be fooled, Ephesians 2:8-9, which states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” Purgatory can't be real and nothing you do can save yourself or others who have passed.
When I was a child we did dress up, more simply than these days, had carved out turnips with candles in them. We understood than this night there was a thin veil and spirits unleashed. Our dressing up was to frighten away evil spirits from our door. We kept busy with fun games dunking for apples in water/ trying to bite an apple on strings with hands behind backs. Our parties had peanuts and other nuts, melon, fruit brack and apple tarts. Trick or treat seems to be an American invention and also introduced pumpkins. We did tell ghost stories in Ireland.
Halloween celebration can be the Saint celebration and we should sing the litany of saints. And it’s all about our motive. It’s not celebrating evil it’s our motive. People dress up have some fun and just be goofy for heaven sake’s. We can go to mass and communion, and Adoration all around the little few hours of a Halloween celebration. But we don’t have to celebrate bad thing is we can celebrate life and that is what sainthood is.
@@user-ks3qr5fk6m Christians can either celebrate the feast day and its’ eve or relinquish it to the world and it’s leader. We are supposed to be a light for the world.
@@ST-ov8cm When we say Halloween, people and iPhone think of this 🎃 👻. Perhaps we need to reclaim the holiday by calling it All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve 👼 🙏🏻. Or by making it clear that when we celebrate Halloween, it doesn’t resemble anything how the secular world observes it. We go to mass, fast and pray. We can also dress up our children as saints on November 1st. If you go to Wikipedia, right now Halloween celebrations include Trick-or-treating, costume parties, making jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, divination, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions. I know that according to the Bible, divination is a sin. Visiting “haunted places” and the Halloween decorations seem to resemble the occult. There is nothing wrong with dressing your child like Spider-Man, but why on All Hallow’s Eve?
This video realy dissapointed me. We should never Mock or make Fun of evil. We should be careful when making such statements. And despite the interesting history content i still dont aprrove letting inocent children play being Witches or zombies.
Hi! I thought the discussion on indulgences was super interesting. I’m from the church of Jesus Christ of later day saints (/Mormons) I really had no idea how similar the root of that practice is to practices of my own faith. We spend a lot of our time devoted to opening doors for our ancestors to be able to come closer to god while in the spirit world waiting for resurrection, or “doing spiritual work for the dead” I learned today that Catholics kinda have something similar going on and that’s cool.
Halloween is not the same for all cultures... I was born in Colombia and in some cities they celebrate Halloween by trick-or-treating... Then I moved to Honduras and there is nothing even close to Halloween, they just pray at the cemetery, I married a Mexican and they also go to the cemetery and have an altar at their home... Dia de los muertos altar... Where they honor their dead. Then i come to The States, and is all about witches, spiders and candy.
By the way, October 31 is not only Halloween. It’s the day Protestantism all started. Reformation Day, anniversary of the day Martin Luther is said to have posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany (October 31, 1517), later identified by Protestants as the beginning of the Reformation. (The posting of the theses by Martin Luther)
II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Your bible in incomplete.) Matthew 12:32 Matthew 5:24-25 I Peter 3:19 I Corinthians 3:11-15 Rev. 21:27 Hab. 1:13
Interesting. I'm an Orthodox Christian, we are obviously apostolic, but we simple do not have the doctrine of purgatory. Yet we DO pray for the dead, we have SEVERAL Saturdays of Souls throughout the year that are dedicated to prayers for the dead.
I'm technically Christian but I'm only now starting my journey of getting into the Church and I'll admit seeing that apparently Catholics have issues with Halloween (including here in the comments) confuses me. Just because some people take Halloween as an opportunity to worship the occult doesn't mean we have to, too. We can celebrate it in a Christian way or even simply go trick or treating, dress up, or just hang out with loved ones. I truly don't see anything wrong with that.
Exactly right! There's nothing intrinsically wrong with dressing up and getting candy. Most catholics don't reject this as evil. I'm a cradle catholic, and most parishes I've known host a trunk or treat for Halloween to give the kids a safe place to dress up and get candy. Online comments don't really give a clear picture of the Catholic community as a whole...
Let’s get openly truthful about Halloween among Catholics,for I’m a cradle Catholic born into the Catholic Church as an infant. I have to say this and that is as I grew up as a catholic child I was not taught the true meaning of what Halloween means and having said that I along with countless Catholics celebrated Halloween totally as a pagan way.For every where you’d go kids were dressed up as demons pirates zombies monsters and whatever ever else that parents allowed their children to look like,now this is not the way Catholics should be for Halloween is in total honoring the the saints of God what is happening to the Catholic Church we have to get serious about returning to the true traditional Catholic Church teachings and WORSHIP
32:38 I cannot agree or understand the belief that I can physically do anything to save someone else or work out their salvation/forgiveness for them. I can pray and fast for someone so that God can move in their life or answer their prayer but this portion does not make sense to my spirit at all. Also, If I can pray directly to the creator of the universe why would I even consider instead to spend time praying to a dead person to intercede for me? No matter how saintly they were on earth they're no replacement for Gods ear. And There's nothing I can do for someone's soul after they've died, that's between them and the Lord.
Incredible - in a world that essentially worships pleasure and entertainment in the day to day, remembering your death is a deeply Christian and important way to witness to the reality of eternity. The world needs us to live in the remembrance of death
What does dressing up as Princess Peach and eating candy from strangers have to do with Memento Mori?
What scripture validates this nonsense?
@@user-ks3qr5fk6m Who said it does?
Spot on
Y'all lost z no wonder why this world is evil, people hate God and the truth and want to lust after their own kind
This is my first “ Halloween “ as a Catholic 🤍 I cannot wait to go to mass and think about the lives of all the saints who came before. I will be praying for the holy souls in purgatory. Also currently reading “ Preparation for Death” by St Alphonsos Liguori 🙏🏼
Where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Halloween? Scripture?
@@Isaac.The.Barber where in the Bible does it say to celebrate Christmas? No where. These are traditions passed down that are deeply rooted in the scripture . Feast days have always been a thing in the Christian’s tradition .
@@daughterofyeshuaa exactly it’s all traditions of men!! You shouldn’t celebrate them. “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
Colossians 2:8 KJVA
All the holidays you should celebrate like day of atonement, Passover , feast of tabernacle, feast of lights , the sabbath, that’s what Christ celebrated.
@@Isaac.The.Barber So you have converted to Judaism then? This was already settled in the early church. Smh.
That’s beautiful. I’m an ex-Protestant that just started my RCIA. I love your excitement and how you’re reading the Saints. Please pray for me for I am experiencing a lot of anti-Catholicism from friends and family on my way into the church 🙏
Wow! Love this so much! We recently converted from an evangelical background to the Catholic Church this Easter vigil and have not looked back. This faith is so rich!! I am so thankful to be doing what the Church has done for centuries, praying for the dead, being connected to the saints. We will be celebrating all saints and all souls day this year with our children. So beautiful!! Thank you!
Hi! What are some of the things that you read and studied that ultimately led you to turn to the catholic faith?
I am an Evangelical Christian, and I have always been confused by Catholic culture. This video has definitely opened me up to looking into Catholicism more. I know it is an anecdote, but I feel as though we are losing major aspects of our culture in the general public. I think this is due to Evangelical churches lacking that culture and an ability to bring people together. I feel as though Catholic communities are much more close knit and more powerful culturally.
Amen🙏 ❤️
I’m Protestant but very pro-Halloween and appreciate what Father said here about spooky costumes being a way to mock Death and Satan. Another thing I think that the more spooky aspects of Halloween do is to help us to remember our death. In this culture which basically wants to pretend death can be avoided it’s good to have a time of year of memento mori.
One thing I think would be good though is instead of Churches being insular on Halloween, while congregations should go out dresses as Saints and martyrs or spooky things singing hymns about the saints and of Christs victory over Death and Satan and having the best time.
A lot of catholic schools have All Saints’ Day dress up for kids. They get to dress up as their favorite saint and what they stood for (many which were martyrs). It’s also a good way for them to learn about their lives. ☺️
You're protestant and you're calling a RC priest 'Father' and with a capital 'F'? Sure...
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783 do you have a point?
My daughter ran around our neighborhood dressed as the Virgin Mary and carrying Baby Jesus. She proclaimed the light of the world on the darkest day of the year. Lol
A protestant acknowledging "Saints and martyrs?" I thought protestants considered catholics praying to saints and martyrs as false worship. That was one of the things that came out of the Protestant Reformation.
My catholic faith keeps solidifying, Thank God for our priests like Fr. Ambrose Criste…Praying for our priest always! 🙏🙏🙏
In Poland, catholics dont celebrate Halloween. We celebarte on 1st of November and we go to graveyards to light up a candle and pray for anyone who has died in the family and for anyone else who hasn't got a family and needs a prayer. We can also go to the church on 31st October. Plus hmm it was a pagan holiday. When Europe was christinised there were many pagan holidays which were replaced later on. People in Europe know about it, but catholics focus more on the prayer than anything else. No one is trying to act like these has not been the case and it is fine.
Also on the 2nd of November we should pray for our dead ones, because 1st should and is All Saints Day. We should not engage in halloween, even as little kids, once you associate halloween with fun, you’re Lost.
We are not told in the Scriptures to pray for or to the dead. Once a person dies it is the judgement and speaking to the dead is condemned in Holy Writ.
@@jeffrachelburkhalter3783you aren’t paying attention to what Scripture says and beyond Scripture itself refuting them, all of your claims were refuted in this video.
@@ponti5882 No, they weren't.
@@cinqueqwertywell aren't you a ball of fun
It’s beautiful that father talks about mocking demons during Halloween by dressing up as weird unearthly creatures. Glad he mentioned that.
The other aspect of dressing up as all sorts of demonic creatures has to do with the fact that it was always believed that on the Eve of All Saints, the evil becomes particularly active as it is it’s last chance to make attacks and disturbances, as it were, before this day of holy feast arrives. So dressing up like this and making lots of noise on the streets not only mocks but also confuses the demons as if saying we know you’re out there but we’re not afraid of any of this.
Im not sure were supposed to be engaging/playing games with satan like that.
Yeah unfortunately this guy is preaching false doctrine. It is pagan and should not be something any catholic does.
Thank you for this podcast!! Newly catholic and you asked ALL of the questions I have had! Being raised protestant we Didn't celebrate Halloween. Looking forward to remembering and celebrating the saints this hallowtide!!
God bless you and welcome!!
Can you share your journey? I am a craddle catholic by the way! Congratulations and welcome home!
Unfortunately this priest is wrong. Many catholic priests tell us not to celebrate Halloween. He is preaching false teachings.
Halloween changed for me when I heard interviews from SRA survivors on what happens on October 31. Now I cry and try to pray.
This!! Though there is beautiful tradition in Hallowtide, there is a big difference on what the rest of the world does that day. So much evil, just ask any former Satanist! We are in the world but not called to be part of the world’s worship. We need to make Hallowtide holy again!
I can’t participate either when I know what’s happening to the innocent all over the world. I just can’t.
Update: Fr Ripperger was interviewed about All Hallows’ and said it’s a Catholic holiday and we should take it back. Dress as saints and call attention to their lives and works etc
What is an SRA? Never heard that term.
It would be a gift if Fr. Ambrose and colleagues might write a book for Catholics on this topic, expanding the Catholic challenge on contemporary understandings of such topics.
We Filipinos still go to the cemetery during on Nov 1 we bring flowers and pray and celebrate. The cemetery are well lit with all lights and candles with beautiful flowers It is a beautiful celebration
I’m Mexican and we don’t celebrate Halloween. In Mexico, we call it “El día de las brujas”, The Day of the Witches. It is a day where a lot of occult activity and human sacrifices take place. From my research, I found that it was pagan, then Christianized, and now secularized, and even satanized. It’s all about the occult now. As a Catholic, I cannot dress up as a Marvel character and get candy from strangers. Those activities have nothing to do with our Lord Jesus Christ. What we can do is go to Holy Mass, offer a mass for a departed loved one, pray the Holy Rosary as a family for the faithful departed and even dress up the children as saints on November 1st. There are so many wholesome Catholic activities that we can do as a family on November 1st. Halloween, as it is celebrated today, does not look Catholic. Online, I see that it’s only the American Catholics who feel strongly about continuing to celebrate it the secular way because their family has celebrated for generations without ever questioning it. I know that Mexico is not the only Catholic country that does not celebrate Halloween and associates it with the occult. It is not a sin to dress up as a movie character and eat candy, why don’t American Catholics do this on a different day or do a costume birthday party to release “the need” to dress up and consume candy. The Protestant reformation is also on October 31st. I wonder if that has anything to do with Halloween as it is celebrated in America.
1000% agreed
Non-catholic but not going to give praise to something glorifying anti-God sentiments and satanism in the way it’s presented today
That's not true, Mexicans celebrate the feast of all Saints Day and the feast of all souls day, Nov 1st, 2nd. This is the Dia de los Muertos celebration. This is the christian holiday, halloween is just the eve of the feast which in the catholic understanding is part of the feast.
You could say the same, that Christmas doesn't look Christian, why do we decorate a tree, etc. Culture develops, some good, some bad developements which is why we need discernment. But dont try to throw away our cultural customs because you dont understand then. Thats a very liberal attitude.
@@reynalupitadelozano same, I'm Mexican -living in Mexico- and also have never heard about something called dia de las brujas
@@SevereFamineHalloween is not to be confused with All Saints Day nor All Souls Day. All Souls Day is not to be confused with día de los muertos. All Soul’s day replaced this pagan Native Mexican holiday. What is el día de los muertos? A day when the dead come to visit and share a meal with us as when they were alive. The Day of the Dead has syncretistic elements that differ from how All Souls Day is celebrated in Catholicism. In Catholicism we offer masses and pray for the souls of the dead. To be honest, I see a lot of Americans and Hispanics with no Mexican roots trying to celebrate a holiday that their own ancestors did not celebrate. I have family in two states in Mexico and was fortunate to know my grandparents and great grandparents. Neither sides of my family ever celebrated Día de Muertos. It seems to be a tradition that is practiced in certain regions of Mexico that practice syncretism. Can you explain to me how dressing up as Spider Man and allowing children to eat candy from strangers is Catholic? The Catholic Church has Christianized the Christmas tree and wedding rings but I don’t see anything Christian about how the secular world, and some Catholics, celebrate Halloween. The Christmas tree is a European tradition that I respect, but in Mexico, it is customary to set up and decorate a nativity scene, pray, go to mass, do posadas and do processions in the streets. We celebrate for many days. We do not focus on Saint Nicholas but instead tell the children that Baby Jesus brought them the presents. Christ makes presents possible but honesty is the best policy. My husband’s parents never lied to them. Lying makes our faith seem like a fairy tale and children will lose faith in their parents. If they lied about Jesus, what else could they be lying about? Halloween seems American. I love America, but the holiday is celebrated in a completely secular/occult way. If I saw people dressing up as saints or angels and asking for candy in anticipation of All Saints Day and All Souls Day, then I would be on board. It can be re-Christianized this way. But to the extent that Spanish-speaking countries call it Day of the Witches is very telling. In Brazil, they call Halloween O dia das Bruxas, Day of the Witches as well. If we are Christians, why should we celebrate Halloween in the same way that witches and satanists do?
Also, my family is from Guanajuato and Jalisco. On All Souls Day, many people go to the cemetery to clean the outside of the grave, bring flowers and pray. There is nothing wrong with that. The issues are the pagan beliefs that oppose Christian beliefs and create syncretism.
Growing up in Croatia, we never went trick or treating, dressing up or anything. My mom always said "it's just what Americans do, not we."
So to this day in our small community, but in others also, priests do not encourage us to do these things. It is holy days and in a way where we pray and visit graveyards, no need for all this other things that in my opinion has been modernized.
If that is your tradition and if you must dress up, as both Father and Lila mentioned, dress as saints and give example that it doesn't all need to be ghosts and evil things.
Anyway love the podcast and that you really go in depth with your guests Lila. I support what you do and also accept the differences in our cultures and traditions. God bless you!
Kao Hrvat katolik, moram priznati da sam kao i 99% vjernika ovdje bio u krivu. Ljudi ovdje vjeruju da je sve povezano s Halloweenom pogansko i sotonističko, a nemaju pojma da je to zapravo bilo kršćansko tradicionalno slavlje. Treba shvatiti da katolici u Hrvatskoj, Irskoj, Meksiku, Filipinima imaju drukčije običaje koji se drugima mogu činiti čudni. Slažem se da ne valja slavljenje Halloweena kako to radi današnja sekularna kultura, ali ne mogu reći da je u redu ako se netko maskira i ide po kućama za fašnik, ali ne za Hallowen.
A wonderful, Holy Response. Thank you . God bless you & your loved ones
I think it’s beautiful to celebrate Halloween as a catholic as it is a catholic tradition and it is yet another way to practice and live out your faith and I believe it is a way that God has provided us in order to play just as a child does as that is so necessary as you get older.
Thank you for this program. It is doing the job. I love my Catholic Faith because the chuch is wise and teaches Jesus Doctrine. Unity for all Christians. Let us pray !
Amen for the universal church everyone is welcome
Wow that was incredibly interesting and informative for someone who grew up protestant and is just now learning about the catholic faith.
It's funny bc today while reading my Bible I kept getting this feeling like God was showing me the strengths I had in discernment. And right after I get done reading my Bible I start watching this video. It's interesting that praying for "lost souls" or the dead would be controversial. And actually I had an experience in a very old, small, hometown cemetery earlier this year (my dad is a historian so checking out cemeteries isn't creepy to me, it was more of an intellectual pursuit and pure interest) and I had a weird experience where I felt the need to pray over the souls in that cemetery, SPECIFICALLY a particular gravestone I was looking at, but I prayed for everyone there none the less, and immediately after I got physical confirmation in the form of a gust of wind (out of nowhere - it was late July in south Texas, there's no wind) and unknowingly standing directly under a small windchime that rang out beautifully. And then the wind was gone. So I don't understand why I would have that inclination if it wasn't helpful. Just a thought
In modern times Halloween is not something to celebrate. As a Catholic I don’t agree with you. I will celebrate All Souls & All Saints Day…don’t need Halloween.
I enjoyed this discussion! I personally am convinced that the demonic costumes and decorations are not something I believe we should be participated in. It should be more of a somber community-oriented vigil than a last hurrah for everyone to embody and glorify evil.
I do think you can celebrate, teach and uphold All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day without using the more colloquial term of Halloween. I am very grateful that we didn't celebrate Halloween as a family when I was young. We did All Saints Day parties, went to Mass, visited our family members who had passed, and spent the night eating candy and watching Saint movies in a dark house (so no one would ring the doorbell). My parents used the 'season' to instill a deep aversion and awareness of the occult in us as well as have the conversations about why, as Catholics, we can't always do things the same as everyone else. It gave us the foundation we needed when to leave the room if the girls where playing "bloody mary" in the bathroom, or when we got older to leave the house when ouija boards were pulled out. I thought it was dumb when I was younger, but I understand it now.
Bingo let’s be clear as Christian’s not be of the world
Beautiful, this is exactly what i do with my kids ❤️ ♥️
I love this idea. The pressure to partake in the secular aspects of this holiday are so huge in my neighborhood. I never really even questioned it until now I have a son and I’m thinking hard about what I want to instill in him
I started feom when my girls were young so at this point its become a tradition and its not like they feel like theyre missing out on anything. We go to mass ,do some baking we carve a pumpkin together with a cross on it and doves and the light represents Christ , i tell them saint stories and we use tje evening to pray cuddle . Its a good example where just because the "majourity or the whole world does it - does it mean you have to do it
What a fantastic episode! I proudly celebrate Allhallowtide with my family we carve pumpkins we trick or treat pray we go to mass in all saints we dress as saints enjoy foods and go to the cemetery and pray for souls. We need to keep holy what has always been holy. God bless Father Ambrose
In the East of Ireland we celebrated Hallowe'en, we needed to do a dance, sing a song or say a poem to get something, maybe some fruit, nuts or some sweets or a coin. We dressed up 'scary' to frigten off the evil spirits before All Saints day... Its now been completely americanised and now many Irish believe it has pagan origins...but hard to believe considering we have the Spanish who celebrated All souls day..makes a lot more sense what this priest said
Satan is not a creator, he’s a destroyer. Satan does not unite, he divides. So I think we should ask ourselves if Halloween is uniting us or dividing us. If every other day of the year is a good day to unite with friends and family, then why not gather with them on October 31st. All days belong God. There is no place for fear here.
Its not a matter of fear - Just like we celebrate Christmas on Halloween this is a day where people who worship satan have conjuring sacrificing and even do rituals over the candies. Just like alot of what we do is symbolic and has alot of power ther is also evil and God ofcourse doesnt want us to be fearful but we are also shouldnt be opening doors or somehow contribute on a day that much evil is committed and masked . Ofcourse we live in wolrd that tries to dress up a harmless dress a child into a " witch, monster or ghost but it has significance
@@andrear1599People worship Satan every day even on Christmas. People worship false demons every day when they offer sacrifices to them like they do in India. Are we supposed to fear everyday or pray for them instead? The occult has twisted many things in the culture, so we
Either reclaim them or allow them to win. They will worship to Satan regardless of any holy day of the church like Easter. Also by celebrating, I mean celebrating in a good and wholesome way and at the same time teaching kids about life in Jesus, death, Saints, Souls in purgatory, heaven and hell. It’s a teaching moment. It’s up to us whether we take the easy way or hard way to teach what the day is all about.
@ordinarycatholic658 As mentioned is not a matter of fear but rather reverence to my Lord. As for me and my household my kids dont need to participate in trick or treating and dressing up as little goblins or even superman the true superheroes are the ones who lived and died for Christ which are our Saints.
We spend our day going to mass ,praying the rosary ,baking and decorating cookies while i allow them to choose a Saint for storytime .
If there is any Hallowseve get-together in their school they participate dressing up as an angel or a saint . It's that simple .
Each do as they will 👍
I’m tired of this conversation. The question is not should we celebrate…it’s HOW should we celebrate Halloween? Our celebration should look vastly different than that of what the culture has.
Thank you. Very refreshing
Dress your kids as heroes from the Bible and from church history.... The Holy Archangels are easy ones.... There's nothing more terrifying than warrior angel going into battle with a smile on his face ready to slay evil on God's command.
These beings battle the worst evil in the universe. They are wholly good entries , but that doesn't mean they are always nice. 😁
Trick or Treat y'all ..
I figured I would save money this year and just stick a bunch of googly eyes on my face and say " I'm an angel according to the book of Ezekiel😂@@miguelangeldiaz9380
October Blog | Happy Hallowtide | By Father Mark Neal
Halloween actually has significant Catholic roots. The name itself comes from All Hallow’s Eve - that is, the Vigil of All Saints’ Day on Nov 1, when Catholics remember those who have gone before us to enter our heavenly home. Immediately afterwards, on November 2, the Church commemorates all the faithful departed still detained in Purgatory, and prays in suffrage for them. All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day-these three days taken together are the “Days of the Dead,” a triduum of feasts also called Allhallowtide, Hallowtide, or Hallowmas (Hallow meaning saint or holy and mas meaning Mass).
Why do Catholics celebrate “The Days of the Dead”?
* Celebrating these Christian holy days helps remind the faithful of the reality of death. We will all experience it eventually. These days also remind us of the ‘last things’; death, judgement, heaven, hell.
* It reminds us to pray for the souls of the deceased. It is also a reminder that we, too, can ask those who have gone before us to pray for us. This is what we mean by the Communion of Saints that is so important in our Catholic Tradition.
Is it true that the Catholic celebration of Halloween has some pagan roots?
* Halloween is a Catholic holiday. It does not have origins in paganism, Samhain, Druidic festivals, the occult, or Satanism. This common misconception is relatively new with roots going back to the Protestant Reformation with no basis in historical fact.
Where did the various Halloween traditions come from?
* English, Irish, and French immigrants brought their variety of local Catholic customs to America. Dressing up for Halloween comes from the French; Jack-o-Lanterns come from the Irish, who originally carved turnips; the English begged from door to door for “Soul Cakes,” promising to pray for the departed loved ones of those who gave them these treats-this being the origin of trick-or-treating. These traditions converged in the big American “melting pot” and eventually became popular nationwide activities for Halloween.
What can we do to Celebrate Halloween as a Catholic?
* Catholics should not neglect the celebration of any of the Church’s major feasts. All Saints Day is no exception. It is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that Catholics are required to attend Mass. It’s a day to reflect on Christ’s triumph over sin, death, and the devil; to meditate on our own mortality and duties to God; to shun sin, Satan, and all his works; to give honor to the saints in heaven. In fact, we say that on All Saints day we honor all the saints; those known to us and those unknown. We pray for all who have gone before us and we ask their prayers on our behalf.
How to Celebrate Hallowtide:
* Take the family to Mass on All Hallow’s Eve (Sunday Oct 31)-then enjoy a special feast and merriment with loved ones. Here is a sheet for kids to understand these holy days.
* Thank the saints for what they have done for you on All Saints Day (Monday Nov 1) -pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven-especially those who are your patrons.
* Read about the lives of the saints or have a party with saint-based activities/costumes.
* On All Souls Day (Tuesday Nov 2) pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and make sacrifices on their behalf, especially those whom you have known and loved-and pray for those who have no one to pray for them. Remember to pray for the recently departed souls whose photos will be framed near the altar. 20 Ways to Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
* Visit graveyards and cemeteries to pray for the dead, since they can no longer pray for themselves. There is an indulgence for those who visit a cemetery and offer certain prayers on this day.
Faithfully and joyfully celebrate The Days of the Dead in a manner that is pleasing to God!
Happy Hallowtide!,to%20the%20saints%20in%20heaven.
To paraphrase Orthodox Priest, Fr. M. Sietsema, who quipped in a 2010 article about Halloween: let’s be honest: modern Halloween for you and me-and even the Wiccans down the street-has nothing to do with virgin sacrifice, demons, or black magic. It’s about having fun in a costume and eating things your dentist wouldn’t approve of. No one was ever possessed by the devil because he or she dressed up for Halloween or passed out licorice or read a Harry Potter book. No one is going to hell for participating in a one-day cultural event with zero provable ties to some ancient pagan past.
As an aside, most of that you find passed around on the internet as “history” and “fact” regarding Halloween’s origins and, in particular, its “link” to the Gaelic Samhain is mostly speculation and utter nonsense.
In the end, we are forced to conclude that, like it or not, Halloween is only ‘evil’ for those who choose to make it so.
You can say this about anything though. The Bible is touted as fact. The fact is that a pagan emperor created the Bible and the pope. Later, King James had his version of the Bible written. Is the Bible then truth?
@CJP.-pq3kr wow, that's very kind. Thank you, have a blessed day.
Sure. This is also like saying that the swastika was a Buddhist symbol of peace. Should we reclaim it and wear it? And say that our intention is different? We don’t want to abandon our faith, but we don’t have to. If I have to do mental gymnastics to determine if celebrating a holiday is morally accurate, I’m out. Personal conviction of overrides a public service announcement or public statement.
It is and it is still very much used in Asian countries. However, the swastika's arms are opposite of the Hackenkreutz (Nazi swastika). No mental gymnastics are needed, just a little common sense.
We take an occult ritual and say that we give it different meaning so it's ok. BS!
Just because it's popular, we don't give in. Satan likes to be popular.
I don't understand how this guy can say all these in the name of the Church.
Halloween is super fun! Kids love dreasing up. It's a fun family night out if you find a neighborhood with sidewalks.
Woow, I never knew this about the true meaning of Halloween ! I Am catholic! This has answered my question on why my daughters catholic school is doing trunk or Treat 👍🏽
I am a catholic, but in our part of the world we celebrate all saints Day and we do the prayers for dead. Actually I think we have more than 1 day in an year dedicated to pray for dead souls.
We certainly didn't have Halloween and had no idea about it until internet made everything global. I have been worried and afraid of Halloween thinking that it's devilish (it looked like that to me).
This episode was an eye opener for me. It helped me to view the reality of the customs and right way to do.
Im first generation born in U.S and my mom said when she came to the states she didn’t know what halloween was. In Mexico we just celebrate Dia de Los Muertos. The celebration of the lives if our love one who have passed. Its my favorite celebration of the year
Only made 10 minutes in and I won't be able to finish. This priest has put forth alot of personal opinion and no Christian theological evidence for the support of halloween. Yes I can understand the case for celebrating the actual Christian holidays that run close to Halloween. But to say that it is Christian to go trick or treating or to support a holiday that is based in horror and gore and that this is us "mocking" demons is not anything that is written in the Bible. Yes, through Jesus we have the power to resist evil but nowhere does Jesus tell us to actually mock evil.
He's not putting forward his opinion. You're just not educated enough to understand him.
This 'priest' is wrong. Holloween is an occult ritual. He advises to take away its meaning and think it's Christian. But then it's not Holloween.
You know what else is not Christian? Not feeding the hungry, not clothing the poor, not loving thy neighbor, hate and evil. You're just like the Pharisees Jesus criticized.
I went into this video thinking it would be interesting, but I'm not a big fan of him villainizing the Lutherans, especially when he says that they're not part of the true church
As a Catholic and former Buddhist, my family have always celebrated Halloween. We’re not practicing any occult activities… it’s just dressing up, carving pumpkins and eating candy. It’s a time when my friends and family come together to be festive. It’s not that serious brothers and sister.
It actually is. Did you know that carving a pumpkin in the image of something demonic and putting it in your porch is a formal invitation to demons to enter your home. Look that up if you don't believe me,
@@eoinMB3949 Hi, as I said before, it’s not that serious and we don’t practice anything of the occult. We have carved pumpkins before but only silly faces or animals. Nothing really demonic about artistic carving into food now. I think the intention and practice matters. We have commandments and rules to follow. I’m not scandalizing anything nor am I committing a sin. If you think too much about it, to me, it seems you give more faith to the devil rather than God. We have All Saint’s Day in the Catholic faith. If you listened to the video, we pray for the dead by going house to house. Also I’m not going to explain any further because I’m assuming you won’t agree with what I have to say. Halloween isn’t demonic, let children enjoy their childhood, and go spend time with your family. God bless you.
Exactly! People take it to serious. If they don’t wanna celebrate it they don’t have to. I just like to dress up and be with friends, as you said festive. Doesn’t mean we are the devil.
Facts 💯
understand my friend this is a matter of a spiritual warfare . Just like we celebrate Christmas on Halloween this is a day where people whose " religion " is to worship Satan - On this day rituals,conjuring, sacrafices are made and even candies are used in rituals prior to giving it to the kids. Ofcourse on the outside it looks like a bunch of fun to have a day to have a child dress up as a little witch monster or ghost but believe me everything is symbolic and sure enough isnt worth participating in if theres any chance of opening doors
I enjoy hearing from Fr. Ambrose Criste. Many goods points to reflect on here. I think these conversations are helpful. Thanks Lila!
It feels like he is mixing the all souls and all saints with halloween. I would like to see a part two of this interview where the priest addresses the The importance and significance of this date to the satanic and its origins vs what he described on this talk. Also about the testimonies of former satanist regarding the significance of witches, zombies, demons and sensual costumes, also the profanity against the Holy Eucharist that happens during halloween and the multiple satanic and pagan rituals that take place.
Always a pleasure to learn from Father Ambrose Criste. Thank you Neighbor 👍
I'm Catholic and I don't believe in joining the evil and worldliness of what Halloween has become. Thank God we have found an order of nuns in our city that do celebrate All Saints day. They do this by having a day during the weekend, that falls near All Saints day, and welcome children to dress up as their favorite for that year. so we have told our children that we don't celebrate Halloween like most of our neighbors do or like most of our nation does. My husband and I came up with this conclusion because of Catholic, exorcist priest, explaining the evil that happens on this day.
Wow my comment got deleted. I support so much of this channel and will say it again just as much as we know abortion leads to death celebrating a holiday that uses skulls and evil symbols to decorate also represents death. I will not participate for this reason.
I agree you can’t say for practically a whole year that Christians should stay away from that stuff because it’s not from God … except for that one day…. That’s not right and that is the type of double standards that give Christianity a bad reputation
I love listening to this priest...and you Lila!
Same, he’s great
My salvation wouldn't be hindered if I chose to give candy to kids or dressing up like something, but I'm simply not going to try and find where the line is between being involved in an innocent "holiday" and taking part in an occult pagan celebration for the darkness.
He can go ahead and do that, but to state "we should," is ridiculous. We should be glorifying God in every sense of the way and celebrating a demonic event is NOT glorifying Him.
Annnnnnd you completely missed the point. Bet you didn't even listen to the conversation.
What exactly is wrong with celebrating the saints?
This is really well said
I was thinking the same thing. Im not gonna try to find the point where its ok and where its not. Apart from going to mass on all saints day, Im gonna give Halloween a wide berth
@@eoinMB3949 We shouldn’t give the feast over to the world and it’s’ leader. We should be a light to the world. We should celebrate all the Christian feasts properly and whole heartedly to be the example.
As a Catholic I do NOT agree on celebrating Halloween. That is absolutely nuts
Father Ambrose seems like he wants to be cool and hipster
Is he washing together the day of the saints and the day of the witches?
As another catholic, i say that you should let people enjoy what they want, being religious doesn't equate to removing all the fun aspects of your life...
Since when?
This is very interesting for multiple reasons! I’ve really enjoyed-and gotten much from-the interviews with him.
Love listening to Father Ambrose. Thank you.
This interview was a great education. I can't wait to share it with my children who seem to ask about our beloved dead with increasing frequency the closer we get to Hallowtide. Thank you for the help!!!
I loved this conversation so much, thank you so much Lila and Father Ambrose! This will color my celebration and my growing family's celebration of Halloween, All Saints day and All Souls day for years to come!
Grew up with Halloween. I can tell you I prayed more that night as a child that the witches flying on their broomsticks wouldn't look in my window...but it was a remembrance of the dead.
Now most people think of the Hollywood version.
If you prayed then you clearly didn't celebrate Halloween.
You celebrated All saints day instead.
Prayer is not part of Halloween ritual.
Thank you for this ❤ I'm fed up with holier-than-thou Christians pushing fear at this time of year and insisting that you'll go to hell if you so much as pass out candy.
i have to disagree with Father. I'm Irish, my country is wherr Halloween originates from. It's pagan. It's prechristian. It's superstitious and anti-truth, anti-Gospel. I'm doing All Saints and All Souls this year but you wont see me doing anything on the 31st. Please just believe this Irish woman 😅
Have you any evidence you can point us to which supports your assertions?
Even if Halloween was pagan, it doesn’t mean it’s somehow demonic to celebrate aspects of it. That’s sounds like an instance of the genetic fallacy
Thank you very much, 💯
I seen something in Fr. Ambrose. He has a look of innocence. One that has been kept away from culture, from the world as most of us know it. His gaze is different then anyone I have ever seen. This is how I know he is from God, not of the world of ordinary people. There is no ego in his eyes, no thought of selfish desires or personal intention. There is peace in his eyes, the peace only God can give.
As an immigrant in the US, the thought of good Christians celebrating a demonic festival is beyond me!
“Demonic” festival 🤡🤣 did you even listen to this video
2 Corinthians 6:14
"For what fellowship has light with darkness?" This verse compares light and darkness, and says that they cannot share together.
@lilarose, could you please do a video on the chaplets for the dead and Catholic traditions around All Saints Day and all Souls Day? It would be powerful to learn more about the Beads of the Dead and the chaplets that were traditionally prayed for the souls in purgatory.
#lilarose #stmichaelsabbey #FrAbroseCriste #dayofthedead #allsoulsday #allsaintsday
I had a very nehative view about Halloween and All Saints and All Soul's Days. I guess my view is changing because I am gaining more perspective. Many people like to jusge things or fear things that they shouldn't. It os always fun to think about God and our lived ines on holidays :-)
I wasn't allowed to trick or treat when I was a child. I don't resent this at all as an adult. However, I think of it as a wonderful example of charity. I think it is so cool that everyone gets together for one day out of the year to bless children and buy candy just to hand out -- especially considering that our society neglects to think about children so much. I take my kids, again, because our society lacks examples of communal charity and I want to take advantage of the oppurtunity to show my children that people can be kind and generous. I think its beautiful.
In getting married and becoming more traditional in my Catholic faith me and my husband and children only celebrate All Saints’ Day ❤️❤️
This is one the best interviews I've heard in a long time - illuminating.
Father Criste is a great teacher. I really enjoy the discussions you have with him.
The thing I worry about in a post christian culture is people not understanding why we dress up in these costumes and being scandalized by it. Also with how badly the church is doing, are we in much of a position to be mocking the devil? I do hope catholics can reclaim these traditions though because I love the idea of it.
With respect to Fr Ambrose, he is only halfway correct on the origins of Halloween. They go back before Christ to the Celtic celebration of Samhain. All saints day originally was on May 13 (pope Gregory) but moved to Nov.1 in hopes to supplant the pagan celebration. In Samhain we find the origins of "trick or treat", ghosts and ghouls, disguising to trick the dead (costumes) and even the jack-o-lantern. It is true we transitioned to "All hallows eve" in Christendom for some years but over time culture has reverted back to the secular form of Samhain.
My people perish for lack of knowledge" is a line from the Bible, Hosea 4:6
These videos are great, I've rarely heard a Priest answer questions, discuss issues, and many of the other things I can watch on Catholic TH-cam channels now.
Hello Father. Part of me wants to disagree with you about the Halloween part….but that is because i was (for too many years) studying metaphysics and the occult. I have for a few years now turned back to Christ and became a Catholic in 2022 (Thanks be to God). How do we disempower the occult setting that has risen since the 1960’s (actually it was before then, but hopefully you get my point)
We also have those creepy 12 foot skeletons in our neighborhood- we’ve been talking ALOT about memento mori and praying for the dead with our three terrified littles. 😅💀 It’s honestly been a good reminder for me!
I believe that we should take the opportunity to go to mass on all hallows eve and on nov 1st
Right, we absolutely have to.
Show me in the Bible where the disciples or prophets celebrate a pagan holiday? Scripture please
Don't forget All Souls day also! Our parish will be celebrating our 5th annual Requiem mass that night and it's beautiful💖
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20 KJV
II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Get over it. Your bible in incomplete.)
Matthew 12:32
Matthew 5:24-25
I Peter 3:19
I Corinthians 3:11-15
Rev. 21:27
Hab. 1:13
Happy Halloween, Lila! And Happy 100,000 subscribers! Here's Hoping for 1,000,000! Nay, 1 billion! Hope you and your family have a wonderful light-filled peaceful celebration!
This was a wonderfully insightful talk with Father! Could you do a Christmas version about Santa Claus? As a parent this helped me know what to do and teach my son!
Omg I love your podcast on my second one and I’m enjoying. Thanks for posting great content
Did we ever see Jesus Christ celebrate something akin to halloween? If anything it's a celebration of demons and hell.. count me out.
At the end of Sukkot, he would have celebrated Shemini Atzeret, one component of that is Yizkor - remembering the souls of the dead.
It's a celebration of good conquering evil, just like our Lord :)
@@christopherjohnson9167 huh? I sure don't reach that conclusion.
Well, he also didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas or any of the other holidays that people have made up just like Halloween
@@kavikv.d.hexenholtz3474 Lol, I don't think he was looking for an actual answer xD
I was looking for exactly this kind of elaborated and in depth approach.
I'm a Catholic from a country where we don't celebrate Halloween (except for the cultural influences in the recent years) but All Saints and All Souls days, so it's really interesting for me to see the different takes from Protestants and Catholics on this. From the information I have I came to understand Halloween as being originally Catholic but misunderstood and rejected by Protestants and then due to cultural influences shifted to a more pagan or neopagan holiday which is actually quite sad in my opinion. And problematic, of course. Though it's understandable that for Protestants the original Catholic meaning of the feasts is very hard to accept. Should we not honor the many unnamed martyrs and heroes of the faith, however?
Sorry, but i don't believe we shoukd celebrate Halloween.
Disagree. Catholics should be more brave and face up against the demons 😤They are real and they are scary but we have the armor of God on our side, halloween teaches us that lesson. It's totally a Christian holiday.
It’s pagan. Satan loves to blur the lines.
And some here have a huge hook in their mouth.
@@christopherjohnson9167 I don't understand how celebrating Halloween is standing up to demons?
Please explain.
Thank you
@CJP.-pq3kr people that don't worship darkness. Search TH-cam for a former satanist who speaks about this directly and how as a Christian, he emphatically states we should not celebrate Halloween.
Thank you
@@corythomas3925 Fr Ambrose literally explains that in the podcast. We're taunting the demons, going up to them face to face with the armor of God, knowing Christ is victorious.
Honestly, I’m weirded out seeing Catholics suddenly being “ok” with celebrating Halloween. Jesus said we have to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
"Suddenly being ok" with Halloween? Halloween is a Catholic holiday. It came out of Christian culture, just because in some aspects it has been secularized and I wouldn't say everything the culture has done with it is good, that doesn't mean it's inherently wrong, or we can't celebrate it in a good way.
Catholics have always celebrated Halloween (All Hallows Eve, the night before the Feast of All Saints and two days before All Souls’ Day), many of todays modern takes on it (dressing up, trick or treating, jack o lanterns, etc) are originally Catholic. Just because the world has decided it should become secular doesn’t mean that Catholics cannot retain their own celebration of All Hallows Eve. (Do we give up on Christmas bc the world has secularized it?)
Did you even listen or understand the podcast? I don't think you did..
Did u even listen
Show me in the Bible where it says to celebrate a pagan holiday?
Indulgences are wonderful and people need to learn that they can help their loved ones go from purgatory to heaven. 🙏
A priest said Christians used to go door to door dressedas saints on All Hallows' Eve, asking for food for the poor, in imitation of the saints. I think the protestants added the "trick" part. That priest said pumpkins were carved with smiling faces "to welcome the saints," i.e., the costume wearers going door to door.
Then we need to encourage kids to share their candy!
Can the purgatory souls come to visit and appear to us?
I just read a book called “The Church of Rome at the Bar of History” and explains how the catholic was very divided on their stances. That being said, this priest is awesome.
It’s interesting because the Tridium of Death (Hallowtide) used to last for 8 days until the reforms in 1955.
27:31 I just really don’t agree with him. There is nothing in the Christian Bible that says that we can give salvation to our brothers on their behalf. In fact scripture is very clear that every person is responsible for their salvation every individual needs to humble themselves before God before they die. There’s nothing in scripture except for that book that isn’t even in the protestant Bible the Macabes that says that we can offer a prayers and get our relatives out of hell. Everyone’s salvation is between that person and God.
It isn't in the Protestant bible because they removed it. There are many other verses in the bible that support Purgatory.
II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Get over it. Your bible in incomplete.)
Matthew 12:32
Matthew 5:24-25
I Peter 3:19
I Corinthians 3:11-15
Rev. 21:27
Hab. 1:13
I love Lila but sis don't be fooled, Ephesians 2:8-9, which states, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast”
Purgatory can't be real and nothing you do can save yourself or others who have passed.
In the book of Mathew God states it is his wish that all his believers would be one 🙏🏼🕊️✝️♥️🙏🏼
This was very wonderful and I think so many Christians need to hear this.
When I was a child we did dress up, more simply than these days, had carved out turnips with candles in them. We understood than this night there was a thin veil and spirits unleashed. Our dressing up was to frighten away evil spirits from our door. We kept busy with fun games dunking for apples in water/ trying to bite an apple on strings with hands behind backs. Our parties had peanuts and other nuts, melon, fruit brack and apple tarts. Trick or treat seems to be an American invention and also introduced pumpkins. We did tell ghost stories in Ireland.
Halloween celebration can be the Saint celebration and we should sing the litany of saints. And it’s all about our motive. It’s not celebrating evil it’s our motive. People dress up have some fun and just be goofy for heaven sake’s. We can go to mass and communion, and Adoration all around the little few hours of a Halloween celebration. But we don’t have to celebrate bad thing is we can celebrate life and that is what sainthood is.
Lila do you have a podcast about your conversion to Catholicism?
I wholeheartedly disagree. I’d urge you to really pray into whether or not you should “celebrate” Halloween.
What’s wrong with celebrating the saints?
@@ST-ov8cm If it involves dressing up as Spider Man, it has nothing to do with the Saints. How do you celebrate All Hallows Eve?
@@user-ks3qr5fk6m Christians can either celebrate the feast day and its’ eve or relinquish it to the world and it’s leader. We are supposed to be a light for the world.
@@ST-ov8cm When we say Halloween, people and iPhone think of this 🎃 👻. Perhaps we need to reclaim the holiday by calling it All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve 👼 🙏🏻. Or by making it clear that when we celebrate Halloween, it doesn’t resemble anything how the secular world observes it. We go to mass, fast and pray. We can also dress up our children as saints on November 1st. If you go to Wikipedia, right now Halloween celebrations include
Trick-or-treating, costume parties, making jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, divination, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions. I know that according to the Bible, divination is a sin. Visiting “haunted places” and the Halloween decorations seem to resemble the occult. There is nothing wrong with dressing your child like Spider-Man, but why on All Hallow’s Eve?
@@user-ks3qr5fk6mokay than you can dress up as St. George! The great dragon slayer!
This video realy dissapointed me. We should never Mock or make Fun of evil. We should be careful when making such statements. And despite the interesting history content i still dont aprrove letting inocent children play being Witches or zombies.
I tried to listen to this with an open mind! I really did. But all I can see is contradictions
Hi! I thought the discussion on indulgences was super interesting. I’m from the church of Jesus Christ of later day saints (/Mormons)
I really had no idea how similar the root of that practice is to practices of my own faith. We spend a lot of our time devoted to opening doors for our ancestors to be able to come closer to god while in the spirit world waiting for resurrection, or “doing spiritual work for the dead” I learned today that Catholics kinda have something similar going on and that’s cool.
This was my thought exactly! I'm doing work for the dead through temple ordinances because they're unable to do it themselves.
I absolutely love your podcasts!! God bless!!❤
I love Halloween. It's always been my favorite Holy day
Halloween is not the same for all cultures... I was born in Colombia and in some cities they celebrate Halloween by trick-or-treating... Then I moved to Honduras and there is nothing even close to Halloween, they just pray at the cemetery, I married a Mexican and they also go to the cemetery and have an altar at their home... Dia de los muertos altar... Where they honor their dead.
Then i come to The States, and is all about witches, spiders and candy.
Beautiful podcast! Thank you Fr. Ambrose and Lila.
You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:5
By the way, October 31 is not only Halloween. It’s the day Protestantism all started.
Reformation Day, anniversary of the day Martin Luther is said to have posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany (October 31, 1517), later identified by Protestants as the beginning of the Reformation. (The posting of the theses by Martin Luther)
I celebrate Reformation Day!!! Anyone else?
@@redlollipops8582 As a Catholic I cannot celebrate the day Martin Luther broke the Church in thousands of pieces…
@@redlollipops8582 It would be like celebrating a divorce. Our Lord Jesus founded one Church, condemns divorce, and does not want division.
@@redlollipops8582dude, read the room lol Lila rose is Catholic and most of her audience (obviously not all!) are Catholic.
Dude, you said it yourself “not all” are Catholics. I watch her and am not. The guy who posted that comments clearly watches and is not.
In Portugal, they don't celebrate Halloween as we do here in Canada.
I blast the Litany of the Saints in Gregorian Chant while I pass out candy on my porch. ❤
Great show! Thank you!
_For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten_
-Ecclesiastes 9
II Maccabees 12:39-46 (I'm including it because it was in the original canon. Your bible in incomplete.)
Matthew 12:32
Matthew 5:24-25
I Peter 3:19
I Corinthians 3:11-15
Rev. 21:27
Hab. 1:13
Interesting. I'm an Orthodox Christian, we are obviously apostolic, but we simple do not have the doctrine of purgatory. Yet we DO pray for the dead, we have SEVERAL Saturdays of Souls throughout the year that are dedicated to prayers for the dead.
I'm technically Christian but I'm only now starting my journey of getting into the Church and I'll admit seeing that apparently Catholics have issues with Halloween (including here in the comments) confuses me. Just because some people take Halloween as an opportunity to worship the occult doesn't mean we have to, too. We can celebrate it in a Christian way or even simply go trick or treating, dress up, or just hang out with loved ones. I truly don't see anything wrong with that.
Exactly right! There's nothing intrinsically wrong with dressing up and getting candy. Most catholics don't reject this as evil. I'm a cradle catholic, and most parishes I've known host a trunk or treat for Halloween to give the kids a safe place to dress up and get candy. Online comments don't really give a clear picture of the Catholic community as a whole...
Let’s get openly truthful about Halloween among Catholics,for I’m a cradle Catholic born into the Catholic Church as an infant. I have to say this and that is as I grew up as a catholic child I was not taught the true meaning of what Halloween means and having said that I along with countless Catholics celebrated Halloween totally as a pagan way.For every where you’d go kids were dressed up as demons pirates zombies monsters and whatever ever else that parents allowed their children to look like,now this is not the way Catholics should be for Halloween is in total honoring the the saints of God what is happening to the Catholic Church we have to get serious about returning to the true traditional Catholic Church teachings and WORSHIP
Just dress up as saints! Holywins. Go to Mass, pray together and then have candies 😂
32:38 I cannot agree or understand the belief that I can physically do anything to save someone else or work out their salvation/forgiveness for them. I can pray and fast for someone so that God can move in their life or answer their prayer but this portion does not make sense to my spirit at all. Also, If I can pray directly to the creator of the universe why would I even consider instead to spend time praying to a dead person to intercede for me? No matter how saintly they were on earth they're no replacement for Gods ear. And There's nothing I can do for someone's soul after they've died, that's between them and the Lord.