Please make sure to watch also my other full flight videos: or one of my new Captain POV videos:
Many thanks for this fantastic videos! And especially to Eurowings for allowing this!! We know that other airlines within the company has very strict rules that not allow to show a lot of details. Many thanks to ALL involved in the videos❤
Thank you so much for your great feedback and your financial support of the channel as a member! I also appreciate that I am allowed to produce these videos and that the first officers are accept being recorded during the flight. Without them, I would not be able to publish a single video.
Thank you for continuing to provide this high quality content for us in 2025!:) I would also enjoy a video about the winter ops going on right now, if you manage to record such a flight.
Thanks for your continuous support of the channel and your monthly financial contribution as a member of the channel. This helps a lot! Whenever possible, I will try to record a winter ops video. During the last weeks, I was not scheduled to fly on one of the winter ops days. This may change in the future, but is completely unpredictable.
TRAFFIC TRAFFIC always wakes you up! Good "I have control" call the Captain too, shows you're on it to the FO. Flying away from sun always makes me sad, it gets so dark so quick. What a fun flight & great video, thanks! Edit: Awesome brief at the end thanks!
I like how the FO instinctivl prioritized the TCAS alert - sticking to "aviate, navigate, communicate". Nothing he would need to worry/apologize for. We as PAX are rather happy that you are so professionally trained than having a "stuck PA announcement". ;)
Thank you very much for watching and for sharing your good feedback! Please help me and tell everybody about my videos! Thanks in advance for your support!
Hello. I am a ramp agent at Manchester airport so maybe one day I will have the privilege of working on your aircraft and maybe meeting you! Love these videos.
Ihr seid bei uns in der Flugschule am Flughafen Essen/Mülheim schon bekannt. (; Für euch bleibe ich gerne im abgesenkten Luftraum für EDDL unter 1500 ft :D - bleibt wie ihr seid! (: Und nochmals danke für die Mühen. Das Format eurer Videos ist echt klasse!
Thank you for this video, brilliant as always. I was just wondering, on a normal flight, when you’re not filming, do you speak to each other in English or German?
Thank you so much for your great feedback and for your financial support of the channel as a member! We are allowed to speak German or English. Sometimes it is a mixture, but we also often speak in the German language, especially if both pilots are native from the German language area.
cool video again, and happy new year 2025! Its really interesting to see so many details in the cockpit and the daily operation (e.g. briefing). I heard in a live stream from another pilot that it is not always the case that companies allow such great detailed filmed content to be published! Great to see that EW sees it allows it ;) happy landings!
Thanks a lot for watching and your good wishes! I wish you a very happy and healthy new year and would like to thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member!
Great video, as always. Thanks so much for these videos. Beautiful approach to runway 23L. Wasn't runway 23R being used for arrivals that day? Have a great weekend, Captain!
Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member and your good feedback! My understanding is that in winter only runway 23L is used at Düsseldorf Airport. Runway 23R is only used as backup, if 23L is not available, for example if the runway needs to be deiced or so. All the best to you!
Happy New Year Captain! Great first video for 2025. But may I ask were there some sound issues as I didn't hear any engine noise and on landing the automated altitude callouts were very faint/ difficult to hear? It was like a constant wind/ air noise during the video.
First of all: Happy New Year and many thanks for your financial support of the channell as a member! You are right, there were some sound issues. My primary cockpit audio track was not useable. This happened before. So I started the recording of a backup audio track. The bad thing was that the track was useable, but the volume was very low and I had to increase the level a lot in post production. I hope that the normal good audio is useable again at the next videos.
"I’m watching your aircraft videos a lot, and I know I’m going off the topic a bit, but I need to get this off my chest and ask you these questions. The engine sound changes in various phases of flight, such as during engine start-up, when the aircraft is pushed forward, while taxiing on the runway, at takeoff, and during climb. I’ve also observed that when the aircraft is parking at the gate stand after a flight, the engine spins so quickly while the aircraft moves slowly. Could you explain why these sounds and engine behaviours change throughout these different phases?"
The airplane engine sound changes with the amount of power it produces. This is very similar to a car engine. If the RPM is higher, it makes more noise and sounds differently. The cockpit audio contains way more as just the engine noise. There is wind noise which depends on the airspeed, there is also a good amount of noise from the cockpit computer ventilation systems. If we fly the A321, we hear just very little engine noise because the engines are far away. The A319 engines are much closer to the cockpit. So we hear more of the engine sound in the cockpit
Great video as always. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but was it wise for the FO to conduct the passenger briefing during a phase of flight during busy traffic? Or is this generally a non-event?
He did the passenger announcement at our final cruise altitude. This was very wise and is the phase at which we usually see less traffic compared with the climb or descent phase. So this was the best possible choice. In general, we can do these announcement at any time when we think that it is appropriate. We usually just do not make extended announcements below 10,000 feet.
You are right, I do not like delays. I always want to be on time or earlier. Here, we are doing very well. We had only a few minutes delay after a change of the flight to one of the spare airplanes due to technical reasons.
Thank you Captain as usual very good video. Just a question, why you prefer manual VS approching to final altitude 310 instead leave the managed mode? Thanks
Thanks for sharing your good feedback and your question! We would love to continue in the managed mode. But the managed mode sometimes gives us a too high vertical speed when approaching the altitude. This may trigger a TCAS traffic advisory or even a resolution advisory. When traffic could be a factor, we want no more than 1000 to 1500 feet of climb or descent rate when reaching the cleared altitude.
Hello Crew ❤ nice to see the FO a second time. In this video I've learned how to easily insert a waypont via the FIX INFO page into the active flight plan. That's great and works as well as real in my simulator. Besides that Iike the (new??) camera view to the front. Have a nice Sunday and see you next time ✈️
Thanks for watching, your good feedback and for your financial support of the channel as a member! I did 3 videos with the first officer: This one, Copenhagen and Funchal runway 23. Links are in the video description. It is great to hear that you learned from the video for your simulator flying! Have a nice day!
The flight plan shows the altitude which was filed to ATC. The short flights may have filing restrictions for high altitudes because the high altitudes need to be available for longer flights. The result is that we have to file sometimes an altitude which is below the optimum altitude for the flight. During the flight, we have to accept whatever ATC can give us. If they ask which altitude we would like, we usually ask for the optimum level and not for the filed level.
Good morning I got one more question about loadsheet handing I mean when the ground crew deliver you a loadsheet, when do you put ZFWCG in init fuel prediction page and what is the max chane of weight which do not require to recalculate loadsheet?
Hallo Herr Buntenbach ein frohes neues Jahr und alles Gute wünsche ich. Jetzt in der kalten Jahreszeit hätte ich gerne gewusst, wann wird ein Flugzeug enteist? Startet man auch mit Anti Ice und wird jedes mal beim durchfliegen von Wolken das Engine Anti Ice aktiviert? Ich würde gerne wissen, anhand welcher Parameter sie das festmachen. Danke für dieses wieder wundervolle Video in der unglaublichen Länge, einfach wunderbar.
Vielen lieben Dank für die guten Wünsche und die finanzielle Unterstützung des Kanals als Mitglied! Ich wúnsche auch alles Gute fürs neue Jahr! Wenn auf den Tragflächen, den Steuerflächen oder dem Horizontal Stabilizer Frost, Eis oder Schee ist, entfernen wir das vor dem Start. Man kann das mit dem Auto vergleichen. Wenn auf den Scheiben vor der Abfahrt Eis ist, entfernt man es ja auch vorm Losfahren, damit man was sehen kann. Beim Flugzeug geht es nicht um die Sicht, sondern ums Gewicht und darum, dass die Erzeugung des Auftriebs eventuell nicht richtig funktionieren könnte, wenn die Tragfläche durch Eis verformt wird. Wir benutzen das Enteisungssystem der Triebwerke, wenn wir in sichtbare Feuchtigkeit (Wolken, Regen, Schnee, stark reduzierte Sicht …) einfliegen und die TAT, also die Total Air Temperatur, das ist die Temperatur an der Tragfläche , 10 Grad Celsius oder niedriger ist. Unter - 40 Grad Celsius Static Air Temperatur ist es dann nicht mehr erforderlich, es sei denn, wir sind im Sinkflug. Die Tragflächen-Enteisungsanlage steht erst nach dem Abheben zur Verfügung und pustet heiße Luft in die Flügelvorderkante. Sie benutzen wir, wenn sich am Eis-Indikator an der Cockpit-Scheibe ein Eisansatz zeigt. Wir benutzen sie auch, wenn wir in Gebiete mit bekannter starker Vereisung einfliegen. Das könnte zum Beispiel gefrierender Regen oder Nebel sein. Beim Durchfliegen von Wolken schalten wir Engine Anti Ice ein, falls die Total Air Temperatur (TAT) unter 10 Grad ist und die Static Air Temperatur nicht kälter als minus 40 Grad. Im Sinkflug ist das unabhängig von der Static Air Temperatur.
Auf diesem Weg alle gute Wünsche für das Jahr 2025 auch in diesem Jahr freue ich mich auf Ihre Videos sehr und wünsche allzeit guten Flug gut gemachtes Video vom Abflug in Manchester und Ankunft im Dorf an der Düssel Liebe Grüße aus Neuss am Rhein
Hello Mr. Stefan! Since I started watching any kinds of videos in cockpit a long time ago, I have been wondering how do you get the audio from the mics and comms in general? Do you copy it to something like a pendrive after the flight? Greetings from Poland!!
Ich finde diese Logistik am Flughafen vom Tower immer wieder faszinierend. Ihr seid gerade erst gelandet, da startet schon der nächste Flieger und im Hintergrund sieht man schon das Band, wie sich zwei weitere Flieger für die Landung einreihen. Irre
Hallihallo :) Vielen Dank mal wieder für die wunderschönen Ausblicke aus dem Cockpit. Angeblich wird ja während dem Flug jede Stunde der Fuel gecheckt. Gibt es eigentlich für die zusätzliche Sicherheit auch ein System, das Piloten automatisch warnt, wenn es ein Leck im Tank gibt? Viele Grüße aus dem schönen Aschaffenburg und natürlich happy landings :)
Vielen Dank fürs Anschauen, das gute Feedback und die Frage! Es stimmt, wir checken jede Stunde mindestens ein Mal den Sprit und die Zeit, um sicher zu stellen, dass alles passt oder aufzuzeigen, dass irgend etwas nicht passt. Es gibt einige Anzeigen, an denen man ein mögliches Leck schon frühzeitig sehen kann. Zum Beispiel sehen wir in der MCDU mit wieviel Sprit wir voraussichtlich landen. Der Wert bleibt während des Fluges immer fast konstant, solange wir nicht die Flugstrecke oder die Flughöhe ändern. Wenn der Wert ständig weniger wird, dann gibt es ein Fuel-Leak. Auch die Tankanzeige ist natürlich gut sichtbar. Die Tanks leeren sich immer parallel. Wenn eine Tankanzeige erheblich weniger anzeigt als die andere, könnte es auch ein Fuel-Leak sein. Der Flight Warning Computer schlägt natürlich auch irgendwann an. Er zeigt zunächst eine Imbalance Meldung an und dann später auch eine Low Fuel Meldung. Bitte allen vom Kanal erzählen, denn ich würde mich super freuen, bald auf 100.000 Subscriber zu kommen. Vielen Dank vorab für die Hilfe und noch einen schönen Tag!
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Vielen Dank mal wieder für die sehr interessante Antwort. Ich habe das Video natürlich geteilt und mir mal den Kanalverlauf angeschaut. Meine unverbindliche Prognose ist, das es bis zum Ende des Jahres 100.000+x sein sollten :)Viele Grüße aus dem schönen Aschaffenburg und natürlich happy landings :)
Vielen Dank dafür! Ja, 100.000 Subscriber sind erst einmal das Ziel. Es kommen im Moment ständig weitere hinzu. Allerdings ist die Anzahl, die hinzu kommen, sehr variabel.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Ich kann mir auch gut vorstellen, das eine kleine Liveschalte (natürlich nur wenn es sich einrichten lässt wegen der workload usw.) einige Klicks mehr bringt :)
This always differs a lot. Sometimes it takes a few days, at other times much longer. This flight was done recently. I cannot release the exact date, but it was not very long ago.
The decision has to be done by the pilot flying. We have to be able to fly with and without autothrust. So we have to do both on a regular basis to stay current and proficient. I made an explanation video which is available in the members section. It shows the pros and cons about flying with autothrust.
How do they key the mic to talk to the ground crew? when they walk to them, I never see either of them key the mic, is it just an open line and the ground crew that are connected can just hear everything?!
Thanks for sharing your good and interesting feedback! Thank you also very much for your financial support of the channel as a member! Have a nice day!
Vielen Dank für den Vorschlag! Ich schaue mal, was ich da machen kann. Vermutlich wird es noch mal ein paar Videos mit Erklärungen geben. Hier ist ein Video von einem Anflug nach Madeira: Dort erkläre ich in Deutscher Sprache, was wir da so machen. Bitte schaue Dir das mal an und schreibe im Kommentar, ob und wie es Dir gefällt. Im Bereich für Mitglieder gibt es auch ein paar Erklärvideos, in denen ich Hintergrundinformationen zu unseren Flügen gebe.
Nice video, thank you, but the Manchester ground staff could not of put you any further away from the runway right round the back of the terminal as far as you can go
Autopilot 2 follows Flightdirector 2 and is based on FMGC 2 and airdata 2 (altitude speed …). Autopilot 1 does the same for the FD1 and airdata 1. So the autopilot is selected in accordance to the pilot flying.
This sounds like a great idea! But the glasses are recording only for a very short period of time. In addition, I need 4k resolution. Anything else would not show enough details.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos I think that for the take-off and landing would be good to have where you're looking at, but without changing the current cam setup. specially because there are certain conditions (night) that you won't be able to use it :D
....maybe im thick but i dont get why the stick isnt in the middle? Youd spend ages as FO learning to fly right handed... only to get promoted to captain and now have to fly left handed..?
Good question! The first officer uses his or her right hand for the stick and the left hand for the thrust levers. The captain uses his or her left hand for the stick and the right hand for the thrust levers. This is the same as if you fly a conventional airplane, like a Boeing 737 or so with the steering column in the middle. The pilot flying has one hand at the controls and the other hand at the thrust levers. The control of the stick is not a big deal to change from the right to the left seat.
Hello, first of all, I wish you all the best for 2025! 🙂 Thanks a lot for all the videos in 2024 and the coming ones in 2025, i really enjoy it! I had a quick question (curiosity): is it a company guideline that the fo's never taxi on the ground? Thanks a lot for all ur videos!
Thanks a lot for your good wishes! I also wish you all the best for the new year! Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member! It is company SOP that the captain always is taxiing the plane, even if the first officer is pilot flying. This varies from company to company and is based on internal operational risk assessments.
As a ground crew it’s a shame to see you cut off the headset man at the start given they’ve got to say certain things if they do it by the book and it’s frustrating to be cut off
I am very sorry about this. The ground crew did everything by the book. Unfortunately, the useable audio/video recording started exactly where the video starts. The initial communication with the ground crew is missing. Next time, I will try to do better.
Unlike the A320 I found A350 goes absolutely silent in the cabin about 25 minutes before landing and it appears as though the plane glides down instead of using power from the engine. I also found the pressure increases so much my ear hurts which doesn't happen in any plane and I flew to India from Sydney on an A380 then B737 800. So does an A350 use gliding to save fuel? How else does it become so silent in the cabin would you know?
Whenever possible, all commercial jet airplanes do idle power gliding descents from the cruise altitude to sometime in the final approach. This is standard and doing non idle descents would need more fuel. The noise change from cruise to idle power varies with the airplane make and model, the engine type and where you are seated in the plane.
Thanks for watching and your question! Eurowings Germany did not operate A330 airplanes. In the past, there were A 330 planes operated under the Eurowings brand name by other airlines. It was Sun Express Germany, Brussels Airlines and later Discover Airlines as Eurowings Discover. They are or were all part of the Lufthansa Group.
@ Oh, now I understand. It's just that a while ago I had seen some A330s with the EuroWings design. Thanks for responding and explaining to me. Greetings from Puerto Rico.
Happy new year captain! One quick question, when taxiiing, do you use a visual reference point somewhere on the dashboard or cockpit to know that the nose wheel is on the line ? Thanks
Also happy new year to you and many thanks for your financial support of the channel as a member!! Good is to use the area between the PFD and the ND as reference. Between the legs with a tendency to the right leg for the capain is also not too bad.
I am sorry about it. I had to use the backup audio channel because the primary channel did not record any audio. The backup volume was very low, so I had to increase the level in post production. The other option would be no video or a video without audio. Due to previous audio recording problems, I started the recording of a backup audio track. Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member! Have a nice day!
@@jamesbarnett9641 Interesting. I fly the Airbus since 2001 and know about how the system works. But never heard that these failures are happening. I am sure that if these are common failures that the Airlines which I worked for would have informed us about it. Airbus even allows to do the rudder check during the taxi out. It would be really bad if the nosewheel steering disconnect would fail during the check of the rudder.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos System failure unlikely but possible. Hand slipping off and/or not pressing the disc button properly is entirely possible. And if someone is next to the N/G with the bar connected that would be very dangerous. Doing the rudder check during the taxi out doesn't pose a risk to ground personnel.
Thanks for sharing your interesting feedback! The final picture contains the images of 6 cameras. Please let me know which single camera view you would prefer to see all the time instead of the composed view.
Danke für die Tollen Videos sie sind wirklich so ein guter Pilot. Ich schauen schon sehr lange zu und sie sind immer mein Vorbild seit sehr langem. Ich selber will Pilot werden und wenn ich mal nach der Schule/ Arbeit nachhause komme Leibe ich es einfach ihre Videos anzuschauen. So spannend und unterhaltsam. ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Always under the same sky✈️🫡
Vielen Dank fürs sehr gute Feedback und die freundlichen Worte! Ich wünsche Dir, dass Du - sobald es möglich ist - die Ausbildung zu Deinem Traumberuf starten kannst und wir uns bald im Cockpit sehen! Einen schönen Tag noch!
Please make sure to watch also my other full flight videos: or one of my new Captain POV videos:
Many thanks for this fantastic videos! And especially to Eurowings for allowing this!! We know that other airlines within the company has very strict rules that not allow to show a lot of details.
Many thanks to ALL involved in the videos❤
Thank you so much for your great feedback and your financial support of the channel as a member! I also appreciate that I am allowed to produce these videos and that the first officers are accept being recorded during the flight. Without them, I would not be able to publish a single video.
These videos are a fantastic advertisement for Eurowings.
Thank you for continuing to provide this high quality content for us in 2025!:) I would also enjoy a video about the winter ops going on right now, if you manage to record such a flight.
Thanks for your continuous support of the channel and your monthly financial contribution as a member of the channel. This helps a lot!
Whenever possible, I will try to record a winter ops video. During the last weeks, I was not scheduled to fly on one of the winter ops days. This may change in the future, but is completely unpredictable.
TCAS warning during PA 😂
TRAFFIC TRAFFIC always wakes you up! Good "I have control" call the Captain too, shows you're on it to the FO. Flying away from sun always makes me sad, it gets so dark so quick. What a fun flight & great video, thanks!
Edit: Awesome brief at the end thanks!
These videos make me want to fly Eurowings. Thank you!
That's good! So I hope to see you soon on board!
I like how the FO instinctivl prioritized the TCAS alert - sticking to "aviate, navigate, communicate". Nothing he would need to worry/apologize for. We as PAX are rather happy that you are so professionally trained than having a "stuck PA announcement". ;)
Another brilliant full flight video. Thanks so much
Thank you very much for watching and for sharing your good feedback! Please help me and tell everybody about my videos! Thanks in advance for your support!
Absolutely brilliant work. Thanks for taking time to make all those great videos 🙌🏻
Thanks for watching and your good feedback!
2 of my favourite Cities - the one where I was born, and the one where the beer is incredible.
Great video guys, thanks for sharing.
Love the night flight! Great video and beautiful city
Thank you very much for your good feedback! Many greetings to Florida!
"Any threats?"
- "It´s dark outside"
"Pretty normal in the night"
Thanks for watching!
Great video, nice to see you in Manchester.
Thanks for watching and for sharing your good feedback!
As always, a pleasure to watch!
Thanks for watching and have a great day!
It's one of my fave routes. Every time I go from England to Paderborn, I gotta fly Manchester to Düsseldorf. Thanks for the awesome video
Thank You So Much for these uploads... These vids are some of the only ones that help me relax after a long day...
Another great video!!! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for watching and your good feedback! Please tell everybody about the video! Thank you very much in advance for your support!
Great video again as always Captain - I look forward to watching these on a Saturday morning! Great speed management on the approach
Hello. I am a ramp agent at Manchester airport so maybe one day I will have the privilege of working on your aircraft and maybe meeting you! Love these videos.
Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope to see you soon in Manchester! Have a nice weekend!
Thanks for continually delivering those awesomely edited videos. Do love all your formats
Thanks again for another full video of the trip, nice to see it
Always happy landings! Und danke euch beiden für diese tollen Videos! (:
Vielen Dank fürs Anschauen und das gute Feedback! Bitte allen vom Kanal erzählen! Herzlichen Dank vorab für Deine Hilfe!
Ihr seid bei uns in der Flugschule am Flughafen Essen/Mülheim schon bekannt. (;
Für euch bleibe ich gerne im abgesenkten Luftraum für EDDL unter 1500 ft :D - bleibt wie ihr seid! (: Und nochmals danke für die Mühen. Das Format eurer Videos ist echt klasse!
Ive flown on the same day do Barcelona. Grey and cold morning ! Love your job sir:)
Thank you for this video, brilliant as always. I was just wondering, on a normal flight, when you’re not filming, do you speak to each other in English or German?
Thank you so much for your great feedback and for your financial support of the channel as a member! We are allowed to speak German or English. Sometimes it is a mixture, but we also often speak in the German language, especially if both pilots are native from the German language area.
cool video again, and happy new year 2025!
Its really interesting to see so many details in the cockpit and the daily operation (e.g. briefing). I heard in a live stream from another pilot that it is not always the case that companies allow such great detailed filmed content to be published! Great to see that EW sees it allows it ;) happy landings!
I will be going to Tunisia from Manchester air port in June. Cant wait.
Thank you só much for the vídeo!
Thanks for watching!
Geweldig om mijn oude woonplaats Manchester te zien in een video
Thanks for watching and for sharing your feedback! Have a nice day!
Fabulous full flight captain.. Happy new year and happy flying
Thank you very much! This video was amazing, the pfd was a bit bright on departure haha, wishing you and your family a very happy new year :))
these videos are amazing!
Thank you very much for watching! Please help me and tell everybody about the videos! Thanks for your help!
Hi Stefan
Thanks once again for this wonderful steam.
Always learning from your channel
Happy New year captain 🧑✈️
great to see another full flight video! wish you blue skies for 2025!
Thanks a lot for watching and your good wishes! I wish you a very happy and healthy new year and would like to thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member!
Another enjoyable flight 👍
Glad you enjoyed it! Please tell everybody about the videos! Thanks in advance for your help!
Beautiful 😉 Happy New Year
Thanks a lot! I also wish you all the best for the new year!
Thank you Captain, I hope you enjoyed your stay
Great video, as always. Thanks so much for these videos. Beautiful approach to runway 23L. Wasn't runway 23R being used for arrivals that day? Have a great weekend, Captain!
Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member and your good feedback!
My understanding is that in winter only runway 23L is used at Düsseldorf Airport. Runway 23R is only used as backup, if 23L is not available, for example if the runway needs to be deiced or so. All the best to you!
Happy New Year Captain! Great first video for 2025. But may I ask were there some sound issues as I didn't hear any engine noise and on landing the automated altitude callouts were very faint/ difficult to hear? It was like a constant wind/ air noise during the video.
Same here, it sounds like very strong noice cancelling has been applied to the audio. I even had to turn the volume up to hear what was being said.
@matthijs198 The ATC was very loud compared to their voiced
First of all: Happy New Year and many thanks for your financial support of the channell as a member!
You are right, there were some sound issues. My primary cockpit audio track was not useable. This happened before. So I started the recording of a backup audio track. The bad thing was that the track was useable, but the volume was very low and I had to increase the level a lot in post production. I hope that the normal good audio is useable again at the next videos.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Thank you for expaining it. Sometimes things go wrong and we have no control of it. Have a good day.
"I’m watching your aircraft videos a lot, and I know I’m going off the topic a bit, but I need to get this off my chest and ask you these questions. The engine sound changes in various phases of flight, such as during engine start-up, when the aircraft is pushed forward, while taxiing on the runway, at takeoff, and during climb. I’ve also observed that when the aircraft is parking at the gate stand after a flight, the engine spins so quickly while the aircraft moves slowly. Could you explain why these sounds and engine behaviours change throughout these different phases?"
The airplane engine sound changes with the amount of power it produces. This is very similar to a car engine. If the RPM is higher, it makes more noise and sounds differently.
The cockpit audio contains way more as just the engine noise. There is wind noise which depends on the airspeed, there is also a good amount of noise from the cockpit computer ventilation systems.
If we fly the A321, we hear just very little engine noise because the engines are far away. The A319 engines are much closer to the cockpit. So we hear more of the engine sound in the cockpit
Great video as always. I know hindsight is a wonderful thing, but was it wise for the FO to conduct the passenger briefing during a phase of flight during busy traffic? Or is this generally a non-event?
He did the passenger announcement at our final cruise altitude. This was very wise and is the phase at which we usually see less traffic compared with the climb or descent phase. So this was the best possible choice. In general, we can do these announcement at any time when we think that it is appropriate. We usually just do not make extended announcements below 10,000 feet.
Excellent video.
Captain, what did the FO hand to you at 1:02:25?
Captain always seems a bit grumpy if not running on time but always a true pro.
You are right, I do not like delays. I always want to be on time or earlier. Here, we are doing very well. We had only a few minutes delay after a change of the flight to one of the spare airplanes due to technical reasons.
Great Video! Just a quick question: How do you maintain 14 kts taxi speed? Do you constantly need to brake a bit? Thanks :D
Thanks! Usually, we taxi with idle power. We do not want to use the brakes constantly. We only brake if the plane wants to taxi too fast.
Thank you Captain as usual very good video. Just a question, why you prefer manual VS approching to final altitude 310 instead leave the managed mode?
Thanks for sharing your good feedback and your question! We would love to continue in the managed mode. But the managed mode sometimes gives us a too high vertical speed when approaching the altitude. This may trigger a TCAS traffic advisory or even a resolution advisory. When traffic could be a factor, we want no more than 1000 to 1500 feet of climb or descent rate when reaching the cleared altitude.
@ thanks for your answer. Have nice day
@@danielezannotti9158Thanks. Please help me and tell everybody about the channel! All the best to you!
@ i will do.
Hello Crew ❤ nice to see the FO a second time. In this video I've learned how to easily insert a waypont via the FIX INFO page into the active flight plan. That's great and works as well as real in my simulator. Besides that Iike the (new??) camera view to the front.
Have a nice Sunday and see you next time ✈️
Thanks for watching, your good feedback and for your financial support of the channel as a member! I did 3 videos with the first officer: This one, Copenhagen and Funchal runway 23. Links are in the video description. It is great to hear that you learned from the video for your simulator flying! Have a nice day!
Oh sorry, then the FO has already achieved to be called at least co-starring 😃✈️ (thank you for the links!)
@ There are several FOs who are visible in more than one video.
When was this flight? Great video 👍
Thanks! Due to privacy protection, I cannot release the flight date. I ask for your understanding.
Good job gents
Thanks a lot!
Winter OPS to Salzburg would be nice to see!
I agree! I hope to fly to Salzburg soon on a winter day.
Love the full flights👍✈️ So with the cruise altitude you don’t necessarily go with what is on the flight plan?
They ask you for your request but they are under ATC
@@CPTLYNXY Many thanks
The flight plan shows the altitude which was filed to ATC. The short flights may have filing restrictions for high altitudes because the high altitudes need to be available for longer flights. The result is that we have to file sometimes an altitude which is below the optimum altitude for the flight. During the flight, we have to accept whatever ATC can give us. If they ask which altitude we would like, we usually ask for the optimum level and not for the filed level.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Thanks very much Captain, understood, stay safe ✈️
Good morning I got one more question about loadsheet handing I mean when the ground crew deliver you a loadsheet, when do you put ZFWCG in init fuel prediction page and what is the max chane of weight which do not require to recalculate loadsheet?
Hallo Herr Buntenbach ein frohes neues Jahr und alles Gute wünsche ich. Jetzt in der kalten Jahreszeit hätte ich gerne gewusst, wann wird ein Flugzeug enteist? Startet man auch mit Anti Ice und wird jedes mal beim durchfliegen von Wolken das Engine Anti Ice aktiviert? Ich würde gerne wissen, anhand welcher Parameter sie das festmachen. Danke für dieses wieder wundervolle Video in der unglaublichen Länge, einfach wunderbar.
Vielen lieben Dank für die guten Wünsche und die finanzielle Unterstützung des Kanals als Mitglied! Ich wúnsche auch alles Gute fürs neue Jahr!
Wenn auf den Tragflächen, den Steuerflächen oder dem Horizontal Stabilizer Frost, Eis oder Schee ist, entfernen wir das vor dem Start. Man kann das mit dem Auto vergleichen. Wenn auf den Scheiben vor der Abfahrt Eis ist, entfernt man es ja auch vorm Losfahren, damit man was sehen kann. Beim Flugzeug geht es nicht um die Sicht, sondern ums Gewicht und darum, dass die Erzeugung des Auftriebs eventuell nicht richtig funktionieren könnte, wenn die Tragfläche durch Eis verformt wird.
Wir benutzen das Enteisungssystem der Triebwerke, wenn wir in sichtbare Feuchtigkeit (Wolken, Regen, Schnee, stark reduzierte Sicht …) einfliegen und die TAT, also die Total Air Temperatur, das ist die Temperatur an der Tragfläche , 10 Grad Celsius oder niedriger ist. Unter - 40 Grad Celsius Static Air Temperatur ist es dann nicht mehr erforderlich, es sei denn, wir sind im Sinkflug.
Die Tragflächen-Enteisungsanlage steht erst nach dem Abheben zur Verfügung und pustet heiße Luft in die Flügelvorderkante. Sie benutzen wir, wenn sich am Eis-Indikator an der Cockpit-Scheibe ein Eisansatz zeigt. Wir benutzen sie auch, wenn wir in Gebiete mit bekannter starker Vereisung einfliegen. Das könnte zum Beispiel gefrierender Regen oder Nebel sein.
Beim Durchfliegen von Wolken schalten wir Engine Anti Ice ein, falls die Total Air Temperatur (TAT) unter 10 Grad ist und die Static Air Temperatur nicht kälter als minus 40 Grad. Im Sinkflug ist das unabhängig von der Static Air Temperatur.
Auf diesem Weg alle gute Wünsche für das Jahr 2025 auch in diesem Jahr freue ich mich auf Ihre Videos sehr und wünsche allzeit guten Flug gut gemachtes Video vom Abflug in Manchester und Ankunft im Dorf an der Düssel Liebe Grüße aus Neuss am Rhein
Sauber Flo ;)
Danke fürs Anschauen!
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Ich schau mir die Videos gern an. Bin auch mal A320 geflogen, schöner Flieger!
Dass freut mich! Ich mag den A320 auch sehr gerne! Einen schönen Tag noch!
Hello Mr. Stefan! Since I started watching any kinds of videos in cockpit a long time ago, I have been wondering how do you get the audio from the mics and comms in general? Do you copy it to something like a pendrive after the flight? Greetings from Poland!!
Ich finde diese Logistik am Flughafen vom Tower immer wieder faszinierend. Ihr seid gerade erst gelandet, da startet schon der nächste Flieger und im Hintergrund sieht man schon das Band, wie sich zwei weitere Flieger für die Landung einreihen. Irre
Erstmal ein frohes Neues Jahr. Wie heißt den das Buch über das ihr kurz vor dem Decent gesprochen habt , was der FO veröffentlicht hat?
Vielen Dank! Ich wünsche auch alles Gute fürs neue Jahr! In der Videobeschreibung habe ich die Titel mit einem Link angegeben.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Dann werde ich mal gucken.
Hallihallo :) Vielen Dank mal wieder für die wunderschönen Ausblicke aus dem Cockpit. Angeblich wird ja während dem Flug jede Stunde der Fuel gecheckt. Gibt es eigentlich für die zusätzliche Sicherheit auch ein System, das Piloten automatisch warnt, wenn es ein Leck im Tank gibt? Viele Grüße aus dem schönen Aschaffenburg und natürlich happy landings :)
Vielen Dank fürs Anschauen, das gute Feedback und die Frage! Es stimmt, wir checken jede Stunde mindestens ein Mal den Sprit und die Zeit, um sicher zu stellen, dass alles passt oder aufzuzeigen, dass irgend etwas nicht passt. Es gibt einige Anzeigen, an denen man ein mögliches Leck schon frühzeitig sehen kann. Zum Beispiel sehen wir in der MCDU mit wieviel Sprit wir voraussichtlich landen. Der Wert bleibt während des Fluges immer fast konstant, solange wir nicht die Flugstrecke oder die Flughöhe ändern. Wenn der Wert ständig weniger wird, dann gibt es ein Fuel-Leak. Auch die Tankanzeige ist natürlich gut sichtbar. Die Tanks leeren sich immer parallel. Wenn eine Tankanzeige erheblich weniger anzeigt als die andere, könnte es auch ein Fuel-Leak sein. Der Flight Warning Computer schlägt natürlich auch irgendwann an. Er zeigt zunächst eine Imbalance Meldung an und dann später auch eine Low Fuel Meldung.
Bitte allen vom Kanal erzählen, denn ich würde mich super freuen, bald auf 100.000 Subscriber zu kommen. Vielen Dank vorab für die Hilfe und noch einen schönen Tag!
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Vielen Dank mal wieder für die sehr interessante Antwort. Ich habe das Video natürlich geteilt und mir mal den Kanalverlauf angeschaut. Meine unverbindliche Prognose ist, das es bis zum Ende des Jahres 100.000+x sein sollten :)Viele Grüße aus dem schönen Aschaffenburg und natürlich happy landings :)
Vielen Dank dafür! Ja, 100.000 Subscriber sind erst einmal das Ziel. Es kommen im Moment ständig weitere hinzu. Allerdings ist die Anzahl, die hinzu kommen, sehr variabel.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Ich kann mir auch gut vorstellen, das eine kleine Liveschalte (natürlich nur wenn es sich einrichten lässt wegen der workload usw.) einige Klicks mehr bringt :)
How long does it take from the recording point until you upload these videos on TH-cam? It would be curios to know when the flight was 👍
This always differs a lot. Sometimes it takes a few days, at other times much longer. This flight was done recently. I cannot release the exact date, but it was not very long ago.
Why manual thrust when you can do Auto Thrust?
isnt that easier?
The decision has to be done by the pilot flying. We have to be able to fly with and without autothrust. So we have to do both on a regular basis to stay current and proficient.
I made an explanation video which is available in the members section. It shows the pros and cons about flying with autothrust.
How do they key the mic to talk to the ground crew? when they walk to them, I never see either of them key the mic, is it just an open line and the ground crew that are connected can just hear everything?!
Great video as always captain! I would make a bet that the pilot at 32:35 is @Easyjetsimpilot what a coincidence:D
Thanks for sharing your good and interesting feedback! Thank you also very much for your financial support of the channel as a member! Have a nice day!
Könntest ihr vielleicht nen paar Infos in die Untertitel reinmachen, damit auch Leihen wie ich verstehen können, was ihr im Video macht:)
Vielen Dank für den Vorschlag! Ich schaue mal, was ich da machen kann. Vermutlich wird es noch mal ein paar Videos mit Erklärungen geben. Hier ist ein Video von einem Anflug nach Madeira: Dort erkläre ich in Deutscher Sprache, was wir da so machen. Bitte schaue Dir das mal an und schreibe im Kommentar, ob und wie es Dir gefällt. Im Bereich für Mitglieder gibt es auch ein paar Erklärvideos, in denen ich Hintergrundinformationen zu unseren Flügen gebe.
Nice video, thank you, but the Manchester ground staff could not of put you any further away from the runway right round the back of the terminal as far as you can go
Yes, I agree! This was the longest possible taxi routing.
Is it normal procedure to engage AP2 or is that when flying from right side ?
@SimDeck yes to normal or yes to Co-pilot as PF ?
@@tonyf9076 AP1 for left seat and AP2 for right seat. AP1+AP2 for ILS Approach
@@ModdeOnAir thx, in msfs I've been doing it wrong and engaged AP1 whatever seat I'm in, thanks for the clarification 👍🏻
Autopilot 2 follows Flightdirector 2 and is based on FMGC 2 and airdata 2 (altitude speed …). Autopilot 1 does the same for the FD1 and airdata 1. So the autopilot is selected in accordance to the pilot flying.
How did the captain call pushback truck without pressing and button?
The ground crew is connected to the cockpit interphone. When the interphone is hot (switch set to INT) they hear what we say.
You totally need the Meta Rayban for some POV landings!
This sounds like a great idea! But the glasses are recording only for a very short period of time. In addition, I need 4k resolution. Anything else would not show enough details.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos I think that for the take-off and landing would be good to have where you're looking at, but without changing the current cam setup. specially because there are certain conditions (night) that you won't be able to use it :D
Domanda: non vi da fastidio sentire le comunicazioni radio degli altri voli? Ler esempio durante l'atterraggio: io mi sarei innervosita 😅😊
....maybe im thick but i dont get why the stick isnt in the middle? Youd spend ages as FO learning to fly right handed... only to get promoted to captain and now have to fly left handed..?
Good question! The first officer uses his or her right hand for the stick and the left hand for the thrust levers. The captain uses his or her left hand for the stick and the right hand for the thrust levers. This is the same as if you fly a conventional airplane, like a Boeing 737 or so with the steering column in the middle. The pilot flying has one hand at the controls and the other hand at the thrust levers. The control of the stick is not a big deal to change from the right to the left seat.
Hello, first of all, I wish you all the best for 2025! 🙂
Thanks a lot for all the videos in 2024 and the coming ones in 2025, i really enjoy it!
I had a quick question (curiosity): is it a company guideline that the fo's never taxi on the ground?
Thanks a lot for all ur videos!
Thanks a lot for your good wishes! I also wish you all the best for the new year! Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member!
It is company SOP that the captain always is taxiing the plane, even if the first officer is pilot flying. This varies from company to company and is based on internal operational risk assessments.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos Thanks a lot and thank you for the reply concerning the SOP. I really appreciate! All the best 🙂
As a ground crew it’s a shame to see you cut off the headset man at the start given they’ve got to say certain things if they do it by the book and it’s frustrating to be cut off
I am very sorry about this. The ground crew did everything by the book. Unfortunately, the useable audio/video recording started exactly where the video starts. The initial communication with the ground crew is missing. Next time, I will try to do better.
Thanks for watching!
Unlike the A320 I found A350 goes absolutely silent in the cabin about 25 minutes before landing and it appears as though the plane glides down instead of using power from the engine. I also found the pressure increases so much my ear hurts which doesn't happen in any plane and I flew to India from Sydney on an A380 then B737 800. So does an A350 use gliding to save fuel? How else does it become so silent in the cabin would you know?
Whenever possible, all commercial jet airplanes do idle power gliding descents from the cruise altitude to sometime in the final approach. This is standard and doing non idle descents would need more fuel. The noise change from cruise to idle power varies with the airplane make and model, the engine type and where you are seated in the plane.
Greetings, Captain. I'm curious to know if you fly the airbus a330. I understand that at one point Eurowing had them in their fleet.
Thanks for watching and your question! Eurowings Germany did not operate A330 airplanes. In the past, there were A 330 planes operated under the Eurowings brand name by other airlines. It was Sun Express Germany, Brussels Airlines and later Discover Airlines as Eurowings Discover. They are or were all part of the Lufthansa Group.
@ Oh, now I understand. It's just that a while ago I had seen some A330s with the EuroWings design. Thanks for responding and explaining to me. Greetings from Puerto Rico.
Happy new year captain! One quick question, when taxiiing, do you use a visual reference point somewhere on the dashboard or cockpit to know that the nose wheel is on the line ? Thanks
Also happy new year to you and many thanks for your financial support of the channel as a member!!
Good is to use the area between the PFD and the ND as reference. Between the legs with a tendency to the right leg for the capain is also not too bad.
I wonder what the passengers thought hearing “TRAFFIC TRAFFIC ” floating over the intercom.
Lol that airport is much larger than i thought.
Alternativ Titel für das Video: ausführliche Taxifahrt auf dem Flughafen, wenig Sightseeing… 😅
Audio very glitchy
I am sorry about it. I had to use the backup audio channel because the primary channel did not record any audio. The backup volume was very low, so I had to increase the level in post production. The other option would be no video or a video without audio. Due to previous audio recording problems, I started the recording of a backup audio track. Thank you very much for your financial support of the channel as a member! Have a nice day!
Too many split screens
Please tell me how the video can be improved. I am always open for suggestions.
eh you check the rudder with the towbar still connected? that's dangerous
Why is this dangerous? Please explain. Before we do the rudder check, we disconnect the nosewheel steering from the rudder pedals.
1. Hand slips off the the pedal disc pb or failure to press it fully; or 2. failure of the pedal disc system.
@@jamesbarnett9641 Interesting. I fly the Airbus since 2001 and know about how the system works. But never heard that these failures are happening. I am sure that if these are common failures that the Airlines which I worked for would have informed us about it. Airbus even allows to do the rudder check during the taxi out. It would be really bad if the nosewheel steering disconnect would fail during the check of the rudder.
@@ApproachandDepartureVideos System failure unlikely but possible. Hand slipping off and/or not pressing the disc button properly is entirely possible. And if someone is next to the N/G with the bar connected that would be very dangerous. Doing the rudder check during the taxi out doesn't pose a risk to ground personnel.
There is way too much going on in the screen. Pick a view and stick with it.
Thanks for sharing your interesting feedback! The final picture contains the images of 6 cameras. Please let me know which single camera view you would prefer to see all the time instead of the composed view.
Danke für die Tollen Videos sie sind wirklich so ein guter Pilot. Ich schauen schon sehr lange zu und sie sind immer mein Vorbild seit sehr langem. Ich selber will Pilot werden und wenn ich mal nach der Schule/ Arbeit nachhause komme Leibe ich es einfach ihre Videos anzuschauen. So spannend und unterhaltsam.
Always under the same sky✈️🫡
Vielen Dank fürs sehr gute Feedback und die freundlichen Worte! Ich wünsche Dir, dass Du - sobald es möglich ist - die Ausbildung zu Deinem Traumberuf starten kannst und wir uns bald im Cockpit sehen! Einen schönen Tag noch!