That green wire properly earths the computer. Otherwise, the power supply unit continuously leaks the electric current to the system board, causing the system to give no display. That electric current is not good for RAMs.
One wire is connected outside on the power supply and another wire is enhanced from the green wire directly from the power supply after being cut and later join them to start the machine. Consider watching the video again
You probably cut the wrong wire of power supply and BOOM, the power supply exploded. Don't worry it is highly likely that you blew off only your pc's power supply not the system board 😄😄😂😂
Thanks so much I was so worried my computer was bad. 😊😊 Thanks so much
Why does attaching the grean wire that goes to the motherboard instead to the outside of power supply make the machine work?
That green wire properly earths the computer. Otherwise, the power supply unit continuously leaks the electric current to the system board, causing the system to give no display. That electric current is not good for RAMs.
Which part did you connect it into the power supply bcz I can't see it properly
and why he not just put it to ground on the case? .. i .. is this really fixed now? what is the cause of this?
Same model my pc upgrade and windows 10, windows 7 ssd upgraded information please provide
So what was the problem?
I have dell 760 optiplex just blinking on the motherboard only
So one end of the green wire is not connected anywhere
One wire is connected outside on the power supply and another wire is enhanced from the green wire directly from the power supply after being cut and later join them to start the machine. Consider watching the video again
Help me computer not work Dell e93839 right on 30 minutes off
That's a Bios timming issue, go into your dos settings and reset bios time.
It's not work
My God it is working
Mine is showing orange light on the mother body,and i tried what u just taught us but it didnt work
It is due to faulty power supply unit.
Mine is not working
Me too
My is showing orange light blinking let me try
Too much noise in background sir...
Am sorry about that time i will be very careful
my pc just blasted😡😡☹☹😭😭😢😢
What happened?
You probably cut the wrong wire of power supply and BOOM, the power supply exploded. Don't worry it is highly likely that you blew off only your pc's power supply not the system board 😄😄😂😂