1966 London, recorded by KGB + USSR embassy worker

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ค. 2024
  • This is not an usual video for this channel, so you should not expect anything like that to appear here again
    This video is ~1 hour recording of different stuff in London (and a bit of Dover). It was recorded by my great grandfather in 1966, who at the time worked in KGB and was tasked to work at USSR embassy in London
    As you probably know, in USSR ability to visit non USSR countries was a very prestige thing, that is not accessible to normal USSR citizens, and even if you somehow could go to non USSR country, you would be heavily supervised. Because my great grandfather worked in KGB, they could roam around London without any problems nor supervision, which is yet another reason why this recording might be interesting
    The fact that this video exists is a very lucky coincidence:
    - My great grandfather worked in KGB
    - My great grandfather was tasked to work in USSR embassy in London (as part of working in KGB)
    - My great grandfather had a camera and in addition had colour film (most of other recordings by my great grandfather that were recorded in Russia were monochrome)
    - Resulting film recordings were not lost to time and we scanned them, which at the end results in this video getting uploaded for other people to see
    Because this is an 1 hour long recording, it contains a lot of stuff, including a bunch of boring parts where nothing interesting is happening. I will try my best to make timestamps, including my own comments about some stuff. If you see any mistakes or want to add some information, feel free to mention it in the comments
    0:00 - London streets
    0:13 - In USSR it was illegal to sell such magazines, so recording them like that is kinda reasonable
    0:18 - London streets
    1:00 - USSR embassy building
    1:23 - London streets
    1:37 - Some sort of ceremony in relation to USSR
    2:11 - Same ceremony, Russian text that I can make out on that red stripe says "Karl Marx"
    2:56 - Same ceremony, look at this camera, I find it interesting
    4:11 - Some sort of protest in relation to that ceremony? Are these random people? Looking closer it looks like they are in fact random people protesting
    4:23 - Leaving the ceremony on a car
    4:29 - Some people driving away
    5:26 - Parade
    7:44 - Some protest again?
    7:47 - Hyde Park (unsure)
    8:22 - Something happening on some square (it looks like a corner of Hyde Park?)
    10:02 - Small football game
    10:32 - Small scale stuff in a park (like model trains + small city + other small scale stuff)
    12:39 - London landmarks
    13:36 - Royal Guards
    14:40 - Random donkeys
    16:25 - Driving through Tower Bridge (this part was cut out from the end of the film and put here for some reason, there will be more stuff at the end)
    16:33 - Some park
    16:48 - Place where ceremony mentioned above took place
    16:52 - Translation: "Christmos, January 1966, London in the evening". Christmas word is intentionally misspelled, as original text has it like that
    16:57 - London in the evening (stuff is barely visible)
    19:30 - Piccadilly Circus and a giant Coca-Cola ad. Reminder: in USSR Coca-Cola was an unknown thing at the time
    21:23 - London streets
    21:42 - Some park
    22:22 - USSR embassy building/street on which it is located
    22:47 - Some park
    24:06 - Very blurry stuff happening on some square (it looks like a corner of Hyde Park?)
    25:17 - Riding on a boat in some park
    26:26 - Zoo
    29:37 - London streets
    30:10 - Someone leaving USSR embassy
    31:54 - Inside of a car
    32:03 - Royal Guards
    33:18 - I'm not sure why this sort of "animation" is in the middle of this film, but I did not remove it
    33:27 - Theme park
    35:17 - This thing looks like it wants to tip over
    38:53 - Some park
    40:41 - Royal guards (why are there so many separate recordings of them)
    41:31 - Hyde Park (unsure)
    42:58 - A very small part of interior of somewhere
    43:00 - Dover beach
    44:45 - Dover castle + view of the city
    46:51 - Random house, interesting to note that this exact part feels a bit eerie because nothing is happening except shaking
    47:04 - A very small part of interior of somewhere2
    47:07 - London streets, There is a lot of stuff going on
    48:17 - London streets, that zooming in is exactly what you think it is
    50:11 - Some horses (some ceremony?)
    52:46 - Random house
    53:26 - Small volleyball game
    53:35 - People exiting some transport vehicle
    53:50 - Translation: "Hyde Park, beach, London 30/vi (30.06) 1966"
    53:56 - Hyde Park
    55:56 - Hyde Park. Friendly reminder: do not forget when this was recorded
    56:42 - Random house
    57:03 - A very small part of interior of somewhere3
    57:12 - London landmarks + view from inside the car
    1:01:24 - View of London from above
    1:02:13 - London landmarks + part of driving through Tower Bridge
    1:04:00 - Some parade? Look at these buses on the background, they look interesting
    1:04:44 - American football (highly unsure?) in a huge stadium
    1:07:09 - View of London from above + London streets
    1:07:37 - Leaving USSR embassy and going back to Moscow
    1:11:11 - Random small bit of Moscow

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