who would down thumb this? Someone takes their precious time and shares a repair with people, there is nothing to not like. incredible. thanks for the vid, sir.
Bruce, you are the man! Your instructions worked perfectly on my 6.75 Craftsman / Briggs and Stratton 2500 PSI pressure washer. Problem is, now my family expects me to use it!
Hey Bruce, teaching my 17 year old son about engines. Kids seem to only love their electronics but surprisingly he as taken interest in how engines work. Can't really work on cars much anymore so small engines are good start. Thanks for the videos.
Bruce, Thank you for the informative and easy to follow video. I went out to the garage and did the same procedures you showed in your video. I filled the gas tank back up and the engine fired right up. Thanks again!
Hello Bruce Spencer i have one just exactly like that one. I purchased maybe about 5 years ago and im sure it does not have not even 24 hrs of service. Well i brought it today and tried to turn it on. Now I have not turned it on maybe like 2 years it's been sitting in the garage. Well I need to use it today to wash some the stairs. Thanks to your video it helped me to give it maintenance it as soon as i pulled the handle engine turned. Well once again thank you very much Bruce for saving me some time and money
I think I mentioned fuel without ethanol. i hope i did as that is the key. If you can't get it use stabiliser and then run it dry at the end of the year.
Kept it Straight forward and easy to follow and s thorough...and did appreciate you accelerating thru the tedious general removal of bolts/screws/parts....and just being thorough.
Thank you so much for this quick video repair. I am a single woman who avoids at all cost buying anything that needs oil change, engine maintenance so I purchase everything cordless. However, the cordless power washers are not quite there yet as far as effectiveness goes. So, I had to purchase, last year, a gas powered power washer. I have zero knowledge in engine maintenance and the manual was of little help as to why it wouldn’t start this season. So, thank you for this easy to understand video. I’m off to harbor freight to purchase a hydraulic table cart and some carburetor cleaner. 👍🏻
Thank you for this video - you just saved me a trip and a repair bill! followed your direction to a tee and even found the gunk in the carb nut! Started right up afterwards :-)
Heya Bruce! An inexpensive alternative to a hose clamp is a medical Hemostat. I've got a number of them I use to clamp off fuel lines and they work awesome. I think I'll post a quick tip video on them in fact, then you'll see what I'm talking about. As always, excellent video my Northern Friend! Cheers!! Zip~
gotta love the quick ones :-) I also like the reusable air filter idea. I think the reasoning for the foam filter is there is so much mist and moisture around when the washer is running a paper filter would get wet real quick and choke the motor out. The oil in the foam will also help repel the water I'm guessing.
Thanks - very helpful. I drained the gas in mine that wouldn't start. Took off the bowl nut and cleaned the bowl and nut with carb cleaner. Put it back together and put in new gas. Started on the first pull!
Good job Bruce! it's a wonder the pump didn't freeze up, I see so many of these pumps ruined because people didn't take time to put a little RV antifreeze in the pump.
Thanks for the great video. Just what I needed. I'm going to try it, but I'm betting it works like a champ. Thanks for making my pressure washer great again.
have the same PW with the same problem. I despise it, along with the awful automatic choke. going to try and get mine running, going to use your video first to see what I can do
You were lucky Bruce. I worked on one very similar and gave up after finding numerous problems. The pump valve body was the main problem, there was a crack between two of the valves and some of the valves were broken. The unloader valve was stuck closed -- maybe that was what caused the cracked pump. The thermal relieve valve was also gummed up. The fuel was leaking past the shutoff in the carb and filling the oil pan. The ignition coils was dead, no spark. And a few other problems. I'd suggest anyone with one of these aluminum pumps on their machine to flush the pump with some kind of solution and not let is set for a long time between washing jobs. If you are going to buy a PW get one with a Kawasaki or Honda engine and a brass pump. Cost a few more bucks but might be worth in the long run. Or look at an electric one. There are a couple of videos on U-tube about what a crappy PW this type is.
hi bruce your the shit i have a b&s lawn mower a year old and it wouldnt start after watching your vids i was able to see what i can do to start it you were on point and i love you man
Bruce. I enjoy your videos because of your enthusiasm for finding the issues and fixing them. Alot of problems I see in your repair videos relate to crude in the fuel messing up jets and the carb bowl. would it help to put a fuel filter on my pressure washer fuel line or is the source of the issue in the carb itself?
A fuel filter is a god thing but if you are using regular fuel and the pressure washer and it sits for more that a few weeks it is the fuel. The ethanol evaporates a bit and leaves a gel like substance in the bottom of the carb. Get premium fuel or use a stabiliser in your fuel. I can't harp about this enough.
When confronted with the decision to remove the carb or not, I usually just remove what mixture screws I can get out and spray carb cleaner and a little compressed air into any orifice I can easily access, and consider it a carb cleaning on the fly. Looks like ya got it good. Maybe follow up with a little gas line antifreeze to dry out any remaining moisture.
Great video. What do you do to test these pumps in the Winter? Although you probably don't get too many at that time of year. Bruce, I also can't believe how many videos you have online. Thanks for all of your efforts.
@@BrucesShop I live in Wisconsin so I have the same issue with my outside water. The other thing Bruce is how come do you think this video would get 52 thumb downs? I even went back and watched it again to try and figure out how that could be. I’m not coming up with an answer. Well to each his own I guess, but I get a lot out of the content and truly appreciate the videos. Stay healthy.
Hi, Bruce. Thanks for your video. You offer some information that has helped me. I have a power washer just like yours. My problems is that carburetor is leaking gas. Can you offer any help with this problem. My power washer is also not turning on. Thanks
The carb needs to be cleaned. If you don't want to do that you can order an aftermarket one. Just do something like this on google or ebay. Carburetor for XXXXXXXX power washer model # 12345678. Maybe mention the engine size and type. You will be amazed what you find. I does take time but worth it. Example carb for Honda GX160
@@BrucesShop I have one more question. How do you roll up and store the hose on the power washer you show on the video? The hose is also very stiff. Thanks for your help.
First I lay it out flat all the way then just start loops with no tension or twists. I was a technician with the phone company so i have rolled up miles of cable. Very similar. We used to call an uncontrolled twist a hoopycak. haha
Hey great video.. I have a similar pressure washer and it won’t start I took apart the carburetor bowl apart too but now I have constant fuel coming out the prime pump thing.. how do I fix that ?
I just got this machine and it doesn't run. It had been in shed for years and the tank was completely empty when i got it in my garage last night. I threw some gas in it to try and see if it would turn over. No luck i want to follow these steps however one thing i noticed is i have a fuel leak from the front right area of the machine. Any idea what this may be from or where to start to stop the fuel leak prior to getting into these steps?
Bruce Pender ended up replacing the air filter and spark plug and cleaned the carb and put in a new o ring for the gas reservoir with help from my uncle to help walk me through the necessary steps. Now I’m running into an issue with water transferring from my hose to the pressure washer hose. I appreciate your video it was very helpful to navigate my way around the machine.
+John Smith I will only use old gas in very small amount to clean stuff(less that 1/2 a cup). It is so dangerous to do that i shouldn't even say. I take the old gas to the city waste facility.
my brother has a mower with that bi metal choke, it wasn't working cuz he bent the blade and the retainer screw vibrated out. I was amazed how well the thing starts cold. I bought a troy bilt pressure washer like that one, the pump failed two years later with less than 20hrs on the machine. Not freeze damage, just some jammed valves. Tried to get parts for the pump, the supplier told me those pumps were NG and didn't even want to sell me the repair parts. $225 later and a different style pump, the thing works again. Troy bilt would do nothing to help me, won't be buying any of their products again.
I opened and put together a new Craftsman water pressure and it has a problem with the auto pressure. Since I got it on offer up I can't return it. It will work if we manually push the wire forward but when we released the handle from washing we have to manually push it again. Any suggestions?
My gas was orange so I cleaned the lines and carb and what I did was spray carb cleaner in the carb as I pulled start it and it will kick over but won't idle could it be that I don't got enough good gas in it or what?
Bruce any Experience with Subaru EX21 EFI Engine ( Fuel injection ) NO START !!!! will Start if i Spray Brake Kleens in Air intake - possible BAD Throttle Body ???
Don't do it. Use a product especially designed for throttle body cleaning. You don't want any residue in there at all. It sounds like that is what you had on the shelf. DON'T use it. Get a throttle body cleaner. Google will help you. If you think you are saving a few bucks it may cost you hundreds. Here are some I just googles it. Be careful Remember ethanol residue as well do some homework. www.thedrive.com/reviews/30446/best-throttle-body-cleaners
@@BrucesShop i just spray the brake cleaner to see if the unit would start !!! got this unit used - owner claims used FEW Times and just SAT , Searched Google lots of people had Problems with the EFI , lots did a Conversion back to Carburetor . Subaru has no Support !!!! Pulled out of Business and Sold to YAMAHA 2017
i have craftsman project pro 300 psi it will start but wont stay running... i need help i have it stored inside house and this first time of season running it can you help me please
Bruce, many times your shots are too distant to help a first timer trying to correct a similar problem. Also, you sometimes fast forward through an important point. I appreciate your attempts at filming but if you want to make it to the next level you'll need to work on your video skills. Your mechanical knowledge is great and I don't mean to criticize. Please keep working to understand the video aspect of your presentations. Many thanks.
its a Quantum engine according to Briggs and Stratton its their first CAD designed engine chances are a particle from sitting can clog the carburetor jets that prevents it from starting. the newer Briggs and Stratton mainly on the Professional series the OHV engine they had alot of problems one it cuts off during use and secondly inside the engine they are using PLASTIC camshafts and PLASTIC timing gears in their engines as they bread and when they do the valves don't work its mainly on Pressures made by Briggs and Stratton and the pressure washers that other companies like Troy Bilt or Sears buys from Briggs and Stratton and only markets them. the pumps too can fail and spew water as these have cheap pumps the one i had after i put a replacement engine on this Craftsman pressure washer the pump failed cracked in the casting and spewed water since then the unit been replaced by a Harbor Freight Predator 212cc pressure washer with a much better pump as the casting is brass. and it starts every time as Briggs and Stratton is now phasing out the good L head or Flathead engines with these inferior engines that have Plastic in them to repower equipment have to go with these engines. the Honda, the Honda clones and Robin Subaru engines are the way to go now.
the older Flathead Briggs and Stratton engines they have metal camshafts and timing gears the best engine then was the 3 hp and the 3.5hp motors. and the 5 hp the IC types. on how hard to find one in good used working condition. the blocks before 1982 they have a points and condenser ignition in which u have to pull the flywheel to get to them. the engines 1982 to present they have an electronic ignition in the magneto coil as Briggs and Stratton calls it the Magnatron electronic ignition. and the blocks 82 through when B&S discontinued them were designed to eliminate the points. but you can convert the older blocks to the electronic ignitions. the small wire to the coil is the kill wire. but you can leave the points in place and just cut the wire into the points housing. these engines like in your pressure washer, snowthrower, rototiller using this vertical shaft engine they use a heavy cast iron flywheel in some cases you have to strike the rim of the flywheel to remove it or use the special B&S flywheel puller. the engines with alunimum flywheels are for the mowers. as the blade is the flywheel since when the blade compliance brakes were added the surface of the flywheel had to be smooth so the brake pads contact it and the magneto kill wire went to the kill switch on the brake assembly others its on the throttle mechanism or governer, some have both, or pressure washers mainly the new inferior professional series engines just a on off rocker switch as the speed control is fixed on these. that harbor Freight 212 cc pressure washer its much better as you can put in a better pump on these ones with horizontal shaft engines as later i may get a CAT pump and will have more pressure for more cleaning. BUT don't use high pressure to wash your vehicle as it can take the paint right off the vehicle.
SUBARU fires up every time. I have this exact model Bruce just repaired and it clogs all the time with my fuel stabilizer and good gas. I boughtbthe SUBARU on sale for less than the Craftsman and I'm very satisfied. I use the craftsman only to keep it lubed up
Hello Bruce Spencer i have one just exactly like that one. I purchased maybe about 5 years ago and im sure it does not have not even 24 hrs of service. Well i brought it today and tried to turn it on. Now I have not turned it on maybe like 2 years it's been sitting in the garage. Well I need to use it today to wash some the stairs. Thanks to your video it helped me to give it maintenance it as soon as i pulled the handle engine turned. Well once again thank you very much Bruce for saving me some time and money
After watching this video my 58yrs old other half, was able to get her 30 dollars yard sale deal working like a charm. All on her own..thanks 😊
That is awesome!
who would down thumb this? Someone takes their precious time and shares a repair with people, there is nothing to not like. incredible. thanks for the vid, sir.
Thanks a lot jugifu
Bruce, you are the man! Your instructions worked perfectly on my 6.75 Craftsman / Briggs and Stratton 2500 PSI pressure washer. Problem is, now my family expects me to use it!
Good for you for fixing it.
That's the same one I have lol gotta tare the carburetor down cause I can't get her going again.
Hopefully the video will help me too!!
Hey Bruce, teaching my 17 year old son about engines. Kids seem to only love their electronics but surprisingly he as taken interest in how engines work. Can't really work on cars much anymore so small engines are good start. Thanks for the videos.
Good for you guys. a father and son team.
Today on Thanksgiving my pressure washer would not work. I came across this video and followed these steps and surprise, it worked. Thanks
That is so cool. This is why I do videos on you tube.
Thank you for the informative and easy to follow video. I went out to the garage and did the same procedures you showed in your video. I filled the gas tank back up and the engine fired right up. Thanks again!
So cool. Thanks for letting me know!!
Hello Bruce Spencer i have one just exactly like that one. I purchased maybe about 5 years ago and im sure it does not have not even 24 hrs of service. Well i brought it today and tried to turn it on. Now I have not turned it on maybe like 2 years it's been sitting in the garage. Well I need to use it today to wash some the stairs. Thanks to your video it helped me to give it maintenance it as soon as i pulled the handle engine turned. Well once again thank you very much Bruce for saving me some time and money
I think I mentioned fuel without ethanol. i hope i did as that is the key. If you can't get it use stabiliser and then run it dry at the end of the year.
Kept it Straight forward and easy to follow and s thorough...and did appreciate you accelerating thru the tedious general removal of bolts/screws/parts....and just being thorough.
So this is good I hope
Thank you so much for this quick video repair. I am a single woman who avoids at all cost buying anything that needs oil change, engine maintenance so I purchase everything cordless. However, the cordless power washers are not quite there yet as far as effectiveness goes. So, I had to purchase, last year, a gas powered power washer. I have zero knowledge in engine maintenance and the manual was of little help as to why it wouldn’t start this season. So, thank you for this easy to understand video. I’m off to harbor freight to purchase a hydraulic table cart and some carburetor cleaner. 👍🏻
Good going. You made my day.
Thank you for this video - you just saved me a trip and a repair bill! followed your direction to a tee and even found the gunk in the carb nut! Started right up afterwards :-)
Glad it helped!
Heya Bruce! An inexpensive alternative to a hose clamp is a medical Hemostat. I've got a number of them I use to clamp off fuel lines and they work awesome. I think I'll post a quick tip video on them in fact, then you'll see what I'm talking about. As always, excellent video my Northern Friend! Cheers!! Zip~
+ZippoVarga Got it. Thanks
Bruce, I followed your video to a tee and it fired right up. Thank you sir, you have earned another subscriber.
Thanks Ken kenny??? Welcome aboard
I always enjoy and learn a lot by watching your videos...Thanks Bruce...Keep up the good work....
+Danny Le Blanc You bet Danny
Hey Bruce. Just a quick thank you. Mine wouldn’t start, the thing was clogged, cleaned it out, good as new!
You made my day.
Thank you! I didn't know to change the gas and to rinse out the tank a bit. That did the trick. You rock!
You are welcome
gotta love the quick ones :-) I also like the reusable air filter idea. I think the reasoning for the foam filter is there is so much mist and moisture around when the washer is running a paper filter would get wet real quick and choke the motor out. The oil in the foam will also help repel the water I'm guessing.
+patthesoundguy Right. I like it to.
Thanks - very helpful. I drained the gas in mine that wouldn't start. Took off the bowl nut and cleaned the bowl and nut with carb cleaner. Put it back together and put in new gas. Started on the first pull!
Your video is gonna save me a trip to the repair shop. Thank you
That is so great. you made my day
Good job Bruce! it's a wonder the pump didn't freeze up, I see so many of these pumps ruined because people didn't take time to put a little RV antifreeze in the pump.
+Alan Marshall Yes I get that. There are many that get ruined that way.
Thanks for the great video. Just what I needed. I'm going to try it, but I'm betting it works like a champ. Thanks for making my pressure washer great again.
Good luck
have the same PW with the same problem. I despise it, along with the awful automatic choke. going to try and get mine running, going to use your video first to see what I can do
Good luck OTA
Thank you for making this video. I'm going to try exactly these things that you suggest and I bet my machine will start right up.
You can do it!
You were lucky Bruce. I worked on one very similar and gave up after finding numerous problems. The pump valve body was the main problem, there was a crack between two of the valves and some of the valves were broken. The unloader valve was stuck closed -- maybe that was what caused the cracked pump. The thermal relieve valve was also gummed up. The fuel was leaking past the shutoff in the carb and filling the oil pan. The ignition coils was dead, no spark. And a few other problems. I'd suggest anyone with one of these aluminum pumps on their machine to flush the pump with some kind of solution and not let is set for a long time between washing jobs. If you are going to buy a PW get one with a Kawasaki or Honda engine and a brass pump. Cost a few more bucks but might be worth in the long run. Or look at an electric one. There are a couple of videos on U-tube about what a crappy PW this type is.
+BobMaineVH Sounds like the one you had was toast. I have repaired them when the motor is OK and ordered a new pump from amazon.
Thank you so much! Saved me a trip to Sears!!
So glad you got it.
my pressure washer is working great now, thank you for the informative video!
You are so welcome Dempsey
hi bruce your the shit i have a b&s lawn mower a year old and it wouldnt start after watching your vids i was able to see what i can do to start it you were on point and i love you man
I was wondering with the start of the comment. Thanks I think. I have 3 of these Briggs videos that are similar in troubleshooting.
Bruce. I enjoy your videos because of your enthusiasm for finding the issues and fixing them. Alot of problems I see in your repair videos relate to crude in the fuel messing up jets and the carb bowl. would it help to put a fuel filter on my pressure washer fuel line or is the source of the issue in the carb itself?
A fuel filter is a god thing but if you are using regular fuel and the pressure washer and it sits for more that a few weeks it is the fuel. The ethanol evaporates a bit and leaves a gel like substance in the bottom of the carb. Get premium fuel or use a stabiliser in your fuel. I can't harp about this enough.
Bruce Pender lol when he said "you're the shit" it's actually a compliment. It's sort of like you're a badass or the man
I got it. Thanks. Compliments have a weird way of working out :-)
When confronted with the decision to remove the carb or not, I usually just remove what mixture screws I can get out and spray carb cleaner and a little compressed air into any orifice I can easily access, and consider it a carb cleaning on the fly. Looks like ya got it good. Maybe follow up with a little gas line antifreeze to dry out any remaining moisture.
+Jon Myers Good idea. Thanks for the comment.
+Bruce Pender You're welcome. Thanks for all the great videos :)
Thanks. Found rust and gunk in carb. Cleaned it out and started first try.
Good for you.
That was an easy one !!! I wonder if there are people who use these and never clean the nozzles and wonder why it doesn't spray like it should
+not2fast4u2c Most folks are afraid to give it a try I figure if it already broke you can't break it by trying to fix it.
Thanks so much for sharing. It really helped me get my troy bilt washer going again!!
Good for you, you fixed it!!!
Great video. What do you do to test these pumps in the Winter? Although you probably don't get too many at that time of year. Bruce, I also can't believe how many videos you have online. Thanks for all of your efforts.
I don't test them in the winter. Even in the spring (Late march ) I have to thaw the hoses.
@@BrucesShop I live in Wisconsin so I have the same issue with my outside water. The other thing Bruce is how come do you think this video would get 52 thumb downs? I even went back and watched it again to try and figure out how that could be. I’m not coming up with an answer. Well to each his own I guess, but I get a lot out of the content and truly appreciate the videos. Stay healthy.
@@Club-Thirty-Three Thanks so much. The thumbs down is always a mystery to me.
Nice job Bruce.
+59chevt Once again thanks
Yes, this worked for me too! Thank you very much.
You are welcome.
Hi, Bruce. Thanks for your video. You offer some information that has helped me. I have a power washer just like yours. My problems is that carburetor is leaking gas. Can you offer any help with this problem. My power washer is also not turning on. Thanks
The carb needs to be cleaned. If you don't want to do that you can order an aftermarket one. Just do something like this on google or ebay.
Carburetor for XXXXXXXX power washer model # 12345678. Maybe mention the engine size and type. You will be amazed what you find. I does take time but worth it. Example carb for Honda GX160
@@BrucesShop I have one more question. How do you roll up and store the hose on the power washer you show on the video? The hose is also very stiff. Thanks for your help.
First I lay it out flat all the way then just start loops with no tension or twists. I was a technician with the phone company so i have rolled up miles of cable. Very similar. We used to call an uncontrolled twist a hoopycak. haha
Great Video Bruce.
+Dan Espey Thanks Dan
Well done, looks like everybody leaves the tip plugged in . Ha I see this often, and find the machines out for garbage.
+STEVE ROB Thanks. The owner of this machine is a great gal.
Great video. BTW...I love that lift you have. Did you make it or purchase somewhere?
I got it at a Canadian Store Called Princess Auto which is similar to Harbor Freight if you live in the US
Please make more videos. I really enjoy ur company📹👍😎
+KOOL GUYS I usually do 1 a week, Wednesday mornings
+Bruce Pender Thank you
I really enjoyed your video today you should make one a day
+KOOL GUYS Well it takes me about 2-3 hours of work (Editing preparing etc.) to make a 15 minute video. But i would like to do more
i liked the video. i use air pressure to blow out the gas tank and filter screen it work most of the time
+Phil falzone sr I should to I am getting sore arms turning stuff over.
VERY helpful, thank you for making the video!
Your so welcome.
Good job bruce. Another one saved👍
+Dave Ackerman Some times they are easier fixes
Hey great video.. I have a similar pressure washer and it won’t start I took apart the carburetor bowl apart too but now I have constant fuel coming out the prime pump thing.. how do I fix that ?
I think the needle and seat are not sealing. Good luck
I just got this machine and it doesn't run. It had been in shed for years and the tank was completely empty when i got it in my garage last night. I threw some gas in it to try and see if it would turn over. No luck i want to follow these steps however one thing i noticed is i have a fuel leak from the front right area of the machine. Any idea what this may be from or where to start to stop the fuel leak prior to getting into these steps?
You have to take things apart. That is how it is and also how you learn. Remember If it is already broken you CAN"T break it.
Bruce Pender ended up replacing the air filter and spark plug and cleaned the carb and put in a new o ring for the gas reservoir with help from my uncle to help walk me through the necessary steps. Now I’m running into an issue with water transferring from my hose to the pressure washer hose. I appreciate your video it was very helpful to navigate my way around the machine.
Can you send me a picture on how the throttle is actually connected to the carburetor?
I am on vacation. Will check tomorrow.
good job bruce
Thanks Sam
What do people use their old gas for? Parts solvent? Chinese food condiment?
+John Smith I will only use old gas in very small amount to clean stuff(less that 1/2 a cup). It is so dangerous to do that i shouldn't even say. I take the old gas to the city waste facility.
Bruce Pender I think that is wise! :-)
You could use some rain where you're at also. lol. It looks really dry.
Our springs can be very dry
my brother has a mower with that bi metal choke, it wasn't working cuz he bent the blade and the retainer screw vibrated out. I was amazed how well the thing starts cold. I bought a troy bilt pressure washer like that one, the pump failed two years later with less than 20hrs on the machine. Not freeze damage, just some jammed valves. Tried to get parts for the pump, the supplier told me those pumps were NG and didn't even want to sell me the repair parts. $225 later and a different style pump, the thing works again. Troy bilt would do nothing to help me, won't be buying any of their products again.
+kramden Very frustrating. I get it.
Good work as always, Bruce.
+Rob Rotenberry Thanks Rob
I opened and put together a new Craftsman water pressure and it has a problem with the auto pressure. Since I got it on offer up I can't return it. It will work if we manually push the wire forward but when we released the handle from washing we have to manually push it again. Any suggestions?
That is a tough one as I am not there to see. Is the "wire" on the throttle on the engine? Look for something loose
@@BrucesShop yes, the throttle
It's really hard to push it but that's the only way for it to work.
Excellent...... The new ones are electric start.
+Rolf Grosseholz More stuff to break (as far as I am concerned)
always check pump oil also. pump oil and engine oil are two different oils.
Correct very important
When my old gas is that color I need to dringk more water ;-) Good stuff mate be getting your garden ready then.
+Southpaw Davey Yes I am using seeds recovered from last years crop!!!!
My peas and beans are all saved seed so are some of my tomatoes.
very educational .
My gas was orange so I cleaned the lines and carb and what I did was spray carb cleaner in the carb as I pulled start it and it will kick over but won't idle could it be that I don't got enough good gas in it or what?
I think you need to clean the interior of the carburettor. Kind of like point 6:11in this video or even remove the carb don't be shy.
Bruce any Experience with Subaru EX21 EFI Engine ( Fuel injection )
will Start if i Spray Brake Kleens in Air intake -
possible BAD Throttle Body ???
Don't do it. Use a product especially designed for throttle body cleaning. You don't want any residue in there at all. It sounds like that is what you had on the shelf. DON'T use it. Get a throttle body cleaner. Google will help you. If you think you are saving a few bucks it may cost you hundreds. Here are some I just googles it. Be careful Remember ethanol residue as well do some homework.
@@BrucesShop i just spray the brake cleaner to see if the unit would start !!!
got this unit used - owner claims used FEW Times and just SAT , Searched Google lots of people had Problems with the EFI , lots did a Conversion back to Carburetor .
Subaru has no Support !!!! Pulled out of Business and Sold to YAMAHA 2017
@@jonienglish3231 Don't do it. It will make it worse. Brake cleaner has additives in it. Read on the internet.
@@BrucesShop here is throttle body - th-cam.com/video/izFWtjc7iW0/w-d-xo.html
@@BrucesShop just cleaned and now starts , AMAZING EFI Technology : th-cam.com/video/KXiG0nJuVQQ/w-d-xo.html
Hi Bruce. I know this is an older video, but I hoped you would share what type of solvent spray you were using to clean the nut from the carburetor?
It is call Kleen-Flo. This may get you there
Nice video as usual but, just to darn easy of a repair. I wish mine were that easy or are you just a lucky guy.
+George Durivage My next one is a welch plug in a B&S Carb.
+Bruce Pender Ok, you got me. I take back the lucky guy statement.
What spray do you use to clean that out? Is that just wd-40?
It is called Kleen-Flo carb cleaner.
What do eventually end up doing with the old yellow gas? You mentioned having an old gas container.
+Chum joe I take it to the city waste site where they get rid of it.
i have craftsman project pro 300 psi it will start but wont stay running... i need help i have it stored inside house and this first time of season running it can you help me please
Did you clean the holes in the bowl nut and get new gas?
Hi Bruce did you buy the machine or repaired it for someone.
+Peter Froud This is one that is owned buy my friend sister. Most of the stuff I do is what they call word of mouth.
Well fair play good work.
Bruce, many times your shots are too distant to help a first timer trying to correct a similar problem. Also, you sometimes fast forward through an important point. I appreciate your attempts at filming but if you want to make it to the next level you'll need to work on your video skills. Your mechanical knowledge is great and I don't mean to criticize. Please keep working to understand the video aspect of your presentations. Many thanks.
I am trying to improve thanks
surprised to see no Blue gloves today.
+Chum joe Yes sometimes I wear them then I don't. there is no rhyme or reason except I get going and involved and forget to put them on.
you sure know your stuff
Do I or are you teasing me.
its a Quantum engine according to Briggs and Stratton its their first CAD designed engine chances are a particle from sitting can clog the carburetor jets that prevents it from starting. the newer Briggs and Stratton mainly on the Professional series the OHV engine they had alot of problems one it cuts off during use and secondly inside the engine they are using PLASTIC camshafts and PLASTIC timing gears in their engines as they bread and when they do the valves don't work its mainly on Pressures made by Briggs and Stratton and the pressure washers that other companies like Troy Bilt or Sears buys from Briggs and Stratton and only markets them. the pumps too can fail and spew water as these have cheap pumps the one i had after i put a replacement engine on this Craftsman pressure washer the pump failed cracked in the casting and spewed water since then the unit been replaced by a Harbor Freight Predator 212cc pressure washer with a much better pump as the casting is brass. and it starts every time as Briggs and Stratton is now phasing out the good L head or Flathead engines with these inferior engines that have Plastic in them to repower equipment have to go with these engines. the Honda, the Honda clones and Robin Subaru engines are the way to go now.
The flathead B&S and Honda OEM have plastic camshaft gears now to. Drives me carzy
the older Flathead Briggs and Stratton engines they have metal camshafts and timing gears the best engine then was the 3 hp and the 3.5hp motors. and the 5 hp the IC types. on how hard to find one in good used working condition. the blocks before 1982 they have a points and condenser ignition in which u have to pull the flywheel to get to them. the engines 1982 to present they have an electronic ignition in the magneto coil as Briggs and Stratton calls it the Magnatron electronic ignition. and the blocks 82 through when B&S discontinued them were designed to eliminate the points. but you can convert the older blocks to the electronic ignitions. the small wire to the coil is the kill wire. but you can leave the points in place and just cut the wire into the points housing. these engines like in your pressure washer, snowthrower, rototiller using this vertical shaft engine they use a heavy cast iron flywheel in some cases you have to strike the rim of the flywheel to remove it or use the special B&S flywheel puller. the engines with alunimum flywheels are for the mowers. as the blade is the flywheel since when the blade compliance brakes were added the surface of the flywheel had to be smooth so the brake pads contact it and the magneto kill wire went to the kill switch on the brake assembly others its on the throttle mechanism or governer, some have both, or pressure washers mainly the new inferior professional series engines just a on off rocker switch as the speed control is fixed on these. that harbor Freight 212 cc pressure washer its much better as you can put in a better pump on these ones with horizontal shaft engines as later i may get a CAT pump and will have more pressure for more cleaning. BUT don't use high pressure to wash your vehicle as it can take the paint right off the vehicle.
SUBARU fires up every time. I have this exact model Bruce just repaired and it clogs all the time with my fuel stabilizer and good gas. I boughtbthe SUBARU on sale for less than the Craftsman and I'm very satisfied. I use the craftsman only to keep it lubed up
What is that platform/cart? Where can I find one of those.
A video is the best way to show you
Good job God Father
Everyone an easy fix/break. Makes up for the Stumpers.
+Raymond Campbell I just did a generator where someone used gasket glue on the carb!!!! video coming.
That gas looked like Vitamin PEE orange LOL ~!~!
+Boo luquette Some of the old gas is pretty bad.
His food always tastes like gas...baking pan...lol
and im watching haha
Thanks a lot
no u do
no u do. Good bad ???
people gotta to learn to drain the gas out of all small engines before storing.that is the key !!!!!!!
Not much help for a real problem.
I went to your channel and i noticed you have no videos you made yourself. i would suggest that.
Hello Bruce Spencer i have one just exactly like that one. I purchased maybe about 5 years ago and im sure it does not have not even 24 hrs of service. Well i brought it today and tried to turn it on. Now I have not turned it on maybe like 2 years it's been sitting in the garage. Well I need to use it today to wash some the stairs. Thanks to your video it helped me to give it maintenance it as soon as i pulled the handle engine turned. Well once again thank you very much Bruce for saving me some time and money