I have a 44p war nickel it has a different look then most of the war nickles I have. The color of it is different it looks mostly silver. Now when you hit it on a table it has a real high pitch more than a normal war nickel. And also it waigh 6.70 grams make it a lot off from 5. Grams. Something else is different the letters are really flat looking like they don't fit the coin right and the nickel it self is a smaller coin too all the other coins it is small. I know there were a lot going on around that time there were 90 percent silver coins being made and I am sure they were other coins being made.
I just wanted to let you know that I am planning to release more coin videos in the coming weeks and I wanted to know your opinion on what I should make the about. What kind of coin videos would you most like to see?
I do have this almost exact from PAnd S what’s in the front?
I have a 44p war nickel it has a different look then most of the war nickles I have. The color of it is different it looks mostly silver. Now when you hit it on a table it has a real high pitch more than a normal war nickel. And also it waigh 6.70 grams make it a lot off from 5. Grams. Something else is different the letters are really flat looking like they don't fit the coin right and the nickel it self is a smaller coin too all the other coins it is small. I know there were a lot going on around that time there were 90 percent silver coins being made and I am sure they were other coins being made.
They are so worth holding onto. They will buy 50
In has in no time.
У меня есть 5 центов 1944 года D.Сколько стоит?
I have one, with the p mint.
What is I have s mint mark
San Fransisco Mint
I have one n it has a crack above n to the right of the MONTICELLO
1945 P 1944 P
I have 1
That is awesome! I am planning to make some more videos on this channel in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
1 hAvE 2 piEcEs 1941-S mint mARk At thE Right siDE Of mOnticEllO...thAnks...
Very nice!
I have a 1944 nickel
plEAsE upDAtE/nOtify mE...i'm fROm thE phillippinEs...thAnk yOu siR...
I just wanted to let you know that I am planning to release more coin videos in the coming weeks and I wanted to know your opinion on what I should make the about. What kind of coin videos would you most like to see?