Alright Dafydd boy. A wise decision not to do the red line. I think I'll be taking the safer line when the killer roots are wet. Safety first and all that ✊😁
@belowaveragemountainingbik7279 Yep, really nice, different riding experience to a regular eeeB with a derailleur though but great to not worry about riding through gloop. Out on it yesterday, vid coming soon 👍
Goodness looks as wet as where I was. Quite mild and great to be on the bikes 👍🏼
@@TheBikeRoom yep. It was wetter than I expected to be honest.
Alright Dafydd boy. A wise decision not to do the red line. I think I'll be taking the safer line when the killer roots are wet. Safety first and all that ✊😁
Enjoying the new bike?
@belowaveragemountainingbik7279 Yep, really nice, different riding experience to a regular eeeB with a derailleur though but great to not worry about riding through gloop. Out on it yesterday, vid coming soon 👍