Прекрасная работа и прекрасное видео. Мастеру съемки моё уважение. Я восхищён таким качеством работы и эстетикой Вашего труда. Вы можете гордиться собой и своей страной. Благодарю за хорошее видео.
Ich fand die Bunker-Schüttgutwagen auf Raupen mit dem Spezialbagger, und den Mercedes mit Förderband-Ausleger sehr interessant. Ist mal was anderes, und scheint in solchen Fällen ne ganz gute Lösung zu sein. Im Bahnbereich sind die Schweizer einfach immer wieder mit guten Ideen am Start. Ein echt schönes und interessantes Video, vielen Dank für die Mühe!
The Swiss take any job very seriously - ask them to bake a cake and perhaps they'd bring in a dozen huge machines to do the work. Clockwork precision between the various machines even as rail traffic continues unaffected . First the matting then the subballast and above all the ballast before laying the tracks and ties. It is a meticulous job and therein lies a safe operating system. From what can be seen the Swiss have managed to mechanize this formerly very labour intensive job and increase the track laying capacity as well as the maintenance functions. Thanks for a great upload Andre.
Whoever filmed this did a fantastic job. Excellent photography, unique angles, dynamic mix of closeup, medium, and wide angles not to mention smooth pans. Add to this extremely efficient editing and crisp sound. I found this video very interesting and thoroughly enjoyable. Would love to see more like this!
6 ปีที่แล้ว +13
Thank you very much Paul for this enlightening comment. I did all of it myself.
André Hedinger Andre you are a major talent my friend. There is a cinematic quality to your work that I find very compelling. I must know more! What camera system did you use here? What editing software? How were you able to film right in the thick of the action? Is this your home town? Paul
Andre, what camera and editing equipment are you using here? Tripod or panaglide? How is it you were able to get into the 'thick' of their operation? Is this your home town? I apologize but would really love to know more about how you accomplished this cinematic style.
Andre Hedinger this is a wonderful video. You gave us a nice mix of over all worksite and shots close up of the workers. One of the best parts of this video is you allowed beat of the workers and equipment create the sound track. No music in the background, none is needed. You recorded the sound of the rocks cascading into place, workers talking, trains passing, safety man sounding the warning horn the sounds of the engines of the working equipment. Let me tell you this listen to the sound with out watching the video and you still get an idea of the work going on and if your familiar with rail work you have a darn good idea what they are doing. Smooth video and very nice pans. Thanks I enjoyed every min
Ihr Wunsch ist unsere Motivation wir sind schon unterwegs : Mann , das ist mal ein Leitfaden !!! Stark. Und man sieht den Leuten an dass sie mottiviert sind.
Muy buen video, muy educativo 👍 las tomas son muy buenas y la edición sin musica de fondo, solo el sonido de las máquinas y los trabajadores hablando realmente ayudan a percibir mejor el ambiente
Andre Hedinger Amazing video, I am truly amazed at how These Big Machines lay new track..Nice Job on How clear the sound is Stunning Clarity and different angles... I just Subscribed to your channel..
Hier noch eine kleine Info Die Schwellen müssen für das Vorlagern der Neuschienen abgekehrt sein. Die einzubauenden Schienen werden auf den Schwellenköpfen vorgelagert (Abstimmung mit SUM-Leitung erforderlich). Bei Schwellenauswechslung ohne Schienenwechsel sind alle 240 m Entlastungstrennschnitte erforderlich. Bei BRM im Vorlauf verlorener Stopfgang erforderlich; Ablage auf 60 mm unter Soll-SO herstellen. Notlaschenverbindungen in den auszubauenden Schienen dürfen nicht mit Schraubzwingen, sondern nur mit Laschenbolzen (L - 145 mm mit Federring, Muttern nach außen) gesichert sein. Notlaschenverbindungen, entsprechend der einzubauenden Schienenform in Höhe der Neuschienenstöße, auf dem Randweg vorlagern. Alle Hindernisse bis 1,65 m von Gleisachse sind auszubauen. Aus drei Schwellenfächern ist Schotter am Umbauanfang bis Schwellenunterkante und bis 0,5 m vor den Schwellenköpfen auszuräumen, um das Einfädeln zu beschleunigen. Bei Brücken mit durchgehendem Schotterbett wird der ausgebaute Schotter im mitgeführten Bunkerwagen gespeichert, wenn die Durchfahrbreite im Kettenbereich < 1,65 m von der Gleisachse beträgt. Eine präzise Abstimmung erfolgt mit der SUM-Leitung beim Baustellenbegang. Vor Einfahrt der SUM in den Umbauabschnitt müssen folgende Einrichtungen ausgebaut sein: Wanderschutzklemmen, Leit- und Schutzschienen sowie Führungs- und Fangvorrichtungen, Schienenbefestigungen auf der Länge des Umbauzuges einschließlich Oberbaustofftransportwagen.
No wonder why everything Swiss has efficiency, precision and top quality ! You should see the bavarians ! they would need double the time to finish this project and double crew as well !!!
Travail superbe de précision où des engins de plus de 50 tonnes travaillent au millimètre près. Technique suisse éprouvée de précision de coordination et de minutie réalisée par une équipe digne d'éloges...
c'est la première fois que je découvre la réalisation d'une voie ferrée . Je suis également admiratif de la qualité du travail réalisé, sachant l'importance du ferroviaire en Suisse .
As a person who works with their hands, I love seeing true artisans doing what they do best. However, the lack of personal protective equipment, gloves, glasses, and ear gear concerns me. I can understand that rail men must be on guard for approaching trains, but working without eye protection is horribly reckless. No doubt, their supervisor permits the breaking of elaborate rules that the Swiss are very well noted. Great work guys!
That's right guys. Just stand around calmly while that heavy piece of track dangles just above your heads. If anything were to happen all,of you would be squished. At least look alert while the load dangles in the air. Act like your life cares. Never be complacent around big weight.
Wander why a lot of the workers on that job around the railsaw cutting the rails have no safety glasses on.When i was in QR here in Australia we had to wear all safety equipment when relaying track or doing maintenance on it.Back in my day we did it all by hand and on the weekends or night shift.
Ssright bro! I was a fettler Fairymeadow to Belambi in 67' we had gloves and boots, no safety caps. That was all we had from memory. PPE ish good today eh!?
@@petersampson4635 When we use to regulate ballast from the 100 wagons. You couldn't see the bloke standing a meter away from you. We never had masks or respirators for that. As it was totally useless to use them. 3 minutes and you couldn't breath through them.
Can we not make silent track junctions (no fishplates) in an urban environment? Ne peut-on pas faire des jonctions de rails silencieuses (sans éclisses) en milieu urbain ?
Impressive machinery! 2:31: The leg between the sleepers! How could an experienced worker, as these are supposed to be to perform masterly, be so reckless? 4:43: So much for Swiss precision!
ahah, @ 0:40 the man in orange overall waves for the train to stop ; it never does… (I know it's a gesture the british track maintenance teams have to do to prove they have seen and heard an approaching train, but I didn't know about Switzerland)
Why didn't they weld the rails together vice using bolts to connect them?. thanks for a very good video love to see those big machines lay those section of track not like the old days
Supposedly bolted joints are just temporary to let the working machinery move on the track. After the track geometry is stabilized in final position the rails will be welded together. Due to metal expansion the welding must be done at certain air temperature and tensile forces in the rails, to prevent breaks or buckling at extreme weather conditions.
제 생각에 앞으로의 통행의 주역은 뭐라해도 전기철도로가 좋은 것으로 알아요. 조금 더 현대화와 직선화가 잘되면 많은 생산품과 과잉 생산의 문제가 해결되지요. 그러면 생산과 소비에 축이 균형을 잡아 큰 갈등들이 쉽게 사라지지요. 국가긴의 갈등 부지런히 서로의 자세를 찾으면 그리 어렵지도 않아요. 연계 수송만 제대로 움직여도 쉽게 해결 될거에요. 에너지도 관리체제 인으로 들어오고 그러면 좋아요.
@@likornnoir....by "we", I assume you're referring to my ex-pat country Switzerland? If so, chances are the the high Swiss life expectancy doesn't really apply to blue-collar workers who were not frequently wearing PPE's 11 years ago, when this video was made. That being said - PPEs have a tendency to give the workers a false sense of security, and they are often more likely to take chances within their work-environment. Case in point in this video: The operator of the big machinery, doing so from outside the machine and controlling it remotedly with his joy-sticks hung from his neck....he was wearing full PPEs....but still took the risk of walking across the tracks between "his" machine and the loaded bunker car his was going to hook-up to....one wrong step and he would have been at the shorter end of the proverbial stick....and his PPEs wouldn't have saved him
@dapurchefmain99....the trains are, in fact, passing through the construction zone slowly...their regular speed would be closer to 80-100 km/h, unless the train was scheduled to stop at the CHAM station. (I used to ride that stretch twice a day for two years),
TH-cam vidéo par T E L T je voudrais savoir si les 4 puis d'avreux sont et je savoir où en son les travaux d'excavation en directions de la France eux lundi 14 novembre 2022 en vidéo merci
Bei 7:11 hört man das geräusch in der Nacht höre ich das manchmal ich wohne nicht weit von den Gleisen jetzt weiss ich das das die Gleisbauer sind hab mich immer gewundert was das sein könnte
In Chile, a country where a train that connects from north to south is practically logical and essential, we do not have a train that is fast, decent and accessible enough for people. It does not cover very long stretches of land and is super inefficient due to the low speed it achieves due to the low investment in trains we have.
This reminds me of CalTrans with 16 dudes standing around getting paid while 3 work because the union requires that there be a specific guy to blow the horn: 3:08
That's just temporary. Welding gets done when everything is leveled and aligned. But that's one of the last steps. They would never use fishblades (Laschenverbindung) on a track that is so highly frequented.
Что механизировано,те-же ключи вертолёты и бензорезы. они массу бесполезной работы делают, массу техники привлекли, по сути не нужной там, короче понты.
There's no way that the railways in Britain are made so well. The system here is awful and very badly maintained - even lighter metro systems are noisy, inefficient and too expensive. Well done!
NO , that is not the case . I worked on the railway over here in Britain for nearly 50 years and to deal with relaying from the traffic side of the business. The system we use here is more efficient , using a better a technique . The system they are using here , is dangerous to workers , This sort of work, over here , is done at night or at week ends . So as to cause minimal delay to rail traffic.
welshpete12 sorry m8 but that’s wrong! first this was done within a special summer time table to minimize impact on weekends and holydays where there‘s lots of traffic on the network (public transports not cargo) and secondly this was done to maintain an old part of the rail aswell as connect a new double track!
doch, natürlich werden auch bei uns alle neuen geleise geschweisst! aber das schweissen ist immer der letzte arbeitsgang bevor die strecke in verkehr geht, um währed des baus flexibel zu bleiben... aber die strecke ist ende video ja noch nicht fertig: es stehen noch die baustellensignale für den zugverkehr und der schotter ist noch nicht fertig eingebaut (er liegt noch sichtbar auf den schwellen und dazwischen sind noch hohlräume. ende video ist nur das zusammenschliessen aller geleise abgeschlossen, aber die baustelle noch nicht fertig
Das ist ein technisch interessantes Video! Aber ganz im Ernst, ich habe noch nie so viele Leute, die nichts tun herumstehen gesehen! Ich kenne mich da aus, ich lebe in Österreich! Da hat es früher auch viele gegeben, die hat man großteils abgebaut! Herzlichen Gruß!
Hier stand sicher kein Arbeiter nur so herum ! Bei den heutigen Preisen, die sehr knapp kalkuliert sind, liegt das nicht drin ( schaue Österreich ). Jeder hat hier seine eingeteilte Funktion und muss sofort zur Verfügung stehen, wenn er gebraucht wird. Dieser Bahnhof befindet sich in Cham an der Bahnlinie Zürich - Luzern, wo viel Züge unterwegs sind. Bei der Durchfahrt eines Zuges muss die Arbeit im Gleisbereich unterbrochen werden -- dann können sich die Leute während dieser Zeit ja nicht Luft auflösen !
@@rudolfhurlimann5336 ...danke, Hr. Hürlimann....Sie bestätigen meine Antwort (in English) welche ich einem anderen Kommentator (weiter oben) gegeben habe.. Gruss von einem ex-Zuger, seit 55 Jahren in Kanada ;-)
@GFSwinger1693....that is likely what they were doing there (in the video). Loaded onto the trucks, which are taking the balast to a gravel-yard (or even the trucking-company RISI yard nearby, where it will be cleaned and re-used on that job-site. Mind you, I cannot guarantee that this is what is happening, but it would make sense, since all the required yards are within a radius of less than 20 km from the job-site
@grumpyg9350...with all due respect, that's probably one of the reasons you're still a lay-person...LOL. Seriously though....when your customer is the Swiss Federal Railways, you don't do a half-assed job by having workers multi-task. Each worker is assigned a particular task and that's the only way to prevent potentially serious errors while performing the task of switching out the tracks. Besides, the company VANOLI which is the main contractor operating the machinery was already in business, when I was born close-by in Zug, 74 years ago... Thus, if VANOLI wasn't a top-notch company, it wouldn't have survived for so many years! The same goes for the trucking company with the green dump-trucks and pre-mix concrete carriers - RISI. That's how I became a truck-fanatic "since I was ye high" by riding along with RISI trucks during my younger & teenage years, and before moving to Canada, 55 years ago.
welding is always the last job done before going into traffic... until then it's only lashed to be flexible while building and to be able to make fast changes if needed etc.
Absolutely top marks for the gathering, assembly and editing of this video production, but it reveals some bad habits by the ground crews that can be seen working on the jobsite. I'm not here to criticise their ways of doing things, but I'll sure say that there are a lot of different practices over here in North America. However, the end result is the same, job gets done, and the trains roll over the tracks.
@MrPLC999....Switzerland ain't exactly considered "these remote corners of the world"....LOL....but unfortunately you're quiet correct. I was also taken aback that not the entire VANOLI-crew were wearing PPEs. That being said, I have found over the last 34 years working in Compliance & Risk Management within the truck transportation industry in Canada and the US, that PPEs have a tendency to give the workers a false sense of security, which makes PPE-wearers more likely to take unnecessary risks!
Absolute great rail therapy...Thanks for sharing....Big like from Romania
Прекрасная работа и прекрасное видео. Мастеру съемки моё уважение. Я восхищён таким качеством работы и эстетикой Вашего труда. Вы можете гордиться собой и своей страной. Благодарю за хорошее видео.
Ich fand die Bunker-Schüttgutwagen auf Raupen mit dem Spezialbagger, und den Mercedes mit Förderband-Ausleger sehr interessant. Ist mal was anderes, und scheint in solchen Fällen ne ganz gute Lösung zu sein. Im Bahnbereich sind die Schweizer einfach immer wieder mit guten Ideen am Start.
Ein echt schönes und interessantes Video, vielen Dank für die Mühe!
Ich auch 😮
The Swiss take any job very seriously - ask them to bake a cake and perhaps they'd bring in a dozen huge machines to do the work. Clockwork precision between the various machines even as rail traffic continues unaffected . First the matting then the subballast and above all the ballast before laying the tracks and ties. It is a meticulous job and therein lies a safe operating system. From what can be seen the Swiss have managed to mechanize this formerly very labour intensive job and increase the track laying capacity as well as the maintenance functions. Thanks for a great upload Andre.
9h es
awesome movie in a very fine quality ! The crew makes a really good job !
Whoever filmed this did a fantastic job. Excellent photography, unique angles, dynamic mix of closeup, medium, and wide angles not to mention smooth pans. Add to this extremely efficient editing and crisp sound. I found this video very interesting and thoroughly enjoyable. Would love to see more like this!
Thank you very much Paul for this enlightening comment. I did all of it myself.
André Hedinger
Andre you are a major talent my friend. There is a cinematic quality to your work that I find very compelling. I must know more!
What camera system did you use here? What editing software? How were you able to film right in the thick of the action? Is this your home town?
@ Absolutely agree with Paul , well photographed and edited !
Andre, what camera and editing equipment are you using here? Tripod or panaglide? How is it you were able to get into the 'thick' of their operation? Is this your home town? I apologize but would really love to know more about how you accomplished this cinematic style.
@ 7
Nice train and video...big like from Romania!!!!!
What a great country. Well done video. Thanks for posting
Great & awesome video as always....True rail therapy...I like IT!!!! Thumbs UP from Romania
Andre Hedinger this is a wonderful video. You gave us a nice mix of over all worksite and shots close up of the workers. One of the best parts of this video is you allowed beat of the workers and equipment create the sound track. No music in the background, none is needed. You recorded the sound of the rocks cascading into place, workers talking, trains passing, safety man sounding the warning horn the sounds of the engines of the working equipment. Let me tell you this listen to the sound with out watching the video and you still get an idea of the work going on and if your familiar with rail work you have a darn good idea what they are doing. Smooth video and very nice pans. Thanks I enjoyed every min
Ihr Wunsch ist unsere Motivation wir sind schon unterwegs : Mann , das ist mal ein Leitfaden !!! Stark. Und man sieht den Leuten an dass sie mottiviert sind.
absolutely fantastic presentation. thank you very much
Muy buen video, muy educativo 👍 las tomas son muy buenas y la edición sin musica de fondo, solo el sonido de las máquinas y los trabajadores hablando realmente ayudan a percibir mejor el ambiente
у путейцев одна из самых тяжелых работ, и очень ответственная. молодцы парни 👍
it is 11:45 on may 6th, 2020. youtube decided to recommend this video, thank you youtube
Andre Hedinger Amazing video, I am truly amazed at how These Big Machines lay new track..Nice Job on How clear the sound is Stunning Clarity and different angles... I just Subscribed to your channel..
My father would have been proud to work on such a crew as this back in the sixties This was well made and I enjoyed it very much thank you ehhh
Trabalho maravilhoso! Que precisa o dessas máquinas! Parabéns a todos os trabalhadores à equipe de divulgação!
Brasil/São Paulo
Fabulous job!!!
Trabalho de Mestre!!!🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Hier noch eine kleine Info
Die Schwellen müssen für das Vorlagern der Neuschienen abgekehrt sein.
Die einzubauenden Schienen werden auf den Schwellenköpfen vorgelagert (Abstimmung mit SUM-Leitung erforderlich).
Bei Schwellenauswechslung ohne Schienenwechsel sind alle 240 m Entlastungstrennschnitte erforderlich.
Bei BRM im Vorlauf verlorener Stopfgang erforderlich; Ablage auf 60 mm unter Soll-SO herstellen. Notlaschenverbindungen in den auszubauenden Schienen dürfen nicht mit Schraubzwingen, sondern nur mit Laschenbolzen (L - 145 mm mit Federring, Muttern nach außen) gesichert
sein. Notlaschenverbindungen, entsprechend der einzubauenden Schienenform in Höhe der Neuschienenstöße, auf dem Randweg vorlagern.
Alle Hindernisse bis 1,65 m von Gleisachse sind auszubauen.
Aus drei Schwellenfächern ist Schotter am Umbauanfang bis Schwellenunterkante und bis
0,5 m vor den Schwellenköpfen auszuräumen, um das Einfädeln zu beschleunigen.
Bei Brücken mit durchgehendem Schotterbett wird der ausgebaute Schotter im mitgeführten Bunkerwagen gespeichert, wenn die Durchfahrbreite im Kettenbereich < 1,65 m von der Gleisachse beträgt. Eine präzise Abstimmung erfolgt mit der SUM-Leitung beim Baustellenbegang.
Vor Einfahrt der SUM in den Umbauabschnitt müssen folgende Einrichtungen ausgebaut sein: Wanderschutzklemmen, Leit- und Schutzschienen sowie Führungs- und Fangvorrichtungen, Schienenbefestigungen auf der Länge des Umbauzuges einschließlich Oberbaustofftransportwagen.
Gute Aufnahmen, kenne ich gut.
No wonder why everything Swiss has efficiency, precision and top quality ! You should see the bavarians ! they would need double the time to finish this project and double crew as well !!!
in the home of Plasser & Theurer it's a bit weird they're laying track this way
Travail superbe de précision où des engins de plus de 50 tonnes travaillent au millimètre près. Technique suisse éprouvée de précision de coordination et de minutie réalisée par une équipe digne d'éloges...
c'est la première fois que je découvre la réalisation d'une voie ferrée . Je suis également admiratif de la qualité du travail réalisé, sachant l'importance du ferroviaire en Suisse .
Great video. Such skilled guys. People just don't appreciate all the work .
기찻길의 추억이 쇳소리이니 이도 조금만 정성을 더하면 역시 해결되지요. 하하.
very interesting video bet the rain kept the dust down
Very nice beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
TRue rail Therapy my Friend....I like IT....Regards from Romania
Proper civil engineering weather - not too cold, just enough rain to keep the dust down.
Outro País e outra coisa
Es läuft echt gut wie ein Schweizer Uhrwerk!!!!
As a person who works with their hands, I love seeing true artisans doing what they do best. However, the lack of personal protective equipment, gloves, glasses, and ear gear concerns me. I can understand that rail men must be on guard for approaching trains, but working without eye protection is horribly reckless. No doubt, their supervisor permits the breaking of elaborate rules that the Swiss are very well noted. Great work guys!
Wow! Very interesting video. Thanks
WOW 굉장 합니다 ! 요즘 철로 부설 대부분 공정은 장비 작업 이지요 ! 한국 철로 부설 공사도
대부분 장비 작업 입니다 ^^
That's right guys. Just stand around calmly while that heavy piece of track dangles just above your heads. If anything were to happen all,of you would be squished. At least look alert while the load dangles in the air. Act like your life cares. Never be complacent around big weight.
You can still smoke on the job in Switzerland? sign me up! (Seriously, nice job, real professionals.)
Wander why a lot of the workers on that job around the railsaw cutting the rails have no safety glasses on.When i was in QR here in Australia we had to wear all safety equipment when relaying track or doing maintenance on it.Back in my day we did it all by hand and on the weekends or night shift.
Ssright bro! I was a fettler Fairymeadow to Belambi in 67' we had gloves and boots, no safety caps. That was all we had from memory. PPE ish good today eh!?
@@petersampson4635 When we use to regulate ballast from the 100 wagons.
You couldn't see the bloke standing a meter away from you.
We never had masks or respirators for that.
As it was totally useless to use them.
3 minutes and you couldn't breath through them.
Great stuff :)
Vielen Dank, sehr interessant, über wie viele Zeit dauert die Arbeit und auch wie weit war die Neubaustrecke? Ich fand es ausgezeichnet.
Lade in den nächsten tagen der gesamte Videoclip hoch. Dort werden Deine Fragen beantwortet
André Hedinger Vielen Dank.
Beautiful! Las Vegas.
Can we not make silent track junctions (no fishplates) in an urban environment?
Ne peut-on pas faire des jonctions de rails silencieuses (sans éclisses) en milieu urbain ?
Impressive machinery!
2:31: The leg between the sleepers! How could an experienced worker, as these are supposed to be to perform masterly, be so reckless?
4:43: So much for Swiss precision!
Công nhận nước ngoài khoa Học KY thuật hay quá
ahah, @ 0:40 the man in orange overall waves for the train to stop ; it never does…
(I know it's a gesture the british track maintenance teams have to do to prove they have seen and heard an approaching train, but I didn't know about Switzerland)
It's a common gesture in the hole Europe - also in Switzerland.
I wonder how long it take to make rusty look new track became shining
Why didn't they weld the rails together vice using bolts to connect them?. thanks for a very good video love to see those big machines lay those section of track not like the old days
Supposedly bolted joints are just temporary to let the working machinery move on the track. After the track geometry is stabilized in final position the rails will be welded together. Due to metal expansion the welding must be done at certain air temperature and tensile forces in the rails, to prevent breaks or buckling at extreme weather conditions.
@@bchqf ....thank you for the very detailed explanation. Much appreciated.
제 생각에 앞으로의 통행의 주역은 뭐라해도 전기철도로가 좋은 것으로 알아요. 조금 더 현대화와 직선화가 잘되면 많은 생산품과 과잉 생산의 문제가 해결되지요. 그러면 생산과 소비에 축이 균형을 잡아 큰 갈등들이 쉽게 사라지지요. 국가긴의 갈등 부지런히 서로의 자세를 찾으면 그리 어렵지도 않아요. 연계 수송만 제대로 움직여도 쉽게 해결 될거에요. 에너지도 관리체제 인으로 들어오고 그러면 좋아요.
Is that a torque wrench at 23:36 ? If so that's a big one.
Very interesting to see how it is done.
woohoo very very nice, thank you.
Great work
Uma maravilha ver tudo isso.
Surprised to see no one is wearing eye protection, especially during grinding/cutting.
Or hearing protection.
@@jeffjansen6951 Hum... We are the second best country in the world in terms of life expectancy. So, well...
@@likornnoir....by "we", I assume you're referring to my ex-pat country Switzerland?
If so, chances are the the high Swiss life expectancy doesn't really apply to blue-collar workers who were not frequently wearing PPE's 11 years ago, when this video was made.
That being said - PPEs have a tendency to give the workers a false sense of security, and they are often more likely to take chances within their work-environment.
Case in point in this video: The operator of the big machinery, doing so from outside the machine and controlling it remotedly with his joy-sticks hung from his neck....he was wearing full PPEs....but still took the risk of walking across the tracks between "his" machine and the loaded bunker car his was going to hook-up to....one wrong step and he would have been at the shorter end of the proverbial stick....and his PPEs wouldn't have saved him
Why train pass at working site not slow the train??
@dapurchefmain99....the trains are, in fact, passing through the construction zone slowly...their regular speed would be closer to 80-100 km/h, unless the train was scheduled to stop at the CHAM station. (I used to ride that stretch twice a day for two years),
Cheminot,c'est véritablement un métier d'utilité publique
C'est fascinant de les regarder poser les rails.
My only complaint is that the video is way to short 👍👍👍😉😉☹☹
Here the long version th-cam.com/video/uU6BB7hq8QI/w-d-xo.html
TH-cam vidéo par T E L T je voudrais savoir si les 4 puis d'avreux sont et je savoir où en son les travaux d'excavation en directions de la France eux lundi 14 novembre 2022 en vidéo merci
super arbeitt imerli
Wo sind beim Schleifen mit dem Trennschleifer die Schutzbrille und der Gehörschutz???
Die Arbeiter sind bereits blind und taub.
Bei 7:11 hört man das geräusch in der Nacht höre ich das manchmal ich wohne nicht weit von den Gleisen jetzt weiss ich das das die Gleisbauer sind hab mich immer gewundert was das sein könnte
Nice work
I don't know how flat the track is supposed to be, but it seemed wavy, is that normal?
When the rail is first set down, it looks like that. After adding ballast, straightening, and tamping-it will be straight and flat.
@@oxenforde Thanks
never show engineers, women or idiots a job half finished!!
in europe is a great building the tracks and trains with cement blocks
In Chile, a country where a train that connects from north to south is practically logical and essential, we do not have a train that is fast, decent and accessible enough for people. It does not cover very long stretches of land and is super inefficient due to the low speed it achieves due to the low investment in trains we have.
Men at work. Respect !!
looks like there were more workers who smoke than those who not... looks funny when the gravel is put onto those snake rails...
Everyone is a keyboard critic, just read some of the comments.
This reminds me of CalTrans with 16 dudes standing around getting paid while 3 work because the union requires that there be a specific guy to blow the horn: 3:08
@rubiconnn...that's was the reason for the other 15 dudes....to replace the horn-blower when he ran out of air ...LOL
02:01 jointed track using fish-plates??? this practice went out with the Ark...
'dear oh dear...'
Usually it's just till the welders come and weld it all up.
Oh dear, oh dear. The skies going to fall in
An insulator to electrically insulate adjoining rail for signal system. Used everywhere.
That's just temporary. Welding gets done when everything is leveled and aligned. But that's one of the last steps. They would never use fishblades (Laschenverbindung) on a track that is so highly frequented.
Amazing love
Que buena seguridad...!!! Cortan sin gafas y guantes 🙈🙈
Вот ведь у людей всё механизированно на деле ,а не как у нас на БЖД только на словах!
Что механизировано,те-же ключи вертолёты и бензорезы. они массу бесполезной работы делают, массу техники привлекли, по сути не нужной там, короче понты.
It took him twenty years to get the supervisor kazoo
There's no way that the railways in Britain are made so well. The system here is awful and very badly maintained - even lighter metro systems are noisy, inefficient and too expensive.
Well done!
NO , that is not the case . I worked on the railway over here in Britain for nearly 50 years and to deal with relaying from the traffic side of the business. The system we use here is more efficient , using a better a technique . The system they are using here , is dangerous to workers , This sort of work, over here , is done at night or at week ends . So as to cause minimal delay to rail traffic.
welshpete12 sorry m8 but that’s wrong! first this was done within a special summer time table to minimize impact on weekends and holydays where there‘s lots of traffic on the network (public transports not cargo) and secondly this was done to maintain an old part of the rail aswell as connect a new double track!
I take you have relaid lots of track where you come from then?
You would do well to have a look at this- th-cam.com/video/4AomnSbnwus/w-d-xo.html
Jack King DB, ÖBB, SBB, ČD are Better than UK‘s railway!!!
werden die Gleise in der Schweiz nicht thermitgeschweißt?
doch, natürlich werden auch bei uns alle neuen geleise geschweisst! aber das schweissen ist immer der letzte arbeitsgang bevor die strecke in verkehr geht, um währed des baus flexibel zu bleiben... aber die strecke ist ende video ja noch nicht fertig: es stehen noch die baustellensignale für den zugverkehr und der schotter ist noch nicht fertig eingebaut (er liegt noch sichtbar auf den schwellen und dazwischen sind noch hohlräume. ende video ist nur das zusammenschliessen aller geleise abgeschlossen, aber die baustelle noch nicht fertig
@@samuelbhend2521 alles klar! Ich habe mich nur gewundert, warum das Video es nicht zeigt.
Concrete ties. They won't rot away.
Das ist ein technisch interessantes Video! Aber ganz im Ernst, ich habe noch nie so viele Leute, die nichts tun herumstehen
gesehen! Ich kenne mich da aus, ich lebe in Österreich! Da hat es früher auch viele gegeben, die hat man großteils abgebaut!
Herzlichen Gruß!
Hier stand sicher kein Arbeiter nur so herum ! Bei den heutigen Preisen, die sehr knapp kalkuliert sind, liegt
das nicht drin ( schaue Österreich ). Jeder hat hier seine eingeteilte Funktion und muss sofort zur Verfügung
stehen, wenn er gebraucht wird. Dieser Bahnhof befindet sich in Cham an der Bahnlinie Zürich - Luzern,
wo viel Züge unterwegs sind. Bei der Durchfahrt eines Zuges muss die Arbeit im Gleisbereich unterbrochen werden -- dann können sich die Leute während dieser Zeit ja nicht Luft auflösen !
@@rudolfhurlimann5336 ...danke, Hr. Hürlimann....Sie bestätigen meine Antwort (in English) welche ich einem anderen Kommentator (weiter oben) gegeben habe.. Gruss von einem ex-Zuger, seit 55 Jahren in Kanada ;-)
Bedankt voor deze mooie video.greetz:Peerke.
Can that balast be cleaned and reused?
@GFSwinger1693....that is likely what they were doing there (in the video). Loaded onto the trucks, which are taking the balast to a gravel-yard (or even the trucking-company RISI yard nearby, where it will be cleaned and re-used on that job-site.
Mind you, I cannot guarantee that this is what is happening, but it would make sense, since all the required yards are within a radius of less than 20 km from the job-site
Caraca muito massamuscular
Классно 👍
Сложно очень
We're is his face mask for all the sparkles flying about....
Amazing video
Super Mario Bros 👌👊👌👍
What's up with "Master"? Apparently the Yugoslavs, they smoke, they stand,… And the machines they make in Austria, right?
As a Lay Person, it looks to me like there is a lot of wasted labor. Great video recording and editing.
@grumpyg9350...with all due respect, that's probably one of the reasons you're still a lay-person...LOL.
Seriously though....when your customer is the Swiss Federal Railways, you don't do a half-assed job by having workers multi-task.
Each worker is assigned a particular task and that's the only way to prevent potentially serious errors while performing the task of switching out the tracks.
Besides, the company VANOLI which is the main contractor operating the machinery was already in business, when I was born close-by in Zug, 74 years ago...
Thus, if VANOLI wasn't a top-notch company, it wouldn't have survived for so many years!
The same goes for the trucking company with the green dump-trucks and pre-mix concrete carriers - RISI. That's how I became a truck-fanatic "since I was ye high" by riding along with RISI trucks during my younger & teenage years, and before moving to Canada, 55 years ago.
Very cool
No continues rail ?
welding is always the last job done before going into traffic... until then it's only lashed to be flexible while building and to be able to make fast changes if needed etc.
The safety man must have a yello shirt on.
Why are everyone smoke?
That's not tobacco, it's wacky weed . You need it, to do that job working for 48 hours straight !
Ever heard of Puffing Billy
@@welshpete12 48h? no effing way
Looks to me like they pick up the ballast, put in a truck, move a little then dump back where it came from. 🤪
Absolutely top marks for the gathering, assembly and editing of this video production, but it reveals some bad habits by the ground crews that can be seen working on the jobsite. I'm not here to criticise their ways of doing things, but I'll sure say that there are a lot of different practices over here in North America. However, the end result is the same, job gets done, and the trains roll over the tracks.
Schaut euch mal ein Video an von der pm 1000urm dann wisst ihr was eine Maschine ist. Lg
OSHA has clearly not reached these remote corners of the world...
@MrPLC999....Switzerland ain't exactly considered "these remote corners of the world"....LOL....but unfortunately you're quiet correct. I was also taken aback that not the entire VANOLI-crew were wearing PPEs.
That being said, I have found over the last 34 years working in Compliance & Risk Management within the truck transportation industry in Canada and the US, that PPEs have a tendency to give the workers a false sense of security, which makes PPE-wearers more likely to take unnecessary risks!
kijk,vakmensen aan het werk.mijn complimenten hoor.Petje af.
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