I have been abusing it in MW2 and with great success. Don't worry too much though, people won't believe it until we see more people like you dominate other games.
me too. My desk is always to cluttered to use a mouse for gaming. (I dont feel like emptying the des just to be able to game ). plus i dont like keyboard controls that much. So i use gyro aiming and i use flick stick. With flick stick the right stick becomes the direction your facing in. You want to aim 90 degrees to your right. Flick the stick to the rigt. you want to turn 180 degrees and aim at the enemy behind you? Push the stick down. the right stick is locked to the horizontal plane. So you need gyro to look up and down (and youj can also aim left and right with gyro). Most console games use the right stick for the gyro (wich is based on acceleration instead of displacement). The right stick uses acceleration based on how far you tilt the stick. so i needs aim assist and deeadzones. Most console developers do something really stupid. And that is using rightstick values for the gyro instead of making it move like a mouse. A mouse is displacement based. So if you move the mouse 20 degrees left the ingame camera does the same. The mouse can also translate the speed of your movement to the ingame camera. When you use rightstick for gyro, the gyro will not pick up movements that exceed the ingame camera maximum speed(because it uses acceleration instead of displacement). I dont get how developers can be that dumb to use rightstick for the gyro. unfortunatly most developers also use acceleration for their pc ports. Instead of rightstick acceleration (aim curve) you get acceleration based on how fast you move the mouse. Raw mouse input means that if i move the mouse 90 degrees left, it will always move 90 degrees left, no matter if i use a fast flick ( 100 miliseconds) or if i move the mouse slower (for example 200 miliseconds). The camera will always end up 90 degrees to the left. Raw mouse input is also way easier to code then acceleration curves for the stick or a mouse. This is just commen sense (even if you know nothing about how a mouse works). So even if developers dont have the knowledge for good gyro or mouse controls. The above things i mentio are just commen sense. If a developer does not understand this they are either lazy or plain stupid in my eyes. Wich idiot ever though of using acceleration based aiming for gyro is really uninterested in making good controls or just dumb. (sorry if this sounds rude, but that is how i feel). Most people dont use commen sense anymore. Either way the gyro wiki is easily to find and theire are enough video's from people that use a input mapper to make the gyro use the mouse. I know coding in gyro controls is way harder then using an input mapper to do this. But the actual fact of seeing dose people use a mouse for the gyro should make developers think about what they are doing, right. and then they should seek out the needed infor to develop gyro aiming based on the core principles of how mouse movements work.
@@MS-dg7fm Most people dont seem to know what flick stick is. Or they say it is to disorientating. The way to solve this is by making the flick time longer (atleast in my opinion). The first time i tried it on boomerang x , i could not get uset to having to use the gyro modifier alot. I constantly had to reset my hand postion because of the verticality in that game. So i stipped playing boomerang x. And i forced flickstick and gyro into a more horizontal focused shooter like shwado warior 1 remake. That game also allows for mixed inputs, so i was an easy game to set up with the limited knowledge i had about flick stick at the time. My gyro settings have not changed since then. I still use a realworld sensitivity of 1:4 (90 degrees controller turn becomes 360 degrees ingame). For me a 4 on the natural scale is the minimum i need. Most people have a wrist extension of about 22 degrees until it becomes uncomfortable. 22 degrees roughly results in 90 degrees ingame camera turn. Some times i combine yaw and roll. So i get 22 degrees of yaw and 22 degrees of roll. so i can track enemies 180 degrees if needed. Sorry for the long text. i just really like gyro and flick stick. I pretty much use it on all shooters, wether i am playing on the steamdeck or on pc. I also dable in gyro ratcheting sometimes. This means that you pause the gyro when you run out of wrist extention and you reset your hands to neutral. When using ratcheting i use joycons and Rewasd.
Hey man might I ask what controller you are using and what settings? Do you have an input to turn the gyro on and off? I guess you would have to right?
Cracking one open to celebrate that people are finally seeing how good gyro aim is and that it's the real solution to let controller players truly keep up without aim assist. Now to get Microsoft to implement it in their controllers and implement it into halo. We all have to thank Nintendo's Splatoon series for truly making it a revolution. I remember playing COD Black Ops on wii and using the wiimote to aim. It made some levels really easy compared to dual analog with a classic controller.
Nintendo really could have had something special if they used the wiimote more like a modern gyro implementation, with the pointer controlling aim/camera movement, and having a button to disable it. It would have allowed a better looking experience, and allowed people to ratchet the aim around instead of using the edge of the screen like an analog stick.
Whoever saying gyro and flick stick is considered as aim assist and should be banned from multiplayer games, doesn't know the thing well. It is actually very hard to setup for competitive play, needs lots of practice to use as a regular mouse and sometimes there are problems, that you have to address, like drifting gyroscopes and sticks. I'm playing single player games with ps5 controller and literally every games needs different sensitivity setup and sometimes it is not possible to configure the gyro & flick stick pixel perfectly, because of how to game handles the FOV. On other games you have problems with drifting issues, that occasionally returns and you can't address the issue, because it's a problem with the game itself, not a calibration issue. My biggest inconveniency with the gyro compared to a mouse is that sometimes and I have to do to much motion with my hand and it is hard to hold my hand in that position. It's not a mouse, that I can lift up to find a better position for my hand.
I get where you are coming from, but all of this problems aren't a problem with gyro itself, it's just bad implementation. It wouldn't be hard to set up for competitive play if the game natively supported this feature. Drifting could be addressed with a calibration screen and mitigated with a re-center button or a gyro disable button. Every game needs a different sens setup because most devs don't know about the natural sens scale, (natural sens scale is 1 full rotation in real life means full rotation in game, that way you can use 1:3 sens or 1:20 sens, meaning that 1 full rotation in real life can translate to 20 full rotations in game) which is the same in every game. It is very possible to set gyro and flickstick pixel perfectly as long as the game doesn't have mouse smoothing or the native implementation doesn't rely on super strong smoothing and filtering options and it has nothing to do with FOVs. Your aim drifting to return to the center of the screen is a system wide bug on ps5 and could be solved with an update if anyone cared enough to do that. And your biggest complain about gyro doesn't apply to pc games because we have the option of extremely high sens, but most ps5 games don't even go to 1:2 of the natural sens scale, which is really bad. And you absolutely can have something equivalent to lifting a mouse with a gyro disable button or a re-centering button. I get your complains, they are all true, but it isn't gyro's fault, it's bad implementation because people don't know how good gyro can be, so they don't even know how to complain when they see problems like these. Devs don't know everything, that's why we should let them know that we want a better implementation of gyro aim. ;D
Gyro aim tilted the scales. Gone are the days of the mouse and keyboard being THE setup for twitchy FPS Shooters.. Now (FINALLY) the controller rules gaming input. Yes, KBM still has its place in gaming, but no longer stands king as the "default" PC gaming input setup. There is no more excuses for PC games to not implement 100% proper controller support AND MIXED INPUT SUPPORT!. What we need now is only extra accessible buttons on controllers to become standard (ex. Big Big Won Rainbow 2 Pro - 2 Back Buttons AND 2 extra "Bumper" buttons on the front. No, it's not a quality controller, has piss poor gyro sensor, but I'm only mentioning it for the extra buttons and placement of said buttons) Also, these buttons should be EXTRA Buttons, NOT duplicates of the standard ones just placed for easier access. Easier access is nice and convenient, to a point.. but extra inputs is what we actually NEED..
The problem is that most controllers with back buttons are not supported by steaminput or rewasd. Most controllers that have a gyro either use switch mode or dualshock 4 mode. This limits the back buttons to be copies of already existing face buttons, bumpers or triggers. There are a few flydigi controller like the vader 2 and apex 2 that are supported on rewasd. This allows these controller to have unique inputs on the back buttons, while also having unique inputs on the face buttons and trigger, and bumpers. Yes, the gyro on both controller is infirior to a dualsense, but now you finnally have 4 back buttons (with unique mappings)and mechanical buttons and triggers awell. The more expensive dualsense edge has 2 back buttons. When the edge has the default (unaltered ) profile active, you can also fully remap the back button to unque inputs on rewasd or steaminput. But you need to make sure to use the default profile, or the back buttons will only use the functions you set it to on the ps5 profile. The dumbest thing is that no other youtuber has mentioned this fact in one of their video's. everybody seems to use a software that is sold on steam (forgot the name) to remap the controllers. But that software does not seem to allow you to bind keyboard inputs to the back buttons. (or maybe it does, i have not started up the software to check).
@@caleasthetic Well, you are right in saying that using the controllers default profile MUST be active in order to have access to the custom extra buttons on the "pro" controllers, which makes total sense, the buttons are just there, "blank" ready to be mapped to anything. If they are ALREADY MAPPED TO SOMETHING, by their respective consoles, then, surely, those custom buttons will send the mapped button, which on a console can only be a duplicate of the "standard" buttons on that console. On the PC that is no longer a limitation, provided your game of choice supports mixed inputs. Both my XB Elite S2 and DSE controllers back paddles and Fn buttons can be fully mapped via Steam Input with no issues (well, there was a problem with the back paddles on the Elite S2 not being recognized by Steam Input on the newest firmware, so I've had to revert the firmware on my Elite S2 and stay on that firmware for a long time in order for Steam Input to recognize the back paddles, but that was now been fixed by either Steam or Microsoft.. I am currently on the latest firmware on my Elite S2 and the back paddles can be mapped via Steam Input no issues whatsoever) The program on Steam that you are talking about I suppose is "DSX".. which I do not use as it is limited. Especially the extra functionality on the DSE. Other controllers like the Big Big Won Rainbow 2 pro can also have their 4 extra buttons mapped as Keyboard Keys. That is as long as you are in XInput mode.. For whatever reason you can only map Controller buttons (duplicates) in PS Mode and Switch Pro Mode.. As you were saying that is not an issue on that Flydigi Controller and you can map those buttons to whatever you want. After a very quick search I might get that Apex 2 controller as well, seems to have what I like, back buttons AND.. extra "bumpers". I'm only interested in 2 paddles on the back of the controller as 4 is already too crowded, but I can simply not use all4 and forget the 2 inner ones are even there.. As long as I can get the functionality that I want from the ones that I am going to use. Also, yes.. I fucking hate how MOST reviewers FORGET to mention RELEVANT DETAILS about the products that they are reviewing, either by will, as in LYING BY OMISSION, or.. because of fucking INCOMPETENCE!..
@@Costinmusca Thanks for the long reply. Yes the back buttons not being fully remapable is mostly due to their respective dualshock or switch mode. That is why gamepads need to be specificly supported as their own device. like the apex 2 and vader 2. The inner back buttons on the flydigi controllers are in a weird spot. I like the paddles on the xbox elite better. but because of the stupod patnets from scuff / corsair back paddles shaped back button are only doable if you pay them. I have a xbox elite 2, but i am mostly a gyro player. I also own the xone se adpater from brook, but their update process does not seem to work. So i can use the xbox elite with the brook adapter to get gyro on my elite controller. I also have the new vader 3 an vader 3 pro controller. But because rewasd still does not support these controller, i am still limited to having to use the switch mode on that controller. The apex 2 does not have a switch mode, but is fully supported aswell as the vader 2. But the gyro seems to be less good then that of the dualsense edge. plus the build quality of the flydigi controller also does not match that of the dualsense. They are not bad, (plus the new vader 3 pro has hall effect stick and mechanical buttons). The apex 2 has the flywheel, wich is also great. the flydigi controller seem to have a 4 axis gyro instead of the 6 axis gyro they are marketing the controller with. But oeveral the gyro funtions like it is supposed to, without noticable jitter or bad input.
@@salvadordali6835 DualSense, DualSense Edge and very close comes the DualShock 4. Can't confirm about the Switch Pro, but I've heard it has various issues.. Anything else it's a hit and miss at best. DualSense Edge is the best overall controller at the moment, period.
That would be cool. But I don't think these events allow the use of third party re-mappers. Gyro isn't competitively viable, not because "it's bad" but because no game ever bothered to implement it properly. Recently this is changing, but now we have to wait for more players like iHardScope to appear.
@@FlickStickVids I wonder if a lan event could vet the config to make sure nothing would be considered cheating. I understand not allowing things like turbo button presses, but standard mapping should be allowed.
@@FlickStickVids KKKKKK nem ferrando, eu só chutei por que achei que fosse O sotaque brasileiro é um dos mais fáceis de se reconhecer na minha opinião Eu fico feliz toda vez que encontro um canal na gringa que faz conteúdo bom, é difícil de se ver mas definitivamente não impossível, talvez seja a por conta da língua em si
oh no, people might actually try gyro now...
oh noooo
I have been abusing it in MW2 and with great success. Don't worry too much though, people won't believe it until we see more people like you dominate other games.
I actually find playing with gyro much more fun than playing with mouse and keyboard. It's what actually got me back into gaming
still better with mouse, but more fun with gyro flickstick
me too. My desk is always to cluttered to use a mouse for gaming. (I dont feel like emptying the des just to be able to game ). plus i dont like keyboard controls that much. So i use gyro aiming and i use flick stick. With flick stick the right stick becomes the direction your facing in. You want to aim 90 degrees to your right. Flick the stick to the rigt. you want to turn 180 degrees and aim at the enemy behind you? Push the stick down. the right stick is locked to the horizontal plane. So you need gyro to look up and down (and youj can also aim left and right with gyro).
Most console games use the right stick for the gyro (wich is based on acceleration instead of displacement). The right stick uses acceleration based on how far you tilt the stick. so i needs aim assist and deeadzones. Most console developers do something really stupid. And that is using rightstick values for the gyro instead of making it move like a mouse.
A mouse is displacement based. So if you move the mouse 20 degrees left the ingame camera does the same. The mouse can also translate the speed of your movement to the ingame camera. When you use rightstick for gyro, the gyro will not pick up movements that exceed the ingame camera maximum speed(because it uses acceleration instead of displacement).
I dont get how developers can be that dumb to use rightstick for the gyro. unfortunatly most developers also use acceleration for their pc ports. Instead of rightstick acceleration (aim curve) you get acceleration based on how fast you move the mouse. Raw mouse input means that if i move the mouse 90 degrees left, it will always move 90 degrees left, no matter if i use a fast flick ( 100 miliseconds) or if i move the mouse slower (for example 200 miliseconds). The camera will always end up 90 degrees to the left.
Raw mouse input is also way easier to code then acceleration curves for the stick or a mouse. This is just commen sense (even if you know nothing about how a mouse works). So even if developers dont have the knowledge for good gyro or mouse controls. The above things i mentio are just commen sense. If a developer does not understand this they are either lazy or plain stupid in my eyes. Wich idiot ever though of using acceleration based aiming for gyro is really uninterested in making good controls or just dumb. (sorry if this sounds rude, but that is how i feel). Most people dont use commen sense anymore. Either way the gyro wiki is easily to find and theire are enough video's from people that use a input mapper to make the gyro use the mouse.
I know coding in gyro controls is way harder then using an input mapper to do this. But the actual fact of seeing dose people use a mouse for the gyro should make developers think about what they are doing, right. and then they should seek out the needed infor to develop gyro aiming based on the core principles of how mouse movements work.
@@MS-dg7fm Most people dont seem to know what flick stick is. Or they say it is to disorientating. The way to solve this is by making the flick time longer (atleast in my opinion).
The first time i tried it on boomerang x , i could not get uset to having to use the gyro modifier alot. I constantly had to reset my hand postion because of the verticality in that game. So i stipped playing boomerang x. And i forced flickstick and gyro into a more horizontal focused shooter like shwado warior 1 remake. That game also allows for mixed inputs, so i was an easy game to set up with the limited knowledge i had about flick stick at the time. My gyro settings have not changed since then. I still use a realworld sensitivity of 1:4 (90 degrees controller turn becomes 360 degrees ingame). For me a 4 on the natural scale is the minimum i need. Most people have a wrist extension of about 22 degrees until it becomes uncomfortable. 22 degrees roughly results in 90 degrees ingame camera turn. Some times i combine yaw and roll. So i get 22 degrees of yaw and 22 degrees of roll. so i can track enemies 180 degrees if needed.
Sorry for the long text. i just really like gyro and flick stick. I pretty much use it on all shooters, wether i am playing on the steamdeck or on pc. I also dable in gyro ratcheting sometimes. This means that you pause the gyro when you run out of wrist extention and you reset your hands to neutral. When using ratcheting i use joycons and Rewasd.
Me too
Hey man might I ask what controller you are using and what settings? Do you have an input to turn the gyro on and off? I guess you would have to right?
Cracking one open to celebrate that people are finally seeing how good gyro aim is and that it's the real solution to let controller players truly keep up without aim assist. Now to get Microsoft to implement it in their controllers and implement it into halo. We all have to thank Nintendo's Splatoon series for truly making it a revolution. I remember playing COD Black Ops on wii and using the wiimote to aim. It made some levels really easy compared to dual analog with a classic controller.
Nintendo really could have had something special if they used the wiimote more like a modern gyro implementation, with the pointer controlling aim/camera movement, and having a button to disable it. It would have allowed a better looking experience, and allowed people to ratchet the aim around instead of using the edge of the screen like an analog stick.
Whoever saying gyro and flick stick is considered as aim assist and should be banned from multiplayer games, doesn't know the thing well. It is actually very hard to setup for competitive play, needs lots of practice to use as a regular mouse and sometimes there are problems, that you have to address, like drifting gyroscopes and sticks. I'm playing single player games with ps5 controller and literally every games needs different sensitivity setup and sometimes it is not possible to configure the gyro & flick stick pixel perfectly, because of how to game handles the FOV. On other games you have problems with drifting issues, that occasionally returns and you can't address the issue, because it's a problem with the game itself, not a calibration issue. My biggest inconveniency with the gyro compared to a mouse is that sometimes and I have to do to much motion with my hand and it is hard to hold my hand in that position. It's not a mouse, that I can lift up to find a better position for my hand.
I get where you are coming from, but all of this problems aren't a problem with gyro itself, it's just bad implementation.
It wouldn't be hard to set up for competitive play if the game natively supported this feature.
Drifting could be addressed with a calibration screen and mitigated with a re-center button or a gyro disable button.
Every game needs a different sens setup because most devs don't know about the natural sens scale, (natural sens scale is 1 full rotation in real life means full rotation in game, that way you can use 1:3 sens or 1:20 sens, meaning that 1 full rotation in real life can translate to 20 full rotations in game) which is the same in every game.
It is very possible to set gyro and flickstick pixel perfectly as long as the game doesn't have mouse smoothing or the native implementation doesn't rely on super strong smoothing and filtering options and it has nothing to do with FOVs.
Your aim drifting to return to the center of the screen is a system wide bug on ps5 and could be solved with an update if anyone cared enough to do that.
And your biggest complain about gyro doesn't apply to pc games because we have the option of extremely high sens, but most ps5 games don't even go to 1:2 of the natural sens scale, which is really bad. And you absolutely can have something equivalent to lifting a mouse with a gyro disable button or a re-centering button.
I get your complains, they are all true, but it isn't gyro's fault, it's bad implementation because people don't know how good gyro can be, so they don't even know how to complain when they see problems like these.
Devs don't know everything, that's why we should let them know that we want a better implementation of gyro aim. ;D
Gyro aim tilted the scales. Gone are the days of the mouse and keyboard being THE setup for twitchy FPS Shooters.. Now (FINALLY) the controller rules gaming input. Yes, KBM still has its place in gaming, but no longer stands king as the "default" PC gaming input setup. There is no more excuses for PC games to not implement 100% proper controller support AND MIXED INPUT SUPPORT!.
What we need now is only extra accessible buttons on controllers to become standard (ex. Big Big Won Rainbow 2 Pro - 2 Back Buttons AND 2 extra "Bumper" buttons on the front. No, it's not a quality controller, has piss poor gyro sensor, but I'm only mentioning it for the extra buttons and placement of said buttons) Also, these buttons should be EXTRA Buttons, NOT duplicates of the standard ones just placed for easier access. Easier access is nice and convenient, to a point.. but extra inputs is what we actually NEED..
The problem is that most controllers with back buttons are not supported by steaminput or rewasd. Most controllers that have a gyro either use switch mode or dualshock 4 mode. This limits the back buttons to be copies of already existing face buttons, bumpers or triggers. There are a few flydigi controller like the vader 2 and apex 2 that are supported on rewasd. This allows these controller to have unique inputs on the back buttons, while also having unique inputs on the face buttons and trigger, and bumpers.
Yes, the gyro on both controller is infirior to a dualsense, but now you finnally have 4 back buttons (with unique mappings)and mechanical buttons and triggers awell.
The more expensive dualsense edge has 2 back buttons. When the edge has the default (unaltered ) profile active, you can also fully remap the back button to unque inputs on rewasd or steaminput. But you need to make sure to use the default profile, or the back buttons will only use the functions you set it to on the ps5 profile. The dumbest thing is that no other youtuber has mentioned this fact in one of their video's. everybody seems to use a software that is sold on steam (forgot the name) to remap the controllers. But that software does not seem to allow you to bind keyboard inputs to the back buttons. (or maybe it does, i have not started up the software to check).
@@caleasthetic Well, you are right in saying that using the controllers default profile MUST be active in order to have access to the custom extra buttons on the "pro" controllers, which makes total sense, the buttons are just there, "blank" ready to be mapped to anything. If they are ALREADY MAPPED TO SOMETHING, by their respective consoles, then, surely, those custom buttons will send the mapped button, which on a console can only be a duplicate of the "standard" buttons on that console. On the PC that is no longer a limitation, provided your game of choice supports mixed inputs. Both my XB Elite S2 and DSE controllers back paddles and Fn buttons can be fully mapped via Steam Input with no issues (well, there was a problem with the back paddles on the Elite S2 not being recognized by Steam Input on the newest firmware, so I've had to revert the firmware on my Elite S2 and stay on that firmware for a long time in order for Steam Input to recognize the back paddles, but that was now been fixed by either Steam or Microsoft.. I am currently on the latest firmware on my Elite S2 and the back paddles can be mapped via Steam Input no issues whatsoever)
The program on Steam that you are talking about I suppose is "DSX".. which I do not use as it is limited. Especially the extra functionality on the DSE.
Other controllers like the Big Big Won Rainbow 2 pro can also have their 4 extra buttons mapped as Keyboard Keys. That is as long as you are in XInput mode.. For whatever reason you can only map Controller buttons (duplicates) in PS Mode and Switch Pro Mode.. As you were saying that is not an issue on that Flydigi Controller and you can map those buttons to whatever you want. After a very quick search I might get that Apex 2 controller as well, seems to have what I like, back buttons AND.. extra "bumpers". I'm only interested in 2 paddles on the back of the controller as 4 is already too crowded, but I can simply not use all4 and forget the 2 inner ones are even there.. As long as I can get the functionality that I want from the ones that I am going to use.
Also, yes.. I fucking hate how MOST reviewers FORGET to mention RELEVANT DETAILS about the products that they are reviewing, either by will, as in LYING BY OMISSION, or.. because of fucking INCOMPETENCE!..
@@Costinmusca Thanks for the long reply. Yes the back buttons not being fully remapable is mostly due to their respective dualshock or switch mode. That is why gamepads need to be specificly supported as their own device. like the apex 2 and vader 2.
The inner back buttons on the flydigi controllers are in a weird spot. I like the paddles on the xbox elite better. but because of the stupod patnets from scuff / corsair back paddles shaped back button are only doable if you pay them.
I have a xbox elite 2, but i am mostly a gyro player. I also own the xone se adpater from brook, but their update process does not seem to work. So i can use the xbox elite with the brook adapter to get gyro on my elite controller.
I also have the new vader 3 an vader 3 pro controller. But because rewasd still does not support these controller, i am still limited to having to use the switch mode on that controller. The apex 2 does not have a switch mode, but is fully supported aswell as the vader 2. But the gyro seems to be less good then that of the dualsense edge.
plus the build quality of the flydigi controller also does not match that of the dualsense. They are not bad, (plus the new vader 3 pro has hall effect stick and mechanical buttons).
The apex 2 has the flywheel, wich is also great. the flydigi controller seem to have a 4 axis gyro instead of the 6 axis gyro they are marketing the controller with. But oeveral the gyro funtions like it is supposed to, without noticable jitter or bad input.
Bro which controller good to play warzone valorant and vahi PC on gyro please confirm . . . . Love from india
@@salvadordali6835 DualSense, DualSense Edge and very close comes the DualShock 4. Can't confirm about the Switch Pro, but I've heard it has various issues.. Anything else it's a hit and miss at best. DualSense Edge is the best overall controller at the moment, period.
istg i'll sell my keyboard when i see a pro pull out a DS5 or any other motion gamepad on Major, or any LAN event
That would be cool. But I don't think these events allow the use of third party re-mappers. Gyro isn't competitively viable, not because "it's bad" but because no game ever bothered to implement it properly. Recently this is changing, but now we have to wait for more players like iHardScope to appear.
@@FlickStickVids I wonder if a lan event could vet the config to make sure nothing would be considered cheating. I understand not allowing things like turbo button presses, but standard mapping should be allowed.
No way he was using motion controls I thought he was just using the stick. 😐
Are you Brazilian? The accent is really similar, just wondering though
Sou sim! Hauayauay
@@FlickStickVids KKKKKK nem ferrando, eu só chutei por que achei que fosse
O sotaque brasileiro é um dos mais fáceis de se reconhecer na minha opinião
Eu fico feliz toda vez que encontro um canal na gringa que faz conteúdo bom, é difícil de se ver mas definitivamente não impossível, talvez seja a por conta da língua em si
it's not a secret and he explains how he does it but ok
what about PUBG PC?
I wanna know his config. Any chance to know what it is?
He said he will make a video explaining his config soon, so we just have to wait!