Engineer Your Life is a safe & growth space where we celebrate the beauty in our differences. Apostle Thapelo shares his journey in faith, rejection from mainstream Faith communities and rising above the discrimination. Like, subscribe, learn and enjoy ❤
@EngineerYLShow Apostle???? Hayi kunzima sana lomntu. People are peverting every law, statutes and commands in the name of sharing his/her story. To be saved goes along its package.
@@salvationmasinge4225 Last time I checked we are all sinners . That's if you understand what "sin " is by the way all unrighteousness is filthy works .
Thanks a lot for such an eye opening show... I can relate to everything the Pastor has said. Actually his story is very similar to mine. Mna ndizalelwe ndakhulela kwenye yeePentecostal churches zokuqala. Discovering that I'm different, and having to deal with self-hate and condemnation is something that I grew up with. It even affected my self-esteem, because ngenxa yokungazamkeli, in as much as I tried to hide myself, I felt like people could see right through me. Just like in your case, it became better when I decided to give my life to the Lord fully. Offcourse I was praying against everything I was, at some stage I gained courage to confess everything about my sexuality to some pastors. At some point I confessed to the whole church leadership when we were in a prayer camp, fasting. (NB: this was all based on feelings, I had not be in a relationship with someone at this point). But kuyo yonke lonto my sexuality never changed. It went to an extent where I decided to give up on church at some stage, because I was not receiving peace. To me it was a place where I felt condemned, a place where I'm constantly reminded that God hated those who are like me, and I'm going to hell. For me ukuyeka kwam icawe during that time was more of a blessing because kulapho kanye ndafunda khona ukuzamkela and God revealed himself so much to me as loving and full of grace.
May we not be comfortable in our sin, let’s recognise what it means to be a new creation and have your identity founded in Christ! All of us wrestle with sin in different ways, this is a daily battle but we empowered and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in this fight as Christians. Anything can become an idol in your life, even sexuality…let’s always be mindful and wise to go to God’s Word and see how He calls us to live in a manner that is pleasing unto Him. Many of us won’t fully understand what it’s like to be a Christian yet still have homosexual desires, but that does not mean must give into our desires even when we know that they are contrary to God’s Word and original design.
Pastor said if one wants to follow Christ they should die to self and carry their cross and in the same breath he is talking about accepting yourself what happened to dieing to self and carrying your cross
have you died everything to follow Jesus. Don't push other to sacrifice for who they are when you yourself lowkey busy judging others when it was prohibited by Christ himself
@@criticallyspeaking No one is mocking God. We love him and acknowledge him. It is my understanding that he can never be confined within the description of books. We are dealing with the reality of our lives, struggles of our daily lives which we are must navigate through to live fully in sanity. Depression, sadness and loneliness should not be what we make identity when there are ways of around such..amongst other things ; " to accept what we can not fully comprehend nor control. I stand to be corrected.
@@MxolisiSibiya-ni1th Sotobe, since you stand to be corrected, Ndaba, let me correct bhuti wami. If you don't believe in the God of the Bible (through Jesus Christ), then you can take the stance you are taking. But if you believe in the God of the living word (Bible), acknowledging God is not words and wishful thinking. It is a way of living and a lifestyle; you hate what God hates and love what God loves, and God HATES THE SIN but LOVES THE PERSON who commits it. The books could never fully describe God because He created language in the first place. It's like asking an Apple watch to explain Steve Jobs. Bhuti wami, if you're going to acknowledge Him, do it with every fibre of your being. May we not see it with your words, but may we see it in the way you live a consecrated life dedicated to Him.
@@MxolisiSibiya-ni1th and there's a solution to all what you have just mentioned, it's just that you don't know. The bible says my people perish because they lack knowledge and you just proved it right.
@@marciandlovu I hear and understand your knowledge of the scriptures. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to make a direct connection between the Bible and "feelings". This is due to the fact that there is a variety of human mysteries in their essence of creation, whereas the Bible barely speaks about them, such as the blind, the mute, midgets and so on. The reasons behind how they are made, as they are the image of God, some find life so difficult, that their questions about who and why they are who they are, are never really biblically answered. Nonetheless, they ought to consistently find themselves. It is almost the same with our attractions, one always wonders what he did wrong, to be who they, it takes time to accept yourself when everyone and everything tells you to change when you know, you have tried. I know, I might be wasting my time in this attempt to explain what I myself cannot understand. It is a futile exercise I let my mind ponder over, every night. I am happy for your success in choosing your heterosexuality, it must have been a difficult journey.
Whether you agree or not but you are a false pastor because once you accept Jesus Christ you surrender your entire life to him and he will transform you, change you and give new desires,and in your struggle with sin he will give you strength to say no to sin because you know you have to crucify your flesh so accepting yourself,you are deceiving yourself,first all to say that you have been inspired by false preachers like Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland is one of the reasons you have gone astray like this,you should look for the likes of Paul washer,voddie Baucham and John MacArthur you will then understand the true word of God
Ok. Masiye Mr Thapelo. Let's go to 1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [by perversion], nor those who participate in homosexuality, V10 nor thie, nor the greedy, nor the drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit or have any shin the kingdom of God. God has no room to turn against His Word because He is not a liar. Wena Mr Thapelo you claim that you are saved and died to yourself. To die to yourself is to abandon all previous sins and do things that are in alignment with the Word of God. My question is, if you are gay, where is that kind of behavior sanctioned in the Word of God? What is the basis of confusing your congregation to say you are saved? However, I am happy that as gay people you have started your own church instead of joining other churches for straight people and thereafter force them to accept you as you are. If they repel you, you take them to court. Satanists opened their own church in Cape Town as head of other Satanic churches in South Africa. So believe in the god you're believing in. It's your life at the end of the day.
You cannot be in Christ and remain the same. God does not contradict his word, you surrender and you allow God's word and the holy spirit to sanctify you. Yes works do not make us righteous but has one fully surrendered themselves to God if they still live in a manner that contradicts God's word? We love and pray for everyone, neither of us are perfect however it is dangerous to misrepresent God and the gospel in this manner, you cannot say you are in Christ and still speak of self. The greatest form of love we can offer anyone is the truth, unfortunately the truth nowadays is misconstrued as judgement. The word of God is very clear and direct when it comes to marriage, it is between a man and a woman, God created male and female and blessed them to go and be fruitful and multiply.
It's so scary to see what's happening in this world today people are blaspheming the almighty God and I wonder if they don't see the time we are in,we are in the last days where we should seek to know God more and surrender ourselves to him entirely so that he can transform us and change our desires so that what we do aligns with his word 😢😢😢😢😢😢 it's so saddening to hear when people are proud of their sinful lifestyle
have you died everything to follow Jesus. Don't push other to sacrifice for who they are when you yourself lowkey busy judging others when it was prohibited by Christ himself not to judge
@@store-i4pso what must people keep quiet and agree....this guy was gently correcting this guy amd you say its where does this end,is disagreement and correction always automatically judgement
@@store-i4p You are proving my point. It's simple, you cannot pick and choose which parts of you you sacrifice for God - go read your bible then maybe you will understand what the truth is and what judgement is. As a follower of Christ I will always stand by the word of God and speak the truth found in it. Christians stand by and keep quiet when we see God's people being misled because when we come out and speak from the word of God what is true we are called judgemental. It's not right that other religions and other beliefs can defend their faith freely but the second a Christian says something it's an issue. With that said, God bless and may the truth locate you.
The only question i would like Pastor Thapelo to answer is why God created men an women? Even in animals God created males and females? Have you ever seen male animal attracted to a male animal or female animal attracted to a female animal? If homosexuality is not a sin in the eyes of God why did God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrhah for their grave sins? The Bible in Genesis 18:20 explain that and it further said Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrhah, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot and his family. Human beings can't be righteous when they sleeping with people of the same sex, go back to the scripture and study again and truly humble yourself before God and ask for forgiveness. If you truly want God to deliver you from the spirit of homosexuality He will deliver you but if you want to continue with what you believe is the truth about yourself continue but know that God is not pleased about what you are staying and doing.That is your will not God's will, do not confuse the two because they are not the same. God is not human, that He should lie, not human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19. God is a faithfu, let's not interpret His Words wrongly, lets humble ourselves before His throne in fear and acknowledge His Holiness. Let's pray together my brother, God loves you and i believe He want to use you fully for His purpose.
My friend I really enjoy your show, but I can't finish your show due to the blue light appearing on the screen mostly just next to your left foot. Kindly consider redirecting it to other direction. Thanking you in advance.
I wish I could join in this discussion. I am a gay atheist, ex born-again that has served "God" faithfully for 25 years. I am still on my deconstruction journey. One thing that I will never do, is becoming a christian again. I despise that thing they call "God". I feel sorry for Thapelo and I am willing to teach him to stop wasting his valuable time with Jesus.
The same people who are condeming this pastor, come from single parent families, they are single parents themselves and have kids with multiple men and/or women. And no one is judging them. Jesus Christ once ask the conservatives Jews, if there is anyone who has not committed a sin, let him start to pelt stones to the Pharasae. None of those who were around him pelted stones. Unless realise we are all sinners and vulnerable to the Almighty Jehovah God. We all deserve his unfailing loving kindness.
I think you have missed the point and just want to jump to a fight for the sake of it....ofcourse we all sinners....but there is a difference between a sinner who acknowledges his sin and keeps fighting to repent of it,despite still sinning and one who just accepts the sin in man has unfortunately accepted the stranglehold of this particular sin in his life,for example i myself battle with porn,but im praying over it and i know its sin,but i will never just accept it in my life....he needs help and support in overcoming it rather tham just pity in accepting it
@@DAVINCI85-i4h can you say the same thing about all these men and women breeding children all over the place without ending? And their daddy government pays with our taxes as if we were there when they indulge in clof-clof? This men is not a burden to the society, compared to the wreck less men and women who are breeding without accountability and someone has to come and pick up their mess.
This gentlemen needs help and our prayers to be delivered from his sinful lifestyle so that he can be a lamp light upon a hill for other gay people struggling overcome their sin to see and be inspired by....i believe his calling is to be a minister to people who want to come out of the LGBT lifestyle but in order to realise this purpose he needs to overcome his sinful lifestyle instead of resigning himself to it. He needs to be like the woman who was pestering the judge in the parable Jesus gave,he needs to be that persistent with his prayer for overcoming this as I believe only then his true ministry will start. Paul thought he was right whem he was perscuting christians till he was confronted by the word of God
I am curious to know how he tackles the topics of marriage and family from the pulpit. I picked up that he still has some doubts about his sexuality and is on a journey to reconcile that with what he sees as his calling. He did a lot in finding himself within the Christian faith and understanding it but hasn't done so with his sexuality. He's at a crossroad and I pray that God will guide him to the right path by giving him all the answers to the questions he's yet to ask himself. He's holding back a lot because of the sexuality question and feels the need to qualify all the answers first.
Religious people are so emotional. I appreciate guys like this one because there’s nothing they’re doing in the dark and then come to light and preach lies… The deputy Gods in the comments are funny.
FEAR THE LORD! Let's not judge or ridicule this; we disagree; let's go into our prayer closets and take it to God. DO NOT JUDGE! in the eyes of the Lord you will not be seen as righteous, so pray and illustrate love in the comments. I believe the truth will find this man and his beautiful gifts will be on the side of truth.
@@vusimngomezulu2500@vusimngomezulu2500 You are right, Vusi, but this guy is fully aware of the gospel, so what is condemning him going to do. Truth is, we have to love him back to the Father; we have to love him back to the truth. It may be hard to believe this, but God loves this man and is waiting for his repentance. So, as a body, we each come together in our secret spaces and pray over him. If your going to say he is wrong and dont make it your responsibility to pray for him, then you are no different in this situation then he is. Matthew 19:12 (NIV) "For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." Jesus knew that a people like this would be in the church, so we need to pray that he chooses to be a 'eunuch' for the sake of the kingdom of heaven; it's his cross; we all have our crosses to carry.
we gotta church righteously my friend , and ppl who are proud of their sins must be reprimanded ! we know the word ! no sugar coating ! sin is sin! u can't be associated or identified with ur sin .imagine Gangstar pastor or witch pastor ! itts last days
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. I would like to know what the PASTOR think about this scripture?
"nor men who practice homosexuality" sexuality is not practiced, it's who you are. When did you start practicing heterosexuality. Actually that's a poorly constructed text that one
the word homosexuality was never in the Bible before. it was introduce recently in the Bible by the homophobic translators, Remember the Bible had undergone many times overhaul, editing and deleting and inserting words and verses by Men who has chosen which words or verses that fit their narratives
@@Sharon.Masengana Agree. I am asking God to help me stay on the straight path. Can you imagine on that great day, when Jesus appear, what will he say to you when your name is call up? Mighty God, help us.
Galatians 6:7-8 dear ones, in Christ, Christ is not forcing any one in heaven, those,who will make it to heaven they went because they choose to adhere to the teaching of Christ, same case with those who were thrown in hell for choosing not to obey, Christ has Godly intelligence, above man understanding so take note before you leave this earth, because there will be judgement a waiting you
Why is he acting to be better than the Methodists while he is even misquoting simple bible verses 🤷🏾♂️ Pastor, the verse simply says "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." ... But I understand, you were "told" you are born again, it wasn't a decision from within.. meaning it can happen that you are still not born again as yet.
sin is a sin irregardless how nice or a good person you can be !if it's not in the book then it's futile, My guy is just lost like anyone in thier own "corner"its just dt he wanna be associated with their transgression ! I hope he gets help bcuz most of his kind will always say "I"know my self ,it's all about em not God! u do what God says not how u feel ! it's a spiritual battle mense ,ka njalo nje , stop playing God ! fear God !
I picked up the same vibe le nna. He's still finding himself but has settled on what he believes is a more universally acceptable definition of who he is and you can tell it is rooted in a mixture of fear and the desire to please others. He wants to fit in with a group he knows does not approve of him.
I was born again Christian and received the baptism of the Holy spirit but my attraction to men has never seem to cease from my existence no matter how hard I tried
This 1 is very very lost,him being gay is his business but involving GOD when he knows the reason why GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah makes me say something is not right about him.
What relationship with God😮 no no God hate sin it's given your church members are in the same community this is not making sense at all I wonder who anointed you
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.Roman 1:24-27. So how do you explain this more? Does that mean the Bible is not true, or the Apostle is misleading its? Please explain. Trying to understand you.
@@Ngwanamme-1 I agree, you must ask God to help you with every struggle. Pursue peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.Hebrews 12:14, New American Standard Bible
Don't be misled by the prosperity of islam as well, it's still under the category of unclean spirits of the last days cunning, deceiving Don't be fooled.😢😢
Engineer Your Life is a safe & growth space where we celebrate the beauty in our differences.
Apostle Thapelo shares his journey in faith, rejection from mainstream Faith communities and rising above the discrimination.
Like, subscribe, learn and enjoy ❤
@EngineerYLShow Apostle???? Hayi kunzima sana lomntu. People are peverting every law, statutes and commands in the name of sharing his/her story. To be saved goes along its package.
Anyone who is proud of their sin and purposefully living in sin cannot lead a church.
@@salvationmasinge4225 Last time I checked we are all sinners . That's if you understand what "sin " is by the way all unrighteousness is filthy works .
@@preciousEliasgenerationThis is laughable🤣, I won't waste my time debating the obvious,a gay man can't lead a church 🤷
Who appointed u as God's Spokesperson?
@@gwuministries2895 His word speaks for itself😂
Thanks a lot for such an eye opening show... I can relate to everything the Pastor has said. Actually his story is very similar to mine. Mna ndizalelwe ndakhulela kwenye yeePentecostal churches zokuqala. Discovering that I'm different, and having to deal with self-hate and condemnation is something that I grew up with. It even affected my self-esteem, because ngenxa yokungazamkeli, in as much as I tried to hide myself, I felt like people could see right through me. Just like in your case, it became better when I decided to give my life to the Lord fully. Offcourse I was praying against everything I was, at some stage I gained courage to confess everything about my sexuality to some pastors. At some point I confessed to the whole church leadership when we were in a prayer camp, fasting. (NB: this was all based on feelings, I had not be in a relationship with someone at this point). But kuyo yonke lonto my sexuality never changed. It went to an extent where I decided to give up on church at some stage, because I was not receiving peace. To me it was a place where I felt condemned, a place where I'm constantly reminded that God hated those who are like me, and I'm going to hell. For me ukuyeka kwam icawe during that time was more of a blessing because kulapho kanye ndafunda khona ukuzamkela and God revealed himself so much to me as loving and full of grace.
May we not be comfortable in our sin, let’s recognise what it means to be a new creation and have your identity founded in Christ! All of us wrestle with sin in different ways, this is a daily battle but we empowered and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in this fight as Christians. Anything can become an idol in your life, even sexuality…let’s always be mindful and wise to go to God’s Word and see how He calls us to live in a manner that is pleasing unto Him. Many of us won’t fully understand what it’s like to be a Christian yet still have homosexual desires, but that does not mean must give into our desires even when we know that they are contrary to God’s Word and original design.
@@thembarasekutuma7112 that's very true
This is very very dangerous
Pastor said if one wants to follow Christ they should die to self and carry their cross and in the same breath he is talking about accepting yourself what happened to dieing to self and carrying your cross
have you died everything to follow Jesus. Don't push other to sacrifice for who they are when you yourself lowkey busy judging others when it was prohibited by Christ himself
This is Pure masepa Straight
@tshwarogailele4446 bro just chill 😎
@@tshwarogailele4446 but I’m sure you watched it🙄
Why do you guys play with God like this?
@@criticallyspeaking No one is mocking God. We love him and acknowledge him. It is my understanding that he can never be confined within the description of books. We are dealing with the reality of our lives, struggles of our daily lives which we are must navigate through to live fully in sanity. Depression, sadness and loneliness should not be what we make identity when there are ways of around such..amongst other things ; " to accept what we can not fully comprehend nor control.
I stand to be corrected.
They will reap what they sow, God's word is clear and it does not change.
@@MxolisiSibiya-ni1th Sotobe, since you stand to be corrected, Ndaba, let me correct bhuti wami. If you don't believe in the God of the Bible (through Jesus Christ), then you can take the stance you are taking. But if you believe in the God of the living word (Bible), acknowledging God is not words and wishful thinking. It is a way of living and a lifestyle; you hate what God hates and love what God loves, and God HATES THE SIN but LOVES THE PERSON who commits it. The books could never fully describe God because He created language in the first place. It's like asking an Apple watch to explain Steve Jobs. Bhuti wami, if you're going to acknowledge Him, do it with every fibre of your being. May we not see it with your words, but may we see it in the way you live a consecrated life dedicated to Him.
@@MxolisiSibiya-ni1th and there's a solution to all what you have just mentioned, it's just that you don't know. The bible says my people perish because they lack knowledge and you just proved it right.
@@marciandlovu I hear and understand your knowledge of the scriptures. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to make a direct connection between the Bible and "feelings". This is due to the fact that there is a variety of human mysteries in their essence of creation, whereas the Bible barely speaks about them, such as the blind, the mute, midgets and so on. The reasons behind how they are made, as they are the image of God, some find life so difficult, that their questions about who and why they are who they are, are never really biblically answered. Nonetheless, they ought to consistently find themselves. It is almost the same with our attractions, one always wonders what he did wrong, to be who they, it takes time to accept yourself when everyone and everything tells you to change when you know, you have tried.
I know, I might be wasting my time in this attempt to explain what I myself cannot understand. It is a futile exercise I let my mind ponder over, every night. I am happy for your success in choosing your heterosexuality, it must have been a difficult journey.
I appreciate the conversation. Thanks Lungelo.
Oh ngiyamazi this guy ,he is such a cool human being 🫡
I see you buddy
Whether you agree or not but you are a false pastor because once you accept Jesus Christ you surrender your entire life to him and he will transform you, change you and give new desires,and in your struggle with sin he will give you strength to say no to sin because you know you have to crucify your flesh so accepting yourself,you are deceiving yourself,first all to say that you have been inspired by false preachers like Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland is one of the reasons you have gone astray like this,you should look for the likes of Paul washer,voddie Baucham and John MacArthur you will then understand the true word of God
Derek Prince is another great teacher.
Ok. Masiye Mr Thapelo. Let's go to 1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [by perversion], nor those who participate in homosexuality,
V10 nor thie, nor the greedy, nor the drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit or have any shin the kingdom of God.
God has no room to turn against His Word because He is not a liar.
Wena Mr Thapelo you claim that you are saved and died to yourself. To die to yourself is to abandon all previous sins and do things that are in alignment with the Word of God.
My question is, if you are gay, where is that kind of behavior sanctioned in the Word of God? What is the basis of confusing your congregation to say you are saved?
However, I am happy that as gay people you have started your own church instead of joining other churches for straight people and thereafter force them to accept you as you are. If they repel you, you take them to court.
Satanists opened their own church in Cape Town as head of other Satanic churches in South Africa. So believe in the god you're believing in. It's your life at the end of the day.
You cannot be in Christ and remain the same. God does not contradict his word, you surrender and you allow God's word and the holy spirit to sanctify you. Yes works do not make us righteous but has one fully surrendered themselves to God if they still live in a manner that contradicts God's word? We love and pray for everyone, neither of us are perfect however it is dangerous to misrepresent God and the gospel in this manner, you cannot say you are in Christ and still speak of self. The greatest form of love we can offer anyone is the truth, unfortunately the truth nowadays is misconstrued as judgement. The word of God is very clear and direct when it comes to marriage, it is between a man and a woman, God created male and female and blessed them to go and be fruitful and multiply.
It's so scary to see what's happening in this world today people are blaspheming the almighty God and I wonder if they don't see the time we are in,we are in the last days where we should seek to know God more and surrender ourselves to him entirely so that he can transform us and change our desires so that what we do aligns with his word 😢😢😢😢😢😢 it's so saddening to hear when people are proud of their sinful lifestyle
have you died everything to follow Jesus. Don't push other to sacrifice for who they are when you yourself lowkey busy judging others when it was prohibited by Christ himself not to judge
@@store-i4pso what must people keep quiet and agree....this guy was gently correcting this guy amd you say its where does this end,is disagreement and correction always automatically judgement
@@store-i4p You are proving my point. It's simple, you cannot pick and choose which parts of you you sacrifice for God - go read your bible then maybe you will understand what the truth is and what judgement is. As a follower of Christ I will always stand by the word of God and speak the truth found in it. Christians stand by and keep quiet when we see God's people being misled because when we come out and speak from the word of God what is true we are called judgemental. It's not right that other religions and other beliefs can defend their faith freely but the second a Christian says something it's an issue. With that said, God bless and may the truth locate you.
Amen and amen🙏🏾🤍thank you for this
Self condemnation has taken many life's people have committed suicide just because they couldn't deal with judgement of this world.
The only question i would like Pastor Thapelo to answer is why God created men an women? Even in animals God created males and females? Have you ever seen male animal attracted to a male animal or female animal attracted to a female animal? If homosexuality is not a sin in the eyes of God why did God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrhah for their grave sins? The Bible in Genesis 18:20 explain that and it further said Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrhah, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot and his family. Human beings can't be righteous when they sleeping with people of the same sex, go back to the scripture and study again and truly humble yourself before God and ask for forgiveness. If you truly want God to deliver you from the spirit of homosexuality He will deliver you but if you want to continue with what you believe is the truth about yourself continue but know that God is not pleased about what you are staying and doing.That is your will not God's will, do not confuse the two because they are not the same. God is not human, that He should lie, not human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill? Numbers 23:19. God is a faithfu, let's not interpret His Words wrongly, lets humble ourselves before His throne in fear and acknowledge His Holiness. Let's pray together my brother, God loves you and i believe He want to use you fully for His purpose.
My friend I really enjoy your show, but I can't finish your show due to the blue light appearing on the screen mostly just next to your left foot. Kindly consider redirecting it to other direction. Thanking you in advance.
I wish I could join in this discussion. I am a gay atheist, ex born-again that has served "God" faithfully for 25 years. I am still on my deconstruction journey. One thing that I will never do, is becoming a christian again. I despise that thing they call "God". I feel sorry for Thapelo and I am willing to teach him to stop wasting his valuable time with Jesus.
I can't believe u saying all this because the iar that u breath it is because of God u have to know him u will not regret
Where did God wrong you for you to feel this was about him?
Yes being gay is selling your soul to lucifee so it means no coming back to Christianity
God still loves you and will embrace you when you come back to him. May he also have mercy on you 🤍
Devil at work
The truth is the gist of a podcast will show up. Through episodes.
The same people who are condeming this pastor, come from single parent families, they are single parents themselves and have kids with multiple men and/or women. And no one is judging them.
Jesus Christ once ask the conservatives Jews, if there is anyone who has not committed a sin, let him start to pelt stones to the Pharasae. None of those who were around him pelted stones.
Unless realise we are all sinners and vulnerable to the Almighty Jehovah God. We all deserve his unfailing loving kindness.
I think you have missed the point and just want to jump to a fight for the sake of it....ofcourse we all sinners....but there is a difference between a sinner who acknowledges his sin and keeps fighting to repent of it,despite still sinning and one who just accepts the sin in man has unfortunately accepted the stranglehold of this particular sin in his life,for example i myself battle with porn,but im praying over it and i know its sin,but i will never just accept it in my life....he needs help and support in overcoming it rather tham just pity in accepting it
@@DAVINCI85-i4h can you say the same thing about all these men and women breeding children all over the place without ending? And their daddy government pays with our taxes as if we were there when they indulge in clof-clof?
This men is not a burden to the society, compared to the wreck less men and women who are breeding without accountability and someone has to come and pick up their mess.
@chidouzoegbo7997 the Bible says those born out of wedlock shall not enter the congregation of God unto 4th generation how do you feel about that?
@@Ngwanamme-1 you are probably one of those born out of wedlock
In God be glory 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mr guy pastor God is of a purer eyes to behold iniquities go and study the Bible
This gentlemen needs help and our prayers to be delivered from his sinful lifestyle so that he can be a lamp light upon a hill for other gay people struggling overcome their sin to see and be inspired by....i believe his calling is to be a minister to people who want to come out of the LGBT lifestyle but in order to realise this purpose he needs to overcome his sinful lifestyle instead of resigning himself to it. He needs to be like the woman who was pestering the judge in the parable Jesus gave,he needs to be that persistent with his prayer for overcoming this as I believe only then his true ministry will start. Paul thought he was right whem he was perscuting christians till he was confronted by the word of God
Your mom has kids from different babies and u have the audacity to point out people's sins. Fokof
He could have quoted that bible verse in Zulu without over emphasising he's not Zulu
I am curious to know how he tackles the topics of marriage and family from the pulpit. I picked up that he still has some doubts about his sexuality and is on a journey to reconcile that with what he sees as his calling. He did a lot in finding himself within the Christian faith and understanding it but hasn't done so with his sexuality. He's at a crossroad and I pray that God will guide him to the right path by giving him all the answers to the questions he's yet to ask himself. He's holding back a lot because of the sexuality question and feels the need to qualify all the answers first.
@@mphihlengmagoro2957 good observation 🙏🏾 truly pray the same for him. Thank you for this
It's not the world who says it's an abomination, it is God himself He is not the author of confusion
Religious people are so emotional. I appreciate guys like this one because there’s nothing they’re doing in the dark and then come to light and preach lies… The deputy Gods in the comments are funny.
FEAR THE LORD! Let's not judge or ridicule this; we disagree; let's go into our prayer closets and take it to God. DO NOT JUDGE! in the eyes of the Lord you will not be seen as righteous, so pray and illustrate love in the comments. I believe the truth will find this man and his beautiful gifts will be on the side of truth.
Which church are preaching the gospel of the kingdom around the world to all nations as Jesus Christ said? Matthew 10:16, 24:14, 28:19-20, Mark 13:10.
@@vusimngomezulu2500@vusimngomezulu2500 You are right, Vusi, but this guy is fully aware of the gospel, so what is condemning him going to do. Truth is, we have to love him back to the Father; we have to love him back to the truth. It may be hard to believe this, but God loves this man and is waiting for his repentance. So, as a body, we each come together in our secret spaces and pray over him. If your going to say he is wrong and dont make it your responsibility to pray for him, then you are no different in this situation then he is. Matthew 19:12 (NIV)
"For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." Jesus knew that a people like this would be in the church, so we need to pray that he chooses to be a 'eunuch' for the sake of the kingdom of heaven; it's his cross; we all have our crosses to carry.
True, I agree with you.
we gotta church righteously my friend , and ppl who are proud of their sins must be reprimanded ! we know the word ! no sugar coating ! sin is sin! u can't be associated or identified with ur sin .imagine Gangstar pastor or witch pastor ! itts last days
@@skobodabaws8946 But your ignore my simple question 😭
What does he say about Sodom and Gomorrah.
Amen Mfundisi obizelwe icebo likaNkulukulu not human purpose
Beautiful episode❤❤❤
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ESV
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. I would like to know what the PASTOR think about this scripture?
"nor men who practice homosexuality" sexuality is not practiced, it's who you are. When did you start practicing heterosexuality. Actually that's a poorly constructed text that one
the word homosexuality was never in the Bible before. it was introduce recently in the Bible by the homophobic translators, Remember the Bible had undergone many times overhaul, editing and deleting and inserting words and verses by Men who has chosen which words or verses that fit their narratives
The word of God will never change
@@Sharon.Masengana Agree. I am asking God to help me stay on the straight path. Can you imagine on that great day, when Jesus appear, what will he say to you when your name is call up? Mighty God, help us.
bebemhliphe waze waguga umuntu egangamanye amadoda
Galatians 6:7-8 dear ones, in Christ, Christ is not forcing any one in heaven, those,who will make it to heaven they went because they choose to adhere to the teaching of Christ, same case with those who were thrown in hell for choosing not to obey, Christ has Godly intelligence, above man understanding so take note before you leave this earth, because there will be judgement a waiting you
ayishawe lendoda kuphume idimoni lobutabane size yampunga idllwa bafana sies man.
This comment section is full of righteousness 👀
Self righteousness.
What would you like to read though....people cheering and saying he is right?
Why is he acting to be better than the Methodists while he is even misquoting simple bible verses 🤷🏾♂️ Pastor, the verse simply says "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." ... But I understand, you were "told" you are born again, it wasn't a decision from within.. meaning it can happen that you are still not born again as yet.
sin is a sin irregardless how nice or a good person you can be !if it's not in the book then it's futile, My guy is just lost like anyone in thier own "corner"its just dt he wanna be associated with their transgression ! I hope he gets help bcuz most of his kind will always say "I"know my self ,it's all about em not God! u do what God says not how u feel ! it's a spiritual battle mense ,ka njalo nje , stop playing God ! fear God !
He just mentioned that two wolves saved him. Another red flag🚩🚩🚩
agona ntho e moruti o wa lena ae bolelang. he is very lost...
I picked up the same vibe le nna. He's still finding himself but has settled on what he believes is a more universally acceptable definition of who he is and you can tell it is rooted in a mixture of fear and the desire to please others. He wants to fit in with a group he knows does not approve of him.
Amen Apostle
I was born again Christian and received the baptism of the Holy spirit but my attraction to men has never seem to cease from my existence no matter how hard I tried
Yaze yamnandi ingxoxo ka baba, ngaze ngathatheka bakithi
The bible says an elder must be a man of one wife
Sir misinterpreted grace 27:39 😅
False teacher
This 1 is very very lost,him being gay is his business but involving GOD when he knows the reason why GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah makes me say something is not right about him.
Why did He destroy it/them?
What relationship with God😮 no no God hate sin it's given your church members are in the same community this is not making sense at all I wonder who anointed you
Gay pastor, there is no such,that is not scriptural
Is your mom having kids from different men scriptural?
@@gwuministries2895 Agent of the devil 😈
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.Roman 1:24-27. So how do you explain this more? Does that mean the Bible is not true, or the Apostle is misleading its? Please explain. Trying to understand you.
@thepassportlife I love where it says God gave them unto... so if is God who gave them who can rescue them if not God himself?
@@Ngwanamme-1 I agree, you must ask God to help you with every struggle.
Pursue peace with all people, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.Hebrews 12:14, New American Standard Bible
This is nonsense, shameless pastor
A disgrace indeed
There is Satan church
Don't be misled by the prosperity of islam as well, it's still under the category of unclean spirits of the last days cunning, deceiving Don't be fooled.😢😢