Misconception of eating after WLS

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 ก.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 8

  • @fredymonzon578
    @fredymonzon578 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow wow great video Alex 💯💪🏽💯💪🏽💯💪🏽💯💪🏽💯💪🏽

  • @SimplyKatG
    @SimplyKatG 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had gastric Bypass in 2012. My first diet I had when I was 5 years old... I started hiding food as I realised that my mother is scared of me getting fat and so anything I cud find or wud get fromsomeone Id hide to enjoy by myself. Looking back it is so heartbreaking. I went through everything, five times weight watchers,fasting, anorexia, overeating myself to 300 pounds, following the blood group diet for two years keepin the weight off for a year. In 2012 I was broken... I cudnt do it anymore... when I woke up from my surgery I cried coz of fear I cudnt drink my coke zero...now... 2018 I am 240 pounds and just had an appointment with a surgeon that saved my boyfriends life after his wls complications. He told me the only thing he could do for me would be the DS.... now Im tryin to think if thats a good option for me... I know for a fact that if massive traumatic things happen to me I will react with food.. I cant say a 100% that I wont do that anymore. How do you cope with that problem after wls? working out as an outlet like u said could be an option for me but we will see. I am a bit scared to go through with teh surgery as a mom of a 19 month old, but on the other hand I am so unhappy with my weight and feel so unhealthy. Im just scared that even after DS I will manage to pile the weight back on...:-( Kat from Switzerland - ps u are doing so awesome... definitely someone to look up to

    • @turbonetic777
      @turbonetic777  5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      SurvivorDietLady welcome to my channel thank you soooo much for subscribing to my channel! Im sooo sorry you had such a tough time as a child. I too had a rough one bc I was sexually molested as a child and I turn too food to cope with the pain and also in my mind if I made myself ugly no one would want to touch me again!! When it comes to coping with daily stress and challenges I cope by exercising and music. Now that Im able to exercise I really enjoy it. I love to trail walk and enjoy looking at nature. I also enjoy to bike ride and running. Once I’m finished I feel i have released my anxieties, my frustrations and worries away and I could sleep better. The DS is an awesome tool and Im sure you will benefit from it greatly. It can be very scary to undergo surgery especially being a mom to such a young baby. Think how life is without it now. I had a very rough time originally. Had serious complications after surgery and I almost died. However if I had the chance to do it all over again, I totally would!! I have a second chance at life and Im able to be the Husband and Father to my 3 kids they deserve!! The good thing about the DS is that the malabsorption component is very strong and so its very hard to gain weight back. You really have to eat horrible to every single day to gain allot of weight back which is why I chose the DS over any other WLS. I wish you the best in your journey and Im here for you!! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask! Thank you soo much for commenting and the nice compliment. 🙂

  • @CBoltzWithYarnHook
    @CBoltzWithYarnHook 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there :) ....please know, in no way do I have ill intentions with my comment & I am coming from a place of more years under my belt from 1 WLS patient to another & from my heart
    I am 4 yrs out RNY & I am completely opposite! I have complied all the way, no bread, pasta, rice, carbonation, junk, fried foods etc. My Surgeon & PCP say I'm the poster girl for WLS as I have lost over 100 lbs & kept it off 4 yrs out. With my strict compliance in mind, I have never hit goal & am headed bk in for a revision next month. No matter what I did, including mainly liquids because I no longer want food, strict keto, higher protein, I'd only lose a lb or 2 & right bk up bouncing between the same 5 lbs over a yr now.
    Also, those that do in moderation & add non compliant food, beverages, alcohol, smokes, etc bk in, they think @ 1st, because yes there's still restriction pretty much, they can eat wrong foods here & there, have a treat here & there. Pretty soon, before they realize it, the weight starts creeping back up! I have seen it over & over unfortunately. I preach compliance & a complete life style change & that is the only way to be successful.
    There's so many healthy ways you can eat foods you loved like pizza, cheesecake & so many more. You can eat those foods & be @ 2 carbs, 0 sugars & decent protein, I can help you with sources & things I eat if you are interested :) I hope my comment was received as a friendly one & I can offer you some tips & tricks while complying for the rest of our lives to keep the weight off !

    • @turbonetic777
      @turbonetic777  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cheryl Boltz Thank you soooo very much for your coment! I would never take your comment wrong, even though I’m a little over 2 years post op I’m still learning and growing. I definitely agree that the best thing to do to succeed is to be 💯 compliant. I was speaking to a new wls patient and they were feeling sad and upset bc they felt they weren’t going to be able to partake in family activities and holiday get togethers anymore. I told them that bc we had WLS didn’t mean we couldn’t partake or eat certain foods. It just means that you have to be aware that these foods caused issues for us but as long as you have self control you can partake once in awhile! As for “ Me “ I exercise so much and Im extremely strict that I can have a day of no worries. I don’t eat like before ( can’t) and I don’t eat these foods daily. I am fortunate that I surpassed my goal weight of 170lbs and weighed in at 160lbs before my 1 year surgiversarry. At 2 years I stay at 158lbs and 160lbs depending on the day. I always encourage ppl to definitely stay away especially in the beginning bc of the weak mind when it comes to food but later on when you have strong self control, there is nothing wrong with treating yourself. Thank you again for your comment, I appreciate it and received it in a friendly way 😊

    • @CBoltzWithYarnHook
      @CBoltzWithYarnHook 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I am so glad! The written word can so easily be miswritten & misinterpreted & I never wanted to come off anyway but helpful , as a fellow Bariatric sister & as a friend :) We all need to stick together & support 1 another & be of help anyway we can. This journey is not an easy one by any means!.
      After I commented I did watch another 1 of your videos, & saw that you work out like a beast so in your case it may be different. I just get so scared for people when I see or hear of them eating "those foods" that put us there to start with. I'm pretty sure I actually talk about this in 1 of my videos, with wrong foods & self control. In my case I'd never trust myself especially if it was french fries or chips because they were my fav! Almost 4 yrs out I have touched zero chips & tried an eraser sized fry my hubby made & wanted me to see if I thought it was seasoned right?
      I had to laugh @ 1 part of your video, because I indeed AM that 1 who packs a cooler full of "my" drinks & foods I can have for family functions. At family reunions, I'm the 1 eating celery & pb , yogurt, or drinking a protein shake while everyone else is mucking down potato salad & such. People feel bad for me & I'm like WHY? This is my choice & what I need to eat to remain healthy & look & feel better & I promise no food will ever taste as good as no more co morbidities, no more 17 meds, no more constant pain & fitting into a md from a 4-5x will ever feel :) I'll pack that cooler every time, 10 yrs from now, count on it :) I had to laugh though, you were talking about me :D

    • @turbonetic777
      @turbonetic777  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Cheryl Boltz 😂😂😂OMG I didn’t mean to talk about you😂😂😂 but I totally understand bc i say nobody knows you like you know your self!! Yes I work out allot... i run 6-8 miles every other day and mountain bike about 10 miles or do P90X most days I don’t run!! I don’t have a gym yet, one soon to open in my town (yaaay ) then i will be a gym rat 😂😂😂 I appreciate your opinions and I agree I hate that now a days you can’t express your opinions with out ppl getting all fussy!! Thankfully im not like that, like you said we are all WLS brothers and Sisters and we should help each other out. My ways may help you and your ways may help me. That’s why I make these videos, and I welcome all comments wether you agree or disagree. My Bosses always tell me that I’m one of the best people that have ever seen be so excepting when it came to constructive criticism. Im the type of person that what you tell me can only help me become better and I’m realistic, I don’t claim to know everything and know for a fact that I don’t know everything. I highly respect your opinion especially since you have been in this journey longer than me. Even if you had less time than me, I would still respect your opinion! 😊