@@husler1999 I've been one shot through class 4 armor with 7.62 PS and 1 shot through class 3(Maybe even with class 2 underneath I forget) with 5.45 PS. This stuff happens
Really weird that there was no aiming with canted sight 3rd person animation (the character didn't angle the gun from other player's perspective), because it used to be there as you said, i just doubt they actually took it out intentionally, are we sure this is not a bug and the same thing happens on all other weapons?
Could it be because the bullet loses a little bit of its penetration value after going through the arm and simultaneously you're shooting from a steeper angle so the plate is thicker and harder to penetrate? Just making an insight to this however I don't know if plates in Tarkov can ricochet bullets or do they even have a thickness value.
There's no "thickness" or angulation simulation. The plate is just a hitbox with numerical values attached. Forcing the game to try and calculate that for every shot would just not be feasible from an optimization standpoint. Bullets will ricochet off the environment depending on angle, but there's no true simulation of material thickness there either.
@@The0spetsnaz0 That's kind of understandable. With how complicated the system is already adding additional values to check for during each shot wouldn't really give any better results.
@@The0spetsnaz0 You can just check if two hitboxes have been hit successively and decrease the damage or penetration value. There is no need for "thickness" simulation.
something similiar (and possibly related in the code) happens when you take the BTR to train depot and the sniper scav starts shooting at you inside the vehicle, i could WATCH the soft armour of my kirasa get depleted with each hit but the plates were 100% untouched and when i put the vest into my bag, i kept getting flinched but not damaged by the sniper
Great work Giga. I've been wondering lately about which is the best class 4 plate and you've just served it up on a platter for me. Didn't know of that armor chart's existence.
Yes, but the point is it shouldn't reduce a 60 pen bullet down to somewhere below 20 or something, to the point where it does no damage to the thorax once it hits the plate.
Any game would be lucky to have you making content for the community. I have no doubt your thorough testing and investigation has helped contribute to the development of the game.
Finally, now I have something to point to. I left many comments on videos and reddit talking about how something was off with the pen for bullets. One thing you didn't check (or at least show) is for the bullet that is stopped completely by the plate, does it show the whole damage? One thing I've noticed this wipe and last is that the "damage stopped by armour" stat at the end is waaay higher along with the general tankiness of players (and especially scavs)
This was huge back when the plate rework first dropped, Airwing Marine did a lot of testing. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve managed to undo their fixes
I was so curious of damage change this wipe cause i ran through the new sniper zone on woods took no damage but all my gear was broken i even tried offing myself with nades but just ate 3 only damaging my armor which i thought was so weird tried replicating it just died
I wonder if there is a limit for a single bullet to hit max 2 hitboxes, there could be some testing done to check out that theory, like to only equip chest armor plate and none in the back, shoot the thorax from behind and check if front plate got damaged and the other way around. When you wear both plates, front and back and get shot tin the chest does the bullet damage the back side plate too? Or when someone is standing behind a door shoot him in the chest and check if the bullet went through the plate or again stopped on the 2nd hit.
does this apply to birdshot type shotgun shells too? if 1 projectile pens through the arm and hit the chest does the bug apply to the rest of the projectiles?
Thank you so much for the testing, really hope it gets looked at by BSG. This issue has been driving me crazy and the only way to properly consistently kill people is to catch them out when they're mid-sprint or something.
Makes sense, this sounds more like a feature than a bug, limb makes the bullet tumble and so the penetrator has no chance to face the plate head on and does not pen the armor. They should keep this and add the rework back on to balance it.
Hey giga, one thing I think would be interesting to test but may ultimately be subjective is player visibility at distance when wearing full colored gear versus the all white stuff. I’ve been pretty dang curious about it but haven’t been really able to test it for myself. Cheers mate
Thanks for sharing such valuable information! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (mistake turkey blossom warfare blade until bachelor fall squeeze today flee guitar). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Hmm, seems like accessory stats like pen and blunt are being cancelled after one flesh pen. As of last night, they were still transferring through environmental intermediate barriers- friggin NPCs were lazing me through box trucks and penetrating armor. One could argue that the bullets are yawing and hitting the armor broadside, because "realism", but it seems like a bug. Or a very meager attempt to nerf AP and slow down fights. Both bugs and poorly executed changes are well within the historical precedent of BSG's work, but regardless- thanks for the demo.
I personally wouldn't say this is a bug because you're already shooting through the arm, which taking bone, muscle, etc into account kinda makes sense that it'll slow the bullet down enough that having body armor would show a better effect compared to a straight shot to the plate
This existed as a feature before but with high pen rounds you'd still have enough pen for stuff like class 3 and 4. Rn, .338 AP doesn't pen any armor if it hits the arm first. This is a bug specifically.
Hey Gigabeef, I believe with the canted meta ppl were not only refering to the front grip but also canted sight, which moves your PMCs arms around to cover your thorax. That's something I'm missing here. Edit: Don't mind me, im stupid and missed it.
As long as it can pen helmets it doesnt matter anymore. There is very little point in having high AP ammo right now, because it is limited and as we can see - not very effective.
@ exactly its still a game and this is a bug that worsens the gameplay, makes high tier ammo worse. It makes sense that pen would be reduced but this is a bug the gets rid of ALL pen from the best ammo and makes low tier armor better than it really is.
I've noticed that shotguns have been very innefective this wipe and I think this explains why I've been struggling with them. I usually aim center mass w/ buck shot and have pretty good luck shredding arms and getting frequent head shots on a second or third shot... but this patch scavs and players have been very tanky... switched to legs and gave up on flachette for now.
I don't understand the bug here. The bullet is going through the arm at first and then hits the armor plate as a second medium so it has lost a little bit of impact after the arm hit.
The issue is not that it loses SOME pen, which definitely makes sense, it loses ALL pen. The original shot, without armour, loses 2 damage (about 5% loss of effect - flesh damage and pen loss may not match perfectly, but it gives an idea for scale). Add just a class 3 plate and absolutely zero damage goes through... but even if the arm took off 40% of the pen there should be >90% penetration with that round. It didn't even do blunt damage.
I feel like this has been a feature for years!! Just some wipes it feels like it was less than other wipes! Im talking back when the grenade button insta thru a grenade! Ive never tested it to your level, but i have a feeling its been here for a while!
It does not seems very strange to me as the bullet loses much of its energy and penetration ability after exiting the arm. So the plate might stop the high pen bullet. It sound kinda realistic tbh.
Ugh... Really wish BSG would prioritize optimisation and maintenance than anything else. With how long this game is out I find it quite unbelievable what huge or even gamebreaking things are still running around in Tarkov.
Cool, that doesn't work well for player retention. Most players are willing to tolerate bad performance, but they want new content regularly. Also they are grossly incompetent and the game will never run well, because at its core it's just very badly coded.
*ahem* acktchually the game isn't out, we are beta testing. Do you expect a finished product when you hear "beta test"? You bought an early access game and now you complain about issues?? Nikita stan LARP aside, you are absolutely correct. The biggest issue for me is performance. Yeah, bugs and broken AI and stuff like plate issues is gonna happen with a game this complex and a vision that's even more ridiculously complex, but it's hilariously pathetic that the game barely manages 60 FPS on cutting edge hardware. If memory serves, we had the game at 60+ on Streets one wipe after it released and all the OG maps ran smoothly as well, but we keep going backwards. Ridiculous.
@@WhackfearThat customs update... Ugh. Was one of my more favorite maps before, new routes are cool and all but why have all the new interiors if you can't optimize it.
My guess would be that arm shots reduce the penetration of the rounds by 50% or so which means that with 56 pens divided by 2 would be 28 which would not pen the armor plate which also negates the blunt damage, but when the plate is zero, it is now ignored and the 28 penetration can now penetrate the level 2 soft armor. It would have been interesting to test this with the level 3 soft armor to see!
@@Gigabeef Hmm, that's wild! Hopefully this is a bug, but either way, this would explain numerous times where I "feel like" I should've killed someone and yet they still wipe the floor with me haha.
Its wild to me that when they make hitbox changes, they don't test for reoccurring bugs... Like, they should go through a checklist of expected behavior each time they make a change, like any competent dev team. Minecraft has a whole system for automating expected behavior that they test each update and add to. They have been in the business only a couple more years than Nikita, they should know better.
this works with every armor, not only with plates. i've tanked 7.62x54 BS with condors. the bullet went through my hand and did like 10 damage to the glasses and about 15-20 damage to the head. lmao
Shot a guy 12 times yesterday and he didn’t die. Top loaded 3 mai ap, then 3 bp, then the rest ps. 300 damage and 280 absorbed by armor. This explains it
Well you have to consider the bullet losing speed and being deformed when hitting the arm. It wont have that 57 pen when it hits that armor. That’s fairly realistic.
@@Gigabeef I am pretty sure that I've seen a video from a channel like "SlowMo Guys" (or other channel like them) in which they shown how much can bullet tumble after going through ballistic dummy. While they shown a normal round, which deforms easier than one with sollid penetrator. But then again, rounds with solid penetrator usually have a jacket of softer metal that will deform, and make the round tumble and once penetrator does not hit the armour with the tip, that should take out the "piercing" from AP, so you are left with A round. So in my uneducated opinion, that COULD be possible, but would require some very speciffic testing to prove/debunk
Yet the arm remaining functional after being overpenetrated by high velocity ammunition is massively unrealistic. It's also worth mentioning that the arm is nowhere near as tissue dense, and really shouldn't have such a profound impact on rounds to the scale of .338 Lapua. Certainly not with such consistency.
Yes @@Gigabeef If you imagine a bullet going through the same distance in a glass a water, it's intuitive to think it'll slow down, alter course, or deform. We're mostly water and Add in clothing, bones, etc it's what happens
doesn't seem like a bug at all... Arm is taking the brunt of the round just like in real life. There are countless test showcasing that limbs getting hit drastically slows down the round, especially when the round hits bone.
yeah as a first wiper i quit playing cause of punisher part 6, literally a week into wipe using the best possible ammo for the svds and watching people tanking 8 shots to the chest
Dude ngl I just reported someone after I put 23 rounds of PP (23 hits after I died and I only shot at him) and they were all stopped with only 3 damage being done to the player who was wearing T3 armour
No, it's 100% bugged. A .338 Lapua AP round would easily blow through an arm and through a class 3 plate behind it, and then probably through the body and the other plate in the back, then your neighbor and his dog.
Isn't it because the arms are equivalent to level one or two armor because of the bone? It's been like this for a while, I thought? The resulting pen is lower than required for penetrating the armor. I agree that it shouldn't work like this, but how'd they implement a change without making kill time extremely quick, I don't know. You would be doing full damage to both parts immediately, including critical damage across the body once the arm is black. That doesn't even include the spaghetti coding and implementing something. Maybe including velocity in the equation for pen so that certain materials reduces the velocity by a percentage then resulting in a decreased pen by another percent, instead of just object ate a flat amount of pen because of some unknown "armor" value? But once again, spaghetti code.
With all of these bugs I decided for the first time since 2018 that I was done. I’m just over it. No audio, constant ammo and gun bugs, healing bugs, extraction bugs. Dying to bosses before the raid timer countdown puts you in raid. Walls glitching out, scavs one tapping you through walls. I’m just over it all. The more people that put money into this game the worse it gets it seems.
oh interesting they fixed the canted meta by just removing the special animation your PMC actually uses in-game (the animation you see in first person is just visual).
Your tryna get it to double pen an ARM and then the aramind and then the plate. Probably why it’s not gonna first pen the arm and then keep going. BSG prolly wants that to happen
I thought I was going crazy and running into so many cheaters, now I know its this. lol Literally yesterday I had 855A1 and the other guy only had class 4 but the guy's plate took literally half of the damage and ended up killing me.
Bugs and others issues like desync is why im *extremely* skeptical of ppl who say they run into cheaters, not bc i think theyre liars, but because many feaths literally look like the other dude was cheating, when he wasnt actually
23 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
@@JoseCarthaginian Still he speaks true, i actually did PvP with my friends on offline co-op , we tanked SNB and M61 like crazy sometimes, then checked armor , sometimes plates were barely scraped.
No wonder scavs are randomly bullet sponges.
Ive watched scavs tank full mags to the head.with no result. There's more than one issue at play I think
This 'bug' is olddd bro.
I think more likely it's that neck shots are now going into the thorax pool.
This was added last week throat is thorax hp pool
@@steadyrow I have had this happen before too, Full mag and a half to kill a scav, he was wearing a cap and a no plate ANA M2
I thought maybe I was missing the head somehow and only hitting the rig, but I was using M855A1
W vid, hope to see BSG fix this soon!
After new unfelt edition.
Thanks for bringing to my attention!
@@Ripa-Moramee aloo
GigaHyper duo when
What happens then arm is blacked out? Does it still protect you?
I was thinking this exact question, more testing needed!
I want to say probably, but you’d start taking damage to every body part since it’s blacked.
3 years of Hyper being schizophrenic finally paid off FeelsStrongMan Clap
hyper did not figure this out lol
And yet the AI can still 2 tap me through class VI with PS ammo.
I’d like to see that video
Oof, that happened to my friend too
It's the new neck hitbox changes. They'll hit you in the neck and then the thorax so it looks like a thorax kill
@@kevinmiller5051 Nope, this has been happening since before that.
@@husler1999 I've been one shot through class 4 armor with 7.62 PS and 1 shot through class 3(Maybe even with class 2 underneath I forget) with 5.45 PS. This stuff happens
Really weird that there was no aiming with canted sight 3rd person animation (the character didn't angle the gun from other player's perspective), because it used to be there as you said, i just doubt they actually took it out intentionally, are we sure this is not a bug and the same thing happens on all other weapons?
I really wish they would let u put the canted thing on the reviver of the gun so it’s not crazy far forward
Could it be because the bullet loses a little bit of its penetration value after going through the arm and simultaneously you're shooting from a steeper angle so the plate is thicker and harder to penetrate?
Just making an insight to this however I don't know if plates in Tarkov can ricochet bullets or do they even have a thickness value.
There's no "thickness" or angulation simulation. The plate is just a hitbox with numerical values attached. Forcing the game to try and calculate that for every shot would just not be feasible from an optimization standpoint. Bullets will ricochet off the environment depending on angle, but there's no true simulation of material thickness there either.
@@The0spetsnaz0 That's kind of understandable. With how complicated the system is already adding additional values to check for during each shot wouldn't really give any better results.
@@The0spetsnaz0 You can just check if two hitboxes have been hit successively and decrease the damage or penetration value. There is no need for "thickness" simulation.
@@The0spetsnaz0 How do you know it wouldn't be feasible?
something similiar (and possibly related in the code) happens when you take the BTR to train depot and the sniper scav starts shooting at you inside the vehicle, i could WATCH the soft armour of my kirasa get depleted with each hit but the plates were 100% untouched and when i put the vest into my bag, i kept getting flinched but not damaged by the sniper
Great work Giga. I've been wondering lately about which is the best class 4 plate and you've just served it up on a platter for me. Didn't know of that armor chart's existence.
Thank you for these tests, your work is appreciated.
Wouldn't the bullet slow down after hitting your arm? In turn reducing penetration?
Yes, but the point is it shouldn't reduce a 60 pen bullet down to somewhere below 20 or something, to the point where it does no damage to the thorax once it hits the plate.
in the game probably, but irl AP like SSA AP has so much energy (and it doesnt expand) it basically zips through soft materials like a hand
This explains that one raid I had with 28 hits on 2 people off spawn on shoreline, must have only hit their arms.
Any game would be lucky to have you making content for the community. I have no doubt your thorough testing and investigation has helped contribute to the development of the game.
Finally, now I have something to point to. I left many comments on videos and reddit talking about how something was off with the pen for bullets. One thing you didn't check (or at least show) is for the bullet that is stopped completely by the plate, does it show the whole damage? One thing I've noticed this wipe and last is that the "damage stopped by armour" stat at the end is waaay higher along with the general tankiness of players (and especially scavs)
vertical grips vs angled grips affect the holding angle ?
This was huge back when the plate rework first dropped, Airwing Marine did a lot of testing. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve managed to undo their fixes
I was so curious of damage change this wipe cause i ran through the new sniper zone on woods took no damage but all my gear was broken i even tried offing myself with nades but just ate 3 only damaging my armor which i thought was so weird tried replicating it just died
Quick note: I've noticed scavs have gotten insanely tanky now because of this, especially on streets of tarkov when the game is laggy.
Explains the scavs with Kirasa somehow tanking a burst of M995 to the chest...
I wonder if there is a limit for a single bullet to hit max 2 hitboxes, there could be some testing done to check out that theory, like to only equip chest armor plate and none in the back, shoot the thorax from behind and check if front plate got damaged and the other way around. When you wear both plates, front and back and get shot tin the chest does the bullet damage the back side plate too? Or when someone is standing behind a door shoot him in the chest and check if the bullet went through the plate or again stopped on the 2nd hit.
Okay I tested it with a friend and the results were so random that I have no clue wtf is going on
does this apply to birdshot type shotgun shells too? if 1 projectile pens through the arm and hit the chest does the bug apply to the rest of the projectiles?
wasnt this a bug previously as well?
so, hitting the arm reduces pen to zero?
Thank you so much for the testing, really hope it gets looked at by BSG.
This issue has been driving me crazy and the only way to properly consistently kill people is to catch them out when they're mid-sprint or something.
That’s why I just go for headshots.
On the spreadsheet at the end, what is used to calculate effective durability of a plate?
Makes sense, this sounds more like a feature than a bug, limb makes the bullet tumble and so the penetrator has no chance to face the plate head on and does not pen the armor. They should keep this and add the rework back on to balance it.
Hey giga, one thing I think would be interesting to test but may ultimately be subjective is player visibility at distance when wearing full colored gear versus the all white stuff. I’ve been pretty dang curious about it but haven’t been really able to test it for myself.
Cheers mate
I was using all the PS12B i've hoarded up the other day and was wondering why it felt so weak
Does this mean that leg meta is back? It seems under this example that shooting higher up is either "head" or "arm shield".
Thanks for sharing such valuable information! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (mistake turkey blossom warfare blade until bachelor fall squeeze today flee guitar). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Hmm, seems like accessory stats like pen and blunt are being cancelled after one flesh pen. As of last night, they were still transferring through environmental intermediate barriers- friggin NPCs were lazing me through box trucks and penetrating armor.
One could argue that the bullets are yawing and hitting the armor broadside, because "realism", but it seems like a bug. Or a very meager attempt to nerf AP and slow down fights. Both bugs and poorly executed changes are well within the historical precedent of BSG's work, but regardless- thanks for the demo.
when should you replace plates? I heard a general rule of thumb somewhere to replace them at 70% durability 🤔
Is this a bug? Wouldn’t it make sense to work that way? Wouldn’t it lose kinetic energy passing through a limb on its way to thorax?
I personally wouldn't say this is a bug because you're already shooting through the arm, which taking bone, muscle, etc into account kinda makes sense that it'll slow the bullet down enough that having body armor would show a better effect compared to a straight shot to the plate
This existed as a feature before but with high pen rounds you'd still have enough pen for stuff like class 3 and 4. Rn, .338 AP doesn't pen any armor if it hits the arm first. This is a bug specifically.
Hey Gigabeef, I believe with the canted meta ppl were not only refering to the front grip but also canted sight, which moves your PMCs arms around to cover your thorax. That's something I'm missing here.
Edit: Don't mind me, im stupid and missed it.
this is in the video
@@Kramillion Oh you're right, how did i miss that?!
Is this really a bug or just how ballistics work?
okay but what ammo should we use now to fight this?
probably more mid range ones like 56A1 and m80 because it has high-ish flesh, pens helmets well and still pens lvl 4 armor
As long as it can pen helmets it doesnt matter anymore. There is very little point in having high AP ammo right now, because it is limited and as we can see - not very effective.
It makes sense that the pen would be reduced after traveling through an arm.
it doesn't make sense that you can be shot in the arm and still use a gun
@@jacobperepolkin9993it’s still a video game. It doesn’t need to be 1:1 realistic.
@@jacobperepolkin9993 except you can’t (accurately) unless you’re on pks
@ exactly its still a game and this is a bug that worsens the gameplay, makes high tier ammo worse. It makes sense that pen would be reduced but this is a bug the gets rid of ALL pen from the best ammo and makes low tier armor better than it really is.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy 338 lapua is again reduced to the efficiency as 9mm, yeppyyyyyyyyy
I swear I've seen this Gigabeef video already.
Buff armor! No, nerf it! No, buff ammo! No, nerf it! And so the cycle continues.
Is it really a bug? Bullets tend to lose velocity after hitting stuff. It probably lost a good chunk of pen after hitting the arm
I've noticed that shotguns have been very innefective this wipe and I think this explains why I've been struggling with them. I usually aim center mass w/ buck shot and have pretty good luck shredding arms and getting frequent head shots on a second or third shot... but this patch scavs and players have been very tanky... switched to legs and gave up on flachette for now.
I don't understand the bug here. The bullet is going through the arm at first and then hits the armor plate as a second medium so it has lost a little bit of impact after the arm hit.
The issue is not that it loses SOME pen, which definitely makes sense, it loses ALL pen.
The original shot, without armour, loses 2 damage (about 5% loss of effect - flesh damage and pen loss may not match perfectly, but it gives an idea for scale). Add just a class 3 plate and absolutely zero damage goes through... but even if the arm took off 40% of the pen there should be >90% penetration with that round. It didn't even do blunt damage.
where can i find that chart? need that
I knew that bullets felt like BB's. Now I have the video to point to the evidence thanks so much
I feel like this has been a feature for years!! Just some wipes it feels like it was less than other wipes! Im talking back when the grenade button insta thru a grenade! Ive never tested it to your level, but i have a feeling its been here for a while!
It does not seems very strange to me as the bullet loses much of its energy and penetration ability after exiting the arm. So the plate might stop the high pen bullet. It sound kinda realistic tbh.
Ugh... Really wish BSG would prioritize optimisation and maintenance than anything else.
With how long this game is out I find it quite unbelievable what huge or even gamebreaking things are still running around in Tarkov.
I don't think they're capable of fixing things. Or they think they can just fix it all later. Which is very naive
Cool, that doesn't work well for player retention. Most players are willing to tolerate bad performance, but they want new content regularly.
Also they are grossly incompetent and the game will never run well, because at its core it's just very badly coded.
*ahem* acktchually the game isn't out, we are beta testing. Do you expect a finished product when you hear "beta test"? You bought an early access game and now you complain about issues??
Nikita stan LARP aside, you are absolutely correct. The biggest issue for me is performance. Yeah, bugs and broken AI and stuff like plate issues is gonna happen with a game this complex and a vision that's even more ridiculously complex, but it's hilariously pathetic that the game barely manages 60 FPS on cutting edge hardware. If memory serves, we had the game at 60+ on Streets one wipe after it released and all the OG maps ran smoothly as well, but we keep going backwards. Ridiculous.
@@WhackfearThat customs update... Ugh. Was one of my more favorite maps before, new routes are cool and all but why have all the new interiors if you can't optimize it.
@Zlatko815 oh yeah, Customs and especially the new middle bit don't feel good at all.
hp ammo comin in handy this wipe. i'm just shooting legs now it's been so much better
My guess would be that arm shots reduce the penetration of the rounds by 50% or so which means that with 56 pens divided by 2 would be 28 which would not pen the armor plate which also negates the blunt damage, but when the plate is zero, it is now ignored and the 28 penetration can now penetrate the level 2 soft armor. It would have been interesting to test this with the level 3 soft armor to see!
56 divided by 2 equals 23 ???
dude WHAT
@relangel sorry my mistake, still applies
Been wondering why Scavs are just tank 4-5 shots from anything I use from M80 upwards.
Does the plate still tank a shot if the arm is 0/60?
I'm pretty sure it does but can't quite remember
@@Gigabeef Hmm, that's wild! Hopefully this is a bug, but either way, this would explain numerous times where I "feel like" I should've killed someone and yet they still wipe the floor with me haha.
good job. thank you!
we need QUEST GUIDE FOR PVP , quests that unlock ammo and armor and maybe meta atachments
Its wild to me that when they make hitbox changes, they don't test for reoccurring bugs... Like, they should go through a checklist of expected behavior each time they make a change, like any competent dev team.
Minecraft has a whole system for automating expected behavior that they test each update and add to. They have been in the business only a couple more years than Nikita, they should know better.
Does this apply to face masks as well like death shadow?
a few raids ago, a mounted machine gun shotted at me and hitted my level 5 40 durability back plate, i took 0 dmg but the armor hp got to 0
next question, factor in osprey qcq with the arm armour
Must be one of the reasons I get blacked arms and no damage anywhere else recently
BSG saw the Garand Thumb video where Granite 4 stopped M855A1, M61, .30-06 black tip, and .300 win mag and decided to buff plates lol
I was wondering how some of the PMCs in PvE have been tanking 338 FMJ multiple times
Players are just too tanky right now
I just brain dead scrolled TH-cam recommended for 20 minutes due to my lack of sleep caused by tarkov so wow my day is weird
this works with every armor, not only with plates. i've tanked 7.62x54 BS with condors. the bullet went through my hand and did like 10 damage to the glasses and about 15-20 damage to the head. lmao
this might explain why i couldnt explain how FMJ 366 ammo just felt like it dropped people faster than EKO, even though EKO has better pen.
Tbh i like that the arm blocks a lot , we already die 2 quickly if they fixed this we die even quicker lol
Shot a guy 12 times yesterday and he didn’t die. Top loaded 3 mai ap, then 3 bp, then the rest ps. 300 damage and 280 absorbed by armor. This explains it
Well you have to consider the bullet losing speed and being deformed when hitting the arm. It wont have that 57 pen when it hits that armor. That’s fairly realistic.
From point blank...?
@@Gigabeef I am pretty sure that I've seen a video from a channel like "SlowMo Guys" (or other channel like them) in which they shown how much can bullet tumble after going through ballistic dummy. While they shown a normal round, which deforms easier than one with sollid penetrator. But then again, rounds with solid penetrator usually have a jacket of softer metal that will deform, and make the round tumble and once penetrator does not hit the armour with the tip, that should take out the "piercing" from AP, so you are left with A round.
So in my uneducated opinion, that COULD be possible, but would require some very speciffic testing to prove/debunk
Yet the arm remaining functional after being overpenetrated by high velocity ammunition is massively unrealistic. It's also worth mentioning that the arm is nowhere near as tissue dense, and really shouldn't have such a profound impact on rounds to the scale of .338 Lapua. Certainly not with such consistency.
Yes @@Gigabeef
If you imagine a bullet going through the same distance in a glass a water, it's intuitive to think it'll slow down, alter course, or deform. We're mostly water and Add in clothing, bones, etc it's what happens
338 AP, or any AP for that matter, will cut straight through your arm, to include the bone, and barely deflect the vast majority of the time.
that explains how bird guy shot me 3 times in the thorax with .338 fmj and it didn't kill me...
doesn't seem like a bug at all... Arm is taking the brunt of the round just like in real life. There are countless test showcasing that limbs getting hit drastically slows down the round, especially when the round hits bone.
Cool info, I will show this to the scav that 1 shot me through my lvl5 with a ps gs.
Oh. That explains.. things.
yeah as a first wiper i quit playing cause of punisher part 6, literally a week into wipe using the best possible ammo for the svds and watching people tanking 8 shots to the chest
good video. hope they fix soon
Unfortunately for me, everyone I fight just one taps me on engagement.
Great video sir
Dude ngl I just reported someone after I put 23 rounds of PP (23 hits after I died and I only shot at him) and they were all stopped with only 3 damage being done to the player who was wearing T3 armour
this doesnt seem like a bug at all. the arm is acting as the first plate, reducing the damage taken by the armor plate.
No, it's 100% bugged. A .338 Lapua AP round would easily blow through an arm and through a class 3 plate behind it, and then probably through the body and the other plate in the back, then your neighbor and his dog.
Makes perfect sense
This plate bug is annoying me since armour hitbox change
So it wasn't just me losing my mind this wipe.
Isn't it because the arms are equivalent to level one or two armor because of the bone? It's been like this for a while, I thought? The resulting pen is lower than required for penetrating the armor. I agree that it shouldn't work like this, but how'd they implement a change without making kill time extremely quick, I don't know. You would be doing full damage to both parts immediately, including critical damage across the body once the arm is black. That doesn't even include the spaghetti coding and implementing something. Maybe including velocity in the equation for pen so that certain materials reduces the velocity by a percentage then resulting in a decreased pen by another percent, instead of just object ate a flat amount of pen because of some unknown "armor" value? But once again, spaghetti code.
As for the Lapua round specifically, yeah, that should've just full pen'd everything and killed
Explains why my kirasa feels op now
No... not what this video is about
Only commenting to help the algorithm love mate ❤
With all of these bugs I decided for the first time since 2018 that I was done. I’m just over it. No audio, constant ammo and gun bugs, healing bugs, extraction bugs. Dying to bosses before the raid timer countdown puts you in raid. Walls glitching out, scavs one tapping you through walls. I’m just over it all. The more people that put money into this game the worse it gets it seems.
I guess in theory your arm would slow a round to some degree but this is obviously not what you want.
This explains so much lol
I think the "canted meta" was involved with the canted sights combined with the canted grip.
I had 22 hit count on a player using ap9 ammo and he didn't die.
This makes sense though
Classic arm armor
Is there something that isn't bugged this wipe? Jesus
oh interesting they fixed the canted meta by just removing the special animation your PMC actually uses in-game (the animation you see in first person is just visual).
man this should change
There is a reason all AI scavs go for head-eyes.....
Canted meta is in arena if im not going crazy, has the old twist
Your tryna get it to double pen an ARM and then the aramind and then the plate. Probably why it’s not gonna first pen the arm and then keep going. BSG prolly wants that to happen
This makes a lot more since now… shot a guy 32 times and he lived.
Mind you I was using m856a1
this has been in forever no?
I thought I was going crazy and running into so many cheaters, now I know its this. lol Literally yesterday I had 855A1 and the other guy only had class 4 but the guy's plate took literally half of the damage and ended up killing me.
how did you know he only had class 4 if you died
@@natoninemilfirepower7996You can literally see what armour people are using on their character models, what…?
@@SaltSpiritsthat is unless they change default plates, which a lot of people do
Bugs and others issues like desync is why im *extremely* skeptical of ppl who say they run into cheaters, not bc i think theyre liars, but because many feaths literally look like the other dude was cheating, when he wasnt actually
@@JoseCarthaginian Still he speaks true, i actually did PvP with my friends on offline co-op , we tanked SNB and M61 like crazy sometimes, then checked armor , sometimes plates were barely scraped.