Nothing like shaming people into defending someone they don't know. Bullying is shitty but at the same time like someone mentioned above, what happens if you intervened and that bully decided to pull a knife and stab you with it? So now you just intervened and are being rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Although it's not a likely scenario, it could happen. Now what should happen is not just one but two or three people standing up to the bully. That would make them think twice if they had a knife to pull. If one person stands there should be more to stand with them but no one will and it's for reasons I just stated. It's not that no one wants to help, they just don't want to risk their own lives if it came down to it and do you blame them?
Wall of text inbound lol ***** I personally would never be the first to step up. It's not that I'm cowardly or anything it's because I know the mind frame of how most people think. A bully will retreat if two stand up but one? Doubtful, especially if they have a concealed weapon. Also most of the time the bully won't outright pull the knife. It will be used as a surprise attack if they feel they are losing the fight. It happened to a buddy of mine awhile back. He was walking home one night from a party and he was a tad drunk. 3 teens (he said they were maybe 17-18) came up to him and complimenting him on his nice leather coat and then demanded he gave it to them. He told them to fuck off. The three of them tried to jump him. Big mistake on their behalf. He fought them off and they ran like little bitches but during the scuffle, one of them pulled a knife and stabbed in the side with it. He didn't even realize it until he started walking home again. Between the alcohol and the adrenaline rush, he simply didn't notice. He went to the hospital and was told he was lucky. If the blade was an inch longer, it would've punctured a vital organ and he most likely would've died. They never caught the guys either. That's the kind of shit that people don't think about when standing up. The chances are the stab will come when you least suspect it, not even giving the chance to properly defend against the attack. It's not worth my life. My friend was courageous for doing what he did and I don't blame him for doing it especially if it comes to defending your own well being but a stranger who might not feel the same way? Yea no thanks. Sorry for the rant lol.
To anyone who wants to get into the mind of School Shooters, watch a really good movie called *And then i go* it gives a brilliant perspective from their point of view
Token is the only artist on planet Earth who could make an anti-bullying rap song and not have it be cringey as hell. This isn't a dumb surface level after school special PSA, this is a real unfiltered look at what real bullying is like.
As an upcoming teacher ill be showing this to my classes every year to show them that bullying is not ok just looking at bullying and not doing anything is almost as bad as performing the bullying. What a strong message token has this is what u call great music
Directs is the best approaching of trying to reach them in a significant situation in the world to make fun of the time to spend money with your life so much more than a lot of people that are making us happy with our lives in peace and prosperity
Mark - E I know aye!!! I only found out about him recently and I absolutely love all of his songs... Man you should check dance with the devil by immortal
I lovethe fact that at first he says: "i hope he knows i got his back" and then changes to: "i hope he knows i respect him" knowing that he'd never actually have his back, so he changed his statement
I never talked in school till one day then shit went down I found my voice till the bully pushed me to far then I was the bully don't matter what you do till it to late you snap and you do it to them
Fighting your last good fight so a gentle soul does not need to fight their first if need be, is worthy of any life needing to find purpose in death. The real bulling changes lives and bright souls are darkened and as they have to come to terms with the fact it won't stop..sometimes people die. Victims as well as the hand of the ignorant bully that never had good guidance and is taking all the bad from whatever roll model they idolize..again without guidance..To all that say they love that bully and dont know where they got that kinda behavior need to check them got some shit to think about if you going to walk that life with the one you claim to love you better love them more than yourself or your image you think they have of you...or you need to be right. Think of this and be adult enough to take the blessin from the lesson.. With so much life and potential ahead of them and thats both the bully and victim, are lost and need saving ladies n gents.. im glad not all of you reading this have been scarred by cruelty and im sue and its sad to say most of us have seen this in our home as kids ourselves and dont even realize how numb and accepting we are of this behavior before we even get to middle school/highschool/college we are already programmed to not be absolutely enraged due to the lack of vindication and watching as cruelty roams free are already in brain rot accepting more influence over your thoughts like a thrall unable to act on your own will, the much needed type of onlooker needed to set the scene needed for one dealing with the cruelty to see no help and find faith that humanity is lost and all is hopeless..THINK ABOUT IT!...Your willingness to stand up for what you know is right WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME. Nobody critically thinks! THINK FOR YOURSELVES! Dont be the one that gets exsposed for following the leader or the popular one..are you a yesman?...the victims dont even fully understand and thats part of the problem too..the fear and hopelessness of the unknown can have the happiness in this life we live and enjoy and take for granted cut soo short.. for so many that watch as the loved one they cherish so much begins to fade will never see that side of them again and if they are...thats work on a level most of us just say we have. Think about how the victim is forever marked by thier bullies, stripped of something vital to feel and truely believe they are accepted and putting a end to it starts when you all decide to parents and remember this is what it takes at times to send the message to stop letting it be something small in your mind and dont go thinking some body more capable will handle it..dont be sheep think about it, EVERYBODY is thinking the same thing and is largely why things dont get stopped before it went to far.. TO ALL!...the ones with anxiety, cowardice, silent agreement because they hold hate or jealousy in in the heart, want to assimilate with one side so your rep stays the way you want to keep it, if ya just enjoy the suffering of others because your mind is fucked and some poor soul going through some of the scariest times and the most emotionally and physically traumatizing event of the mind that has still not fully developed is watching you enjoy possibly the worst day of their lives and people believe in god so does the victim believe that hope is lost. people that watch on or even more so when it becomes cruel and goes beyond reason and you see malice emerge and rage becomes a broken soul, for the first and sometimes last time they are confronted with the true feeling of hate... and to act normal while its happening or the next day or work harder on that glass eyed untter empty hearted stare or zoned out/in your own world or even worse...fucking stare like its a series on netflix..ALL OF YOU let it happen are worse than the bully from the victims point of view. Remember there is never anybody saying your once a coward always a coward. You are a coward until you prove to yourself your not. Be proud and earn the feeling. Protect the weak and mentally challenged and if you find yourself weak, get strong! make the choice to drop the victim mentality and become a accountable survivor. Be courageous and one last thing..known by many but nit mentored enough in the meaning behind the words...Not all heros wear capes. Stay strong youtuberz. L8r t8rz
That's my fav part too, because he was pissed that tokens character watched it go down and did nothing. And it's dope that in Tokens mind he had that kids back just because he felt bad.
yeah ikr, I listened to this at work for the first time and it legit gave me goose bumps and make me pauze and say "Damn ..." out loud. Went to the toilet to let the lyrics sink in. At that point he became my favorite rapper.
It hits the hardest at the end....when token was there through it all, he had his back he was there to help but he didn’t know how to speak up for him. Very hard but beautiful beautiful message
Man this song is probably one of the most real videos I've ever seen in my life. Bullying in school or even in the work place takes a heavy toll on people. I don't care how old you are, what creed or religion, what race or color you are, bullying affects everyone heavily. Not being part of the problem is NOT enough. If you see it and don't do anything about it, you are automatically apart of the problem. Good intentions are not enough. If you see someone getting harassed and bullied and pretend like it's not happening, you are no better than the bullies. Thank you for making this video man
Setto Animz if you had paid attention to what I was trying to say, I didn't say beat the person up, I'm saying if you have an opportunity to do something then do it. I did not say what or how to do anything. I'm saying if there's something like that going on and there's an opportunity for you to intervene then I encourage people to intervene.
good words man. bullies a are a fucking problem. it's sad that people have to deal with this. I would have this kids back. high school isn't shit compared to the real world. I just wish the younger crowd would understand this. no matter what kind of bullshit you are going through, high school ends, and so does bullying. this guy could be the next leading software developer, or something awesome like that. bullying is not permanent. it's only done by those who are weak and insecure..... PUSSIES. I wish the world was kinder. there are a lot of people dealing with this that shouldn't have to.
We should have the courage to do what Andy did at the end of the video. Not necessarily kill but just take action, and not commit suicide. That doesn't count.
This is one of the last songs Nikolas Cruz listened to before the parkland shooting. He listened to it Feb 13th at 10:11pm. The deadliest high school shooting in America was less than 24 hours after that.
what's deep about it? the dude was the third on his list of people to kill because he was always there and never did anything about it. may as well have been one of the bullies.
Token, I have an 11 yr old step son who has had problems w bullies, bad 11 yes old and so emotionally scared. He loves rap, I introduced him to your work and he has a complete new look on life. Seeing a youngster like you with SO MUCH talent, and concern for today's youth, and this song, bro not to sound corny, your many years of hard work and sacrifices, well I can only speak for what I've seen and.....YOU SAVED A LIFE BROTHER. My family is for ever indebted to you and yours. THANK YOU STAY TRUE AND NEVER CHANGE. YOU ARE GREATNESS.!!!!
Dave Bartlett That was an awesome comment. Token is an inspiration to these kids. I'm so glad his music helped your kid. God bless you and your family.
Mate why can't step dads have a reputation as good as your deed everyone just thinks step dads smoke and beat their kids but you. You are what parents should really be like. Respect man
Most people, especially children don't realize how damaging bullying actually is. I've been always been bullied at school, even though I switched schools a few times. Now I'm an adult. I can't have a job or live a normal life because I have PTSD, a depression that doesn't go away, ongoing panic attacks and possibly borderline personality disorder because I was always unsafe as a child (also at home, but school was the worst for me)
Preach went through hell felt like I wasn't good enough but I have no hate and forgave them for what they did because they were just looking for attention and did have the guidance.
i can really see the dark meaning in this how without saying it you're telling us that even if we are not the bullys if we are not doing anything about it we are no better this is deep
I got suspended for sticking up for a kid that was being bullied junior year. The school systems say they have a zero tolerance policy. Man I hated my school
for all the eminem fans including myself, we need to stop comparing token to em and be thankful that deep contented lyrical flows like this still exists #Token
@@symax4921 it's not sad. Rap varies some have a deep meaning behind some are just so you can have a good listen. I don't always wanna think too much when i listen to music
I haven't committed any crime and I didn't choose to witness it, if you kill him how does that make me equally as guilty as the murder ? He took a life, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time
i mean there are charges for people who witness a murder and dont act on it. so you are guilty for not calling 911 when you witness a murder that IS a CRIME. while you arnt as bad as the guys bullying someone if you just watch it and take no action you also are in the wrong
You don't have to beat someone up. Of course it's an effective way and often also a good punishment for the bullies but for example I couldn't fight as I'm a fucking spaghetti lmao. So I couldn't fight but still didn't want to sit by and watch so what I did was befriend the dude that was constantly getting bullied. Even that simple friendship, letting this person know that he/she isn't alone and there is someone there that thinks about them is often enough to stop things such as school shootings.
Both, both and both and both, both, and both and both, both and both, both and both, both and both and both and both, both, both and both and both and both and both, both, both, both, both, both and both and both and both and both and both, both and both, both, both, both, both and BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To anyone who wants to get into the mind of School Shooters, watch a really good movie called *And then i go* it gives a brilliant perspective from their point of view. Its a dark film about two teens misunderstood by society where they feel unwanted & alienated which leads them to their fate
Got chills almost after 1 min already. I was bullied althrough my school years. But well done with this. I miss these sort of rap. There's not enough real Hip Hop artists out there anymore. Never give up. #Never too different#
@@Movedloll thanks man you too. I've got my own music in my life so I will always have something to vent to about my problems. I hate talking about my problems with people so I use music to express how I feel instead.
Sab Jua it doesn't matter how much Eminem knows ..there is a bunch of rappers that can Rap at the same level as him. They just bring out a different way.
CrimsonTunes just found him today though my playlists...I'm not sure if I'm ready for a rapping feel trip but when an art is done so beautifully you just can't look away.
@@vxcci Why do we want to die before our time? For all those who have power in this fallen world are not even humans. They are the evil spirits, who have stole everything from us. And we, going away before our time to die - we give our enemies what they have wanted all along - we give them our lives. Ephesians 6:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. If we do not call upone the NAME OF THE LORD and SHALL BE NOT SAVED - then our souls - our very being is theirs (satan`s) and not GOD`S. Romans 10:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Psalms 145:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. Psalms 18:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. Psalms 116:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD. Do not take away what`s GOD`S . Your soul belongs to GOD who give it, your soul do not belong to satan. For lucifer is none to be worshipped, he is also the creation of GOD. Without GOD, there be no lucifer. For even the name: “LUCIFER” is GOD given. 1 Chronicles 16:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. Psalms 105:1 | View whole chapter | See verse in context O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Psalms 116:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD. Psalms 80:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name. 2 Samuel 22:4 | View whole chapter | See verse in context I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. Psalms 86:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
You need to understand why bullies do what they do, then you will know why you shouldn't beat up bullies and rather help them just as much as people who get bullied.
Joseph Nicholas I mean I was bullied pretty badly in high school but I never wanted to shoot up my school. But yes people do have their breaking points. People do have that part of the brain that snaps and says, you know this bullying shit is getting out of hand and I must stop it, so they shoot their bullys and anyone else who just watched. But never once when I was getting bullied did I want to shoot up my school, or shoot those who were bullying me, I mean I wanted them to fucking be killed in the worse way possible or even hurt severally but I would never wish that upon a school for others to be terrified.
I honestly don't think that why would work together. Token is more of a quite rapper. NF is a mix of quite like in "lie" or a loud on like in "real". And eminem is a loud rapper. They all have the same purpose but they show it in different ways.
I still watch this all the time. It's not just the people who bully, but those around you who don't say anything or do anything about the bullying that are equally as guilty.
neu·tral·i·ty n(y)o͞oˈtralədē/Submit noun 1. the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartiality. "during the war, Switzerland maintained its neutrality"
Happiness & Exception are some of the most emotion invoking pieces of music that I have ever heard..relatable, genuine, and masterfully produced from the beats to the lyrics and all in between. Token deserves whatever he strives to achieve in his professional career..WHAT AN ARTIST!
This song is something we all can kind of relate too. That's why the majority of us like it. We hear it, it is catchy, sticks in our heads, and sounds important.
Is this song a actually about him and another one of his friends point of view? He himself had a stuttering issue and had bullies due to his excessive weight before he did something about it. Heres where i found this info -
The fact that Nikolas Cruz, the parkland school shooter who killed 19 people listened to this video on repeat over and over and commented on it the NIGHT BEFORE he shot up his school is so crazy to me. The evil bastard felt like he was the victim and decided to end the lives of kids to get revenge, and he felt like this song spoke to him. If you want to find the police report that revealed this, look up “Cruz’s Cell Phone Content and Internet Searches” on google, it’s crazy that Cruz used this video to justify his actions.
i tried to tell the i was cool if they got to know me! they finally see now that i'm fully grown! my life is better the most and they recognise it! i forgave them when they ask,only asked they stand up for victims of being bullied! Help end the cycle
Been listening to you for a while now man and it's safe to say that you've become quite a big inspiration. This music video is just the beginning of you becoming a future legend. Good shit, bro!
This song holy fuck! ,.. ppl keep saying new generation of artist cant flow or make anything to hint of a good song.. Token i just found your music and ty homie you gave an old dude hope that hip hop is still in good hands
I genuinely am crying realising how bad of a person I was in school I was never a bully but I sometimes be rude to people and only now 2 years later realising what the other person goes thru
KyLo SO if I live in a jungle and someone on the opposite side of the earth is getting bullied..I'm supposed to know and do something..that brings the context right out of that quote..
One thing I went through my whole high-school just was writing ✍️ a freestyle to it.... you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Bullying is something that is internal and you deal with it the rest of your life. Thanks for being real and raw always. You are a legend 🔥
The message of this song is to stand up and say something, defend someone if your able to. Don't just be a bystander letting tyrants get by bullying people.
KmanGamez I definitely agree that Kendrick > Logic lyrically, but as an overall artist, I think Logic > Kendrick...for some reason I prefer "The incredible true story" over "D.A.M.N."
Token grew up where I live and I've known of him for a while. So the first year at that high school I was like these hallways look familiar, and turns out I saw it in this video.
in somewhere in between token confirms andy was a real person: “I wrote a song about a kid who got bullied it's called Exception And the part I didn't mention, was Andy was a real person And someone I befriended then I left him for another group of friends who used to torment him I made money of off Exception and off of Andy In interviews they treated me like a hero”
Vlaicu Rabca dance with the devil is one of the realest dope as songs around put a knot in my throat the first time I herd it mad respect for immortal technique. Token is good but there on 2 dif levels.
I got suspended and sent for counselling because i defended myself against 5 of my bullies. I got my ass kicked. I landed some hard punches but the numbers won. Later that day the Principal called me and said "you have anger issues" I cursed at him and told him "how tf is this my fault?"
I got suspended in the 5th grade for slapping my bully really hard when the teacher left the room for a second. And in 7th grade an 8th grader was bullying me for weeks. He rode my bus too, that didn't help any at all. One day I just got a "fuck it" feeling, and I got off on his stop and followed him halfway home, and beat the fucking shit out of him. There was some blood. I felt kind of bad for him, but at the same time I was standing over my bully. And no one really Ever tried to bully me after that
Used to get bullyed hard by a guy at School, you know the type who everybody likes, tries to play cool. One day he came at me, probably had some issues at home or whatever and punched me in the face, I was always against violence, so I got up, turned my back and about to leave class (teacher was not in the room, just 7 or 8 other peopl)... he came running after me, I turned and punched him right in the Jaw, he dropped unconscious for a couple minutes, lots of people came, he lost a 2 teeth, never bullied me again, but I was lucky to have the strength, always hated when others were bullying other people who were in phisical disadvantage, from that day one I started watching the back of 2 other boys in my class who used to be bullied really hard, tried to make things better for them too. Dont feel proud of hurting other people, but do feel proud of showing to these boys that not everyone is like that. 20 years passed and one of them still my best friend.
Damn man. I only found you today. And im loving your art. You have your head screwed on. And tackling subjects that others that others would shy away from. Peace man. Keep keeping it real man.
I..... shit.... music doesn’t typically affect my emotions... but I’m listenin to this literally in the middle of collegeand about to break down cuz this shit is exactly like what I went thru.... (minus the shooting part) it sucks guys being the one where you’re getting hurt because you’re different. I’m just a random stranger to you guys and people say we’re all one of a kind but there are people that are similar to me... I was short... I was hyper cuz of adhd and that’s shit I couldn’t control.. and I got picked on for it.... please... I know this is a late comment but if you take the time to read it... please take it to heart and help others in need because it truly does fucking suck...
Token if you're reading this by any chance.. you're music is inspiring to more than you think... Especially me... Today made me realize how shitty life is with my mom having cancer and my parents still fighting.. but somehow it's empowered me to move and March on.. and to that I say thank you...
This shit eats me up, i was like token in this during high school. Now im confident enough to do something if this arised again but sometimes being late isnt good enough.
Honestly I hate bullies. I will always stand up against them. I got suspended in high school one time because of it. I got into a fight because this kid who was a good 6ft 250lb was bullying a kid who was abt 5 ft 5 in and probably weighed 150lbs soaking wet. I being 5 ft 9 190lbs decided I wasn't going to stand for it and confronted him about it and he said he was gonna "kick my ass" but I never have been the type of person to be scared to get injured so I fought him And actually beat him. The kid who was getting bullied is one of my best friends and the only person I kept in touch with after school, and hes doing great now. And I've decided I will always stand up against a bully no matter how big they are or what the consequences are. It's worth it to make someone's life better.
If you die tonight, do you know where you're going? Did you know that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and He loves you? Through Him, God offers you a FREE gift - forgiveness. All you need to do is repent, turn away from your sins and evil ways, from now on put your faith completely in Jesus Christ and be obedient to Him. Explanation: God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. (Matthew 12:30) ''Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.'' He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteouss, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). God gave us free will and since Adam sinned in the garden, sin is the nature of our flesh and we’ve all sinned. (Romans 3:23) and the law demands death to those who sin (Romans 6:23). For someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless, that's why everyone need Jesus Christ. None of us are good in God’s eyes, because for God good means moral perfection. We all have broken God’s commandments, we all have sinned in our lives so none of us are good. ‘’For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.’’ (James 2:10). ‘’For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’’ (John 3:16) That’s why only Jesus can save us, because He lived a perfect and sinless life and is the only worthy sacrifice and died for our sins. We aren’t saved based on our good deeds/works, but only by the grace of God. (Ephesians 2:8-9) He said ‘’it is finished’’ (John 19:30), which means He paid the fine for our sins (past, present, future) to be forgiven if we repent and trust in Him. ‘’Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.’’ (Acts 3:19) Biblically, a person who repents does not continue willfully in sin. Repentance is a turning from sin, and it always results in changed behavior (Luke 3:8). While sorrow from sin is not equivalent to repentance, it is certainly an element of scriptural repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Do not play a hypocrite. (John 3:3) Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." If you confess that Jesus is Lord (John 10:30) and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved. (Romans 10:9) You are born again with the spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36) Bible is the Word of God. You may ask how so because it is written by men. Just like a letter is written by a pen, so is Bible written by God using men, that's why they're called prophets. Bible/God's Word was written over 1600 year period by 40 different authors and 66 books, all leading to the coming of God's Son - Jesus Christ. There is consistency of revelation throughout a long time of period, many prophecies being fulfilled. In the Book of Isaiah you see details about how Jesus Christ suffered even if it was written a long time before His coming. In the Book of Daniel 500 BC you can read about the massive empire that will divide nations into one, you can see it described Alexander the great who lived 300 BC. Get right with God and start your relationship with Jesus Christ right now before it’s too late, because there’s not much time left!. "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’’ (Mark 13:32) You may start with a simple prayer from the bottom of your heart, TRULY believing that God listens and cares. (Jeremiah 29:13) ''You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'' Get to know Christ through His word. At first I recommend reading Gospel of John and book of Romans. God bless you!
"Exception" There they go again, harassing this kid so easily His name is Andy, he grew up right down the street from me I barely know him though, I just see him in school while passing Usually followed by two kids giggling in back of him I don't know why I feel the need to interfere and I'll be honest The kid is obviously a little weird He's got a stutter, plus always talks to himself, but it is clear to me they shouldn't mess with him He probably wishes they'd disappear Like yeah, he's different, so? He ain't causing harm to anyone Yeah he might annoy them, not on purpose though He's never done something intentionally offensive like these other kids Like yelling "stop being a retard!" when they see him mumbling Or called him a faggot when he's saying something awkward Yeah, he lives with it, but he shouldn't have too any longer He's just a kid like any of us Matter of fact, next time I see him I'm gonna say something and have his back The next day ain't any better, they're abusing him Every day gets worse 'cause people accept it as they become used to it And he doesn't stand up but what can you do with that hate against you You call 'em out, he's called a spaz with some anger issues They hear but they don't listen, senseless They're hearing that bullies are everywhere thinking that there must be the exception But it's so alive and its so true They got open eyes but they don't view They got growing minds that they don't use And it's pulverizing our whole youth But to be honest, most of these bullies don't mean any harm They're just kids like any of us, they like to be in charge They like attention, but just lack guidance in getting it So they put others down, none of us are always innocent But that doesn't make it right, cause again I'm watching Andy get tortured by two of his peers with no reason in sight And I know he knows I watch and he sees me paying attention And It's getting worse and worse, I hope he knows that I respect him The next day Andy didn't show up to school and I was nervous He always came to this class, I wonder what was the purpose The same class had the two kids who been messing with him But without a target, both of them just blended right in Twenty minutes later, the class was pretty quiet As Andy walks through the door, he was shaking and crying As all heads slowly in sync turned, he pauses Then pulls a pistol out of his front pocket The girls screamed, the boys sat there terrified Nobody expected this but everyone knew the reason why And before anyone could say something fully Within seconds, two bullets flew into his bullies More screams as the bodies collapsed I felt I should say something cause I was the only one who had his back I said "It's over Andy, they're dead! You had your wish!" He turned to me and said "You? You were the third on my list"
Token you have my respect man. This song is one of the realest life changing moments. You got a supporter from Cali! Im just beginning to listen to your music and all I have to say is I'm sorry that I was too late cuz I'm just recognizing you. Good luck yo.
This had no sad beat, yet it had me on the verge of tears. You actually inspire me man with delivering such amazing music. Your deserve to be noticed more
I have been holding onto this one for awhile. Hope you guys enjoy.
tokenhiphop Noice!!!
tokenhiphop didn't know you have vevo just subbed loved this song glad it got a video 💯💯
worth the wait
tokenhiphop wow man. mad respect
The entire album is a masterpiece. You sir are life changing!:)
"You were the third on my list."
Fuck. Got me to tears, man.
No kidding, gave me straight goosebumps...
Nothing like shaming people into defending someone they don't know.
Bullying is shitty but at the same time like someone mentioned above, what happens if you intervened and that bully decided to pull a knife and stab you with it? So now you just intervened and are being rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Although it's not a likely scenario, it could happen. Now what should happen is not just one but two or three people standing up to the bully. That would make them think twice if they had a knife to pull. If one person stands there should be more to stand with them but no one will and it's for reasons I just stated. It's not that no one wants to help, they just don't want to risk their own lives if it came down to it and do you blame them?
Wall of text inbound lol
I personally would never be the first to step up. It's not that I'm cowardly or anything it's because I know the mind frame of how most people think. A bully will retreat if two stand up but one? Doubtful, especially if they have a concealed weapon. Also most of the time the bully won't outright pull the knife. It will be used as a surprise attack if they feel they are losing the fight. It happened to a buddy of mine awhile back.
He was walking home one night from a party and he was a tad drunk. 3 teens (he said they were maybe 17-18) came up to him and complimenting him on his nice leather coat and then demanded he gave it to them. He told them to fuck off. The three of them tried to jump him. Big mistake on their behalf. He fought them off and they ran like little bitches but during the scuffle, one of them pulled a knife and stabbed in the side with it. He didn't even realize it until he started walking home again. Between the alcohol and the adrenaline rush, he simply didn't notice. He went to the hospital and was told he was lucky. If the blade was an inch longer, it would've punctured a vital organ and he most likely would've died. They never caught the guys either.
That's the kind of shit that people don't think about when standing up. The chances are the stab will come when you least suspect it, not even giving the chance to properly defend against the attack. It's not worth my life. My friend was courageous for doing what he did and I don't blame him for doing it especially if it comes to defending your own well being but a stranger who might not feel the same way? Yea no thanks.
Sorry for the rant lol.
NaTe nigga you gay virgin
a message behind this ? who would have thought
"Nobody expected this but everyone knew the reason why" wow
Necause they Bully him
To anyone who wants to get into the mind of School Shooters, watch a really good movie called *And then i go* it gives a brilliant perspective from their point of view
So most American kids then?
@@misanthropicsheep6535 exactly
Token is the only artist on planet Earth who could make an anti-bullying rap song and not have it be cringey as hell. This isn't a dumb surface level after school special PSA, this is a real unfiltered look at what real bullying is like.
And that’s a fact
Yea and school bullying songs dont get 13 million views on TH-cam
I recommend you watch victims by Mass of man
who knows, maybe the story is based on a true story too.
@@g4z666 yeah token is dead
I got goosebumps after he said "you were the third on my list"
so amazing.
@The Great Silent Oh scary.
@The Great Silent Self Snitching.
"Yeah he's different, so? He ain't causin' harm to anyone!" 🔥💯
Why pick on someone who is different from everyone else
Because they're all the same.
As an upcoming teacher ill be showing this to my classes every year to show them that bullying is not ok just looking at bullying and not doing anything is almost as bad as performing the bullying. What a strong message token has this is what u call great music
congrats! keep the good work!
"We should all fear evil men, but there is an evil we should all fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
Teacher's here.Sure u not the Fbi
Directs is the best approaching of trying to reach them in a significant situation in the world to make fun of the time to spend money with your life so much more than a lot of people that are making us happy with our lives in peace and prosperity
shit this emotional as fuck it almost brought me to tears man i mean.... ive been bullied for straight 9 yrs and once in a while the past haunts me
check out joyner lucas... he is soooo good.
Mark - E I know aye!!! I only found out about him recently and I absolutely love all of his songs... Man you should check dance with the devil by immortal
Kdenthius checked dat shit out too!!!! it was creepy but I LOVED IT STILL
Mark - E yeah man :) also I know this song is a lil bit lovey but the song perfect couples 1 and 2?
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything"
- Albert Einstein
ta grand mean hell yeah!! good job!! AWESOME
thx mamie
Splif Beatz hey are you alright?
ta grand mère true, so true.
AngelOfDeath Lmao
I lovethe fact that at first he says: "i hope he knows i got his back" and then changes to: "i hope he knows i respect him" knowing that he'd never actually have his back, so he changed his statement
idk why i read this with token's flow in this song dafuq.
Hahah same
@@jesusisking3814 enjoy the report
Why respect someone if you ain't gonna be there when you should be there to "have their back"
it’s fear it’s a lesson he’s teaching us something to always say something and don’t let fear take over or it won’t end well for anyone
This is a very slept on track even 4 years later.....
Fr smh
St8 Hate🤣🤣
13 milli?
Not that slept on
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sidiaku damn thats inspectional
Shït okay
Sidiaku I've never heard that one before.
Crazy Limper yeah
"There comes a time when silence is betrayal." Martin Luther King, Jr.
I never talked in school till one day then shit went down I found my voice till the bully pushed me to far then I was the bully don't matter what you do till it to late you snap and you do it to them
what a bold statement. you know when you read something and get this feeling come over ya.. well, that quote says it all
Estifanos Amsalu so true
Silence or in my opinion, decisions.
Very deep quote by a legend. I hope you live your life happily. Thank you for posting this and spreading the seeds of knowledge for a tree of wisdom.
“Everyone’s a killer just gotta push em to their limits”- J. Cole
Anybody is a killer all you gotta do is push em to the limits*
what song is this from
C&G Bros A Tale of 2 Citiez - J Cole
@@kshitijgupta5264 everybodys a killa just gotta push them to their limts*
I ain't no killer but don't push me ~2pac~
Moral of the story: Don’t just sit around and watch someone suffer, because that makes you as bad as the person making them suffer
Fighting your last good fight so a gentle soul does not need to fight their first if need be, is worthy of any life needing to find purpose in death. The real bulling changes lives and bright souls are darkened and as they have to come to terms with the fact it won't stop..sometimes people die. Victims as well as the hand of the ignorant bully that never had good guidance and is taking all the bad from whatever roll model they idolize..again without guidance..To all that say they love that bully and dont know where they got that kinda behavior need to check them got some shit to think about if you going to walk that life with the one you claim to love you better love them more than yourself or your image you think they have of you...or you need to be right. Think of this and be adult enough to take the blessin from the lesson.. With so much life and potential ahead of them and thats both the bully and victim, are lost and need saving ladies n gents.. im glad not all of you reading this have been scarred by cruelty and im sue and its sad to say most of us have seen this in our home as kids ourselves and dont even realize how numb and accepting we are of this behavior before we even get to middle school/highschool/college we are already programmed to not be absolutely enraged due to the lack of vindication and watching as cruelty roams free are already in brain rot accepting more influence over your thoughts like a thrall unable to act on your own will, the much needed type of onlooker needed to set the scene needed for one dealing with the cruelty to see no help and find faith that humanity is lost and all is hopeless..THINK ABOUT IT!...Your willingness to stand up for what you know is right WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME. Nobody critically thinks! THINK FOR YOURSELVES! Dont be the one that gets exsposed for following the leader or the popular one..are you a yesman?...the victims dont even fully understand and thats part of the problem too..the fear and hopelessness of the unknown can have the happiness in this life we live and enjoy and take for granted cut soo short.. for so many that watch as the loved one they cherish so much begins to fade will never see that side of them again and if they are...thats work on a level most of us just say we have. Think about how the victim is forever marked by thier bullies, stripped of something vital to feel and truely believe they are accepted and putting a end to it starts when you all decide to parents and remember this is what it takes at times to send the message to stop letting it be something small in your mind and dont go thinking some body more capable will handle it..dont be sheep think about it, EVERYBODY is thinking the same thing and is largely why things dont get stopped before it went to far.. TO ALL!...the ones with anxiety, cowardice, silent agreement because they hold hate or jealousy in in the heart, want to assimilate with one side so your rep stays the way you want to keep it, if ya just enjoy the suffering of others because your mind is fucked and some poor soul going through some of the scariest times and the most emotionally and physically traumatizing event of the mind that has still not fully developed is watching you enjoy possibly the worst day of their lives and people believe in god so does the victim believe that hope is lost. people that watch on or even more so when it becomes cruel and goes beyond reason and you see malice emerge and rage becomes a broken soul, for the first and sometimes last time they are confronted with the true feeling of hate... and to act normal while its happening or the next day or work harder on that glass eyed untter empty hearted stare or zoned out/in your own world or even worse...fucking stare like its a series on netflix..ALL OF YOU let it happen are worse than the bully from the victims point of view. Remember there is never anybody saying your once a coward always a coward. You are a coward until you prove to yourself your not. Be proud and earn the feeling. Protect the weak and mentally challenged and if you find yourself weak, get strong! make the choice to drop the victim mentality and become a accountable survivor. Be courageous and one last thing..known by many but nit mentored enough in the meaning behind the words...Not all heros wear capes. Stay strong youtuberz. L8r t8rz
That ending tho🙆♂️
"You were the 3rd on my list"
Lesedi Mochadibane IKR goosebumps man goosepumps
That's my fav part too, because he was pissed that tokens character watched it go down and did nothing. And it's dope that in
Tokens mind he had that kids back just because he felt bad.
yeah ikr, I listened to this at work for the first time and it legit gave me goose bumps and make me pauze and say "Damn ..." out loud. Went to the toilet to let the lyrics sink in. At that point he became my favorite rapper.
It hits the hardest at the end....when token was there through it all, he had his back he was there to help but he didn’t know how to speak up for him. Very hard but beautiful beautiful message
Man this song is probably one of the most real videos I've ever seen in my life. Bullying in school or even in the work place takes a heavy toll on people. I don't care how old you are, what creed or religion, what race or color you are, bullying affects everyone heavily. Not being part of the problem is NOT enough. If you see it and don't do anything about it, you are automatically apart of the problem. Good intentions are not enough. If you see someone getting harassed and bullied and pretend like it's not happening, you are no better than the bullies. Thank you for making this video man
HWK oh yes I've watched that and that is definitely one of the most original videos I've ever seen and the passion behind it definitely there
HWK yes yes it did 😂😂😂
Setto Animz if you had paid attention to what I was trying to say, I didn't say beat the person up, I'm saying if you have an opportunity to do something then do it. I did not say what or how to do anything. I'm saying if there's something like that going on and there's an opportunity for you to intervene then I encourage people to intervene.
Matt The Man like I agreed with everything you said but the bully is definitely worse then the kid who did nothing
good words man. bullies a are a fucking problem. it's sad that people have to deal with this. I would have this kids back. high school isn't shit compared to the real world. I just wish the younger crowd would understand this. no matter what kind of bullshit you are going through, high school ends, and so does bullying. this guy could be the next leading software developer, or something awesome like that. bullying is not permanent. it's only done by those who are weak and insecure..... PUSSIES. I wish the world was kinder. there are a lot of people dealing with this that shouldn't have to.
'yeah he's different so? He's not harming anyone' YES 🙏🏼😭
Jade McRoberts yeah it’s sad
but it’s the truth :(
We should have the courage to do what Andy did at the end of the video. Not necessarily kill but just take action, and not commit suicide. That doesn't count.
For real
Ya no
He should harm someone he should bring the world down redemption day must happend over and over until everything is dead doesn't it people don't learn
6 years later still a relevant track 😕🖤
Stan - "Oh shit, it was you"
Exception - " You, you were the third on my list"
Lamss YES
+Theo Purser Yep.
Lamss try dancing with the devil
Dancing With the Devil: "Cause he was starring into the eyes of his own mother"
Go listen to dance with the devil
No sexual content
No drugs
Just facts
100% lyrics
He deserves the love❤
Mik the video aint shit its the singing itself
You ruined it wit the emojis..
Not sure about the facts, I mean you dont know if this is a true story but still it's good ass shit
@@nahnah6997 It shows how school shooters are made.
@@Itchy__ ahh
I got chills when he said “you you were the third on my list”
same here like for real
all it means is you need to do something about it...
TheBeastInsid336 Games so did I
This is one of the last songs Nikolas Cruz listened to before the parkland shooting. He listened to it Feb 13th at 10:11pm. The deadliest high school shooting in America was less than 24 hours after that.
wow, where did you get these sources?
"It's over Andy you had your wish, you you were 3rd on my list" damn that's deep
Ikr, it hit me right in the feels..
i dont understand it
what's deep about it? the dude was the third on his list of people to kill because he was always there and never did anything about it. may as well have been one of the bullies.
true ..
Tyler Holt make no sense cause he not dead... tf. I don’t get it
"He turned to me and said, You, you were the third on my list" DAMN
Token, I have an 11 yr old step son who has had problems w bullies, bad 11 yes old and so emotionally scared. He loves rap, I introduced him to your work and he has a complete new look on life. Seeing a youngster like you with SO MUCH talent, and concern for today's youth, and this song, bro not to sound corny, your many years of hard work and sacrifices, well I can only speak for what I've seen and.....YOU SAVED A LIFE BROTHER. My family is for ever indebted to you and yours. THANK YOU STAY TRUE AND NEVER CHANGE. YOU ARE GREATNESS.!!!!
Dave Bartlett That was an awesome comment. Token is an inspiration to these kids. I'm so glad his music helped your kid. God bless you and your family.
he killed bullies?
Mate why can't step dads have a reputation as good as your deed everyone just thinks step dads smoke and beat their kids but you. You are what parents should really be like. Respect man
Dave Bartlett
Most people, especially children don't realize how damaging bullying actually is. I've been always been bullied at school, even though I switched schools a few times. Now I'm an adult. I can't have a job or live a normal life because I have PTSD, a depression that doesn't go away, ongoing panic attacks and possibly borderline personality disorder because I was always unsafe as a child (also at home, but school was the worst for me)
Wow man im really sorry for you i hope things get better god has your back my g
Preach went through hell felt like I wasn't good enough but I have no hate and forgave them for what they did because they were just looking for attention and did have the guidance.
Not have the guidance 😊
i can really see the dark meaning in this how without saying it you're telling us that even if we are not the bullys if we are not doing anything about it we are no better this is deep
like that wasn't obvious
Its really isn't difficult message to understand.
Another thing is people who say things like I helped him all the time when they don't
I got suspended for sticking up for a kid that was being bullied junior year. The school systems say they have a zero tolerance policy. Man I hated my school
@@Timmeh59 my school got some of my friends suspended for being bystanders and I got suspended for breaking a fight
for all the eminem fans including myself, we need to stop comparing token to em and be thankful that deep contented lyrical flows like this still exists #Token
Acristar Muzics it's not bad that he is compared to Em. He's a legend. The literal GOAT. He reminds me of Em because he is also very lyrical.
i know , I don't mind at all , it's just that most ppl think he's being a *Stan*, wen the truth is, we need more rappers like him
Acristar Muzics straight up
Acristar Muzics exactly
Acristar Muzics true but only a few people make real rap we have to give credit
You know it's special when your listen to the lyrics and not the beat
Listening to the lyrics should be standard, it's sad that lyrics are often irrelevant in rap nowdays...
true shit mate
True soooo true.
@@symax4921 it's not sad. Rap varies some have a deep meaning behind some are just so you can have a good listen.
I don't always wanna think too much when i listen to music
"The same class had the two kids who'd been messing with him, but without a target both of them just *blended* right in"
Why am I just hearing this guy in 2019
Alexis Entertainment he is the kid who played the youngest brother in Malcolm in the middle actually
@@chaoticnipples Uh no dewey wilkerson (Youngest brother) was played by Erik Per Sullivan Tokens real name is Ben Goldberg
@the boss died check his album then
It's so good
idk who you r, or why this was in my recommended but I'm glad I found this..
Music is amazing, please don't change your subject matter in your music.
BrownGuyMadeIT same
BrownGuyMadeIT same
Why am I just randomly stumbling on this now? Dude should be a household name by now
DuckingRager same
Well buddy you would be surprised Kappa
Ironic that's one of his songs liking that 😂👍
I just at intense chills when he says you were third on my list and shot
Why am I only listening to this now , it has been legit 3YEARS AGO.
I know right why now
whY aM I thE ONLy onE LISTeninG
your not
@@fourteenants you realize thats not what he said dude?
phil m 😀
*If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.*
True dat
Or you don't want to get involved with other peoples problems
RazorSpadee yeah. As bad as it may seem to ignore,sometimes not putting yourself in certain situations can be the best for others and yourself.
Yahya Haider It's not bad to stay in your own business. Sometimes it's best to not get yourself involved.
Yahya Haider so would you jump in a 3v1 and help the kid who's getting beat the fuck up?
The last line was probably the deepest.. it basically means that the bystander is just as bad as the bully
Artimis Rawr which isn't true btw
Apollo DA how about you explain that to me then?
Apollo DA it's kinda true when u think about it.
I haven't committed any crime and I didn't choose to witness it, if you kill him how does that make me equally as guilty as the murder ? He took a life, I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time
i mean there are charges for people who witness a murder and dont act on it. so you are guilty for not calling 911 when you witness a murder that IS a CRIME. while you arnt as bad as the guys bullying someone if you just watch it and take no action you also are in the wrong
I beat a couple of bullies up in high school. Hated that crap, always stand up for the people who can't stand up for themselves.
You don't have to beat someone up. Of course it's an effective way and often also a good punishment for the bullies but for example I couldn't fight as I'm a fucking spaghetti lmao. So I couldn't fight but still didn't want to sit by and watch so what I did was befriend the dude that was constantly getting bullied. Even that simple friendship, letting this person know that he/she isn't alone and there is someone there that thinks about them is often enough to stop things such as school shootings.
@@Z38_US only shit is, when your bullies are female you can't really do shit because a lotta teachers pick sides.
i think i speak for many if i say that you are going to be a legend
Bgj (Bart) he already is.
when he said hes was the third on the list the feels bro
is this a song
a speech
or a warning
Token: Yes
Both, both and both and both, both, and both and both, both and both, both and both, both and both and both and both, both, both and both and both and both and both, both, both, both, both, both and both and both and both and both and both, both and both, both, both, both, both and BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To anyone who wants to get into the mind of School Shooters, watch a really good movie called *And then i go* it gives a brilliant perspective from their point of view. Its a dark film about two teens misunderstood by society where they feel unwanted & alienated which leads them to their fate
Got chills almost after 1 min already. I was bullied althrough my school years. But well done with this. I miss these sort of rap. There's not enough real Hip Hop artists out there anymore. Never give up. #Never too different#
You're loved man, stay strong
@@Movedloll thanks man you too. I've got my own music in my life so I will always have something to vent to about my problems. I hate talking about my problems with people so I use music to express how I feel instead.
Can we stop comparing Tokken to other rappers? He's his own person and will reach the top without any platinum name affiliations.
Tokken > Eminem
+Dodgy Dingoz yea token is good but em is betrer because of the fact that em has being longer ib the rap buisness and he knows more
Sab Jua it doesn't matter how much Eminem knows ..there is a bunch of rappers that can Rap at the same level as him. They just bring out a different way.
do you honestly think token thinks being compared to em is bad thing?
Just found Token..
Now I am intrigued,
In Awe,
And wanted more.
CrimsonTunes just found him today though my playlists...I'm not sure if I'm ready for a rapping feel trip but when an art is done so beautifully you just can't look away.
Today is the first time i have heard of token and i love his music already 😊😊
"Who is the fastest rapper in 2017" brung me to
I was bullied as a kid. This is powerful as fuck.
I never was bullied by any one but I understand your sensation
some clown in my school always annoying me, but I'm starting to ignore him now
@@ThatCyberpunkGuy keep it up!
@@ThatCyberpunkGuy They are struggling themselves my man, kudos to you
Why do we want to die before our time? For all those who have power in this fallen world are not even humans. They are the evil spirits, who have stole everything from us. And we, going away before our time to die - we give our enemies what they have wanted all along - we give them our lives. Ephesians 6:12 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
If we do not call upone the NAME OF THE LORD and SHALL BE NOT SAVED - then our souls - our very being is theirs (satan`s) and not GOD`S.
Romans 10:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Psalms 145:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
Psalms 18:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
Psalms 116:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
Do not take away what`s GOD`S . Your soul belongs to GOD who give it, your soul do not belong to satan. For lucifer is none to be worshipped, he is also the creation of GOD. Without GOD, there be no lucifer. For even the name: “LUCIFER” is GOD given.
1 Chronicles 16:8 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people.
Psalms 105:1 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.
Psalms 116:17 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.
Psalms 80:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.
2 Samuel 22:4 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.
Psalms 86:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
Doesn’t this song want to make you beat the shit out of a bully
Yup I'm in 2grad I'm a slam his head
Joseph Nicholas pretty sure that was tokens goal
Karate kick their ding dong till they are done for good 😂
You need to understand why bullies do what they do, then you will know why you shouldn't beat up bullies and rather help them just as much as people who get bullied.
Joseph Nicholas I mean I was bullied pretty badly in high school but I never wanted to shoot up my school. But yes people do have their breaking points. People do have that part of the brain that snaps and says, you know this bullying shit is getting out of hand and I must stop it, so they shoot their bullys and anyone else who just watched. But never once when I was getting bullied did I want to shoot up my school, or shoot those who were bullying me, I mean I wanted them to fucking be killed in the worse way possible or even hurt severally but I would never wish that upon a school for others to be terrified.
*thinks Token ,Eminem , NF*
*drinks water* Amazing
I can tell you're a man of culture
Firefox not that there white it just there songs are just alike
I honestly don't think that why would work together. Token is more of a quite rapper. NF is a mix of quite like in "lie" or a loud on like in "real". And eminem is a loud rapper. They all have the same purpose but they show it in different ways.
MasterTG also Hopsin
@Firefox because he is the only white rapper in everyone's top 10.
Let's collect songs like these, that actually make you feel something:
Token - Exception
Joyner Lucas - I'm sorry
Joyner Lucas - Ross Capicchioni
Stan - Eminem
future-mask off
Eminem - Mockingbird
Jarren Benton - Silence
Tech N9ne - Fear
Vinnie Paz - Is Happiness Just a Word
Jelly Roll - Ridin' All Alone
KEWB89 Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil
XXXTentacion - 777
Fozzey & VanC - Perfect Couple
Phora - Fake Smiles
Phora - Sinner
Joyner Lucas - Keep it 100
XXXTentacion - Slipknot
2pac - Dear Mama
Kendrick Lamar - Sing About Me, Im Dying Of Thirst.
Eminem - Headlights
Witt Lowry - Dreaming With Our Eyes Open
Jarren Benton - Silence
I still watch this all the time.
It's not just the people who bully, but those around you who don't say anything or do anything about the bullying that are equally as guilty.
"Neutrality supports the tormentor, not the tormented."
ETHAN deep
the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartiality.
"during the war, Switzerland maintained its neutrality"
Andrew correct
I'm absolutely not in rap but this song turned up on my screen so I just clicked it. Wow no words holy... Great job
Welcome to the talented part of the internet... where most have never been, but once they come, they never leave.
should really give rap a bigger try its all poetry
This song gives me chills
Ryan Baber same here man!
Happiness & Exception are some of the most emotion invoking pieces of music that I have ever heard..relatable, genuine, and masterfully produced from the beats to the lyrics and all in between. Token deserves whatever he strives to achieve in his professional career..WHAT AN ARTIST!
I also thought they were the most moving songs until I listened to dance with the devil...
This song is something we all can kind of relate too. That's why the majority of us like it. We hear it, it is catchy, sticks in our heads, and sounds important.
Excellent video and meaning behind the song. It makes it even better as this was filmed in Token's High School and the cast are his best friends!!
Hallyug how do u know that?
Luisa Trenz there is info about it if you look online, I think it's Wikipedia
Hallyug oh cool thank you. Just discovered this talented dude so I don't know anything about him yet
Is this song a actually about him and another one of his friends point of view? He himself had a stuttering issue and had bullies due to his excessive weight before he did something about it. Heres where i found this info -
This is hard.. hits right in the heart.. you're a very gifted writer Token
He ain't gifted. He has a language disability. This is all skill, which is even more impressive
@@f1rstaidmusic667 what do you mean
Man this one hit home. The people who see it and do nothing or just walk by are just as guilty.
Exactly school shooting started happening when people who do something get punished just as much as the bully’s
@@jasonrathmann9359 a very sad fact!😔
The bystander effect is something else
The fact that Nikolas Cruz, the parkland school shooter who killed 19 people listened to this video on repeat over and over and commented on it the NIGHT BEFORE he shot up his school is so crazy to me. The evil bastard felt like he was the victim and decided to end the lives of kids to get revenge, and he felt like this song spoke to him.
If you want to find the police report that revealed this, look up “Cruz’s Cell Phone Content and Internet Searches” on google, it’s crazy that Cruz used this video to justify his actions.
i was bullied in school most of my life! this song really touches my heart
gabriel O'neal Same
gabriel O'neal fuck your bullies I hope they rot in hell
i tried to tell the i was cool if they got to know me! they finally see now that i'm fully grown! my life is better the most and they recognise it! i forgave them when they ask,only asked they stand up for victims of being bullied! Help end the cycle
Ruben Jennings I'm sorry man fuck bullies
gabriel O'neal nerd
"nobody expected this but everybody knew the reason why" Right!!!😑😑😑❤❤
Madam Gotem I swear to god thats my favorite line in the entire song
The sickening truth.
Madam Gotem p
Madam Gotem it's about ppl getting bullied.
vegeta.e mine has to be " and you the the third one on my list."
"he turned around and said you, you were the third on my list".. that literally gives me chills no matter how many times I hear this.
When this came out I was in my last years of highschool. This song single-handedly made me stick up for myself and for others.
this song is a masterpiece
just got to discover it now,
Been listening to you for a while now man and it's safe to say that you've become quite a big inspiration. This music video is just the beginning of you becoming a future legend.
Good shit, bro!
Ryan Jones look who it is ;) Exactly, he's living proof that hip-hop is alive and well.
Asa Jake Ayyy
Ryan Jones listen to nf man he's fucking amazing
This song holy fuck! ,.. ppl keep saying new generation of artist cant flow or make anything to hint of a good song.. Token i just found your music and ty homie you gave an old dude hope that hip hop is still in good hands
I genuinely am crying realising how bad of a person I was in school I was never a bully but I sometimes be rude to people and only now 2 years later realising what the other person goes thru
at least now you realize it and you have regrets
TOKEN HAS A VEVO NOW! Moving up in the world :)
anyone can get a vevo lol
Stacks Don't think its as easy as that
No he doesn't aha, that's his channel name. It would be verified if it was.
Elevate nah this is a seperate account and it is an official vevo account im pretty sure, his main channel is tokenhiphop
oh yeah true i just saw.
If you don't solve the problem you're a part of it. Good job Token
KyLo SO if I live in a jungle and someone on the opposite side of the earth is getting bullied..I'm supposed to know and do something..that brings the context right out of that quote..
**"If you don't take the opportunity to solve the problem, you're a part of it."**
AllHailLordLenny :D that was a terrible analogy. It's talking about if you witness the problem going on.
Jigsaw Secretariat Obviously I did
Yeah I witness it over the internet..the guy talks about it or it's in some video..
Production game is ON POINT now Token good shit!
One thing I went through my whole high-school just was writing ✍️ a freestyle to it.... you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. Bullying is something that is internal and you deal with it the rest of your life. Thanks for being real and raw always. You are a legend 🔥
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
― Elie Wiesel
This is so deep, it gives me the chills.
Melanie Naulty Now... Thats what she literary said... J/k
that could easily be the shittiest joke ever
Melanie Naulty could be an orgasm
Melanie Naulty And to think this happens daily, world wide . We think we are innocent when we just " dont get involved" . Eye opener
this song touches so close to my heart like its talking to me :( :( :(
The message of this song is to stand up and say something, defend someone if your able to. Don't just be a bystander letting tyrants get by bullying people.
Now this...this is real rap.
Warren Wilson nf, token, Kendrick, logic, to say rap is dead would be disgraceful if we have guys like them still.
1) I agree completely
2) I didn't say rap was dead
3) I personally think Logic > Kendrick
Warren Wilson I think that Kendrick is a bit more lyrically gifted, but they are different, and both very VERY V E R Y talented
KmanGamez I definitely agree that Kendrick > Logic lyrically, but as an overall artist, I think Logic > Kendrick...for some reason I prefer "The incredible true story" over "D.A.M.N."
Token grew up where I live and I've known of him for a while. So the first year at that high school I was like these hallways look familiar, and turns out I saw it in this video.
@@banwtw ya, he lived in Salem but went to school at marblehead high school
@@yungmobster4861 ok
@RILEY WINTERLAND what's ur Instagram, I'll literally send you a video of me walking down a hallway in this video
@Micheal Finna Rap He doesn't respond XD
they need to show this in schools to talk about being a bystander
Drew Melton If you're still in school, PLEASE tell your principal about this
Jixaw why don’t u
Christian Gggg Because I’m out of school
Drew Melton honestly
Drew Melton your a fucking genius
in somewhere in between token confirms andy was a real person:
“I wrote a song about a kid who got bullied it's called Exception
And the part I didn't mention, was Andy was a real person
And someone I befriended then I left him for another group of friends who used to torment him
I made money of off Exception and off of Andy
In interviews they treated me like a hero”
yea. happy andy didnt shoot up a school
The song with the music video goes sooo deep! I always get goosebumps when he says "You're the 3rd on my list.."
Dance with the devil made me disturbed
I'm sorry by joyner lucas made me think
This song made me cry #RESPECT man
Vlaicu Rabca great comment.
Vlaicu Rabca dance with the devil is one of the realest dope as songs around put a knot in my throat the first time I herd it mad respect for immortal technique. Token is good but there on 2 dif levels.
Mike Chelf I can't even listen to that song. My daughter played it for me and it freaked me the f out. Therefore, I don't ever.
Vlaicu Rabca this song made me think and I'm sorry made me cry
Mad respect
Imagine, token, Nf, Bmike and Joyner Lucas make a song together.. holy shit they’d make me question everything
Don't forget tom
pls tell my your instagram
Pedro Borges me ??
@@eby9296 yeahh
I got suspended and sent for counselling because i defended myself against 5 of my bullies. I got my ass kicked. I landed some hard punches but the numbers won. Later that day the Principal called me and said "you have anger issues" I cursed at him and told him "how tf is this my fault?"
I got suspended in the 5th grade for slapping my bully really hard when the teacher left the room for a second. And in 7th grade an 8th grader was bullying me for weeks. He rode my bus too, that didn't help any at all. One day I just got a "fuck it" feeling, and I got off on his stop and followed him halfway home, and beat the fucking shit out of him. There was some blood. I felt kind of bad for him, but at the same time I was standing over my bully. And no one really Ever tried to bully me after that
Used to get bullyed hard by a guy at School, you know the type who everybody likes, tries to play cool. One day he came at me, probably had some issues at home or whatever and punched me in the face, I was always against violence, so I got up, turned my back and about to leave class (teacher was not in the room, just 7 or 8 other peopl)... he came running after me, I turned and punched him right in the Jaw, he dropped unconscious for a couple minutes, lots of people came, he lost a 2 teeth, never bullied me again, but I was lucky to have the strength, always hated when others were bullying other people who were in phisical disadvantage, from that day one I started watching the back of 2 other boys in my class who used to be bullied really hard, tried to make things better for them too. Dont feel proud of hurting other people, but do feel proud of showing to these boys that not everyone is like that. 20 years passed and one of them still my best friend.
@@doe6651 You go my man!
I don't think cursing at him helped the situation
These kinds of songs are so rare nowadays. A great song AND a great message. Token might be the most under rated rapper of 2019
Damn man. I only found you today. And im loving your art. You have your head screwed on. And tackling subjects that others that others would shy away from. Peace man. Keep keeping it real man.
I..... shit.... music doesn’t typically affect my emotions... but I’m listenin to this literally in the middle of collegeand about to break down cuz this shit is exactly like what I went thru.... (minus the shooting part) it sucks guys being the one where you’re getting hurt because you’re different. I’m just a random stranger to you guys and people say we’re all one of a kind but there are people that are similar to me... I was short... I was hyper cuz of adhd and that’s shit I couldn’t control.. and I got picked on for it.... please... I know this is a late comment but if you take the time to read it... please take it to heart and help others in need because it truly does fucking suck...
Token if you're reading this by any chance.. you're music is inspiring to more than you think... Especially me... Today made me realize how shitty life is with my mom having cancer and my parents still fighting.. but somehow it's empowered me to move and March on.. and to that I say thank you...
i shit too
bro, this video makes me want to beat a bully down to his fucking feet
This shit eats me up, i was like token in this during high school. Now im confident enough to do something if this arised again but sometimes being late isnt good enough.
@@krycv9857 i did that once, and the bully never came back to school. 😕
I remember discovering this and Token in 2017 when I moved into the dorms. Still gives me chills - really cool to see how big he's gotten.
I have stood up for kids since middle school.
I am 26 now, and those I have stood up for are doing great things.
I salute you.
Honestly I hate bullies. I will always stand up against them. I got suspended in high school one time because of it. I got into a fight because this kid who was a good 6ft 250lb was bullying a kid who was abt 5 ft 5 in and probably weighed 150lbs soaking wet. I being 5 ft 9 190lbs decided I wasn't going to stand for it and confronted him about it and he said he was gonna "kick my ass" but I never have been the type of person to be scared to get injured so I fought him And actually beat him. The kid who was getting bullied is one of my best friends and the only person I kept in touch with after school, and hes doing great now.
And I've decided I will always stand up against a bully no matter how big they are or what the consequences are. It's worth it to make someone's life better.
Benjamin Marsolek untill the bully draws a knife 💀
@@Achjaaa where you livin? the EU? LOL
@@jskyler5422 USA*
i'm proud I never bullied someone, tho I regret not standing up for others who did got bullied,
i think this song has a really good subject!
wish i could say the same
I got bullied it sucks it put me in depression for years but I did come out of it once I got into bodybuilding
I used to get punked and bullied a lot on my block until I cut a kitten's head off and stuck it in this kid's mailbox.
If you die tonight, do you know where you're going? Did you know that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and He loves you?
Through Him, God offers you a FREE gift - forgiveness. All you need to do is repent, turn away from your sins and evil ways,
from now on put your faith completely in Jesus Christ and be obedient to Him.
God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why
we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go
there. (Matthew 12:30) ''Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not
gather with me scatters.'' He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteouss, but
rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). God gave us free will and since Adam
sinned in the garden, sin is the nature of our flesh and we’ve all sinned.
(Romans 3:23) and the law demands death to those who sin (Romans 6:23). For
someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless, that's why everyone need Jesus Christ.
None of us are good in God’s eyes, because for God good means moral perfection. We all
have broken God’s commandments, we all have sinned in our lives so none of us
are good. ‘’For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is
guilty of breaking all of it.’’ (James 2:10). ‘’For God so
loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’’ (John 3:16) That’s why only Jesus can
save us, because He lived a perfect and sinless life and is the only worthy
sacrifice and died for our sins. We aren’t saved based on our good
deeds/works, but only by the grace of God. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
He said ‘’it is finished’’ (John 19:30), which means He paid the fine for our sins
(past, present, future) to be forgiven if we repent and trust in Him.
‘’Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that
times of refreshing may come from the Lord.’’ (Acts 3:19) Biblically, a person who repents does not continue willfully in sin.
Repentance is a turning from sin, and it always results in changed behavior (Luke 3:8). While sorrow from sin is
not equivalent to repentance, it is certainly an element of scriptural repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Do not play a hypocrite.
(John 3:3) Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."
If you confess that Jesus is Lord (John 10:30) and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved. (Romans 10:9)
You are born again with the spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36)
Bible is the Word of God. You may ask how so because it is written by men. Just like a letter is written by a pen,
so is Bible written by God using men, that's why they're called prophets. Bible/God's Word was written over 1600 year
period by 40 different authors and 66 books, all leading to the coming of God's Son - Jesus Christ. There is consistency of
revelation throughout a long time of period, many prophecies being fulfilled. In the Book of Isaiah you see details about how
Jesus Christ suffered even if it was written a long time before His coming. In the Book of Daniel 500 BC you can read
about the massive empire that will divide nations into one, you can see it described Alexander the great who lived 300 BC.
Get right with God and start your relationship with Jesus Christ right now before
it’s too late, because there’s not much time left!. "But about that day
or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the
Father.’’ (Mark 13:32)
You may start with a simple prayer from the bottom of your heart, TRULY believing that God listens and
cares. (Jeremiah 29:13) ''You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.''
Get to know Christ through His word. At first I recommend reading Gospel of John and
book of Romans. God bless you!
@@jesusisking3814 I love this comment. Tysm and god bless you 🙏💯
Legit just made me cry this song is beautiful, thank you Token
Purple Jak 😂😂
There they go again, harassing this kid so easily
His name is Andy, he grew up right down the street from me
I barely know him though, I just see him in school while passing
Usually followed by two kids giggling in back of him
I don't know why I feel the need to interfere and I'll be honest
The kid is obviously a little weird
He's got a stutter, plus always talks to himself, but it is clear to me they shouldn't mess with him
He probably wishes they'd disappear
Like yeah, he's different, so?
He ain't causing harm to anyone
Yeah he might annoy them, not on purpose though
He's never done something intentionally offensive like these other kids
Like yelling "stop being a retard!" when they see him mumbling
Or called him a faggot when he's saying something awkward
Yeah, he lives with it, but he shouldn't have too any longer
He's just a kid like any of us
Matter of fact, next time I see him I'm gonna say something and have his back
The next day ain't any better, they're abusing him
Every day gets worse 'cause people accept it as they become used to it
And he doesn't stand up but what can you do with that hate against you
You call 'em out, he's called a spaz with some anger issues
They hear but they don't listen, senseless
They're hearing that bullies are everywhere thinking that there must be the exception
But it's so alive and its so true
They got open eyes but they don't view
They got growing minds that they don't use
And it's pulverizing our whole youth
But to be honest, most of these bullies don't mean any harm
They're just kids like any of us, they like to be in charge
They like attention, but just lack guidance in getting it
So they put others down, none of us are always innocent
But that doesn't make it right, cause again I'm watching Andy get tortured by two of his peers with no reason in sight
And I know he knows I watch and he sees me paying attention
And It's getting worse and worse, I hope he knows that I respect him
The next day Andy didn't show up to school and I was nervous
He always came to this class, I wonder what was the purpose
The same class had the two kids who been messing with him
But without a target, both of them just blended right in
Twenty minutes later, the class was pretty quiet
As Andy walks through the door, he was shaking and crying
As all heads slowly in sync turned, he pauses
Then pulls a pistol out of his front pocket
The girls screamed, the boys sat there terrified
Nobody expected this but everyone knew the reason why
And before anyone could say something fully
Within seconds, two bullets flew into his bullies
More screams as the bodies collapsed
I felt I should say something cause I was the only one who had his back
I said "It's over Andy, they're dead! You had your wish!"
He turned to me and said "You? You were the third on my list"
Still here listening to this the day it came out my freshman year
I'm serious this is one of the best rap
ashmit galav I like your post 👍👍👍👍👍
"You... You were third on my list"
it was listed as the most underrated hip hop
came here and wasnt disappointed
the guy is the real deal
Bro, you only discover him now ?
@@ju_82 sadly yes
@@nicolasgarney you should listen to bmike too
Token is one of the most underrated rappers
Who came for another view after that new freestyle he did for Sway?
From Spain to USA.
back again. Dope music
Definitely, that Sway freestyle was nutty, he's hungry.
This is my first view, but heard about it on Sway today.
Token you have my respect man. This song is one of the realest life changing moments. You got a supporter from Cali! Im just beginning to listen to your music and all I have to say is I'm sorry that I was too late cuz I'm just recognizing you. Good luck yo.
This had no sad beat, yet it had me on the verge of tears. You actually inspire me man with delivering such amazing music. Your deserve to be noticed more