Satan The Prophet - A History of Modern Satanism

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • Massimo Introvigne, author of the monumental Satanism: A Social History (Brill 2016), defines it as the organized veneration of Satan through ritual practices. As such, it is a modern phenomenon, who started with the first Black Masses at the court of the French King Louis XIV in the 17th century. The lecture explores three different phenomena. The first is the proto-Satanism that started with the French Black Mass, in turn influential on 18th-century incidents in England (with the so called Hell-Fire Clubs), Italy, and Russia. The second is the classic Satanism of 19th and early 20th century, on whose origins we have only the dubious information of journalist Jules Bois and novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans. Some real groups, howeve,r surfaced in the early 20th century in Denmark, Poland, and France. In the U.S., a barber in Toledo, Ohio, Herbert Arthur Sloane, operated an early Satanist group, although when he exactly started it is unclear. British magus Aleister Crowley was not technically a Satanist, but some of his followers, including the early German Fraternitas Saturni, practiced forms of Satan worship. And an American disciple of Crowley, Californian rocket scientist Jack Parsons, promoted a cult of the Antichrist that anticipated modern Satanism. One of Parsons' associates was L. Ron Hubbard, who later founded Scientology. Parsons' activities are a prelude to the third phenomenon, modern Satanism, inaugurated with the foundation in San Francisco of the Church of Satan by Anton Szandor LaVey in 1966. LaVey's church is still very much alive, and represents a rationalist Satanism where Satan is a metaphor of the human potential and social Darwinism. Those believing that Satan is a real sentient being separated from LaVey in 1975 and followed Michael Aquino into the schismatic Temple of Set. A parallel, idiosyncratic group was The Process Church, which had some contacts with Charles Manson, but only after he had been arrested. The distinction between rationalist and occult Satanism is still a useful tool today to explore the Satanist scene. Rationalist groups include the Order of the Left Hand Path in New Zealand and in the U.S. the well-publicized Greater Church of Lucifer, established by Michael Ford, and The Satanic Temple, led by Lucien Greaves. Occult Satanist movements include the secretive Order of the Nine Angles, which advocates violence and terrorism, and a host of small groups, some of them headquartered in New York (Satanic Reds, Church of Azazel). While most Satanists venerate Satan as a "good" humanistic liberator of humankind, a fringe "anti-cosmic" Satanism worships him as the god of hate and violence. In this milieu, serious crimes have been committed, the worst of them involving an Italian group known as the Beasts of Satan. The lecture also explores the dimension and significance of contemporary Satanism, and why scholars maintain a keen interest on it.
    Massimo Introvigne is a professor of Sociology in Torino, Italy and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR). In 2011, he served as Representative for Combating Racism, Xenophobia, and Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and members of other religions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), of which the U.S. are also a member. He is the author of some sixty books about religious pluralism and esotericism, including the monumental Satanism: A Social History (Brill 2016), and of more than one hundred articles in academic publications.

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @freekillerwhale
    @freekillerwhale 7 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you SO MUCH for putting this online.

  • @raskthenehkroskeptic
    @raskthenehkroskeptic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would love to hear his details on The Misanthropic Luciferian Order and the Temple of the Black Light.

  • @EdwardIglesias
    @EdwardIglesias 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    +Ronni Thomas Thanks so much for putting this up. Excellent lecture.

  • @chrislevett38
    @chrislevett38 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    very entertaining lecture. I would've liked a little more in depth information on historical satanism but the lecturer would've done so had he had more time I'm sure.

  • @mitchhorowitz6054
    @mitchhorowitz6054 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    What a ray of intellect on this topic. Bravo.

    • @svemory
      @svemory 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have been waiting for mention of La Vey and some kind of definition of Satan, and when he brought in Social Darwinism he finally drew a circle around what this essence is. A crystalized denial of heart presence and exaltation of an unhealthy ego identification. I have seen, first hand, how forces - that many would assume to be the stuff of fiction - make use of those who, for reasons too lengthy to investigate here, are prone to such an inner condition. In my experience material, that for many may be relatively benign or a matter of intellectual curiosity, can and does - at least at times - serve as a vehicle through which such forces - and they are real - "infect" those with an inherent proclivity, but in whom that potential for real darkness had not yet truly awakened. Magic is more than utilizing ones own godlike powers to create - there are myriad energies of all types upon whom we can call, wittingly or unwittingly. There is a reason the Nazi/terrorist connection weaves in. To set an opposition between 'the Bible' and 'Satanism' is not worthwhile, however, imo, for there is a good deal of darkness woven into the Bible in its own way. Not to mention what people have done to and with it.

    • @PRHILL9696
      @PRHILL9696 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      LaVeyans do believe in supernatural magic though and brag about results and many members believe in spirits and an after life as well

  • @Fitz2393
    @Fitz2393 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Some mischaracterizations of Dr. Aquino's professional career, but a good lecture overall. Good on ya Ronni for putting it together.

  • @paulhaas7176
    @paulhaas7176 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Was there a section deleted from this video?

  • @Beiskraft
    @Beiskraft 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    very good research

  • @reacespeaces2
    @reacespeaces2 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The Beast in Revelation was born January 5, 1969 in Canton Ohio.Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. Revelation 13:18. Philadelphia is one of the 7 churches of Revelation. This book about the future is coming true right now and is taking place throughput the United States.The Philadelphia Eagles won in 2018. Philadelphia to Canton Ohio is exactly 333 miles as the crow flies. Canton is where the football Hall of Fame is and is also where Marilyn Manson was born on January 5th 1969. Canton Ohio to Chicago is 333 miles. This equal 666, the true root of the Beast mystery is solved from the Bible.Chicago is where Anton Lavey published the satanic in 1969 the same year Manson was born. Manson and Anton became friends and first met at Anton's house “Black house” in San Francisco where he founded the church of satan. Robert Stroud, the birdman of Alcatraz is surprisingly on of God’s most special Angels. After the Birdman of Alcatraz died he was buried cross country in Metropolis Illinois, superman's hometown. Jerry Siegel created Superman in 1933 and died 33 years later on the Birdman’s Birthday January 28 1996. Johnny Depp was a good angel until he became best friends with Manson. If you ever watch the old 1962 movie "the birdman of Alcatraz" the first bird Robert saves is a Sparrow he names Jack. In pirates of the Caribbean Johnny Depp plays Captain Jack Sparrow. Construction on the Golden Gate Bridge started on January 5th 1933. On January 5th 1982 there was a landslide in San Francisco that killed 33 people. The 49 year anniversary of the bridge. The Kadovar volcano in Paupa New Guinea erupted on January 5, 2018 of this year marking the 49th Birthday of the beast of new Babylon which is San Francisco California. This was the first eruption of Kadovar in recorded history and was thought previously to be dormant. Enoch talked about the end of days. Enoch lived on Earth for 365 years before he was taken to heaven. The height of Kodovar is exactly 365 meters. The island has to be evacuated and now half of the island is covered in lava. This eruption is God’s warning bell for humans to figure it out before you know who gets back. Manson was quoted as saying “Hopefully I will be remembered for the one who brought an end to Christianity” Manson said that in 1996 the same year he released his self titled album “Antichrist Superstar”Just google an article Manson wrote himself on being the third and final beast in revelation. Metropolis Illinois to Fort Wayne Indiana where I figured this all out is exactly 333 miles. Marilyn Manson’s has dreams to this day of being the antichrist, I wonder why that is. God's story spans from Philadelphia to San Francisco, from Rocky to the Rock which represents Jesus's best friend Peter the Rock. The distance from Philadelphia to San Francisco is exactly 2520 miles, if you put the last to digits in the front you get 2025, the rapture date January 5, 2025. The current pope chose his papal name Francis after St. Francis the same saint San Francisco is named after. Jesus was crucified at age 33. If you connect two 3’s together you get the number 8. Hawaii Volcano started erupting on jan 3, 1983, the it started erupting more violently on the 3rd of May of this year. Fissure 8 is the most active which has an 8 mile lava flow that ends in the ocean which is exactly what it says in Revelation 8:8. “And the second Angel sounded the Trumpet, and something like a huge mountain all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. Manson is going to learn the lesson of when you play with fire you get burnt. I’m not even scratching the surface. I have written a book that once and for all proves God and Jesus exist called American Wonderland. Do not get hung up on the specific date of the rapture, my job is just to warn the people that revelation is definitely starting.

  • @CALIGIRL702
    @CALIGIRL702 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’ve read the book! GOD WINS! Satan Loses and so do his followers, REPENT!

    • @sarahhawke5729
      @sarahhawke5729 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I bet it were published by a Bible basher God = spirituality vs Satan = reality unfortunately unlike the deluded author reality will win over monopolous schemes that sterilize living thought pay some respect to the individual and ultimately later on in life find the truth that is not in books meaning that no matter what type of book tells you how you should live the ultimate prize of life is to keep sane and embrace your freedom there's no room for spiritual masochism

  • @maxpayne2574
    @maxpayne2574 6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    God is an oppressive dictator who says no matter how good a person you are if you don't bow to him and his son you go to hell. Satan rebelled against the dictator and brought humans the knowledge to be free of the velvet prison that Eden was.

    • @jerryholbrook3486
      @jerryholbrook3486 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      No satan tricked humans into sin which is death sin is death satan lied to them and brung sin into the world by claiming theyre eyes would be opened and that theyd be like gods and have the freedom all lies it was never gods intention for humans to go through all the hell we go through it never exsisted until satan came along and tricked eve and adam into lie affer lie satan is the true oppressor god is the savior from the oppression satan brung forth nice try though. Would you like to make jesus your personal savior today?

    • @karimal-jazairi4583
      @karimal-jazairi4583 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is the Christian perspective, which makes no sense.
      The one you call satan (Iblis) is a part of the previous creation (Jinn) of God. He was the most pious servant but he became arrogant and jealous of the new creation (Adam) and was expelled from Heavens. Satan is only a title, the one who is astray, an evil person, even a human being can be a satan.
      his name is Iblis. he is the worst of the creation, the accursed one, he has no power, he is only a whisperer and on the Day of Resurrection he will be judged according to his deeds like every single soul.
      (God) said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajim (an outcast or a cursed one)."
      "And verily, the curse shall be upon you till the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)." [Quran, 15:34-35]

    • @ethosfm1262
      @ethosfm1262 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jerryholbrook3486 one problem with that...evolution. and death was in the world since the beginning. So, no

    • @vaughnreedjr6592
      @vaughnreedjr6592 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jerryholbrook3486 Satan has never brought sin and evil to this world.
      Evil people do evil things.

    • @vaughnreedjr6592
      @vaughnreedjr6592 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jerryholbrook3486 Satan don't oppression people.

  • @barrygibbons2803
    @barrygibbons2803 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is a fucking freak show.

  • @jdord4838
    @jdord4838 6 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Yeshua / Jesus is the way "

    • @PRHILL9696
      @PRHILL9696 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      jesus is dead

    • @jerryholbrook3486
      @jerryholbrook3486 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The spirit that was in him has always lived and is living today that spirit has no birthday and was not created it has always been infinite god is not dead the body of jesus christ is dead yes but thats the body made of the flesh blood and bone the spirit that was in that body is not dead never will be.

    • @the90sboy72
      @the90sboy72 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      your commenting on the wrong video

    • @whatabouttheearth
      @whatabouttheearth หลายเดือนก่อน

      😂 obviously the way is a dead end

    • @whatabouttheearth
      @whatabouttheearth หลายเดือนก่อน

      😂 obviously the way is a dead end

  • @dinayooo3660
    @dinayooo3660 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Omg y’all are so misguided I don’t know how or why you would choose to worship Satan like wtf why how seriously do your research Satan ain’t what you think he is.
    May Allah save us

    • @lunarloone9490
      @lunarloone9490 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You didn’t actually pay attention did you

    • @lyartbane2115
      @lyartbane2115 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am my own god and I scoff at your “Allah”.