Yea you don't see it in the video but the red trail is just on the other side of that grassy hump at the end. It's possibly been left like that to slow people down when rejoining the red trail
This trail starts not far back up the red from steep spice. If you are coming down the red you will see this trail on the left. It is on trail forks now yes
Would be awesome to see more trails like this open up at Glenlivet alongside their bigger flow trails 🤙
Yea definitely, I'd be there more often if they had more trails like this one
Such a short one, I just got pumped up for more hehe
Short but sweet 😀
kinda ends in the middle of no where. Have they finished it lol
Yea you don't see it in the video but the red trail is just on the other side of that grassy hump at the end. It's possibly been left like that to slow people down when rejoining the red trail
Is this on TF? I see Glenduro, The Grey Area, Steep Spice - is it on of those, or a newer one? Looks lovely.
This trail starts not far back up the red from steep spice. If you are coming down the red you will see this trail on the left. It is on trail forks now yes
Sweet Neil. You get any decent footage on the other trails?
Yea will make a full video with them Gus. Will be out next week 👍
Sweet, can't wait to see some sideways landings 🤣🤣
A few good natural bits at Glenlivet now starting at top of hill 👍
Yea we did that one just before this trail 👍