adam!! i always waiting for your comeback! and i really hope that you'll post more inspirational videos for this year as before! I am one of your huge fan since "Get it right". xoxo
One thing that make us Sabahan is we don't see others by what faith they belong to. We see them as a human who we could be with. That is why we could get along for so long even if we came from different religion. We respect each other..! So, about faith, I agree with you Adam.
i love how u answered the question regarding your religion. it really doesn’t matter what religion you are , ones religion/skin colors/race and etc doesn’t defines who they are as a person.
Datang balik sini, Mau tgok part pasal agama tu saja. Sangat terinspirasi dgn jawapan adam. Rupanya ada jga org sependapat dgn sy. Bagi sy la kan, cuma opinion ok.. Bila kita jumpa org baru, kawan baru, siapa2 pun dia, tidak perlu pun tanya pasal apa agama dia, sbab bagi saya, as long as orang tu baik, suka tolong orang, tolong kau, tolong family dia, dia tidak bunuh org, jadi kita tau dia ada kepercayaan dan agama, & agama dia ajar yg baik2.. Pengalaman sy pernah pergi luar negara, jumpa kawan sana, memang baik.. sampai la satu time, sy tida tau knapa tiba2 saya tanya apa agama dia, dari situ dia tidak layan sy mcm mana dia layan sy slalu. Tidak tau la, ada tersinggung atau apa silap sy. Moreover, country tu average penduduk sana memang tiada agama (Time tu belum tau). From that moment, I learned something, what is life, what surround you, people, community. ✌️😬🙏
I think they ask about your religion so that they can treat you based on your religion's dos and donts. Example la kan. Kalau kau muslim, then when u go out w your friends diorang tak la offer u alcohol. Or like if u hindu then tau2 la diorang tak offer u daging. So people respect u in wht u believe in. Tu possitive reason la
ya bah cause many malaysians have muslims with non-muslim names and non-muslims with muslims name. Tak kan kita bawa kamu ke bat ku teh shop with your big shocked eyes staring at us ? that's why in malaysia, better make it known clearly so that we are politically correct and don't offend anyone. elsewhere not teruk. but here make it clear. even though social media.
I'm agree about that religion answer. It's not an important stuff for society to know. As long as we can make a smile to society and helping to make a better future to all people. Your confidence level motivate me to do all stuff that i love. Thanks❤️
What important stuff for society to know his birthday? He took it too deep...just answer his religion, islam, christian, whateva and go through other question if he dont want to talk further about it. People just want get to know him just like they ask his birthday, where his born etc..just take it easy bro
According to Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Yes, it's true faith is shared between you and God alone, but can you live your faith without sharing the "good news"? Through God, we have discovered the only way and truth in life. We should also help those who are unaware. Thanks guys for reading this post!~ ^^
I agree with this because it's our mission to share the gospel to all nations, they want to believe it or not it's the work of the Holy Spirit to let them understand the Words of God. In Matthew 24:14 said very clearly... And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. We have a big mission as Christians.. Many of us didn't realised that.
When it comes to faith or religion...... It is something that we should never ever disclose to anyone out there. Just like Adam said, it's between you and your own God. Nothing less nothing more. Be you're an Islam, a Christian, Buddha, Hindu or anything that you could possibly believe in....... Remember, a wise person will keep it to their own self rather than cringing over it. Pssssssttttttt.......... Religions is not a good table of conversation then TBH. Keep it on the low down. Pounsikow kio.
kennedy francis Man, I thought I’m the only one who have this kind of opinion. I mean come on, I’m extremely irritated with people who keep giving me advice (and to some extent verbally forcing me) to do this and that just because I am (I won’t tell my religion here), like as if they are holier-than-thou kind of people. I always believe that religion is between you and your God, and should be kept private. Who cares if you are subscribing to one’s religion or not. There are more than enough people who are being judgemental because of my religion, and I’m freakin sick of it..
Aliff true that. I was being asked the same qtn and when they knew my religion they keep on telling me to go with them. Like dude why??? Im happy with my own faith. I just feel that im being judged for my religion.
Ramai sabahan yg membesar dgn broken family, membesar dgn agama lain, dalam ic lain.. but who are we to judge people. There are so many stories behind it on how ppl living with struggles to live their life. Always remind diri kita, kalau mau tegur atau nasihat org, biarlah secara private jgn kasi malu sesiapa, jgn ambil hak sesiapa.. peace ✌🏽
I know how it feel when people keep asking that question. Sama mcm kau adam from primary school until today everyone keep asking me the same question "apa agama kau" and i always reply them "all religion r my religion". Why keep asking that question. I love muslim, i live Christian, i love Buddha, i live hindu, i love all religion, because i believe all religion teach us to b a good person. As long u r good person i believe u have place in god heart and hand. Ok tq for ur answer
' i believe all religion teach us to b a good person. As long u r good person i believe u have place in god heart and hand.' Yes! I have to agree with these statements. Thank you sebab bawakan statement ini. Sia setuju sngat.
@@zul9117 bukan bermaksud dia tidak ada agama tapi dia apa yang dia mau sampaikan tidak kira apa agama kau sekali pun, kau punya agama mesti ajar benda-benda yang baik. Sebab itu dia cakap "i love all religion" because he believed that religion's teaching is actually teaching him and us that showing our love to humanity is better rather being involved in an argument about which faiths are true.
I totally agree that u keep ur religion a secret. It would've create a different mindset or expectation from people. Wise act adam. All the best for everything u do.
“Truth is revolutionary. Live it.” I like the slogan on your shirt. and I kind of fond of this video. Rooting for you to keep making videos that contain strong advices and teguran to societies, with love.
Love how you responded to the question about your religion. I definitely agree with you. Sometimes*** people tend to just someone based on their beliefs and I don't think that's fair.. malas sa mau karang essay sni.
Adam, sama pun kat Indonesia sini bah. Penting sangat dorang mau tahu agama seseorang sebab mereka nak tempatkan agama sebagai filter utk dorang add some friends bukan kepada quality atau kepentingan yg sama sebagai manusia.
Adam , well said ! Religion is just the stuff of inner cultivation, perhaps God is one, never mess it up with the differences in cultures and beliefs ! Proud of your inspiration to the new era generation of open minded ! Keep going !
samalah...aku pun kadang orang tanya apa agama aku.... tapi bila.aku cakap aku muslim orang susah betul mahu percaya.... tapi beginilah, agama tu untuk diri sendiri. pegang kuat kuat..jaga dia. selebihnya orang mahu nilaikah..tanya dia "kau tuhankah..?"
@@pesmobilemalaysia8097 nama kawanku jubaidah binti yusuf tapi agama nya kristian, orang sabah byk guna bin dan binti. Kebanyakan guna nama melayu belum tentu islam nye
@@pesmobilemalaysia8097 biasa dekat Sabah.. Most sabahan nama mereka ada bin binti.. Tapi agama kristian. Jangan terkejut tau. Itu sbb nak tau Adam shamil ni Islam atau nda. Patah hati kalau ndaa. 😂😂😂
Hahaha...knpa ada bin dan binti sebab dorg punya ic slah buat dulu ...tu sebab la ada bin dan binti mlas sdh dorg mahu buat dekat k.k terpaksa la dorg biar jk..dlam surat beranak xda bin tp dlam ic ada...mcm pakcik saya kena tangkap sebab makan2 d bandar d tngok icnya ada bin...pedahal keristian ...sekali bawak tu surat beranak kasi nampak polis baru la dia d lepas...🤣🤣🤣...jngn kamu slah angap pasal tu bin dan binti ya kenapa agamaY keristian ..
I don't know why I myself questioning your religion, but after watching your video with our dear beloved Tumatik, now i know and can finally rest in peace
This is one of the reason that Malaysia can’t be aman in my opinion. Religion is not an issue in Malaysia, but also an issue as well. If you know what I meant.
@@ryansuryoatmojo1770 from my experience with muslims, they are proud with their religion. Even they are not good muslim at least they still proud to be muslim. But adam shamil hesitates to admit. That means he does not like islam and not even a muslim
Ada kawan saya, nama Zakir Zulkarnain, tapi melayani di gerija juga. Sampai dia kana kecam sabab nama sama Zakir Naik. Anyway, you have your rights to tell about whats yours and whats not. I respect that.
I think a lot of people are scared (or at the very least, anxious) about the unknown. That is why alot of people like to categorize things and put things in well-defined boxes (eg religion) so they can use their previous conception of these known boxes to try and understand new things they are encountering. Example, when you try a foreign food for the first time, your impression usually would sound something like this "This taste like but only with slight different". This is not entirely a good thing or a bad thing. This is just human and how our brain is built; trying to relate nee things to past experiences. It is what we do with it and how we act upon it is what makes us good or bad. That being said I find it refreshing that you decided to keep your religion personal. I find Sabah has a very wonderful identity and culture and has alot to offer that is largely unknown to west Malaysians. Lutting you in these boxes kinda doing that a disservice. Keep on making a wonderful videos! Would love to learn more about the wonderful culture of Sabahan
I just love love the response about the religion and I totally agree! Be kind with 1 another. Continue your journey and spread the positivity and love.
REALLY LOVING THIS VIDEO!!! ♥️ I laughed really hard and almost cried watching it :') idk why but there are certain part that he said really touched my heart ❤️
I'm so satisfied all of your answers especially the last one.... I support you and keep up the good work 💪💪💪 Malaysia boleh.. Sabah boleh (bah klu kau🤭)
No offence but to me merepek. But kalau orang lain suka is masing2 la. Sebab sahabat2 nabi dulu bila masuk islam, kena seksa teruk pasal confess their religion. Ada some sahabat2 bila masuk islam mereka bangga mereka profess to others of what they believe to be the truth which is islam. Tapi kalau ada orang lain nak sembunyikan their faith to get people to like them, up to u Abu zar profess his conversion to islam infront of kaabah, kena rembat sampai almost mati. Next day he did the same thing again. Abu dhar was the one who called his people from ghifar and banu aslam to islam. Nabi puji dia , nabi kata takde orang yang lagi jujur dari abu zar al ghifari Ibn masud orang hitam kecik pendek, dia baca surah ar rahman terang2 kat depan kaabah, kena rembat sampai pengsan jugak. Ni semua sahabat2 besar nabi, ulama2 sahabat. Tapi kita sekarang kenal ke nabi2? Kenal tak sahabat2 nabi? Zaman fitnah sometimes yang bodoh kita sanjung, tapi the real heroes kita pandang serong pandang ganjil pandang pelik Orang tanya apa agama kita pon susah nak cakap, just so nak simpan fans. Nabi ibrahim khalilullah kekasih Allah, kita sampaikan salam kita pada dia dalam setiap solat kita, KENA BOGEL CAMPAK DALAM API sebab ajak orang sembah Allah. Kita sekarang lagi kesah kan sayang nya manusia pada kita, daripada sayangnya Allah Tapi nabi kata the first person yang Allah kasi pakaian hari kiamat is Nabi Ibrahim, Kekasih Allah.
Ada je org Sabah nama Arabic tp non muslim n ada jugak nama omputeh tapi muslim... Dulu mmg trkejut, sekarang tak pun, dulu org Melayu islam pernah pertikaikan tapi kena hentam.. Nama tu bukan hak org Melayu je, bangsa n sape2 je boleh guna jnji ada maksud yg baik2 sebab nama tu satu doa buat kita, kalau mcm tu org Melayu pun kena guna nama Melayu macam Kemboja, Mawar, Dahlia n Melati bagi yg perempuan,kalau lelaki nama Ujang, Atan, Abu n Awang 😅😂😆 doakn sy tahun ni nikah dgn org kadazan Sabah n dia Mualaf 😊☺
Tinguk balik dis vid..... Kelucuan sy bhgian "Putih budu rmbut dia" HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Rindu Adam buat vid gini lucu2 tu muka Hahahahahaha
Hi adam, how come you can be so good in English, Malay and Dusun languages? (baik kau jadi politician) At the same time you have a very good sense of humour. You must be very talented. And I know you have worked very very hard. I am very, very proud of you. Kau ni terlalu bagus bah....Sabah is very proud of you...NK Chew, Kuala Lumpur.
Well done, young man! Especially for the motivation u gave to improve Eng and the part on religion. Totally agree, let it be between individuals and their God.
love your video! 'religion' does matter if you are racist.. but if you are not, then it is not a problem at all.. there are many many instances of killing, murder, genocide, conquer in the name of 'religion'.. let our relation with God be private
He is catholic.. The reason why he got his name shamil cause he is baba.. Done... Whatever it is, as long as he is friendly who knows how to say hi to people. Im cool with it...
Hello Adam, I am a youtuber since 2007 but with very few followers since I only upload videos to share..... Though I like your answer on religion very much, I have but one VERY STRONG advice for you. Defend your rights to choose any religion, or to GET OUT of any religion and become an atheist... it your rights under the UNITED NATION charter of Human rights... Secondly, do not and I repeat DO NOT follow any religion that is promoted by any government of the world or any politicians because all government and politicians are CORRUPT and therefore the religion they promote is also CORRUPT... Proven.
I totally agree. That's normal! But it's good to make mistakes and try to make the sentences, so you can be corrected and learn something new 😊 So never be scared to speak English! Have a lovely week bro!
hey you, thanks for watching. Lef uuu ♥️
Part paling best la sa bilang! 5:47 😍😍
Balik2 ulang aa part ni😂
Buat cover lg la lps ni *cadangan😁
mosssst welcome @adamshamil ♥😌😌
adam!! i always waiting for your comeback! and i really hope that you'll post more inspirational videos for this year as before! I am one of your huge fan since "Get it right". xoxo
Sy suka ur answer to question number 20. Keep it up Adam, I will always support u!
Hey adam, what the song title u singing just now? Really want to know
Sebenarnyaaa dorang tanya religion kau tu sebab dorang mau tau samada dorang dapat kawin kau ka nda.
MsNerd93 😂😂😂
wakaka ni mcm yes hahahaha
hahahaha win😂
Iya butul 😂
Astagaaa hahahahahah
My friend name Roland ahmad... And he's a Christian. And yes he is sabahan..
One thing that make us Sabahan is we don't see others by what faith they belong to. We see them as a human who we could be with. That is why we could get along for so long even if we came from different religion. We respect each other..! So, about faith, I agree with you Adam.
i love how u answered the question regarding your religion. it really doesn’t matter what religion you are , ones religion/skin colors/race and etc doesn’t defines who they are as a person.
Sarawak and Sabah needs more TH-camr!
@Gen Mat Chili Buddy. subscribe to them, they started out not too long ago!!
I need ur support
And Brunei too
Ember production check them out
Take a look at sabahan fortnite gamer @zikowboi, help his channel grow please and support this young kid, he is a beast in the game
Setiap kali tinguk video kau saya bangga jadi orang Sabah. Keep up the good work Adam. Ada rezeki kita jumpa, indak jugak jauh tu kan 😂😂
Datang balik sini, Mau tgok part pasal agama tu saja. Sangat terinspirasi dgn jawapan adam. Rupanya ada jga org sependapat dgn sy. Bagi sy la kan, cuma opinion ok.. Bila kita jumpa org baru, kawan baru, siapa2 pun dia, tidak perlu pun tanya pasal apa agama dia, sbab bagi saya, as long as orang tu baik, suka tolong orang, tolong kau, tolong family dia, dia tidak bunuh org, jadi kita tau dia ada kepercayaan dan agama, & agama dia ajar yg baik2.. Pengalaman sy pernah pergi luar negara, jumpa kawan sana, memang baik.. sampai la satu time, sy tida tau knapa tiba2 saya tanya apa agama dia, dari situ dia tidak layan sy mcm mana dia layan sy slalu. Tidak tau la, ada tersinggung atau apa silap sy. Moreover, country tu average penduduk sana memang tiada agama (Time tu belum tau). From that moment, I learned something, what is life, what surround you, people, community. ✌️😬🙏
I think they ask about your religion so that they can treat you based on your religion's dos and donts. Example la kan. Kalau kau muslim, then when u go out w your friends diorang tak la offer u alcohol. Or like if u hindu then tau2 la diorang tak offer u daging. So people respect u in wht u believe in. Tu possitive reason la
ya bah cause many malaysians have muslims with non-muslim names and non-muslims with muslims name. Tak kan kita bawa kamu ke bat ku teh shop with your big shocked eyes staring at us ? that's why in malaysia, better make it known clearly so that we are politically correct and don't offend anyone. elsewhere not teruk. but here make it clear. even though social media.
I'm agree about that religion answer. It's not an important stuff for society to know. As long as we can make a smile to society and helping to make a better future to all people. Your confidence level motivate me to do all stuff that i love. Thanks❤️
reg kohana halooooo 😂
What important stuff for society to know his birthday? He took it too deep...just answer his religion, islam, christian, whateva and go through other question if he dont want to talk further about it. People just want get to know him just like they ask his birthday, where his born etc..just take it easy bro
Robinson Moonboy ok
Robinson Moonboy incorrect. If he's a muslim and he's doing something wrong or against our faith we as muslims obligated to guide or to correct him.
DarkServant i know. i respect your opinion. but he can think what good and bad thing. as a adult, we should know the good and bad.
8:40 You're welcome
dunno a good username tqvm
Princess Atyyka YES😂
Darkangel 91 Hohooho
Princess Atyyka I am
Thanks bro
Keep up the inspiration brotha
According to Matthew 28:19-20, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Yes, it's true faith is shared between you and God alone, but can you live your faith without sharing the "good news"? Through God, we have discovered the only way and truth in life. We should also help those who are unaware. Thanks guys for reading this post!~ ^^
TheLychie i'm agree😊
@Abdul Malek u don know the meaning
Believeing that you know the one true god and that others are unaware is the height of arrogance.
I agree with this because it's our mission to share the gospel to all nations, they want to believe it or not it's the work of the Holy Spirit to let them understand the Words of God.
In Matthew 24:14 said very clearly...
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
We have a big mission as Christians.. Many of us didn't realised that.
@@limzhenyi978are you from sabah?
His tshirt already answered the question
yes just live it
When it comes to faith or religion...... It is something that we should never ever disclose to anyone out there. Just like Adam said, it's between you and your own God. Nothing less nothing more. Be you're an Islam, a Christian, Buddha, Hindu or anything that you could possibly believe in....... Remember, a wise person will keep it to their own self rather than cringing over it.
Pssssssttttttt.......... Religions is not a good table of conversation then TBH. Keep it on the low down.
Pounsikow kio.
kennedy francis Man, I thought I’m the only one who have this kind of opinion. I mean come on, I’m extremely irritated with people who keep giving me advice (and to some extent verbally forcing me) to do this and that just because I am (I won’t tell my religion here), like as if they are holier-than-thou kind of people. I always believe that religion is between you and your God, and should be kept private. Who cares if you are subscribing to one’s religion or not. There are more than enough people who are being judgemental because of my religion, and I’m freakin sick of it..
Aliff ..... I feel you bro. We're on the same boat then after all. Have a good day.
kennedy francis Thank you. Life goes on eventually. Happy day to you too.
Btw nice profile photo
Aliff true that. I was being asked the same qtn and when they knew my religion they keep on telling me to go with them. Like dude why??? Im happy with my own faith. I just feel that im being judged for my religion.
Ramai sabahan yg membesar dgn broken family, membesar dgn agama lain, dalam ic lain.. but who are we to judge people. There are so many stories behind it on how ppl living with struggles to live their life. Always remind diri kita, kalau mau tegur atau nasihat org, biarlah secara private jgn kasi malu sesiapa, jgn ambil hak sesiapa.. peace ✌🏽
I respect your opinion on that religion issue. Thank you for your great effort in producing this Q&A video. Keep them coming! #teamgilapa
Nama tidak menandakan agama kau . Tapi keimanan kau sama Tuhan tu menandakan kau agama apa .
saya situju sama siurang
Muhammad Irfan Danial Dzulkarnain tapi sa masih trnya2 agama dia haa
Insan Perindu ya..tulah
Jadi sebenarnya adam ni muslim ka nda?
@@ameerasharif953 kawan sa bersaudara sma dia, katanya dia muslim
I know how it feel when people keep asking that question. Sama mcm kau adam from primary school until today everyone keep asking me the same question "apa agama kau" and i always reply them "all religion r my religion". Why keep asking that question. I love muslim, i live Christian, i love Buddha, i live hindu, i love all religion, because i believe all religion teach us to b a good person. As long u r good person i believe u have place in god heart and hand. Ok tq for ur answer
' i believe all religion teach us to b a good person. As long u r good person i believe u have place in god heart and hand.'
Yes! I have to agree with these statements. Thank you sebab bawakan statement ini. Sia setuju sngat.
Kau x de agama???
Well say
Agama Adam shamil Christian...kau know that!!
@@zul9117 bukan bermaksud dia tidak ada agama tapi dia apa yang dia mau sampaikan tidak kira apa agama kau sekali pun, kau punya agama mesti ajar benda-benda yang baik. Sebab itu dia cakap "i love all religion" because he believed that religion's teaching is actually teaching him and us that showing our love to humanity is better rather being involved in an argument about which faiths are true.
Your answer about religion is literally a clear answer about your faith.
I totally agree that u keep ur religion a secret. It would've create a different mindset or expectation from people. Wise act adam. All the best for everything u do.
Honestly, we need more youtubers like you
“Truth is revolutionary. Live it.”
I like the slogan on your shirt. and I kind of fond of this video. Rooting for you to keep making videos that contain strong advices and teguran to societies, with love.
Love how you responded to the question about your religion. I definitely agree with you. Sometimes*** people tend to just someone based on their beliefs and I don't think that's fair.. malas sa mau karang essay sni.
Agreed, sia rasa nda adil tnya sebegitu..
In my state we live together.. Eat together do activities together.. Regardless of religion and race... Proud to be sabahan
Adam, sama pun kat Indonesia sini bah. Penting sangat dorang mau tahu agama seseorang sebab mereka nak tempatkan agama sebagai filter utk dorang add some friends bukan kepada quality atau kepentingan yg sama sebagai manusia.
About the religion. Its the best answer thankyou for inspiring me Adam! I love you😭❤️
When im watch this so inspiring ...jd terbroken sdh inglish sia....amaaaaaaa😥
The respond for that last question is really brilliant. I respect you for that.
so good to see that youre backkkk ❤ i love to see this kind of content where you involve your fans and audience in your video :)
Adam , well said ! Religion is just the stuff of inner cultivation, perhaps God is one, never mess it up with the differences in cultures and beliefs ! Proud of your inspiration to the new era generation of open minded ! Keep going !
That expression after saying, "cukup tinggi utk menawan hatimu" 😂😂😂😂
samalah...aku pun kadang orang tanya apa agama aku.... tapi bila.aku cakap aku muslim orang susah betul mahu percaya....
tapi beginilah, agama tu untuk diri sendiri. pegang kuat kuat..jaga dia.
selebihnya orang mahu nilaikah..tanya dia "kau tuhankah..?"
liked before the video starts
I believe that you're a Christian , from the way you speak,your advice and your attitude ♥
@@pesmobilemalaysia8097 nama kawanku jubaidah binti yusuf tapi agama nya kristian, orang sabah byk guna bin dan binti. Kebanyakan guna nama melayu belum tentu islam nye
@@pesmobilemalaysia8097 biasa dekat Sabah.. Most sabahan nama mereka ada bin binti.. Tapi agama kristian. Jangan terkejut tau. Itu sbb nak tau Adam shamil ni Islam atau nda. Patah hati kalau ndaa. 😂😂😂
@@pesmobilemalaysia8097 ckap baik2 bro
Hahaha...knpa ada bin dan binti sebab dorg punya ic slah buat dulu ...tu sebab la ada bin dan binti mlas sdh dorg mahu buat dekat k.k terpaksa la dorg biar jk..dlam surat beranak xda bin tp dlam ic ada...mcm pakcik saya kena tangkap sebab makan2 d bandar d tngok icnya ada bin...pedahal keristian ...sekali bawak tu surat beranak kasi nampak polis baru la dia d lepas...🤣🤣🤣...jngn kamu slah angap pasal tu bin dan binti ya kenapa agamaY keristian ..
Prince Mujahandsome kepala otak kau juga. Cousin sy nama suzie binti Jazlan tp kristian... budu buduuu
I don't know why I myself questioning your religion, but after watching your video with our dear beloved Tumatik, now i know and can finally rest in peace
This is why Malaysia 🇲🇾 is my favourite country in Asia
Haaaaaa duk dengar suara Adam, okey sah! Sama dengan Fedtri Yahya
This is one of the reason that Malaysia can’t be aman in my opinion.
Religion is not an issue in Malaysia, but also an issue as well. If you know what I meant.
Your right bro...
Anty suka tingu video² Adam Shamil..👍👍
5:43. "Vico budu" ok thats it hahahhahahah this really made my day. Thank you!!!!!!😂😘
The answer is clear. He is not muslim.
How do u know?
@@ryansuryoatmojo1770 from my experience with muslims, they are proud with their religion. Even they are not good muslim at least they still proud to be muslim. But adam shamil hesitates to admit. That means he does not like islam and not even a muslim
@@ryansuryoatmojo1770are you serious you dont know?
This is may help you..
I like how u approach the religion question. In the end it’s about us and God.
Have been waiting for your video for months. And I don't know why am I blushing 😂 Kbye.
West life
Tabalik oh sy dari katil ketawa kalau tngok vid kau ni aduhhh 😂😂😂😂😂😂👌🏻 very funny yet so inspiring ❤️
Boleh jadi politician ni. Can help people in a large scale
Best answer bro. Ini urang Malaysia ni kadang2 mau juga kasi label semua. God bless you
Ada kawan saya, nama Zakir Zulkarnain, tapi melayani di gerija juga. Sampai dia kana kecam sabab nama sama Zakir Naik. Anyway, you have your rights to tell about whats yours and whats not. I respect that.
Adam Shamim studios🥦🥒🥬
Sabah kazdan Adam Shamim studios👍🌹
I think a lot of people are scared (or at the very least, anxious) about the unknown. That is why alot of people like to categorize things and put things in well-defined boxes (eg religion) so they can use their previous conception of these known boxes to try and understand new things they are encountering. Example, when you try a foreign food for the first time, your impression usually would sound something like this "This taste like but only with slight different". This is not entirely a good thing or a bad thing. This is just human and how our brain is built; trying to relate nee things to past experiences. It is what we do with it and how we act upon it is what makes us good or bad. That being said I find it refreshing that you decided to keep your religion personal. I find Sabah has a very wonderful identity and culture and has alot to offer that is largely unknown to west Malaysians. Lutting you in these boxes kinda doing that a disservice. Keep on making a wonderful videos! Would love to learn more about the wonderful culture of Sabahan
have been waiting for your video for so long 😌 yangg part akhir sy sukung 200% 😊 sabahan bainii 💪
Miss Memell woww
Banyak2 pertanyaan dorang, yang tanya agama paling win😁😁 pa pun kita2 juga baini kan..
Be humble ❤
Kamu buat ku tersenyum
I just love love the response about the religion and I totally agree! Be kind with 1 another. Continue your journey and spread the positivity and love.
Truly agree with what you said in the last part. It should be better if we keep our religion to ourselves.
REALLY LOVING THIS VIDEO!!! ♥️ I laughed really hard and almost cried watching it :') idk why but there are certain part that he said really touched my heart ❤️
This video deserve more likes and views.. Keep it up Adam.. Kita kita juga baini. Sabah boleh bah 💪💪
You oready brjaya menawan hati ku ! 😭💕💕💕
I'm so satisfied all of your answers especially the last one.... I support you and keep up the good work 💪💪💪 Malaysia boleh.. Sabah boleh (bah klu kau🤭)
Great answer!!😂Why not kamu buat satu video belajar bahasa org sarawak..mcm iban,melayu sarawak..kami peminat kamu di sarawak setia menanti😄😂
Woww..buli tahan ko ni Adam go go kio👍
No offence but to me merepek. But kalau orang lain suka is masing2 la. Sebab sahabat2 nabi dulu bila masuk islam, kena seksa teruk pasal confess their religion. Ada some sahabat2 bila masuk islam mereka bangga mereka profess to others of what they believe to be the truth which is islam. Tapi kalau ada orang lain nak sembunyikan their faith to get people to like them, up to u
Abu zar profess his conversion to islam infront of kaabah, kena rembat sampai almost mati. Next day he did the same thing again. Abu dhar was the one who called his people from ghifar and banu aslam to islam.
Nabi puji dia , nabi kata takde orang yang lagi jujur dari abu zar al ghifari
Ibn masud orang hitam kecik pendek, dia baca surah ar rahman terang2 kat depan kaabah, kena rembat sampai pengsan jugak.
Ni semua sahabat2 besar nabi, ulama2 sahabat. Tapi kita sekarang kenal ke nabi2? Kenal tak sahabat2 nabi? Zaman fitnah sometimes yang bodoh kita sanjung, tapi the real heroes kita pandang serong pandang ganjil pandang pelik
Orang tanya apa agama kita pon susah nak cakap, just so nak simpan fans. Nabi ibrahim khalilullah kekasih Allah, kita sampaikan salam kita pada dia dalam setiap solat kita, KENA BOGEL CAMPAK DALAM API sebab ajak orang sembah Allah.
Kita sekarang lagi kesah kan sayang nya manusia pada kita, daripada sayangnya Allah
Tapi nabi kata the first person yang Allah kasi pakaian hari kiamat is Nabi Ibrahim, Kekasih Allah.
Ada je org Sabah nama Arabic tp non muslim n ada jugak nama omputeh tapi muslim... Dulu mmg trkejut, sekarang tak pun, dulu org Melayu islam pernah pertikaikan tapi kena hentam.. Nama tu bukan hak org Melayu je, bangsa n sape2 je boleh guna jnji ada maksud yg baik2 sebab nama tu satu doa buat kita, kalau mcm tu org Melayu pun kena guna nama Melayu macam Kemboja, Mawar, Dahlia n Melati bagi yg perempuan,kalau lelaki nama Ujang, Atan, Abu n Awang 😅😂😆 doakn sy tahun ni nikah dgn org kadazan Sabah n dia Mualaf 😊☺
Sabah banyak masuk Muslim bro
Tengok lah majority Sabah sekarang Islam
Agayohh nohh todung nu nga asumill kokitaanku❤🤣
Tinguk balik dis vid..... Kelucuan sy bhgian "Putih budu rmbut dia" HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Rindu Adam buat vid gini lucu2 tu muka Hahahahahaha
Lamaa tunggu video baru kau adammmm!!! 💞💞💞
Hi adam, how come you can be so good in English, Malay and Dusun languages? (baik kau jadi politician) At the same time you have a very good sense of humour. You must be very talented. And I know you have worked very very hard. I am very, very proud of you. Kau ni terlalu bagus bah....Sabah is very proud of you...NK Chew, Kuala Lumpur.
"Tea or Coffee?"
Ui adam asanangan oku korongou do todu nu mimboros kadazan... and i love your video.... very inspiring... kirim salam kanto todu nu...
shoot video pakai apa ni? Kualiti makin cun and editing pun makin smart.
Baruuu siaaa mauuu moveeeee onnnn.....😜😜😜😜😜😅😅😅😅
Saya suka bah smua jawapan kmu Adam😊. Mnjwab spt mcm professional. Really inspire me
Well done, young man! Especially for the motivation u gave to improve Eng and the part on religion. Totally agree, let it be between individuals and their God.
love your video! 'religion' does matter if you are racist.. but if you are not, then it is not a problem at all..
there are many many instances of killing, murder, genocide, conquer in the name of 'religion'.. let our relation with God be private
Arief Budiman + you are very very
Ok bah kalau kau👏👏
ohhhh myyyy gooooddddd suara tu bahhhhh idoll menyentuh tu d hati sia 😂😂😂😂😂
Your the guy that sells the drink i think its calles 'Exfuse'
Adam..ko sudah pernah sampai keningau ka?ikut jalan kimanis..limpas batu 16 sna..😅
Good job on the religious question! It truly is nobody else's business.
Ya sdap gila butter chicken😂😂😍😋
He is catholic.. The reason why he got his name shamil cause he is baba.. Done... Whatever it is, as long as he is friendly who knows how to say hi to people. Im cool with it...
Catholic? Bukan dia muslim ka? Sya nmpk bidota dia
Outskirt lets go!!
Hello Adam, I am a youtuber since 2007 but with very few followers since I only upload videos to share.....
Though I like your answer on religion very much, I have but one VERY STRONG advice for you.
Defend your rights to choose any religion, or to GET OUT of any religion and become an atheist... it your rights under the UNITED NATION charter of Human rights...
Secondly, do not and I repeat DO NOT follow any religion that is promoted by any government of the world or any politicians because all government and politicians are CORRUPT and therefore the religion they promote is also CORRUPT...
for along time waitting...kaluar jga kau arr adam! haha
asataagaa apa kau buat sni ni hahaha
i love the way u answer the religion question when people asked... the way u answer is very truth.... cheers
Tapak kita Adam! Mimang klu August-born. Encom2 bilang. Ahhahaa
bangga dgn progress kau adam. MGBU. from your old friend.
its ok to tell ur faith as long u dont discuss bout it here.
Welcome backkkkk❤❤❤
Dak apalah bah kalau tanya agama...kamu tu ramai pengikut..memang soalan biasalah bah kalau tanya bangsa, sudah kahwin ..agama...dak salah kan...
3:45 ciaaaaaaa 😂 I'm ready for it
steady lah sabahan youtubers
I totally agree. That's normal! But it's good to make mistakes and try to make the sentences, so you can be corrected and learn something new 😊 So never be scared to speak English! Have a lovely week bro!
Congratulations Adam
Nice vid. Sy setuju yg last part tu pasal religion.
finally adam! ❤ and oh i agreed with the religion thing🤘
Afraid of losing fans or losing popularity if he mention his religion.
I do answer my age and my religion but I keep it myself