Dr. Piercy provides a unique perspective on practicing rural medicine. As a teacher of residents, I thought it was very insightful how he tackles teaching residents about important concepts in practicing rural medicine, but also practicing medicine in general. He touches on how medicine has changed throughout history and how rural physicians who are expected to do a lot of various things have been impacted by this. Being a healthcare provider is more than just an occupation. Physicians are leaders within a community and being a leader means lots of different things which can put a tremendous weight on someone. I think Dr. Piercy provides amazing insight into how physicians can encompass this role. I want to add to this and just further state that the points he brings up ends up promoting beneficence and that is promoting good for the patient. Focusing on his last two points, these teachings that he provides completely promotes beneficence. Physician’s “words have power”. When a physician gives advice based on evidence-based medicine then this promotes better health outcomes because there is long-standing scientific research to back up what the physician is saying. In many communities physicians are held to a certain standard and following this teaching will help with upholding that standard. The last point he makes, “we have much to give,” in order to better understand the community and assist those that live in it is to be a part of it. Being apart of the community in some way or another can help build a rapport and increase patients’ trust in that physician. It also can help a physician understand the beliefs, the atmosphere, and the relationships within that community. Having this understanding can assist with promoting beneficence because by already having this understanding of the people within the community then the healthcare provider can focus on individualizing treatment, building a better doctor patient relationship and improve health outcomes. Preventative medicine is extremely important and by building this trust with the community then maybe a physician is able to make a larger impact on the community by creating health programs, promoting better health practices, and improve health outcomes.
Dr. Piercy provides a unique perspective on practicing rural medicine. As a teacher of residents, I thought it was very insightful how he tackles teaching residents about important concepts in practicing rural medicine, but also practicing medicine in general. He touches on how medicine has changed throughout history and how rural physicians who are expected to do a lot of various things have been impacted by this. Being a healthcare provider is more than just an occupation. Physicians are leaders within a community and being a leader means lots of different things which can put a tremendous weight on someone. I think Dr. Piercy provides amazing insight into how physicians can encompass this role. I want to add to this and just further state that the points he brings up ends up promoting beneficence and that is promoting good for the patient. Focusing on his last two points, these teachings that he provides completely promotes beneficence. Physician’s “words have power”. When a physician gives advice based on evidence-based medicine then this promotes better health outcomes because there is long-standing scientific research to back up what the physician is saying. In many communities physicians are held to a certain standard and following this teaching will help with upholding that standard. The last point he makes, “we have much to give,” in order to better understand the community and assist those that live in it is to be a part of it. Being apart of the community in some way or another can help build a rapport and increase patients’ trust in that physician. It also can help a physician understand the beliefs, the atmosphere, and the relationships within that community. Having this understanding can assist with promoting beneficence because by already having this understanding of the people within the community then the healthcare provider can focus on individualizing treatment, building a better doctor patient relationship and improve health outcomes. Preventative medicine is extremely important and by building this trust with the community then maybe a physician is able to make a larger impact on the community by creating health programs, promoting better health practices, and improve health outcomes.
Wow. This talk was just excellent. Precise, clear and concise. Makes you think a lot more of the roles and responsibilities
Thank you very much for this valuable insight on rural community medicine!
Awesome talk!
Nailed it.
What ? I live in Beattyville KY ?
It's hard to listen to what he's saying, when all I can hear is the crinkling of the plastic.