I recommend trying deer co-cain for attracting deer. Be sure to follow the directions for best results. This product works well in Wisconsin. Good luck my friend.
@j.varizzlethefisher BTW. Mineral needs to be put out months in advance and usually buried underground. Otherwise deer will never see it as natural. Good luck
I recommend trying deer co-cain for attracting deer. Be sure to follow the directions for best results. This product works well in Wisconsin. Good luck my friend.
Thanks. I'll give it a try. Willing to try anything at this point.
@j.varizzlethefisher BTW. Mineral needs to be put out months in advance and usually buried underground. Otherwise deer will never see it as natural. Good luck
put down some TROPHY ROCK FOUR65 MINERAL DEER SUPPLEMENT deer love it. it is what i use
Thank you. I'll give it a try.
You can't bait deer in New York!
That's why I live in the great state of North Carolina.
Do folks not understand the concept of DIY?