CogentPhilosopher Regardless of how accurate and good they are or once were or never were depending on fact checking or opinion of reviewing their content they’re still channels that include information on the topic(s) they’re talking about
These guys got me into Yugioh and remain my favourite archetype. As well as their unique mechanics and cool designs, I just love how they're treated as reformed figures of strange pasts, all united together :)
You didn’t mention which animal base the Extra Deck monster have, so here they are: Dragases -> Eagle Essedarii -> Gorilla Gyzarus -> Vulture Gaiodiaz -> Dinosaur Heraclinos -> Manticore Nerokius -> Bat Tamer Editor -> Deer Andabata -> Chameleon Domitianus -> Mythological Sea Serpent
I think the effect of tagging out at the end of bttle phase references how the Gladator's would return to his ''cell'' (?) after defeating his oppoment in the Colloseum.
For real, it should've been an optional condition to shuffle at the end phase and would've summoned vanilla Neos from the deck or him and a Neo Spacian
TGS Anime: "For the sake of time, I'll only mention the cards's unique effect." Also TGS Anime during Extra Deck Monsters: "Mustfirstbespecialsummoned(fromtheextradeck)byshufflingtheabovecardsyoucontrolintothedeck(youdonotuse'polymerization')."
Pleas redo Lightsworns or create a separate Twilightsworn video. I'm actually interested in their story. I mean, I can google it but I prefer watching your videos. xD
I just realized something, Gladiators in history were warriors battling in the Colosseum for glory and to entertain the audience. They are basically back in the day, entertainers who brings excitement to the masses through combat. Not only that, the Gladiator Beasts were brought into the anime in Arc-V through the duelist Battle Beast using a deck based on warriors whose sole purpose is to entertain people and revel in their achievements through violent means. He was put up against Yuya who is an entertainer and uses the Entermate Deck which is based on circus entertainment that along with Yuya's philosophy of entertaining people without using violent means. If Battle Beast knew what the idea of the Gladiator Beasts were, he could have became a major foil towards Yuya where basically both are different kinds of entertainers using decks based on entertainment with philosophies that clashes with one another. Also it's a clash between a practitioner of old-style entertainment vs practitioner of modern entertainment.
Some corrections: 8:05 Sagittarius is the Latin(the language of Rome) word for archer, Centaurs are a Greek mythological creature that the Romans adopted. 17:50 The roman Empire is different from the Roman Kingdom. The roman Kingdom was the ruling structure of Rome before the formation of the Roman Republic in . The roman Empire was formed by the collapse of the Roman republic at the hands of Augustus in. By the roman view the emperor was not a king, they were the highest commander of the roman military. 20:20 Heracles was the original name, Hercules was the roman corruption of the name.
17:46 in my opinion I think gladiator beast Augustus is based on the cockatrice a mythical wyvern like creature with a head of a chicken his red side Finn things could be a reference to red things seen on chicken heads and maybe it's effect to special summon other gladiator beasts monsters in defense position could be a subtle reference on how like medusa the cockatrice can turn people to stone it would make sense giving some of the gladiator beasts are based on other mythological animals from Greek mythology
I still want to see a Gorilla Gladiator Beast, I genuinely thought for a hot minute that “Voltic Kong” was a Gladiator Beast monster just misnamed. A level 5 or 6 with 2400 ATK and 0 DEF. And when it’s special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast - it switches an opponent’s monster to defense mode and deals piercing damage. And I’d like to see some of those trap cards that BB used in Arc V the medallion and the fortress.
As a note for what he says at 2:00, it was also because what he listed off (besides the wild animals) is generally who the gladiators were, condemned criminals
1:56 Me (Chris King): To those who are not familiar with how a Gladiator battle goes out the winner survives and the losser.....................I'm sure you can figure what happens to the lossers.
Going to point this out: Sam forgot Witch Doctor of Sparta, which deals damage every time a monster is special summoned from the deck (while not part of the archetype, it's effdt works with the Gladiator Beasts)
This is an amazing video and i like how you explain each and every detail about the archetype, can you make a video explaining the whole world legacy , crusadia, krawlers, world chalice lore and other cards in that lore? Cuz that would be epic
1) 11:39: Veggietales song from “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” found in the first movie, “Where’s God When I’m Scared”: “I am King Darius, I had a dreeeeaaaamm! And now I’m feeling rather frightened and I wish someone would tell me what it means!” 2) 12:30 one would expect that one to be a hippopotamus! 3) 13:42 what, no Tommy reference?! He’s my mom’s favorite Power Ranger! 4) 16:10 and in the anime, he was a victim of Zorc and the Millennium Ring 5) 17:16 should’ve been an octopus, both because of the Oct in the name and in reference to Doc Ock 6) 19:27 we do thanks to Phineus and Ferb! 7) thank goodness there’s no Gladiator Beast based on Caligula, we don’t need that creep anywhere near this game!
I can see it now: Gladiator Beast Caligulus. He'd be an octopus know why. While we're at it, why not throw in Gladiator Beast Commodon. Commodus was very famously fond of gladiatorial combat so it's actually pretty surprising he's not in here. If we can have a reference to as terrible an emperor as Nero then I don't see why not the emperor that literally died in gladiatorial combat. He'd be a peacock because Commodus was fond of very flashy displays while not being a very great fighter.
Gladius is actually a certain type of curved short sword that was common in Rome and Italy. It was designed to dismember not kill but it could be used for that. It was a sort of a machete with a slight outward curve but straight in the back.
Yesssssss, you did one on one of my favourite archetypes!!!!!! I'm saving this video for later to watch, i am so looking forward to watching this!!! Thanks for making this!!!! Do you have any plans to do one on the D/D archetype at all?
Impressive video and TGS Anime if I’m remembering my history right, though I’m more than likely wrong so please take this with a grain of salt, gladiators who fought with nets along with other weapons was so that the nets were used to target an opponent’s legs in some fashion to immobilize them to then go in for the kill
I play GBs and got 4th at my locals where a lot of people play meta Extremely underrated since they can set up at least 1 negate and can control your opponent’s battle phase consistently turn 1 They are best going second though since they have cards like gyzarus and bestiari to break boards and can play a fair amount of hand traps They also have really easy access to rank 4s and by extension the utopia double OTK They are also just super fun
something I give TGS Anime big cred is 1: not only make a archetypes interesting but also show cards i never know was in that archetype 2: all the details on some cards you never put in minds (like colors) 3: the story of some cards (like some has history behind them) 4: and the biggest one all the investigation he put in every card (what the name means, what it's inspirations is baste on and so on) sure 3 and 4 you can say is the same thing but still
I want to see a Nekroz, Zefra &/or World Legacy(Chalice, Krawler, Mekk knight, Knightmare, Crusadia, Orcust, Guardragon, etc) archetype trivia in your channel in the near future. They are my favorites base on their lore
BB's duel(s) was so awesome in the series. Guy dueled like he layed. Guerilla Warface. Using Protection, Burn, and of course extreme aggression. It took 3 duelist to take him down, two of which he took down almost on his own, another if you count Sanders. Overall, great video. I look forward to when Konami releases the rest of BB's cards.
Really wanted to make this deck back in the day. I loved their designs and how incredibly versatile they're effects and powers were. But I never could get the full deck back then, it was just too frustrating to pick up the cards, either from packs, trade, and/or buy. Thankfully I didn't need to, once I got my Summer job and got paid, I got enough money to buy myself the Best Set: Light of Destruction! And feel in love with Lightsworns! That Deck was Soo Good! It was fun, strong as hell and really pushed the game! With Judgement Dragon being on of the Best Boss Monsters I've Ever played with (at the time).
With those tear streaks and patterning of coat, Noxious is based on a CHEETAH; not a leopard. That said, there's a LOT of wonderful information here! I've played this deck for a long time and learned a lot from watching this! Thank you for making this vid!
The reatiarii where Before the gladiatorial life (that was only for criminals on execution row ) they where Fishermen, hence the net and the trident could be prefered weapons for their former job
Nice, I like how each of the Gladiator Beasts are linked to the Roman Empire since that's the time they were around. Can't wait to see more archetype trivia videos. By the way, since you've already done the Egyptian Gods, the Sacred Beasts, the Wicked Gods and the Nordic Gods, think you can also do a video of the Star Gods?
Probably the one of the strongest and easiest to understand free Structure decks you can get in Master Duel, It doesn't have spell&trap removal by default though, but for start doing the challenges and getting CB points for cards and winning duels serves quite well.
I loved these cards. Back when I was younger, like 9, I used to run just these. Back then in 2008 these cards were snapped. They were so much fun and would piss off my homies who had to deal with them
I like the theme of working together as there gimmick of contact fusion also plays into it as well. For example how normally you need a fusion spell and two or more monsters for a fusion summon so while cooperation it’s not true cooperation as they require a fusion spell to merge together how ever gladiator beasts use contact fusion which could be as the truest form of fusion summon true cooperation.
Absolutely loved this video. I Know it kind of clashes with the Archetype, but I wish Glad Beasts would get a spellcaster monster so that they would get stopped by certain field spells....
Laquari stood out the most to me in the anime and when compared to its other beasts, that flame ring made me think it was a bigger deal like a boss monster, but it also looks like if that Tiger were to move even the slightest bit, it would be burned by its own ring, a little too easily, maybe if that thing could be launched and of course be turned to act like a defensive type of object, I could get behind that, but then again that's something that only the anime and maybe an artwork would have to show
Attorix is a Lynx/bobcat (fluff on the mutton chops, also lynxes have black tufts on their ears) Noxious is a Cheetah (black stripes under the eyes) Augustus is a Cockatrice (Dragon+ Rooster Head) , and this is accompaigned by the fact that Andabata is somewhat resembling a Basilisk (it doesn't have eyes because they would give him an unfair advantage and as such were removed or he's kind enough to close them) since those two beasts were closely tied in medieval mithology.
My cousin's main deck back in the day. It was so strong... I could only win him IF he had 5 face down traps(which uses to protect the in battle) and I destroy them with giant storm or something(back in the day it wasn't on the ban list).
Great video! Given that Vespasius is sea serpent type I think that it is either based on the salt water crocodile or a plesiosaur. Plesiosaurs are prehistoric animals that could sometimes look similar to crocs but are usually distinguished by their very long necks, something that vespasius has which isn’t very croc-like along with the orientation of his teeth. Plesiosaurs didn’t really have back spines though so idk
This was one of my favorite decks since I finished the story mode in Yugioh Tag force 4. I played in Dueling network and Duel Links and is a very good deck.
Me (Chris King):Here is what I think Rank10yugioh would say about the Gladiator archetype: "They're neo spacians but cooler and better". And in a way........they sort of are. Since the Gladiators can special summon their fusion monsters fusion materials unlike neo spacians (which is a missed opertunity in my opinion) when said fusion monster returns to the extra deck. It's weird how the neo spacians - the archetype that created the contract fusion macanic - fails to make it effective where as Gladiator does what neo spacians do but better. Dispite that this archetype is really cool.
Me: Comes to learn about the Gladiator Beast Archetype.
Also Me: Leaves with knowledge on random species of animals and as a gladiator expert.
Shiro Kurogami you get that from people like Gaijin Goomba or Game Theory too
Regardless of how accurate and good they are or once were or never were depending on fact checking or opinion of reviewing their content they’re still channels that include information on the topic(s) they’re talking about
CogentPhilosopher It is harmful if you overly indulge in one source and exposit said info a lot
I talk about gb too haha
Best monster
I've voted for this archetype but I didn't know it was this big, forgive me. thank you for another great video.
Best monster
@@erydiandream4531 awesome card dude I love the gladiator beasts.👍💪⚡
@@enesplayz0 yes..
The suprise Power Rangers clip caught me off guard
Could of played the Smilidon Magia henshin scene from Kamen Rider Zero One .
What kind of normie are you to not expect power rangers?
Fun fact: Gladitorial fights where so famous, they would flood a entire colosseum to have a naval combat themed battle
That's where Gladiator Naumachia comes from
that should put the world cup and the Olympics into shame
Fucking *how?*
lots of buckets
Think Like A Sponge Arte made a documentary about it, and they did not know how. It was necessary to take water from whole Rome and yet they managedb
These guys got me into Yugioh and remain my favourite archetype. As well as their unique mechanics and cool designs, I just love how they're treated as reformed figures of strange pasts, all united together :)
Yeah! I've not played in many years, but I've kept my GBs and Lightsworns :)
I like it how Yugioh taught me more Rome history than school has/ever will
You didn’t mention which animal base the Extra Deck monster have, so here they are:
Dragases -> Eagle
Essedarii -> Gorilla
Gyzarus -> Vulture
Gaiodiaz -> Dinosaur
Heraclinos -> Manticore
Nerokius -> Bat
Tamer Editor -> Deer
Andabata -> Chameleon
Domitianus -> Mythological Sea Serpent
I am upset they didn’t put in an elephant
That can still happen in the future
I think the effect of tagging out at the end of bttle phase references how the Gladator's would return to his ''cell'' (?) after defeating his oppoment in the Colloseum.
Best monster
Another thing about Murmillo; the fact that he’s a fish references that murmillones often had a fish-shaped crest on their helmet.
Best monster
Your ability to read card effect at lightning speed never cease to amaze me
When you learn more about Rome in a yugioh video then in history class
ok. The nonsense is real with you humans.
More than* 👍
CogentPhilosopher you are just hating Cogent, TGS Anime teaches us more about school subjects itself more than school itself does
What Neos and Neo-Spacians should have been.
For real, it should've been an optional condition to shuffle at the end phase and would've summoned vanilla Neos from the deck or him and a Neo Spacian
Eh it’s fine
They should of gave neos an ability to summon neo spacians or atleasr revive or add to hand
TGS Anime: "For the sake of time, I'll only mention the cards's unique effect."
Also TGS Anime during Extra Deck Monsters: "Mustfirstbespecialsummoned(fromtheextradeck)byshufflingtheabovecardsyoucontrolintothedeck(youdonotuse'polymerization')."
Pleas redo Lightsworns or create a separate Twilightsworn video. I'm actually interested in their story. I mean, I can google it but I prefer watching your videos. xD
One of my favorite archetypes ever! I'm so glad it's gotten more support lately.
Best monster
One of my first decks. Still have a soft spot for them
They were one of the first tier zero decks to
one of mine too xd
Gbs have a loop with tamer editor, comeback, domitanus, and link 3 to 4s that end on a 4 negate board
Vespacius, being a Sea Serpent, more so implies a relation to prehistoric marine reptiles like Mosasaurus, given the fins.
Perhaps because it is a lv 7 and a new card it is a combination of a croc and a plesiosaur
I definitely think that your right
I've always thought that sea serpent was meant to be dragon-type monster that lives underwater 🤔
@@Inazus By that logic all arachnids are insects and all unclassifiable aliens are reptiles.
yeah I also thought so
Yes!! My favorite archtype. Now I just gotta wait another 2-3 years for a video on DDD and ArchFiends.
I just realized something, Gladiators in history were warriors battling in the Colosseum for glory and to entertain the audience. They are basically back in the day, entertainers who brings excitement to the masses through combat. Not only that, the Gladiator Beasts were brought into the anime in Arc-V through the duelist Battle Beast using a deck based on warriors whose sole purpose is to entertain people and revel in their achievements through violent means. He was put up against Yuya who is an entertainer and uses the Entermate Deck which is based on circus entertainment that along with Yuya's philosophy of entertaining people without using violent means. If Battle Beast knew what the idea of the Gladiator Beasts were, he could have became a major foil towards Yuya where basically both are different kinds of entertainers using decks based on entertainment with philosophies that clashes with one another. Also it's a clash between a practitioner of old-style entertainment vs practitioner of modern entertainment.
This trivia video is the video I've been waiting for. The glads are one of my favorite archetypes since GX back in the day.
Best monster
The loop of fire the tings that made it look like the sword and he look like a tiger jumping true hoop and wel you train them with whipes
Tigerius, for sure
They look like legends of Chima animals.
The nostalgia
Well you said what I wanted to say
Love that show, it makes you stronger, unleash the power
@@dragonicus2614 i loved it too.
For Chima
2:14 I didn't knew I needed this little dance.
I’ve been waiting for this video for forever now I just need the Blackwing archetype video and I’m satisfied
Still waiting for Tamer Editor and Noxious to be released in Duel Links. That'll be great.
bladersmosh Noxious is in Duel Links.
@@Phoenix_254 no, he is not...
Yeah, me too
Don't forget the Quickplay spell United! (Pls Komoney)
TGS Anime: *references Chitty Chitty Bang Bang*
Me: Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
This is one of my favorite archetypes to play next to heroes. It’s such a fun deck and I’m so glad you covered this
Some corrections:
8:05 Sagittarius is the Latin(the language of Rome) word for archer, Centaurs are a Greek mythological creature that the Romans adopted.
17:50 The roman Empire is different from the Roman Kingdom. The roman Kingdom was the ruling structure of Rome before the formation of the Roman Republic in . The roman Empire was formed by the collapse of the Roman republic at the hands of Augustus in. By the roman view the emperor was not a king, they were the highest commander of the roman military.
20:20 Heracles was the original name, Hercules was the roman corruption of the name.
I think that it's an interesting coincidence that this video was posted when duel links got major new gladiator beast support.
I found this video looking for a Gladiator Beast deck list after ten years of not playing and found this...
I really enjoyed it.
17:46 in my opinion I think gladiator beast Augustus is based on the cockatrice a mythical wyvern like creature with a head of a chicken his red side Finn things could be a reference to red things seen on chicken heads and maybe it's effect to special summon other gladiator beasts monsters in defense position could be a subtle reference on how like medusa the cockatrice can turn people to stone it would make sense giving some of the gladiator beasts are based on other mythological animals from Greek mythology
Fun fact, Alexander the Great was called a lion by Plutarch in his book, Lives
Just imagine being in history class and pulling out a deck of Gladiator beasts in order to study.
Finally, I thought you were never gonna do this.
Great videi as always. You should make a quick trivia for Volcanics next :)
Day 378 of waiting for New Volcanic Support to arrive
This I would like
I was so happy seeing this! I got the Gladiator Deck because their so cool! :D
I still want to see a Gorilla Gladiator Beast, I genuinely thought for a hot minute that “Voltic Kong” was a Gladiator Beast monster just misnamed.
A level 5 or 6 with 2400 ATK and 0 DEF. And when it’s special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast - it switches an opponent’s monster to defense mode and deals piercing damage.
And I’d like to see some of those trap cards that BB used in Arc V the medallion and the fortress.
I know this video is old but Noxious is clearly a cheetah.
You actually did really well on the names, my dude. Well done.
Gladiator Beast Agustus looks like a cockatrice. A roman rooster like wyvern that was feared for it's deathly glare/breath.
As a note for what he says at 2:00, it was also because what he listed off (besides the wild animals) is generally who the gladiators were, condemned criminals
1:56 Me (Chris King): To those who are not familiar with how a Gladiator battle goes out the winner survives and the losser.....................I'm sure you can figure what happens to the lossers.
It was optional
Going to point this out: Sam forgot Witch Doctor of Sparta, which deals damage every time a monster is special summoned from the deck (while not part of the archetype, it's effdt works with the Gladiator Beasts)
This is an amazing video and i like how you explain each and every detail about the archetype, can you make a video explaining the whole world legacy , crusadia, krawlers, world chalice lore and other cards in that lore? Cuz that would be epic
1) 11:39: Veggietales song from “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” found in the first movie, “Where’s God When I’m Scared”: “I am King Darius, I had a dreeeeaaaamm! And now I’m feeling rather frightened and I wish someone would tell me what it means!”
2) 12:30 one would expect that one to be a hippopotamus!
3) 13:42 what, no Tommy reference?! He’s my mom’s favorite Power Ranger!
4) 16:10 and in the anime, he was a victim of Zorc and the Millennium Ring
5) 17:16 should’ve been an octopus, both because of the Oct in the name and in reference to Doc Ock
6) 19:27 we do thanks to Phineus and Ferb!
7) thank goodness there’s no Gladiator Beast based on Caligula, we don’t need that creep anywhere near this game!
I can see it now: Gladiator Beast Caligulus. He'd be an octopus know why. While we're at it, why not throw in Gladiator Beast Commodon. Commodus was very famously fond of gladiatorial combat so it's actually pretty surprising he's not in here. If we can have a reference to as terrible an emperor as Nero then I don't see why not the emperor that literally died in gladiatorial combat. He'd be a peacock because Commodus was fond of very flashy displays while not being a very great fighter.
Gladius is actually a certain type of curved short sword that was common in Rome and Italy. It was designed to dismember not kill but it could be used for that. It was a sort of a machete with a slight outward curve but straight in the back.
My favorite archetype ever. The gladiator assault pack was the first yugioh card pack I ever got as a kid. Good times
Couldn't help to think of Hes Kicks hearing the background music.
Do you know the song name ?
@@TrebwalkerYT it's called Final I Love You by Jinzeng Chang
Ty man
@@NoSonJuguetes and whats the name of the song at 13:02 ?
@@TrebwalkerYT shoot, I tried to get a name but I just couldn't. Sorry, man.
I love Gladiator Beast
One year later
Still love gladiator beast
Yesssssss, you did one on one of my favourite archetypes!!!!!! I'm saving this video for later to watch, i am so looking forward to watching this!!! Thanks for making this!!!! Do you have any plans to do one on the D/D archetype at all?
Michael Klassen if I remember correctly, I think he already has
6:45 CRIXUS!!! If you like gladiators I HIGHLY recommend Spartacus. It’s a STARZ original but it’s also on Netflix
Impressive video and TGS Anime if I’m remembering my history right, though I’m more than likely wrong so please take this with a grain of salt, gladiators who fought with nets along with other weapons was so that the nets were used to target an opponent’s legs in some fashion to immobilize them to then go in for the kill
I play GBs and got 4th at my locals where a lot of people play meta
Extremely underrated since they can set up at least 1 negate and can control your opponent’s battle phase consistently turn 1
They are best going second though since they have cards like gyzarus and bestiari to break boards and can play a fair amount of hand traps
They also have really easy access to rank 4s and by extension the utopia double OTK
They are also just super fun
something I give TGS Anime big cred is
1: not only make a archetypes interesting but also show cards i never know was in that archetype
2: all the details on some cards you never put in minds (like colors)
3: the story of some cards (like some has history behind them)
4: and the biggest one all the investigation he put in every card (what the name means, what it's inspirations is baste on and so on)
sure 3 and 4 you can say is the same thing but still
I want to see a Nekroz, Zefra &/or World Legacy(Chalice, Krawler, Mekk knight, Knightmare, Crusadia, Orcust, Guardragon, etc) archetype trivia in your channel in the near future.
They are my favorites base on their lore
BB's duel(s) was so awesome in the series. Guy dueled like he layed. Guerilla Warface. Using Protection, Burn, and of course extreme aggression. It took 3 duelist to take him down, two of which he took down almost on his own, another if you count Sanders.
Overall, great video. I look forward to when Konami releases the rest of BB's cards.
No one
Not a single soul
Everyone: read saber tooth tiger in Trini's voice
Why is this meme *still* being used?
Really wanted to make this deck back in the day. I loved their designs and how incredibly versatile they're effects and powers were.
But I never could get the full deck back then, it was just too frustrating to pick up the cards, either from packs, trade, and/or buy.
Thankfully I didn't need to, once I got my Summer job and got paid, I got enough money to buy myself the Best Set: Light of Destruction! And feel in love with Lightsworns!
That Deck was Soo Good! It was fun, strong as hell and really pushed the game! With Judgement Dragon being on of the Best Boss Monsters I've Ever played with (at the time).
I love this Archetype. I still play them in Duel Links almost exclusively.
might as well keep the joke going-I'M SPARTICUS!!!
Love this Archetype. Great vid btw :)
With those tear streaks and patterning of coat, Noxious is based on a CHEETAH; not a leopard. That said, there's a LOT of wonderful information here! I've played this deck for a long time and learned a lot from watching this! Thank you for making this vid!
20:50 oh?
“Yu-Gi-Oh! Nero” is a BatBoy?
Fate Extra Nero might not be amused...
Also his six wings is alluding to the "mark of the beast"
I would make make Nero a fire fly
That profile pic bruh
that power rangers bit was awesome
I was just recently imagining you doing a video on the Utopia series.
**Duel Links Meta intensifies**
ohhh.. my very first comepetitive deck... i still play this in Duel Links.. and correction.. GladBeasts tag in the end of BP and not on the EP
The reatiarii where Before the gladiatorial life (that was only for criminals on execution row ) they where Fishermen, hence the net and the trident could be prefered weapons for their former job
Nice, I like how each of the Gladiator Beasts are linked to the Roman Empire since that's the time they were around. Can't wait to see more archetype trivia videos.
By the way, since you've already done the Egyptian Gods, the Sacred Beasts, the Wicked Gods and the Nordic Gods, think you can also do a video of the Star Gods?
Domitianus has an arrchfiend shield on his chest lol, i like it
The glad beast archetype is probably my favorite archetype
Yes. I heard they're not competitive now. Played the gba games a long time ago and they're one of the decks I enjoyed playing.
Domitianus was an Emperor of the roman empire, he was the last one of the Flavius dinasty
Probably the one of the strongest and easiest to understand free Structure decks you can get in Master Duel, It doesn't have spell&trap removal by default though, but for start doing the challenges and getting CB points for cards and winning duels serves quite well.
Hey Tgs anime can you do the Heroic champions next i would like to see that lol
Native Rogue you mean just the Heroic archetype? Because Heroic is both Champions and Challengers
I loved these cards. Back when I was younger, like 9, I used to run just these. Back then in 2008 these cards were snapped. They were so much fun and would piss off my homies who had to deal with them
I like the theme of working together as there gimmick of contact fusion also plays into it as well. For example how normally you need a fusion spell and two or more monsters for a fusion summon so while cooperation it’s not true cooperation as they require a fusion spell to merge together how ever gladiator beasts use contact fusion which could be as the truest form of fusion summon true cooperation.
I remember every duelist had this deck in tournament back in the day. After you eliminate one your next opponent might have a GB deck too.
Absolutely loved this video. I Know it kind of clashes with the Archetype, but I wish Glad Beasts would get a spellcaster monster so that they would get stopped by certain field spells....
Laquari stood out the most to me in the anime and when compared to its other beasts, that flame ring made me think it was a bigger deal like a boss monster, but it also looks like if that Tiger were to move even the slightest bit, it would be burned by its own ring, a little too easily, maybe if that thing could be launched and of course be turned to act like a defensive type of object, I could get behind that, but then again that's something that only the anime and maybe an artwork would have to show
Newest addiction in Duel links
One of my best decks in duel links. 😊
This archetype is one of my favourite. ^^ The art design is so amazing and really well thought out in my honest opinion. ^^
Best monster
You should do the D/D and the D/D/D archetype.
id like to see some of these archetypes next maybe:
If he will make orcust he must start by the world chalice archetybe then krawlers then mekk knights and the knightmairs then orcust and crussaidia
May I recommend doing Performapal, Phantom Knights, Speedroid, Predaplant and Supreme King archetypes?
He could do them separately, he's already done a zarc profile video
Predaplant for me
Gardener Georgie FTW
Someone likes Arc-V I see
Performapal would be a two hour video.
Phantom Knights for me
Attorix is a Lynx/bobcat (fluff on the mutton chops, also lynxes have black tufts on their ears)
Noxious is a Cheetah (black stripes under the eyes)
Augustus is a Cockatrice (Dragon+ Rooster Head) , and this is accompaigned by the fact that Andabata is somewhat resembling a Basilisk (it doesn't have eyes because they would give him an unfair advantage and as such were removed or he's kind enough to close them) since those two beasts were closely tied in medieval mithology.
I glad do own some my gladiator beasts deck now know build around them
Do have any spares? I’m collecting them.
My cousin's main deck back in the day. It was so strong...
I could only win him IF he had 5 face down traps(which uses to protect the in battle) and I destroy them with giant storm or something(back in the day it wasn't on the ban list).
Did you obey the ban list well playing at home?
@@connorschultz380 Yes we did. It was years ago.
Thank you so much you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this
I'm italian and I'm here because I was watching history video, I dunno if I'm proud of the yutube algorithm or ashamed of it
Great video! Given that Vespasius is sea serpent type I think that it is either based on the salt water crocodile or a plesiosaur. Plesiosaurs are prehistoric animals that could sometimes look similar to crocs but are usually distinguished by their very long necks, something that vespasius has which isn’t very croc-like along with the orientation of his teeth. Plesiosaurs didn’t really have back spines though so idk
My favorite deck back when we were playing yugioh during highschool days
This was one of my favorite decks since I finished the story mode in Yugioh Tag force 4. I played in Dueling network and Duel Links and is a very good deck.
Cough Vespestus is a sea serphepent cough
One of my fave pre Synchro era Archetypes.
Me (Chris King):Here is what I think Rank10yugioh would say about the Gladiator archetype: "They're neo spacians but cooler and better". And in a way........they sort of are. Since the Gladiators can special summon their fusion monsters fusion materials unlike neo spacians (which is a missed opertunity in my opinion) when said fusion monster returns to the extra deck. It's weird how the neo spacians - the archetype that created the contract fusion macanic - fails to make it effective where as Gladiator does what neo spacians do but better. Dispite that this archetype is really cool.
That sounds right, I also wonder what gags he would include with other monster cards popping up or anime clips showing up
Noxius is a cheetah, not a leopard. You xan tell by the more slender build as well as the black tear stain-like markings from the eyes down the face.
You really out did yourself in this one.. great job
Ah, my mostfavourite archetype.. Oh you just set a card? No prob. I'll just call my buddy here real quick..
The fact nerokius does not deal burn damage is a massive missed opportunity