Depending on your location the rules may differ. In Illinois the 407 rule is for home daycare and 408 rule for group home daycare. In addition DCFS conduct unannounced yearly visits. However the year your renewal is due they may send a package of requirements which includes the background check of everyone (family and staff), medical forms which includes you DTap and Tuberculosis tests, lead water test, radon test for your home, Food handlers permit, SIDS, Shaken Baby, Mandator Reporter, Hazard Protection Plan and many more paperwork including fire marshal report - Bear in mind each state or country has its own rules ❤
Depending on your location the rules may differ. In Illinois the 407 rule is for home daycare and 408 rule for group home daycare. In addition DCFS conduct unannounced yearly visits. However the year your renewal is due they may send a package of requirements which includes the background check of everyone (family and staff), medical forms which includes you DTap and Tuberculosis tests, lead water test, radon test for your home, Food handlers permit, SIDS, Shaken Baby, Mandator Reporter, Hazard Protection Plan and many more paperwork including fire marshal report - Bear in mind each state or country has its own rules ❤