So I guessed it. The dot means a one story building and the dash is a three story. No idea why there was a ruler. Maybe to hint that its height but why 3? This one isn't your fault Penge.
Oh, that actually makes a lot of sense. Since morse code uses short and long signals you have to represent it it with short and long houses. It's a good solution but deffintly the trickiets one here.
Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. I was having a hard time figuring out the answer. About the ruler hint, maybe it's something like: the ruler it's measuring on the horizontal, so you have to measure the buildings horizontally too? 1 floor would be a short line (dot) and 3 floors a long line (dash).
Hello! (
So I guessed it. The dot means a one story building and the dash is a three story. No idea why there was a ruler. Maybe to hint that its height but why 3? This one isn't your fault Penge.
Oh, that actually makes a lot of sense. Since morse code uses short and long signals you have to represent it it with short and long houses. It's a good solution but deffintly the trickiets one here.
Thanks! That makes a lot of sense. I was having a hard time figuring out the answer.
About the ruler hint, maybe it's something like: the ruler it's measuring on the horizontal, so you have to measure the buildings horizontally too? 1 floor would be a short line (dot) and 3 floors a long line (dash).
Wow, morse code is hard.
I don't know either