Thanks for the instructional video for taking the lock apart, though I had to slow the speed as my lock was for the opposite side. As it turned out we suspected a worn micro switch though on testing the switch was fine the button didn’t seem excessively worn but built it up with some beer can aluminium and super glue just in case and used a belt hole punch to create a nice small round dome for it. After checking the circuit board all connections look ok tested for continuity all ok. Connected a 9v battery to the motor worked but not when in the car and struggled without any loading so blasted switch cleaner in any apertures and wd 40 on the shaft and ran the motor back and forth until it worked instantaneously both directions. Re-Assembling the lock proved a challenge but eventually tried the key fob lock and unlock and voila Success! I now know this lock inside out so to all out there if no sign of damage elsewhere the motor can get a bit dry and stiff due to lack of use (lack of front passenger means you only need to unlock drivers door). ‘‘This was all on a 2004 Skoda fabia vrs luckily VW share a lot of parts from their group. One tip though be careful and patient with the M and torx screws as using the wrong heads will strip the insides, we experienced this and used a left hand extractor screw which amazingly worked. Keep up the videos they are well filmed I’m sure some people never look at the start of theirs as sometimes all you see are hands or blurred subjects but yours are videos very well. Reminds me of a tip I was once given, I had a non functioning boot lid lock on a Passat, told to open boot lid spray wd40 and leave to trickle in push key in and manually lock/unlock several times, the keyless lock should now work, again this is down to using the keyless option all the time and the lock becoming dry. Wonder what is in-store for us next.
Felicitări pentru efortul depus.Așa lumea învață,să repare lucruri, care mecanicii in ateliere te rupe... Știu că ai mai multa priză la public dacă explici in engleză însă ar fii super să explici și in română... Salutare și tine-o așa
MERSI mult ! si eu am aceeasi problema la seatul meu . Pare cam complicat insa o sa incerc si eu curand . sunt foarte itneresante videourile tale . CONTINUA !
Excelent explicat Sorin! Am aceasta problema la Skoda mea Fabia, 1,4 benzina, fabricata 2004 si sper sa o rezolv cu ajutorul tutorialului tau. Multumesc.
Super,eu am inlocuit broasca cu tot la 110 lei.Am cauta switchul separat dar nu am gasit doar la 30 lei plus transport si timp pierdut.Dar stima Sorin faci o treaba super.
Mersi domnule, datorita video-ului asta m-am incumetat si eu sa repar ambele usi pe dreapta la Octavia 1, treaba e 95 % identica. Cu mentiunea ca eu a trebuit sa demontez a doua oara, sa curat si colectorul si periile din motorasul electric, doar cu refacerea lipiturilor de pe placa nu s-a rezolvat in cazul meu.
I don't have electrical problem because all the other doors lock, except the ones I'm actually locking with the key, but also I constantly had the opposite problem as well, when only the driver's door did lock mechanically, unless I slammed the door few times, so there might be loose solder joints as well
Hi, i want to share my problem with my right door (passenger side), so... when i press the button for locking i hear that the mechanism is making its move, but when i pull the door handle from the outside the door is opening, is there something like a sensor, that knows when the door is locked and doesnt allow you to open the door from outside ?
thx for the video i replaced m y doorlock with a new one but now when I unlock with remote i cant open the door from the outside. When I use the key to unlock the door I can open it.. I don't understand.
Hi , Best regards from Bulgaria - first wanna to congratulate you for that videos is very helpful. I have that problem and will be very thankful if you help me - the central.lock is work , but only when lock and unlock with the key, when try to lock and unlock with the original remote control (buttons on the key) they are not work, when try to set it with obd II - it give's me the 01179 error. Can you help me. And is it that problem that you show in this video. Only the driver door light lamp work .
Hi, I've just bought a Toledo II (1M) The LED in the door panel not (not always) lights up when the driver's door opened. It is 1.6 petrol and the pump does not (not always) start when I open the door but I have no warning light (from an opened door or something) when I drive it. Strange because we put the car to VCDS and seems the status of the passenger's door not changing when we open or close it but the driver's door seems okay. (?!) Today I locked the door with the central lock, tried to open the driver's door and I could open it (the car alarm activated) What can be the problem? Microswitch? Locking mechanism? In driver's door? In passenger's door? Thank You very much for Your reply in Advance.
Hi. the most common problem is the soldering joints on the circuit board in the driver's door lock. you should start with that. it's an imperfect contact, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Hello, thank you for the video, i have the same issue at the moment on the passenger door, but my door is blocked into locked position and i can't open it, i've tried to disconnect the battery, smacked the door with my hands, but nothing is moving, any tip to unlock the door?
hi. you can try to remove the back door, so you can unscrew the side torx screw in the front door. then you can remove the outside handle of the door lock. now you have access to the small wire that unlocks the door. if the wire is too stretched, the door lock remains jammed in the locked position.
Great video. I have a 2012 Passat. Some times it works and other time my door won't unlock to the touch. Or lock. Do you think that solder joint is barley touching. Thanks for your help
hi. with a 2012 car I don't think it's the same problem. most likely it's an on board error, or an imperfect contact in wires, like the connector or lead wires coming from the car pylon into the door. you should scan for errors with VCDS, before doing anything else.
Am un zgomot la bord si ma seaca. Masca de plastic care acopera bordul (ceasurile) face un zgomot la drumuri denivelate, se aude un "crackling sound" ca si cum se freaca plastic de plastic. Daca apas in partea din stanga jos volanului (adica in dreapta de blocul de lumini) nu mai face zgomot, pt ca jumatatea de jos a bordului tine fixa jumatatea de sus. Ai desfacut pe-acolo cumva? are suruburi? poate-mi lipseste unul dar nu prea-mi vine sa desfac juma' de bord ca sa aflu :)
salut. am avut si eu acel zgomot :D. partea de jos a bordului e prinsa cu cleme in stanga si in dreapta volanului, poate una din cleme nu mai tine bine. dar e prinsa in suruburi sub bord si in laterala stanga, langa panoul de sigurante. mai are si 2 cleme albe jos in spate, in stanga si in dreapta pedalelor. iar chenarul de plastic din jurul ceasurilor are 2 suruburi sus si niste cleme jos. si eu le-am dat jos, am curatat pe acolo si le-am strans mai bine. acum nu mai am zgomotul...
Excellent video, don’t know how much difference between your and my seat Leon MK1 1 Cupra but still, going to try and fix mine as it locks but won’t unlock on the key remote, works fine using the key in the door so do you think it could be this ?, or maybe the micro switch with red and blue wires ?, thanks, Ferry.
hi. the micro switch with blue/red wires rarely brakes down. usually the problem is at the cold joints on the circuit board. I had this problem on both front doors. but in your case I don't know if it's the same problem. can you lock/unlock the doors from inside the car, using the button on the door? does the central locking work fine if you use the key in the door, or if you use the button inside the car? if every thing works fine, except the remote key, the problem can be at the remote/receiver circuit. if you have the other symptoms presented in my clip, the problem can be in the door lock module.
Hey i got this problem in both front doors of the car i did what you did in this video but it did not solve the problem .. you have maybe another idea what zeb might be? seat leon 2002 1m1 Thank you
Sorin, super canal! Am o intrebare, daca piesa de la 0:01 nu revine la forma initiala, este foarte ruginita zona, crezi ca merge reparata? Deci trag si ramane trasa in sus. Multumesc!
salut. trebuie sa verifici arcul daca mai e bun si e prins bine. apoi sa verifici daca ramane blocata doar de la rugina, sau s-a indoit ceva pe acolo. daca este doar rugina, trebuie sa o cureti cu un spray de rugina si o periuta. la final e indicat sa nu o ungi cu vaselina, pentru ca atrage praf. in timp vaselina + praf creaza o pasta care ingreuneaza miscarea componentelor. eventual dupa ce cureti bine totul, poti sa dai cu putin spray wd40.
Sa o demontez si sa vad, este singurul defect al broastei, mecanismul asta.. si de la o mica apasare revine, mi-e ciuda, am incercat deja mult feruginol pnt rugina si mult wd40.. fara rezultat.
trebuie sa verifici exact ce tine. ori sunt prea stranse tijele alea intre ele si nu aluneca. ori s-a indoit una din tije si ramane intepenita. ori s-a intamplat ceva cu arcul si nu mai are putere sa traga. daca s-a slabit arcul, poti sa incerci sa indoi putin bratele arcului spre exterior, astfel incat sa stea putin mai strans.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd salut am un seat ibiza din 2002 si mi sa blocat usa pe inchis iam dat tot jos geam macara tot a ramas goala usa si nu stiu cum sa fac sa o deschid sa schimb iala ma poti ajuta multumesc
Hi there, I have a Seat Leon 2009 1P1, the front passenger doesn't lock at all and the drivers side doesn't unlock with the remote. I have been quoted £750!!!! For 2 door locks module's each side. Do you think it could be the same electrical fault?
hi. without seeing the car, it's hard to know. but if they recommend you replace both door lock modules, my opinion is that you should take a look at locks first. I think there is a similar problem to mine.
HALLO SORIN.i have toledo akl engine.i have that problem.sometimes the insane lights is on when i open the door and many times this the solusion or maybe (and) something all? sorry for bad english.
I followed all your steps and now i threw the drivers door closed and now i can't open it anymore? Do you know what i could have done wrong? If i put the key in the driver door all the doors open except for the drivers door
hi. I haven't seen this problem before. if the driver's door doesn't unlock, even if you push the unlock button inside the car, I think there is a problem with the motor inside the door lock. it may be broken, or the motor pins are not connected well to the board.
Sorin my Window door of the driver side, when is closing it stops in the beginnig, then i have to push The Window door to The Right side to Close The rest. The window door Close Just a litle bit, and then goes down again, what could it be.... I would apreceat your help Thank you....
hi. the window is fixed to the mechanism with 2 clips. probably one clip has failed. you need to dismantle the door plastic panel and check the 2 clips through the inspection holes. maybe you just need to tighten the screw a little more.
SALLUT SORIN am un cod care este permanent . MASINA ESTE AUDI A3 8L 1.6 AVU 2002 01336 - data bus for comfort system 37-10 - faulty - intermittent la rosstech zice ca poate fii si door lock module. any help ?
Am un seat toledo din 2001 de vreo 3 zile nu mai da cldura in masina si azi am vazut ca pierde lichid de racire si a crescut si temperatura la lichidu de racire
probably there is a problem with one of the door lock modules. try to lock the doors with one door open at a time. wait a few minutes after locking them. if the fuse doesn't blow with one of the doors opened, that door is the problem.
Vă salut! Am și eu o problemă cu un Polo 2003 se mai închide toată mașina de la ușa din stânga ,doar acea ușă și nici nu se aude acel sunet de la închidere, în schimb de pe partea dreaptă se închide. Dacă mă poate ajuta cineva🤔🤔...
Super am un seat leon din 2002 si vreu sa stiu cu se schimba kitul de reparatie la macara pe partea stanga mi ra rup un suport din plasti care tine geamul
I decided to just fit new locks as they are cheap enough. I kept the old ones in storage, and will repair and put them back in if the chinese copy parts fail.
perfect job, greetings from Turkey
Such a good tutorial, this guy knows his stuff! Thanks again.
Thanks for the instructional video for taking the lock apart, though I had to slow the speed as my lock was for the opposite side. As it turned out we suspected a worn micro switch though on testing the switch was fine the button didn’t seem excessively worn but built it up with some beer can aluminium and super glue just in case and used a belt hole punch to create a nice small round dome for it. After checking the circuit board all connections look ok tested for continuity all ok. Connected a 9v battery to the motor worked but not when in the car and struggled without any loading so blasted switch cleaner in any apertures and wd 40 on the shaft and ran the motor back and forth until it worked instantaneously both directions. Re-Assembling the lock proved a challenge but eventually tried the key fob lock and unlock and voila Success! I now know this lock inside out so to all out there if no sign of damage elsewhere the motor can get a bit dry and stiff due to lack of use (lack of front passenger means you only need to unlock drivers door). ‘‘This was all on a 2004 Skoda fabia vrs luckily VW share a lot of parts from their group. One tip though be careful and patient with the M and torx screws as using the wrong heads will strip the insides, we experienced this and used a left hand extractor screw which amazingly worked. Keep up the videos they are well filmed I’m sure some people never look at the start of theirs as sometimes all you see are hands or blurred subjects but yours are videos very well. Reminds me of a tip I was once given, I had
a non functioning boot lid lock on a Passat, told to open boot lid spray wd40 and leave to trickle in push key in and manually lock/unlock several times, the keyless lock should now work, again this is down to using the keyless option all the time and the lock becoming dry. Wonder what is in-store for us next.
Without this move I would not repair it by my self - served time and money! Thx
Felicitări pentru efortul depus.Așa lumea învață,să repare lucruri, care mecanicii in ateliere te rupe... Știu că ai mai multa priză la public dacă explici in engleză însă ar fii super să explici și in română... Salutare și tine-o așa
Foarte folositoare informatiile. Multumesc.
MERSI mult ! si eu am aceeasi problema la seatul meu . Pare cam complicat insa o sa incerc si eu curand . sunt foarte itneresante videourile tale . CONTINUA !
best video! si eu am patit multe pana sa repar asa ceva cu ochii inchisi
Super fain frumos realizat ! Multumesc !
Thank you Sorin for this super video ! Excellent instruction, very clear in every detail an it works as described.
Excelent explicat Sorin! Am aceasta problema la Skoda mea Fabia, 1,4 benzina, fabricata 2004 si sper sa o rezolv cu ajutorul tutorialului tau. Multumesc.
Super,eu am inlocuit broasca cu tot la 110 lei.Am cauta switchul separat dar nu am gasit doar la 30 lei plus transport si timp pierdut.Dar stima Sorin faci o treaba super.
Appreciate the video helped me a lot done this myself and saved me money as i didnt have to get a garage to do it.
Good work
2:38 what type of solder is used? Standard 60/40 tin/lead?
Top! Really good and detailed istruction. Thanks
This video was really helpful. Thanks a lot.
Also work for golf mk4. Thanks from Serbia :)
Good job. I have those problems with water inside a cabin and door lock. So it is time to fix it!
thank you for all the great videos. helpfull💪
Thanks a lot, was very helpfull for me!!!
Great video! This will help me out a lot bro!
Great movie man! Thanks!
0:08 sometimes spring on right is problem. This spring decide between position open lock or close lock if spring broken lock module can not fully open
Mersi domnule, datorita video-ului asta m-am incumetat si eu sa repar ambele usi pe dreapta la Octavia 1, treaba e 95 % identica. Cu mentiunea ca eu a trebuit sa demontez a doua oara, sa curat si colectorul si periile din motorasul electric, doar cu refacerea lipiturilor de pe placa nu s-a rezolvat in cazul meu.
I don't have electrical problem because all the other doors lock, except the ones I'm actually locking with the key, but also I constantly had the opposite problem as well, when only the driver's door did lock mechanically, unless I slammed the door few times, so there might be loose solder joints as well
I was told to I would need a new door handle and get it painted. But why? Thanks in advance for all your help
Hi Sorin did you know why the light in drivers door not go on when I open the door I think Is relate with the Lock...
also you can use some hot glue for that part of connection, to eliminate mechanical vibrations
Helped a lot thanks man :)
Hi, i want to share my problem with my right door (passenger side), so... when i press the button for locking i hear that the mechanism is making its move, but when i pull the door handle from the outside the door is opening, is there something like a sensor, that knows when the door is locked and doesnt allow you to open the door from outside ?
thx for the video i replaced m y doorlock with a new one but now when I unlock with remote i cant open the door from the outside. When I use the key to unlock the door I can open it.. I don't understand.
Hi , Best regards from Bulgaria - first wanna to congratulate you for that videos is very helpful. I have that problem and will be very thankful if you help me - the central.lock is work , but only when lock and unlock with the key, when try to lock and unlock with the original remote control (buttons on the key) they are not work, when try to set it with obd II - it give's me the 01179 error. Can you help me. And is it that problem that you show in this video. Only the driver door light lamp work .
Thank you Bro, you helped me a lot!
I've just bought a Toledo II (1M)
The LED in the door panel not (not always) lights up when the driver's door opened. It is 1.6 petrol and the pump does not (not always) start when I open the door but I have no warning light (from an opened door or something) when I drive it. Strange because we put the car to VCDS and seems the status of the passenger's door not changing when we open or close it but the driver's door seems okay. (?!)
Today I locked the door with the central lock, tried to open the driver's door and I could open it (the car alarm activated)
What can be the problem?
Microswitch? Locking mechanism? In driver's door? In passenger's door?
Thank You very much for Your reply in Advance.
Hi. the most common problem is the soldering joints on the circuit board in the driver's door lock. you should start with that. it's an imperfect contact, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Hello, thank you for the video, i have the same issue at the moment on the passenger door, but my door is blocked into locked position and i can't open it, i've tried to disconnect the battery, smacked the door with my hands, but nothing is moving, any tip to unlock the door?
hi. you can try to remove the back door, so you can unscrew the side torx screw in the front door. then you can remove the outside handle of the door lock. now you have access to the small wire that unlocks the door. if the wire is too stretched, the door lock remains jammed in the locked position.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd unfortunately it's a 3 door car, i'm totally screwed and fear to go to volkswagen and have a very expensive bill :/
Great video. I have a 2012 Passat. Some times it works and other time my door won't unlock to the touch. Or lock. Do you think that solder joint is barley touching. Thanks for your help
hi. with a 2012 car I don't think it's the same problem. most likely it's an on board error, or an imperfect contact in wires, like the connector or lead wires coming from the car pylon into the door. you should scan for errors with VCDS, before doing anything else.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd Thank you for info. I will get it scanned.
Am un zgomot la bord si ma seaca. Masca de plastic care acopera bordul (ceasurile) face un zgomot la drumuri denivelate, se aude un "crackling sound" ca si cum se freaca plastic de plastic. Daca apas in partea din stanga jos volanului (adica in dreapta de blocul de lumini) nu mai face zgomot, pt ca jumatatea de jos a bordului tine fixa jumatatea de sus. Ai desfacut pe-acolo cumva? are suruburi? poate-mi lipseste unul dar nu prea-mi vine sa desfac juma' de bord ca sa aflu :)
salut. am avut si eu acel zgomot :D. partea de jos a bordului e prinsa cu cleme in stanga si in dreapta volanului, poate una din cleme nu mai tine bine. dar e prinsa in suruburi sub bord si in laterala stanga, langa panoul de sigurante. mai are si 2 cleme albe jos in spate, in stanga si in dreapta pedalelor. iar chenarul de plastic din jurul ceasurilor are 2 suruburi sus si niste cleme jos. si eu le-am dat jos, am curatat pe acolo si le-am strans mai bine. acum nu mai am zgomotul...
Do you know where is the airbag sensor on the driver's door? thanks
Very nice job.......thank you
Excellent video, don’t know how much difference between your and my seat Leon MK1 1 Cupra but still, going to try and fix mine as it locks but won’t unlock on the key remote, works fine using the key in the door so do you think it could be this ?, or maybe the micro switch with red and blue wires ?, thanks, Ferry.
hi. the micro switch with blue/red wires rarely brakes down. usually the problem is at the cold joints on the circuit board. I had this problem on both front doors. but in your case I don't know if it's the same problem. can you lock/unlock the doors from inside the car, using the button on the door? does the central locking work fine if you use the key in the door, or if you use the button inside the car? if every thing works fine, except the remote key, the problem can be at the remote/receiver circuit. if you have the other symptoms presented in my clip, the problem can be in the door lock module.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd where is the remote circuit located? I have problems with my remote
Hey i got this problem in both front doors of the car i did what you did in this video but it did not solve the problem .. you have maybe another idea what zeb might be? seat leon 2002 1m1
Thank you
Nice work , I´ll look to make it work
Sorin, super canal!
Am o intrebare, daca piesa de la 0:01 nu revine la forma initiala, este foarte ruginita zona, crezi ca merge reparata? Deci trag si ramane trasa in sus.
salut. trebuie sa verifici arcul daca mai e bun si e prins bine. apoi sa verifici daca ramane blocata doar de la rugina, sau s-a indoit ceva pe acolo. daca este doar rugina, trebuie sa o cureti cu un spray de rugina si o periuta. la final e indicat sa nu o ungi cu vaselina, pentru ca atrage praf. in timp vaselina + praf creaza o pasta care ingreuneaza miscarea componentelor. eventual dupa ce cureti bine totul, poti sa dai cu putin spray wd40.
Sa o demontez si sa vad, este singurul defect al broastei, mecanismul asta.. si de la o mica apasare revine, mi-e ciuda, am incercat deja mult feruginol pnt rugina si mult wd40.. fara rezultat.
trebuie sa verifici exact ce tine. ori sunt prea stranse tijele alea intre ele si nu aluneca. ori s-a indoit una din tije si ramane intepenita. ori s-a intamplat ceva cu arcul si nu mai are putere sa traga. daca s-a slabit arcul, poti sa incerci sa indoi putin bratele arcului spre exterior, astfel incat sa stea putin mai strans.
O sa incerc, multumesc frumos!
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd salut am un seat ibiza din 2002 si mi sa blocat usa pe inchis iam dat tot jos geam macara tot a ramas goala usa si nu stiu cum sa fac sa o deschid sa schimb iala ma poti ajuta multumesc
Thanks bro,, good job
great video!thanks
I have checked this out and my metal pins are fine. Any ideas? I am sure that is a lock problem but cant fnd the reason
Hi there,
I have a Seat Leon 2009 1P1, the front passenger doesn't lock at all and the drivers side doesn't unlock with the remote. I have been quoted £750!!!! For 2 door locks module's each side. Do you think it could be the same electrical fault?
hi. without seeing the car, it's hard to know. but if they recommend you replace both door lock modules, my opinion is that you should take a look at locks first. I think there is a similar problem to mine.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd thank you, I think I'll definitely try the fix first before replacing. Appreciate it. Thanks for the upload and replying.
Salut si mai vreau sa stiu de ce mu mise mai lasa siguranta la usa stanga cand inchid si nu se mai lata cad deshid.
Hi. Can you tell me what is the Number Part of module on the video please, thanks.
HALLO SORIN.i have toledo akl engine.i have that problem.sometimes the insane lights is on when i open the door and many times this the solusion or maybe (and) something all? sorry for bad english.
merci ; tres interessent ; mohamed du maroc
I followed all your steps and now i threw the drivers door closed and now i can't open it anymore? Do you know what i could have done wrong? If i put the key in the driver door all the doors open except for the drivers door
hi. I haven't seen this problem before. if the driver's door doesn't unlock, even if you push the unlock button inside the car, I think there is a problem with the motor inside the door lock. it may be broken, or the motor pins are not connected well to the board.
Very good
Did he sure circuit of that lock was done well?
Sorin my Window door of the driver side, when is closing it stops in the beginnig, then i have to push The Window door to The Right side to Close The rest. The window door Close Just a litle bit, and then goes down again, what could it be....
I would apreceat your help Thank you....
hi. the window is fixed to the mechanism with 2 clips. probably one clip has failed. you need to dismantle the door plastic panel and check the 2 clips through the inspection holes. maybe you just need to tighten the screw a little more.
@@Sorin_DIY_Mechanical_Nerd Thank you very much Sorin 👍👍
Salut.Eu am un golf 4 si nu are clipsurile acelea din metal la switch-ul din broasca.Se pot gasi de cumparat?
salut. decat la dezmembrari e posibil sa gasesti..
SALLUT SORIN am un cod care este permanent . MASINA ESTE AUDI A3 8L 1.6 AVU 2002
01336 - data bus for comfort system 37-10 - faulty - intermittent
la rosstech zice ca poate fii si door lock module. any help ?
Am un seat toledo din 2001 de vreo 3 zile nu mai da cldura in masina si azi am vazut ca pierde lichid de racire si a crescut si temperatura la lichidu de racire
My fuse blows every time when i lock the doors with the remote. What can i do?
probably there is a problem with one of the door lock modules. try to lock the doors with one door open at a time. wait a few minutes after locking them. if the fuse doesn't blow with one of the doors opened, that door is the problem.
useful thanks.
Vă salut! Am și eu o problemă cu un Polo 2003 se mai închide toată mașina de la ușa din stânga ,doar acea ușă și nici nu se aude acel sunet de la închidere, în schimb de pe partea dreaptă se închide. Dacă mă poate ajuta cineva🤔🤔...
super video!
my back door on the right side can't lock 🔒 sometimes it lockes but sometimes it doesn't still can't find the issue also . the car is seat Leon 1m
Salut. Mai repari astfel de module? Eu am un Seat Cordoba 6l. Poți să- mi dai și un preț. Mulțumesc
salut. nu ma mai ocup cu reparatii auto. acum ma ocup doar de canalul de electronica.
hi realy helpt THX ;)
Super am un seat leon din 2002 si vreu sa stiu cu se schimba kitul de reparatie la macara pe partea stanga mi ra rup un suport din plasti care tine geamul
👏 gracias
I decided to just fit new locks as they are cheap enough. I kept the old ones in storage, and will repair and put them back in if the chinese copy parts fail.
Preventiv, puteai inlocui si switch-ul.
l-am verificat si era ok. oricum nu aveam altul de schimb in ziua respectiva, asa ca am continuat filmarea.
Cu ce switch?
ZAHARIA COSMIN - cu acelasi model.. trebuie cautat switch saya burgers
very good ! locking - Germany :-)) ABO perfect
ce te mai pricepi!!...😲
Video molto interessante