+Tolarian Community College I noticed on the sideboard you mentioned Pyroblast is getting up there in price, and I agree, but isn't Red Elemental Blast functionally the same card and considerably cheaper?
+starnik It's not legal in online-pauper because it hasn't been printed on MTGO as a common. It was only in a Masters Edition as an uncommon. Now, in paper it just depends on whether you are playing by 'online rules', meaning it's still not allowed. Or if you want to play 'any common in paper', which would mean it is. Unfortunately currently outside of the MTGO infrastructure, there isn't a good 'rule of thumb' for Pauper yet.
Even in Modern, Goblins is emerging as a new budget-friendly deck called "8-Whack" (Goblin Bushwhacker + Reckless Bushwhacker), though it's viability remains to be seen.
hey good morning pofessor i was really waiting for.a cheap goblin deck and never realize that pauper could be a great idea . great videos like always . would like to see more edh please
To those playing on MTGO, make sure to keep those Shrivels, Holy Lights and other mass removal spells in your sideboard after this video goes up. I have a feeling i'm going to see a lot more Goblins online. Also thanks for making new videos and continuing to support this format Professor.
I love this deck a ton, been playing my own version on MTGO for a while, however I would like to point out that Martyr of Ashes cannot "T2 blast to your opponent's dome," as it deals damage to each creature without flying rather than to a creature or player. Because of this, and because we are a go-wide creature based aggro deck, I would not recommend this as a sideboard choice. I would rather have Electrickery; Martyr of Ashes is never going to be amazing for us in any match up. Other than that, great video!
I love these pauper videos! Have you thought about doing one for acid trip? Pauper is one of the only formats where you can see how much that card is the bee's knees.
There is also a really fun and janky Goblin Storm combo deck in Pauper. Comboing lots of Goblin tokens with Brightstone Ritual and Battle Hymn, using Manamorphose to cast Distant Melody to refill the hand and then using Empty the Warrens to either keep going or win with Goblin Bushwacker.
As someone looking to get back into paper pauper among my friends after my deck was made defunct (poor Esper Familiar T.T), this looks promising. I already had the Duel Deck Anthology, and I had built a Goblin Tribal deck for Standard pre-BfZ, so most of this was easy to pick up. I also tossed in 4 Goblin Grenades since my paper playgroup allows any card listed as a common in gatherer to be used. Though I'm usually a blue player, there's something about the nihilistic, results-oriented attitude of Goblins that appeals to me. They don't care what it takes, just keep hitting it till it dies.
+Tolarian Community College though sometimes in my local meta I've found that circles of protection has the same effect as well :) - make people remember their removal.
Goblins have some of the best flavor ever. Hilarious little guys. I play 8 Whack and someone asked me, "Why not just play burn?" Well, 1) I don't think I can afford that, but more importantly, 2) burn isn't as funny or as fun to play as 8 Whack.
Hey Professor, haveyou heard opfPauper exalted? It's a white/blue deck that uses hard to block creatures like Deft Duelist and Aven Squire along with a lotof Exalted creatures to pump them into infinity. The rest of the deck is composedof spells to protect your creaturesandcontrol the game, such as hindering light, god's willing and vapor snag. I made that deck and I'm havingloads of fun, hitting with a 5/5 creature with flying and holding a bonespliter.
What about Goblin Grenade? Unless i remember pauper rules wrong it was originally a common and could be used in this deck. and they are only around 50c each if you go for the fallen empires versions, and could potentially replace fireblast as its one more damage and can also be a great game finisher.
It's allowed in paper pauper games cause it was printed in common. On MTGO they haven't "printed" it in common so it is "banned" on MTGO. Most stores used the MTGO list. But sometime around July 2019 the unified the online and paper list. So now it's legal
I kindof wish more of your video names followed the "A study of ... " motif. like your edh slivers deck tech. I feel its a small thing that built up the idea/feel of the Tolarian Community College
Professor, You mentioned some replacement cards that would upgrade the deck (Pyroblast, Raze & Martyr of Ashes.) Would you please share your thoughts as to how many of each, and which cards to exchange them with? Thank you for ALL of your Pauper videos!
+Bob K I may not be the professor on the subject, but I have played goblins quite a bit, and my personal recommendation is: 1x Flaring Pain (board in vs. some white decks to combat CoP: Red or pro red) 3x Electrickery (board in if you see enough 1 toughness creatures (ie tokens)) 3x Flame Slash (board in against decks like affinity that run lots of 4 toughness creatures) 2x Smash to Smithereens (board in against affinity/tron or decks with lots of artifacts) 2x Raze (exclusively for tron, otherwise not worth it) 3x Pyroblast (against decks running Counterspell) 1x Sylvok Lifestaff (against mirror/aggro decks where your life actually starts to matter)
+Tolarian Community College Dear Professor, I am trying to get into pauper, it seems like fun. But I don't know what deck to play! I was thinking between elves, goblins, and bogles, but then I saw your "best pauper cards from Eternal Masters" and then I thought about Kird Ape/Wild Nacatl aggro and the untapping land faerie deck. So many choices! What do you recommend? I need help! Thanks, Oliver
I fell so much in love with Pauper! Except, when I didn't get a land for the first TEN draws with Pauper Tron. Also like Vintage, lol. Modern is kind of boring for me now.
at 4:10 you give the wrong description for flaring pain, it's right there on the card! Also at 4:50 you mention martyr of ash blasting the dome, but again, read the card, it only does damage to creatures with flying!
+David Satzman Flaring Pain is still good as a 1 of in board to side in against post-board white decks with creatures with protection from red and Circle of Protection: Red.
Professor, we are currently getting pauper off the ground at our LGS. I wanted to know if you still feel this is the best build for goblins or have any changes you would make. My son really wants to play goblins. I really appreciate the help and fantastic videos.
good video, Prof. i run a more burn focused goblin deck for pauper and noble, which only makes goblin tokens and uses them to power Goblin Grenade, Collateral Damage and Reckless Abandon more so than attacking. if i were to put in 1 playset from this into my build, would you say Sledder/Mogg Raider, or Bushwhacker?
+Colton Schnepf Each format has different decks based on its structure. Commander decks are different from Standard are different from Modern. Pauper has its own meta, and a big part of the fun is learning what works in a new format. To answer your first question, Pauper IS fun! I have pauper mono red burn, pauper mono green aggro, pauper bogles, and pauper goblins. They kill! And it is cheap as @#$% too!
Haha alright, I just hear "There's a Pauper version of every deck" thrown around all the time but as someone who plays Aristocrats, Goryo's Vengeance combo, and Eldrazi in Modern I haven't really found a Pauper deck I enjoy yet.
Haha I saw :) But the part of the deck I mostly like about the deck is attacking a bunch of times with Fury of the Horde and using Griselbrand to draw a million cards, not necessarily the reanimation part.
I'm interested in building a pauper deck, especially after spending like 400 bucks on my mono black zombie commander deck. However I'm so confused as to what is acceptable and what is not. I've read time and time again that it's a common only format but smash to smithereens for example is a rare so how are you able to legally include it in the deck? I see this alot, uncommon, and sometimes even rares finding their way into pauper decks, so have these cards been recently changed in terms of rarity? Is there a compiled list of rarity shifted cards outhere somewhere online?
Pretty much if the card was previously common and got bumped to a higher rarity, or is common now but used to be higher rarity, it's legal, as long as in some point of the cards history it was printed as a common card. That's why you see the uncommons and rares is just because it was easier for that player to get there hands on that version of the card over the one actually printed in the common rarity
They fixed that in July of 2019. Before that it most places used MTGO list which didn't have it printed as a common. That's probably why he didn't add it to the list. I'm sure if he redid this list he would add it
Unless my math is off, the deck runs more than 60 cards. 8 types of goblins that are 4-ofs = 32, plus 2 other goblins that are 2 ofs = 36, plus 8 instants = 44, plus 20 Mountains = 64 cards. Was this intentional or an oversight?
In my country people do not play pauper at all. I think wizards should either make a format like pauper for FNM or they should release those products that will support standard.
I'm just going to assume your pronunciation of "raze" is some archaic old English pronunciation, because I've never heard it pronounced that way before. :PFun deck, Professor! Is that "You can solve any problem by throwing Goblins at it; at the very least there are fewer goblins" quote flavor text? It sounds like it would be.
+PiroMunkie It is in fact the flavor text of Goblin Piledriver (from Onslaught). It was unfortunately not included on the Magic Origins printing to grant space for the protection from blue reminder text.
Just a quick query here Professor, but is this a respectable 'entry-point' deck to the hobby? Looking to make the leap from online to paper for the first time.
+barafosteelfounder It's a top tier deck, but again remember this is for Pauper. A lot of game stores still don't play Pauper, so if no one is playing the format then you will have trouble getting reliable games.
Would you believe that $25 is too much for me right now? Imagine a format restricting the total cost of decks to under $5, but allowing cards of any rarity.
sadly that is not possible because of price spikes, as we have seen with goblin bushwhacker, tend to make any card price unpredictable and would make your deck illegal every other week
+Ratstail91 that format would be much too volatile for it to be worth playing. Decks would switch legality too frequently at the whim of the secondary market. The only surefire decks that would stay would be the free sample decks. Imagine that limit for your proposed format was around $200 instead. I have a mono-red burn deck that I spent less than $200 on, but due to price spikes, the deck is now worth $600+. Is my deck suddenly illegal because the secondary market decided to spike the price on Goblin Guides?
+Ratstail91 It's not so crazy as it might sound. Other people have tried to make budget formats with price caps, but it's hard to make a casual format become popular enough to take off. Still, people build budget decks in pretty much any format out there. Just build a $5 deck in whatever format is convenient. I'd go with a casual constructed deck, where you can get a lot for $5. But people have built $5 decks for tournament formats. It is a challenge, but it can be fun too.
TheStephenation Reducing the deck size to a minimum of 40 cards, removing basic lands (including wastes) from the price total, and giving a grace period after price spikes (deck must be legal at some point within the last week) are all possible solutions for such a difficult archetype. Thoughts?
Can't you just use Red Elemental Blast instead of Pyroblast? I know it doesn't work on illusions, but aren't most of those sacrifice illusions blue anyway? Why pay 1.90 for an essentially identical card?
+MrCScottie Yes. If a card has been printed at common at any point in its life, then every version of it is pauper legal (excluding cards on the ban list, of course).
+everyonedoesit2 As per the very link you provided, that official banned list is for the Pauper format on MTGO. This doesn't apply to traditional (paper) Magic.
This deck is awesome, pure goblin fun and it has been going 5-0 on MTGO like crazy. Decklist, as always, is in the description.
Hmmm prof u gonna try this deck when ur streaming mtgo.
+Tolarian Community College I noticed on the sideboard you mentioned Pyroblast is getting up there in price, and I agree, but isn't Red Elemental Blast functionally the same card and considerably cheaper?
+starnik not pauper legal thou
+starnik It's not legal in online-pauper because it hasn't been printed on MTGO as a common. It was only in a Masters Edition as an uncommon. Now, in paper it just depends on whether you are playing by 'online rules', meaning it's still not allowed. Or if you want to play 'any common in paper', which would mean it is. Unfortunately currently outside of the MTGO infrastructure, there isn't a good 'rule of thumb' for Pauper yet.
+Eli White I was pretty sure the general consensus for Paper Pauper was "all paper commons" with a slightly longer ban list.
The video might be outdated for the decktech but im staying to see this hip hop happening young gun professor
Huge thanks to you. I just started MTG and your videos have been a great help.
3:25 "One for each of our opponent's heels" -wisest deck builder on youtube
Those are some trusty goblins. No need for back up
The production value of this episode is pretty great. Keep it up! Plus Gobbos for life!
Every morning I wake up and thank goblins for letting me live another day :D
I've had a blast with this deck so far, thank you Professor!
Pun intended?!
love PUAPER!! It is the best format and love seeing recognition of the format and these deck techs :D !
This is great! I love pauper. I have been brewing a few different ideas for Pauper Goblins.
This is basically 1998 goblins without Goblin King. Throw back to highschool, this video.
I love the sound effects in the professor's videos so much
I wish there was a channel like yours that existed for the Pokemon TCG. I still find all of those product reviews very helpful, regardless!
Even in Modern, Goblins is emerging as a new budget-friendly deck called "8-Whack" (Goblin Bushwhacker + Reckless Bushwhacker), though it's viability remains to be seen.
"We want to run two, one for each of our opponent's heels." lol
So good to see you talking about the game and not about products!
+Arthur Accioly Pereira thats what his channel started as >.>
+lightspeedasH can you believe it? =O
hey good morning pofessor i was really waiting for.a cheap goblin deck and never realize that pauper could be a great idea . great videos like always . would like to see more edh please
To those playing on MTGO, make sure to keep those Shrivels, Holy Lights and other mass removal spells in your sideboard after this video goes up. I have a feeling i'm going to see a lot more Goblins online.
Also thanks for making new videos and continuing to support this format Professor.
+xLASTxSTRAWx Cheers! Love Pauper so much.
I love this deck a ton, been playing my own version on MTGO for a while, however I would like to point out that Martyr of Ashes cannot "T2 blast to your opponent's dome," as it deals damage to each creature without flying rather than to a creature or player. Because of this, and because we are a go-wide creature based aggro deck, I would not recommend this as a sideboard choice. I would rather have Electrickery; Martyr of Ashes is never going to be amazing for us in any match up. Other than that, great video!
I love these pauper videos! Have you thought about doing one for acid trip? Pauper is one of the only formats where you can see how much that card is the bee's knees.
+Zachary Lindahl Autocomplete strikes again?
Razz? Professor! It's raze, pronounced like "raise". This is the root verb of the word "razor". Love your stuff sir, just thought you'd like to know!
There is also a really fun and janky Goblin Storm combo deck in Pauper. Comboing lots of Goblin tokens with Brightstone Ritual and Battle Hymn, using Manamorphose to cast Distant Melody to refill the hand and then using Empty the Warrens to either keep going or win with Goblin Bushwacker.
My lgs allows goblin grenade in pauper
Goblins is absolutely terrifying
+WilhelmScreamer I can imagine. It is great in Modern, though 8-Whack isn't exactly going to dominate a strong local meta. I
Revisit pauper decks! We need updates, Prof!
I really liked the music!
As someone looking to get back into paper pauper among my friends after my deck was made defunct (poor Esper Familiar T.T), this looks promising. I already had the Duel Deck Anthology, and I had built a Goblin Tribal deck for Standard pre-BfZ, so most of this was easy to pick up. I also tossed in 4 Goblin Grenades since my paper playgroup allows any card listed as a common in gatherer to be used.
Though I'm usually a blue player, there's something about the nihilistic, results-oriented attitude of Goblins that appeals to me. They don't care what it takes, just keep hitting it till it dies.
loving the pauper content!
isn't raze pronounced "rAeze", like raise? meaning to take down, remove, as in a building? they razed the village to the ground...
that is correct
+GeorgeMaj15 English Major ;P
+GeorgeMaj15 i said the same thing when he said Razz lol
Hooray for goblins!
I built and piloted this deck at our local fnm and went 3-1 last week. took first place in my first modern tournament ever haha.
I like this list - I might pick it up for the next local paper pauper game :)
Nothing like red to remind people not to get too fancy :).
+Søren Sloth ^This^ This person gets it. Red keeps everyone nice and honest. ;)
+Tolarian Community College though sometimes in my local meta I've found that circles of protection has the same effect as well :) - make people remember their removal.
Good day Prof!
Goblins have some of the best flavor ever. Hilarious little guys. I play 8 Whack and someone asked me, "Why not just play burn?" Well, 1) I don't think I can afford that, but more importantly, 2) burn isn't as funny or as fun to play as 8 Whack.
One heelcutter for each heel... well played
I am really close to switching my favorite color to play in any format from green, to red
love the video professor.
Suture priest arrives *starts laughing maniacally*
Oh pauper. always thought that you were saying popper. wondered what format that was.
Hey Professor, haveyou heard opfPauper exalted? It's a white/blue deck that uses hard to block creatures like Deft Duelist and Aven Squire along with a lotof Exalted creatures to pump them into infinity. The rest of the deck is composedof spells to protect your creaturesandcontrol the game, such as hindering light, god's willing and vapor snag. I made that deck and I'm havingloads of fun, hitting with a 5/5 creature with flying and holding a bonespliter.
Nothing beats goblins 'cept rock.
Anyone by chance knows what's the music playing at 4:55?
It's not one of the songs credited in the video description
Zeghart Have you found out yet? I‘m going crazy, not getting what song/music/theme this is....
Goblin Sledder has 2 printings online. The EVG printing is 3.25 tix but the ONS printing is only .15
Professor, your deck list equals 61 cards in the main board. Are you running 61 cards or are you cutting one of those?
What about Goblin Grenade? Unless i remember pauper rules wrong it was originally a common and could be used in this deck.
and they are only around 50c each if you go for the fallen empires versions, and could potentially replace fireblast as its one more damage and can also be a great game finisher.
It's actually banned in pauper
It's allowed in paper pauper games cause it was printed in common. On MTGO they haven't "printed" it in common so it is "banned" on MTGO. Most stores used the MTGO list. But sometime around July 2019 the unified the online and paper list. So now it's legal
Super cool deck !
I kindof wish more of your video names followed the "A study of ... " motif. like your edh slivers deck tech. I feel its a small thing that built up the idea/feel of the Tolarian Community College
Professor, You mentioned some replacement cards that would upgrade the deck (Pyroblast, Raze & Martyr of Ashes.) Would you please share your thoughts as to how many of each, and which cards to exchange them with? Thank you for ALL of your Pauper videos!
+Bob K I may not be the professor on the subject, but I have played goblins quite a bit, and my personal recommendation is:
1x Flaring Pain (board in vs. some white decks to combat CoP: Red or pro red)
3x Electrickery (board in if you see enough 1 toughness creatures (ie tokens))
3x Flame Slash (board in against decks like affinity that run lots of 4 toughness creatures)
2x Smash to Smithereens (board in against affinity/tron or decks with lots of artifacts)
2x Raze (exclusively for tron, otherwise not worth it)
3x Pyroblast (against decks running Counterspell)
1x Sylvok Lifestaff (against mirror/aggro decks where your life actually starts to matter)
+Darshan Naidu , Thank you for your suggestions!
Let's all razz the english major for mispronouncing the word "raze"!
I thought that he probably was. We can`t really yell at him too much. There are some really bad pronunciations for magic cards out there.
Planeswalker999 Yeah, it really Bogles my mind and fills me with Rancor.
Haha, good one, but that word is spelled "Boggle". Bogle is the creature.
Yeahhhhh! Legend Prof. Legend.
I've never seen lightning bolts in paper for less than $2.50 per card. Some are cheaper online until you factor in shipping.
plz make a pauper video on Shadows on Innistrad if the full set is spoiled.
Looks fun!
+Tolarian Community College
Dear Professor,
I am trying to get into pauper, it seems like fun. But I don't know what deck to play! I was thinking between elves, goblins, and bogles, but then I saw your "best pauper cards from Eternal Masters" and then I thought about Kird Ape/Wild Nacatl aggro and the untapping land faerie deck.
So many choices! What do you recommend? I need help!
Thanks, Oliver
you're welcome
I fell so much in love with Pauper! Except, when I didn't get a land for the first TEN draws with Pauper Tron. Also like Vintage, lol. Modern is kind of boring for me now.
+Mein Kanal! Also we recently got Pauper to my store!
Goblins.. a lovely tribe. If you want fun and enjoyment. Pick this deck list up
Would you say this deck is still worth it to play today? Or are there any cards I should swap out?
at 4:10 you give the wrong description for flaring pain, it's right there on the card! Also at 4:50 you mention martyr of ash blasting the dome, but again, read the card, it only does damage to creatures with flying!
+David Satzman Flaring Pain is still good as a 1 of in board to side in against post-board white decks with creatures with protection from red and Circle of Protection: Red.
hey professor, have you considered playing club adviser for the Oath of Gatewatch, maybe giving advice based on previous planeswalker organizations?
Any chance to see a video about the pauper deck arcane tide?
2 goblin heelcutters, 1 for each of our opponents heels xD
Have you thought of using spike shot goblins?
What about the Mardu Surfer Dude? He's quite dashing.
Professor, we are currently getting pauper off the ground at our LGS. I wanted to know if you still feel this is the best build for goblins or have any changes you would make. My son really wants to play goblins. I really appreciate the help and fantastic videos.
good video, Prof. i run a more burn focused goblin deck for pauper and noble, which only makes goblin tokens and uses them to power Goblin Grenade, Collateral Damage and Reckless Abandon more so than attacking.
if i were to put in 1 playset from this into my build, would you say Sledder/Mogg Raider, or Bushwhacker?
wondering why not Boggart shenanigans? it's a common or uncommon and combos with the sledders and raiders
it's uncommon so not legal in pauper
I have not gone through the comments but Professor, what about goblin grenade and goblin war strike?
Is Pauper fun? I keep trying to get into it but none of the decks I like have Pauper variants.
+Colton Schnepf Each format has different decks based on its structure. Commander decks are different from Standard are different from Modern. Pauper has its own meta, and a big part of the fun is learning what works in a new format.
To answer your first question, Pauper IS fun! I have pauper mono red burn, pauper mono green aggro, pauper bogles, and pauper goblins. They kill! And it is cheap as @#$% too!
Haha alright, I just hear "There's a Pauper version of every deck" thrown around all the time but as someone who plays Aristocrats, Goryo's Vengeance combo, and Eldrazi in Modern I haven't really found a Pauper deck I enjoy yet.
+Colton Schnepf there is a reanimator deck in pauper :)
Haha I saw :) But the part of the deck I mostly like about the deck is attacking a bunch of times with Fury of the Horde and using Griselbrand to draw a million cards, not necessarily the reanimation part.
I guess I just like playing with obscenely powerful strategies and Pauper doesn't really offer anything that blows opponents out of the water.
Getting into the pauper format, local game shop plays it. Wouldn't goblin grenade be legal in paper?
I love the deck! But I was wondering, as it is pauper legal thanks to vintage masters, why no Beetleback riders?
You said in the video Flaring Pain is a great card that "let's us prevent damage" prevent preventing damage maybe? ^_^
I'm interested in building a pauper deck, especially after spending like 400 bucks on my mono black zombie commander deck. However I'm so confused as to what is acceptable and what is not. I've read time and time again that it's a common only format but smash to smithereens for example is a rare so how are you able to legally include it in the deck? I see this alot, uncommon, and sometimes even rares finding their way into pauper decks, so have these cards been recently changed in terms of rarity? Is there a compiled list of rarity shifted cards outhere somewhere online?
Pretty much if the card was previously common and got bumped to a higher rarity, or is common now but used to be higher rarity, it's legal, as long as in some point of the cards history it was printed as a common card. That's why you see the uncommons and rares is just because it was easier for that player to get there hands on that version of the card over the one actually printed in the common rarity
Professor, i just got the elder dragon card Chromium so i can make a new commander deck, but idk what cards to put in it. Can you help me out please?
Where do you get your prices?
I've looked for Lightning bolts and I've only found them at around 2.50 on every Singles selling page.
What about goblin war strike? Is it not included because it can only hit players?
could you do some Kingpin decks.
He should do an update to this video with today's commons
Hi prof, have you considered running Goblin Grenade in paper? It has been printed as common before but not on MTGO.
They fixed that in July of 2019. Before that it most places used MTGO list which didn't have it printed as a common. That's probably why he didn't add it to the list. I'm sure if he redid this list he would add it
Could you give an Atogatog Commander EDH decktech for budget?
What! Lightning Bolts cost 5 bucks at my LGS. I am in Canada but that price difference still seems steep, are they really that cheap where you are?
They might be foil.
Unless my math is off, the deck runs more than 60 cards. 8 types of goblins that are 4-ofs = 32, plus 2 other goblins that are 2 ofs = 36, plus 8 instants = 44, plus 20 Mountains = 64 cards. Was this intentional or an oversight?
In my country people do not play pauper at all. I think wizards should either make a format like pauper for FNM or they should release those products that will support standard.
I'm just going to assume your pronunciation of "raze" is some archaic old English pronunciation, because I've never heard it pronounced that way before. :PFun deck, Professor! Is that "You can solve any problem by throwing Goblins at it; at the very least there are fewer goblins" quote flavor text? It sounds like it would be.
+PiroMunkie It is in fact the flavor text of Goblin Piledriver (from Onslaught). It was unfortunately not included on the Magic Origins printing to grant space for the protection from blue reminder text.
If my opponent is paralyzed, is it safe to board out the heelcutters?
Pauper Faeries? Seems like it could be teir one if someone can make a good list
+Jack Mason Cloud is gone so it's not terribly likely
The best fairies tend to be incidental in their value more than anything
I'm sure you get this question alot but I will be going to my first prerelease and I've never played constructed got any suggestions?
+Caleb Ellis and also here: Sure do! Here: th-cam.com/video/fnaBOlE8ico/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/1wyncg5Xhmg/w-d-xo.html
Thank you for your reply I think this will help my friend and I on our prerelease
Is there any reason the deck list in the description equals 61 cards? Should I be taking one out or is it meant to be that way?
this is so true my cousin has a goblin deck and I never can win.
Just a quick query here Professor, but is this a respectable 'entry-point' deck to the hobby? Looking to make the leap from online to paper for the first time.
+barafosteelfounder It's a top tier deck, but again remember this is for Pauper. A lot of game stores still don't play Pauper, so if no one is playing the format then you will have trouble getting reliable games.
+Tolarian Community College Thank you! Keep up the good work
Professor, can I use my old cards from the Duel Deck Elves vs Goblins in a pauper tournament? Are they legal?
+Enrico Casanova Yes, indeed they are! :) As long as they are commons only for pauper.
No goblin lookout? alright then... no reaosn to buff your board for the cost of sacing 1 blocking goblin right?
Would you believe that $25 is too much for me right now? Imagine a format restricting the total cost of decks to under $5, but allowing cards of any rarity.
sadly that is not possible because of price spikes, as we have seen with goblin bushwhacker, tend to make any card price unpredictable and would make your deck illegal every other week
+Ratstail91 that format would be much too volatile for it to be worth playing. Decks would switch legality too frequently at the whim of the secondary market. The only surefire decks that would stay would be the free sample decks.
Imagine that limit for your proposed format was around $200 instead. I have a mono-red burn deck that I spent less than $200 on, but due to price spikes, the deck is now worth $600+. Is my deck suddenly illegal because the secondary market decided to spike the price on Goblin Guides?
Fuster Wishful thinking, really.
+Ratstail91 It's not so crazy as it might sound. Other people have tried to make budget formats with price caps, but it's hard to make a casual format become popular enough to take off. Still, people build budget decks in pretty much any format out there. Just build a $5 deck in whatever format is convenient. I'd go with a casual constructed deck, where you can get a lot for $5. But people have built $5 decks for tournament formats. It is a challenge, but it can be fun too.
TheStephenation Reducing the deck size to a minimum of 40 cards, removing basic lands (including wastes) from the price total, and giving a grace period after price spikes (deck must be legal at some point within the last week) are all possible solutions for such a difficult archetype. Thoughts?
mine is nothing like this. in fact, apart from bushwacker, i don't think i run a single card mentioned here.
Can't you just use Red Elemental Blast instead of Pyroblast? I know it doesn't work on illusions, but aren't most of those sacrifice illusions blue anyway? Why pay 1.90 for an essentially identical card?
Prof my opponent has 3 heels what do I do?
So if a common card in one set is printed at some other rarity in another, is it legal in pauper?
+MrCScottie Yes. If a card has been printed at common at any point in its life, then every version of it is pauper legal (excluding cards on the ban list, of course).
+everyonedoesit2 If you mean MTGO or for someone's house rules, then yeah. But there is no official banned list for Pauper in traditional Magic.
TheStephenation Yes there is mate, cloud of faeries was recently added to the banlist. magic.wizards.com/en/gameinfo/gameplay/formats/pauper
+everyonedoesit2 thanks
+everyonedoesit2 As per the very link you provided, that official banned list is for the Pauper format on MTGO. This doesn't apply to traditional (paper) Magic.
It does not have the goblin grenade. How can you have a goblin deck without a playset of them?
PAUPERRRRRER!!!! please do pauper infect! THANK YOU!!!!!!
What kind of video editor do you use?
There's an extra card in the deck list. Haven't figured out what it is though. :S
Remove one of the mountains 19 is plenty and it puts it at 60 cards
If pyroblast is expensive why not play red elemental blast?
I know its not but the music sounds sooo close to a song in psyconauts
I think Burn the Impure is a good sideboard option, at least my meta includes a lot of pesky infect players.