Time Stamps for ALL the books: Odyssey Book 1: 0:00:23 Odyssey Book 2: 0:24:48 Odyssey Book 3: 0:49:35 Odyssey Book 4: 1:17:28 Odyssey Book 5: 3:16:57 Odyssey Book 6: 7:13:50 Odyssey Book 7: 2:03:23 Odyssey Book 8: 3:43:41 Odyssey Book 9: 7:33:12 Odyssey Book 10: 2:22:50 Odyssey Book 11: 4:14:42 Odyssey Book 12: 8:04:55 Odyssey Book 13: 2:53:22 Odyssey Book 14: 4:48:27 Odyssey Book 15: 8:30:17 Odyssey Book 16: 5:17:53 Odyssey Book 17: 6:18:40 Odyssey Book 18: 8:59:58 Odyssey Book 19: 5:43:41 Odyssey Book 20: 6:51:36 Odyssey Book 21: 9:22:35 Odyssey Book 22: 9:45:34 Odyssey Book 23: 10:10:36 Odyssey Book 24: 10:31:27
Started this audiobook then realized that chapters are out of order. Stayed cuz of the narrator's voice. Special thanks to the comment with each book time.
My Granny taught me how to read with some very basic books. As I grew older, she got me more challenging books, The Iliad and the Odyssey were two of them. Now, I've got both mixed up in my head. She read to me at first, then I learned to read. Now, that I know how to read, my eyesight is too poor to read, so, I listen to books others have recorded and they read them books to me. I've come full circle.
Early 1981 I had bad wisdom teeth pain so I got them all taken out so the doctor gave me a jar of 10mg pethadine for pain and I spent the next week in the bath reading this Odyssey . I was not a hero
Yeah I prefer a more standard delivery, I can’t stand people who try to read stuff in a “sing songy voice” For some reason some people project this weird voice when reading old time texts/religious scriptures, it’s so cringe to me, like an anchorman reading the news in that voice that they do. Just use your normal voice and read!
I love youtube and this video. I need to read this book for school, I read 50 words a minute :( This video is a live saver Edit: there is 134,560 words in the odyssey and I read 50 words a min, it would take me 44 or so hours hours to read the entire book. Edit: dyslexic
The same person Odysseus and Ulysses are two names for the same person. Odysseus is the original Greek name, while Ulysses is the Latinized version. Odysseus is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. In Latin, he was known as Ulixēs or Ulyssēs a lot can be said for the gods as well
A lot of early English translations of the Greek myths use the Roman names. They were more familiar to the general public at the time. Apparently, Samuel Butler actually did use the Greek names when he translated this book, but the publisher forced him to change it to the Roman names because more people were familiar with them. A shame. I actually have a copy of the Butler translation that changes the names back to the Greek ones.
Didn't you think that this book being very old has been translated for every culture just about. Same Gods just different names. Maybe the Romans and Romulans needed it that way.
The Roman names instead of the Greek names were more preferred in some countries for a time when the translations were popular. So the translators used Roman names instead Greek because of audience preference.
why does The Odyssey and The iLLiad have 24 chapters each one, and also like a clock have 24 hours ... maybe it has to do with clocks, maybe not - [. i am following Homer now, because this work exists.
Ok so this is how it really reads not scanned but typed! Stephanus and the Presbyters with him, Daphnus, Euboulus, Theophilus, and Zenon, To Paul, who is in the Lord. Greetings!
This makes Assassin's Creed look like child's play, this is the originator of that genre but no less relevant for that, especially in today's world. Read and learn.
I’m sorry what? AC is a video game with a title in the series called Odyssey that has nothing to do with The Odyssey by Homer. I’m not sure what you mean by “this is the originator of that genre but no less relevant for that.” Idk maybe you should read and learn?
What the fuck does this even mean? The two aren't even remotely comparable besides the obvious fact that they're rooted in Ancient Greek myth and legend.
@@ryanisvibing the more important and ignorant fact is nobody talking about how this video the chapters are out of order in places rather than just bashing some stranger over their comment. If anything appreciate their simple notion that it's very cool to see the original historical sources and inspiration for a lot of modern stories.
Da fuq? The one here who needs to learn is you. You don't come off as being smart ypu come off as a dickhead and a twit. Also if you haven't played the game maybe you should so then you will be able to comprehend why ypire a twit. Also some people while reading or playing games will have something to help immerse themselves more pr to learn more about a topic taking place on that timeline and not necessarily a particular event. Or because sometimes our Brian's just works like that m
@@stellasykes7802 considering how unintelligible they are, unrelated they are to the book, and I did not even notice them.... yes I did. I am an a**hole
Revelations 3:8-10 8 Iknow thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name 9 Behold, I will make "them of the synagogue of Satan which sav they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also
Yeah, the greek name is Poseidon. And Mercury should be Hermes, Minerva should be Athena, etc. At least Atlas is correct, because his roman equivalent has the same name.
Odysseus all naked in need for help looking like an homeless: "hey pretty girl please give number":D. Damn ancient Greece was so patriarchal he didn't know how to approach a Young girl other than proposing marriage
IRON 45 I We sent Our messengers with evident wonders, and sent down with them the Book and the Balance that mankind may act with fairness. And We sent down iron in which there is great strength and benefits to mankind, that God may know who will come forward to support Him and His messengers, in the Unseen. God is All-Powerful, Almighty.
Quran Rolling UP :15 No indeed! I swear by the planets, Ascending or receding! By the night when it slinks away! By the morning when it respires! This is the speech of a noble envoy: He is a figure of great power, In high esteem with the Lord of the throne, 81:21 Obeyed in heaven, worthy of trust. Your companion is not possessed; He saw him on the open horizon. Nor does he hold back what comes from the Unseen. Nor is this the speech of an accursed demon. So where are you heading? This is but a Remembrance to mankind, To any of you who wish to follow the straight path. And you cannot so wish unless God wishes, 81:29 Lord of the Worlds.
All except Sparta and Athens (Esther 1: 1-3: 13 follows here in the Greek.) And this is the copy of the letter: "The Great King, Artaxerxes, to the rulers of a hundred and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia, and to the subordinate governors, writes thus: Having become ruler of many nations, and come to have dominion over the ¡ whole world, I desire, not because I am elated by the pre- sumption of power, but behaving always with mildness and moderation, to insure that my subjects shall live in unbroken tranquillity, and in order to make my kingdom peaceable and open for travel in all its extent, to re-establish the peace which all men desire. When I asked my counselors how this end might be accomplished, Haman, who excels among us in soundness of indement and is dictinoniched for his un-
Luke 11:18-19 18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. 19 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom de your sons cast them out? there fore shall thev be vour judges
What i dont get is its called "the odyssey by homer" but as far as i can tell he did nothing. That's why being literate is so important, or you get some butt munch named Homer taking all the credit.
Greek Connections other than Danites ( Ajax). Sampsonites (Sampson) First Maccabean "The chief magistrates and the city of the Spartans send greeting to Simon, the chief priest, and to the elders and the priests and the rest of the Jewish people, our kinsmen. The ar envoys that were sent to our people told us of your splendor and wealth, and we were glad of their coming. We have re- ea corded what they said in the decrees of the people, as fol- lows: " 'Numenius, the son of Antiochus, and Antipater, the son of Jason, envoys of the Jews, came to us to renew their friendly relations with us. And the people were pleased to 93 receive the men with honor and to deposit the copy of what they said among the public records, so that the Spartan peo- ple may have a record of it. And they sent a copy of this to Simon the high priest.' " After this Simon sent Numenius to Rome with a great 24 gold shield weighing a thousand pounds, to confirm their alliance with them. But when the people heard these things, they said, 85 "How shall we thank Simon and his sons? For he and his 26 brothers and his father's house have stood fast, and have fought and driven from them the enemies of Israel, and secured his freedom.” 27 So they engraved it on brass tablets and set it on pillars on Mount Zion. And this is the copy of what they wrote: "On the eighteenth day of Elul, in the one hundred and seventy-second year-that is, the third year of the high 28 priesthood of Simon, the prince of God's people- in a great congregation of priests and people and leaders of the na- tion and elders of the country, this has been reported to us: 2g On the frequent occasions when wars have arisen in the country, Simon, the son of Mattathias the priest, of the descendants of Joarib, and his brothers have exposed them- selves to danger and resisted the adversaries of their nation so that their sanctuary and their law might be upheld, and go they have reflected great glory upon their nation. Jonathan rallied their nation and became their high priest, and was g gathered to his people. And when their enemies resolved to 9a invade their country, and attack their sanctuary, Simon re- sisted them, and fought for his nation, and spent a great deal of money of his own, and armed the warlike men of his na- 93 tion, and gave them wages. And he fortified the towns of Judea and Bethsura on the borders of Judea, where their enemies formerly kept their arms, and he stationed a garri- 34 son of lews there And ha fortifad lanna
Justus Titus - Justus who is Jesus. From Paul! So fyi: I am a firenzen Cretan by birth . Really! Florence Alb. . Stars feel on Alabama! Nostradamus often in his letters to High king of Christiandian! Reference him Florence! Ok so pay attention on what to do with Creteans! (Satans). When you see them!! I and A servant of God, H and an apostle of Jesus 1:1 Christ, according to the faith of d2 God's elect, and the acknowl- eR edging of the truth •which is 10 1: after godliness; 91 2 In1 hope of eternal life, which God that cannot lie promised before the world began; 3 But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the com- mandment of God our Saviour; 4 To *Titus, mine own son 1-g My Tn after the common faith: Grace, #Or, in i mercy, and peace, from God 1:10 4T the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. 5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest iset in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: 6 *If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having 11:10 PAr faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be blameless, as "the steward of God; not self-willed, not soon angry, "not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; 8 •But a lover of hospitality, a lover of 3good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 9 Holding fast the faithful word 4as he hath been taught, that he may be able *by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. 10 For there are many un- ruly and vain talkers and de- ceivers, 'specially they of the circumcision: 11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lu- cre's sake. 12 "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are always llars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 013 This witness is true. wherefore rebuke them sharp ly, that they may be wound in the faith; 14 *Not giving heed to Jew- ish fables, and command- ments of men, that turn from the truth. 15k -Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. o 16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work Reprobate. band unto every good work reprobate. BUT SPEAK thou the things
3rd Corinthians Too Paul. aLu him, Daphnus, Euboulus, Theophilus, and Zenon, to Paul, who is in the Lord. Greetings! Two men, a certain Simon and Cleo- bius, have come to Corinth and upset the faith of some by their corrupt teachings, which you can evaluate for yourself. For we have never heard such teachings ei- ther from you or anyone else. But we have kept the things we received from you and our other teachers. And so, since the Lord has shown us mercy, come to us while you are in the flesh, or write back to us, that we may hear your teach- ings again. For we believe what was re- vealed to Theonoe, that the Lord has saved you from the hand of the Lawless one. For this is what they are saying and teaching: that there is no need to consider
Time Stamps for ALL the books:
Odyssey Book 1: 0:00:23
Odyssey Book 2: 0:24:48
Odyssey Book 3: 0:49:35
Odyssey Book 4: 1:17:28
Odyssey Book 5: 3:16:57
Odyssey Book 6: 7:13:50
Odyssey Book 7: 2:03:23
Odyssey Book 8: 3:43:41
Odyssey Book 9: 7:33:12
Odyssey Book 10: 2:22:50
Odyssey Book 11: 4:14:42
Odyssey Book 12: 8:04:55
Odyssey Book 13: 2:53:22
Odyssey Book 14: 4:48:27
Odyssey Book 15: 8:30:17
Odyssey Book 16: 5:17:53
Odyssey Book 17: 6:18:40
Odyssey Book 18: 8:59:58
Odyssey Book 19: 5:43:41
Odyssey Book 20: 6:51:36
Odyssey Book 21: 9:22:35
Odyssey Book 22: 9:45:34
Odyssey Book 23: 10:10:36
Odyssey Book 24: 10:31:27
Thank you so much😁
Our appreciations to you for your contribution for us to find what book we want to listen
Thank you very much. This will make running my class so much easier.
Thank u man
A thousand thank-yous!
Started this audiobook then realized that chapters are out of order. Stayed cuz of the narrator's voice. Special thanks to the comment with each book time.
only here bc i want to be able to fully appreciate the plot of the first spongebob movie
I adore this comment, i'm here to actually read the odyssey but you just made me drop my book and start spongebobs 6 day quest
wow I love dedication
Smoke the turd from pappas anus!
yall starfishin' like a muhfuhkuh
That's funny, there's a lot of parallelism here. 。◕‿◕。
Anyone else here after the news of Christopher Nolan making the movie called The Odyssey ?
That's me
no my friends keep talking about epic so i need to know the odyssey first (i also have an exam but thats not that important)
Welcome my fellow Nolan fans
I finally finished
Anyone else that made it through this
good job
take a break
get a coffee or something
you earned it.
Almost there currently on book 18.
What's u learn?
Book 3 49:47
Book 4 1:17:35
Book 7 2:03:25
Book 10 2:22:53
Book 13 2:53:24
My Granny taught me how to read with some very basic books. As I grew older, she got me more challenging books, The Iliad and the Odyssey were two of them. Now, I've got both mixed up in my head. She read to me at first, then I learned to read. Now, that I know how to read, my eyesight is too poor to read, so, I listen to books others have recorded and they read them books to me. I've come full circle.
Early 1981 I had bad wisdom teeth pain so I got them all taken out so the doctor gave me a jar of 10mg pethadine for pain and I spent the next week in the bath reading this Odyssey . I was not a hero
Might be the greatest comment in the history of the internet 🎉
These ancient stories have relevance in our modern times. They give comfort in their day. This was the entertainment long before social media.
Yes! Love this narrator.
he's my grandfather, he used to do old time radio before narrating. lives out in Maryland.
Yeah I prefer a more standard delivery, I can’t stand people who try to read stuff in a “sing songy voice”
For some reason some people project this weird voice when reading old time texts/religious scriptures, it’s so cringe to me, like an anchorman reading the news in that voice that they do.
Just use your normal voice and read!
Don't you love how he pronounces the name Persephone? And his meter on the "early morning, rosy fingered dawn" 🤣
@@PULAGfr ? That’s cool
literally! what determined my listen to this one was how he pronounced telemachus, did not fail 🙂↔️
thank you for allowing time for the grieving process
ever take an arrow to the nippy and tagged the lung? facedown in da doyte
Who else is it's listening to this because of EPIC the Musical?
ME!!! Also bc of Percy Jackson. I wanted to make my own character and I like getting inspiration from original sources :)))
Hi, yes I am
Hi, I'm here.
I remember some people were asking in the 90’ what the hell is this internet good for. Heres your answer, years later
Im only listening to fully appreciate O, Brother Where Art Thou
Shoutout to homie for this masterpiece 🔥🔥🔥
Homie is wild
4:14:54 Book 11
4:48:27 Book 14
9:45:39 Book 22
I love youtube and this video. I need to read this book for school, I read 50 words a minute :( This video is a live saver
Edit: there is 134,560 words in the odyssey and I read 50 words a min, it would take me 44 or so hours hours to read the entire book.
Edit: dyslexic
there is no way you read at less then one word a second, ever thought about how long a second actually is?
Life saver…..
@@asneakypuddlelmfao I was about to say does this dude pause for 1 second for each word😭
@@asneakypuddlehe might have dyslexia or a disorder bro.. and may still be writing his response to you
@asneakypuddle He may be still writing his response to you
I was more wrinkly than a walrus when I got outta the bath but I really dug Homer
Amazing narration.
2:03:16 here's no book 5 and 6.. Book 7 starts right after Book 4 ends 😢
I know its probly a month to late but the books are just out of order book 5 and 6 are there there is another coment that has all the timestamps
Using Roman god names in a Greek story 😒
Thank You, I thought I was the only one who noticed.
so is this woke video just garbo? all books out of order and using wrong names? I'm looking for the real deal if you can so guideith thee
@@PULAGI'll read it to you bby
Yeah, I was thinking that. Annoyed me.
Took me way too long to realise, but Jove is Jupiter (Zeus). just fyi
and Hov is Jay-Z for anyone wondering. a great Bard of his time.
Nolan research.
I noticed that this translation uses Roman and not Greek names for gods? Is this true for all translations? I prefer Greek names.
The same person
Odysseus and Ulysses are two names for the same person. Odysseus is the original Greek name, while Ulysses is the Latinized version. Odysseus is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. In Latin, he was known as Ulixēs or Ulyssēs a lot can be said for the gods as well
@@lukebaldwin3335 thank you
@@havefunbesafe np 😊
A lot of early English translations of the Greek myths use the Roman names. They were more familiar to the general public at the time. Apparently, Samuel Butler actually did use the Greek names when he translated this book, but the publisher forced him to change it to the Roman names because more people were familiar with them. A shame. I actually have a copy of the Butler translation that changes the names back to the Greek ones.
Didn't you think that this book being very old has been translated for every culture just about.
Same Gods just different names. Maybe the Romans and Romulans needed it that way.
why are the chapters all out of order
and it uses all the roman names?
The Roman names instead of the Greek names were more preferred in some countries for a time when the translations were popular. So the translators used Roman names instead Greek because of audience preference.
Your a sleep? Did you mean sheep? Or that you fall asleep?
why does The Odyssey and The iLLiad have 24 chapters each one, and also like a clock have 24 hours ... maybe it has to do with clocks, maybe not - [. i am following Homer now, because this work exists.
Keeping my bookmark lol.
23.53 March 7th '24 - end of book 5 3:43:37
Ok so this is how it really reads not scanned but typed!
Stephanus and the Presbyters with him,
Daphnus, Euboulus, Theophilus, and Zenon,
To Paul, who is in the Lord. Greetings!
What are the beginnings of each Chapter?
Second top maybe
opposite of the end
This makes Assassin's Creed look like child's play, this is the originator of that genre but no less relevant for that, especially in today's world. Read and learn.
modernist scumbleton.
I’m sorry what?
AC is a video game with a title in the series called Odyssey that has nothing to do with The Odyssey by Homer. I’m not sure what you mean by “this is the originator of that genre but no less relevant for that.”
Idk maybe you should read and learn?
What the fuck does this even mean? The two aren't even remotely comparable besides the obvious fact that they're rooted in Ancient Greek myth and legend.
@@ryanisvibing the more important and ignorant fact is nobody talking about how this video the chapters are out of order in places rather than just bashing some stranger over their comment. If anything appreciate their simple notion that it's very cool to see the original historical sources and inspiration for a lot of modern stories.
Da fuq? The one here who needs to learn is you. You don't come off as being smart ypu come off as a dickhead and a twit.
Also if you haven't played the game maybe you should so then you will be able to comprehend why ypire a twit. Also some people while reading or playing games will have something to help immerse themselves more pr to learn more about a topic taking place on that timeline and not necessarily a particular event.
Or because sometimes our Brian's just works like that m
notes 4 self.
2:53:08, 2:54:18
when do they start singing
Kind of disappointing subtitles aren't available.
thank you librivox we all say in unison
i’m in band camp listening to this with my roommate cos we need to hear something boring to sleep
Maybe talk to each other? Probably work even more quickly. 😂
Why are the books out of order? It goes from book 4 to 7 then 13 and then 5.
@@stellasykes7802 considering how unintelligible they are, unrelated they are to the book, and I did not even notice them.... yes I did. I am an a**hole
"For the Gods left shitprints in the sand of a holy man, yet the cretins taketh bite to the stench." Suck on that little piece of sweetness
who is this narrator?
Thanks for mixing up the books....
Why use Roman names for the gods? This is supposed to be Greek?
Here because of Christopher Nolan
This is weirdly addictive.
I'm playing Assassin's creed odyssey so my dad told me I should read this book
Same here. I been playin it n listening to this at nite
Deep stuff here. Its kind of like a map to your subconscious. For now, just enjoy the story, but one day far from now... You'll realize.
Read ur mythologies bud..
hope it didn't take you as long to beat game as it did to listen to this
Listen to your father.. he is a clever man.
He's the same guy from crime and punishment or brothers karamazov?
May be the same narrator but definitely not the same author
Is this the Roman version?
Okay but where is Odysseus I'm past book 5 which I'm pretty sure is where he is supposed to appear and I was talking about is eurikis
Late response but it’s ullesysus, for some reason most the online versions use the Roman names. It’s stupid
bookmark: 5:43:55
I’m sorry but why is everything changed to the Roman equivalent?????
Revelations 3:8-10
8 Iknow thy works: behold,
I have set before thee an open
door, and no man can shut it:
for thou hast a little strength,
and hast kept my word,
hast not denied my name
9 Behold, I will make "them
the synagogue of Satan
which sav they are Jews,
are not,
but do lie; behold, I
will make them to come and
worship before thy feet, and to
know that I have loved thee.
10 Because thou hast kept
the word of my patience, I also
The only Homer I knew about was Homer Simpson so I’m trying to become more cultured 😂
Surely Neptune is roman
Yeah, the greek name is Poseidon. And Mercury should be Hermes, Minerva should be Athena, etc. At least Atlas is correct, because his roman equivalent has the same name.
All of the names of the gods are Roman in this version
Why is that?
The chapters are out of order.
Bad job editing
Bruce @1:39:35
Book 9-10?
The things i do for Project Moon...
7:24:21 nothing better than a united house
Book 11---visit to Hades
1:13:58 here now
the volume is too low
grai then turn it up stoopid
@@kisiu22 that's not how you spell stupid
@@grai yeah no shit
@Big Cheeso i wrote that comment almost a year ago stfu
I found a hidden gem in this comment section where people are putting words that end in a double ee for some reason
Oui oui
@@therealbs2000 gui gui
i have to know
Father is annoyed and tired; Yash took this oppurtunity and made Father repentant; Yash is now eating his lunch (breakfast)
ya mammy old withered and full of milk, the days of ash look upon her great breasties and Ulysses sucked them dry.
-1:51:53 he got a fancy plate
4 minutes in and this just sounds rambling. How is this supposed to be enjoyable. I can't imagine the poetic translations are any better
This is a Latinised translation; Ulysses and Venus rather than Odysseus and Aphrodite.
anyone else here right after that Michael Superbacker video?
Odysseus all naked in need for help looking like an homeless: "hey pretty girl please give number":D. Damn ancient Greece was so patriarchal he didn't know how to approach a Young girl other than proposing marriage
45 I
We sent Our messengers with evident wonders, and sent down
with them the Book and the Balance that mankind may act with
fairness. And We sent down iron in which there is great strength
and benefits to mankind, that God may know who will come
forward to support Him and His messengers, in the Unseen.
God is All-Powerful, Almighty.
Rolling UP
No indeed!
I swear by the planets,
Ascending or receding!
By the night when it slinks away!
By the morning when it respires!
This is the speech of a noble envoy:
He is a figure of great power,
In high esteem with the Lord of the throne,
Obeyed in heaven, worthy of trust.
Your companion is not possessed;
He saw him on the open horizon.
Nor does he hold back what comes from the Unseen.
Nor is this the speech of an accursed demon.
So where are you heading?
This is but a Remembrance to mankind,
To any of you who wish to follow the straight path.
And you cannot so wish unless God wishes,
Lord of the Worlds.
Why do I keep thinking this is Homer the actual poet talking about
54:44 - timestamp im at rn
Also deeper rooting of Antiochus (epphpas)
Jinni (demon)
All except Sparta and Athens
(Esther 1: 1-3: 13 follows here in the Greek.)
And this is the copy of the letter:
"The Great King, Artaxerxes, to the rulers of a hundred
and twenty-seven provinces, from India to Ethiopia, and
to the subordinate governors, writes thus: Having become
ruler of many nations, and come to have dominion over the
¡ whole world, I desire, not because I am elated by the pre-
sumption of power, but behaving always with mildness and
moderation, to insure that my subjects shall live in unbroken
tranquillity, and in order to make my kingdom peaceable
and open for travel in all its extent, to re-establish the peace
which all men desire. When I asked my counselors how
this end might be accomplished, Haman, who excels among
us in soundness of indement and is dictinoniched for his un-
Please explain this verse
Luke 11:18-19
18 If Satan also be divided
against himself, how shall his
kingdom stand? because ye say
that I cast out devils through
19 And if I by Beelzebub
cast out devils,
by whom de
your sons cast them out? there
fore shall thev be vour judges
Listening because elon told me to.
Christopher Nolan research
Wishbone sent me!
What i dont get is its called "the odyssey by homer" but as far as i can tell he did nothing. That's why being literate is so important, or you get some butt munch named Homer taking all the credit.
Greek Connections other than
Danites ( Ajax). Sampsonites (Sampson)
First Maccabean
"The chief magistrates and the city of the Spartans send
greeting to Simon, the chief priest, and to the elders and the
priests and the rest of the Jewish people, our kinsmen. The ar
envoys that were sent to our people told us of your splendor
and wealth, and we were glad of their coming. We have re- ea
corded what they said in the decrees of the people, as fol-
" 'Numenius, the son of Antiochus, and Antipater, the
son of Jason, envoys of the Jews, came to us to renew their
friendly relations with us. And the people were pleased to 93
receive the men with honor and to deposit the copy of what
they said among the public records, so that the Spartan peo-
ple may have a record of it. And they sent a copy of this to
Simon the high priest.' "
After this Simon sent Numenius to Rome with a great 24
gold shield weighing a thousand pounds, to confirm their
alliance with them.
But when the people heard these things, they said,
"How shall we thank Simon and his sons? For he and his 26
brothers and his father's house have stood fast, and have
fought and driven from
them the enemies of Israel, and secured his freedom.”
So they engraved it on brass tablets and set it on pillars
on Mount Zion. And this is the copy of what they wrote:
"On the eighteenth day of Elul, in the one hundred and
seventy-second year-that is, the third year of the high
28 priesthood of Simon, the prince of God's people- in a great
congregation of priests and people and leaders of the na-
tion and elders of the country, this has been reported to us:
2g On the frequent occasions when wars have arisen in the
country, Simon, the son of Mattathias the priest, of the
descendants of Joarib, and his brothers have exposed them-
selves to danger and resisted the adversaries of their nation
so that their sanctuary and their law might be upheld, and
go they have reflected great glory upon their nation. Jonathan
rallied their nation and became their high priest, and was
g gathered to his people. And when their enemies resolved to
9a invade their country, and attack their sanctuary, Simon re-
sisted them, and fought for his nation, and spent a great deal
of money of his own, and armed the warlike men of his na-
93 tion, and gave them wages. And he fortified the towns of
Judea and Bethsura on the borders of Judea, where their
enemies formerly kept their arms, and he stationed a garri-
34 son of lews there
And ha fortifad lanna
everyone knows the lews numbers are greatly exaggerated, and weren't more than 17
bro neptune said its on SIGHT
Litzy Trafficway
I came here after I watched "The Reader."
16106 Caesar Hills
Public domain gooonin 🤯🤯🤯🤯
tell me, and tell me true.
come to brazil
6:30 BM
Who else listening to this cause of assassins creed
Book 1
Duncan Knoll
Justus Titus - Justus who is Jesus.
From Paul!
So fyi: I am a firenzen Cretan by birth . Really!
Florence Alb. . Stars feel on Alabama!
Nostradamus often in his letters to High king of Christiandian! Reference him Florence!
Ok so pay attention on what to do with Creteans! (Satans). When you see them!!
I and A servant of God, H
and an apostle of Jesus
Christ, according to the faith of
God's elect, and the acknowl-
edging of the truth •which is
after godliness;
In1 hope of eternal life,
which God
that cannot lie
promised before the
3 But hath in due times
manifested his word through
preaching, which is committed
unto me according to the com-
mandment of God our Saviour;
4 To *Titus, mine own son 1-g My Tn
after the common faith: Grace,
#Or, in i
mercy, and peace, from God 1:10 4T
the Father and the Lord Jesus
Christ our Saviour.
5 For this cause left I thee in
Crete, that thou shouldest iset
in order the things that are
wanting, and ordain elders in
every city, as I had appointed
6 *If any be blameless,
husband of one wife,
11:10 PAr
faithful children not accused of
riot or unruly.
For a bishop must be
blameless, as "the steward of
God; not self-willed, not soon
angry, "not given to wine, no
striker, not given to filthy lucre;
8 •But a lover of hospitality,
a lover of 3good men,
just, holy, temperate;
fast the faithful
word 4as he hath been taught,
that he may be able *by sound
doctrine both to exhort and to
convince the gainsayers.
10 For there are many un-
ruly and vain talkers and de-
'specially they of the
11 Whose mouths must be
stopped, who subvert whole
houses, teaching things which
they ought not,
for filthy lu-
cre's sake.
"One of themselves, even
a prophet of their own, said,
The Cretians are always llars,
evil beasts, slow bellies.
013 This witness is true.
wherefore rebuke them sharp
ly, that they may be
wound in
the faith;
14 *Not giving heed to Jew-
ish fables, and command-
ments of men, that turn from
the truth.
-Unto the pure all things
are pure: but unto them that
are defiled and unbelieving
is nothing pure; but even
their mind and conscience is
o 16 They profess that they
know God; but in works they
deny him, being abominable,
and disobedient, and unto every good work
every good work reprobate.
BUT SPEAK thou the things
Watched the first spongebob movie dont need to read all this now🤣
3rd Corinthians
Too Paul.
him, Daphnus, Euboulus, Theophilus,
and Zenon, to Paul, who is in the Lord.
Two men, a certain Simon and Cleo-
bius, have come to Corinth and upset the
faith of some by their corrupt teachings,
which you can evaluate for yourself. For
we have never heard such teachings ei-
ther from you or anyone else. But we
have kept the things we received from
you and our other teachers. And so, since
the Lord has shown us mercy, come to
us while you are in the flesh, or write
back to us, that we may hear your teach-
ings again. For we believe what was re-
vealed to Theonoe, that the Lord has
saved you from the hand of the Lawless
For this is what they are saying and
teaching: that there is no need to consider
Pretty badass trick for feeding my big egotistical head size! Shit I can’t get out the door now with out
My head scrapping!