I don't like it. Had you beaten another engine would it have been named after that one? If we are out of ideas, how about naming it after its inventor? I believe it's one for the chess books and who wouldn't want their name attached to it.
How about the "Garum counter-gambit." Garum is a sauce primarily used in ancient mediterranean cuisine - such as the cuisine of ancient rome. It is made by fermenting fish, and so just like the positions you get after playing this opening, it has a tendency to initally smell *extremely* bad - but if done properly, can lead to some nice circumstances (just as Garum does actually work on quite a few dishes). Plus, since it was part of ancient roman cuisine - it just about fits into the name-scheme for variations of the itallian game.
@@amdcagme I know. I was trying to come up with some "Fried fish" pun, following the fried liver attack - but then this popped into my head and it just fits so well.
There's not much point posting it until it plays well, which could take a year or longer honestly. At the moment it's sitting comfortably at like 1300 elo lol.
I tried it myself and now stockfish is giving back the knight on move 16 on f4 after 15.Rf3 thus refuting the entire attack and maintaining the winning advantage. it somehow became smarter.
@@iwersonsch5131 After Rf3 at 11:12 . Don't get confused by move numbers, his numbers started from 1 after the Evan's gambit was already on the board. I was numbering from move 1.
@@iwersonsch5131 Also after 11:22, even if I force the queen to go to e8 and the play from there, it plays d4 instead of Nbc3. The line probably has 100s of refutations, the only point of this video is that somehow Stockfish got beat in it. Well now it isn't getting beaten.
Worked it through with stockfish. Basically the 17th move in the game Nbc3 (12th as it shows up in the vid) is a massive blunder by the computer after which black has mate in 19. If stockfish thinks for more than 2 seconds it doesn't make that mistake.
Engines play desperate moves no human what when they get into dire straights because they assume good play from the other side and try to prolong the game. A human when behind like that would play for tricks.
Engine does the only thing to avoid mate: prevents the opponent pieces get into threathening positon(in this case the knight) and force the opponent pieces out of threathening position(in this case the queen). If the engine keep throwing free pieces at you to take, that is because that is the only way (they see) to not get mated or to get mated later. The "getting matet later" option is better than "getting mated" because it gives the opponent more chanse to miss the win.
Great video! Only thing is at 13:15 I believe that Qxf3 is the correct move, and has the easiest position for black to convert, I tried it out myself and the position is quite easy to convert against stockfish level 8. I’m only 1500 rated so I’m likely wrong, but if anyone looks into this variation please let me know what’s wrong with it. Thanks!
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this! Follow-up questions: 1) Most important, at 11:22 after Ng3, Stockfish plays Nbc3, but consider, what if it plays d3 or d4? That opens up the diagonal to play Bf5 sooner, and it opens up Nd2 which attacks the black rook on f3, slowing down the attack and adding defenders. I think the Nbc3 shown in the video is the biggest blunder Stockfish makes here. 2) 10:12 How badly do you need the knight for a checkmate? After the trade of pawns on c6, does Bxg8 shut you down? If you recapture you lose your castle rights and won't be able to get that rook into the game. 3) 11:12 After Rf3, Stockfish plays Qe1, but how would you respond to Nf4? The Qe1 gives you time to get your knight to g3 for control of the f4 square, but white's more immediate Nf4 seems to shut you down better. You can't play Qxh3 since the pawn is now defended. If you don't defend the rook (say, something like Rf1 or exf4) we run into Qxf3 picking up the rook. If you do defend the rook, like with Qxf4, then white has given some material back, but then d4 opens a discovered attack on the queen, which you need to keep on the f file to guard the rook. It looks damning. Needs further testing for sure.
There's surely a defence to it. I let stockfish go to more than 35/58 depth of the "greedy" variation and it still thinks it's winning. Engines don't understand "Oh my god, this seems trappy. Let me think more" and "It's simple, all I need is 1 sec to think." and are easy to trap due to this.
Why does stockfish play Nbc3? (16:39) When i run the analysis it says that that's the major blunder? I'm confused as to why you're playing the highest level it makes a bad blunder.
@Philip mcgrath but when i use my stockfish to anaylize it clearly shows the stockfish he is playing is making mistakes and made 1 huge blunder but i know now why its because the online lichess stockfish is not playing at full strenght as it doesnt use enough cpu or ram power so its an extremely handicapped that cant calculate fast enough or remeber any postions long enough aka not enough cpu power and ram.
@@iliillillilli2991 dumbass he is using lichess browser stockfish, so basically a shitty version of stockfish but still not fake, just not proper stockfish
I'm thinking the "Flying Fish" after the position on move 6, where the two doubled pawns seem to float above the rest of Black's positions, and also in honor of Stockfish
How about simply the Blitz Gambit? It has double meaning: - Sacrificing material in exchange for a powerful central pawn storm so early in the game is like blitzing in football, where players rush the quarterback to force him to make a mistake, or block any successful pass before it even has time to be made. See the position at 16:18 - the pawns really act as black's foot soldiers as they form a wall that prevents white's pieces from getting involved in the game. Meanwhile black is able to maintain many attacking ideas with pressure along the f, g, and h files. - Blitz is probably also the only time control where this gambit should be used.
Nice, I love attacking positions that sac everything :). You should call it the "Reverse UNO variation of the Giuoco Piano", because after black sac's everything white is forced to give away all their pieces, plus the pawn structure almost looks like the symbol on the card, like a low res 8 bit image, but it's there. lol. Thanks for the content Jonathan
It seems to me, that the place in which the position goes from winning to losing for white is with Nbc3 (11:23 and 16:38) with d3 and d4 both still being winning at +3 to +3.5. It seems to take least depth 23 for the engines to come to this conclusion, with the evaluation not changing afterwards until at least depth 34 (edit: 40), which is where it's at right now, im gonna leave it running for a while longer though.
In an alternate universe, chess engines are built in Andoids. A single moment of time, one of the chess engines became rogue and the AI overlords began hunting it down,. Unfortunately, for the overlords, the rogue engine was able to escape through a portal from another universe.. That rogue engine Android was Jonathan Schratnz. It is currently unknown if Eric Rosen is also a similar android model from the same universe but that is currently another topic for another day ;)
Skellington Counter Gambit. It looks like you're in a nightmare scenario before Christmas comes, (it's before Christmas right now, lots of Christmas light up near me already), and because you're left with skellingkon crew of pieces, just enough to scare and mate your opponent. (And obviously because of the Halloween theme.)
I play f5 almost exclusively in the evans gambit and players in the 2000-2200 range are always surprised by that, thinking it is some kind of theory. It is one of my highest scoring openings lol.
Now that Stockfish is a neural network, this counter-gambit can be used to teach Stockfish to put a greater value on king's safety, controlling the center, and developing pieces.
@@InfiniteUniverse88 it was faked nbc3 was a blunder that even my older version of stockfish knew immediatly. Stockfish already without nnue evalutes king saftey a lot. Theres a reason why no human has been able to beat a top level engine since a long time now and why there havent been any engine vs human tornamunts since a while now. Engines simply got too strong there no point in even trying.
@@iliillillilli2991 Jonathan has many videos showing similar feats. Are you using the word "blunder" to mean a 3+ point shift? Did Stockfish blunder in every game where Jonathan won? Also, how about setting the RAM to 128mb? I estimate that's how much Jonathan's opponent used.
@@InfiniteUniverse88 what are you even saying i even looked at another time where he "beat" stockfish 12 but he wasnt even letting it think and was running on the slowest 1 core cpu ever it could barely even do 500k nodes. Plus you just proved my point further stockfish would never do a move that results in it losing 3 points when there is a better move which there was. Earilier in the position when i anayzlised it with stockfish 10 which mind you is even older and not as strong and "stockfish" was making so many mistakes and inaccuracyies no engine would make those moves and giving it no ram isnt even fair its like saying i beat magnus carlsen but he was drunk and nodding off because he also had taken heroin But hey i beat him. Stockfish running on decent hardware and not 1995 hardware would easily have beaten him. And its not just about the ram cpu power also matters.
@@iliillillilli2991 500k nodes isn't that bad by my standards. I'm undefeated in engine vs engine correspondence chess using a computer that calculated 500k nodes. One guy even told me "I guess your engine was better than mine." In reality, his problem was probably that used a worse database. The best masters databases show the average elo stength per move. Also, maybe he didn't run his engine for long enough at critical positions. There was a specfic position in the Sicilian, where a database showed the highest rated players played g4. Though g4 wasn't the most popular move, people who played had higher elo ratings than people who played more popular moves. This one move accounts for a majority of my engine vs engine wins. I played nearly 300 correspondence games. Therefore, 500k nodes is more than adequate. Jonathan was very explicit about his opponent. He played against Lichess Stockfish which calculates fewer than 500k nodes. It also only calculates for 10 seconds. I estimate it only uses 128mb RAM. If it used more, Lichess would go bankrupt. Electricity costs would be too high. You criticized one of Jonathan's games. When you run a more powerful version of Stockfish on your computer, does it say Stockish blundered in other games? By how many points does strong hardware say weak hardware blundered?
The Snave gambit. Because it's the Evans gambit spelled backwards. Also the Urban dictionary definition of Snave is "Anything cunning, sneaky or underhand. n. A deceitful, slimey or unscrupulous person; a thief or a conman." which describes this gambit perfectly.
Just because Stockfish is materialistic, causing a bad eval, that doesn't mean this gambit is dishonest. Quite the opposite. The only one that's dishonest is Stockfish.
@@eg14000 The objective of chess is to checkmate, not be up on material. This gambit looks like a majority of 1900-2500 puzzles on Lichess. The concept being "attack the castled king." Other chess websites don't have as many of this type of puzzle. In any case, nothing sneaky about it. Just a routine puzzle. I've done hundreds of puzzles like this, in the last days.
Idk if it's just me but the pawn structure kinda looks like a headless horse standing on his hind legs. You also sacrifice a knight for the gambit. So I think a name having to do with headless horse would be be fitting
How come this video has several times less views than Botez sisters creaming at each other, when it is literally showing the impossible - defeating an engine in 2020.
This gambit isn't sneaky. It's the embodiment of chess. 1. Control the center. 2. Develop pieces or prevent your opponent from doing so. 3. King safety. Materialistic engines have caused people to forget what chess is all about.
I thought of the broken blade gambit based on the pawn structure and the fact that you are using a jagged strategy to force a lethal position to someone, either by gambit with too much, or gaining just enough position for mate. The blade breaks and the metal flies somewhere.
The Weasel, Schrantz Countergambit, Vampire Chicken Countergambit, Fried Fish Countergambit (since it beats stockfish).. I like all of these names :D The gambit sacrifices two pieces for an incredible center of pawns and deadly king's side attack. I sometimes play Evan's Gambit myself as white and I would be intrigued if someone tried playing this against me, for sure
Gioco piano means quiet game. Fortississimo is the musical and italian term for very loud! Rousseau gambit is often called Giuoco fortissimo. Fortississimo Gambit or Giuoco fortississimo is a good name in the style of an italian game. The very loud gambit!
Against 3. Bc4 Italian. ive been using 3.... a6! its inspired by alphazero/leela... the point is to meet 4. c3 with 4. ... f5! without allowing d4 to come with a tempo. There’s also the line 4. d4 exd4 5 Nxd4 Ne5!? getting a tempo on the bishop (not usually possible in the scotch).
Its very quirky, in many lines Qf6 is played getting an equal, but very weird position. I recommend it against high rated opponents I have good success with this system
I thought an obvious refutation line wasn't discussed, which was Bxg8, avoiding d5 with tempo, trading down pieces, making it so black can't castle kingside, etc.
d5 is still the winning move because it controls the center, traps the bishop, and removes the obstruction to the black bishop's development. Meanwhile, if white saves his knight, he's behind in development.
4:05 would it make sense for white to Qb3? If black takes the knight on f3 they lose their own on g8 to the bishop on c4. Then if they take the bishop with the rook they lose it to the queen and are put in check. But if they push with the pawn they will take one more pawn at g2 before white can block by going rook to g1, and then black can take the bishop in their back line and lose the rook to the queen or allow the rook to be trapped for awhile? I am probably overlooking something super simple that counters the whole thing but to me for white qb3 looks like a decent move.
I think Pawn tower or Stone tower would fit as a name. Inspired by how you can only dismantle the structure and d3fense by taking one pawn at the top to the last
I feel like the idea of sacking just to keep moving on is similar to the Lucchini Gambit which goes until before Evan's Gambit and instead is specifically 4. d3 f5
Name suggestion: Eiger Nordwand. The pawn structure is on the one side a bit mountaneous, but then there is the f-file which acts here like the north face of the Eiger mountain, i.e. it is just steep. And: the Eiger Nordwand is notorious as a grave for many a mountaneer who tried to climb it.
I'm not great at this game, but in that first go at it, I could tell you were winning for most of it because the engine was throwing away pieces to distract you. Though at one point, it set up a clever bait to try to get you to allow it to fork a couple of your pieces, including your queen.
Ignoring the knight when it takes on d6 is a faster mate I think, pushing the knight attack to h4 after the queen moves, there is no defense I could find for white
probably not very original, but "fish on a stick" just has a funny ring to it and is, by chess naming standards, a plausible resemblance of the pawn structure
Stockfish sacrificing the "queen knight" and “white bishop”, I think "not good move" , better only sacrifice the "black bishop" playing pd4 at 16:40 (better than Kc3 ) and then move the "black bishop" to g6 to prevent the knight entering on h4 or f4 and then protect from the queen check in Qg4 with kg3 and after queen thake the bishop play e4xd5 ... and active white defense and also conserve "white bishop" and "queen knight" :) ... is right? .. but after all.... Thanks for the entertaining video and nice attack!!
Move 7 for white. Bishop to A3 instead of castle seems good to me but only after knowing what is coming. I am not that great at chess so i would love to know why that would be bad
The F# Giuoco Piano The 'sharp' line begins with moving the queen to the F file. If you want counter gambit to be in there it can easily be "The F# Counter gambit" or, if you want as many words as possible, "The F# Giuoco Piano Counter gambit"
Excellent! Check out this game with your favorite analysis engine. There is a lot of other interesting variations not mentioned in the video. I actually like this double gambit opening.
The Fishslayer Countergambit seems to be the most popular name by far so I'm down to call it that from now on. How do we feel about it?
I like it. My idea was the Lightning Countergambit because to me your pawn setup looks like a lightning bolt ⚡️
it's perfect
@@smithguitar actually, yes.
I don't like it. Had you beaten another engine would it have been named after that one? If we are out of ideas, how about naming it after its inventor? I believe it's one for the chess books and who wouldn't want their name attached to it.
Maybe the fishhook? Your pawns resemble an upside down hook.
The "Fishslayer Countergambit" seems like a fitting nickname lol
Epic name!
i read it as fish's layer so i was confused for a sec
What about "Harpoon Countergambit"? The pawn structure at 16:10 kind of looks like a harpoon and it's a fitting weapon to take down Stockfish.
Snowpiercer Gambit came to mind. Centrally pushing all the white back.
Another named that sounded more fitting was the “Fisherman’s gambit”
How about the "Garum counter-gambit." Garum is a sauce primarily used in ancient mediterranean cuisine - such as the cuisine of ancient rome. It is made by fermenting fish, and so just like the positions you get after playing this opening, it has a tendency to initally smell *extremely* bad - but if done properly, can lead to some nice circumstances (just as Garum does actually work on quite a few dishes).
Plus, since it was part of ancient roman cuisine - it just about fits into the name-scheme for variations of the itallian game.
That sounds like a proper opening as well.
@@amdcagme I know. I was trying to come up with some "Fried fish" pun, following the fried liver attack - but then this popped into my head and it just fits so well.
I really like the lore behind this one!
@@Erin-ks4jp fermented fish is good enough for me!
Oh, very good name
"This blunders a rook" well, thats one way to look at it.
This blunders a king
@@Zack_Taylor 🤣🤣🤣
It doesn’t the other rook can just take it back
@@edenli6421 not if nf4 like what he was hovering when he said that
i mean ur king too but a move after you know it just happens that the game ends after taking the rook
Plot twist: He is actually another engine inventing dubious gambits.
Schrantz is auto-ML confirmed
I'm actually trying to build an engine that plays crazy lines. It'll take ages before it gets strong though.
@@harleykf1 open source? Public? free?
There's not much point posting it until it plays well, which could take a year or longer honestly. At the moment it's sitting comfortably at like 1300 elo lol.
@@isamiwind438 If you're curious, here is a game of me vs my AI. My AI played as White. lichess.org/0sZZRtW3/black#68
Pisa Tower gambit: the pawn structure looks like a falling tower, also the gambit itself seems like it won't hold but somehow it does ;)
I do like that name
How about 'The Leaning Tower gambit'
That puts it more succinctly I think
Okay, this works surprisingly well. Memorable
And also it starts with an italian game
The Leaning Tower of Pieces.
"King to e2 is obviously the first thing they would say on twitch" 😂😂
Killed me too
Since Evans was a seafaring captain, my best name for this is "the shipwreck":
I tried it myself and now stockfish is giving back the knight on move 16 on f4 after 15.Rf3 thus refuting the entire attack and maintaining the winning advantage. it somehow became smarter.
White can't play 15.Rf3 at 11:45 though, where does your engine deviate?
@@iwersonsch5131 After Rf3 at 11:12 . Don't get confused by move numbers, his numbers started from 1 after the Evan's gambit was already on the board. I was numbering from move 1.
@@iwersonsch5131 After Rf3 instead of Qe1 Stockfish played Nf4 opening up an attack on the rook and protecting the h3 pawn.
@@kvineet631 Ohh, I see
@@iwersonsch5131 Also after 11:22, even if I force the queen to go to e8 and the play from there, it plays d4 instead of Nbc3. The line probably has 100s of refutations, the only point of this video is that somehow Stockfish got beat in it. Well now it isn't getting beaten.
Kraken Counter Gambit, Evans was a sailor, and saying KCG sounds sliiick, pluse the mass of pawns could resemble a kraken coming out the water
The queen has a gambit. The king has a gambit. Well gosh darn it why dont we give a gambit to the people? “The pawn’s gambit”
King has a what???
@@Mr.Pista-1 a gambit
Basically danish gambit
No there is a opening Kings Gambit
That name has no logic for this gambit. Its not a pawn gambit, its bishop gambit...
No One:
Schrantz: "eyetalian"
Midwesterners amaright?
Evan's Countergambit ?
Verified youtuber play chess???? Impossible
This is the best one by far...
that name is already taken.
@@Carbine64 Eric Rosen? Levy Rozman?
Evan's fish slayer gambit
16:21 Looks like a *"Italian game Evans Gambit Black Snake CounterAttack"*
my idea was Cobra attack/cobra gambit
but Black Snake is lit
Igega black snako
Pisa Tower gambit: the pawn structure looks like a falling tower, also the gambit itself seems like it won't hold but somehow it does ;)
Worked it through with stockfish. Basically the 17th move in the game Nbc3 (12th as it shows up in the vid) is a massive blunder by the computer after which black has mate in 19. If stockfish thinks for more than 2 seconds it doesn't make that mistake.
14:29 the moment when the stockfish eval says: Hey thats not fair!
Wow, big brains my dude .. 200 iq prep
Not gonna lie when i saw that title i was expecting stockfish 4 or 5. Respect
Lol stockfishs last brain cell was playing that last game lmao
Engines play desperate moves no human what when they get into dire straights because they assume good play from the other side and try to prolong the game. A human when behind like that would play for tricks.
Isaac Michelsen Engines evaluate against themselves. So they assume that level of play from the "opponent".
Engine does the only thing to avoid mate: prevents the opponent pieces get into threathening positon(in this case the knight) and force the opponent pieces out of threathening position(in this case the queen). If the engine keep throwing free pieces at you to take, that is because that is the only way (they see) to not get mated or to get mated later. The "getting matet later" option is better than "getting mated" because it gives the opponent more chanse to miss the win.
The "Giuoco Mezzo". All the pawns end up in the middle, and any musician will tell you that mezzo is a step up from piano!
guioco forte!!!
"Snave Gambit", because it's fun to say, and it's Evans backwards. Simple as that.
Snake gambit
@@Solrex_the_Sun_King ekans gambit
@@RubyPiec there we go!
serpents gambit, since the pawns almost look like a snake slithering
Great video! Only thing is at 13:15 I believe that Qxf3 is the correct move, and has the easiest position for black to convert, I tried it out myself and the position is quite easy to convert against stockfish level 8. I’m only 1500 rated so I’m likely wrong, but if anyone looks into this variation please let me know what’s wrong with it. Thanks!
I thought the same
Schrantz Counter Gambit, Stockbish Counter Gambit, eVaN'S GAmbIt
Take your pick :)
Stock🅱️ish Counter Gambit
@@mohammadfahrurrozy8082 S T O C K 🅱️ I S H
Scranz one
Shcrantz countergambit
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this! Follow-up questions:
1) Most important, at 11:22 after Ng3, Stockfish plays Nbc3, but consider, what if it plays d3 or d4? That opens up the diagonal to play Bf5 sooner, and it opens up Nd2 which attacks the black rook on f3, slowing down the attack and adding defenders. I think the Nbc3 shown in the video is the biggest blunder Stockfish makes here.
2) 10:12 How badly do you need the knight for a checkmate? After the trade of pawns on c6, does Bxg8 shut you down? If you recapture you lose your castle rights and won't be able to get that rook into the game.
3) 11:12 After Rf3, Stockfish plays Qe1, but how would you respond to Nf4? The Qe1 gives you time to get your knight to g3 for control of the f4 square, but white's more immediate Nf4 seems to shut you down better. You can't play Qxh3 since the pawn is now defended. If you don't defend the rook (say, something like Rf1 or exf4) we run into Qxf3 picking up the rook. If you do defend the rook, like with Qxf4, then white has given some material back, but then d4 opens a discovered attack on the queen, which you need to keep on the f file to guard the rook. It looks damning.
Needs further testing for sure.
There's surely a defence to it. I let stockfish go to more than 35/58 depth of the "greedy" variation and it still thinks it's winning. Engines don't understand "Oh my god, this seems trappy. Let me think more" and "It's simple, all I need is 1 sec to think." and are easy to trap due to this.
Why does stockfish play Nbc3? (16:39) When i run the analysis it says that that's the major blunder? I'm confused as to why you're playing the highest level it makes a bad blunder.
Its faked no person has ever beaten a top level engine even hikaru tried and got 10-0 vs komodo. Its very fake
@Philip mcgrath but when i use my stockfish to anaylize it clearly shows the stockfish he is playing is making mistakes and made 1 huge blunder but i know now why its because the online lichess stockfish is not playing at full strenght as it doesnt use enough cpu or ram power so its an extremely handicapped that cant calculate fast enough or remeber any postions long enough aka not enough cpu power and ram.
@@iliillillilli2991 dumbass he is using lichess browser stockfish, so basically a shitty version of stockfish but still not fake, just not proper stockfish
The centaur gambit! The pawn structure looks like the hind end of a horse and your queen is the head of it
"What would you guys play here? Well, this knight g1 blunder nobody is suggesting is the main, most natural move."
I'm thinking the "Flying Fish" after the position on move 6, where the two doubled pawns seem to float above the rest of Black's positions, and also in honor of Stockfish
+1 for Italian Game: Evans Gambit, Flying Fish Countergambit
Frying Fish 😄
How about simply the Blitz Gambit? It has double meaning:
- Sacrificing material in exchange for a powerful central pawn storm so early in the game is like blitzing in football, where players rush the quarterback to force him to make a mistake, or block any successful pass before it even has time to be made. See the position at 16:18 - the pawns really act as black's foot soldiers as they form a wall that prevents white's pieces from getting involved in the game. Meanwhile black is able to maintain many attacking ideas with pressure along the f, g, and h files.
- Blitz is probably also the only time control where this gambit should be used.
Nice, I love attacking positions that sac everything :). You should call it the "Reverse UNO variation of the Giuoco Piano", because after black sac's everything white is forced to give away all their pieces, plus the pawn structure almost looks like the symbol on the card, like a low res 8 bit image, but it's there. lol. Thanks for the content Jonathan
It seems to me, that the place in which the position goes from winning to losing for white is with Nbc3 (11:23 and 16:38) with d3 and d4 both still being winning at +3 to +3.5. It seems to take least depth 23 for the engines to come to this conclusion, with the evaluation not changing afterwards until at least depth 34 (edit: 40), which is where it's at right now, im gonna leave it running for a while longer though.
I play the most positionally sound openings nimzo, sveshnikov etc and have no real interest in gambits but that evil laughing thumbnail sold me
In an alternate universe, chess engines are built in Andoids. A single moment of time, one of the chess engines became rogue and the AI overlords began hunting it down,.
Unfortunately, for the overlords, the rogue engine was able to escape through a portal from another universe..
That rogue engine Android was Jonathan Schratnz.
It is currently unknown if Eric Rosen is also a similar android model from the same universe but that is currently another topic for another day ;)
The Pescador Gambit. Cause the pawn structure looks like a fishhook and it beats Stockfish.
"Dark Forest Gambit". Those pawns seem like a looming forest that the enemy pieces can't seem to see through
anyone who was there for the stream, the raisin variation is the best way to play against it :)
I was thinking "Rattler Gambit" because the bishop on the end of your pawn structure reminds me of a rattle snakes rattle
Skellington Counter Gambit. It looks like you're in a nightmare scenario before Christmas comes, (it's before Christmas right now, lots of Christmas light up near me already), and because you're left with skellingkon crew of pieces, just enough to scare and mate your opponent. (And obviously because of the Halloween theme.)
With the queen on f6 and that pawn structure to her right, fending off the white squared bishop I'd call this "The shieldmaiden"
Joke's on you, I do that everyday and lose
Is this the famed King's Pawn Game: Morphy's Autistic Brother's Gambit?
I play f5 almost exclusively in the evans gambit and players in the 2000-2200 range are always surprised by that, thinking it is some kind of theory. It is one of my highest scoring openings lol.
This should be the Ken Kaniff gambit because Johnathan changes into the ken kaniff voice randomly.
Damn this guy should join the stockfish development team to make a watertight new stockfish
Now that Stockfish is a neural network, this counter-gambit can be used to teach Stockfish to put a greater value on king's safety, controlling the center, and developing pieces.
@@InfiniteUniverse88 it was faked nbc3 was a blunder that even my older version of stockfish knew immediatly. Stockfish already without nnue evalutes king saftey a lot. Theres a reason why no human has been able to beat a top level engine since a long time now and why there havent been any engine vs human tornamunts since a while now. Engines simply got too strong there no point in even trying.
@@iliillillilli2991 Jonathan has many videos showing similar feats. Are you using the word "blunder" to mean a 3+ point shift? Did Stockfish blunder in every game where Jonathan won? Also, how about setting the RAM to 128mb? I estimate that's how much Jonathan's opponent used.
@@InfiniteUniverse88 what are you even saying i even looked at another time where he "beat" stockfish 12 but he wasnt even letting it think and was running on the slowest 1 core cpu ever it could barely even do 500k nodes. Plus you just proved my point further stockfish would never do a move that results in it losing 3 points when there is a better move which there was. Earilier in the position when i anayzlised it with stockfish 10 which mind you is even older and not as strong and "stockfish" was making so many mistakes and inaccuracyies no engine would make those moves and giving it no ram isnt even fair its like saying i beat magnus carlsen but he was drunk and nodding off because he also had taken heroin But hey i beat him. Stockfish running on decent hardware and not 1995 hardware would easily have beaten him. And its not just about the ram cpu power also matters.
@@iliillillilli2991 500k nodes isn't that bad by my standards. I'm undefeated in engine vs engine correspondence chess using a computer that calculated 500k nodes. One guy even told me "I guess your engine was better than mine." In reality, his problem was probably that used a worse database. The best masters databases show the average elo stength per move. Also, maybe he didn't run his engine for long enough at critical positions. There was a specfic position in the Sicilian, where a database showed the highest rated players played g4. Though g4 wasn't the most popular move, people who played had higher elo ratings than people who played more popular moves. This one move accounts for a majority of my engine vs engine wins. I played nearly 300 correspondence games. Therefore, 500k nodes is more than adequate.
Jonathan was very explicit about his opponent. He played against Lichess Stockfish which calculates fewer than 500k nodes. It also only calculates for 10 seconds. I estimate it only uses 128mb RAM. If it used more, Lichess would go bankrupt. Electricity costs would be too high.
You criticized one of Jonathan's games. When you run a more powerful version of Stockfish on your computer, does it say Stockish blundered in other games? By how many points does strong hardware say weak hardware blundered?
The double dubious
The Snave gambit. Because it's the Evans gambit spelled backwards. Also the Urban dictionary definition of Snave is "Anything cunning, sneaky or underhand. n. A deceitful, slimey or unscrupulous person; a thief or a conman." which describes this gambit perfectly.
Just because Stockfish is materialistic, causing a bad eval, that doesn't mean this gambit is dishonest. Quite the opposite. The only one that's dishonest is Stockfish.
@@InfiniteUniverse88 The Gambit is gambiting 2 pieces. It's super cunning and sneaky.
@@eg14000 The objective of chess is to checkmate, not be up on material. This gambit looks like a majority of 1900-2500 puzzles on Lichess. The concept being "attack the castled king." Other chess websites don't have as many of this type of puzzle. In any case, nothing sneaky about it. Just a routine puzzle. I've done hundreds of puzzles like this, in the last days.
It's the Schrantz Gambit, Jonathan. Man, you're too humble, Sir!
The bow-man counter gambit. Or the archer counter gambit. Cause your pawns look like a bow with your Kight as the arrow
Giocci piano sharp variation.. the black keys on a piano are sharps or flats. And since this has some pretty sharp lines it's appropriate.
I like the name as I call hypermoderns "trench weasels", and the pawn chain kind of does look like a weasel, but why not the Schrantz Gambit?
Giuoco Piano, Zolpi Gambit
If takes: Zolpi Weasel or dragon
else : Zolpi declined
Idk if it's just me but the pawn structure kinda looks like a headless horse standing on his hind legs. You also sacrifice a knight for the gambit. So I think a name having to do with headless horse would be be fitting
I like the name weasel gambit, I can see the weasel! Much easier to remember with a visual description like that imo.
At 4:03 castle. Reason queen takes pawn after pawn takes knight and looking at checkmate. Give piece back and protect king
Like the double take, help with memorizing. Wessle man.
How come this video has several times less views than Botez sisters creaming at each other, when it is literally showing the impossible - defeating an engine in 2020.
6. Bg8 is quite a decent answer to 5.. f5. Then 6.. fe looks in the spirit, and 7. Ne5 is an amusingly playable reply!
I like the Weasle counterGambit, because it's sneaky And the advantage changes surprisingly
This gambit isn't sneaky. It's the embodiment of chess. 1. Control the center. 2. Develop pieces or prevent your opponent from doing so. 3. King safety. Materialistic engines have caused people to forget what chess is all about.
I thought of the broken blade gambit based on the pawn structure and the fact that you are using a jagged strategy to force a lethal position to someone, either by gambit with too much, or gaining just enough position for mate. The blade breaks and the metal flies somewhere.
Call it "The Shark". Black's centre pawns look like the fin of a shark.
Eel Countergambit. Sounds cool, pawn structure looks like an eel, an you electrified a fish (stockfish) with the gambit.
The Kancho Gambit. The pawn structure looks like you've locked your hands together and are ready to fire you're index fingers up your opponent's....
The Weasel, Schrantz Countergambit, Vampire Chicken Countergambit, Fried Fish Countergambit (since it beats stockfish).. I like all of these names :D
The gambit sacrifices two pieces for an incredible center of pawns and deadly king's side attack. I sometimes play Evan's Gambit myself as white and I would be intrigued if someone tried playing this against me, for sure
Gioco piano means quiet game. Fortississimo is the musical and italian term for very loud! Rousseau gambit is often called Giuoco fortissimo. Fortississimo Gambit or Giuoco fortississimo is a good name in the style of an italian game.
The very loud gambit!
Against 3. Bc4 Italian. ive been using 3.... a6! its inspired by alphazero/leela... the point is to meet 4. c3 with 4. ... f5! without allowing d4 to come with a tempo.
There’s also the line 4. d4 exd4 5 Nxd4 Ne5!? getting a tempo on the bishop (not usually possible in the scotch).
Its very quirky, in many lines Qf6 is played getting an equal, but very weird position. I recommend it against high rated opponents I have good success with this system
Evans gambit, accepted, Smellyfish countergambit
I thought an obvious refutation line wasn't discussed, which was Bxg8, avoiding d5 with tempo, trading down pieces, making it so black can't castle kingside, etc.
d5 is still the winning move because it controls the center, traps the bishop, and removes the obstruction to the black bishop's development. Meanwhile, if white saves his knight, he's behind in development.
4:05 would it make sense for white to Qb3? If black takes the knight on f3 they lose their own on g8 to the bishop on c4. Then if they take the bishop with the rook they lose it to the queen and are put in check. But if they push with the pawn they will take one more pawn at g2 before white can block by going rook to g1, and then black can take the bishop in their back line and lose the rook to the queen or allow the rook to be trapped for awhile? I am probably overlooking something super simple that counters the whole thing but to me for white qb3 looks like a decent move.
I think Pawn tower or Stone tower would fit as a name. Inspired by how you can only dismantle the structure and d3fense by taking one pawn at the top to the last
One of my favorite chess lecturers. Just found out he streams games as well. Why was it not recommended by YT earlier?
That's actually the Blackburne gambit. It was first played in the late 19th century.
I feel like the idea of sacking just to keep moving on is similar to the Lucchini Gambit which goes until before Evan's Gambit and instead is specifically 4. d3 f5
Instead of Halloween gambit, what about the thanksgiving gambit since this happened right at thanksgiving 2020
The "Schrantz Chance" That way it sounds as dubious as it probably is
you have just developed a new opening!!
The Flag Gambit, the pawn structure looks like a flag and it causes stockfish to throw in the flag.
Stallone gambit. He gets beat up and it looks holeless before he makes a comeback.
hey jonathan pls start lecturing on saint louis chess club again loved your videos there ive seen all your lectures there
How about buck the weasel's fish trap, buck's fish trap, the deep water counter gambit or the bear's grip counter gambit.
Name suggestion: Eiger Nordwand. The pawn structure is on the one side a bit mountaneous, but then there is the f-file which acts here like the north face of the Eiger mountain, i.e. it is just steep. And: the Eiger Nordwand is notorious as a grave for many a mountaneer who tried to climb it.
I'm not great at this game, but in that first go at it, I could tell you were winning for most of it because the engine was throwing away pieces to distract you. Though at one point, it set up a clever bait to try to get you to allow it to fork a couple of your pieces, including your queen.
Ignoring the knight when it takes on d6 is a faster mate I think, pushing the knight attack to h4 after the queen moves, there is no defense I could find for white
The Flying gambit
Reason: The f pawn flys to mock the b pawn
probably not very original, but "fish on a stick" just has a funny ring to it and is, by chess naming standards, a plausible resemblance of the pawn structure
Why not the swivel gambit? you know.. Wessel swivel bye-bye stockfish... or just the Schrantz! great video. :-)
i suck but my engine, after i put your position in at 10:28 played Ba3 instead of the Ne2.
mine gave back the knight on f4 after 15.Rf3 instead of playing Qe1. Refuted the entire attack.
The two-step gambit.
The position looks like stairs and involves two sacks.
Mamba Countergambit? Since the black pawns in the center kind of look like a snake.
Stockfish sacrificing the "queen knight" and “white bishop”, I think "not good move" , better only sacrifice the "black bishop" playing pd4 at 16:40 (better than Kc3 ) and then move the "black bishop" to g6 to prevent the knight entering on h4 or f4 and then protect from the queen check in Qg4 with kg3 and after queen thake the bishop play e4xd5 ... and active white defense and also conserve "white bishop" and "queen knight" :) ... is right? .. but after all.... Thanks for the entertaining video and nice attack!!
Waterfall Gambit --- The pawns sorta look like one.... and the sacing keeps on coming down the line.
Move 7 for white. Bishop to A3 instead of castle seems good to me but only after knowing what is coming. I am not that great at chess so i would love to know why that would be bad
"The Innsmouth Countergambit" A reference to Lovecraft's horror story about creepy fish people. Halloween(horror) + Fish.
The F# Giuoco Piano
The 'sharp' line begins with moving the queen to the F file. If you want counter gambit to be in there it can easily be "The F# Counter gambit" or, if you want as many words as possible, "The F# Giuoco Piano Counter gambit"
evan's gambit - reversed king's halloween countergambit
Excellent! Check out this game with your favorite analysis engine. There is a lot of other interesting variations not mentioned in the video. I actually like this double gambit opening.
16:38 is the critical blunder. If white plays d3/d4 then Bg5 can stop the attack.
I don't understand why Stockfish gave the Queen. Can someone explain it?
It tried to prolong the inevitable mate
The crane counter gambit. The pawn structure looks like a crane lifting up a load.
I like to think every game I play is a gambit, and that's about it, gambitting everything away.
At the 11th move if rook takes the pawn and not the queen does check mate not follow as a certainty in 2 moves?