It was awful! At least I noticed the second time. Now I know not to touch it until I've taken care of the rest. But big props to the devs for putting that detail in there.
1)the rebreather canisters don't need to be emptied, when you correct the planet issues it changes to good gas 2)who told you to put that many trees? you only need 3 (rebreather again)
Thanks! I think Focused Fixing should really be the default mode. There's just no real time to learn in Frantic. Or Frantic could be rebalanced to start easy and ramp up. It got difficult fast.
I haven't seen a replacement anywhere yet. I'm thinking either you have to use the welder to repair it or the upgrade that auto-repairs an item in your storage every night.
The planet lost all of its foliage when you opened the window while it was dpinning out of control
It was awful! At least I noticed the second time. Now I know not to touch it until I've taken care of the rest. But big props to the devs for putting that detail in there.
1)the rebreather canisters don't need to be emptied, when you correct the planet issues it changes to good gas
2)who told you to put that many trees? you only need 3 (rebreather again)
Great tips, thanks!
We back again for another
I've been really loving this game 😁
My pain watching him spend his tokens instead of saving for the meteor shield 😬
Meteor shield? Do I really need... Ahh! Why is everything on fire! 😂😂
Another Banger my dude, looking forward to more! ty! Could you imagine doing that on Frantic?!
Thanks! I think Focused Fixing should really be the default mode. There's just no real time to learn in Frantic. Or Frantic could be rebalanced to start easy and ramp up. It got difficult fast.
In the VR, we’re up is down you have to get out of the VR and then switch some of the wires around and then the door will open
Took me a bit to figure it out. I love the puzzles/tasks in this game.
Anyone know where to find the doodad?
I haven't seen a replacement anywhere yet. I'm thinking either you have to use the welder to repair it or the upgrade that auto-repairs an item in your storage every night.
Commenting until deepspacematt replays seablipp using only tier 1 upgrades day 1
Maybe when v1.0 drops.
@@deepspacematt3333 i will still comment everyday until it happens