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How to Help Your Baby POOP FAST and RELIEVE GAS! Dr. Aimee Vanderschelden, Chiropractic
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2025
- In this video, Dr. Aimee Vanderschelden, pediatric pre-natal and post-natal chiropractor from Momma's Chiro in Huntington Beach, CA brings you along a patient appointment where we hear the great news that after doing the "I LOVE YOU" massage! Her Baby Pooped soon after! This was after baby was constipated for 4 whole days. Try this at home with your baby and let me know how it works!
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Our baby (preemie of 4 weeks) had not had a bowel movement in 4 days. His face kept turning bright red and showed continual symptoms of being strained. I came across this video and tried it-- He pooped 5 minutes after doing this method, and it was an EXPLOSION! We've never been so happy to see our baby poop. 😅Thank you, doctor, for the video! It truly does work!
Would this work for a 1 week year old baby?
@@YourMumzFavhow old is that
@ umm 7 days
This helped our 6 weeks baby pooped in 5mins, she didn't pooped for 8 to 10 hrs, an irregular poop behavior. Just applied 10 to 15 times gentle ILU massage hands and it helped her ease her strain of gas and pooped like explosion. She slept in relaxation. I am thankful to Dr for demonstration.
I honestly didn’t have much hope this would work but after 6 days of no poops I was beyond worried. I stumbled upon this video and tell me why my daughter pooped within the next 5-10 mins.
I am so grateful I tried this.
I have never been so happy to clean a blowout! The joy this brought me -this is motherhood 😂 😭
So funny! I’m planning my first baby and will be able to relate one day the joy of a pooping baby 😆
Just popping in to say THIS WORKED ❤❤❤ my 7 month old started solids and hadn’t pooped for 9 days! My doctor said it was normal when starting solids but I’ve been super concerned. I did the I love you massage for about 10-12 minutes. He got gassy and eventually started pushing! He had to push quite hard, face turned red, but he pooped! And then immediately fell asleep 😅 I’m so glad I found this video thank you for sharing this!
I am so happy to hear that! You got this Momma!!
I'm going through this now 😢
@@ilenaneliyou’ll get through it mama! My little one eventually got used to solids and now goes regularly 2-3 times per day.
You mean you are just pooping in to say this worked ;)
My baby didn't poop for 6 days....was fussy during night time... crying....i did this and with in 10 minutes it worked.... thanks a lot
I did that ILU massage to my 19 month old son who was constipated from last two days. He pooped after just two strokes. Thanks.
Thank you so much, this really helped my child 2 minutes after doing it.
This has been a life saver for me right now...hugs mama
I really need this video.. My baby is always full of gas.. 😊
I need something that works on adult women!! Really!!
I'm also baffled at how gassy my baby is.
My daughter is 2 months now n she didn't poop 5/6 days now anything will happen?😢
Thanks Momma’s Chiro !!
Why it didn't work for my 8 weeks old baby
Be careful with language around constipation. Babies labelled as 'constipated' can very likely not be fed enough, such as if breastfeeding needs more support. Poop-out is one of the indicators of food-in.
Interesting. Parents are probably avoiding over feeding a “constipated” child so as to avoid further constipating them
My babies is not pooping for 4 days she is 3 months old,please help me...
The massage has been really helpful
I did it... Im shock.. its effective... After 3 days my baby is constipated and not even poop... And now... Its like a 💣 😅
Thanks mam.. its useful ❤
My baby is 1 weeks and he hasn’t popped in 4 days. Anything I can do?
See a pediatric chiropractor
Hi my 14 month old hasn't been able to go poop since Saturday but he's constipated really badly and also has a fever that comes and goes...we've tried prune juice,lascon,castor oil bit still no satisfaction....any other helpful tips????
Little humans so cute!
My newborn baby didn't poop for two days,should I worry about it?
My baby also pooped just after when I gave him this ILU massage it's really helpful
What if the stomach have some sounds
My baby s one month and 8 weeks old
She doesn’t poop at all but if she does it will be once a week or twice a week or she will not at all
Am doing formula feeding with milk cow&gate milk
Mine to what makes more might be the problem
Love your videos! ❤
What about the head band she is wearing? Don't you think that is not recommended by doctors?
What's wrong with the heah band? Why do you say doctors do not recommend it?
I think that thicker headbands would have a negative effect on blood flow, but since the headband is smaller and more slim, I don’t think it would affect the baby’s health in any way 😊
I’m pretty sure it’s the tightness of the band and not how thin or thick.
A lot of mothers who have bald babies use headbands so people will know they have a baby girl. This baby is wearing a blue outfit so people would probably ask if she is a boy without the giant white bow on the headband
Ich ziehe die Kinder bis auf die WINDEL aus und arbeite auf der Haut. Auch habe ich gelernt, im Mund langsam und zart zu sein. Das Stirnband muss bei der Behandlung runter.
Oder macht sie hier nur Wellness statt Osteopathie. Alles etwas eigenartig
Hi i suspect my 8 wk old has lip/tongue tie Can oral exercise help with uncut tongue tie?
it can help but a tie will never become untied
Thank you so much
My baby is 8 days old. He hasn’t pooped in two days but is passing gas. Is this normal or do I need to take him to a paediatrician?
Is your baby breastfed or formula fed? Breastfed babies can go up to 10 days without pooping but not sure about formula
@@Itsme-nc9fq Didn’t poop since I started breastfeeding. Thank you:)
How is your baby my baby is same i need help
@@minivlogbymano9822 He was fine. He did pass it after three days.. I tried “I Love You” massage on his tummy and it worked. It’s completely normal unless your baby isn’t showing any signs of discomfort.
Absolutely love your channel!
My baby doesn't purup he always vomiting
I don’t breastfeed at all
matt matt
Was hat das Kind auf dem Kopf????
Coconut oil - welcome
Please how??
Lesson is Good but speak and swahili.
Why not a pediatrician who is a real doctor
HV ggg😊ç😊
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