dude it was so over the top and downright fantastic in the very literal sense of the word, flashy as all hell the whole attack just SCREAMS Todo Aoi and it went HARD
Yuji and Todo VS choso is actually a sweep because whenever Choso attempts to use piercing blood on one of the brothers Todo can literally just swap Choso to right in front of the piercing blood lazer. Yuji can pseudo react to piercing blood in shibuya. That's definitely enough time for Todo to clap. Yall are wilding.
Even worse for Choso. Todo just waits for Choso to launch his supernova until it it close to his face and swaps with Choso to catch the explosion to the face.
Yuji and Todo would beat Mahito, keep in mind that, while Mahito at ~40%, Yuji was at ~10% after Nanami and Nobara's deaths. Yuji was beating Mahito's base form on his own after Nanami's death, add in Todo, and remove the damage he already took, and these 2 combined would stop Mahito from landing the black flashes he needs to reach his awakening.
@@thatonguy2407not really true. Mahito created 1000 transfigurations beforehand which obviously drained him and he already separated a big part of his soul by making the clone. All that and remember that mahito was about to kill yuji when resonance landed and he himself said that he could have killed yuji near the start of the fight when he cut him. So basically a nerfed mahito had earned the ability to kill him on 2 occasions before resonance.
There is a caveat to Mahito’s fight in Shibuya. The outcome relied heavily on Yuji being a vessel for Sukuna. BR didn’t mention Sukuna when talking about domains (unless I missed it) so if we give all the disaster curses free use of their domains, the fights become way more one sided.
The Yuji “he only won cuz of black flash argument” vs Mahito I think gets cancelled out because Mahito only got to the point he got to because of black flash. It goes both ways, and u fail to realize that Yuji grew in that fight, he got stronger, so if we’re giving Mahito all of his abilities that he unlocks during the fight then we need to make Yuji physically superior to him, cuz to be Frank, he is
Also, they're disregarding Yuji's black flashes as if he's not gonna hit a couple more in a long fight lol. He's basically been hitting black flashes almost every fight he's in. He hit black flashes vs Hanami, he hit black flashes vs Eso, he hit black flashes vs Mahito, he hit black flashes vs Sukuna, he didn't hit any vs Higuruma because his CE was sealed by his domain, rendering black flash actually impossible due to the requirement of a black flash, and in his fight with Choso where he was mostly dodging and only got 3 hits in. I am fairly certain that Yuji, with his black flash luck, would 100% hit at least one black flash in any of these fights if they last more than just a few exchanges. And Todo is amazing at doing just that, making a fight last longer with incredible Boogie Woogie saves, even against opponents stronger than them, buying just that time that Yuji needs to eventually land a black flash
For the Hanami argument, Hanami was stronger in shibuya than she was against the fight with Yuji and Tedo in cannon. With that being said, i see it playing similar to cannon with it only being in hanami's favor when she finally pulls out her unkown domain expansion that will undoubtedly win
Todo uses simple domain and they rush hanamai down. Due to boogie woogie it be hard for hanami to use skills to actually hurt todo to kill him even in a DE
@itshurtt395 I rewatch the fight this morning from season 1 and it really shows how much the odds were attacked against yuji and todo. Yuji has to land 5 black flashes in total and Todo had the surprise of his boogie woogie and the playful clouds. Even with that said Hanami still can get up and was just about to unleash her domain and end them both. You can't tell me that the simple domain, in which todo HAS to stand still, without playful clouds, without his surprise boogie woogie, and a yuji who hasn't landed 5 black flashes could beat hanami.
@@Friendly_G hanami can't combat boogie woogie doesn't matter if its a surprise. Yuji with todo do enough dmg to hurt hanami if they land black flash it damages her alot. Only way she could win is depending how good is how domain expansion and if she catchs both of them before todo can tp out of the range
@@itshurtt395how strong it is doesn’t matter cause yuji has no simple domain to protect himself with. Han aki could literally just stand there and wait for todos to collapse and then use his guaranteed hit
@@itshurtt395how strong it is doesn’t matter cause yuji has no simple domain to protect himself with. Hanami could literally just stand there and wait for todos to collapse and then use his guaranteed hit
Todo does have Simple Domain - the only reason it didn’t work against Mahito was because he activated his sure-hit too fast. Hanami and Dagon wouldn’t be able to bypass it. Plus, Simple Domain would help Yuji too, just like how Ui Ui helped Mei Mei with Simple Domain.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where Yuji lies power wise at the end of JJK. I wouldn't be surprised if he could clear like 99% of the verse on his own.
3:01 yuji is immune to all diseases bc of sukuna so if yuji is used as bait while todo goes to kill the curse they win but this is only if yuji knows about his immunity and I can’t remember if he does
@@Ninlix0 people just give him that title it doesn't actually mean anything, it's like how they call him the King of Curses, he is not actually a curse or their king it's just a title meant to express how evil he is. Yuji is just naturally resistant to poison because he was born to be a vessel for Sukuna so him being resistant to poisons was required for him to be able to hold Sukuna.
Yuji is immune to poisons because Kenjaku created him to be a vessel for Sukuna, him being immune to poison was a requirement for being able to eat Sukuna's fingers and trap him within his body. Nobara only says what she says because she doesn't know that Kenjaku created Yuji for that purpose she just assumes it is a consequence of Sukuna being in his body
Now do the same video except this time, it is Yuji and Todo from the Shinjuku Showdown Arc. You know, the Todo with a vibraslap that can swap things 50 times a second and a Yuji with Choso and Sukuna's techniques and Simple Domain and Domain Expansion.
I personally think Yuji and Todo would draw against Mahito the same way they would against Dagon. Like you said, Mahito was 40% of his strenght, but Mahito himself stated that Yuji was just 10%, if we heal them both fully, I see Todo and Itadori wins on the condition that Yuji lands his critical black flash. Yes, Mahito's domain is a problem, but they faced it in canon, and overcame it. Todo could do the same thing that he did and they would take the W as long as Yuji lands his black Flash.
Todo and Yuji still win against Mahito, you mentioned how Mahito was nerfed in Shibuya, but not only was Yuji at 10% when it comes to his soul, but he also used A LOT of CE against Grasshopper curse, Awasaka, Choso. His will was shaken after Nanami's and Nobara's death, killing citizens, losing to Choso. Not only that, you did not mention at all, that Mahito was able to reach true essense of his soul and achieve 0.2 DE BECAUSE of two Black Flashes. So if we take BF from Yuji, then Mahito is also not performing them. Which means Todo's hand and CT are still at play. So no, actually, 7 out of 10 times they win against Mahito.
True dont know why he didn't mention that at all yuji was running off almost purely adrenaline as seen with mahito statement of him almost being out of ce. Man just got out of the royal rumble to fight a fresh mahito
Exactly and even with all this, 10% weaken yuji was still bodying mahito the whole time and mahito had to result to psychological warfare to wear him down. If everyone is at 100% in the fight yuji and todo washes mahito
You people keep forgetting that Mahito has a Domain Expansion! 😑 If it wasn't for Sukuna inside his soul Yuji would definitely be Junpie 2.0 So technically this fight is Todo, Yuji +Sukuna vs Mahito which is an unfair match already 😒
I really love how you didn't down play todo, when I watch videos like these they always talk about todo like he's weak because of the fight against Mahito. Though the only match up I'm unsure about is Korurushi I think that fight is tricky and he might actually get the dub.
Actually such a cool idea but do you mean that he kills all that where in his domain in Shibuya (including toji) or would he have to escape from toji and grow stronger outside of shibuya???
Since dagon is still young.. Overtime it can get stronger.. And since it's a natural type difference.. I will say he can beat even jogo's flame's with it's water
@@lachlan_allan1973 i mean like YEAH but either way, i think it would be cool to hear more about awakened yugi and todo's combo's yeah ive read the manga, yeah ive seen them fight sukuna and yes it looks sick (AND YES I THINK GOJO IS COMING BACK [without 6 eyes] GOJO THE GOAT!!!)
I may be completely wrong, but I feel like yuji pretty consistently in the series after learning about black flash has been shown to regularly hit them on major opponents multiple times. Don’t completely disagree with you as the manga/anime make it clear “the sparks of black do not choose who to bless”.
Lmao we literally see he could do it multiple times last episode after Nanamis death, even when Nobara held Mahito in place and Yuji could get multiple free hits in, none where black flash
13:25 idk if I agree. the fact that Choso can barely handle Yuji’s base strikes&gege has consistently shown that this duo is gonna land at least one black flash in a battle, I feel like Choso gets cooked pretty easily. Even if they don’t hit a single black flash somehow, Choso cannot keep up with boogie woogie’s disorientating effects like mahito who had info from hanami. his whole body would be wide open for a jujutsu jumping.
For real, choso said he only got really hit three times and was already in pain, imagine a jumping from todo who already knows how blood manipulation works
@@kakashihatake6176 And how is Choso even gonna find time to charge piercing blood when he’s getting jumped by 2 grade 1’s that excel in hand to hand combat?🤣
@@Dbonesburneraccountand even after that Todos gonna know when a piercing blood is coming after the first attack so he’ll just teleport Choso into it like idk what Ronin was on but this is Mid diff at best for Yudo
Choso is being waaaay overhyped, he isn't even special grade first of all, Kenjaku clearly states that he is a grade 1 sorceror. Yuji hitting him 3 times gave him critical damage to the point where he risked literally just dying from thrombosis to harden himself. They mid diff him and thats being generous. Sure he can poison Todo and kill him overtime but man if he thinks Todo and Yuji aren't beating the brakes off of him before that or before Choso starts adapting is just nonsense.
About Vs Mahito: Mahito was only able to to get his final form because of the black flash gained from the trauma he inflicted on Yuji. Without Nobara being in picture, he is highlt unlikely to gain it in this matchup, thus the cards would be much more even. I think the two would still win about as evenly as they would lose, or maybe more due to the sheer damage Yuji wouldnt have.
That was some serious underestimation to Kurourushi there. Life-Festering Sword is definitely a dangerous tool especially because these two does not possess reverse cursed technique. Kurourushi is also not tnat fragile as it tanked multiple hits from Yuta who hits way harder than Yuji and Todo due to his sheer cursed energy reinforcement. There is also no evidence that Todo and Yuji can deflect the roach swarm as that requires a vast AoE attack
Like you said, if they hit, something they will never do, I'm going to make a quick comparison,Jogo=Naobito at maximum speed in perfect condition>>Naoya>Naoya casual>>A Yuji considerably stronger than Shibuya Yuji>All Shibuya
you forget to mention that Yujji was only at 10% when Mahito was at 40%, a 100% v 100% would be Yujis victory alone. because that means Yuji with 4 TIMES LESS spiritual life force was = to Mahito before Todo joined in. that means that if 10=40 for yuji and Mahito, it would mean mahito would need 4 versions of himself at 100% to equal Yuji lol, Mahito would lose to Yuji and Todo low diff imo
Definitely not. Mahito's kit is based on his soul, it's his whole thing basically. Shibuya Yuji did NOT have any reliance on his soul for fighting, not to mention that a 40% Mahito still took on both Yuji AND Todo. If you wanted to do your simple maths, it would be roughly 40 = 10 + 100, which means Mahito would pretty much decimate them mid diff.
@@SneakyBastard-oi4eb see I would say you're right, except you're not considering a then LESS 10% Yuji fought a 200% Mahito later on lol, so no matter how you look at it, a SEVERELY weakened Yuji is so much more stronger than a healthy Mahito lmao, a healthy Yuji would 100% no diff a 100% Mahito
Just a quick note on the Hanami thing, when you mention Hanami still having enough cursed energy to open a domain I think that's a stretch. Hanami needed to use their arm to absorb the life of the plants in order to open a domain. The cursed energy received from that never goes to Hanami but instead to the offering. I think Hanami was very well nearing the end of their cursed energy pool after taking all those hits. Its headcanon but I don't even think their domain can be opened without using that flower offering lifesteal. Regardless we don't know the effects of the domain so its hard to say what countermeasures could be taken. Domain expansion is prob a wraps if Hanami catches both of them.
Yes they do because it's literally the third thing they say: "The cursed energy received from that never goes to Hanami but instead to the offering [plant]"@@toweroffrogs9470
Yeah if they're fighting in Shibuya instead of the forest Hanami is at a much bigger disadvantage. Imo Yuji and Todo are just gonna be like "how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man!"
Yuji and todo vs hanami/Dagon could be dealt with easily. todo could clap twice, out of the expansion range before it activates. mahito only was able to do that because he activated even faster then Todo could react, because of his adaptation to fights
Naobito (a sorcerer faster than Todo) isn't able to escape Dagon's domain before it closes, so Todo is very unlikely to be able to pull something like this off
I want to point out that Yuji's health and spirit were both low and broken leadinig up to the mahito fight. And mahito even points out that yuji is basically on 10% if his soul's power. So if we are giving mahito the benefit of a fresh start we have to give it to yuji. Plus mahito was only able to awaken his true form because of his 2 black flahses. Lets be consistent with the way we scale the characters.
Kurouroshi actually probably wins tbh considering we saw his cockroaches devour a man in seconds and also the other special grade sorcerers there had trouble with him and yuta won only because of his reverse cursed technique and massive cursed energy which itadori and Todo don't have
Great video as always Have to admit scaling them against cursed spirits shown later on in the series is kind of redundant. Like imagine trying to scale chunnin Naruto to 4th ninja war type opps 😂
We need an update on this video: Yuji Shinjuku (Blood Manipulation, Shrine, Domain Expansion) and Todo Shinjuku (Boogie Woogie "enhanced") vs EVERY Special Grade. PD: Excellent video, I really liked it 🧐😁👍
@@angrymeowngi This is a troll but that’s not what was said. She said, “Gojo-kun, Kenjaku and now Sukuna… I guess my power doesn’t faze complete monsters. That said, they all opted to dodge, so doesn’t that say something if it were to land…?” The birds didn’t dodge, they did. It was used as a distraction for Yuji and Higuruma to land before getting cleaved mid air. But I’m obviously being hyperbolic about the implications.
Cleave/dismantle would be extremely weak with 1/2 finger sukuna. The properties dont actively cause someone to be cut to pieces hes launching attacks. If you just outscale him it won't damage you greatly. Kinda displayed when Yuji survives it because Megumi holds sukuna back. People confuse attacks and properties of attacks in JJK a lot. For example, 1% boogie woogie will still swap places. 1% purple if it was how originally believed to delete mass would delete mass because of its properties. Likely would just be smaller. Cleave/dismantle are slashes tossed at an enemy from what mahoraga and gojo seen as well as what we saw with kashimo. 1-2 finger sukuna getting bodied imo
agreed, i think 1-2 finger sukuna todo and yuji could take. 3 finger is iffy cause that sukuna etleast scales to toji in speed so physically in general they might be around that level
@@leonardomontealegre3284 In my eyes 3 finger sukuna would extreme diff toji. But measuring his strength in fingers doesnt work well as they are exponential increases. It's better to say somebodies on par with __f sukuna treating that version of sukuna as his own character yk not in terms of fingers. like, 12 finger sukuna isn't real, no feats, not a real thing yk
@@demonkingharsh6601 That doesn't even make sense. Mass deletion would surpass durability regardless of how durable you physically are. Most people see purple as a ball of energy now similar to a ki blast from dbz. Or if you disrupt it with energy it's properties change like using a simple domain
0:33 actually it didnt combine in to Maximum Uzumaki as we see when it was made she was still standing there+ the other cursed Spirits wich were out also didnt get used
Is it odd that yuji doesn't have reversed curse technique given he's experienced sukuna both using it on himself multiple times and using it externally on megumi once. Just seems odd that he hasn't remembered the feeling of his body producing positive energy
Because Sukuna doesn't want to share his CT with Yuji. That's why Gojo was wrong when he said Yuji will imprint Sukuna's CT when Sukuna himself doesn't want to
@@Nana-ng1kz I more mean I'm surprised yuji doesn't feel the muscle memory of creating positive energy. Especially for someone who picks up cursed energy manipulation at the rate he does.
@@tons241 I think because positive curse energy is hard to produce like gojo did in hidden inventory arc and also might need more curse energy to pull off like yuta has
@Nana-ng1kz fair and whenever yuji has been near death thus far, he's either been too depressed to try fight the oncoming darkness or too open to embracing it to really find ways out of it via rct
If brothar were considering the lates version of Itadori and Todo(manga ones, fighting agains sukuna),man they would be jumping those guys no dif,man todo being able to be able to change positions 50 times per second,and itadori hitting directly the soul and spamming 8 or 9 black flashes,it would be all no dif for them
I don’t think Choso has the Rot Technique. The Death Paintings are based on the 9 stages of Death, Choso is the first stage with Eso being the second stage and it isn’t until the 2nd stage that the body begins to rot, stack that with the fact we’ve seen Choso fight 3 different characters and not even the rot markings show up on them.
@@nbtytdjdhdjd2901the "poison effect" was stated to be from the mixture of human and curse spirit blood. Note that the poison blood only worked against sorcerers like Naoya and Uraume. Did not worked against Kenjaku because Choso technically descended from Kenjaku. Did not also work on Itadori because they are also technically blood-related.
Yeah, but it was implied that Choso can somehow access similar powers during his fight with Kenjaku but knowing that Kenjaku is tehnically his father, that won't work. The supernova and blood piercing will work just because of the physics/forces (blood acting as a projectile) involved but not the poisoning effect of the blood (the way it did with Naoya and Uraume) because they are blood-related (similar with Yuji).
Sometimes I wonder why yuji doesn't have better durability negation. considering the fact that he can see and interact with mahitos soul. Why doesn't he attack the soul of his other enimes. Ps- I haven't read the Manga so I could be wrong but just found it kinda weird
I mean it’s not like Yuji is employing any kind of Soul technique to contain Sukuna, I’d say he’s just capable of seeing “the contours of the soul” so that he can pin Sukunas soul. Or there’s a different idea but it’s only in the manga so the way I’d describe it spoiler free would be: “It’s just a special effect of his cursed energy” or smth like that
17:58 This is the first miss. Yuta did not even want to use reverse cursed technique because of Ryu and Uro which means he used it on Kuro because he was forced to. He put Yuta in a really bad situation to the point where he had no choice. Which should be enough to put him over Yuji and Todo.
Yuta was "forced" to bring out Rika against Yuji so... what's your point? Yuji showed OBJECTIVELY better physical scaling to Yuta because he actually guards against attacks and counters physically, Kuroushi merely caught Yuta offguard
@@BrokenRonin Don’t play dumb with me. You know what my point is. If you disagree with my point that’s fine. That doesn’t mean you have to be salty about it. If you want to downplay catching a special grade sorcerer off guard that’s fine by me too. If he caught Yuta off guard why wouldn’t he be able to do the same with Yuji and todo from Shibuya? Lol
@@BrokenRonin Besides I’m pretty sure Yuta was on guard because he literally reacted to what he did. In reality Kuro caught him by surprise but that doesn’t mean Yuta was off guard. Even when you’re on guard and focused you can still get hit with a surprise attack with the weird abilities that are in Jujutsu Kaisen.
@@shinkai9kami162 Yuta is a special grade in a sense and he is starting to grow into those shoes as time goes on, but yuta has been a special grade since he became a sorcerer, back when he could barely handle grade 4-2 curses, he is nothing compared to other special grades; Special grades are special grades because of one of two factors - They are a country level threat, or they have infinite potential, Yuta is the latter. So giving that vague “downplay catching a special grade sorcerer off guard” bs. Yuji didn’t even put his all into his fight with yuta and still made him bring out Rika to catch him, And also the reaction time of todo is another factor because it would be hard to catch him off guard, yuta doesn’t beat todo in iq or reaction time just potential and ct and ce. These fights are not as easy as guy1>guy2 so guy3>guy1 = guy3>guy2 is guy so
No, we're talking about Yuji and Todo from the Shibuya Incident. Yuji at full health (so, before his fight with Choso) and Todo at full health (right as he's entering the Mahito fight)
By the end of shibuya, Yuji’s control and output of cursed energy is refined enough to control his delayed hit effect, scale enough to be a very equal fight with choso, the strongest of all the blood brothers and a special grade in his own right, have the stamina and endurance to fight choso, mahito, geto, and then yuta all in succession (granted yuta washed him in about 10 minutes), and quoted to “it’s almost like he can control the black flash”, and think and react with a very high battle iq, strategizing on the fly efficiently, please stop sleeping on homeboy, with todo at his side he could probably wash most of the weaker species grades within minutes, and would be winning with mid/high diff against hanemi, Dagon, choso, mahito, now I will say they are getting washed by jogo and other similarly strong species grades
Yo you gotta make a video about this duo in prime like latest chapter SPOILERS: (yuji with rct and shrine and simple domain and todo with the vibraslap) vs every special grade.
Don’t forget with the yuroshi case comparing the difficulty between them and yuta to yuji and yuta. Yuta admitted yuji could’ve easily defended himself and possibly even beaten yuta had he actually been trying to fight him instead of running
I really hope you do a video where all the students the (students from the other school as well) versus special grades, That can be my Christmas present.
He most certainly just ignored the fact that Yuji was at 10% output while also being physically exhausted, depressed and struggling to control cursed energy the entire time he is fighting Mahito
@@Axydios no it doesn't lol. Mahito had already explained that someone's soul doesn't reflect their power. When sukuna cut him in season 1 he literally says "his cursed energy is less than jogo but his soul is on a different level".
@@antoneopitts2212 soul in itself doesn’t reflect power of the individual but if your soul is weakened then you will be weakened as well or did you miss the whole point of what I said earlier
Not gonna lie, I think Yuji and Todo take against Mahito even with the nerfs being taken away. Because Yuji not being shaken up would increase his focus, and he'd have Todo on his side from the get-go. While Mahito would have expended his cursed energy on all the transfigured humans, only have the split second domain, probably not know how to black flash, and would be getting jumped first thing instead of Yuji slowly joining in after his breakdown.
Honestly you over played Mahito a bit... Mahito said he was at 40% during the Yuji+Todo fight... But he also said Yuji was at 10% Also it was said Mahito only hit his black flash because of him feeling like a true curse because of killing Nanami and Kugisaki... And it was said the black flash was the only reason he could do his 0.2 second domain. So yeah extremely high diff but i think Yuji and Todo have it.
oooooh this was from 5 months ago, that explains why hes making yugi and todo seem pretty tame (COMPARED TO HOW THEY ARE IN THE MANGA) but in the manga (SPOILER ALERT DONT CLIKC THE READ MORE THINGY IF YOU HAVENT READ THE RECENT CHAPTERS) with yugi being able to use sukunas attacks as he wants, and todo being able to do boogy woogy roughly 50 times every second so with these new skills they whipe the floor with all of the curses (i dont know about sukuna or maharaga as maharaga might just adapt to yugi and todo but i think he would spam cleave on maharaga and blitz him, but as for sukuna im pretty sure they are gonna win but we dont know as they are still fighting in the manga [i think gojo is coming back] but yeah i still think that yugi + todo > sukuna)
I would argue that close war of attritions in jjk are won by the attackers rather than the defenders because those kind of invite black flashes to happen. Black flashes from what we've seen seem to be momentum based in some form or way, and wailing on a dude for a long ass amount of time is probably the best time for that to happen.
I don’t think how fatigue Yuji is in the Mahito fight he had fought the grade 2 curse then Choso then his body was used to fight Mahoraga on top of that he up to the point of fighting Mahito had to have been exhausted I feel that really contributes to how much he struggles against him
Only thing not mentioned in the mahito section was how mahito himself would need to get lucky enough to land the black flashes in order to unlock his full potential. And without the sheer excitement and adrenaline boost he got from bein able to off nanami and nobara in front of yuji. I dunno if he’s hittin em either
I feel like yuji’s fatigue was not brought up enough in his example I mean when they jumped him he was like at what 10% lol but seriously he was definitely extremely beaten up way more that mahito
Thought for the smallpox curse. There's a chance Yuji would be immune to its disease since Mahito described Sukuna as having domain over Poisons and Diseases which is why Yuji was immune to the poison of Junpei's jellyfish shikigami. So he might just be able to ignore it.
For those who watched today’s newest episode, was Todo’s Black Flash not the rawest thing ever to be animated?
On bro😫
I need that man back in the manga asap
dude it was so over the top and downright fantastic in the very literal sense of the word, flashy as all hell the whole attack just SCREAMS Todo Aoi and it went HARD
Bro was hitting that T pose like the lord Jesus himself
"Stand proud, Aoi Todo and Itadori Yuji. You guys jumped." -JoGoat
Yuji and Todo VS choso is actually a sweep because whenever Choso attempts to use piercing blood on one of the brothers Todo can literally just swap Choso to right in front of the piercing blood lazer.
Yuji can pseudo react to piercing blood in shibuya. That's definitely enough time for Todo to clap. Yall are wilding.
I had the thought of todo clapping to swap the target of PB with choso so he essentially just 1 shots himself
Even worse for Choso. Todo just waits for Choso to launch his supernova until it it close to his face and swaps with Choso to catch the explosion to the face.
Lol the piercing blood travel in yhe speed of sound....todo reaction speed is no where near that
unfortunately i dont think todo has speed to back that up
@nirbanjyotidas5828 if yuji is able to react to it so is todo.
I love the thought of Yuji and Todou just jumping every opp in sight like this the streets😅
and then them looking up to see jogo summoning maximum meteor
There’s a universe out there where Todo doesn’t lose his hand & fights with Yuji vs Sukuna. He proceeds to boogie woogie Sukuna into his own cleave 😂😂
I think boogie woogie got written out of the story because it could one shot kenjaku by taking the brain out of the host body
@@sashsuv6485i dont think he could do that (if he could gege could make him one shot kenny instead of yuta, give my goat some feats)
Todo's coming back with his one hand sign domain expansion im telling ya
@@batataverde6453fr fr let him cook
needed this after that episode bc with anime tax it's looking like these 2 can take down ANYONE that todo black flash was so fucking raw
If todo could hurt the soul or had a weapon for that could do it mahito would have been completly clapped
@@kakashihatake6176 if he had a damn nickel 🪙that could hurt the soul hed win so fucking easily
after the Metamorphosis episode, Aoi Todo is To🐐
Yuji and Todo would beat Mahito, keep in mind that, while Mahito at ~40%, Yuji was at ~10% after Nanami and Nobara's deaths. Yuji was beating Mahito's base form on his own after Nanami's death, add in Todo, and remove the damage he already took, and these 2 combined would stop Mahito from landing the black flashes he needs to reach his awakening.
thats that their souls are at, not how much they can output. yuji was def stronger than todo but i doubt he was stronger than mahito
@@lordmike9331 yuji was giving Mahito the hands even before Nobara's resonance landed.
@@thatonguy2407not really true. Mahito created 1000 transfigurations beforehand which obviously drained him and he already separated a big part of his soul by making the clone. All that and remember that mahito was about to kill yuji when resonance landed and he himself said that he could have killed yuji near the start of the fight when he cut him. So basically a nerfed mahito had earned the ability to kill him on 2 occasions before resonance.
That was a situational win.
In normal situations, Mahito is definitely killing them both.
There is a caveat to Mahito’s fight in Shibuya. The outcome relied heavily on Yuji being a vessel for Sukuna.
BR didn’t mention Sukuna when talking about domains (unless I missed it) so if we give all the disaster curses free use of their domains, the fights become way more one sided.
The Yuji “he only won cuz of black flash argument” vs Mahito I think gets cancelled out because Mahito only got to the point he got to because of black flash. It goes both ways, and u fail to realize that Yuji grew in that fight, he got stronger, so if we’re giving Mahito all of his abilities that he unlocks during the fight then we need to make Yuji physically superior to him, cuz to be Frank, he is
I can agree with this. Mainly cause I like Yuji and think he deserves better, but you also make a good point
Also after that fight he learned how to black flash on purpose....
Ya he downplays yuji way to much 🤣🤣🤣 like yuji is scaled to a maki that is the same strength as toji
@@eyedontlose8836 I would go as far as to say he’s equal to Maki but his max speed is relative to her average
Also, they're disregarding Yuji's black flashes as if he's not gonna hit a couple more in a long fight lol. He's basically been hitting black flashes almost every fight he's in. He hit black flashes vs Hanami, he hit black flashes vs Eso, he hit black flashes vs Mahito, he hit black flashes vs Sukuna, he didn't hit any vs Higuruma because his CE was sealed by his domain, rendering black flash actually impossible due to the requirement of a black flash, and in his fight with Choso where he was mostly dodging and only got 3 hits in.
I am fairly certain that Yuji, with his black flash luck, would 100% hit at least one black flash in any of these fights if they last more than just a few exchanges. And Todo is amazing at doing just that, making a fight last longer with incredible Boogie Woogie saves, even against opponents stronger than them, buying just that time that Yuji needs to eventually land a black flash
For the Hanami argument, Hanami was stronger in shibuya than she was against the fight with Yuji and Tedo in cannon. With that being said, i see it playing similar to cannon with it only being in hanami's favor when she finally pulls out her unkown domain expansion that will undoubtedly win
Todo uses simple domain and they rush hanamai down. Due to boogie woogie it be hard for hanami to use skills to actually hurt todo to kill him even in a DE
@itshurtt395 I rewatch the fight this morning from season 1 and it really shows how much the odds were attacked against yuji and todo. Yuji has to land 5 black flashes in total and Todo had the surprise of his boogie woogie and the playful clouds. Even with that said Hanami still can get up and was just about to unleash her domain and end them both. You can't tell me that the simple domain, in which todo HAS to stand still, without playful clouds, without his surprise boogie woogie, and a yuji who hasn't landed 5 black flashes could beat hanami.
@@Friendly_G hanami can't combat boogie woogie doesn't matter if its a surprise. Yuji with todo do enough dmg to hurt hanami if they land black flash it damages her alot. Only way she could win is depending how good is how domain expansion and if she catchs both of them before todo can tp out of the range
@@itshurtt395how strong it is doesn’t matter cause yuji has no simple domain to protect himself with. Han aki could literally just stand there and wait for todos to collapse and then use his guaranteed hit
@@itshurtt395how strong it is doesn’t matter cause yuji has no simple domain to protect himself with. Hanami could literally just stand there and wait for todos to collapse and then use his guaranteed hit
Todo does have Simple Domain - the only reason it didn’t work against Mahito was because he activated his sure-hit too fast. Hanami and Dagon wouldn’t be able to bypass it. Plus, Simple Domain would help Yuji too, just like how Ui Ui helped Mei Mei with Simple Domain.
but todo only can use it 0.2 second
@@truonglong5866that was mahitos domain not todos simple domain
@@truonglong5866 no todo can use it all he wants its that mahito only used his domain expansion for 0.2 seconds
The reason ui uis simple domain helped mei mei was because the domain they were in only targeted whoever had the most CE
@@averagehuman-gf3qc Simple domain can cancel any sure hit
I love Sukuna waiting at the end of every gauntlet to just annihilate his opponents every time lol
Besto friendos for the very last time.
There was literally no better tag team partner for Yuji.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where Yuji lies power wise at the end of JJK. I wouldn't be surprised if he could clear like 99% of the verse on his own.
You will never know what i said here
Well we’re nearing the end and as of right now I’d say he clears 95% of the verse but most of that remaining 5% no diffs him
@@MuttonErase No, I'm up to date with the manga. We still haven't really seen what he can do
@@MuttonErase this is the corniest thing ive read in a while
@@radical6961 im in your head rent free
3:01 yuji is immune to all diseases bc of sukuna so if yuji is used as bait while todo goes to kill the curse they win but this is only if yuji knows about his immunity and I can’t remember if he does
wrong. yuji is immune /resistant to poison, which is a requirement to surviving sukuna's fingers
@@lordmike9331 wrong sukuna is king of poison
@@Ninlix0 people just give him that title it doesn't actually mean anything, it's like how they call him the King of Curses, he is not actually a curse or their king it's just a title meant to express how evil he is. Yuji is just naturally resistant to poison because he was born to be a vessel for Sukuna so him being resistant to poisons was required for him to be able to hold Sukuna.
Yuji is immune to poisons because Kenjaku created him to be a vessel for Sukuna, him being immune to poison was a requirement for being able to eat Sukuna's fingers and trap him within his body. Nobara only says what she says because she doesn't know that Kenjaku created Yuji for that purpose she just assumes it is a consequence of Sukuna being in his body
@@Dell-ol6hb yap all you want it was stated that yuji is immune to poison because of sukuna it's in his history
Now do the same video except this time, it is Yuji and Todo from the Shinjuku Showdown Arc. You know, the Todo with a vibraslap that can swap things 50 times a second and a Yuji with Choso and Sukuna's techniques and Simple Domain and Domain Expansion.
When someone is with their awesome special brother nothing is impossible
I personally think Yuji and Todo would draw against Mahito the same way they would against Dagon. Like you said, Mahito was 40% of his strenght, but Mahito himself stated that Yuji was just 10%, if we heal them both fully, I see Todo and Itadori wins on the condition that Yuji lands his critical black flash. Yes, Mahito's domain is a problem, but they faced it in canon, and overcame it. Todo could do the same thing that he did and they would take the W as long as Yuji lands his black Flash.
Somebody who draws against Dragon is going to lose against a Mahito that is much stronger than Dagon
But they didn’t lose against Mahito….. they won and they would win easily again
Bro you forgot to add plot armor to the video 💀
Todo and Yuji still win against Mahito, you mentioned how Mahito was nerfed in Shibuya, but not only was Yuji at 10% when it comes to his soul, but he also used A LOT of CE against Grasshopper curse, Awasaka, Choso. His will was shaken after Nanami's and Nobara's death, killing citizens, losing to Choso.
Not only that, you did not mention at all, that Mahito was able to reach true essense of his soul and achieve 0.2 DE BECAUSE of two Black Flashes. So if we take BF from Yuji, then Mahito is also not performing them. Which means Todo's hand and CT are still at play. So no, actually, 7 out of 10 times they win against Mahito.
True dont know why he didn't mention that at all yuji was running off almost purely adrenaline as seen with mahito statement of him almost being out of ce. Man just got out of the royal rumble to fight a fresh mahito
Not to mention mahito literally landing a no guard black flash on yuji who had no will to live at the time
Exactly and even with all this, 10% weaken yuji was still bodying mahito the whole time and mahito had to result to psychological warfare to wear him down. If everyone is at 100% in the fight yuji and todo washes mahito
You people keep forgetting that Mahito has a Domain Expansion! 😑
If it wasn't for Sukuna inside his soul Yuji would definitely be Junpie 2.0
So technically this fight is Todo, Yuji +Sukuna vs Mahito which is an unfair match already 😒
@@Nana-ng1kzThat's already a given though, the point is will they win, not if it's fair or not
The whole argument of yuji and todo NOT locking in when with eachother
I really love how you didn't down play todo, when I watch videos like these they always talk about todo like he's weak because of the fight against Mahito. Though the only match up I'm unsure about is Korurushi I think that fight is tricky and he might actually get the dub.
Idea:what if Dagon won and had reached his full potential
Actually such a cool idea but do you mean that he kills all that where in his domain in Shibuya (including toji) or would he have to escape from toji and grow stronger outside of shibuya???
@@SnoozyShroom most realistic scenario would be him escaping from toji
Since dagon is still young.. Overtime it can get stronger.. And since it's a natural type difference.. I will say he can beat even jogo's flame's with it's water
I think he would be able to use shikigami outside of DE at least
@@SnoozyShroom Killing everyone before toji comes in, and escaping from toji
Now we need awakened Yuji vs the disaster spirits
Now we need awakened yuji and todo
@@professionaldumbo5609 that's beyond overkill
@@lachlan_allan1973 i mean like YEAH but either way, i think it would be cool to hear more about awakened yugi and todo's combo's yeah ive read the manga, yeah ive seen them fight sukuna and yes it looks sick (AND YES I THINK GOJO IS COMING BACK [without 6 eyes] GOJO THE GOAT!!!)
@@Joe-mo1eh Yuta really pulled a "yo! Ryomen!"
Yuji now and todo now crushes everyone on this list
Yuji by himself no diffs everyone on the list
I'd like to see a remake with modern yuji and todo 😂
I may be completely wrong, but I feel like yuji pretty consistently in the series after learning about black flash has been shown to regularly hit them on major opponents multiple times. Don’t completely disagree with you as the manga/anime make it clear “the sparks of black do not choose who to bless”.
Lmao we literally see he could do it multiple times last episode after Nanamis death, even when Nobara held Mahito in place and Yuji could get multiple free hits in, none where black flash
I think the idea they present is that Yuji can reliably hit multiple black flashes during a fight, not that he can use it at will
2:40. Do you reckon Yuji could survive the Smallpox Deity's DE due to Sukuna making him basically poison-proof?
yuji was already poison proof. that is a prerequisite to surviving the fingers.
@@lordmike9331 Ah I see
@@lordmike9331 what about megumi?
or just use boogie woogie to get out and jump that poxguy
Is literally the perfect counter
@@fernandotrevinocastro1018 that's not what I'm asking tho. Obviously Yuji can avoid getting poisoned in the first place without or with Todo
This video is incredible but I NEED to know who makes your thumbnails.
13:25 idk if I agree. the fact that Choso can barely handle Yuji’s base strikes&gege has consistently shown that this duo is gonna land at least one black flash in a battle, I feel like Choso gets cooked pretty easily. Even if they don’t hit a single black flash somehow, Choso cannot keep up with boogie woogie’s disorientating effects like mahito who had info from hanami. his whole body would be wide open for a jujutsu jumping.
For real, choso said he only got really hit three times and was already in pain, imagine a jumping from todo who already knows how blood manipulation works
@@kakashihatake6176 And how is Choso even gonna find time to charge piercing blood when he’s getting jumped by 2 grade 1’s that excel in hand to hand combat?🤣
Yuji fought Choso with one hand and still almost won. And this guy is forgetting yuji is currently Tons stronger than he was in Shibuya
@@Dbonesburneraccountand even after that Todos gonna know when a piercing blood is coming after the first attack so he’ll just teleport Choso into it like idk what Ronin was on but this is Mid diff at best for Yudo
Choso is being waaaay overhyped, he isn't even special grade first of all, Kenjaku clearly states that he is a grade 1 sorceror. Yuji hitting him 3 times gave him critical damage to the point where he risked literally just dying from thrombosis to harden himself. They mid diff him and thats being generous. Sure he can poison Todo and kill him overtime but man if he thinks Todo and Yuji aren't beating the brakes off of him before that or before Choso starts adapting is just nonsense.
now lets remake this😈
latest manga yuji and todo slam everyone, especially with yuji''s domain expansion and todo's boogie woogie not broken by mahito
@@tomura5859 you need to remember this was made 8 months ago
19:37 for the record that curse spirit was not weak, is just than the comedians ability makes it so that if something is funny for him, it will happen
run back boutta be child abuse towards the disaster curses
About Vs Mahito:
Mahito was only able to to get his final form because of the black flash gained from the trauma he inflicted on Yuji. Without Nobara being in picture, he is highlt unlikely to gain it in this matchup, thus the cards would be much more even.
I think the two would still win about as evenly as they would lose, or maybe more due to the sheer damage Yuji wouldnt have.
That was some serious underestimation to Kurourushi there. Life-Festering Sword is definitely a dangerous tool especially because these two does not possess reverse cursed technique. Kurourushi is also not tnat fragile as it tanked multiple hits from Yuta who hits way harder than Yuji and Todo due to his sheer cursed energy reinforcement. There is also no evidence that Todo and Yuji can deflect the roach swarm as that requires a vast AoE attack
17:46 i remember reading that the 5 black flash along slide playful cloud and todo curse energy was enough to exorcise jogo if it hit.
Like you said, if they hit, something they will never do, I'm going to make a quick comparison,Jogo=Naobito at maximum speed in perfect condition>>Naoya>Naoya casual>>A Yuji considerably stronger than Shibuya Yuji>All Shibuya
you forget to mention that Yujji was only at 10% when Mahito was at 40%, a 100% v 100% would be Yujis victory alone. because that means Yuji with 4 TIMES LESS spiritual life force was = to Mahito before Todo joined in. that means that if 10=40 for yuji and Mahito, it would mean mahito would need 4 versions of himself at 100% to equal Yuji lol, Mahito would lose to Yuji and Todo low diff imo
Definitely not. Mahito's kit is based on his soul, it's his whole thing basically.
Shibuya Yuji did NOT have any reliance on his soul for fighting, not to mention that a 40% Mahito still took on both Yuji AND Todo. If you wanted to do your simple maths, it would be roughly 40 = 10 + 100, which means Mahito would pretty much decimate them mid diff.
@@SneakyBastard-oi4eb see I would say you're right, except you're not considering a then LESS 10% Yuji fought a 200% Mahito later on lol, so no matter how you look at it, a SEVERELY weakened Yuji is so much more stronger than a healthy Mahito lmao, a healthy Yuji would 100% no diff a 100% Mahito
Hello, Can I ask where you get these thumbnails? They look really cool! Do you do them yourself, or is there an artist I should check out?
Just a quick note on the Hanami thing, when you mention Hanami still having enough cursed energy to open a domain I think that's a stretch. Hanami needed to use their arm to absorb the life of the plants in order to open a domain. The cursed energy received from that never goes to Hanami but instead to the offering. I think Hanami was very well nearing the end of their cursed energy pool after taking all those hits. Its headcanon but I don't even think their domain can be opened without using that flower offering lifesteal. Regardless we don't know the effects of the domain so its hard to say what countermeasures could be taken. Domain expansion is prob a wraps if Hanami catches both of them.
You realize it specifically states the ce converts all goes into the plant and none to hanami right?
I literally said that.@@toweroffrogs9470
Yes they do because it's literally the third thing they say: "The cursed energy received from that never goes to Hanami but instead to the offering [plant]"@@toweroffrogs9470
Yeah if they're fighting in Shibuya instead of the forest Hanami is at a much bigger disadvantage. Imo Yuji and Todo are just gonna be like "how many times we gotta teach you this lesson old man!"
Just released this was 7 months old cuz yuji and todo hold well against sukuna himself
yeah, current Yuji & Todo would no diff all of these guys lol
No lol
There fighting a true form sukuna at 5%, none of these curse spirits could do that
@@ididntaskverified3663jogo can
Yuji and todo vs hanami/Dagon could be dealt with easily. todo could clap twice, out of the expansion range before it activates. mahito only was able to do that because he activated even faster then Todo could react, because of his adaptation to fights
Naobito (a sorcerer faster than Todo) isn't able to escape Dagon's domain before it closes, so Todo is very unlikely to be able to pull something like this off
lol this video would be wayy different with current yuji and todo
lol bro said yuji and todo doesnt have a chance against 3F sukuna
"Broken Ronin, one of the worlds most consistent youtuber."
After episode 16 Jogo takes Shibuya Yuji and Todo any time, in any form and in any way he sees fit.
Great video as usual. Hopefully you remake this video with END OF SERIES YUJI
I want to point out that Yuji's health and spirit were both low and broken leadinig up to the mahito fight. And mahito even points out that yuji is basically on 10% if his soul's power. So if we are giving mahito the benefit of a fresh start we have to give it to yuji. Plus mahito was only able to awaken his true form because of his 2 black flahses. Lets be consistent with the way we scale the characters.
10% of soul power has no correlation at all to physical power or cursed energy.
0:19 Current Yuji now cooks most of em.
Kurouroshi actually probably wins tbh considering we saw his cockroaches devour a man in seconds and also the other special grade sorcerers there had trouble with him and yuta won only because of his reverse cursed technique and massive cursed energy which itadori and Todo don't have
Great video as always
Have to admit scaling them against cursed spirits shown later on in the series is kind of redundant.
Like imagine trying to scale chunnin Naruto to 4th ninja war type opps 😂
I don't know if this is right but doesn't mahito also need a black flash to get his true form?
We need an update on this video:
Yuji Shinjuku (Blood Manipulation, Shrine, Domain Expansion) and Todo Shinjuku (Boogie Woogie "enhanced") vs EVERY Special Grade.
PD: Excellent video, I really liked it 🧐😁👍
Sukuna dodged Bird Strike, it’s clearly Purple level. Change my mind🤣
Is this a troll? Not sure since it was clearly stated that the birds intentionally dodges beings like Gojo, Kenjaku and Sukuna.
@@angrymeowngi This is a troll but that’s not what was said. She said, “Gojo-kun, Kenjaku and now Sukuna… I guess my power doesn’t faze complete monsters. That said, they all opted to dodge, so doesn’t that say something if it were to land…?”
The birds didn’t dodge, they did. It was used as a distraction for Yuji and Higuruma to land before getting cleaved mid air. But I’m obviously being hyperbolic about the implications.
he speedblitzed a maki who was literally half dead...LMFAO
Cleave/dismantle would be extremely weak with 1/2 finger sukuna. The properties dont actively cause someone to be cut to pieces hes launching attacks. If you just outscale him it won't damage you greatly. Kinda displayed when Yuji survives it because Megumi holds sukuna back. People confuse attacks and properties of attacks in JJK a lot. For example, 1% boogie woogie will still swap places. 1% purple if it was how originally believed to delete mass would delete mass because of its properties. Likely would just be smaller. Cleave/dismantle are slashes tossed at an enemy from what mahoraga and gojo seen as well as what we saw with kashimo. 1-2 finger sukuna getting bodied imo
agreed, i think 1-2 finger sukuna todo and yuji could take. 3 finger is iffy cause that sukuna etleast scales to toji in speed so physically in general they might be around that level
yes I think the deciding factor will be Sukuna's experience and his Domain Expansion not Dismantle and Cleave just one shotting them somehow
@@leonardomontealegre3284 In my eyes 3 finger sukuna would extreme diff toji. But measuring his strength in fingers doesnt work well as they are exponential increases. It's better to say somebodies on par with __f sukuna treating that version of sukuna as his own character yk not in terms of fingers. like, 12 finger sukuna isn't real, no feats, not a real thing yk
Purple can delete mass but Sukuna is just more durable to handle mass deletion
@@demonkingharsh6601 That doesn't even make sense. Mass deletion would surpass durability regardless of how durable you physically are. Most people see purple as a ball of energy now similar to a ki blast from dbz. Or if you disrupt it with energy it's properties change like using a simple domain
0:33 actually it didnt combine in to Maximum Uzumaki as we see when it was made she was still standing there+ the other cursed Spirits wich were out also didnt get used
Is it odd that yuji doesn't have reversed curse technique given he's experienced sukuna both using it on himself multiple times and using it externally on megumi once. Just seems odd that he hasn't remembered the feeling of his body producing positive energy
Because Sukuna doesn't want to share his CT with Yuji.
That's why Gojo was wrong when he said Yuji will imprint Sukuna's CT when Sukuna himself doesn't want to
@@Nana-ng1kz I more mean I'm surprised yuji doesn't feel the muscle memory of creating positive energy. Especially for someone who picks up cursed energy manipulation at the rate he does.
@@tons241 I think because positive curse energy is hard to produce like gojo did in hidden inventory arc and also might need more curse energy to pull off like yuta has
@Nana-ng1kz fair and whenever yuji has been near death thus far, he's either been too depressed to try fight the oncoming darkness or too open to embracing it to really find ways out of it via rct
Wow this aged interestingly
If brothar were considering the lates version of Itadori and Todo(manga ones, fighting agains sukuna),man they would be jumping those guys no dif,man todo being able to be able to change positions 50 times per second,and itadori hitting directly the soul and spamming 8 or 9 black flashes,it would be all no dif for them
I don’t think Choso has the Rot Technique. The Death Paintings are based on the 9 stages of Death, Choso is the first stage with Eso being the second stage and it isn’t until the 2nd stage that the body begins to rot, stack that with the fact we’ve seen Choso fight 3 different characters and not even the rot markings show up on them.
Not rot,but poison
@@nbtytdjdhdjd2901the "poison effect" was stated to be from the mixture of human and curse spirit blood. Note that the poison blood only worked against sorcerers like Naoya and Uraume. Did not worked against Kenjaku because Choso technically descended from Kenjaku. Did not also work on Itadori because they are also technically blood-related.
Yeah, but it was implied that Choso can somehow access similar powers during his fight with Kenjaku but knowing that Kenjaku is tehnically his father, that won't work. The supernova and blood piercing will work just because of the physics/forces (blood acting as a projectile) involved but not the poisoning effect of the blood (the way it did with Naoya and Uraume) because they are blood-related (similar with Yuji).
I'm curious to a current Yuji and Todo in the fight against Sukuna against all of them.
Sometimes I wonder why yuji doesn't have better durability negation. considering the fact that he can see and interact with mahitos soul. Why doesn't he attack the soul of his other enimes. Ps- I haven't read the Manga so I could be wrong but just found it kinda weird
I mean it’s not like Yuji is employing any kind of Soul technique to contain Sukuna, I’d say he’s just capable of seeing “the contours of the soul” so that he can pin Sukunas soul. Or there’s a different idea but it’s only in the manga so the way I’d describe it spoiler free would be: “It’s just a special effect of his cursed energy” or smth like that
He’s doing it but he doesn’t know how he’s doing it, if that makes sense.
@@fackyoutube8452yeah just like black flash
17:58 This is the first miss. Yuta did not even want to use reverse cursed technique because of Ryu and Uro which means he used it on Kuro because he was forced to. He put Yuta in a really bad situation to the point where he had no choice. Which should be enough to put him over Yuji and Todo.
Yuta was "forced" to bring out Rika against Yuji so... what's your point?
Yuji showed OBJECTIVELY better physical scaling to Yuta because he actually guards against attacks and counters physically, Kuroushi merely caught Yuta offguard
@@BrokenRonin Don’t play dumb with me. You know what my point is. If you disagree with my point that’s fine. That doesn’t mean you have to be salty about it. If you want to downplay catching a special grade sorcerer off guard that’s fine by me too. If he caught Yuta off guard why wouldn’t he be able to do the same with Yuji and todo from Shibuya? Lol
@@BrokenRonin Besides I’m pretty sure Yuta was on guard because he literally reacted to what he did. In reality Kuro caught him by surprise but that doesn’t mean Yuta was off guard. Even when you’re on guard and focused you can still get hit with a surprise attack with the weird abilities that are in Jujutsu Kaisen.
@@shinkai9kami162 Yuta is a special grade in a sense and he is starting to grow into those shoes as time goes on, but yuta has been a special grade since he became a sorcerer, back when he could barely handle grade 4-2 curses, he is nothing compared to other special grades; Special grades are special grades because of one of two factors - They are a country level threat, or they have infinite potential, Yuta is the latter. So giving that vague “downplay catching a special grade sorcerer off guard” bs. Yuji didn’t even put his all into his fight with yuta and still made him bring out Rika to catch him, And also the reaction time of todo is another factor because it would be hard to catch him off guard, yuta doesn’t beat todo in iq or reaction time just potential and ct and ce. These fights are not as easy as guy1>guy2 so guy3>guy1 = guy3>guy2 is guy so
Run it back
gotta watch the rest of this vid once I'm caught up on the manga. I really appreciate the spoiler warning!!
Are we talking about Yuji that is currently fighting Sukuna. Because that version of Yuji can definitely exorcise most if these on his own
No, we're talking about Yuji and Todo from the Shibuya Incident. Yuji at full health (so, before his fight with Choso) and Todo at full health (right as he's entering the Mahito fight)
@@styxxiii okay thank you for making it clear
That's debatable becuz Yuji is Not immune to Domain Expansions
@@Nana-ng1kz well we don’t know if he has one yet so?? Can you spectate and get back to me
No he can’t stop it 😂
Yo Bro, ima need you to run this video back with Shinjuku Yuji and Todo
dude they're already bodying 19F Sukuna that's overkill
By the end of shibuya, Yuji’s control and output of cursed energy is refined enough to control his delayed hit effect, scale enough to be a very equal fight with choso, the strongest of all the blood brothers and a special grade in his own right, have the stamina and endurance to fight choso, mahito, geto, and then yuta all in succession (granted yuta washed him in about 10 minutes), and quoted to “it’s almost like he can control the black flash”, and think and react with a very high battle iq, strategizing on the fly efficiently, please stop sleeping on homeboy, with todo at his side he could probably wash most of the weaker species grades within minutes, and would be winning with mid/high diff against hanemi, Dagon, choso, mahito, now I will say they are getting washed by jogo and other similarly strong species grades
Yo you gotta make a video about this duo in prime like latest chapter SPOILERS: (yuji with rct and shrine and simple domain and todo with the vibraslap) vs every special grade.
Don’t forget with the yuroshi case comparing the difficulty between them and yuta to yuji and yuta. Yuta admitted yuji could’ve easily defended himself and possibly even beaten yuta had he actually been trying to fight him instead of running
Yuta never said Yuji would have beat him lol
@@NotMe-goatshhhh let him dream
I really hope you do a video where all the students the (students from the other school as well) versus special grades,
That can be my Christmas present.
wow almost like u forgot to mention yuji was at 10% he gets a huge buff at fp and world win
He most certainly just ignored the fact that Yuji was at 10% output while also being physically exhausted, depressed and struggling to control cursed energy the entire time he is fighting Mahito
@@Axydios its not 10% output. The soul is at 10%, that doesn't mean the person's output is nerfed to 10%. That's not how it works
@@lordmike9331 That is how it works the body = soul and soul = body therefor if your souls Is at 10% output so is your body
@@Axydios no it doesn't lol. Mahito had already explained that someone's soul doesn't reflect their power. When sukuna cut him in season 1 he literally says "his cursed energy is less than jogo but his soul is on a different level".
@@antoneopitts2212 soul in itself doesn’t reflect power of the individual but if your soul is weakened then you will be weakened as well or did you miss the whole point of what I said earlier
Not gonna lie, I think Yuji and Todo take against Mahito even with the nerfs being taken away. Because Yuji not being shaken up would increase his focus, and he'd have Todo on his side from the get-go. While Mahito would have expended his cursed energy on all the transfigured humans, only have the split second domain, probably not know how to black flash, and would be getting jumped first thing instead of Yuji slowly joining in after his breakdown.
Finally someone who isn’t disingenuous about Yuji and Todo vs mahito and recognizes that he washes them under normal circumstances
7 months and now they beat everyone
Honestly you over played Mahito a bit... Mahito said he was at 40% during the Yuji+Todo fight... But he also said Yuji was at 10%
Also it was said Mahito only hit his black flash because of him feeling like a true curse because of killing Nanami and Kugisaki... And it was said the black flash was the only reason he could do his 0.2 second domain.
So yeah extremely high diff but i think Yuji and Todo have it.
Now do one for current yuji and todo
They clap em all, besides Gojo & Sukuna. Simple.
Never had a statement been more wrong 💀
@@racc_attac5874 I'm sure you have. Don't exaggerate.
@murphydaquan nah bro that was just that bad of a take
After the Shibuya Incident is over in the anime, you gotta do a "What if Aoi Todo Reached His Full Potential" video
idk if it's a new mic, new editing techniques, or diff delivery techniques but you sound clearer in this video.
LOL todo can just boogie woogie the small pox deity into the coffin
out here Brakeing world records like It Is lightweight
oooooh this was from 5 months ago, that explains why hes making yugi and todo seem pretty tame (COMPARED TO HOW THEY ARE IN THE MANGA) but in the manga
with yugi being able to use sukunas attacks as he wants, and todo being able to do boogy woogy roughly 50 times every second so with these new skills they whipe the floor with all of the curses (i dont know about sukuna or maharaga as maharaga might just adapt to yugi and todo but i think he would spam cleave on maharaga and blitz him, but as for sukuna im pretty sure they are gonna win but we dont know as they are still fighting in the manga [i think gojo is coming back] but yeah i still think that yugi + todo > sukuna)
yes i like my own comment
yes i like my own reply
yes i like my own response
just as the episode released, bros cooking on another level
20:35 could've been phrased way better 💀
I would argue that close war of attritions in jjk are won by the attackers rather than the defenders because those kind of invite black flashes to happen. Black flashes from what we've seen seem to be momentum based in some form or way, and wailing on a dude for a long ass amount of time is probably the best time for that to happen.
hey nice video, but i noticed something. did you use dying light music in the background?
bro said we can't say that he can definately hit black flash then yuji proceed to hit 8 black flash in a row on sukuna
not to be that guy but he hit 7, not 8
Let them run it back with the current chapter
I just like to imagine them jumping mahoraga and mahoraga just adapt to bogey wogie mentally and just counter every switch
0:13 did Takada-chan just shoot Todo???
Bro is really downplaying Boogie Woogie and Yuji’s black flashes
I don’t think how fatigue Yuji is in the Mahito fight he had fought the grade 2 curse then Choso then his body was used to fight Mahoraga on top of that he up to the point of fighting Mahito had to have been exhausted I feel that really contributes to how much he struggles against him
Only thing not mentioned in the mahito section was how mahito himself would need to get lucky enough to land the black flashes in order to unlock his full potential. And without the sheer excitement and adrenaline boost he got from bein able to off nanami and nobara in front of yuji. I dunno if he’s hittin em either
00:0 "jjk soilers ahead" 💀
Jogo launches maximum meteor and Todo pulls of Minato-like trick with teleporting it in a sea. I want to see it
Todo’s Autism is so powerful, he went plus ultra
I feel like yuji’s fatigue was not brought up enough in his example I mean when they jumped him he was like at what 10% lol but seriously he was definitely extremely beaten up way more that mahito
Thought for the smallpox curse. There's a chance Yuji would be immune to its disease since Mahito described Sukuna as having domain over Poisons and Diseases which is why Yuji was immune to the poison of Junpei's jellyfish shikigami. So he might just be able to ignore it.
What if todo used boogie woogie to swap with smallpox deity when in the coffin