The theory of natural selection has definitely some holes and become intricate while explaining complex mechanism. Maybe the scientists are fabricating some of the things, I find this common with the American scientists publishing that smoking was good for one,and we all can guess why would they do that.
Thankyou for putting some light to this topic and showing people that Darwinism is not the only theory around. Because some Atheists almost uphold Darwinism to such a degree that they almost treat it like something sacred or religion-like. I really appreciate the work you are doing. Don't mind the haters. Keep doing what you are doing, Sabboor.
Yeah it's really intellectual work to defend a 1400 year old ideology. People who spend their entire lives studying evolution and going through the tough peer reviewed scientific method are just haters... spot on dude.
Hussein Abbas , would love to hear what you thought was incoherent in my comment. Would also love to hear why you believe what you believe, since apparently I don’t know much about the subject. How about addressing what I said rather than appealing to authority on the subject of Islam.
Assalaamu'alaykum Hope you are well, A small request: Could you upload a video talking , about the alternatives in detail, as well as the difference between darwinism and Neo darwinism, mutation and neo mutation and neo lamarki. JazhakhAllah Khair
It is not illegal to think, so try to think about it: *A 50 year old so-called prophet of God who is supposed to teach morality ends up marrying a 9 year old girl.* Think about it.
@Muhammad Safeer *Simple question:* - You thank God for your life & also for the lives of the animals You eat. - You thank God for choosing you to recover from illness - as many other praying patients died after being ignored by God. - You believe a perfect omniscient God created the perfect human, but you change a newborn’s anatomy by performing circumcision as if the perfect omniscient God didn’t know how to do its job properly or forgot to do the last touch ups. *Are you unable to see how the charlatan theologians have fooled you to believe in an imaginary God by exploiting your hypocrisy, narcissism, ignorance & arrogance? No offense. Just asking.*
@@AtamMardes Na , You Are Just Too Much Ignorant . 1 - We Thank God For Our Life . And We Also Thank God For Eating Animals 🤦 . Who Tells You That .What Is The Motive Of Animals Existence . By Your Logic . Everyone Is Criminal. Because They Killed Millions Of Life's(Bacteria ) By Inhaling Them. But We Know That . This Is There Purpose Of Existence . 2 - We Thank God For Recovery Of Illness . Where Some People Died Even After Praying. "Because God Ignore Them"??🤦 Where God Claim. I Will Heal You . If You Order Me Once? . You Guys Literally Doesn't Need God . You need A Servant Available For 24*7 For You . Huh 3 - We Bilieve That . Allah is Perfect. Yup. Circumcision Is Sunnah . Not Fardh . Means Circumcision Is Not Mandatory. Go And Read Something Kid . Instead Of Barking Here.
@@AtamMardes Subjective morality has no right to speak of what is good and evil when it can't even prove what is good and evil except for what society thinks it is. Don't impose your 21st century morality as if it is superior to everyone that came before you, we are not special. Consider the global context that existed, how did they(globally) even decide an age of consent, why would age that low be allowed, perhaps societies were under constant threats of conquest which necessitated manpower in numbers because the didnt have magical balls of nuclear waste to throw at people.
Salaam bro Suboor, Is there a book which you have written on evolution. Want to read a systematic write-up for what you present in your videos as it is difficult to remember all the terms and references you give. Thanks
there are hundreds of models of toyota car... there are similarities among them.. but similarity doesnot mean transformation... it indicates same intelligance is working here... same in the animal world.. one animal may have many similarities with other animal as they all from same source... similarity does not exclude GOD but indicates to GOD who is one and only... all the models of evolution cannt explain thousands of intellectual architectural machines is our body as well as animal's body... it cant be explained without GOD
i agree bro , when i walk through the city and look at people interacting , and i look at the animals , and when i interact with people and ponder over my ability to think and reason , i can't fathom how this all came down to random chance , it's too much of a leap of faith to take .
If you are so convinced of these alternatives please make an individual video of each of them exploring whether they have as much explanatory breadth as Darwinian evolution.
The speaker's usage of "Darwinism" is not consist with the Darwinian Delusions' claim (in the replies) that Darwinian = Modern Synthesis. At 4:28: "it's absolutely necessary from a Darwinian perspective to have gradualism." Darwin initially proposed gradualism, and this was the dominant paradigm until the 1970s or so, although Huxley pointed out early on that evolution can proceed by rapid, sudden changes (saltations), and Schindewolf (1950) proposed this for paleontology and Goldschmidt (1940) proposed "systemic mutations" as a possible cause. At present, the modern synthesis (neo-Darwinism) recognizes the role of mutations to regulatory and developmental genes as one mechanism to generate sudden phenotypic change, with the possibility of leading to new lineages and species. The modern synthesis also recognizes that events occurring in small populations, especially genetic drift and mutation followed by natural selection, can lead to rapid speciation.
"possibility of leading to new lineages and species." - no single cell ever became a dual cell organism.... tree of life is a fake religion, some species interbreeding doesn't negate separate creations by a Creator. dna & Rna are written like a co -op language, Allah creates in pairs as we are needy but He is 1, Self-Sufficient!
@@fahadhusain1985 he was disagreeing with the pace evolution may take place.... he is wrong, quoting a scientist can be relevant to a discussion but ti doesn't make it right esp. when the quote is bassed on assumptions that are not right.
**sighs** Well, I guess you can't have an apologist attempt to accept some form of evolution without him claiming that it is at least partly a huge anti-God conspiracy.
I think that I am done with this speaker, as he is either uninformed, misinformed, or being deliberately deceptive. At 4:42: "There is so much hostility to these alternatives." This is flatly false. In Futuyma's 2013 evolution textbook, and others, evolution by endosymbiosis (Margulis's idea, "alternative" #4 in this video at 1:47) is given as the accepted explanation of the origin of the eukaryotic mitochondria and chloroplasts. In fact, the features of these organelles constitute one line of evidence for common ancestry of eukaryotes! Futuyma (2013:108) writes: "Endosymbiosis has evolved many times in the history of life, and it has been an important source of functional complexity; its role in the origin of eukaryotes is surely the most important instance (Margulis and Fester 1991; Moran 2007)." No hostility to this idea here!
I'm going with c), deliberately deceptive. He's read enough material to know that he is misleading people about science. His job is to give his fellow Muslims a better feeling about denying evolution and to silence their cognitive dissonance. Intellectually honest inquiry or representation of science is simply not part of the job description.
having one speaker push an idea isn't the absence of hostility, example if you listen to krauss when he strawmans the term nothing, he fights many other scientists... its seems only atheists are lying, its why they built no civilizations! i think its time you guys become more honest & not cut and paste out of context. espcially consdiering your cowardice to live in theist built places, its a clear sign Man can't do it alone, history as a whole proves it, we need to learn from our Creator!
Allah made us needy pairs. He is 1 (Quran 36 :36 & 112 :1). Re: life tree evolution. 1. how did asexual become sexual if there isn't a Creator God? 2. even before that how did no single cell organism become dual celled? & 3. Why's Dna & Rna co - op languages if there's no separate Creator? bonus : 4. Why are quarks made in pairs... 5. why is matter made in pairs (anti matter) these are the questions that prove life doesn't make itself up or from evolution, but intelligence creates separate parts.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 The problem is that you think not having an answer to any of these questions makes the "answer" of simply invoking some immaterial superintelligence any more reasonable. You remember when humanity didn't understand lightning and thus though it could only be explained by some god being angry? Let's not repeat the mistake
3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Some of what he lists is perfectly compatible with the mainstream understanding of evolution (whether it is best to call it Darwinism or not is pure semantics). Scientists disagree among themselves about the extent that natural selection drives evolution. Some on one end of the spectrum call themselves 'ultra Darwinists'. Can you name one single self described ultra Darwinist that denies mutations or Mendelian inheritance? (Since you sometimes seem to be saying that by Darwinism you mean evolution exactly as Darwin understood it) can you name a single self described ultra Darwinist who rejects genetic drift. As an atheist, I find your claim that 'Darwinism' is accepted not because of the evidence, but because 'a sort of reassurance, a sort of hope' downright slanderous. How on earth would simbiogenesis/neo Lamarkian evolution etc make atheists think life created (it wouldn't). When I became an atheist, Lamarkian evolution initially appealed to me a lot more, but I looked at the evidence. To this day, Neo Lamarian evolution (with the evidence) would do me and my current view that there is no God just fine. If a desire for there to be no creator was the reason for the scientific communities stance on evolution, why are there so few religious scientists dissenting. Please tell of the atheistic dogmatism compelling biologist even in the Middle East to accept mainstream outlooks on evolution. Maybe you should respond to religious scientists who accept 'Darwinism'. Knowing of evolution and mechanisms (which didn't have to be 'Darwinian', just thoroughly supported by the evidence) has made me an intellectually satisfied atheist, but no more than gravity and the big bang. If it weren't for them, religious claims of supernatural causes would be at least a little more plausible. If your definition of Darwinism was proved even to your own satisfaction, but we had no idea about gravity, neuroscience, the big bang or electromagnetism I'd surely be at least an agnostic. I see you are now openly peddling ID arguments. Btw, it was nice of you to link to any of the things you were telling us about (not)! If I accused creationists of not really believing in creationism or a God, you would rightly expect me to provide good evidence, yet you don't do this when laying on accusations against scientists. I I were to accuse you, wouldn't you want more proof than a handful of scientists and Michael Ruse asserting so!
@Muhammad Safeer True atheism is a more of phycological phenomenon and as far as i have known it has nothing to do with science or philosophy imposing atheism on science is also unscientific in itself
@@asadahmed4993 Not sure how you meant that, but if you mean by that the evolution of human beings from apes, or common ancestry, then know that this is not even a "fact" by scientific standards, rather it is - if you presuppose naturalism, which is in itself a faulty ideology - only the best explanation at the moment for the data available at the moment. Islamically it is false, even if "human evolution from apes" was directed by Allah, since in at least two instances it contradicts Islamic teachings directly. For the claim that Evolution is not a fact, even in the scientific world, and the false ideology of atheists and naturalism, watch more of Suboors video, lectures and commentaries, for he regularly speaks about them. For the argument that human-chimp-ancestry contradicts Islam in at least two instances, look here ( Btw: You remember the claim that 99% of the genomes of humans and chimps are the same? This has been long debunked, for they only compared 2% of the genome, thinking that the rest is "junk", but of course it has yet to be eminated into the unknowing public (which they will probably never do, like they never did with the "axis of evil" and the "hard problem of counciousness") - look here (it is with referencing scientific, published papers):
tree of life evolution is a religion.... saying a single cell made all life which is a religion with no mechanism as there never has been a single cell that became a dual cell being!
Please define exactly what the speaker means by "Darwinism." If he means "evolution by natural selection as described in the Origin of Species", then he is just beating up a strawman, because no biologist holds to this view of evolution, as Darwin knew nothing about mutation, modern genetics, gene expression, etc. From this presentation, it seems that 1) the speaker himself does not clearly know what he means by "Darwinism", or 2) he is deliberately keeping this term vague so that he can lump whatever ideas he rejects onto it.
The modern synthesis (also called evolutionary synthesis or neo-Darwinism) has many components to it, including basic Mendelian genetics, aspects of molecular biology (eg. point mutations, gene duplication, genome duplication, etc.), processes of population genetics and population biology (eg. natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow), aspects of behavioral ecology (eg. assortative mating, sexual selection), and studies in paleontology and phylogenetic construction. College-level textbooks spell this out -- see Futuyma (2013, 3rd ed) Evolution (Sinauer), pp. 11-12. Re-watching this, I catch your statement at 0:27: "Darwinian evolution is a particular history of evolution, starting with the first cell branching out slowly into all of the species that we actually have today, and the driving force behind this is natural selection working on variations and later with neo-Darwinism mutations -- random mutations." So my uncertainty remains. Does "Darwinism" = "Darwinian evolution", as described at 0:27? If so, then this "Darwinism" is NOT the same as "neo-Darwinism", as the description of "Darwinian evolution" ("Darwinism"?) at 0:27 appears to exclude mutation (and presumably other molecular processes).
It is not illegal to think, so try to think about it: *A 50 year old so-called prophet of God who is supposed to teach morality ends up marrying a 9 year old girl.* Think about it.
@@-saheehinternationalorisah4959 *When fake stories like Jesus resurrecting, Moses parting the Red Sea, Mohamed splitting the moon, Báb surviving 750 rounds of a firing squad, etc., are used to fool & indoctrinate the gullible emotional folks to believe an imaginary God & his prophet/son/saviour/book are sacred, the dogma will cause them motivated ignorance while defending the sacredness.❤️*
Rather than speaking in front of bookshelves, it might be better to speak in front of a white board so that you can write on it make your point clearer.
@@themuhammadalifan8693 nope - when theists continue to misunderstand science, atheists rightly point out that you don't understand science. But be my guest - prove to me that you have an alternative to evolution theory that comports with the data and I'll take it all back.
I really like what you said at the end. Good job. I am not religious but I am curious about different theories on evolution that don’t involve a God.
Science doesn't deal with the god question moron if you have to know the God argument then study theology and philosophy
look it up, What are the current findings of Human evolution? No GOD envolved here,
look at your self. How have Japanese people evolved?
The theory of natural selection has definitely some holes and become intricate while explaining complex mechanism.
Maybe the scientists are fabricating some of the things, I find this common with the American scientists publishing that smoking was good for one,and we all can guess why would they do that.
look up The current findings about Human evolution, technology has found older bones of humans, 1.6 million years old
Thankyou for putting some light to this topic and showing people that Darwinism is not the only theory around. Because some Atheists almost uphold Darwinism to such a degree that they almost treat it like something sacred or religion-like.
I really appreciate the work you are doing. Don't mind the haters. Keep doing what you are doing, Sabboor.
Yeah it's really intellectual work to defend a 1400 year old ideology. People who spend their entire lives studying evolution and going through the tough peer reviewed scientific method are just haters... spot on dude.
Hussein Abbas , would love to hear what you thought was incoherent in my comment. Would also love to hear why you believe what you believe, since apparently I don’t know much about the subject. How about addressing what I said rather than appealing to authority on the subject of Islam.
Hope you are well,
A small request:
Could you upload a video talking , about the alternatives in detail, as well as the difference between darwinism and Neo darwinism, mutation and neo mutation and neo lamarki.
JazhakhAllah Khair
It is not illegal to think, so try to think about it: *A 50 year old so-called prophet of God who is supposed to teach morality ends up marrying a 9 year old girl.* Think about it.
@@AtamMardes Ok sir,
Watch this video. It's our perspective of "Why" by reasoning.
@Muhammad Safeer *Simple question:*
- You thank God for your life & also for the lives of the animals You eat.
- You thank God for choosing you to recover from illness - as many other praying patients died after being ignored by God.
- You believe a perfect omniscient God created the perfect human, but you change a newborn’s anatomy by performing circumcision as if the perfect omniscient God didn’t know how to do its job properly or forgot to do the last touch ups.
*Are you unable to see how the charlatan theologians have fooled you to believe in an imaginary God by exploiting your hypocrisy, narcissism, ignorance & arrogance? No offense. Just asking.*
@@AtamMardes Na , You Are Just Too Much Ignorant .
1 - We Thank God For Our Life . And We Also Thank God For Eating Animals 🤦 . Who Tells You That .What Is The Motive Of Animals Existence .
By Your Logic . Everyone Is Criminal. Because They Killed Millions Of Life's(Bacteria ) By Inhaling Them. But We Know That . This Is There Purpose Of Existence .
2 - We Thank God For Recovery Of Illness . Where Some People Died Even After Praying. "Because God Ignore Them"??🤦
Where God Claim. I Will Heal You . If You Order Me Once? . You Guys Literally Doesn't Need God . You need A Servant Available For 24*7 For You . Huh
3 - We Bilieve That . Allah is Perfect. Yup. Circumcision Is Sunnah . Not Fardh .
Means Circumcision Is Not Mandatory. Go And Read Something Kid . Instead Of Barking Here.
@@AtamMardes Subjective morality has no right to speak of what is good and evil when it can't even prove what is good and evil except for what society thinks it is. Don't impose your 21st century morality as if it is superior to everyone that came before you, we are not special. Consider the global context that existed, how did they(globally) even decide an age of consent, why would age that low be allowed, perhaps societies were under constant threats of conquest which necessitated manpower in numbers because the didnt have magical balls of nuclear waste to throw at people.
Salaam bro Suboor,
Is there a book which you have written on evolution. Want to read a systematic write-up for what you present in your videos as it is difficult to remember all the terms and references you give.
there are hundreds of models of toyota car... there are similarities among them.. but similarity doesnot mean transformation... it indicates same intelligance is working here... same in the animal world.. one animal may have many similarities with other animal as they all from same source... similarity does not exclude GOD but indicates to GOD who is one and only...
all the models of evolution cannt explain thousands of intellectual architectural machines is our body as well as animal's body... it cant be explained without GOD
I cannot wrap around my head the fact that primitive cells and dna created consciousness and life itself or should we say atoms created cells what?
@@arianagrandaremix8858 Keep believing blind atoms created life that’s so rational omg
@@arianagrandaremix8858 Hindus and greeks believe in sky daddy, we don't believe God is in the sky or anything like ur imagination
i agree bro , when i walk through the city and look at people interacting , and i look at the animals , and when i interact with people and ponder over my ability to think and reason , i can't fathom how this all came down to random chance , it's too much of a leap of faith to take .
Structural evolution as described in "How Space and Motion Determine Biological Form"
If you are so convinced of these alternatives please make an individual video of each of them exploring whether they have as much explanatory breadth as Darwinian evolution.
Very beneficial. Thank you.
The speaker's usage of "Darwinism" is not consist with the Darwinian Delusions' claim (in the replies) that Darwinian = Modern Synthesis. At 4:28: "it's absolutely necessary from a Darwinian perspective to have gradualism." Darwin initially proposed gradualism, and this was the dominant paradigm until the 1970s or so, although Huxley pointed out early on that evolution can proceed by rapid, sudden changes (saltations), and Schindewolf (1950) proposed this for paleontology and Goldschmidt (1940) proposed "systemic mutations" as a possible cause.
At present, the modern synthesis (neo-Darwinism) recognizes the role of mutations to regulatory and developmental genes as one mechanism to generate sudden phenotypic change, with the possibility of leading to new lineages and species. The modern synthesis also recognizes that events occurring in small populations, especially genetic drift and mutation followed by natural selection, can lead to rapid speciation.
But whats ur point
"possibility of leading to new lineages and species." - no single cell ever became a dual cell organism.... tree of life is a fake religion, some species interbreeding doesn't negate separate creations by a Creator. dna & Rna are written like a co -op language, Allah creates in pairs as we are needy but He is 1, Self-Sufficient!
you have no mechanism.... you don't even have the tip of the iceberg, its not even there...
@@fahadhusain1985 he was disagreeing with the pace evolution may take place.... he is wrong, quoting a scientist can be relevant to a discussion but ti doesn't make it right esp. when the quote is bassed on assumptions that are not right.
I know, thats why i asked him
You said IN GODS NAME you would pay for Professor Dave to come to London to Debate him. You brought God into this!!!!!!
I really like this guy, he makes a lot of sense, if I didn’t better I’d think he was an atheist.
He pretends to know. But Allah dont reward liars.
Well, I guess you can't have an apologist attempt to accept some form of evolution without him claiming that it is at least partly a huge anti-God conspiracy.
The Celestial Cave lion
You know Darwinism is a religion when its followers will not even consider other scientific explanations of evolution...
Joel, is that intended as a compliment?
please read 'Religion without Revelation' by Julian Huxley, you seem to think it is not a religion
That seems to be describing an evolutionary humanist worldview as opposed to belief in a scientific theory.
so tell my ow the ELK went from having fangs, to having small teeth in there roof of their mouths>
I think that I am done with this speaker, as he is either uninformed, misinformed, or being deliberately deceptive. At 4:42: "There is so much hostility to these alternatives." This is flatly false.
In Futuyma's 2013 evolution textbook, and others, evolution by endosymbiosis (Margulis's idea, "alternative" #4 in this video at 1:47) is given as the accepted explanation of the origin of the eukaryotic mitochondria and chloroplasts. In fact, the features of these organelles constitute one line of evidence for common ancestry of eukaryotes!
Futuyma (2013:108) writes: "Endosymbiosis has evolved many times in the history of life, and it has been an important source of functional complexity; its role in the origin of eukaryotes is surely the most important instance (Margulis and Fester 1991; Moran 2007)."
No hostility to this idea here!
I'm going with c), deliberately deceptive. He's read enough material to know that he is misleading people about science. His job is to give his fellow Muslims a better feeling about denying evolution and to silence their cognitive dissonance. Intellectually honest inquiry or representation of science is simply not part of the job description.
having one speaker push an idea isn't the absence of hostility, example if you listen to krauss when he strawmans the term nothing, he fights many other scientists... its seems only atheists are lying, its why they built no civilizations! i think its time you guys become more honest & not cut and paste out of context. espcially consdiering your cowardice to live in theist built places, its a clear sign Man can't do it alone, history as a whole proves it, we need to learn from our Creator!
@@yellowpetelol6417 you are making up lies yourself and have no proof , lets see you answer if you are truthful or have facts!
Allah made us needy pairs. He is 1 (Quran 36 :36 & 112 :1). Re: life tree evolution.
1. how did asexual become sexual if there isn't a Creator God?
2. even before that how did no single cell organism become dual celled? &
3. Why's Dna & Rna co - op languages if there's no separate Creator?
bonus :
4. Why are quarks made in pairs...
5. why is matter made in pairs (anti matter)
these are the questions that prove life doesn't make itself up or from evolution, but intelligence creates separate parts.
@@falsesectslikeshiaarejudeo6543 The problem is that you think not having an answer to any of these questions makes the "answer" of simply invoking some immaterial superintelligence any more reasonable.
You remember when humanity didn't understand lightning and thus though it could only be explained by some god being angry? Let's not repeat the mistake
3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Some of what he lists is perfectly compatible with the mainstream understanding of evolution (whether it is best to call it Darwinism or not is pure semantics).
Scientists disagree among themselves about the extent that natural selection drives evolution. Some on one end of the spectrum call themselves 'ultra Darwinists'. Can you name one single self described ultra Darwinist that denies mutations or Mendelian inheritance?
(Since you sometimes seem to be saying that by Darwinism you mean evolution exactly as Darwin understood it) can you name a single self described ultra Darwinist who rejects genetic drift.
As an atheist, I find your claim that 'Darwinism' is accepted not because of the evidence, but because 'a sort of reassurance, a sort of hope' downright slanderous. How on earth would simbiogenesis/neo Lamarkian evolution etc make atheists think life created (it wouldn't). When I became an atheist, Lamarkian evolution initially appealed to me a lot more, but I looked at the evidence.
To this day, Neo Lamarian evolution (with the evidence) would do me and my current view that there is no God just fine.
If a desire for there to be no creator was the reason for the scientific communities stance on evolution, why are there so few religious scientists dissenting. Please tell of the atheistic dogmatism compelling biologist even in the Middle East to accept mainstream outlooks on evolution. Maybe you should respond to religious scientists who accept 'Darwinism'.
Knowing of evolution and mechanisms (which didn't have to be 'Darwinian', just thoroughly supported by the evidence) has made me an intellectually satisfied atheist, but no more than gravity and the big bang. If it weren't for them, religious claims of supernatural causes would be at least a little more plausible.
If your definition of Darwinism was proved even to your own satisfaction, but we had no idea about gravity, neuroscience, the big bang or electromagnetism I'd surely be at least an agnostic.
I see you are now openly peddling ID arguments.
Btw, it was nice of you to link to any of the things you were telling us about (not)!
If I accused creationists of not really believing in creationism or a God, you would rightly expect me to provide good evidence, yet you don't do this when laying on accusations against scientists. I I were to accuse you, wouldn't you want more proof than a handful of scientists and Michael Ruse asserting so!
@Muhammad Safeer True atheism is a more of phycological phenomenon and as far as i have known it has nothing to do with science or philosophy imposing atheism on science is also unscientific in itself
Oh, so you accept evolution?
Yes it's a fact
Yes the evolution designed by the God is a fact.
@@asadahmed4993 Not sure how you meant that, but if you mean by that the evolution of human beings from apes, or common ancestry, then know that this is not even a "fact" by scientific standards, rather it is - if you presuppose naturalism, which is in itself a faulty ideology - only the best explanation at the moment for the data available at the moment.
Islamically it is false, even if "human evolution from apes" was directed by Allah, since in at least two instances it contradicts Islamic teachings directly.
For the claim that Evolution is not a fact, even in the scientific world, and the false ideology of atheists and naturalism, watch more of Suboors video, lectures and commentaries, for he regularly speaks about them. For the argument that human-chimp-ancestry contradicts Islam in at least two instances, look here (
Btw: You remember the claim that 99% of the genomes of humans and chimps are the same? This has been long debunked, for they only compared 2% of the genome, thinking that the rest is "junk", but of course it has yet to be eminated into the unknowing public (which they will probably never do, like they never did with the "axis of evil" and the "hard problem of counciousness") - look here (it is with referencing scientific, published papers):
tree of life evolution is a religion.... saying a single cell made all life which is a religion with no mechanism as there never has been a single cell that became a dual cell being!
@@SM-ly5tfno . Isn’t
Please define exactly what the speaker means by "Darwinism." If he means "evolution by natural selection as described in the Origin of Species", then he is just beating up a strawman, because no biologist holds to this view of evolution, as Darwin knew nothing about mutation, modern genetics, gene expression, etc. From this presentation, it seems that 1) the speaker himself does not clearly know what he means by "Darwinism", or 2) he is deliberately keeping this term vague so that he can lump whatever ideas he rejects onto it.
Modern Synthesis of course!
The modern synthesis (also called evolutionary synthesis or neo-Darwinism) has many components to it, including basic Mendelian genetics, aspects of molecular biology (eg. point mutations, gene duplication, genome duplication, etc.), processes of population genetics and population biology (eg. natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow), aspects of behavioral ecology (eg. assortative mating, sexual selection), and studies in paleontology and phylogenetic construction.
College-level textbooks spell this out -- see Futuyma (2013, 3rd ed)
Evolution (Sinauer), pp. 11-12.
Re-watching this, I catch your statement at 0:27: "Darwinian evolution is a particular history of evolution, starting with the first cell branching out slowly into all of the species that we actually have today, and the driving force behind this is natural selection working on variations and later with neo-Darwinism mutations -- random mutations."
So my uncertainty remains. Does "Darwinism" = "Darwinian evolution", as described at 0:27? If so, then this "Darwinism" is NOT the same as "neo-Darwinism", as the description of "Darwinian evolution" ("Darwinism"?) at 0:27 appears to exclude mutation (and presumably other molecular processes).
conallk love he doesn't reply when you laid out the whole refutation
It only needs to be convincing enough that his Muslim viewers will believe it, the specifics don't matter as much
@@conallk Ironically, it seems you are the one beating up a strawman.
Jazak-Allah brother
It is not illegal to think, so try to think about it: *A 50 year old so-called prophet of God who is supposed to teach morality ends up marrying a 9 year old girl.* Think about it.
@@AtamMardesplease do something useful with ur life
thanks or should i say Jazak Allahu Kheir
@@-saheehinternationalorisah4959 *When fake stories like Jesus resurrecting, Moses parting the Red Sea, Mohamed splitting the moon, Báb surviving 750 rounds of a firing squad, etc., are used to fool & indoctrinate the gullible emotional folks to believe an imaginary God & his prophet/son/saviour/book are sacred, the dogma will cause them motivated ignorance while defending the sacredness.❤️*
@@AtamMardes no? okay if ur awnser is no than just have a nice day
Rather than speaking in front of bookshelves, it might be better to speak in front of a white board so that you can write on it make your point clearer.
Did the "anatomist" tell you about the design of your eye and the existence of your blind spot?
you don't understand any of this.
@@quranzoneTHEBOOKOFALLAH no, he really didn't
When Atheists out of arguments:
"YoU dOnT UnDeRsTaNd ScIeNcE"
nope - when theists continue to misunderstand science, atheists rightly point out that you don't understand science.
But be my guest - prove to me that you have an alternative to evolution theory that comports with the data and I'll take it all back.