In the future, maybe you could overlay the deck list but not mark which cards have been drawn. This would save you most of the time-consuming editing, but still help us remember what Trump is playing with.
Seeing a lot of comments about Gnomish Experimenter. Apparently a lot of people don't understand statistics... "What if you lose a really good minion?" There is an *equal* chance of you losing a good minion as there is that you get 1 draw closer to the good minion (this extra draw might be the difference between getting the minion when you need it, and never getting it before the game ends). The only time Gnomish Experimenter is actively bad is if it made a chicken and you go through all your cards. You could imagine the card saying "Draw a card; if it's a minion, put it at the bottom of your deck and draw a chicken".
I still don't get it, and it doesn't say that "Draw a card, if it's a minion, put it at the bottom of your deck and draw a chicken", you just lose that card, poof, you won't get it again in the same game, and 1/1 will be almost completely useless against 3 out of 9 classes. Seriously i don't get it. :/
Grangik123 Alright, well here's the reasoning: Say you use Gnomish Experimenter and turn a minion into a chicken. Now, this might "feel bad", but there was just as good of a chance that that minion was going to be the last card in your deck and you weren't going to reach it anyway. Assuming that you do NOT go through your entire deck, the Gnomish Experimenter may as well have just placed your minion on the bottom. As for the 1/1, it's still value. That's like saying the paladin hero ability is useless because 3 classes can get rid of it. Unless you're playing the chicken on an empty board, they're still going to have to choose to use their mana and hero ability to get rid of it and they might not if there's a more important target. All of this is ignoring the possibility that Gnomish Experimenter does its job properly and draws you a spell card, in which case it is amazing.
John Smith But then, isn't normal card draw cards like gnomish inventor better? You get to use the card you just got to it's full potential. The only reason why would you pick this over Gnomish would be probably the stats but still :/ Actually the more i think about it the more it's better. There is not really any other card drawer at 3 mana spot. But still, i'd rather take any other way to draw cards, heck even Buzzard with a bunch of beasts, over gnomish experimentor.
Oh, I don't claim it'l make it to constructed. What decks would need it? Freeze Mage _maybe?_ In constructed, drawing the chicken is not good enough for a slot in the deck, so you really need to guarantee a spell. It's a perfectly fine pick in arena, though. Decent enough stats for a card-draw minion, and sometimes you can get a spell. 3 mana 3/2 + 1 mana 1/1 is 4 mana for 4/3 of stats. Not good, but not bad when you can have a chance of it being a 3 mana 3/2, draw a card.
wow, i just realized how much Jens is editing these videos. If you look at the time, in the beginning and the end, you can see that he plays for 1 hour and 13 minutes, but the video is "only" 44 minutes long. Which means that Jens edited out half an hour! Thats insane! THANKS JENS!
12:48 *Trump plays new murloc card* "Wait, they reused that sound!" Well I guess you just think all murlocs sound the same, you racist. That was clearly a different dialect of mrglglglglgl.
You think so? Ofc it sucks to see a minion get chikonized instead of a free spell but if anything I thought the video showed that the drawback isn't that big of a deal since he never drew the entirety of his deck.
TheViolander again... as trump said unless you go through ALL your cards it doesn't matter... the text COULD say draw a card if it is a spell, weapon, or secret keep it... if not take a 1/1 chicken. The card getting destroyed in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter as you could also think about it like its on the bottom of your deck... 1/1 chicken is still slight value.
vampuricknight1 Well that is not entirely true. It matters in that you have a reduced chance to draw that minion each turn since it doesn't exist anymore. Like maybe you had a 6.66% chance (increasing after each draw) and now you have a 0% chance. But that is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. They see a big card turning into a chicken and are like omfg you would've drawn that card next turn GG worst card ever. Yet in reality the card you would've drawn might be a completely different run since it is a digital game and your deck isn't really shuffled in the beginning. The card is way below average. Would've been way better with a 0 mana chicken. But it is actually not as crazy bad as many people make it out to be.
All I saw was Trump drawing more and more free cards. If you can gain more advantage on a single turn, it puts you in a better spot for the next turn. Sometimes that extra draw can allow you to make it to the next turn if you weren't going to otherwise.
Some GvG info based on personal experience, gathered from 2 arena runs: 1) "Fel Reaver" is way too dangerous to play in a normal situation, to the point that I would say it's average or below average. Opponents played it twice and I managed to destroy at least 12 cards both of times, causing an insta-surrender because no cards left. A way to solve this is to keep track of the Spare Parts your opponent has -or coin-, because it's easy gg if they use those against you. In top decking wars it's great, but you won't be able to make use of it's lowered mana cost, which is the point of the card to begin with. Personally I will try avoid picking it if the other 2 epics are viable. 2) "Snowchugger" has the best summoning voice ever. 3) "Piloted Shredder" isn't strictly better than a Yeti. It is one of the best 4 manas for sure, but since it has 3 health and the summoned card's will be around 2, the opponent should be able to take care of at least one of them easily enough to not be considered card advantage. At least that's when he/she is ahead, if you play it on turn 4, on a clear board, then it is better indeed, because you will either get good trades or gain card advantage. 4) "Recombobulator" is my new fav 3/2, it's the most fun card ever. Used it on my "Argent Squire" after the shield was gone, got "Grimscale Oracle" STILL WORTH!1 5) "Ogre Brute" and "Flamecannon" are both top picks regardless of their randomness, but you propably already knew that...
What a waste of Recombobulator. I used it on my Cabal Shadow Priest after she stole a minion and she transformed into Illidan! Unfortunately, I didn't actually draft the card, I thoughtstole it, so I didn't get to transform anything else that run. I think Piloted Shredder is usually worse than a Yeti. Most of the time the 4/3 dies to a 3/2 and you get a 2/2 minion or worse. The very first Shredder I played gave me a Succubus, and it was amazing, but that's really rare. Most of the time I get a 2/2, sometimes I get a 2/1 or a 1/1 and it's awful. Yes in some situations the smaller body with deathrattle is better, but on turn 4, I usually want a 4/5. Mechanical Yeti is pretty good. Better than Yeti just because of that pint sized summoner for mechs card. Turn 2 you play that mech, then turn 3 you play a Mechanical Yeti (or Shredder) and you win the game (maybe). Both cards are common, and I've already done the play to others and had it done to me.
Obviously the higher the mana cost, the higher the chance you'll roll something amazing. 6 drops in particular are super stacked on good minions, just look at how many good 6 mana legendaries there are. The only truly bad card you can roll is Kidnapper, while you can get Savannah highmane, Cairne, Argent commander, Hogger, Illidan, Sunwalker, Sylvanas, and The Beast,
Jens, Bae, I love you. Thanks for all the uploads and especially all of your hard work. I recently tuned into a live stream of trumps, and you really have to sort out a lot of downtime.
I attacked with it with the express intent on it's ability to hit the wrong target, and thus, hit things behind taunt. It was a coin flip, but intended all the same.
I'm already absolutely loving GVSG's cards. I think the creators know it's not the most elite competitive card game out there so they build on that and just make it as fun as possible whilst still having a strong strategy. It's like a niche card game
I got 12 - 2 with my free GvG Mage run. I won 9 games with Pyroblast and 2 games with Fireball. I should have lost at least 3 more games. I feel like an asshole.
I had a run yesterday where the second opponent was a mage with at least 6 fireballs (not even exaggurating here) pyroblast, and 3-4 antique healbots just barely keeping him alive every turn
Pyroniusburn lol I once played a mage with 4 flamestrikes 2 fireballs and a pyroblast... you think you have board control... think again... you think I don't have an answer... think again... you gg after the 3rd field wipe on no cards... I don't blame you
vampuricknight1 Lot minions, Flamestrike, small minions, Frostbolt, Big Minions/Taunt, Poly/Fireball and all of that you get common in arena, enjoy your free gold
Trump, whats a good simple explanation as how 3/2 minion or 4/3 harvest can become 4/5 or 5/6 respectively using craze alchemist at around 27:00 minutes? You mentioned as "because of the way it works" -> kinda want to know this one. Figured the craze swaped current stats and the minion get buffed "again" by two stormwind champs (but again, any forum or your videos explaining on these)? Thanks!
Let's consider the 3/2: Regardless of conditional buffs, Crazed Alchemist considers 3/2 the current "swap-able" stats. Thus, the minion becomes a permanent 2/3 and the two Stormwind Champions layer on +1/+1 each, leaving the minion at 4/5.
Gnomish Experimenter didn't shine here, but in a mage arena run it can be an above average pick. As long as you have 8 to 10 spells it can be decent (unless your spell quality is way lower than your minion quality).
Lol that annoyotron "hello" loop at the end sounds like so many things "Yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow" "hella hella hella hella hellla" "ella ella ella ella ella ella"
it's awesome that they're releasing cards early for arena and giving everyone a free ticket. normally i don't play much arena because i usually get crushed, but i got to say i had a really good run with my free one. above average draft, got to try some of the new cards and i got a harrison jones in my pack. but i'm really exited about the decks trump will think of while playing with these new cards
Isn't that around 17:30 a misplay? Je should've blessing of mighted the berserker, and used it to kill the ogre, and send the guy into the owl instead. That would have left him with a 5/3 zerk instead of 2/5 ... well maybe it's debatable but I find it better because it's still out of exp trap range anyway but you get to keep some value out of the blessing instead of ditching it after one use. It's like repeated frostbolt if you keep it on board. Please confirm or say why I'm wrong if possible. Thanks
Do you win regular Hearthstone decks with the 'free' arena ticket given out, or is it GVG decks? Do you win anything with the free arena ticket? I'm 2-0 and kind of stunned.
I really like the gimmicky effects of these cards. Even if it's more RNG I love stuff like this. I'm going to play Rouge this set mainly because I think goblin auto-barber has extreme value and is by default an above average card. I've saved up my dust and my gold for at least 10 GvG packs.
Just finish my free arena, and couldn't be happier with the GvG cards. I took my PLD to 11 wins with the dream of Target Dummy and Tinkertown Tech (pulled it off quite a few times :P)
It should mostly be american servers or if he will do the arena thing after GvG gets release as that he would play in the european and for his battle tag i dont know it
37:10 Major mis-play. You allowed him to stabilize when you didn't bubble your Venture Co. He followed up with a perfect mana fireball + healbot. Forcing him to ping your Venture Co would have allowed you to maintain board control and threatened lethal later IMO
no but they changed a lot of the sub (race?) of a few of the old cards to better fit in with the new changes... obviously golem is a mechanize creature so it only makes sense for it to gain the mech race... other notable changes that I've heard of. dragonwing mechanic's 2/1 dragon is a mech, druid of the claw in either beast form in now a beast yadda yadda you get the point.
No, but it is now. I think a few other cards got the "mech" status retroactively, too: At 1:06 you can see that Alarm-O-Bot is a mech. I think Demolisher and the Mechanical Dragonling (the 2/1 you get from the Dragonling Mechanic) are also mechs now. I can't think of any others off the top of my head but there may be more.
Turnt SNACO Playing, or even being interested in online games means you should at fuckin least read changelog. If you don't then yes - you are ignorant. On top of that, if you're to lazy to use google, you should be banned from internet.
the way it works is that when the alchemist swapped it to a 2-3 then stormwind champions buff's activated again and ebcause there were 2 of them it buffed it +2/+2
So, in my free match, something odd happened. I've got a Deathlord on board. The opponant is a mage. They summon an explosive sheep, my Deathlord dies, and it summons a 2nd explosive sheep from his deck. The explosion from the 1st sheep actually killed the 2nd sheep instantly, because my deathlord was played first. That made sense, but then the 2nd sheep turned into a card and remained on board like the old brewmaster bug. However, I couldn't attack the minions that were underneath the card through the rest of the game. I still won, but it was rough. Could never target his 2nd minion.
I also tried paladin, got zero concecration and zero removals and stil managed to get 6 wins. Actually the Quartermaster pretty good card, all the times i buffed at least 2 recruits with it, sometimes it was game changer. the most satisfying part was, when warlock played Mal'Ganis (I had only two recruits) and said "Iam sorry". Next turn I freezed his crappy card (with spare part) then played Muster for battle and Quatermaster. Turn after I won )))))) That was SOOO epic! ))))
I had two noble sacs in my deck and a gnomish experimenter... I played it three times and it always drew a noble sac. Furthermore, every time that happened I also drew the other noble sac on my next draw.
My first run was SUPER bad too... I felt like it was weighted to be that way, because it was a free run. Probably not... but seeing how so many dealt with the same problem, you have to wonder. xD
Woah, I've never seen that Mogor the Ogre card. I wonder if you combine Mogor's effect with the 3 mana Giant Ogre card (not sure it's actual name) that has the same effect (50% chance to attack the wrong enemy) on itself, it would add to 100% guarantee that it will attack the wrong enemy. That would actually make it better, since you can guarantee not to hit something that would kill it. Interesting.
I KNEW Jeeves would be amazing in arena. It's not that hard to just dump your hand and then play Jeeves to draw up to three cards. Gnomish Experimenter was alright, definitely not bad. That one time he hit Stormwind was bad, but it's not like that RNG cost him the game or anything. Madder Bomber has the potential for total disaster, for instance.
I made the mistake of picking Jeeves as a Warlock. That's the only time I'd say he's not that good since you usually have card advantage over your opponent as Warlock. Every other time Jeeves is great.
metalgrinder732 actually i opened portal + jeeves in arena.. that was like unstoppable, but just 11 wins tho~ + tap is helping you to mill jeeves out , so i think jeeves fits perfectly in warlock
Can someone please explain to me how to be decks like that druid in the second game. Every time I play arena I get enemies like that and I barely go even. Not saying that trump has luck, but these rush decks just destroy mid range value decks trump makes. Basilcy the first 3-4 games are gatekeppers of 12 wins. If you win againts those aggro decks with a mid range value deck, you are basicly infinite.
just get rid of their cards on the board, thinking about value too much looses you games. I know it's easy to think "i can take 2-3 dmg, i'll save this x remover card for a better target", but after a while their board becomes too big and your flamestrike wont save you at 7 mana.
Did my free arena run with a priest and somehow managed to get 12 wins with it, with only 1 GvG card, which was madder bomber. Had some fun moments with that card. Shame that the packs are still the expert ones :l
First Arena with GvG and my deck was pretty bad, manage to get 7 wins. Second run was probably one of the worst i've ever had. Amazing card quality but every single card prior to turn 4 was terrible, eventually rage quit on it and retired it haha.
You shouldn't ever rage quit on an arena. Trump has gone really far in 0-2 arenas, one time even making it to 12-2. I made the same mistake on my first arena, and now, looking back, I wish I had played that last game. The people you play against get worse and worse, and you might as well get some free money for your troubles.
geranium battle Well my first 12 win arena was actually a 0-2 start. It's just that if I have a bad deck and I know it wont be fun to play with then I just dont want to waste my time on it. It's not like I need the gold either. If I averaged like 3 wins in arena then I would've played it through.
TheAllstar22 I, unfortunately, average 4 wins in arena, so maybe that's why I value chump change more than winners' rewards. Trump is getting me more wins the more I watch him, though...
geranium battle Oh dont worry bud, you'll get better. I started playing when the game was in open beta. And actually used real money to enter the arena when I was terrible at the game (spent probably about 100$ on arena back then and averaged like 2 wins lol). Trumps been my main source of HS content. But eventually just got better after focusing on ladder instead of arena. You can be good at arena but be bad at constructed where as constructed carrys over to arena alot more.
LMAO, I went "That horn" when Trump played the Horn spare part and he then says the exact same thing xD! Gotta love priceless moments! So why did Trump hold onto the Hand of Protection card twice when he could have saved his Merc or Spellbreaker? It could have given him the edge as the Mage would have to had spent more mana to get rid of either one, or throw a minion into it.
Oh man, my free Arena run was terrible too. Mage with only 3 spells, no Fireball, no Polymorph, no Flamestrike. :( If only I was as good as Trump, lol.
Bummer. My free one was Druid with 2 swipes, 7/7 divine shield, 2 Yeti, 1 Mech Yeti, 2 Shredder, Druid of the Fang, Black Knight, and Dr. Boom. Arena's totally fair right?
shielded minibot is realy good in my opinion (i have only played it in the arena obviously but from what i have seen it is the best 2 drop for Paladin)
So my first GvG run went 9/3 with Warlock. All I can say is that Floating Watcher is *gross* in Arena. If he's not dealt with the turn he's played, he quickly spirals completely out of control. He's a horrifying thing to play against an even board.
Let the record show that in the second game against the Druid, Trump's decision to make a guy against 1 damage class instead of play Crazed Alchemist on the Leper Gnome allowed the Gnome to deal 6 extra damage, then trade up on his Guru'bashi Berserker. Yes, the Alchemist later let his Harvest Golem one-shot a bear, but even so, I'd consider that a misplay.
That missplay around 16 mins, when he used blessing on the 1-1 instead of the gurubashi... He traded a 5-3 for a 2-5, on that board state. Big mistake.
Went 8-3 With Warrior. Got a Giblin Stalker, Ogre Brute, Madder Bomber, Siege Engine and Force-Tank MAX! Supported by 2 Chows, 2 Fiery Win Axes and 2 Death's Bites. Even so my Arena ended to a top deck Deathwing.
I still don't like Gnomish Experimenter. I mean, I get the statistical argument in its favor, but the way I see it, the card gets worse the further behind you are (especially in Arena). When you're ahead and get burned by Gnomish Experimenter, you have the luxury of going through additional draws and letting it balance out by drawing you closer to your good cards. When you're behind and *must* draw minions to re-establish board presence or prevent lethal with taunt, the benefit of Gnomish Experimenter's draw is basically nonexistent. I wouldn't call it a "win-more" card, but I still see it as reinforcing a positive feedback loop. Also, I sat through the entire Annoy-o-Tron loop at the end of this video in order to write this comment; that's how strongly I believe that GE's a grossly subpar card.
We will go without the decklist for a while so you guys get the new content ASAP. All Games from Trump's first GvG day will be uploaded.
~ Jens
Thanks Jens.
Do what you gotta do! I'm stoked it's out this early!
In the future, maybe you could overlay the deck list but not mark which cards have been drawn. This would save you most of the time-consuming editing, but still help us remember what Trump is playing with.
Thanks Jens! Extra content is always appreciated! :)
Seeing a lot of comments about Gnomish Experimenter. Apparently a lot of people don't understand statistics...
"What if you lose a really good minion?" There is an *equal* chance of you losing a good minion as there is that you get 1 draw closer to the good minion (this extra draw might be the difference between getting the minion when you need it, and never getting it before the game ends).
The only time Gnomish Experimenter is actively bad is if it made a chicken and you go through all your cards. You could imagine the card saying "Draw a card; if it's a minion, put it at the bottom of your deck and draw a chicken".
Finally someone who get's it. :)
I still don't get it, and it doesn't say that "Draw a card, if it's a minion, put it at the bottom of your deck and draw a chicken", you just lose that card, poof, you won't get it again in the same game, and 1/1 will be almost completely useless against 3 out of 9 classes. Seriously i don't get it. :/
Grangik123 Alright, well here's the reasoning:
Say you use Gnomish Experimenter and turn a minion into a chicken. Now, this might "feel bad", but there was just as good of a chance that that minion was going to be the last card in your deck and you weren't going to reach it anyway. Assuming that you do NOT go through your entire deck, the Gnomish Experimenter may as well have just placed your minion on the bottom.
As for the 1/1, it's still value. That's like saying the paladin hero ability is useless because 3 classes can get rid of it. Unless you're playing the chicken on an empty board, they're still going to have to choose to use their mana and hero ability to get rid of it and they might not if there's a more important target.
All of this is ignoring the possibility that Gnomish Experimenter does its job properly and draws you a spell card, in which case it is amazing.
John Smith But then, isn't normal card draw cards like gnomish inventor better? You get to use the card you just got to it's full potential. The only reason why would you pick this over Gnomish would be probably the stats but still :/
Actually the more i think about it the more it's better. There is not really any other card drawer at 3 mana spot. But still, i'd rather take any other way to draw cards, heck even Buzzard with a bunch of beasts, over gnomish experimentor.
Oh, I don't claim it'l make it to constructed. What decks would need it? Freeze Mage _maybe?_ In constructed, drawing the chicken is not good enough for a slot in the deck, so you really need to guarantee a spell.
It's a perfectly fine pick in arena, though. Decent enough stats for a card-draw minion, and sometimes you can get a spell. 3 mana 3/2 + 1 mana 1/1 is 4 mana for 4/3 of stats. Not good, but not bad when you can have a chance of it being a 3 mana 3/2, draw a card.
wow, i just realized how much Jens is editing these videos. If you look at the time, in the beginning and the end, you can see that he plays for 1 hour and 13 minutes, but the video is "only" 44 minutes long. Which means that Jens edited out half an hour! Thats insane! THANKS JENS!
12:48 *Trump plays new murloc card* "Wait, they reused that sound!"
Well I guess you just think all murlocs sound the same, you racist. That was clearly a different dialect of mrglglglglgl.
18:07, idk why but that trump mini bm sent my lungs bursting.
Trump playing around the the laser beam and the other board features was the highlight of this episode haha. He was so engrossed in it.
The sound on that horn is hilarious, they must've had so much fun recording that.
At least Trump is learning about how shit Gnomish Experimenter is.
You think so? Ofc it sucks to see a minion get chikonized instead of a free spell but if anything I thought the video showed that the drawback isn't that big of a deal since he never drew the entirety of his deck.
Yes, but it's never worth destroying a minion that might be good. And a minion will be good.
And instead you get a 1 mana wisp..
TheViolander again... as trump said unless you go through ALL your cards it doesn't matter... the text COULD say draw a card if it is a spell, weapon, or secret keep it... if not take a 1/1 chicken.
The card getting destroyed in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter as you could also think about it like its on the bottom of your deck... 1/1 chicken is still slight value.
vampuricknight1 Well that is not entirely true. It matters in that you have a reduced chance to draw that minion each turn since it doesn't exist anymore. Like maybe you had a 6.66% chance (increasing after each draw) and now you have a 0% chance. But that is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. They see a big card turning into a chicken and are like omfg you would've drawn that card next turn GG worst card ever. Yet in reality the card you would've drawn might be a completely different run since it is a digital game and your deck isn't really shuffled in the beginning. The card is way below average. Would've been way better with a 0 mana chicken. But it is actually not as crazy bad as many people make it out to be.
All I saw was Trump drawing more and more free cards.
If you can gain more advantage on a single turn, it puts you in a better spot for the next turn. Sometimes that extra draw can allow you to make it to the next turn if you weren't going to otherwise.
Managed to fatigue the opponent down with Jeeves. Super funny watching him die and hearing "LET ME GET THAT!"
Oh man! Two arena run videos in one day. Thank you guys for this :D
That Cobalt Guardian/Harvest Golem synergy was so cool. Cobalt Guardian seems to work pretty well if it's used correctly.
It's a pretty big "If" if you ask me.
Damn, I miss these simpler times.
Man, I love how half the fun of playing with these new cards is hearing what they say when you use them :P
Some GvG info based on personal experience, gathered from 2 arena runs:
1) "Fel Reaver" is way too dangerous to play in a normal situation, to the point that I would say it's average or below average. Opponents played it twice and I managed to destroy at least 12 cards both of times, causing an insta-surrender because no cards left. A way to solve this is to keep track of the Spare Parts your opponent has -or coin-, because it's easy gg if they use those against you. In top decking wars it's great, but you won't be able to make use of it's lowered mana cost, which is the point of the card to begin with. Personally I will try avoid picking it if the other 2 epics are viable.
2) "Snowchugger" has the best summoning voice ever.
3) "Piloted Shredder" isn't strictly better than a Yeti. It is one of the best 4 manas for sure, but since it has 3 health and the summoned card's will be around 2, the opponent should be able to take care of at least one of them easily enough to not be considered card advantage. At least that's when he/she is ahead, if you play it on turn 4, on a clear board, then it is better indeed, because you will either get good trades or gain card advantage.
4) "Recombobulator" is my new fav 3/2, it's the most fun card ever. Used it on my "Argent Squire" after the shield was gone, got "Grimscale Oracle" STILL WORTH!1
5) "Ogre Brute" and "Flamecannon" are both top picks regardless of their randomness, but you propably already knew that...
What a waste of Recombobulator. I used it on my Cabal Shadow Priest after she stole a minion and she transformed into Illidan! Unfortunately, I didn't actually draft the card, I thoughtstole it, so I didn't get to transform anything else that run.
I think Piloted Shredder is usually worse than a Yeti. Most of the time the 4/3 dies to a 3/2 and you get a 2/2 minion or worse. The very first Shredder I played gave me a Succubus, and it was amazing, but that's really rare. Most of the time I get a 2/2, sometimes I get a 2/1 or a 1/1 and it's awful. Yes in some situations the smaller body with deathrattle is better, but on turn 4, I usually want a 4/5. Mechanical Yeti is pretty good. Better than Yeti just because of that pint sized summoner for mechs card. Turn 2 you play that mech, then turn 3 you play a Mechanical Yeti (or Shredder) and you win the game (maybe). Both cards are common, and I've already done the play to others and had it done to me.
Is the Snowchugger the one that goes "Chugga Chugga"?
^ yes.
Owen Woodfin
Obviously the higher the mana cost, the higher the chance you'll roll something amazing. 6 drops in particular are super stacked on good minions, just look at how many good 6 mana legendaries there are.
The only truly bad card you can roll is Kidnapper, while you can get Savannah highmane, Cairne, Argent commander, Hogger, Illidan, Sunwalker, Sylvanas, and The Beast,
Holy shit. When Cobalt Guardian got Divine Shield again after Flamestrike....
Surprises. Surprises everywhere.
Jens, Bae, I love you. Thanks for all the uploads and especially all of your hard work. I recently tuned into a live stream of trumps, and you really have to sort out a lot of downtime.
I've enjoyed using that ogre brute in my arena game. Used it to bypass taunt a lot.
Same, it's a fun mechanic.
You didn't "use" it to bypass taunts.
I attacked with it with the express intent on it's ability to hit the wrong target, and thus, hit things behind taunt. It was a coin flip, but intended all the same.
Cloudski I had a similar thing i got my ogre brute to hit a 3/3 stealthed shade of Naxxrammas
lol As soon as I heard the bag of chips. I had to go downstairs and get a bag.
1:57 Don't forget Golem's also a mech now, I too missed that on my free run :D
I'm already absolutely loving GVSG's cards. I think the creators know it's not the most elite competitive card game out there so they build on that and just make it as fun as possible whilst still having a strong strategy. It's like a niche card game
I love how Trump is as mature with the laser as I was when I first found it :3
wait... was the second opponent (druid) a bot ? looks how his actions are equally spaced...
Show of thumbs, when Trump's videos are about to end, who else skips the final loss game and goes to the end to see the key/arena reward?
I just finished my free run with priest and got 11 wins! Thank you trump for doing these videos and helping!
The Rusty Horn sound effect is just so good.
GvG cards added so much fun to the arena
I got 12 - 2 with my free GvG Mage run. I won 9 games with Pyroblast and 2 games with Fireball. I should have lost at least 3 more games. I feel like an asshole.
it is actualy one of the worst arena cards possible and even in constructed its only good in freeze mage. pyro is everything but op
***** Tbh it's more the instant killing boardwipe, sheep and fireball, one of those should be a rare and Mage would still be a good class in arena.
I had a run yesterday where the second opponent was a mage with at least 6 fireballs (not even exaggurating here) pyroblast, and 3-4 antique healbots just barely keeping him alive every turn
Pyroniusburn lol I once played a mage with 4 flamestrikes 2 fireballs and a pyroblast... you think you have board control... think again... you think I don't have an answer... think again... you gg after the 3rd field wipe on no cards... I don't blame you
Lot minions, Flamestrike, small minions, Frostbolt, Big Minions/Taunt, Poly/Fireball and all of that you get common in arena, enjoy your free gold
why the 2/3 minion became a 4/5 with the crazy alch? i didnt understand that
I love the new content, holy shit. I don't feel bad picking Hunter in arena now. Thanks, Steamwheedle Sniper!
Trump, whats a good simple explanation as how 3/2 minion or 4/3 harvest can become 4/5 or 5/6 respectively using craze alchemist at around 27:00 minutes? You mentioned as "because of the way it works" -> kinda want to know this one. Figured the craze swaped current stats and the minion get buffed "again" by two stormwind champs (but again, any forum or your videos explaining on these)? Thanks!
Let's consider the 3/2:
Regardless of conditional buffs, Crazed Alchemist considers 3/2 the current "swap-able" stats. Thus, the minion becomes a permanent 2/3 and the two Stormwind Champions layer on +1/+1 each, leaving the minion at 4/5.
Gnomish Experimenter didn't shine here, but in a mage arena run it can be an above average pick. As long as you have 8 to 10 spells it can be decent (unless your spell quality is way lower than your minion quality).
37:27... was that a LoL reference or have I just been playing that game too much recently?... or both?
Would explosive sheep be good in something like frost mage contstructed? Pay 4, concencrate?
I see the second pick where Trump rates Gnomish Experimentor over Crazed Alchemist... the fuck?
Trump you need to respect the alchemist more
Not really.
Alch is too situational and not consistent. Experimentor imo is worse though. But I understand why trump picked it.
yeah i think the gvg hype may have slightly got to his head! I picked an annoy o tron over a thrallmar farseer and i think the thrallmar is better.
***** for the lulz given how he acted when he used it. Note that he got some chicken wins with it
Kian How Tan Well he did say annoy o tron wasnt great.
Lol that annoyotron "hello" loop at the end sounds like so many things
"Yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow"
"hella hella hella hella hellla"
"ella ella ella ella ella ella"
Where did the decklist on the left go =(
My first Arena in GvG was my best yet.
8 Wins with Gul'dan. Absolutly broken with all those new cards...
what is the card back of the opponent paladin at 24:00?
it's awesome that they're releasing cards early for arena and giving everyone a free ticket. normally i don't play much arena because i usually get crushed, but i got to say i had a really good run with my free one. above average draft, got to try some of the new cards and i got a harrison jones in my pack. but i'm really exited about the decks trump will think of while playing with these new cards
Isn't that around 17:30 a misplay? Je should've blessing of mighted the berserker, and used it to kill the ogre, and send the guy into the owl instead. That would have left him with a 5/3 zerk instead of 2/5 ... well maybe it's debatable but I find it better because it's still out of exp trap range anyway but you get to keep some value out of the blessing instead of ditching it after one use. It's like repeated frostbolt if you keep it on board. Please confirm or say why I'm wrong if possible. Thanks
Excuse me it's 16:30
Do you win regular Hearthstone decks with the 'free' arena ticket given out, or is it GVG decks?
Do you win anything with the free arena ticket? I'm 2-0 and kind of stunned.
I'm guessing if you finish the arena run after Dec 8 you might get a GvG pack.
I really like the gimmicky effects of these cards. Even if it's more RNG I love stuff like this. I'm going to play Rouge this set mainly because I think goblin auto-barber has extreme value and is by default an above average card. I've saved up my dust and my gold for at least 10 GvG packs.
does trump miss extra divine shield at 32:35?
Just finish my free arena, and couldn't be happier with the GvG cards. I took my PLD to 11 wins with the dream of Target Dummy and Tinkertown Tech (pulled it off quite a few times :P)
Why didn't you put blessing on beserker in game 3? Would have been a 5-3 after hitting ogre and recruit into owl.
27:14 Can someone explain how that works...?
Anyone can tell me which server is trump playing and his battletag? would love to watch him play live using thr new feature.
It should mostly be american servers or if he will do the arena thing after GvG gets release as that he would play in the european and for his battle tag i dont know it
10:10 Alternate route: spellbreaker the cobalt, removing the freeze and gaining styyyyle pointsss
37:10 Major mis-play. You allowed him to stabilize when you didn't bubble your Venture Co. He followed up with a perfect mana fireball + healbot. Forcing him to ping your Venture Co would have allowed you to maintain board control and threatened lethal later IMO
11:00 Why didn't he just use Crazed Alchemist on the Leper Gnome?
Sry was wiping my keyboard
Arena became much funnier with these new cards :D
Madder Bomber one love
Was harvest golem always a mech??
no but they changed a lot of the sub (race?) of a few of the old cards to better fit in with the new changes... obviously golem is a mechanize creature so it only makes sense for it to gain the mech race... other notable changes that I've heard of. dragonwing mechanic's 2/1 dragon is a mech, druid of the claw in either beast form in now a beast yadda yadda you get the point.
No, but it is now. I think a few other cards got the "mech" status retroactively, too: At 1:06 you can see that Alarm-O-Bot is a mech. I think Demolisher and the Mechanical Dragonling (the 2/1 you get from the Dragonling Mechanic) are also mechs now. I can't think of any others off the top of my head but there may be more.
Thanks, I didnt think it was. Very interesting.
i hate ignorant people like you
Turnt SNACO Playing, or even being interested in online games means you should at fuckin least read changelog. If you don't then yes - you are ignorant. On top of that, if you're to lazy to use google, you should be banned from internet.
i love the fact they added more murlocs and pirates :P
Dat Chicken BM.... Glorious.
How does the Silver Hand Recruit become a 4-5 after the Crazed Alchemist while it was a 3-2? It happens after 27th minute.
the way it works is that when the alchemist swapped it to a 2-3 then stormwind champions buff's activated again and ebcause there were 2 of them it buffed it +2/+2
So, in my free match, something odd happened.
I've got a Deathlord on board. The opponant is a mage. They summon an explosive sheep, my Deathlord dies, and it summons a 2nd explosive sheep from his deck. The explosion from the 1st sheep actually killed the 2nd sheep instantly, because my deathlord was played first.
That made sense, but then the 2nd sheep turned into a card and remained on board like the old brewmaster bug. However, I couldn't attack the minions that were underneath the card through the rest of the game. I still won, but it was rough. Could never target his 2nd minion.
Ah, might be worth letting them know that in a bug report. Hopefully they'll get it ironed out soon enough.
Had an insane combo against me during this arena release. poison seeds followed up by explosive sheep D:
I also tried paladin, got zero concecration and zero removals and stil managed to get 6 wins. Actually the Quartermaster pretty good card, all the times i buffed at least 2 recruits with it, sometimes it was game changer. the most satisfying part was, when warlock played Mal'Ganis (I had only two recruits) and said "Iam sorry". Next turn I freezed his crappy card (with spare part) then played Muster for battle and Quatermaster. Turn after I won )))))) That was SOOO epic! ))))
I had two noble sacs in my deck and a gnomish experimenter... I played it three times and it always drew a noble sac. Furthermore, every time that happened I also drew the other noble sac on my next draw.
Does your opponent see when the Gnomish Experimenter gets you a chicken/not a chicken?
I must say, Gnomish Experimenter's Chicken-bobulator animation makes the risk entirely worth it. 6/9 Would draw again.
With the Jeeves, card you can try making an overdraw deck. I made my opponent overdraw with Jeeves and the new Felmonster card.
My first run was SUPER bad too... I felt like it was weighted to be that way, because it was a free run. Probably not... but seeing how so many dealt with the same problem, you have to wonder. xD
I had an insane warlock gvg free arena. Turns out, 4 Floating Watchers is OP late game. I got 2 of them to 12 attack in one game.
Woah, I've never seen that Mogor the Ogre card. I wonder if you combine Mogor's effect with the 3 mana Giant Ogre card (not sure it's actual name) that has the same effect (50% chance to attack the wrong enemy) on itself, it would add to 100% guarantee that it will attack the wrong enemy. That would actually make it better, since you can guarantee not to hit something that would kill it. Interesting.
I KNEW Jeeves would be amazing in arena. It's not that hard to just dump your hand and then play Jeeves to draw up to three cards.
Gnomish Experimenter was alright, definitely not bad. That one time he hit Stormwind was bad, but it's not like that RNG cost him the game or anything. Madder Bomber has the potential for total disaster, for instance.
I made the mistake of picking Jeeves as a Warlock. That's the only time I'd say he's not that good since you usually have card advantage over your opponent as Warlock. Every other time Jeeves is great.
metalgrinder732 actually i opened portal + jeeves in arena.. that was like unstoppable, but just 11 wins tho~
+ tap is helping you to mill jeeves out , so i think jeeves fits perfectly in warlock
I went 7-3 today with Hunter in Arena,
Jeeves was amazing for me too
And got Toshley as well, he has amazing stats btw
Cant wait for the next trump reacts to GvG
Cobalt Guardian says "Error 37" when it dies. That's fantastic.
WHy did the GUY went from 3-3 tot 4-5 after the alchemist?
Jeeves: the only card powerful enough to make Shaman Murloc viable
I've done twe GvG runs already and for somereason thise are the best runs I've ever had
Can someone please explain to me how to be decks like that druid in the second game. Every time I play arena I get enemies like that and I barely go even. Not saying that trump has luck, but these rush decks just destroy mid range value decks trump makes.
Basilcy the first 3-4 games are gatekeppers of 12 wins. If you win againts those aggro decks with a mid range value deck, you are basicly infinite.
just get rid of their cards on the board, thinking about value too much looses you games. I know it's easy to think "i can take 2-3 dmg, i'll save this x remover card for a better target", but after a while their board becomes too big and your flamestrike wont save you at 7 mana.
it takes a bunch of new cards for me to get 12 wins in arena :P
gotta love the muster-quartermaster combo :D won me quite a few games
Cobalt Guardian's death quote is amazing.
Did my free arena run with a priest and somehow managed to get 12 wins with it, with only 1 GvG card, which was madder bomber. Had some fun moments with that card. Shame that the packs are still the expert ones :l
I had an arena with the Micro Machine. It is the cutest little thing ^-^
28:38 this is literally the funniest thing today.
First Arena with GvG and my deck was pretty bad, manage to get 7 wins. Second run was probably one of the worst i've ever had. Amazing card quality but every single card prior to turn 4 was terrible, eventually rage quit on it and retired it haha.
You shouldn't ever rage quit on an arena. Trump has gone really far in 0-2 arenas, one time even making it to 12-2. I made the same mistake on my first arena, and now, looking back, I wish I had played that last game. The people you play against get worse and worse, and you might as well get some free money for your troubles.
geranium battle Well my first 12 win arena was actually a 0-2 start. It's just that if I have a bad deck and I know it wont be fun to play with then I just dont want to waste my time on it. It's not like I need the gold either. If I averaged like 3 wins in arena then I would've played it through.
I, unfortunately, average 4 wins in arena, so maybe that's why I value chump change more than winners' rewards. Trump is getting me more wins the more I watch him, though...
geranium battle Oh dont worry bud, you'll get better. I started playing when the game was in open beta. And actually used real money to enter the arena when I was terrible at the game (spent probably about 100$ on arena back then and averaged like 2 wins lol). Trumps been my main source of HS content. But eventually just got better after focusing on ladder instead of arena. You can be good at arena but be bad at constructed where as constructed carrys over to arena alot more.
Hi Trump, i like u Vids about the season much :D do u think there will be a pure demon warlock deck? maybe the hight costs are worth then
What is worse target dummy or wisp lol
wisp is worse... at least target dummy is a mech meaning it can trigger both "play minion" and "summon" effects and "mech" effects.
spoderman pls
LMAO, I went "That horn" when Trump played the Horn spare part and he then says the exact same thing xD! Gotta love priceless moments!
So why did Trump hold onto the Hand of Protection card twice when he could have saved his Merc or Spellbreaker? It could have given him the edge as the Mage would have to had spent more mana to get rid of either one, or throw a minion into it.
Cobalt guardian did well actually. I was impressed, not sure if he could work in constructed butthat impressed me
I read that as "butt hat". Call me juvenile, but that amused me. Even though I'm British. :3
It's all good bro
Perfect timing. Just about to go on lunch!
Havent played HS in 2 months, did an arena today and went 9 wins... while having lunch. Yeah, its definitely a good day to do arenas.
Yeah lol so many noobs, i had 0 gold last night when this started, got in 6 arena runs and im at 240 gold atm lol
Oh man, my free Arena run was terrible too. Mage with only 3 spells, no Fireball, no Polymorph, no Flamestrike. :( If only I was as good as Trump, lol.
Bummer. My free one was Druid with 2 swipes, 7/7 divine shield, 2 Yeti, 1 Mech Yeti, 2 Shredder, Druid of the Fang, Black Knight, and Dr. Boom. Arena's totally fair right?
Only if at 27:43 the opponent had a PyroEquality.. We might have seen Trump pull some Salty Dog.
Not going to lie the explosive sheep has saved my ass several times already
Harvest Golem deathrattle is pretty cool to combo with cobalt
shielded minibot is realy good in my opinion (i have only played it in the arena obviously but from what i have seen it is the best 2 drop for Paladin)
So my first GvG run went 9/3 with Warlock. All I can say is that Floating Watcher is *gross* in Arena. If he's not dealt with the turn he's played, he quickly spirals completely out of control. He's a horrifying thing to play against an even board.
Let the record show that in the second game against the Druid, Trump's decision to make a guy against 1 damage class instead of play Crazed Alchemist on the Leper Gnome allowed the Gnome to deal 6 extra damage, then trade up on his Guru'bashi Berserker. Yes, the Alchemist later let his Harvest Golem one-shot a bear, but even so, I'd consider that a misplay.
That missplay around 16 mins, when he used blessing on the 1-1 instead of the gurubashi... He traded a 5-3 for a 2-5, on that board state. Big mistake.
The moment you picked that chicken card I facepalmed so god damn hard.
It was super good this run though. At least three of the games he played it he drew a spell.
Went 8-3 With Warrior. Got a Giblin Stalker, Ogre Brute, Madder Bomber, Siege Engine and Force-Tank MAX! Supported by 2 Chows, 2 Fiery Win Axes and 2 Death's Bites. Even so my Arena ended to a top deck Deathwing.
You fockin wot m8? That's awesome :,3
omg trump is like a little kid with the new GVG board and the chickens lol! Is there no more GvG arena till it officially releases??
No you can still play GvG arena.
I still don't like Gnomish Experimenter. I mean, I get the statistical argument in its favor, but the way I see it, the card gets worse the further behind you are (especially in Arena).
When you're ahead and get burned by Gnomish Experimenter, you have the luxury of going through additional draws and letting it balance out by drawing you closer to your good cards. When you're behind and *must* draw minions to re-establish board presence or prevent lethal with taunt, the benefit of Gnomish Experimenter's draw is basically nonexistent. I wouldn't call it a "win-more" card, but I still see it as reinforcing a positive feedback loop.
Also, I sat through the entire Annoy-o-Tron loop at the end of this video in order to write this comment; that's how strongly I believe that GE's a grossly subpar card.