Fog of War's technical term is called network culling. It is very difficult to pull off in a game like Rust that has a dynamic environment. Think of it this way, instead of the player's location being sent to the client whenever it needs to, it will only send the players location when they are in viewing distance on your viewport. So if they are behind a rock, they wont appear until they either reveal their location to you or if you rotate positions to find them. This would in theory eliminate all ESP efforts because locations are being rendered basically fully on the server side. There will be many bugs with it, and I don't see it being effective in the near future unless Rust can offer better server side performance and proper multithreading.
@@William0271 Well all secured ones do like banks, insurance, credit and internet providers. If you use Steam and bought the game - they already have it, so Rust just need to connect to that steam account with already registered account phone number. It's basically a 2 factor authentication system which i'm talking about.
@@William0271 They don't need your number, we need "middle man" one or more companies that know your number and can confirm that you have that number for all games.
eac ban policy needs to be changed my account got hacked and they cheated (unsure what server but presumably official cause i got banned less then an hour after being hacked) and despite the cheater living in russia i cannot appeal the ban despite the fact that i did nothing wrong. I don't use any websites besides youtube steam amazon gmail and sling tv so its not cookie log and they managed to turn of my mobile auth. Completely not my fault clearly steam had an issue but I get banned without being able to appeal??? It's be 60-ish days so i can almost play stevious again on my new account but the fact that this happened in the first place makes zero sense.
right its insane i was just playing on rusty mouse and i knew my neighbor was cheating cus he wound up on my house so i started recording and he literally shot me in the head in my stone house later he walked through my shotgun trap as a naked. was killable though i put 4 the next time lol
a good way to deter cheating is like arma 3 for example which encrypts every file the only reason arma 3 cheats exist is because the developers have left all developer level tools easily accesible to the community to create mods if rust goes fully encrypted it will indeed cause quite a storm within the cheating community
they are completely delusional about the cheaters percentage, even cheat devs acknowledged the percentage is close to 15-20% of the players. facepunch is completely detached from reality. I got players of 10 years accounts with real (not faked) 3k-7k hours banned after baiting the f**k out of them over multiple wipes. cheating problem will continue to soar until using cheats and developing cheats are criminalized with jail time and huge fines
The only thing this update does is make it slightly annoying to update cheats, it only slows down solo dev's by few hours. Also the FOW update will never be turned on by server owners.
The best attack to avoid cheaters are active server admins who know a lot about social engineering and have some insight into how cheats work, as well as developers who know how to actively combat loopholes.
The best thing I find is just keep f7 reporting anyone you think is cheating because in the last week I have gotten about 9 player's banned for cheating. I know it's not 100% they will get caught but if all the legit player's do it plus admins helping maybe we can all frustrate them enough to keep the amount of cheating down.
@@ramsey6839 would be nice if FP anticheat would work BEFORE a cheater would ruin hours of gaming experience for 10-100 players.. recoil macro or aimbot should not be that hard to stop. Let anticheat track ingame mouse movement and compare mouse travel distance compared from when you are just looking around to how much it moves when shooting with a weapon...
@fico5119 considering there are people with youtube channels dedicated to finding cheaters, I would think not. Also, I saw someone post a video on how to get around game bans, which doesn't help, so cheaters that do get banned just end up back in the game ruining it for the normal player. It's a waste of time that I won't be putting any more hours into anytime soon that's for sure.
Had a cheater send me to the tutorial screen in the middle of recycling and stole my stuff from the recycler. He was also preventing me from buying a boat in fishing village by spamming whatever was sending me to the tutorial screen. Really annoying that this is possible.
In rust , there are many ban waves now.They are banning cheater and scripter and scripts were like hard to detect. Hope they gonna ban those players who use logitech mouse script . Btw good video , earned sub.
@@justins1917How can it feel good to win and piss people off with cheats? It’s only satisfying if you make them rage with pure skill. I hope you’re a kid yourself cause an adult cheating at a game predominantly played by kids for the sake of schadenfreude is pretty pathetic.
This is complete Bull.. Facepunch knows that everytime a cheater is caught they can expect for that cheater to buy the game again and Facepunch makes more money. Why would they care about cheaters? Rust is a money grab. Good luck all, As much time as Facepunch has had, there should be very little cheating.
Rust has client side movement system (cheater can jump higher) but making it server-sided means more cost but secure. Idk how they implement thousands of player movement events for servers without lag?
Cheaters will forever be in the game, facepunch will try hard to make it look like they are 'combatting' it but ultimately theyre combatting more potential revenue. They will only truly hammer down alot kore when they are confident profits from cheaters can be elsewhere. Maybe these new DLCs theyre adding are initiative to this, possibly why they have began taking these extra efforts recently. Who knows
Actually they shouldn’t. They should keep farming these idiots for more money so they can improve the game. I think it’s funny as hell that these cheaters are so addicted to a game they are bad at that they’ll keep spending money to get back in just to cheat and get banned again.
@@LiliumCruoremcheaters usually buy stolen account with a few hundred hours already on it, fueling another problem : steam account theft through fishing .. No cheater wait for a rust discount to buy it again on a brand new steam account with 0 rust hours on it .. Also, a game ban is actually an hardware ban so you can play it again with the same pc unless you use a spoofer
your clearly misunderstanding. the fog of war is an anticheat tactic. nothing that can get exploited lmao people like you make me feel good about myself
@@PolarBeamedU bro its saying that it will not render players unless they are in “direct vision”. I can imagine an exploit that could quickly switch your client side location or something like that. I was a co dev for a priv rust cheat, i would know. Well actually they patched packet cheats but there are still ways to trick the client into moving your character in like a rubber bandey way that could abuse this “fog of war” thing. Unless they have really low tolerances but then it would not really be effective at stopping esp… so they have to fins a balence and limit max ping to join a server or something or detect weird movement and make it a flyhack kick or something but then that could kick people with high ping. So see there are many ways it could cause more problems than it fixes(paul is my personal acc ig i just got reccomended the same vid lol)
The most servers I found cheaters on was Facepunch servers, that's probably because they are not managed by any admins. Other officials I don't recall any cheaters in the last year. 4k+ hours.
@@maramark Lol. I am playing there. Even if they are there - they are getting banned within few hours. I also have my chat off for fps when I'm roaming. Last time I encountered a cheater on rustoria was I dunno, about 14 months ago and when I did report him in discord dude was banned straight away.
politicans need to realise how big gaming is and they just need to make it a legal issue. give the publisher/developeres some legal ground to go against either cheaters or the cheat developers and this shit would be a lot less cancer
Exactly. I've been saying this for months and there's always some jackass replying "Well it's expensive to sue and they wouldn't get much money from them" as if 10 cases alone wouldn't scare off thousands of cheaters. In the ideal world, it'd treated like a misdemeanor cyber crime with an easier path to suing and servers geo-restrict connections. In this world, the best we can hope for is geo-restrictions, which won't do much without enforcement against the native population.
@@spritemultipack you can force the internet providers to block the sites like they do with torrent/piracy sites. obv it would still be possible to access them but it would be way harder and it wouldnt be possible to do ads for them. a lot of people wouldnt go thru the trouble to buy them. Plus if it would be illegal from a legal standpoint it would limit payment option big times. Just from those 2 things you would cut a big chunk of cheaters. Next you could use this as a standpoint for harder punishments. Hardware ban what ever. On top just region lock ur games. If you get russians and chinese dogs out of most servers cheaters are down 90%
Turn servers invite only / private , with applacation ,.... private servers are the only way to deal with the cheaters , rdr2 , gta5 , cod ,ect . Zonfire , jemella ... first cheat engines for Diablo 1 and 2 , those first two are still copied today only names change and there are no anti cheats that work as stated. Take back controll of your time , go privet .
i havent played official in like 2 years and my team has been on vanilla lately and its actually a disgrace. 70% of the enemies we face are cheating its sad as fuck. borderline unplayable even to good players
That's just not true. While there are a lot of cheaters, it's nowhere near 70%. We mostly play fresh wipe vanilla servers and change server after 2 days. We usually see 2-3 cheaters per server, roughly.
It is 30% roughly that they know about 2m accs sold a couple years ago, 800k of them banned. That's just the ones that got caught, so probably a notably higher percent actually cheat
@@UrkaZerka That doesn't mean 30% of the playerbase is cheating. A legit player would only ever own 1 account whereas a cheater would repeatedly get banned and have to buy more accounts. Therefore those 800k banned accounts will be owned by way less than 800k individual players, probably as low as 50k or even less.
Most part of rust youbers and streamers use macro and dma, devs knows that but they don't do shit about it. You can notice they pvp gods stoping searching for more players at the right after killing certain amount of players, making excuses like "I think I heard someone" or "someone is there for sure" while using esp, using aimbot only when they need to win a clutch, check the pvpers youtubers making a play with old recoil and pay attention when they move the aim in the middle of the ak pray, 99% of the time they using macro or aimbot, there are also those who say "I'm solo" but his team is feeding him and defending him in a raid. And if they get banned, the server owner unban because it's a well know youtuber.😥There is no hope for leggit players in rust or most part of fps pvp games, let they fight against rage cheaters using 100 hours accounts. I can only imagine the rust devs which in the past went mad about brazilians using macro and being toxic with what become the rust community nowdays, what a shame.
I come across people all the time who are clearly cheating. Like it’s so blatant that they don’t even deny it anymore when you call them out in chat. The worst is aimbots/recoil macros. Esp is annoying. But if esp is all they use and they suck at the game it isn’t that big of an advantage. But I have had hundreds of encounters just this week where I catch someone offguard, with their backs turned and as soon as I start unloading on them in like 0.001 seconds they have spun around and unloaded a whole clip into my head. I take several month long breaks from rust regularly and I thought at first that my skills just diminished significantly. But after talking with friends and regulars on the servers I frequent it’s pretty much an open secret that a significant portion of the population of any given server are actively, blatantly cheating.
Good luck stopping all the high end DMA cheats. I understand not everyone can afford $500-$1,000 truly custom firmware, a second PC @ minimum $175 for miniPC, the DMA card itself which is like $150-$500 and then the monthly charge of $50-200. I know there are cheats that have had a literal 0 detection rate and have been running for over 4 years. I don’t see these going anyway, even the upcoming November update that’s supposed to get rid of ESP (the distance change that requires players to be within 100m) will be figured out within a few weeks. Radar will still work , you don’t even need ESP, an aimbot plus radar is devastating to non cheating players.
There’s a rumor going around that one of the developers might be collaborating with cheaters to provide them with hacks. My information is mostly secondhand, but I talked to a friend who specializes in catching cheaters, and this seems to be a common rumor among them. If a developer really is involved, it would explain many of the issues we’re seeing. Apparently, cheating companies are paying this developer to get inside information about upcoming cheat detection.
Just wow, such a educative video. Thank you so much.
Fog of War's technical term is called network culling. It is very difficult to pull off in a game like Rust that has a dynamic environment. Think of it this way, instead of the player's location being sent to the client whenever it needs to, it will only send the players location when they are in viewing distance on your viewport. So if they are behind a rock, they wont appear until they either reveal their location to you or if you rotate positions to find them. This would in theory eliminate all ESP efforts because locations are being rendered basically fully on the server side. There will be many bugs with it, and I don't see it being effective in the near future unless Rust can offer better server side performance and proper multithreading.
A fog of war would be equally as important for bases and probably a lot easier to implement
This warms my heart. I've one too many game's community die/dwindle due to cheats. Cheers!
Very well made video! Thank you for explaining how FP are trying to thwart hackers and cheaters
underrated video helping with my studies,ty!
Make cheating a misdemeanor, make an easy legal path to suing them, geo-block connections from countries where there's no legal recourse.
Also mandatory phone registration makes it way harder to use multiple accounts. That's basically what Dota2 did against smurf accounts.
@@Marine5D Fuck no. Every damn company on this planet doesn't need to have my phone number.
@@William0271 Well all secured ones do like banks, insurance, credit and internet providers. If you use Steam and bought the game - they already have it, so Rust just need to connect to that steam account with already registered account phone number. It's basically a 2 factor authentication system which i'm talking about.
@@William0271 They don't need your number, we need "middle man" one or more companies that know your number and can confirm that you have that number for all games.
eac ban policy needs to be changed my account got hacked and they cheated (unsure what server but presumably official cause i got banned less then an hour after being hacked) and despite the cheater living in russia i cannot appeal the ban despite the fact that i did nothing wrong. I don't use any websites besides youtube steam amazon gmail and sling tv so its not cookie log and they managed to turn of my mobile auth. Completely not my fault clearly steam had an issue but I get banned without being able to appeal??? It's be 60-ish days so i can almost play stevious again on my new account but the fact that this happened in the first place makes zero sense.
The cheating in rust is worse now than I’ve ever seen before
right its insane i was just playing on rusty mouse and i knew my neighbor was cheating cus he wound up on my house so i started recording and he literally shot me in the head in my stone house later he walked through my shotgun trap as a naked. was killable though i put 4 the next time lol
Great vid. Earned a sub!
very well made video
a good way to deter cheating is like arma 3 for example which encrypts every file the only reason arma 3 cheats exist is because the developers have left all developer level tools easily accesible to the community to create mods if rust goes fully encrypted it will indeed cause quite a storm within the cheating community
they are completely delusional about the cheaters percentage, even cheat devs acknowledged the percentage is close to 15-20% of the players. facepunch is completely detached from reality. I got players of 10 years accounts with real (not faked) 3k-7k hours banned after baiting the f**k out of them over multiple wipes. cheating problem will continue to soar until using cheats and developing cheats are criminalized with jail time and huge fines
The only thing this update does is make it slightly annoying to update cheats, it only slows down solo dev's by few hours. Also the FOW update will never be turned on by server owners.
The best attack to avoid cheaters are active server admins who know a lot about social engineering and have some insight into how cheats work, as well as developers who know how to actively combat loopholes.
The best thing I find is just keep f7 reporting anyone you think is cheating because in the last week I have gotten about 9 player's banned for cheating. I know it's not 100% they will get caught but if all the legit player's do it plus admins helping maybe we can all frustrate them enough to keep the amount of cheating down.
@@ramsey6839 would be nice if FP anticheat would work BEFORE a cheater would ruin hours of gaming experience for 10-100 players.. recoil macro or aimbot should not be that hard to stop. Let anticheat track ingame mouse movement and compare mouse travel distance compared from when you are just looking around to how much it moves when shooting with a weapon...
Stevious servers have very active admins
@@bboyx95 But these checks would have to be done on the already heavy loaded servers, otherwise they can get bypassed on the client.
@@bboyx95The problem is that anti-cheats are basically malware themselves.
these cinematics brought back all the memories
Biggest win vs cheaters would be just simply adding kill cam after a kill
for rust it would give too much info for your teammates
After almost 4000hrs in the game, the cheaters have finally beat me and Ive given up on this game. The cheater problem is just too much now.
oh i just bought the game. should i return it?
@fico5119 I wouldn't bother with it until they sort out the cheater problem.
@@younggamerteam9903 will they?
@fico5119 considering there are people with youtube channels dedicated to finding cheaters, I would think not. Also, I saw someone post a video on how to get around game bans, which doesn't help, so cheaters that do get banned just end up back in the game ruining it for the normal player.
It's a waste of time that I won't be putting any more hours into anytime soon that's for sure.
@@younggamerteam9903 well shi
IF you know what you are doing you can find the encryption key
@Jibblets"hacking" u wish skid
@Jibblets oldgen jibblets rust i didnt expect to see u here haha
lot of good info here ty
Had a cheater send me to the tutorial screen in the middle of recycling and stole my stuff from the recycler. He was also preventing me from buying a boat in fishing village by spamming whatever was sending me to the tutorial screen. Really annoying that this is possible.
Don’t think that’s how it works man…
nice vid man
up that mic quality solid vid
In rust , there are many ban waves now.They are banning cheater and scripter and scripts were like hard to detect. Hope they gonna ban those players who use logitech mouse script . Btw good video , earned sub.
I love cheating on rust kids get almost as mad on rust as on COD
@@justins1917How can it feel good to win and piss people off with cheats? It’s only satisfying if you make them rage with pure skill. I hope you’re a kid yourself cause an adult cheating at a game predominantly played by kids for the sake of schadenfreude is pretty pathetic.
Given the recoil update years ago, what could a mouse script even do?
@@William0271 no recoil
@@radovanh007 Pretty much any gaming mouse could do that though so why call out Logitech?
Camomo is our only hope
Unity does support C++ as well. But for workflow reasons its rarely used. Perhaps part of the code could benefit from being in c++
@Internet_User_0x0000 well its c++
This is complete Bull.. Facepunch knows that everytime a cheater is caught they can expect for that cheater to buy the game again and Facepunch makes more money. Why would they care about cheaters? Rust is a money grab. Good luck all, As much time as Facepunch has had, there should be very little cheating.
Apparently Facepunch has no admins on any servers, which is basic practice on common official servers.
Who's gonna pay them? lol.
very good video, the only downside is that this is a cheat account 💀💀💀
goated video
Rust has client side movement system (cheater can jump higher) but making it server-sided means more cost but secure. Idk how they implement thousands of player movement events for servers without lag?
Cheaters will forever be in the game, facepunch will try hard to make it look like they are 'combatting' it but ultimately theyre combatting more potential revenue. They will only truly hammer down alot kore when they are confident profits from cheaters can be elsewhere. Maybe these new DLCs theyre adding are initiative to this, possibly why they have began taking these extra efforts recently. Who knows
They could start by stop having the constant game sales giving banned cheaters a cheap way back in constantly!
shouldn’t have to punish people who want to play the game who can’t afford it
Actually they shouldn’t. They should keep farming these idiots for more money so they can improve the game. I think it’s funny as hell that these cheaters are so addicted to a game they are bad at that they’ll keep spending money to get back in just to cheat and get banned again.
@@LiliumCruoremcheaters usually buy stolen account with a few hundred hours already on it, fueling another problem : steam account theft through fishing ..
No cheater wait for a rust discount to buy it again on a brand new steam account with 0 rust hours on it ..
Also, a game ban is actually an hardware ban so you can play it again with the same pc unless you use a spoofer
the "fog of war" is def gonna be exploited prob some invisibility cheat or something similar
your clearly misunderstanding. the fog of war is an anticheat tactic. nothing that can get exploited lmao people like you make me feel good about myself
@@PolarBeamedU bro its saying that it will not render players unless they are in “direct vision”. I can imagine an exploit that could quickly switch your client side location or something like that. I was a co dev for a priv rust cheat, i would know. Well actually they patched packet cheats but there are still ways to trick the client into moving your character in like a rubber bandey way that could abuse this “fog of war” thing. Unless they have really low tolerances but then it would not really be effective at stopping esp… so they have to fins a balence and limit max ping to join a server or something or detect weird movement and make it a flyhack kick or something but then that could kick people with high ping. So see there are many ways it could cause more problems than it fixes(paul is my personal acc ig i just got reccomended the same vid lol)
maybe advanced AI software could be the ultimate solution to counter these nasty cheaters....
The most servers I found cheaters on was Facepunch servers, that's probably because they are not managed by any admins. Other officials I don't recall any cheaters in the last year. 4k+ hours.
you dont know there cheating then lol. 1 in 20 players actively cheat, 1 in 10 have game bans
@@CreamyRust Like I said, didnt encounter any obvious cheaters. Non obvious either.
Play on high pop like rustoria and read the chat. Cheaters getting banned once every 10 minutes
@@maramark Lol. I am playing there. Even if they are there - they are getting banned within few hours. I also have my chat off for fps when I'm roaming. Last time I encountered a cheater on rustoria was I dunno, about 14 months ago and when I did report him in discord dude was banned straight away.
@@SHAAAaaaOLiiiiN the cheater problem in rust is massive. That is a simple fact.
So why doesnt it have any audio?
There's audio in the video, please, check your headphones.
Its a survival game...that means surviving cheaters too..
Sounds good, but the game still has tons of cheaters. Not sure how this is helping at all.
politicans need to realise how big gaming is and they just need to make it a legal issue. give the publisher/developeres some legal ground to go against either cheaters or the cheat developers and this shit would be a lot less cancer
Reselling keys to those who they ban is too much money
not gonna be able to do shit against devs cause theyre mostly from russia ,
Exactly. I've been saying this for months and there's always some jackass replying "Well it's expensive to sue and they wouldn't get much money from them" as if 10 cases alone wouldn't scare off thousands of cheaters. In the ideal world, it'd treated like a misdemeanor cyber crime with an easier path to suing and servers geo-restrict connections. In this world, the best we can hope for is geo-restrictions, which won't do much without enforcement against the native population.
@@spritemultipack you can force the internet providers to block the sites like they do with torrent/piracy sites. obv it would still be possible to access them but it would be way harder and it wouldnt be possible to do ads for them. a lot of people wouldnt go thru the trouble to buy them. Plus if it would be illegal from a legal standpoint it would limit payment option big times. Just from those 2 things you would cut a big chunk of cheaters. Next you could use this as a standpoint for harder punishments. Hardware ban what ever. On top just region lock ur games. If you get russians and chinese dogs out of most servers cheaters are down 90%
Goated vid
Lucky for me, I never play multi-player games so I don't have to deal with smooth brained a-holes.
Im pretty sure this patch was bypassed by most cheaters in about 2 weeks.... but its true how effective the patch was. W video tho
@kuhteel yh unfortunately
No shot you faked your own death dylan
No, we used AI to recreate his voice and bring him back for one last run.
damn but i still get notifications that i got cheaters banned so
where in the video did he say you would stop getting notifications when someone you reported gets banned😂
@@PolarBeamedU damn dude did i say anything about the video?? no so get off your high horse.
so why say "but" and "so" as if your arguing his claim lmao. hit grammar school then just maybe we can talk high horse
@@PolarBeamedU the fact you went out of your way to reply to my comment is enough but alright cope more.
@@TokoFoSho You should get a brain scan ASAP. Something is NOT right up there.
No, we used AI to recreate his voice and bring him back for one last run.
@@ignitepub uh huh sure
Turn servers invite only / private , with applacation ,.... private servers are the only way to deal with the cheaters , rdr2 , gta5 , cod ,ect . Zonfire , jemella ... first cheat engines for Diablo 1 and 2 , those first two are still copied today only names change and there are no anti cheats that work as stated. Take back controll of your time , go privet .
i havent played official in like 2 years and my team has been on vanilla lately and its actually a disgrace. 70% of the enemies we face are cheating its sad as fuck. borderline unplayable even to good players
That's just not true. While there are a lot of cheaters, it's nowhere near 70%. We mostly play fresh wipe vanilla servers and change server after 2 days. We usually see 2-3 cheaters per server, roughly.
70% our ass, kid...
I prefer go cheat on official cause it's so easy to steamroll some kids, if im playing on community i just be low key, usually works like a charm
It is 30% roughly that they know about 2m accs sold a couple years ago, 800k of them banned. That's just the ones that got caught, so probably a notably higher percent actually cheat
@@UrkaZerka That doesn't mean 30% of the playerbase is cheating. A legit player would only ever own 1 account whereas a cheater would repeatedly get banned and have to buy more accounts. Therefore those 800k banned accounts will be owned by way less than 800k individual players, probably as low as 50k or even less.
Most part of rust youbers and streamers use macro and dma, devs knows that but they don't do shit about it. You can notice they pvp gods stoping searching for more players at the right after killing certain amount of players, making excuses like "I think I heard someone" or "someone is there for sure" while using esp, using aimbot only when they need to win a clutch, check the pvpers youtubers making a play with old recoil and pay attention when they move the aim in the middle of the ak pray, 99% of the time they using macro or aimbot, there are also those who say "I'm solo" but his team is feeding him and defending him in a raid. And if they get banned, the server owner unban because it's a well know youtuber.😥There is no hope for leggit players in rust or most part of fps pvp games, let they fight against rage cheaters using 100 hours accounts. I can only imagine the rust devs which in the past went mad about brazilians using macro and being toxic with what become the rust community nowdays, what a shame.
I come across people all the time who are clearly cheating. Like it’s so blatant that they don’t even deny it anymore when you call them out in chat. The worst is aimbots/recoil macros. Esp is annoying. But if esp is all they use and they suck at the game it isn’t that big of an advantage. But I have had hundreds of encounters just this week where I catch someone offguard, with their backs turned and as soon as I start unloading on them in like 0.001 seconds they have spun around and unloaded a whole clip into my head. I take several month long breaks from rust regularly and I thought at first that my skills just diminished significantly. But after talking with friends and regulars on the servers I frequent it’s pretty much an open secret that a significant portion of the population of any given server are actively, blatantly cheating.
Good luck stopping all the high end DMA cheats.
I understand not everyone can afford $500-$1,000 truly custom firmware, a second PC @ minimum $175 for miniPC, the DMA card itself which is like $150-$500 and then the monthly charge of $50-200.
I know there are cheats that have had a literal 0 detection rate and have been running for over 4 years.
I don’t see these going anyway, even the upcoming November update that’s supposed to get rid of ESP (the distance change that requires players to be within 100m) will be figured out within a few weeks.
Radar will still work , you don’t even need ESP, an aimbot plus radar is devastating to non cheating players.
I heard about DMA last week and pretty much UKN players are full of them!!
No luck needed.
100% cheat devs have systems that can recompile machine code into assembly code.
Assembly code is machine code.
@@ignitepub yeah ok
@Internet_User_0x0000 ikr. 2 second Google says I'm right
They cheat because i am too good at pvp :)
we also need more admins , i f7 report a cheatter he got banned after one mounth
he occupied your mind for an entire month. so he won
dylan faked his death to start making rust content confirmed.
No, we used AI to recreate his voice and bring him back for one last run.
@@ignitepub incredible use of technology
dylan voice over from the grave
There’s a rumor going around that one of the developers might be collaborating with cheaters to provide them with hacks. My information is mostly secondhand, but I talked to a friend who specializes in catching cheaters, and this seems to be a common rumor among them. If a developer really is involved, it would explain many of the issues we’re seeing. Apparently, cheating companies are paying this developer to get inside information about upcoming cheat detection.
I really doubt about it.
Meow :3
Superficial analysis.
Then make a better one or just stfu and keep watching TH-cam video.