Only made it a few seconds in till you turned that camera around as you hopped off that bus before I hit the comments section Nick! Always great to see another 11.190 surviving these days, especially one that is still carrying my then local company Valley Flyer's purple and orange paintwork. Hoping that in the not too distant future I can grab one for myself from one of the few places that still operate them when they come up for sale, and probably put too much money into restoring it 😂I've got a feeling that bus preservation will never will be a cheap hobby!
Only made it a few seconds in till you turned that camera around as you hopped off that bus before I hit the comments section Nick! Always great to see another 11.190 surviving these days, especially one that is still carrying my then local company Valley Flyer's purple and orange paintwork.
Hoping that in the not too distant future I can grab one for myself from one of the few places that still operate them when they come up for sale, and probably put too much money into restoring it 😂I've got a feeling that bus preservation will never will be a cheap hobby!
The pinky after the famous kiwi chocolate bar
Giday Nick hows it going mate, shes got a bit of a tick going on.
Hi Albert , ya it’s in need of a new head gaskett, manageable for local work.
Stagecoach drivers seat
Stagecoach operated them :)
Has to be Dora - named after the kids show Dora the Explorer. Dora wore purple and orange and travelled all over!
Like it !!
What’s your favourite bus Nick?
Gidday . Volvo B12B