How to play the different type of Top laners properly at all stages of the game. (eg. Team fighters, Split Pushers, Lane Bullies), Im not gonna point fingers, but Aatrox kinda confusing on what he's supposed to be doing for plat- players :/
Actually there are two. 1. CS for 20 minutes and go 0/0/0 because you and your enemy are playing tanks and neither of you have a jungler 2. Win or lose depending on who’s ADC is feeding
Ganking tanks is quite meh, ornn and such champions don't really rely on having a good early game to be useful in the later stages, and the dragon souls are something. I get most heralds because in low elo, no one fights over heralds anyway, so you don't even need top prio to get it. Toplaners never collapse, even when you ping them anyway, be it for scuttlecrabs, counter ganks on the jungler in the river, or objectives.
Andrei Stan the problem is an all in from a tank deals like 60% of the other guy’s max hp and that percentage gets lower and lower further into the game
Stage 1: Pick a normal top laner Stage 2: Get nuked by an Ornn with 0 offensive items. Stage 3: Watch how Ornn escapes alive a gank in which you and your jungler spend 20 seconds hitting him to leave him with 50% health.
I think the biggest takeaway from this video is "don't fight the natural flow of the lane when there's no obvious play to be made". Do you mind elaborating on the idea of this video when you take into account things like permafreezing and choosing the best time to teleport?
Look to permafreeze near tower when you know jg is topside (no play to be made) also ideally when your mid isn't pushed too far up so your opponent doesn't just walk mid and kill your midlaner. Plates on towers are crazy value tho so dont mix up your priorities. Best time to teleport is when you've just crashed the wave after the aggression phase, into their tower. It means the wave will push back and you will be able to collect it by the time you return to your tower. Remember while their wave is pushing back, they need to be there or they miss out on a wave and you have a gold/xp lead.
I would like you to make a "How to finish games" in low elos guide. Lastly I lost to games which we were 30vs17 or something like that but they ace and end the game. It would be great thank you :)
Go for ending games. Stop being braindead and choosing to take Baron/Dragon when you ace them in mid game. Get an inhibitor while someone split pushes botlane. Next time you ace them you take both inhibitors, and end. If you dont have time to end. Push both lanes in and rush baron. Then recall and go 5 together with super minions and end it. Fuck the dragon, fuck the buffs, just go and end it. And stop chasing kills. They are just making you chase them so you dont go Inhibitor. Fuck the kills get the inhibitors and nexus.
Try to get objectives if u win early . Just getting kills and not trying to close the game , gives enemy team time to scale and if they have better team composition they will win
make use of death timers, after a pick or good teamfight, tkae the nearest objective - this might be mid t2, dragon, baron, etc. don't let your team split up here communication is key. also ward for objective timers and stay grouped for teamfights, don't waltz into a 4v5 because you didn't notice your top laner recall to clear 3 cannon minions at your inhib turret. show up early to objectives, don't get caught rushing ahead of your team to dragon only to get turned on by all 5 when they finish it - either fight as 5 or give it up if you can't make it. keep your eyes on the minimap for backdoors, this happens a lot at low elos. biggest thing is just coordinating with your team.
My god this is crazy valuable. I never quite slow push for some reason, I just shove every wave when I'm ahead while suffering to huge minion waves and getting dived when I'm behind
This content is actually what most laners should really really focus to improve and it works for both solo lanes. Really interesting take on the subject and really well presented, congrats @Skill Capped!
support is like mid the only difference is that you don't farm and you have to keep vision around so for trading simply follow the same mid lane basics.
I watched this video and somehow i noticed myself playing tangibly better in the next games that play, wich never happens after i watch videos like these. Thanks skillcapped!
Honestly the Nasus example is really specific. He is pretty far behind with terrible itemizattion in a matchup he loses early on and taking extended trades into Lifesteal and Conqueror. If the matchup was a bit more even, or the Nasus had decent items, he would've probably won the trade even if only half of his wave was hitting you.
??? But that is precisely the point? He said that in that situation, Nasus can't do that, and explains why... Of course that in a more even matchup and if it wasn't early in the game he could've done better. Were you expecting to see something that you follow like a formula and works 100% of the time independently of the context?
@@ric6611 No, i was expecting something that follows what the video was about, more or less. Nasus has a pushing wave and thus he can play forward with it, knowing that he can stop the trade whenever he wants by retreating towards the wave, Even with the same exact champions if Nasus didnt buy DShield Boots Dagger but Corrupting double Cloth the same exact trade is correct because it follows the "play aggressive when pushing, play passive when getting pushed" concept that is the entire point of the video. Instead he is behind and with terrible itemization (1000 gold spent vs 1850) and when he kites back into his minions he kinda gets oneshot.and the Jax can easily tank it thanks to sustain. Looking at the position i entirely expected the Nasus play to be correct, got shocked when he died, looked back and the items and realized i got scammed. This is an example of how important is spending your Gold with good items, not of how to properly play with your wave, if they were close in external power (power that comes from Runes, Items and so on) Jax jumping into his wave would've been straight up Int.
Does Camille rly lose to renek lol 1? She has 2 autoattack resets w true dmg and the passive shield, he has zero fury. She stacks conqueror much faster for the all in with aa reset, if she has press the attack she can proc it real fast with aaQaa and tank whatever he can trade back with her shield.
On the nasus vs jax one i disagree about that one, jax has a mechanic that he can ignore minion wave size with his E and still win trades in situations where enemie has big wave as long as he drops agro as soon his E runs out, you win that trade cause you did that, he didnt hard chase, you just cheesed his minions with your E, wich is a diferent topic of the one you were talking in the video.
Can you make a top lane champ scaling guide? Or a matchup guide? I'm a newer player and I understand some early game champs like Darius and Pantheon and some are late game like Kayle, but it's harder to know all of the matchups. Some kind of list, maybe even by archetype would be really cool (tanks, bruisers, juggs, ranged etc.). Like I'm not sure how all the tanks scale compared to each other. I know Ornn and Malphite scale up hard but I'm unsure on others like Maokai and Shen. For example I mostly play Poppy and Yorick. Theres a lot of matchups I understand I can win early on Poppy (Irelia, Riven, Fiora, Renekton) Yorick kinda scales up more after level 6, but he has way different matchups so I play passive early then punish (matchups like Shen, Darius, Ranged tops). Idk if that makes sense but I think it would be useful content. Knowing which champs are weaker early to punish them would help. And knowing who to play safe against. Thanks in advance.
5:06 also you dont want to trade there bcs rene is looking to reset there since the wave is crushed so any trade at all will end up forcing you in a rly bad spot
She has pretty good trades with her shield and e aoe, but against top lane bullies she just gets run down I think. She can also get a little bit tanky as a bruiser and has a decent lvl 6.
@@deathrex3120 but what, you literally have one side sealed off, how is it easiest to gank. You probably just don't ward and needlessly walk up like a true hashinshin fan
Here is the guide if your enemy is playing melee champion: Stage 1: Pick jugernaut (basically tank that deals as much damage as adc, Urgot, Sett, Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser, Illaoi) Stage 2: push the wave as much as possible Stage 3: wait for enemy jungler to gank Stage 4: Get that double kill
6:52 i need to ask you something, he has a way bigger wave right, the next wave is closer to him ,that means his wave will get even bigger ,cant you just let him push so he misses out cs and let the wave crush under your tower? im still learning top that's why im here
@@1Akanan1 mcbaze like LS is the epitome of "those who cannot do, teach." For some reason, they suck too much to get highest elo, even though they know the best choices. So Mcbaze will forever be GM and LS D3
can someone explain how the tower's third shot changed to the cannon when he was diving rene? i keep watching it and i'm so confused, he should have 100% died there? @ 6:16
See if I'm ever jungler, I just assume the toplaner in my games watches ProGuides. It's not my fault that I sometimes don't gank an enemy tank with 3000 more health than me.
@@nic.h I play both tank and enchanter support, I just want to know if there was a better way to help the jungler as a support aside from the obvious warding and the like.
@@KingChocobo Pink in dragon pit. Ward in bush behind enemy Red. Keep adc alive, we know they are trigger happy inters 70% of the games. Have the adc Shove in a lane when you see a Dragon coming up so you can come and help with Drake. Then just stay focused so you can see oppurtunities to roam mid when we're pathing there or into enemy jg if we're in trouble while counter jungling. In mid ward up the enemy Bot jg In late ward up the enemy top jg for Baron vision.
just got permanently banned 5 days ago 7/15/20. so mad at myself for being toxic. should’ve muted and just played. i was so close to promos and everytime i’m 1 win away i lose and get a team that trolls/ints. i get banned for being toxic, but players who int/troll the whole game don’t. what is this? their automated ban/report system is so flawed. they just find keywords. i had a 0/11 volibear jg running it down mid and a jhin just inting. all my time, hard work and grinding and i’ve had this account for 5 years is all gone. i feel like permanently banned accounts should get one last chance at redemption.
It's very situational. Generally you don't want to go all in unless you know that the enemy jungler can't gank you unless you can kill your opponent. If the wave is big and your champ is strong it can be good to 1 v 2. Then you usually want to stand in the wave and fight (and not ran away from it towards the tower). You really have to try different scenarios to find out. Warding is also helpfull ;) Placing deeper wards usually saves you more often sence you have more time to get away after spoting the jungler.
this guide is nice and all but it only helps in very narrow circumstances. if you play against a lane bully like darius he doesnt care whether or not you have 2 additional minions or 4. he will all in and kill you just because his kit is better in lane.
The best advice i can give you is pratice how to drag the ennemy minions elsewhere than in your tower face. For example if there's 3 casters and 1 melee walking to your tower and you have no minions but your next wave is coming soon , you can tank the ennemy minions and wait close to your tower side so that they dont get hit by the tower. by doing this you make ennemy wave stronger than yours, so that it will always push to you. If you want to perma freeze repeat this process every wave, if you dont want to freeze anymore just let it crash to your tower. But tanking the minions everytime isnt always worth depending of much you loosd hp To resume, wave management is mostly a feeling you get from experience and some knowledge. The key is to manipulating well both waves power by playing between 2 playstyles : last hitting at the last moment and fast killing some minions, you just have to make sure the ennemy wave isnt too big or too small, if it is too big it will destroys your wave and also you if you want to tank/drag it away, so it ends up crashing entirely to your tower. If ennemy wave is too small, 2 casters for example, then they'll be killed almost instantly by your incoming wave who will arrive faster than the ennemy incoming wave, thus creating 2 almost equals wave fighting each other. The most common mistake is to push a wave really fast, and it ends up being 3 melee into tower range and your 3 casters out of the tower range, doing this you give a free freeze to youd opponent because he's gonna tank these 3 casters to make it fight its next incoming wave. Thats why you always want to crash your wave into the tower entirely.
In my game, I have generally this : I'm the Toplaner. I win or loose but never hard in the last case. I play safe and try to not be too much behind. Then, the laning phase end and I see that my mates (strangers ofc) are loosing hard... What can I do ? Even if I'm ahead, I can't kill an adc with 4 kills, protect by his support. Hopefully, it's not every game like that but at least 80% of them... I like this game but I'm starting to doubt if I will clim or even have fun at least...
Secret phase: Wave is frozen and enemy laner can bully you out for gold,exp and even kill you if you try to break the freeze. This phase will be available to big brain top laners.
If the enemy freezes it means you did not stack enough minions to pressure your opponent into tower, or you are playing something with 0 early power (like kayle, but even then you can still outplay your opponent early with enough minions) in which case exp is still good enough.
Gøer plus eventually the wave has to bounce back, it may stay on their side for a while, but if it’s just them hitting the minions it’ll bring a far wave to your side for you to farm, tho yeah you will need to figure out how to either hold the wave or get as much CS as you can when it crashes
What top lane guide do we make next? :D having a brainstorm week at SC so ideas are more welcome than ever!
Proper TP usage.
pls do a jungle tracking guide for top lane
and when to tp especially for bot lane fights
How to play the different type of Top laners properly at all stages of the game. (eg. Team fighters, Split Pushers, Lane Bullies), Im not gonna point fingers, but Aatrox kinda confusing on what he's supposed to be doing for plat- players :/
whats the background music called?
More macro plays in top lane will be great
1. Feed first blood
2. Tp back and die from a lvl 3 gank
3. "Jng diff!"
**Proud Hashinshin noises**
Screams in hashinshin
@@BoloVaboParashHaro *Proud Hashinshin noises*
i do that soooo says a lot about me
5. Profit
"All deaths are Jungle Diff"
Darius has 3 phases:
1. Aggression phase
2. Aggression phase
3. Kill phase
1. First blood
2. Double kill
3. Top diff ggez ff
Unless he's against Tahm Kench. Against Tahm Kench, Darius himself gets Darius'ed
1. Aggression phase
2. Kill phase
3. Buy phase
Repeat. GGez top diff
Actually darius is really good at punishing freezes and having a long space to run the enemy down with ghost
Federal Bureau of Degenerate investigation I mean, if you do just give first blood, it’s kinda a top diff
Actually there are two.
1. CS for 20 minutes and go 0/0/0 because you and your enemy are playing tanks and neither of you have a jungler
2. Win or lose depending on who’s ADC is feeding
Ganking tanks is quite meh, ornn and such champions don't really rely on having a good early game to be useful in the later stages, and the dragon souls are something. I get most heralds because in low elo, no one fights over heralds anyway, so you don't even need top prio to get it. Toplaners never collapse, even when you ping them anyway, be it for scuttlecrabs, counter ganks on the jungler in the river, or objectives.
Even in Tank vs Tank matchup (somehow 0 junglers gank scenario) there will be some kills. Name a top tank who has no dmg
Or be a chad and take fiora, dealing %90 health based true damage and make it an 4v5 because enemy ragequitsxD
Andrei Stan the problem is an all in from a tank deals like 60% of the other guy’s max hp and that percentage gets lower and lower further into the game
Late season 7/early season 8 in a nutshell
Can't believe this is free to watch, thank you so much guyz your content is amazing
Stage 1: Pick a normal top laner
Stage 2: Get nuked by an Ornn with 0 offensive items.
Stage 3: Watch how Ornn escapes alive a gank in which you and your jungler spend 20 seconds hitting him to leave him with 50% health.
Because of the %maxhp on his brittle I assume
I think the biggest takeaway from this video is "don't fight the natural flow of the lane when there's no obvious play to be made".
Do you mind elaborating on the idea of this video when you take into account things like permafreezing and choosing the best time to teleport?
Look to permafreeze near tower when you know jg is topside (no play to be made) also ideally when your mid isn't pushed too far up so your opponent doesn't just walk mid and kill your midlaner. Plates on towers are crazy value tho so dont mix up your priorities. Best time to teleport is when you've just crashed the wave after the aggression phase, into their tower. It means the wave will push back and you will be able to collect it by the time you return to your tower. Remember while their wave is pushing back, they need to be there or they miss out on a wave and you have a gold/xp lead.
I would like you to make a "How to finish games" in low elos guide. Lastly I lost to games which we were 30vs17 or something like that but they ace and end the game. It would be great thank you :)
Fact I need the knowledge on how to close out games
Go for ending games.
Stop being braindead and choosing to take Baron/Dragon when you ace them in mid game.
Get an inhibitor while someone split pushes botlane.
Next time you ace them you take both inhibitors, and end.
If you dont have time to end. Push both lanes in and rush baron. Then recall and go 5 together with super minions and end it.
Fuck the dragon, fuck the buffs, just go and end it.
And stop chasing kills. They are just making you chase them so you dont go Inhibitor.
Fuck the kills get the inhibitors and nexus.
BiGamer 196 u just lost because of death timers
Try to get objectives if u win early . Just getting kills and not trying to close the game , gives enemy team time to scale and if they have better team composition they will win
make use of death timers, after a pick or good teamfight, tkae the nearest objective - this might be mid t2, dragon, baron, etc. don't let your team split up here communication is key. also ward for objective timers and stay grouped for teamfights, don't waltz into a 4v5 because you didn't notice your top laner recall to clear 3 cannon minions at your inhib turret. show up early to objectives, don't get caught rushing ahead of your team to dragon only to get turned on by all 5 when they finish it - either fight as 5 or give it up if you can't make it. keep your eyes on the minimap for backdoors, this happens a lot at low elos. biggest thing is just coordinating with your team.
My god this is crazy valuable. I never quite slow push for some reason, I just shove every wave when I'm ahead while suffering to huge minion waves and getting dived when I'm behind
1st phase: 1v1 and lose
2nd phase: waste tp and afk farm for 20min
3rd phase: tries to 1v5 and goes 1/10
This content is actually what most laners should really really focus to improve and it works for both solo lanes. Really interesting take on the subject and really well presented, congrats @Skill Capped!
I regularly feed in top lane, so thanks for the tips! I realized that it was bad grades and lack of management, so this solves it!
Name of background music, please Skilled Capped? - Day 44
You really nailed this introduction to top lane. Better then other xD
Just transferred top from supp/adc on a smurf for fun and this is sooo incredibly useful
make something about supports
Yeah lmao, all the support content is “roam and ward lol”
support is like mid the only difference is that you don't farm and you have to keep vision around
so for trading simply follow the same mid lane basics.
@@jollyspices9792 they have enchantress support guide dude
This is simple yet still very awesome! I love this channel
Thanks for not editing in 60 frames seconds, I can watch in HD with my poor bandwidth !
This is the best lol guide that i can understand as a total newb.
I watched this video and somehow i noticed myself playing tangibly better in the next games that play, wich never happens after i watch videos like these. Thanks skillcapped!
This is actually reaaly usefull. Ty.
Easy and well summarized way to have a better laning phase.
Hey guys, can you make a guide on how to figure out a gameplan. Or do you have a table of matchups with general gameplans or something like this?
Thank you for the video I was really looking forward to it keep doing good
Honestly the Nasus example is really specific. He is pretty far behind with terrible itemizattion in a matchup he loses early on and taking extended trades into Lifesteal and Conqueror. If the matchup was a bit more even, or the Nasus had decent items, he would've probably won the trade even if only half of his wave was hitting you.
??? But that is precisely the point? He said that in that situation, Nasus can't do that, and explains why... Of course that in a more even matchup and if it wasn't early in the game he could've done better. Were you expecting to see something that you follow like a formula and works 100% of the time independently of the context?
@@ric6611 No, i was expecting something that follows what the video was about, more or less. Nasus has a pushing wave and thus he can play forward with it, knowing that he can stop the trade whenever he wants by retreating towards the wave, Even with the same exact champions if Nasus didnt buy DShield Boots Dagger but Corrupting double Cloth the same exact trade is correct because it follows the "play aggressive when pushing, play passive when getting pushed" concept that is the entire point of the video. Instead he is behind and with terrible itemization (1000 gold spent vs 1850) and when he kites back into his minions he kinda gets oneshot.and the Jax can easily tank it thanks to sustain.
Looking at the position i entirely expected the Nasus play to be correct, got shocked when he died, looked back and the items and realized i got scammed. This is an example of how important is spending your Gold with good items, not of how to properly play with your wave, if they were close in external power (power that comes from Runes, Items and so on) Jax jumping into his wave would've been straight up Int.
Thank yoy for the helpful tips and tricks. As a dumb top laner, this absolutely helped most of my mistakes
I was starting a game as i watched. Crush early game th to wave management. Got FB and ez recall.
Does Camille rly lose to renek lol 1?
She has 2 autoattack resets w true dmg and the passive shield, he has zero fury.
She stacks conqueror much faster for the all in with aa reset, if she has press the attack she can proc it real fast with aaQaa and tank whatever he can trade back with her shield.
This was explained soo good
0:33 that's assuming you don't vs darius or don't play a champ with a slightly weaker laning phase than another one
hey skill caped! have you ever considered using a coins system so we can buy and watch just the content we want?
Me: I have minion lead I should win
Darius: stacks up passive and gets free BF sword, smashing my ass.
On the nasus vs jax one i disagree about that one, jax has a mechanic that he can ignore minion wave size with his E and still win trades in situations where enemie has big wave as long as he drops agro as soon his E runs out, you win that trade cause you did that, he didnt hard chase, you just cheesed his minions with your E, wich is a diferent topic of the one you were talking in the video.
amazing content, thank you
Can you make a top lane champ scaling guide? Or a matchup guide?
I'm a newer player and I understand some early game champs like Darius and Pantheon and some are late game like Kayle, but it's harder to know all of the matchups.
Some kind of list, maybe even by archetype would be really cool (tanks, bruisers, juggs, ranged etc.). Like I'm not sure how all the tanks scale compared to each other. I know Ornn and Malphite scale up hard but I'm unsure on others like Maokai and Shen.
For example I mostly play Poppy and Yorick. Theres a lot of matchups I understand I can win early on Poppy (Irelia, Riven, Fiora, Renekton) Yorick kinda scales up more after level 6, but he has way different matchups so I play passive early then punish (matchups like Shen, Darius, Ranged tops).
Idk if that makes sense but I think it would be useful content. Knowing which champs are weaker early to punish them would help. And knowing who to play safe against.
Thanks in advance.
this is your best video
5:06 also you dont want to trade there bcs rene is looking to reset there since the wave is crushed so any trade at all will end up forcing you in a rly bad spot
I'm curious, is Vi top genuinely viable as a top laner, or was this a "smurf is smurfing" champion pick?
Vi mid is a thing
She has pretty good trades with her shield and e aoe, but against top lane bullies she just gets run down I think. She can also get a little bit tanky as a bruiser and has a decent lvl 6.
@@vinisherdaotaku3241 her q is a good escape so hard to gank
Vinisher Da Otaku go figure, for the lane bully at least
2:06 “For the sake of the video we’re not including jungler interaction” yeah... Bc toplane is an Island and the jungler never interacts lmao
Laughs in duo abusers*
bot loses mid loses you are the only winning lane so now you have constant ganks from suport mid and jungler :D
@@irek1394 The worst is when top and bot lose as a mid laner. You get collapsed by 5 people from all angles because mid is such a convenient lane.
Good joke, but toplane is the easiest to gank. In my games as a toplaner both jungers are toplane at least 2-3 times
@@deathrex3120 but what, you literally have one side sealed off, how is it easiest to gank. You probably just don't ward and needlessly walk up like a true hashinshin fan
I love Mcbaze's voice :D
Here is the guide if your enemy is playing melee champion:
Stage 1: Pick jugernaut (basically tank that deals as much damage as adc, Urgot, Sett, Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser, Illaoi)
Stage 2: push the wave as much as possible
Stage 3: wait for enemy jungler to gank
Stage 4: Get that double kill
*more dmg then adc
Or get camped, feed, and blame jungle because you're top.
Source: Guy who plays jungle and top
So when do I freeze the lane?
1:22 voicecrack got me
6:52 i need to ask you something, he has a way bigger wave right, the next wave is closer to him ,that means his wave will get even bigger ,cant you just let him push so he misses out cs and let the wave crush under your tower? im still learning top that's why im here
Why Mcbaze is playing top? He become a thing he swore to destroy.
Bro that line reminds me of Pianta
These guys play every role, otherwise they wouldn't be challenger smurfs
@@TheRighteousDawn McBaze isnt challenger.
@@1Akanan1 mcbaze like LS is the epitome of "those who cannot do, teach." For some reason, they suck too much to get highest elo, even though they know the best choices. So Mcbaze will forever be GM and LS D3
can someone explain how the tower's third shot changed to the cannon when he was diving rene? i keep watching it and i'm so confused, he should have 100% died there? @ 6:16
Ghandy kozman camille ult makes her untargetable for a second when she flies up in the air, thus she drops tower agro and it targets the cannon.
I’ll at least agree with you
Could this be applied to bot lane as well?
The ten death power spike, the coinflip, and the ff20
7:45 is like somebody turned the lights on
Step 1: Ban Teemo
Step 2: Pick Vayne
Step 3: Hardcounter 95% of top lane champions
Step 4: get shit on when you reach silver 2
İf the enemy jungler has an iq over 3 he should make your life misrable
Twana Kawa don’t forget Doran’s shield and second wind
Can you do matchup specific trading on garen
See if I'm ever jungler, I just assume the toplaner in my games watches ProGuides. It's not my fault that I sometimes don't gank an enemy tank with 3000 more health than me.
wrong channel
*SACRILEGE* ProGuides has nothing on yaboi
The 3 phases of Singed:
1. The proxy phase
2. The runaway phase
3. The 2nd proxy phase
Very nice video man¡¡ I like it
Can you make a guide on how to help your jungler as a support?
What sort of support? Tank, poke, roaming etc? I'm sure there would be common things like vision placement and priority admittedly.
@@nic.h I play both tank and enchanter support, I just want to know if there was a better way to help the jungler as a support aside from the obvious warding and the like.
@@KingChocobo Pink in dragon pit.
Ward in bush behind enemy Red.
Keep adc alive, we know they are trigger happy inters 70% of the games.
Have the adc Shove in a lane when you see a Dragon coming up so you can come and help with Drake.
Then just stay focused so you can see oppurtunities to roam mid when we're pathing there or into enemy jg if we're in trouble while counter jungling.
In mid ward up the enemy Bot jg
In late ward up the enemy top jg for Baron vision.
Bro you don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment legit there is no top lane guides
made my day❤️
1.) Sleeper fest
2.) Jungler might do scuttlecrab but you stay and farm
3.) Sleeper fest
make something about JUNGELS!!!
just got permanently banned 5 days ago 7/15/20. so mad at myself for being toxic. should’ve muted and just played. i was so close to promos and everytime i’m 1 win away i lose and get a team that trolls/ints. i get banned for being toxic, but players who int/troll the whole game don’t. what is this? their automated ban/report system is so flawed. they just find keywords. i had a 0/11 volibear jg running it down mid and a jhin just inting. all my time, hard work and grinding and i’ve had this account for 5 years is all gone. i feel like permanently banned accounts should get one last chance at redemption.
Damn that's fucked up. I hope you didn't buy any RP on that account.
How you deal with.jg in aggression phase?
It's very situational. Generally you don't want to go all in unless you know that the enemy jungler can't gank you unless you can kill your opponent.
If the wave is big and your champ is strong it can be good to 1 v 2. Then you usually want to stand in the wave and fight (and not ran away from it towards the tower). You really have to try different scenarios to find out.
Warding is also helpfull ;) Placing deeper wards usually saves you more often sence you have more time to get away after spoting the jungler.
@@niklassilfverhielm7654 since I'm.otp teemo I think ward is the best option ty :)
this guide is nice and all but it only helps in very narrow circumstances. if you play against a lane bully like darius he doesnt care whether or not you have 2 additional minions or 4. he will all in and kill you just because his kit is better in lane.
Can you do one of these for all the other lanes and jungle as well
I have a question about freezing i watched like 10vids about it and i still can't do it. Either there's to little minions or too many
The best advice i can give you is pratice how to drag the ennemy minions elsewhere than in your tower face. For example if there's 3 casters and 1 melee walking to your tower and you have no minions but your next wave is coming soon , you can tank the ennemy minions and wait close to your tower side so that they dont get hit by the tower. by doing this you make ennemy wave stronger than yours, so that it will always push to you. If you want to perma freeze repeat this process every wave, if you dont want to freeze anymore just let it crash to your tower. But tanking the minions everytime isnt always worth depending of much you loosd hp
To resume, wave management is mostly a feeling you get from experience and some knowledge. The key is to manipulating well both waves power by playing between 2 playstyles : last hitting at the last moment and fast killing some minions, you just have to make sure the ennemy wave isnt too big or too small, if it is too big it will destroys your wave and also you if you want to tank/drag it away, so it ends up crashing entirely to your tower. If ennemy wave is too small, 2 casters for example, then they'll be killed almost instantly by your incoming wave who will arrive faster than the ennemy incoming wave, thus creating 2 almost equals wave fighting each other.
The most common mistake is to push a wave really fast, and it ends up being 3 melee into tower range and your 3 casters out of the tower range, doing this you give a free freeze to youd opponent because he's gonna tank these 3 casters to make it fight its next incoming wave. Thats why you always want to crash your wave into the tower entirely.
@@Poulotor Thanks a lot, will keep on practicing
@@vllajko306 i took a lot of time to write all of this on my phone properly, hope that was clear and it helps u !
What about freezing ?
Trading patterns, and how to tell if you have the advantage and can kill your lane opponent
But what if they are constantly pushing?
Nice background music
anyone knows song name?
How... is jax a strong level 1? Many top laners dumpster him pre 6
Uh, what? Jax can literally press E and right click the enemy champion for a free won trade, nothing they can do about it unless ranged.
@@ijuka say that to Jayce, GP, gnar
What should you do as top lane when your jg has no idea what to do.
come back with "wild rift" guide man 💓
you are unique
imagine actually pressing e off the wall as camille
this is very common knowledge, the latest top tut was way more in-depth, and we also didn't see challenger earpiece for top so pls
In my game, I have generally this : I'm the Toplaner. I win or loose but never hard in the last case. I play safe and try to not be too much behind. Then, the laning phase end and I see that my mates (strangers ofc) are loosing hard... What can I do ? Even if I'm ahead, I can't kill an adc with 4 kills, protect by his support.
Hopefully, it's not every game like that but at least 80% of them... I like this game but I'm starting to doubt if I will clim or even have fun at least...
That renekton is bad asf, renekton should take control easily
Secret phase: Wave is frozen and enemy laner can bully you out for gold,exp and even kill you if you try to break the freeze. This phase will be available to big brain top laners.
what about when the enemy top laner freezes the lane :( Is that step 4, just give up cs instead of going for it .
If the enemy freezes it means you did not stack enough minions to pressure your opponent into tower, or you are playing something with 0 early power (like kayle, but even then you can still outplay your opponent early with enough minions) in which case exp is still good enough.
Gøer plus eventually the wave has to bounce back, it may stay on their side for a while, but if it’s just them hitting the minions it’ll bring a far wave to your side for you to farm, tho yeah you will need to figure out how to either hold the wave or get as much CS as you can when it crashes
"But that was just two level 2 all ins?"
Welcome to 'nam kiddos!
Phase 4 : The Hashinshin TP
Drutut liked this video
how to carry teammates from hell as jungle guide please!
good thing i play morde
I thaugt jax is cammiles biggest counter
>”Toplane guide”
>*Vi vs Nasus*
I still get wrecked at top lane -_-
How to outplay a level 2 gank as a level 1 top laner and how to outplay a level 3 re-gank as a level 2 top laner.
Klaxz sent me
wdym lol
@@d4s0n282 he is my friend that wanted me to watch this vid lol
@@SciK. LOL
aggression phrase of top lane- not the Russian phrase of top lane
I'm friggin late
all phases of top lane, doesn't go past level 4....
Just fucking call it minion agro.... 🙄
Great macro let mid-lane players like Mcbaze crush top lane!!!
3rd comment lmao
The eatable century spindly note because panty experimentally raise unlike a wicked brick. separate, hulking squid
They are just bad...