I just fitted a simple small wooden mouth piece to my didgeridoo and am waiting for the epoxy to arrive in the mail to finish it, I have never used epoxy before so am a bit nervous, but seeing your video has given me some confidence :) Seeing you apply it with gloves is certainly interesting :P is one coat enough? Thanks heaps for your video, it helped a heap!
How did yo fit it on the didgeridoo?
Just perfection cheers
Thanks Nick😉🙏
I just fitted a simple small wooden mouth piece to my didgeridoo and am waiting for the epoxy to arrive in the mail to finish it, I have never used epoxy before so am a bit nervous, but seeing your video has given me some confidence :) Seeing you apply it with gloves is certainly interesting :P is one coat enough? Thanks heaps for your video, it helped a heap!
Hi, Two coats should do it, good luck it is gloopy stuff, remember to sand between coats unless it is still tacky when you re-apply😉👍🏻
@@Matt_Makes... Thanks for the extra advice!🙏 Do I give it just a light sand with a 200 grit sand paper?
Something not too coarse but not too fine either as it won't adhere 👍🏻
So you sell mouthpieces like that? I'm so over beeswax..
Quick one....would you make a custom wooden mouthpiece if I provided a scale drawing of the timber top? Kind regards.
@@delevans1906 possibly, email me the details and I will get back to you matt_liner@hotmail.com