Mushel - 24 Preludes and Fugues / Мушель - 24 прелюдии и фуги (1975)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2021
  • Piano - Georgi Mushel
    Фортепиано - Георгий Мушель
    This recording was released in 1976 by "Melodiya"; I took this recording from the Internet, so my apologies for the audio quality.
    P.S: It is a reupload with the better sheet's quality, so enjoy ;)
    Georgi Alexandrovich Mushel (1909-1989) - a Soviet pianist and composer;
    He was born in Tambov, July 29, 1909. He studied piano with Oborin and composition with Myaskovsky at the Moscow Conservatory. In 1936 he moved to Tashkent in Uzbekistan, where he composed the first opera on Uzbek themes, Farkhad i Shirin, as well as other works inspired by Uzbek folklore.
    Георгий Александрович Мушель (1909-1989) - советский ком­по­зи­тор, пиа­нист, пе­да­гог, Заслуженный де­ятель ис­кусств Узбекской ССР (1944).
    Учил­ся в Там­бо­ве, в 1936 году окон­чил Московскую консерваторию как ком­по­зи­тор (уче­ник Н.Я. Мяс­ков­ско­го, М.Ф. Гне­си­на, А.Н. Алек­сан­д­ро­ва) и пиа­нист (класс Л.Н. Обо­ри­на). С 1936 года в Таш­кен­те. Ав­тор 5-ти музыкальных драм, пер­вая из них, «Фар­хад и Ши­рин» (совместно с В.А. Ус­пен­ским, либретто Хур­шида по од­но­именной по­эме Алишера На­вои; 1937 год), поль­зо­ва­лась зна­чительной по­пу­ляр­ностью и лег­ла в ос­но­ву од­но­именной опе­ры (1941 год; 2-я редакция поставлена в 1957 году, Таш­кент).
    Ком­по­зи­тор­ское мас­тер­ст­во Мушеля осо­бен­но про­яви­лось в ин­ст­ру­мен­таль­ной му­зы­ке, ин­ди­ви­ду­аль­ная музыкальная сти­ли­сти­ка вклю­ча­ет эле­мен­ты узбекского ме­ло­са и рит­ма. Сре­ди со­чи­не­ний: ба­ле­ты - «Ба­ле­ри­на» (1952 год, Таш­кент; 1-я редакция под названием «Гуль­на­ра», поставлена в 1949 году), «Цве­ток сча­стья» (1959 год, Че­ля­бинск), «Каш­мир­ская ле­ген­да» (1961 год, Таш­кент), «Са­мар­канд­ская ле­ген­да» (1970 год, Са­мар­канд); 3 сим­фо­нии (1938 год; 1942 год, па­мя­ти А. На­вои; 1943 год) и Сюи­та на те­мы Хам­зы (1950 год) для ор­ке­ст­ра; для фортепиано - 6 кон­цер­тов с ор­ке­ст­ром, 24 пре­лю­дии и фу­ги (1975 год); со­чи­не­ния для ор­га­на; ка­мер­ные ан­самб­ли; ро­ман­сы и пес­ни на сло­ва русских, еврейских, узбекских по­этов (цикл «Не­за­бы­вае­мое», 1964 год); му­зы­ка к спек­так­лям и филь­мам. В 1936-1986 годах пре­по­да­вал компо­зи­цию, гар­мо­нию и по­ли­фо­нию в Таш­кент­ской консерватории (профессор с 1976 года); сре­ди уче­ни­ков - Я. Саб­за­нов.
    0:00 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.1 in C major

    4:30 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.2 in A minor
    8:19 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.3 in F major
    12:59 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.4 in D minor
    19:02 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.5 in B-flat major
    22:51 Prelude and Fugue (a 5 voci) No.6 in G minor
    28:11 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.7 in E-flat major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk song)
    35:56 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci with a recitative) No.8 in C minor
    (In memory of Alisher Navoiy)
    44:07 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.9 in A-flat major
    47:57 Prelude and Fugue (a 2 voci) No.10 in F minor
    53:13 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.11 in D-flat major
    57:30 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.12 in B-flat minor
    (The Fugue is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:02:44 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.13 in F-sharp major
    1:06:58 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.14 in E-flat minor
    (In memory of Nikolay Myaskovsky)
    1:12:17 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci with a chorale) No.15 in B major
    1:19:22 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci, double) No.16 in G-sharp minor
    1:27:36 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.17 in E major
    (The Fugue is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:31:22 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.18 in C-sharp minor
    (The Fugue is based on the theme of T.Jalilov)
    1:36:51 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.19 in A major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:40:28 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.20 in F-sharp minor
    1:47:28 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.21 in D major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:51:00 Prelude and Fugue (a 2 voci) No.22 in B minor
    1:55:40 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.23 in G major
    1:58:44 Prelude and Fugue (a 5 voci) No.24 in E minor (Based on the GAM theme (first letters of the Composer's Full Name))
    I do not own copyrights to this music. I do not monetize this music. It has been published for educational purposes.
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  • @user-zu5kc2zz6m
    @user-zu5kc2zz6m  2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    0:00 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.1 in C major

    4:30 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.2 in A minor
    8:19 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.3 in F major
    12:59 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.4 in D minor
    19:02 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.5 in B-flat major
    22:51 Prelude and Fugue (a 5 voci) No.6 in G minor
    28:11 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.7 in E-flat major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk song)
    35:56 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci with a recitative) No.8 in C minor
    (Memory of Alisher Navoiy)
    44:07 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.9 in A-flat major
    47:57 Prelude and Fugue (a 2 voci) No.10 in F minor
    53:13 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci) No.11 in D-flat major
    57:30 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.12 in B-flat minor
    (The Fugue is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:02:44 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.13 in F-sharp major
    1:06:58 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.14 in E-flat minor
    (Memory of Nikolay Myaskovsky)
    1:12:17 Prelude and Fugue (a 4 voci with a chorale) No.15 in B major
    1:19:22 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci, double) No.16 in G-sharp minor
    1:27:36 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.17 in E major
    (The Fugue is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:31:22 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.18 in C-sharp minor
    (The Fugue is based on the theme of T.Jalilov)
    1:36:51 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.19 in A major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:40:28 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.20 in F-sharp minor
    1:47:28 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.21 in D major
    (The Prelude is based on the Uzbek folk theme)
    1:51:00 Prelude and Fugue (a 2 voci) No.22 in B minor
    1:55:40 Prelude and Fugue (a 3 voci) No.23 in G major
    1:58:44 Prelude and Fugue (a 5 voci) No.24 in E minor (Based on the GAM theme (first letters of the Composer's Full Name))

  • @user-cw2ws8yr9l
    @user-cw2ws8yr9l 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Спасибо большое, за отличную возможность изучения прелюдий и фуг Г.Мушеля.

  • @umidamax430
    @umidamax430 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Огромное спасибо за запись и возможность следить по нотам,низкий поклон!

  • @counterpointenthusiast
    @counterpointenthusiast 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    a minor fugue is a banger. pretty interesting that mushel studied with myaskovsky. rather surprising that a pupil of the highly romantic and virtuosic myaskovsky would be so neo classical, simple and shostakovitschian (edit: if you told me that these were written by a pupil of shotakovitsch, like tishchenko I would definitely believe you). I love his use of a mixolydian sound, very convincing harmonies!
    its also great hearing mushel playing these himself. I feel his playing technically very wonky and unpolished, but so very much expressive, musical and insightful.

  • @rainermartinwolke9023
    @rainermartinwolke9023 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    well never know and hear about this composer...i tried to get some infos but not so much exposed. anyway i think the composition is interesting and worth to listen and i think i ll try to find other the organ works... i like it anyway

  • @agaphonus
    @agaphonus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    An interesting composer, with a deliberate “primitive” melody and virtuoso mastery of polyphonic writing. Strict polyphony (like the organ) - an invention of the rational West, did not particularly attract, with the possible exception of Taneyev, Russian composers who draw their works from the sensual heart - Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, etc. Thanks for the post.

  • @user-zu5kc2zz6m
    @user-zu5kc2zz6m  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Ноты / Sheet music:

  • @AndiAngvil
    @AndiAngvil ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Совершенно необычное явление

    • @user-zu5kc2zz6m
      @user-zu5kc2zz6m  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Необычность заключается в узбекском мелосе? ;)

    • @AndiAngvil
      @AndiAngvil ปีที่แล้ว

      @@user-zu5kc2zz6m абсолютно верно. Я не могу сказать, что это не создаёт гнетущего впечатления (полиаккордика, низкие регистры, лады, стирающие привычную мажорность), но в этом сборнике определенно есть что-то) особенно удивило то, что композитор написал 2 пятиголосные фуги, что не делал никто из его соотечественников, кто брался за подобные работы.

    • @user-zu5kc2zz6m
      @user-zu5kc2zz6m  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@AndiAngvil Всё-таки гнетущее - не то слово, оно просто... другое