How ancient are Adam and Eve?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2025
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I thought people would say I am mad/crazy; but you explained the way I often thought where the names in the Biblical Patriarchs were when new Clans fragmented from the Originals elegantly.
I think everyone agrees there are people missing from SOME genealogy’s. However to assume there are even more than a few thousand years missing is very hard to argue for.
Many of the ages of the people are given as to when they had their sons.
There are man made structures that are far older than 6000 years. I personally think the biblical flood was probably around 10-12,000 years ago. This date would line up far better with archeological evidence that we have as well as various flood stories that exist all over the world.
So then the flood stories from around the world that predate the Jewish version are false and the one in the Torah is correct?
I have faith that God is getting the message across no matter how unreliable people are.
Well.. that ‘message getting across’ part failed miserably, didn’t it? Look at how many branches and interpretations there are..
@@frusie91 Yes. And the message is still getting out. All thirty thousand denominations and Jesus is still the message.
The bible says 8+4+5 but because it doesn’t say 17 it’s hiding a number
Great logic 😂😂😂
My question about the genealogies is that don’t the Jews have a maternal lineage (Mama’s baby, Papa’s maybe? And/Or they didn’t want to include children from the raping and pillaging of other nations)? When did that (maternal lineage) start? Also, didn’t these people live for hundreds of years back then? Why would it be difficult to imagine that only two generations donned over a few hundred years?
Abraham’s wife was concerned about not being able to conceive because of her age at the ripe young age of 80, surely Eve and those broads who were on the ark with Noah were able to have hundreds of children to populate and repopulate the earth so they would obviously be giving birth in their hundreds…why was Sarah thinking she couldn’t? Did they hit menopause in their 40s/50s or more so around 240/350? Or was a year not the same as a year is today much like days 1-7 of creation might not have been an actual “day?”
When did their lifespans stop being hundreds of years and more so around 60-70? If the genealogical record isn’t the exact descendants but somewhere down the line, how are these records kept? Oral tradition, written record, surnames?
This all seems like a bunch of hooey to me. Like, where did all of the people come from that Cain needed a mark so as not to be slain by them for what he did? Eve already popped out enough kids to populate other villages?
The question becomes less troublesome if Adam is not the first man (except in the sense that Christ is the second or last man). I see where his role is "figure of Christ" (Romans 5:14) and he is the forefather of Messiah. I cannot lay my finger on the scripture which says he is the forefather of all humanity.
exactly .. Adam is not the first "homosapien" human. He is just the first man to Know YHWH in be in covenant with him. As such he became a type of 'priest' and 'king', given dominion over the earth, and was therefore the HEAD of all mankind and it's representative. Just like Messiah, the second Adam is mankinds covenant head of the new creation.
You used the example of running to have several meanings
But from the context we knew what they all meant
Why are you muddying the waters ?
Do you do the same with Genesis and the days ?
Back in the day - 24hr day - etc
Bible again makes that clear
There never was any "Adam and Eve" so the question is meaningless.
I'm two minutes in, and I hear a false preacher.
If you want to understand the Jewish Bible (Old Testament), then ask the nation that wrote it, the Jews.
Hebrews created their god YHWH that fit to them:
- he leads them out of Egypt,
- he promised them a land, which was already owned by another people, and
- he allowed the Hebrews to el imi nate all of those other people that they can life there on their own.
@@seekerhonestnice lies.
@@seekerhonest how is that relevant to my comment? I'm saying that if you want to understand a book then ask its author.
@@TzaddikMedia And I said its authors were inventing their god that fit to them.
Its pretty relevant ;)
@@seekerhonest You're talking about motives for writing. I'm taking about interpreting what what written. Again, you're totally missing the point.
Also, the word god can also mean ancestor and godds can mean ancestors., aka passing down verbal stories of ancestors that were thought highly of would become 'gods of the Most High and become like your stories of the gods of Mount Olympus.
How 'Old' was Adam ???
WHEN GOD Made him ???
How 'Old' was Eve ???
WHEN GOD 'Presented' her to Adam ???
They were NOT 'Suckling Babes',,, EVER !!!
So, Which came First ???
The Chicken,,, or The Egg ???
A) The 'Chicken' !!!
Thank YOU, JESUS !!!
The current ecclesiastical input and perimeters used are failing in all avenues and disciplines so I wouldn't rely on our current model.
The big issue with this is that obviously man made language, math & time ( God inspired) but this only emerged with Adam & mankind it isn't a feature of reality or nature at all... no such thing as passing time as we experience it on our slice of scale in the cosmos.
We just invented choo choo train time not even 150 years ago. Then obviously God favors reductionism and emerging energetic actors that becomes in direct lines of measure. Long before we get to our Issac Newton math mapped fallen human dashboard hierarchy knowledge of Good and evil equations.
We can see an arbitrary example of pre fall eden at the smallest scales where infinite degrees of freedom yet uniformity timelessness without linear direction exist.
So if we are to use anything we know of nature it can't the Babylonian evolutionary primordial flood creation soup model when we know Abraham fled this version.
We know for a fact plagiarism of that is the corruptions the bible is admit about.
We also know Moses commandments are very different from physical lawisms handed down by divine right rulers inventing such inputs & perimeters.
We have several vague thoughts, created in the image of ,the spirit of God hovering over the waters.
That he planted the tree in the garden to place man he had formed.
Paul gives the very detailed reductionistic resurrection of Jesus where he is clearly pointing out Jesus didn't just shack the earth but every Plank length bit of cosmos was transmutated and cracked open to be unveiled. That Jesus body was metamorphically returned to the greater system at large to use his newly invented words and modern terminologies.
An emerging actor is the first scale measured in nature itself.
The logic in biblical theory is that when a child we are full of spirit then we grow to reduce, confuse and corrupt.
So in
Adam is the first man to be in covenant with YHWH, and was to be God's 'king' and 'priest' over the earth. he is NOT the first human being. Just the first man to know YHWH. That's why he was labeled the 'son of God' . He is the first son of God in a long line of more to follow unto Messiah Yahshua., so it is quite possible he lived about 6000 years ago (though mankind may be 10s of thousand years older)
So then how do you explain the whole Eve story…and all the rest of the beginning that is listed in the Torah? Is it not literal? If it’s not literal then how do we know to interpret it? If it’s left open to interpretation how can we be sure of the veracity of the claims?
Where is the source of this info?
It is common knowledge (among scholars) that Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 are two different creation narratives taken from two different sources from antiquity. Genesis one is the creation of 'mankind' in general, male and female, there is no Adam and Eve story.. Then Genesis 2 is another account which is a later 'creation' account when God chose a man (Adam) and put him in his garden and made a relationship covenant with him . He is the 'first man' to know God personally .. the rest of the millions of homo-sapiens appear in Genesis 1 @@FaithQuest_