I totally know how you feel! I remember a few years ago when I was just beginning with gymnastics rings I got tendonitis is my left elbow as well. It was just so frustrating as I didn't get to train at all. But, you have to simply lay your ego aside and give it time to rest. What I also did was very slow push-ups and foam rolling. Massaging and stretching were done several times a day as well. What I also used were the middle and index finger of my opposite arm for massaging the elbow. This showed the best results. Now, it has healed and my arms are even stronger than before. I can do muscle ups easily and am almost getting my full front lever. Love your videos.
I am very sad.... I also had to stop weight training, boxing and biking. But it's so right we gotta let go of our ego like you said. I really appreciate all the support thru this tutorial and comment.
How long did you rest until you could get back to normal? Have you done anything particular to get better - like suggested on the video, or had you just stopped working out for some amount of time until you felt self-cured?
@@skubadoobie Don't go crazy I know how you feel bro I'm recovering from this too. But like @Geep1778 said I'm doing a lot of dead lifts and squats. Also you can still push like crazy. Weighted dips, Push ups hand stand push ups :)
I had this problem on one arm and then whilst that arm was recovering I managed to get elbow tendonitis on the other arm. I also agree 2 things are super tough - not working out as hard as you want and then when you feel better causing a re-injury. great video Dan
thanks. Elbow issues are usually preventable because most of the time, it comes from overusing/abusing the elbows. As long as you listen to your body well, there should be no issues.
Great video and baseline for rehab and recovery routine. I have had this injury on left side for 13 months now and relapsed every 4-5 weeks because of what you said - the moment it starts feeling better I tried go back to my regular training routine and it would come right back. This will help me get organized and set right time expectations for every phase. Thanks again.
here's what works for me: curling a really light weight (5 lbs ish) for many reps: 100+ reps per arm...my theory is it increases blood flow through the joints. this has always worked for me. besides it's a pretty good pulling warm up. i recover pretty quickly, usually within a day or 2
Good advice - the main thing is don't try to ignore the pain and keep going so that the injury becomes chronic. Once chronic it takes a long time to rehab. I'm in my 6th month of rehab from a tennis elbow/radial tunnel impingement problem and still not back to normal yet.
Appreciate the effort you put into the video. Been suffering from this injury for quite some time also. Really trying everything out there ...Thank You. 🙏🏼
The best info seen so far about this elbow problem. Thanks a lot. By the way, i liked very very much your paused manner of speaking, easier to follow great ideas. Some guys have a good knowledge but hey they speak like parrots!
THIS HELPED ME OUT!!!!!!!! But you need to be patient and exercise constant every second day. I had an injury i many years and finally I got away with it!
Hi Dan, thanks so much for the tips! I'm currently on my phase 1 and your tips will help me a lot. After your workout, you have to ice your pain area to calm down the muscle soreness, followed by a warm pack. I'll save this vid and play it whenver I do my gym workout. :-)
영상 잘봤습니다 저도 운동을 좋아하는 사람입니다 몇년전에 팔뿐만아니라 허리만 세번 부상당한 적이 있었습니다 거이 몸을 움직일수 없을만큼 아팠던 기억이 납니다ㅜ 그후 몸이 회복될때까지 마사지나 스트레칭 최대한 가벼운 무게로 운동하면서 한달 두달 시간이 지나면서 많이 회복되었습니다 이런 좋은 영상올려주셔서 늘감사드립니다
Hi Dan, I have the same problem. My questions are: - if you don’t want to lose your good shape, how do you work the rest of muscles in phase REST and REHAB? Some advices? - do you thing I can do push-ups? I don’t have some pain when I did, but I don’t know is about sinergy I can hurt my elbow. - which is the thing that you use for forearm/biceps massage? (like blue scisors with little balls..) Do you have any link to buy it? Thanks a lot for your advices.
Great video, I found the same conclusion. I got tendinitis on one arm (but I feel similar to the other) back in June, working with iron cross and probably starting the inflammation with "stupid sets" of 50 rep barbell curls. I was very strong (I could do a 50kg neutral pullup) but I didn't train with rings for many months and jumped on straight arm elements back too early. I suggest everyone having a great 1 min support position and a good 30s back lever before that. I greatly reduced my training in August, then take some hard training on explosive tic toc (Back Lever to Front Lever) and HS on rings in September and got alot of stiffness after every workout. I reduced intensity and completely stopped training in late October and started lifting weight in the gym, doing pushing movements only in mid-November. Then added rows. Eccentric dumbells curls worked really well. I used the free time from pulls to work on my side split (I'm back to knees on ground after 5 years!). Also doing shoulder weighted dislocation with focus on straight elbows helped. Now it's about a month I added pullups, I started very slow like you (2 reps per set). One key step is to stretch in between every set. I will add chinups shortly.
Ive been implementing pull ups in my training for the past few months, but Ive still been avoiding chin ups because I was afraid it will aggravate my symptom again. But looks like my elbow can handle the chin up okay now because I did 5 x 2reps today and felt fantastic.
This is excellent advise. Love the steps you tske and the way you explained..btw my elbows pain is always there. I operate a forklift at work. Should I continue operating it?
동영상 잘 봤습니다. 제가 헬스장에 한번씩 다닌적이 있는데 영상에서 보여주신 무릎대고 엎드린 자세에서 손목을 스트레칭하는 동작을 자주했었는데 트레이너들이 수근거리고 놀리더군요. 저도 비슷한 부상들로 고생을 많이 해서 스트레칭 웜업 시간이 전체운동의 30% 이상은 차지 하는것같습니다. 좋은 영상 고맙습니다.^^
i have a few problems with this video (please only take this as constructive criticism). like i replied to you in one of my videos recently, that i plan on making a video about this. if this injury has persisted for months or years it is NOT tendonitis, but rather tendonosis, which is different. -itis means inflammation, an inflammation will disappear in a couple of weeks with rest. (and it will also have additional symptoms like redness and swelling) tendonosis on the other hand is a change in the structure of the tendon, which will not go away with rest, rather it needs active rehab. the massage and stretching is good for relieving the symptoms, but doesn't heal this injury. the KEY thing u are doing right is the eccentric curl, this will heal the tendon and let it recover its original structure. there is an eccentric exercise though that is MUCH more effective than the curl (in my experience) this is probably one of the most misunderstood injuries, i had to go through some real struggles with it before i really started researching and finally getting rid of it. keep en eye out for my rehab video and maybe i can explain things in some more depth
it's hard to describe it. it's the same principle but a different movement and a different type of dumbbell is needed. but it affects the tendon in question in a very different way. if i can stop being lazy and finally make a video about it u can check it out.
thanks for great feedback man. I wanted to make this video as short as possible but still informative, however; being already 12 min long video already, I couldn't squeeze more info in. Theres just so much about this overuse injury!
i will see if i can actually film tomorrow and get over the fact that it's awkward to talk on camera lol. i will link to a some articles too that gives some in depth explanations
Dude thx A LOT for thid video, i actually have this (since 2/3 weeks) and this is really reassuring to see someone who had this issue. I'll make the necessary to recover fast and well. I wanted to know if nowadays you can do stuff like slow muscle ups without problem and if i could continue to work chest and shoulders (for ex) during rest part if its not painful. Thanks again, your english is very good btw :3
I have the opposite problem ftom doing pull ups/chin ups. Not golfer's elbow but tennis elbow i think. The pain is on the opposite side. What am i doing wrong? Can you make a video about tennis elbow rather than golfer's elbow?
thank´s for your advice Dan, I'm from México i got golfer´s elbow , i can´t even try to do chin ups!! my two elbows hurt !! i expect to feel better !!! Greetings !!
When is comes to the rest phase I personally would recommend stretching once the inflammation has gone. If the micro tears are still healing you will keep retearing. Dont be in denial about your injury. I quit working out totally as even holding a bar squatting would irritate it.
you can also do ice baths and attach a tight band around ur elbow, biceps, triceps and the forearm areas, it'll cause the increased blood flow in these areas, especially ice baths which r perfect for the whole body health and perfomance
Hello, i have a question. When do i need to start doing strenghtening excersises? Now im doing massage only. My golf elbow hurted alot, now its about 80% cured. Should i be 100% so i can start doing excersises?
For the strengthening phase do you recommend doing the 4 exercises daily? And what do you think is a safe rep range Dan? 1 rep and 5 sets per exercise? Thanks!
Thanks dan this really does help. good vids as always. i was told that wrist pull ups cause this problem as well, should i quit training those all together?
hey Dan, how have you been working out during this years? how bad was your pain? did you have it during washing your hair/face or other every day activities? I'm also suffering from golfer's elbow... have this issue for 8 months now. Tried a lot. Doesn't seem to get better...
I felt it when I would try to open a door knob, but it seems like my symptoms were not as severe as yours. Try my method here and see if it works for you.
Hi Dan, I have the same problem. My questions are: - if you don’t want to lose your good shape, how do you work the rest of muscles in phase REST and REHAB? Some advices? Any routine? - do you think I can do push-ups? I don’t have some pain when I did, but I don’t know is about sinergy I can hurt my elbow. - which is the thing that you use for forearm/biceps massage? (like blue scisors with little balls..) Do you have any link to buy it? Thanks a lot for your advices.
이게 상완골내측상과염같지만 실제로 풀업이나 머슬업 당기기류의 동작들에 대부분은 위팔근(상완근)의 과사용인 경우가 많습니다. 댄정님 정말 내측상과염이라고 진단 확실히 받으셔도 댄정님 상완근 텐던에 촉진 들어가면 자지러질겁니다.이 상완근은 아래팔을 접어주면서 내 몸쪽으로 끌어 당겨오는 역할을 하는데 이 근육을 무리하게 사용하면 내측상과염과 비슷한 통증을 나타나죠 풀업 프론트레버 머슬업 다 몸쪽으로 끌어당기는 동작입니다. 거기다가 상완근은 그립이 오버그립일 때 사용됩니다. 언더그립은 상완이두근, 뉴트럴그립은 완요골근(위팔노근)이죠 주로 풀업 머슬업에 굉장히 많은 역할을 합니다. 아마 댄정님 부상은 이 상완근 문제가 10중 8,9가 아닐까 싶습니다.
Hi sir, thank you for your video. I had elbow pain since yesterday and the day before I did back exercises with pull up, am not a mascular guy but after the next day I couldn't lift bicep curl at all, it so painful on my left elbow and I went home. Today I take rest and didn't go work out. My questions are can I still train other parts of my body like legs and abs? And also is hammer curls better for recovery period that normal bicep curls? Thank you sir.
Hey, I have the same symptoms. You speak of rest for 2 weeks. Is it total rest foer the elbow? Or I can still do for example the shoulders or triceps (push exercices), just I do not pull exercices. thanks
In general, you just need to avoid pulling work which was the case for me. Pushing work was okay unless I did pushing work on paralettes(due to the fact that you have to grab the handle bar hard)
안녕하세요. 팔꿈치부상으로 2달째 치료중입니다.. 유튜브 보다가 댄.정님 영상 보면서 많이 좋았습니다. 저는 지금 주사2회 받다가 아파서. 체외충격파10회를 받고 병원에서 염증.약 2주 처방받고 현재 스트레칭 만 하고 있는 상황입니다. 현재 증상은 팔꿈치를 힘을 주어 펴면 뻣뻣한 증상이 있으며 저.무게를 들고 팔로 들면 통증이 옵니다.아직 . 뻗뻗함이 있어도 재활운동 들어가도 되겠는지요.. 병원에서는 조금씩 스트레칭과 병행하라고 하였는데.. 몹시 궁금합니다. 상체운동2달동안 못하니 미치겠어요..ㅠ
Hi Dan, have you ever had similiar issues with wrists? My wrist got injured couple years ago and they remained sore. When I use paraler bars for push ups and handstands its okay. But the moment I try planche on the ground Im gonna feel pain in wrists for couple days. I tried to strech them, but not really strenghten them and maybe thats the missing piece of my recovery :/
Hi Dan, Great video!! I've been having a issue with my elbow/forearm for the past 2 months. Can you please recommend what exercises can't and can do with golfer's elbow.... For example, i'm planning to do chest and legs...
If I feel my tendon tense I stop exercise for 2 weeks now and still do abs and legs what should I do ...put ice. ? And ??? I want it to recover asap ...
왼쪽팔꿈치는 강도높은 밀기 운동으로 부상을 입었고, 오른쪽팔꿈치는 무리해서 한팔 당기기를 하다가 부상을 입었습니다. 손등이 내 쪽을 향하게(풀업그립) 해서 팔을 폈다 굽혔다 하면 팔꿈치 양쪽 모두 뚝뚝 소리가 납니다(왼쪽이 더 심하게 소리납니다). 오른팔은 당기기를 하다 부상을 입었으니 골프엘보가 맞는 것 같고, 왼팔은 그럼 테니스엘보인가요?
안녕하십니까? 평소에 영상을 보고 많은 도움을 받고 있습니다.제가 푸쉬업이나 풀업을 즐겨하는데 푸쉬업을 하려다 팔꿈치에 통증이 느껴져서 못할 것 같아서 영상을 찾아보게 되었습니다. 영상에 의하면 최소 3달은 운동을 못하는 것 같습니다. 그럼 그동안은 하체운동과 재활운동을 해야합니까?
최근 팔꿈치 통증을 느끼기 시작해서 어쩔 수 없이 휴식을 하려고 하는데..... 혹시 프레스 류의 운동 (벤치프레스, 밀리터리프레스)을 하는데 어떤 영향을 미칠지 궁금합니다.... 재활기간까지 프레스 운동까지 쉬어야한다면 정말 절망스러울것 같아서요....답변 부탁드립니다.
Thanks, nice video... also try deep tissue massage at the insertion point of the tendon to break down cross fiber scar tissue... also, light swimming helps to regain strength over a range of motion.
안녕하세요! 우선 영상에서 많은 도움을 얻었고 감사합니다. 다름아니라 조언을 구하고싶습니다.. 재활운동 2번째 이주차까지 하다 라섹수술을받고 그와중에 어깨를 다쳐 삼주를 중간에 쉬게되었는데 이와같이 중간에 쉬게되면 다시 처음부터 하는게 좋을가요 아니면 그냥 남은 이주를 하고 마지막단계를 해도 괜찮을가요 바쁘신 와중에 도움주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.
항상 잘보고 있습니다 감사합니다 내측상과염으로 한달가량 고생중입니다ㅠ 상체운동은 전혀 안하고 하체운동만하고있는데 윗글을보니 당기는운동이 아니면 크게 지장이 없다고 하셨는데 선생님께서는 재활기간을 상당히 오래하신거 같은데 그동안 당기는운동 제외하고 다른운동은 어떻게 하셨는지 궁금합니다 미는운동인 가슴운동과 어깨운동을 해줘도 회복하는데 이상이없을까요? 미는운동했을때 통증은거의없습니다
잘봤습니다 어깨도 이런식으로해서 좀 좋아졌으면 좋겠네요 항상 밴드운동 좀하다가 아프면 포기하고 주사맞고 그만두고 생각나면 또해보다가 반복을 3년째했는데 정말 재활의지가 있었던건지 스스로반성이 많이돼요 성격이 급해서 바로 피드백이 안오니 ..맨날 술이나 먹으로 다니고... 올해는 정말다시 해보려구요..
where u place ya wrist on the pull up bar instead of grabbing with your hand & pull with your wrist sitting on the bar. Its mainly used when training for a slow muscle up
i never got tendonitis directly from false grip pull ups, but doing too many reps or too many muscle ups without enough rest did give me some tendonitis. if you are working towards the muscle up i really recommend that you give yourself at least 2-3 days to allow your elbows tendons to heal and feel fresh before starting the next muscle up training day. Also do deep dips and lots of tiger bend push ups to strengthen those tendons because the hardest part is the transition where it will give you the most stress. Almost forgot but when you use the false grip or do any type of muscle ups, be sure to tuck your elbows in.
Your tips seems very sensful to me. I have had golfer’s elbow problem from more than two years. I tried everything. But never goes away. Can u just tell where should I buy this arm-made. It looks so helpful to me. And tell me if I miss spelled it.
저는 이제 막 풀업을 1셋트 5개씩 하는 초보자인데 갑자기 엘보현상이왔어요(갑자기 재미가들려 거의 매일하다시피 하고 딥스도 매일했습니다) 평상시 통증을느낄정도는아니고 손을 얼굴에 갓다 붙이고 힘을주게되면(세수하는동작) (걸래 짜는동작) 하게되면 팔꿈치 내측에 통증이오네요 1달 쉬고있는데 계속 증상이 호전이 되지를않아요 정형외과 내원하여 체외충격파도 받아봤는데 효과를 모르겠더라구요............ 운동을 제대로 시작한지 1달정도밖에되지않아 당황스럽고 힘드네요 영상에 2단계 정도에서 훈련을 해도 괜찮을까요?
I totally know how you feel! I remember a few years ago when I was just beginning with gymnastics rings I got tendonitis is my left elbow as well. It was just so frustrating as I didn't get to train at all. But, you have to simply lay your ego aside and give it time to rest.
What I also did was very slow push-ups and foam rolling. Massaging and stretching were done several times a day as well. What I also used were the middle and index finger of my opposite arm for massaging the elbow. This showed the best results.
Now, it has healed and my arms are even stronger than before. I can do muscle ups easily and am almost getting my full front lever.
Love your videos.
thats so nice to hear that you are all well now. my injury was also on my left elbow and mine feels great as well
hey bud how much time you had off from ring & bar work to get better? thanks
Your comment brings me courage for the next ! I curently have this issue
I am very sad.... I also had to stop weight training, boxing and biking. But it's so right we gotta let go of our ego like you said. I really appreciate all the support thru this tutorial and comment.
How long did you rest until you could get back to normal? Have you done anything particular to get better - like suggested on the video, or had you just stopped working out for some amount of time until you felt self-cured?
Thank you. I am in my third week of rest when I discovered your video. Really appreciated.
Take the time to train your lower body in the off time as well as ramping up cardio so you don’t go mad from not being able to do as you wish
Good advice!
Definitely going crazy from taking a break from the gym, good advice
@@skubadoobie Don't go crazy I know how you feel bro I'm recovering from this too. But like @Geep1778 said I'm doing a lot of dead lifts and squats. Also you can still push like crazy. Weighted dips, Push ups hand stand push ups :)
^ this is actually the dumbest comment anyone could do, congrats
I have patelar tendonitis 😑
Very well put together video. I appreciate how well thought out your approach is.
I had this problem on one arm and then whilst that arm was recovering I managed to get elbow tendonitis on the other arm. I also agree 2 things are super tough - not working out as hard as you want and then when you feel better causing a re-injury. great video Dan
thanks. Elbow issues are usually preventable because most of the time, it comes from overusing/abusing the elbows. As long as you listen to your body well, there should be no issues.
Thanks Dan,
Good detail. This problem doesn't go away easily!
Great video and baseline for rehab and recovery routine. I have had this injury on left side for 13 months now and relapsed every 4-5 weeks because of what you said - the moment it starts feeling better I tried go back to my regular training routine and it would come right back. This will help me get organized and set right time expectations for every phase. Thanks again.
Smart guy, good job and advice. Thank you
정말 큰 도움이 됐습니다. 영상을 이제 봐서 아쉽네요...
here's what works for me: curling a really light weight (5 lbs ish) for many reps: 100+ reps per arm...my theory is it increases blood flow through the joints. this has always worked for me. besides it's a pretty good pulling warm up. i recover pretty quickly, usually within a day or 2
damn dude I would lost count before I reach 100 reps xD
Good advice - the main thing is don't try to ignore the pain and keep going so that the injury becomes chronic. Once chronic it takes a long time to rehab.
I'm in my 6th month of rehab from a tennis elbow/radial tunnel impingement problem and still not back to normal yet.
Appreciate the effort you put into the video. Been suffering from this injury for quite some time also. Really trying everything out there ...Thank
You. 🙏🏼
The best info seen so far about this elbow problem. Thanks a lot. By the way, i liked very very much your paused manner of speaking, easier to follow great ideas. Some guys have a good knowledge but hey they speak like parrots!
THIS HELPED ME OUT!!!!!!!! But you need to be patient and exercise constant every second day. I had an injury i many years and finally I got away with it!
친업을 할 때 팔을 쭉펴면 인대가 손상을 받을 수 있습니다. 풀업을 할때에는 팔꿈치를 앞으로 하지 말고 옆으로 해야 합니다.
골프엘보 왔었는데 3단계넘어가는 시점에서 좋아진것같아서 다시 운동시작했습니다. 열심히 해볼게요!!
Hi Dan, thanks so much for the tips! I'm currently on my phase 1 and your tips will help me a lot. After your workout, you have to ice your pain area to calm down the muscle soreness, followed by a warm pack. I'll save this vid and play it whenver I do my gym workout. :-)
First i would like to thank you for your vídeo. I have this pain. I Will try to follow your instructions. Congratulations.
Let me know how it works
"운동을 쉬어야 한다는게 힘들수 있습니다"
일반인들: 띠용~????
진짜 운동 어쩔 수 없이 쉬는거 너무 싫음
야호 ㅇㅈ
거의 평생 해오던 운동 골퍼스엘보로 1년 조금 넘게 쉬고있는데요 초반에 우울증 증세도오고 정말 힘들었습니다
Rap God korean
it's absolutely true everything that you say. I am injured now one year and four months. Very good video and advices. Kind regards
Awesome video 👍👍👍 , can i do push ups while this recovery period?
영상 잘봤습니다
저도 운동을 좋아하는 사람입니다 몇년전에 팔뿐만아니라
허리만 세번 부상당한 적이 있었습니다
거이 몸을 움직일수 없을만큼 아팠던
기억이 납니다ㅜ 그후 몸이 회복될때까지 마사지나 스트레칭
최대한 가벼운 무게로 운동하면서
한달 두달 시간이 지나면서
많이 회복되었습니다
이런 좋은 영상올려주셔서 늘감사드립니다
Thanks for sharing.. massaging it already seems to be helping. Will follow your plan, thank you.
I just developed this golfer elbow from my chin-ups. I will follow your advise and routines and keep you posted. Peace :)
It will help out for sure!
조언 감사드립니다. 오늘부터 재활 시작합니다 몸이 하는 말을 잘 들어야겠네요 ㅜㅜ
Good video, very helpful and practical approach to resolving nagging pain. Thanks
Hi Dan,
I have the same problem. My questions are:
- if you don’t want to lose your good shape, how do you work the rest of muscles in phase REST and REHAB? Some advices?
- do you thing I can do push-ups? I don’t have some pain when I did, but I don’t know is about sinergy I can hurt my elbow.
- which is the thing that you use for forearm/biceps massage? (like blue scisors with little balls..) Do you have any link to buy it?
Thanks a lot for your advices.
Very helpful video. Many thanks.
Great video, I found the same conclusion. I got tendinitis on one arm (but I feel similar to the other) back in June, working with iron cross and probably starting the inflammation with "stupid sets" of 50 rep barbell curls.
I was very strong (I could do a 50kg neutral pullup) but I didn't train with rings for many months and jumped on straight arm elements back too early. I suggest everyone having a great 1 min support position and a good 30s back lever before that.
I greatly reduced my training in August, then take some hard training on explosive tic toc (Back Lever to Front Lever) and HS on rings in September and got alot of stiffness after every workout.
I reduced intensity and completely stopped training in late October and started lifting weight in the gym, doing pushing movements only in mid-November.
Then added rows. Eccentric dumbells curls worked really well.
I used the free time from pulls to work on my side split (I'm back to knees on ground after 5 years!).
Also doing shoulder weighted dislocation with focus on straight elbows helped.
Now it's about a month I added pullups, I started very slow like you (2 reps per set). One key step is to stretch in between every set. I will add chinups shortly.
Ive been implementing pull ups in my training for the past few months, but Ive still been avoiding chin ups because I was afraid it will aggravate my symptom again. But looks like my elbow can handle the chin up okay now because I did 5 x 2reps today and felt fantastic.
Some good points. I wouldn't do the bicep curl as this can aggrevate the elbow. Golfers elbow is a wrist injury so wrist eccentrics are great
제가 지금 양쪽팔꿈치 다 엘보로 진자 너무 오랜시간 고생하고 있는데 한 번 하고 후기 남겨드릴게요
저도 양쪽 테니스 엘보인데 차도가 좀 있으시나요?
차도가 있나요
후기좀요 ㅋㅋ
3년이 지났네요 좀어떠세요? ㅋㅋㅋ
저도지금 오른쪽 골프테니스 삭 수술하고 반대로 왼쪽 골프엘보 온 상태인데 멘탈나갔음
4년이 지났네요 어떤가요?
This is excellent advise. Love the steps you tske and the way you explained..btw my elbows pain is always there. I operate a forklift at work. Should I continue operating it?
동영상 잘 봤습니다. 제가 헬스장에 한번씩 다닌적이 있는데 영상에서 보여주신 무릎대고 엎드린 자세에서 손목을 스트레칭하는 동작을 자주했었는데 트레이너들이 수근거리고 놀리더군요. 저도 비슷한 부상들로 고생을 많이 해서 스트레칭 웜업 시간이 전체운동의 30% 이상은 차지 하는것같습니다.
좋은 영상 고맙습니다.^^
i have a few problems with this video (please only take this as constructive criticism). like i replied to you in one of my videos recently, that i plan on making a video about this.
if this injury has persisted for months or years it is NOT tendonitis, but rather tendonosis, which is different. -itis means inflammation, an inflammation will disappear in a couple of weeks with rest. (and it will also have additional symptoms like redness and swelling)
tendonosis on the other hand is a change in the structure of the tendon, which will not go away with rest, rather it needs active rehab. the massage and stretching is good for relieving the symptoms, but doesn't heal this injury. the KEY thing u are doing right is the eccentric curl, this will heal the tendon and let it recover its original structure. there is an eccentric exercise though that is MUCH more effective than the curl (in my experience)
this is probably one of the most misunderstood injuries, i had to go through some real struggles with it before i really started researching and finally getting rid of it.
keep en eye out for my rehab video and maybe i can explain things in some more depth
and what is the exercice ?
it's hard to describe it. it's the same principle but a different movement and a different type of dumbbell is needed. but it affects the tendon in question in a very different way. if i can stop being lazy and finally make a video about it u can check it out.
thanks for great feedback man. I wanted to make this video as short as possible but still informative, however; being already 12 min long video already, I couldn't squeeze more info in. Theres just so much about this overuse injury!
i will see if i can actually film tomorrow and get over the fact that it's awkward to talk on camera lol. i will link to a some articles too that gives some in depth explanations
BARSCIENCE101 Definitely want to see this information myself. Hope you're able to film or provide some links.
Dude thx A LOT for thid video, i actually have this (since 2/3 weeks) and this is really reassuring to see someone who had this issue. I'll make the necessary to recover fast and well. I wanted to know if nowadays you can do stuff like slow muscle ups without problem and if i could continue to work chest and shoulders (for ex) during rest part if its not painful. Thanks again, your english is very good btw :3
어깨한번다치고나니 몸의 소중함을 알게되네요 좋은영상감사합니다
I have the opposite problem ftom doing pull ups/chin ups. Not golfer's elbow but tennis elbow i think. The pain is on the opposite side. What am i doing wrong? Can you make a video about tennis elbow rather than golfer's elbow?
thank´s for your advice Dan, I'm from México i got golfer´s elbow , i can´t even try to do chin ups!! my two elbows hurt !! i expect to feel better !!! Greetings !!
이 영상 시청하고 잊고 살다가
요새 몸무게는 엄청 늘었는데 풀업 갯수는 크게 줄지 않아서 무리가 많이 갔는지
영상에서 말씀하시는 부분이 정확히 찌릿 아픔 통증 걸리적거려서 이 영상 다시 보러 왔더니 아... 또 운동 쉬어야하나..
사회인 야구 하시는분들도 많이들 보면 좋겠네요 저도 상과염때문에 고생 많이했는데 ㅎㅎ. 좋은영상 잘 보고 갑니다
Great video man! Thanks for sharing
Best video i can find on how to recover from golfer elbow. Thanks!!
When is comes to the rest phase I personally would recommend stretching once the inflammation has gone. If the micro tears are still healing you will keep retearing. Dont be in denial about your injury. I quit working out totally as even holding a bar squatting would irritate it.
you can also do ice baths and attach a tight band around ur elbow, biceps, triceps and the forearm areas, it'll cause the increased blood flow in these areas, especially ice baths which r perfect for the whole body health and perfomance
코치님 항상 잘보고있습니다
혹소 근막이완도구 암에이드 구매처나 정확한명칭알수있을까요?한국에서 살수있나요?
그리고 어깨 부상재활에 관한 동영상도 하나 올려주시면 유익할꺼같습니다! 이강좌처럼 본괴도에 오르기까지 방법요!
항상 감사합니다
Hello, i have a question. When do i need to start doing strenghtening excersises? Now im doing massage only. My golf elbow hurted alot, now its about 80% cured. Should i be 100% so i can start doing excersises?
You should do it as soon as possible, even if the load is very light. Don’t wait until 100%
Did u still keep up your regular push work? Or lighten that up too? I’m past the rest and rehab phase I think starting to get back in the gym
날에따라서 싸이클30 웨이트40 쇠질30 맨몸운동30 스트레칭30 그빡의 운동30 정도로 해서 언젠가 댄정님처럼 운동하고싶습니다. 지금은 자세도 너무 이상하고 보니까. 싸이클하고 웨이트만 조지고있습니다만.. 언젠가 더 제밌게 운동하고싶습니다. 영상 잘봤습니다.^^
For the strengthening phase do you recommend doing the 4 exercises daily? And what do you think is a safe rep range Dan? 1 rep and 5 sets per exercise? Thanks!
Thank you Dan...Shine On.
Thanks dan this really does help. good vids as always. i was told that wrist pull ups cause this problem as well, should i quit training those all together?
+terry perry what are wrist pull ups?
hey Dan,
how have you been working out during this years? how bad was your pain? did you have it during washing your hair/face or other every day activities? I'm also suffering from golfer's elbow... have this issue for 8 months now. Tried a lot. Doesn't seem to get better...
I felt it when I would try to open a door knob, but it seems like my symptoms were not as severe as yours. Try my method here and see if it works for you.
참 멋진 형님이십니다
Hi Dan,
I have the same problem. My questions are:
- if you don’t want to lose your good shape, how do you work the rest of muscles in phase REST and REHAB? Some advices? Any routine?
- do you think I can do push-ups? I don’t have some pain when I did, but I don’t know is about sinergy I can hurt my elbow.
- which is the thing that you use for forearm/biceps massage? (like blue scisors with little balls..) Do you have any link to buy it?
Thanks a lot for your advices.
이형 찐이다 ..
What should I do with my pushing strength? Same exercises or easy exercises?
이게 상완골내측상과염같지만 실제로 풀업이나 머슬업 당기기류의 동작들에 대부분은 위팔근(상완근)의 과사용인 경우가 많습니다. 댄정님 정말 내측상과염이라고 진단 확실히 받으셔도 댄정님 상완근 텐던에 촉진 들어가면 자지러질겁니다.이 상완근은 아래팔을 접어주면서 내 몸쪽으로 끌어 당겨오는 역할을 하는데 이 근육을 무리하게 사용하면 내측상과염과 비슷한 통증을 나타나죠 풀업 프론트레버 머슬업 다 몸쪽으로 끌어당기는 동작입니다. 거기다가 상완근은 그립이 오버그립일 때 사용됩니다. 언더그립은 상완이두근, 뉴트럴그립은 완요골근(위팔노근)이죠 주로 풀업 머슬업에 굉장히 많은 역할을 합니다. 아마 댄정님 부상은 이 상완근 문제가 10중 8,9가 아닐까 싶습니다.
Thank you for the information! You look ripped man!
Hi sir, thank you for your video. I had elbow pain since yesterday and the day before I did back exercises with pull up, am not a mascular guy but after the next day I couldn't lift bicep curl at all, it so painful on my left elbow and I went home. Today I take rest and didn't go work out. My questions are can I still train other parts of my body like legs and abs? And also is hammer curls better for recovery period that normal bicep curls? Thank you sir.
저도 풀업을 일주에 두 세번 한계점 까지 하드하게 트레이닝하다보니 내측상과염을 얻었습니다 ㅜㅠ 다른것보다 운동을 쉬는것이 제일 힘드네요
I have the same symptoms. You speak of rest for 2 weeks. Is it total rest foer the elbow? Or I can still do for example the shoulders or triceps (push exercices), just I do not pull exercices.
In general, you just need to avoid pulling work which was the case for me. Pushing work was okay unless I did pushing work on paralettes(due to the fact that you have to grab the handle bar hard)
안녕하세요. 팔꿈치부상으로 2달째 치료중입니다..
유튜브 보다가 댄.정님 영상 보면서 많이 좋았습니다.
저는 지금 주사2회 받다가 아파서.
체외충격파10회를 받고 병원에서 염증.약 2주 처방받고 현재 스트레칭 만 하고 있는 상황입니다. 현재 증상은 팔꿈치를 힘을 주어 펴면 뻣뻣한 증상이 있으며 저.무게를 들고 팔로 들면 통증이 옵니다.아직 .
뻗뻗함이 있어도 재활운동 들어가도 되겠는지요.. 병원에서는 조금씩 스트레칭과 병행하라고 하였는데..
몹시 궁금합니다. 상체운동2달동안 못하니 미치겠어요..ㅠ
Body goals good job man
Hi Dan, have you ever had similiar issues with wrists? My wrist got injured couple years ago and they remained sore. When I use paraler bars for push ups and handstands its okay. But the moment I try planche on the ground Im gonna feel pain in wrists for couple days. I tried to strech them, but not really strenghten them and maybe thats the missing piece of my recovery :/
댄정 형님 2년전 팔씨름하는 도중 팔을 제 몸쪽으로 넘기다가 인대에서 찢어지는둣한 느낌을 받고 벌써 2년이 지났네요 그 이후로 그냥 팔 아파도 턱걸이하고 머슬업을 했는데 데드리프트나 오래 매달려있으면 통증이 오더라구요 한번 세달정도 해보고 후기 꼭 남기겠습니당 !!
후기가 궁금하네요
오 좋은정보감사합니다 혹시 왼쪽어깨도 안좋은데 좋은재활운동법있을까요??^^;;
thank you so much, I hope it will work out ! I will let you know ^^
Since I´ve been following your method, it´s getting much better now! stay healthy buddy ^^ #grateful
Hi Dan,
Great video!! I've been having a issue with my elbow/forearm for the past 2 months.
Can you please recommend what exercises can't and can do with golfer's elbow....
For example, i'm planning to do chest and legs...
안녕하세요! 골프엘보로 7개월째 고생중입니다! 무리하게 로딩을 하다가 골프엘보가 발생했습니다. 이 재활치료는 통증이 어느정도 남아있을때 시행하면되는가요?
정확히 제증상이랑 같습니다. 풀업, 친업 좋아하는사람인데 머슬업이랑 무게 풀업시도하다가 생긴것같습니다. 이증상이 심하면 벤치할때도 팔꿈치가 뻐근하더라구요. 나을듯 말듯하면서 풀업조금만 신나게 당겨주면 또걸리고 참 골치아픕니다
How do you know when phase ends and you can go to next one?
If I feel my tendon tense I stop exercise for 2 weeks now and still do abs and legs what should I do ...put ice. ? And ??? I want it to recover asap ...
Bro. Now i feel oain in my arms. I can make stretching? I rest to much time. But not result
정말효과 있나요
왼쪽팔꿈치는 강도높은 밀기 운동으로 부상을 입었고, 오른쪽팔꿈치는 무리해서 한팔 당기기를 하다가 부상을 입었습니다.
손등이 내 쪽을 향하게(풀업그립) 해서 팔을 폈다 굽혔다 하면 팔꿈치 양쪽 모두 뚝뚝 소리가 납니다(왼쪽이 더 심하게 소리납니다).
오른팔은 당기기를 하다 부상을 입었으니 골프엘보가 맞는 것 같고, 왼팔은 그럼 테니스엘보인가요?
안녕하십니까? 평소에 영상을 보고 많은 도움을 받고 있습니다.제가 푸쉬업이나 풀업을 즐겨하는데 푸쉬업을 하려다 팔꿈치에 통증이 느껴져서 못할 것 같아서 영상을 찾아보게 되었습니다. 영상에 의하면 최소 3달은 운동을 못하는 것 같습니다. 그럼 그동안은 하체운동과 재활운동을 해야합니까?
이 영상은 푸시업 통증과는 성격이 다른데 부상의 정도에 따라 재활 기간이 달라지겠죠~ 통증 수반안하는 동작은 해도 됩니다
아하 좋은 정보감사합니다
최근 팔꿈치 통증을 느끼기 시작해서 어쩔 수 없이 휴식을 하려고 하는데..... 혹시 프레스 류의 운동 (벤치프레스, 밀리터리프레스)을 하는데 어떤 영향을 미칠지 궁금합니다.... 재활기간까지 프레스 운동까지 쉬어야한다면 정말 절망스러울것 같아서요....답변 부탁드립니다.
is this recover sequence gonna work for tennis elbow, too? maybe by stopping pushes instead of stopping pulls? what do you think?
+이태균 no tennis elbow is a completely different injury so it needs to be treated differently
Thanks, nice video... also try deep tissue massage at the insertion point of the tendon to break down cross fiber scar tissue... also, light swimming helps to regain strength over a range of motion.
Being careful id Gold advice here , forearms strength exercises help too...
몸무게 15키로 증가했는데
풀업 갯수는 유지하고 있어서 그런가 아픈 곳이 생기네요
영상 감사합니다
항상 좋은영상감사합니다. 재활기간동안 미는운동도 안하고 휴식하신건가요?
미는 동작은 대개 가능 합니다
@@DanJeongg 저도 골프엘보가 심해서 1년가까이 치료 운동 재발 반복중인데 요번에는 댄정님 영상보고 꾸준히 재활중입니다!
풀업이나 렛풀다운을 하면 왼쪽 팔꿈치에 부담이 많이 되었는데 이거였군요.... 트레이너한테 물어봐도 풀업이 팔꿈치 부담 안준다고 했는데. 야매트레이너였나봐요ㅜㅜ 도움이 많이 되었습니다 감사해요~
+Smith Jane 네 잘못된 정보를 얻은거 같네요
저는 어제 레슬링을 하다 팔을 핀 상태로 땅을 짚어 팔꿈치가 탈골되었습니다.
인대가 크게 늘어났는데,
따로 추천해주실 수 있는 재활방법이 있을까요?
안녕하세요! 우선 영상에서 많은 도움을 얻었고 감사합니다. 다름아니라 조언을 구하고싶습니다.. 재활운동 2번째 이주차까지 하다 라섹수술을받고 그와중에 어깨를 다쳐 삼주를 중간에 쉬게되었는데 이와같이 중간에 쉬게되면 다시 처음부터 하는게 좋을가요 아니면 그냥 남은 이주를 하고 마지막단계를 해도 괜찮을가요 바쁘신 와중에 도움주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.
i agree with you. it was hard to stop train
항상 잘보고 있습니다 감사합니다 내측상과염으로 한달가량 고생중입니다ㅠ 상체운동은 전혀 안하고 하체운동만하고있는데 윗글을보니 당기는운동이 아니면 크게 지장이 없다고 하셨는데 선생님께서는 재활기간을 상당히 오래하신거 같은데 그동안 당기는운동 제외하고 다른운동은 어떻게 하셨는지 궁금합니다 미는운동인 가슴운동과 어깨운동을 해줘도 회복하는데 이상이없을까요? 미는운동했을때 통증은거의없습니다
+김동환 저도 미는 운동은 전혀 지장 없어서 그냥 했습니다. 패럴렛 같은거 잡고 물구나무설때 바를 꽉 움켜잡을땐 약간 통증이 있어서 이런 동작만 피했네요~
잘봤습니다 어깨도 이런식으로해서 좀 좋아졌으면 좋겠네요 항상 밴드운동 좀하다가 아프면 포기하고 주사맞고 그만두고 생각나면 또해보다가 반복을 3년째했는데 정말 재활의지가 있었던건지 스스로반성이 많이돼요 성격이 급해서 바로 피드백이 안오니 ..맨날 술이나 먹으로 다니고... 올해는 정말다시 해보려구요..
재활운동은 정말 참을성 있게 꾸준히 해야 좋아집니다 힘내세요
댄정님은 유산소 운동을 따로 하시나요?? 하신다면 어떤 루틴으로 하시나요??
+Li zuno 안합니다
Can I still do press ups and dips for my triceps and chest whilst on the rest phase
where u place ya wrist on the pull up bar instead of grabbing with your hand & pull with your wrist sitting on the bar. Its mainly used when training for a slow muscle up
+terry perry quit training if you have issues with your elbows. If not, you can train but you just need to listen to your body carefully
i never got tendonitis directly from false grip pull ups, but doing too many reps or too many muscle ups without enough rest did give me some tendonitis. if you are working towards the muscle up i really recommend that you give yourself at least 2-3 days to allow your elbows tendons to heal and feel fresh before starting the next muscle up training day. Also do deep dips and lots of tiger bend push ups to strengthen those tendons because the hardest part is the transition where it will give you the most stress. Almost forgot but when you use the false grip or do any type of muscle ups, be sure to tuck your elbows in.
Your tips seems very sensful to me. I have had golfer’s elbow problem from more than two years. I tried everything. But never goes away.
Can u just tell where should I buy this arm-made. It looks so helpful to me. And tell me if I miss spelled it.
다시봐도 좋구만 굳굳
폼롤러 찾아봤는데 너무 많아 뭘 선택해야할지 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 영상중에 사용중인 폼롤러 제품 이름이 어떻게 되나요? 재질이 epp 재질인가요? eva 재질인가요?
이두컬 네거티브 할 때 벤치 각도를 일부러 저렇게 하는 이유가 있나요?
Whats the name of that device your using to massage your elbow?
I've never seen that.
Thank you !
어깨뽕이 엄청 나신 것 같아요. 맨몸운동만으로 어깨 만드신 건가요? 저는 주로 밀프를 하는데 갈라지기만 힌뿐 커지질 않네요. 대포알같은 어깨 만드는게 꿈인데 조언좀 주세요.
링에서 하는 훈련 추천드립니다. 예) 링딥
저는 이제 막 풀업을 1셋트 5개씩 하는 초보자인데 갑자기 엘보현상이왔어요(갑자기 재미가들려 거의 매일하다시피 하고 딥스도 매일했습니다)
평상시 통증을느낄정도는아니고 손을 얼굴에 갓다 붙이고 힘을주게되면(세수하는동작) (걸래 짜는동작) 하게되면 팔꿈치 내측에 통증이오네요
1달 쉬고있는데 계속 증상이 호전이 되지를않아요
정형외과 내원하여 체외충격파도 받아봤는데 효과를 모르겠더라구요............
운동을 제대로 시작한지 1달정도밖에되지않아 당황스럽고 힘드네요
영상에 2단계 정도에서 훈련을 해도 괜찮을까요?
Many Thanks!!!