Ones of the main difference between Gibraltar and Ceuta are: 1.Spain and England were both consiledated countries when England took Gibraltar, Morroco was not. 2. Spain didn't took Ceuta from Morroco, but it was ceded by Portugal, so Morrocco just don't have a say in all this. 3. England, previously to the treaty by which Gibraltar was handed to the Engish, had no relation whatsoever with Gibraltar. None at all. However, Ceuta has always been part or linked to the rest of the Spanish territoy: it was part of the Caliphate of Cordoba in Spain, and also part of the independent Emirate of Cordoba, in Spain too, and previously to all that, it was part of the Gothic Kingdom of Spania. And I could go back to the Roman province of Hispania but I won't. Conclusion: Ceuta has been Spanish and/or linked to Spain longer than it has been "Moroccan". Said this, I don't have a thing for Gibraltar being Spanish, but as much as you want to see it this way, the situation of Gibraltar and Ceuta are NOT the same. Stop manipulating history, both British and Moroccans.
spanish took from Portugal occupied moroccan citiy and there is plenty of cities accross Morocco occupied by Portuguese in past and later by French, Morocco existed this times but it was under control of many diferents sultans.
Minutes 1:38 ffw: "it was conquered first by the Portuguese, and then by the Spanish" says the narrator! That's not correct! Portugal conquered Ceuta in 1415 (August 21st), and the enclave was ceded to Spain in 1668, after Spain lost in the Portuguese Restauration War (1640-1668)! In the peace treaty of Lisbon (1668) Spain had to recognize Portugals restored sovereignity, after 60 years of joint monarchy, that wasdisastrous for Portugal. In 1640 the governor of the enclave of Ceuta, that had turned into money drain territory, did not adhere to the restored portuguese independent monarchy, and decided to pay allegiance to the Spanish King: formally Ceuta was Portuguese again until 1668, but it continued de facto a Spanish Territory. Tangiers, on the contrary, then also a Portuguese Territory, was overwhelmingly in favor of the Portuguese Monarchy and stayed Portuguese until 1662, when it was given to Charles II of England as part of the dowry from the Portuguese Infanta Catherine of Braganza, becoming English Tangier. Spain never conquered Ceuta! And "convivencia" doesn't mean "coexistence", "convivencia" means "co-habitation" Ah, least I forget: Francisco Franco wasn't the Spanish "Prime Minister" as the al-jazeera commentator says (mins.: 5:35)! He was the Spanish Head of State! And please, please, PLEASE!!! DO NOT GIVE CREDITS OF PEACEFUL "COEXISTENCE" IN CEUTA TO "MULTICULTURALISM"! Multiculuralism HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! This is a seldom and unique circumstance, i.e. state of affairs, that is inherent to Ceuta: It's the outgrowth of Ceuta's long history and particular evolution AND NOT AT ALL of "multiculturalism"!
@hoodbridgeShakeproto never been part of Morocco , educate yourself and read history Ceuta and Melilla late part of Spain for centuries even before Morocco was born
@@moshesierra6849 When Morocco was born Spain was still an Arab colony 😂😂 go educate yourself before you speak. Charif Al Idrissi was born in Sebta in Morocco 🇲🇦
Giordano in the 1860s Canary islands, Ceuta and Melilla were declared free ports. That atracted people from the region of Sind in British India, who were moving to freeports all around the world like Panamá City, Singapore or Malta. They belonged to the Hindu minority in a muslim region, so in 1947 Sind became part of newly independent Pakistán. Thanks to the tension between the two religions in south Asia at the time, a second wave of Hindus moved to Ceuta.
Well, the reason why Ceuta (and also Melilla) is still spanish and not morrocan, is because it has never belonged to Morroco. It was Portuguese first, and then Spanish, but never Moroccan. The moroccan man who says that Spanish presence in Ceuta only goes back 370 years is right, but Morocco was not even close to exist 370 years ago. If you want to go back in time, before the existance of modern day countries, that's fine, but remember, Ceuta was part of the Caliphate of Cordoba (Spain), and during roman times, it was part of the Hispania Transfretana/Mauretania Tingitana (most of Morocco, if not all, belonged to this region), region that was dependent very much of the province of Baetica, again, what now a days is Spain. Before saying nonsenses, please, pick up a book.
+goodaim shield Dude! Revise history, Morocco (Almaghrib), as a nation, started to exists once Muslims conquered Morocco. The Kingdom that was established in Morocco under the rule of Idriss I and then Idriss II dates to few generations after the establishment of the concept of the Caliphate in the world. After the downfall of the Idrissite came Almoravids and Almohades who conquered Iberia. Morocco lost Ceuta and Melilla (and many other areas back then that havepractically reached the entire Caliphate) at the Spanish Reconquista. So yeah! Ceuta, Melilla, Sovereign Islands belonged to Morocco before being conquered by Portugal and Spain. And after so, the notion of countries disappeared if never existed!
hahaha, sure. And we all belong to Italians, you know? Because of the roman empire. Any way, read what I said about hispania. How back in history should we go? As far as it convines you? Keep dreaming. YOU should revise history. I'm not going to argue with you in this matter, is like if I say Spain existed when romans entered the peninsula more than 2000 years ago
+goodaim shield Man, don't be upset. I just corrected your mistake about the age of Morocco that's all. I didn't say Ceuta should be Moroccan or anything. I don't think we should go back in history any minute further, most (or all) Ceutans would prefer being Spanish the same way Gibraltarians would choose the UK over Spain. As a Moroccan, I would like to see Ceuta being Moroccan the same way the majority of Spaniards would like to see Gibraltar belonging to Spain. That's all.
Okay, sorry if I was a little rude, but I still wouldn't consider Morocco birth in that time in history (not as a country, at least) nor I think the situation between Gibraltar and Ceuta are comparable. Anyway I'm Spanish, and I don't really have a thing for Gibraltar being Spanish, actually, I think shared sovereignty would be the fairest solution.
I can perfectly understand that ages of countries are always debatable. But only few years ago we celebrated the end of the 12th century in the age of the Moroccan kingdom, and it was a national feast. I don't think they'd do it just like that. Now, the situation of Ceuta and Gibraltar is completely controlled by politics of Morocco, Spain and the U.K. So it is comparable because both countries want it part of the territory. And just like you, many Moroccans don't have any special feeling towards Ceuta and less toward Melilla, they're not even interested in a shared soveregnity. But we also have Moroccans like the one you watched in the video inside and outside Ceuta, similarily to Spanish people who slogan "Gibraltar espaniol" everywhere. I live in Tangier, only 55 km away from Ceuta, I've been there once in my trip in Spain, and I like it the way it is. I wish here in Morocco we could have such a religious diversity.
@@asintomatico1 El Sahara es libre desde la firma del Acuerdo de Madrid en 1975 por el Reino de España. Trasladó a Marruecos y Mauritania al Sahara. Otra pregunta mierda bolsa?
This is how Al-andalus was from the 10th century, with its capital; Cordoba which was the largest city on earth with over 600,000-1,200,000 people, 200,000 houses and shops, 600 libraries, and hundreds of educational centers and universities with the people of all 3 religion coming together and sharing ideas and innovation.
Ceu ttista Islam doesn't need traitors and sell outs who side with Kufaar who invaded innocent Muslim soil for strategic reasons, so I will rephrase "You love Spain, you love your own ignorance and you're a Kaafir"
***** YOU DO REALIZE SPAIN HAS MOVED ITS SETTLERS THERE RIGHT?! Damn you're stupid! The same way Britain installed its civilians in Gibraltar/Las Malvinas ... And magically they become "native" to that place?! LOL! Ceuta has always been a part of the Moors and also part of Africa, not fucking Spain! Learn your geography and history properly... Colonialism at its worst!
dontlaughtoomuch11 well, that was more than 500 years ago... we might try to redraw the international borders as they were in 3000 bc, but it might not be a very good idea
full of lies. Ceuta was a part Spanish before the fall of Al-Andalus, before Spain was united.....since 14 August 1415! In 2012, the proportion of Ceuta population that identify themselves as Roman Catholic was 68.0%. While the proportion of Ceuta population that identify themselves as Muslim was 28.3%
The flag of Ceuta, have the same color of the city of Lisbon and the same shield of the Portuguese flag
can i ask what ceuta is like ?? i like travelling, i went to algeciras last year and liked it and was thinking about a weekend in cueta what is it like there ? is it a safe place.
you prolly dont care but if you are bored like me during the covid times then you can stream pretty much all of the new movies and series on InstaFlixxer. I've been streaming with my brother for the last couple of months :)
Someone argue that Ceuta is not Spain. Ask the people there, wether they want Ceuta to belong to Spain or Morocco, I am sure most of them want to be Spain.
That is 100% correct. Just like people in Gibraltar want to be British, people in Pais Vasco want to be Vascos and people in Catalunya want to be Catalan. Ceuta is part of the Spanish Kingdom.
Waah,for those debating whether or not Spain has a claim on the land..don't forget that most of the world has been invaded/seized by different powers (British Virgin Islands. ,Falkland Islands, Northern cyprus,Guam...etc) which have been taken for quite sometime!!!Unless you want to draw a new map (Goodluck!) there's nothing you or anyone could do except those who live there if they want to make a referendum!! How unfortunate that the amazing topic of this documentary has been derailed!!I would rather 'debate' on how this condition can be replicated if possible to resolve the age old dilemma of religious intolerance!(without conflict+or banning it)!!
chorus on the mosque? a woman said that in the video, that didnt went out on the, i speak spanish and really dont understand why she did that
Ceuta is a Spanish city before Portugal and is now Spain, never was part of the kingdom of Morocco..I love Spain I love Ceuta I love Catholicism and I want Muslims out of Ceuta and the Inquisition here.
This is north-african land. Wether you want to call it Spanish or Moroccan, I don't care. The point is that it is north-African. The only people that truly have indigenous historical connection to that land are the north-Moroccans. Wether north-African or Andalusian (Iberian) descent - Muslim, Jewish or Christian- doesn't matter. The Spaniards that actually come from the North (Castille) have no say on that.
Al Jazeera doing what they do best. Trying to push it on Spain this time. Now Al Jazeera will decide how and what a city should look like rather than Spanish people.
Most likely, I can guarantee it was Moroccan and taken over by the Conquistadors as always! Idolatrous idols is a symbol of there servitude! I couldnt live among idols like that. WOW!
Well, muslims from Ceuta and Melilla they consider themselves as Spanish people... They have nothing to do with Morocco, cause, in fact, they are from tamazigh origins, they are berebers, and Morocco do not recognize those people, so...
+IgnacioZgzSpain sure they speak arabic and call themselves fezeyor, the komnei turks have consider themselves turkish so why not give komenei to turkey?
@@Berrugasnoquiero I know many berbers from Ceuta and they don't really like Spain and its culture ! they are just happy with having a european passport ! and now a lot of them are upset with Morocco closing the borders , they feel isolated !
from lybia, Tunesia, Algeria ,Morocco and Mauritania we have the same Language and culture and religion and we have always dreaming to bee a Maghreb Union to develop our country's and Ceuta and Mellilia are the only cities that prevent us from starting these Maghrebs union ,what are they looking for with their ugly wall as a borderline with Morocco ,Spain is in Europe continent and not in Africa continent.give the city's what you steal Morocco back...
Umayyad empire conquered North Africa and expanded Islam 7 th century ad then entered Spain. Almoravid was a lot after the Umayyad empire and is the product of North African Muslims after centuries. Before that the Roman Empire and Carthage ruled from Tunisia to Morocco centuries after when Umayyad empire entered Spain the form a emirate then after around 4 centuries were a caliphate then Ceuta was part of it so what Ceuta got to do with today's Morocco the Almoravids were North Africans who were part of what the Umayyad empire left which was the education and religion
let's keep the point. we were talking about apostasy from one religion into the other. now let's skip tnto the loss of faith in the western world: it doesn't depend on the christian teachings but on a society lesser and lesser linked to religious faith and spirituaity and more to material or philosophical speeches. it is something that will also happen to the muslim world sooner or later. nothing to do with the teachings of both religion.
It would be great if all people of all religions would live like this, live and let live, Shalom, Salam, Peace, be with you all
Ones of the main difference between Gibraltar and Ceuta are: 1.Spain and England were both consiledated countries when England took Gibraltar, Morroco was not. 2. Spain didn't took Ceuta from Morroco, but it was ceded by Portugal, so Morrocco just don't have a say in all this. 3. England, previously to the treaty by which Gibraltar was handed to the Engish, had no relation whatsoever with Gibraltar. None at all. However, Ceuta has always been part or linked to the rest of the Spanish territoy: it was part of the Caliphate of Cordoba in Spain, and also part of the independent Emirate of Cordoba, in Spain too, and previously to all that, it was part of the Gothic Kingdom of Spania. And I could go back to the Roman province of Hispania but I won't. Conclusion: Ceuta has been Spanish and/or linked to Spain longer than it has been "Moroccan". Said this, I don't have a thing for Gibraltar being Spanish, but as much as you want to see it this way, the situation of Gibraltar and Ceuta are NOT the same. Stop manipulating history, both British and Moroccans.
UK not England..
The Northern Irish Gibraltarian Brit. It was mainly England at that time. But it doesn't matter, my point is still the same.
Morocco existed and it was a sultanate when the portuguese took it.
spanish took from Portugal occupied moroccan citiy and there is plenty of cities accross Morocco occupied by Portuguese in past and later by French, Morocco existed this times but it was under control of many diferents sultans.
@Antoine Shelby before of arabs, morocco was a visigothic province
Spain can never complain about Gibraltar ever again, in light of this topic.
if you say "Ceyutah" one more time I SWEAR IM GONNA LOSE IT
Sage Maneja 😂😂👍🏼
Minutes 1:38 ffw: "it was conquered first by the Portuguese, and then by the Spanish" says the narrator!
That's not correct!
Portugal conquered Ceuta in 1415 (August 21st), and the enclave was ceded to Spain in 1668, after Spain lost in the Portuguese Restauration War (1640-1668)! In the peace treaty of Lisbon (1668) Spain had to recognize Portugals restored sovereignity, after 60 years of joint monarchy, that wasdisastrous for Portugal. In 1640 the governor of the enclave of Ceuta, that had turned into money drain territory, did not adhere to the restored portuguese independent monarchy, and decided to pay allegiance to the Spanish King: formally Ceuta was Portuguese again until 1668, but it continued de facto a Spanish Territory. Tangiers, on the contrary, then also a Portuguese Territory, was overwhelmingly in favor of the Portuguese Monarchy and stayed Portuguese until 1662, when it was given to Charles II of England as part of the dowry from the Portuguese Infanta Catherine of Braganza, becoming English Tangier.
Spain never conquered Ceuta! And "convivencia" doesn't mean "coexistence", "convivencia" means "co-habitation"
Ah, least I forget: Francisco Franco wasn't the Spanish "Prime Minister" as the al-jazeera commentator says (mins.: 5:35)!
He was the Spanish Head of State!
Multiculuralism HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! This is a seldom and unique circumstance, i.e. state of affairs, that is inherent to Ceuta: It's the outgrowth of Ceuta's long history and particular evolution AND NOT AT ALL of "multiculturalism"!
I don't understand your issue with multiculturalism praised as part of the peaceful coexistence in Ceuta.
I laughed at Francisco Franco prime minister part lol. Whoever wrote the script for this video should do more research.
@@LoudWaffle Spaniards have an issue with coexistence. Just look at their history after the conquest of Andalusia
@@Boug0014 Pointing fingers and blaming other groups makes you part of the problem, not part of any potential solution.
Long live the kingdom of Spain and it's people
***** Which one is that?
Long live Morocco
@@grateful1310 long live Morocco 🇲🇦 and Spain 🇪🇸 love from india 🇮🇳 Spain, not Morocco. The age of white supremacist colonial colonization was over a century ago????? Long Live Morocco.
Yo soy de Ceuta y soy española,viva Ceuta!!!!
Rosa Hidalga ceuta and melila , gibralter and spain and portugues is land of islam we make again andalucia golden ages
GO back to your own country
You are not from Ceuta . You may live there. Go back to Spain
@hoodbridgeShakeproto never been part of Morocco , educate yourself and read history
Ceuta and Melilla late part of Spain for centuries even before Morocco was born
@@moshesierra6849 When Morocco was born Spain was still an Arab colony 😂😂 go educate yourself before you speak. Charif Al Idrissi was born in Sebta in Morocco 🇲🇦
How did Hindus ended up in Ceuta? \o/
They wanted to see what indoor plumbing looked like.
Giordano in the 1860s Canary islands, Ceuta and Melilla were declared free ports. That atracted people from the region of Sind in British India, who were moving to freeports all around the world like Panamá City, Singapore or Malta. They belonged to the Hindu minority in a muslim region, so in 1947 Sind became part of newly independent Pakistán. Thanks to the tension between the two religions in south Asia at the time, a second wave of Hindus moved to Ceuta.
Well, the reason why Ceuta (and also Melilla) is still spanish and not morrocan, is because it has never belonged to Morroco. It was Portuguese first, and then Spanish, but never Moroccan. The moroccan man who says that Spanish presence in Ceuta only goes back 370 years is right, but Morocco was not even close to exist 370 years ago. If you want to go back in time, before the existance of modern day countries, that's fine, but remember, Ceuta was part of the Caliphate of Cordoba (Spain), and during roman times, it was part of the Hispania Transfretana/Mauretania Tingitana (most of Morocco, if not all, belonged to this region), region that was dependent very much of the province of Baetica, again, what now a days is Spain. Before saying nonsenses, please, pick up a book.
+goodaim shield Dude! Revise history, Morocco (Almaghrib), as a nation, started to exists once Muslims conquered Morocco. The Kingdom that was established in Morocco under the rule of Idriss I and then Idriss II dates to few generations after the establishment of the concept of the Caliphate in the world. After the downfall of the Idrissite came Almoravids and Almohades who conquered Iberia. Morocco lost Ceuta and Melilla (and many other areas back then that havepractically reached the entire Caliphate) at the Spanish Reconquista. So yeah! Ceuta, Melilla, Sovereign Islands belonged to Morocco before being conquered by Portugal and Spain. And after so, the notion of countries disappeared if never existed!
hahaha, sure. And we all belong to Italians, you know? Because of the roman empire. Any way, read what I said about hispania. How back in history should we go? As far as it convines you? Keep dreaming. YOU should revise history. I'm not going to argue with you in this matter, is like if I say Spain existed when romans entered the peninsula more than 2000 years ago
+goodaim shield Man, don't be upset. I just corrected your mistake about the age of Morocco that's all. I didn't say Ceuta should be Moroccan or anything. I don't think we should go back in history any minute further, most (or all) Ceutans would prefer being Spanish the same way Gibraltarians would choose the UK over Spain.
As a Moroccan, I would like to see Ceuta being Moroccan the same way the majority of Spaniards would like to see Gibraltar belonging to Spain. That's all.
Okay, sorry if I was a little rude, but I still wouldn't consider Morocco birth in that time in history (not as a country, at least) nor I think the situation between Gibraltar and Ceuta are comparable. Anyway I'm Spanish, and I don't really have a thing for Gibraltar being Spanish, actually, I think shared sovereignty would be the fairest solution.
I can perfectly understand that ages of countries are always debatable. But only few years ago we celebrated the end of the 12th century in the age of the Moroccan kingdom, and it was a national feast. I don't think they'd do it just like that.
Now, the situation of Ceuta and Gibraltar is completely controlled by politics of Morocco, Spain and the U.K. So it is comparable because both countries want it part of the territory.
And just like you, many Moroccans don't have any special feeling towards Ceuta and less toward Melilla, they're not even interested in a shared soveregnity. But we also have Moroccans like the one you watched in the video inside and outside Ceuta, similarily to Spanish people who slogan "Gibraltar espaniol" everywhere.
I live in Tangier, only 55 km away from Ceuta, I've been there once in my trip in Spain, and I like it the way it is. I wish here in Morocco we could have such a religious diversity.
¡Ceuta es español!
+Goheine2015 Her Hahahaha and Gibraltar es ingles ! Catalunia es Catalunia libre y tambien Pais Vasco.
730 Mŷ si
@@asintomatico1 hhhhh ¿Por qué estás tan nervioso? ... Porque presioné donde duele ... Viva Cataluña Libre, Viva Euskera Libre, Viva Gibraltar Libre, viva Melilia y Melilia Marroquí
@@freewal Viva el Sahara libre!! Morito pititón!!
@@asintomatico1 El Sahara es libre desde la firma del Acuerdo de Madrid en 1975 por el Reino de España. Trasladó a Marruecos y Mauritania al Sahara. Otra pregunta mierda bolsa?
This is how Al-andalus was from the 10th century, with its capital; Cordoba which was the largest city on earth with over 600,000-1,200,000 people, 200,000 houses and shops, 600 libraries, and hundreds of educational centers and universities with the people of all 3 religion coming together and sharing ideas and innovation.
No. Living happy together no. That's a myth
@@ameise4038 "la très culturas"
Ceuta is a Spanish city before was portugal and is now Spain, never was part of the Kingdom of Morocco.... i love spain , i love ceuta i love islam
Ceu ttista Islam doesn't need traitors and sell outs who side with Kufaar who invaded innocent Muslim soil for strategic reasons, so I will rephrase "You love Spain, you love your own ignorance and you're a Kaafir"
Damn you're stupid!
The same way Britain installed its civilians in Gibraltar/Las Malvinas ... And magically they become "native" to that place?! LOL!
Ceuta has always been a part of the Moors and also part of Africa, not fucking Spain! Learn your geography and history properly...
Colonialism at its worst!
dontlaughtoomuch11 if you don't like that Ceuta is in Spain, move to Tétouan or Tanger
I support Gibraltar belonging to Britain and Ceuta belonging to Spain. It's not a matter of pretty maps, it's a matter of history,
well, that was more than 500 years ago... we might try to redraw the international borders as they were in 3000 bc, but it might not be a very good idea
full of lies. Ceuta was a part Spanish before the fall of Al-Andalus, before Spain was united.....since 14 August 1415! In 2012, the proportion of Ceuta population that identify themselves as Roman Catholic was 68.0%. While the proportion of Ceuta population that identify themselves as Muslim was 28.3%
Spain is belong to Europe.. North African lands doesn't belong to spanish europeans
The flag of Ceuta, have the same color of the city of Lisbon and the same shield of the Portuguese flag
can i ask what ceuta is like ?? i like travelling, i went to algeciras last year and liked it and was thinking about a weekend in cueta what is it like there ? is it a safe place.
y, muy seguro, como cualquier parte de españa
Richard Upton Ceuta is Spain. And it's a very safe city 😊
Ceuta is a moroccan city occupied by spain
sebta not cueta
Beautiful! makes me wanna move there
If it's from A Jazeera, it must be good... and oh yeah, it's a good documentary.
you prolly dont care but if you are bored like me during the covid times then you can stream pretty much all of the new movies and series on InstaFlixxer. I've been streaming with my brother for the last couple of months :)
@Kolton Turner Yea, I've been using Instaflixxer for since november myself :)
Someone argue that Ceuta is not Spain. Ask the people there, wether they want Ceuta to belong to Spain or Morocco, I am sure most of them want to be Spain.
That is 100% correct. Just like people in Gibraltar want to be British, people in Pais Vasco want to be Vascos and people in Catalunya want to be Catalan. Ceuta is part of the Spanish Kingdom.
I am from Ceuta, I am Spaniard, my family is proud to be SPANISH from Ceuta lol
@@mann953 nn ceuta is morocco
@@ilianam453 you're colonizers !
@@fi-geek7256 I'm half Puerto Rican, so I'm half slave. Nice try though, what was your point?
The bastion of coexistence in Northern Africa
I want to know what one thing... How did the Hindus get there?
@The Free Barbarian there clearly Hindu
Imagine if Israel was like this when it comes the Palestinians
Imagine if Palestinians were like this when it comes to Israel.
@@spikefivefivefive lol who has the power?
Waah,for those debating whether or not Spain has a claim on the land..don't forget that most of the world has been invaded/seized by different powers (British Virgin Islands.
,Falkland Islands, Northern cyprus,Guam...etc) which have been taken for quite sometime!!!Unless you want to draw a new map (Goodluck!) there's nothing you or anyone could do except those who live there if they want to make a referendum!!
How unfortunate that the amazing topic of this documentary has been derailed!!I would rather 'debate' on how this condition can be replicated if possible to resolve the age old dilemma of religious intolerance!(without conflict+or banning it)!!
You have a idealistic picture of Ceuta. Their community only works because it is very segregated and people still live in old times.
If only the speaker would pronounce "Ceuta" correctly.
chorus on the mosque? a woman said that in the video, that didnt went out on the, i speak spanish and really dont understand why she did that
La primera vez que Al.Jazeera no mete mierda de mi pais
Morocco colonized southern spain for 800 years.
@@pgarcia5292 The Almoravid and the Almohad were Moroccan dynasties , their capital was Marrakesh .
Ceuta is a Spanish city before Portugal and is now Spain, never was part of the kingdom of Morocco..I love Spain I love Ceuta I love Catholicism and I want Muslims out of Ceuta and the Inquisition here.
Zaphod Trillian Lol Good Luck with that, the Muslims are there to stay and you can't doing anything but comment about it.
it was part of the Moroccan empire under the Almohams and the Almoriavids !
It’s like saying I want the native Americans out of America they have to go back to Siberia.
Spain is belong to Europe not North Africa lands
This is north-african land. Wether you want to call it Spanish or Moroccan, I don't care. The point is that it is north-African. The only people that truly have indigenous historical connection to that land are the north-Moroccans. Wether north-African or Andalusian (Iberian) descent - Muslim, Jewish or Christian- doesn't matter. The Spaniards that actually come from the North (Castille) have no say on that.
When Muslim army reach Al-Maghreb, they found that Ceuta belong to the Visigothic kingdom in Iberia. Before that, it was Byzantine's.
ceuta is spain only spain europa ! not moroco
I born in ceuta
No it not spain
Spain is belong to Europe not North Africa lands
People are people - the rest is labels. Work that out.
Invite them to your house
Science, DNA, and genetics say otherwise.
@@spikefivefivefive So people aren't people?
Al Jazeera doing what they do best. Trying to push it on Spain this time. Now Al Jazeera will decide how and what a city should look like rather than Spanish people.
Most likely, I can guarantee it was Moroccan and taken over by the Conquistadors as always! Idolatrous idols is a symbol of there servitude! I couldnt live among idols like that. WOW!
Morroco didnt exits it that time
Long Live Constantia Republic Of St Augustine Citadels !
Liars. In Ceuta and melilla the different cultures cohabit but do not mix at all. Ghettos are not multiculturalism.
Ceuta: phonicians (semitic), romans, brief stay of the vandals (germanic), bizantines (eastern roman empire), visgoths (iberin-germanic), omeyas (arab), almoravids (berbers), almohads (berbers), portugueses, spanishs
if cueta and mellila are spanish cities, granada and cordoba are berber/morrocan one's
are you stupid?
Pablo Garcia spanish said that cueta was captured earlier than grenade, so why should grenade and cordoba not be berber? same logic
+feyzinator no
Well, muslims from Ceuta and Melilla they consider themselves as Spanish people... They have nothing to do with Morocco, cause, in fact, they are from tamazigh origins, they are berebers, and Morocco do not recognize those people, so...
+IgnacioZgzSpain sure they speak arabic and call themselves fezeyor, the komnei turks have consider themselves turkish so why not give komenei to turkey?
if ceuta is in the hands of morrocan goverment by now no christian or jewish and hindus will remain in that city,
this is the point
you're confusing the Moroccan goverment with ISIS lol ! there are many christians and jews living in Morocco !!
Most of the Jews lived in Morocco before the state of Israel was created and than they left
Dont forget spannish are still one of the most and nationalist countries aling with Portugal and italy
Now make a similar video about Melilla
How the hell could a part op Spain lay in Africa? Ceuta and Melilla are absolutely not Spanish but Moroccan!
What's turkey got to do with this? 😂😂 that's like saying, Britain should return the Falklands to the Argentinians.
but thats the problem.. we cannot return the falklands or gibraltar when they both voted or 98% to stay under british rule??
No its spain
@@رشيدمغربي-ث7د .Well if you have ever been to Ceuta you will immediately realize it is not Morocco
@@رشيدمغربي-ث7د Nope. It's Spanish.
A bit like with Russia with Georgia in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and many others lol
Spain should handover ceuta and melilla to morocco.
If is not not fix it.
Why? To ruin them?
@@Berrugasnoquiero wtf
@@Berrugasnoquiero I know many berbers from Ceuta and they don't really like Spain and its culture ! they are just happy with having a european passport ! and now a lot of them are upset with Morocco closing the borders , they feel isolated !
Fi-Geek Si no les gusta que se piren, Ceuta y Melilla son España
from lybia, Tunesia, Algeria ,Morocco and Mauritania we have the same Language and culture and religion and we have always dreaming to bee a Maghreb Union to develop our country's and Ceuta and Mellilia are the only cities that prevent us from starting these Maghrebs union ,what are they looking for with their ugly wall as a borderline with Morocco ,Spain is in Europe continent and not in Africa continent.give the city's what you steal Morocco back...
Turkey is in Europe and in Asia ...
Spain is in Europe and in Africa...
Russia is Euroasia...
Umayyad empire conquered North Africa and expanded Islam 7 th century ad then entered Spain. Almoravid was a lot after the Umayyad empire and is the product of North African Muslims after centuries. Before that the Roman Empire and Carthage ruled from Tunisia to Morocco centuries after when Umayyad empire entered Spain the form a emirate then after around 4 centuries were a caliphate then Ceuta was part of it so what Ceuta got to do with today's Morocco the Almoravids were North Africans who were part of what the Umayyad empire left which was the education and religion
you forgot to mention the Almohams and the Almoravids .
let's keep the point. we were talking about apostasy from one religion into the other. now let's skip tnto the loss of faith in the western world: it doesn't depend on the christian teachings but on a society lesser and lesser linked to religious faith and spirituaity and more to material or philosophical speeches. it is something that will also happen to the muslim world sooner or later. nothing to do with the teachings of both religion.
Cebta a me mellila is morocco.Spain occupattion
Cope moroccan
Vivía vivia
Unas cuantas mentiras, unos cuantos traficantes de drogas, unos cuantos tópicos,