Common GOLDIES!!!! Absolutely amazing fishies, super friendly and inquisitive! They become members of your family and will forever be my favourite fish! Just SO sad they’re more commonly mistreated and their qualities overlooked!
Ikr I love his vids there’s just so much information and now I have three fish tanks that I’m taking care of and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without watching his videos
White clouds are criminally underrated, especially gold and rubies. They’re an easy and cheap way to get tons of color and activity in almost any size aquarium and they’re not picky about water parameters at all
I think goldfish are underrated because people think of them as fish you keep as a child then grow out of and that no serious fish keeper would keep goldfish.
They are my dream fish, and serious fishkeeper (and forty lol )! That’s so true 💖 they are so pretty and amazing and they interract so much wity their keeper
Thank you Lisa it was thanks to you I started an aquarium with three Female Bettas in a well planted tank and I get as much pleasure interacting with them as I do with my males. If not more. Thanks Tony.
In my opinion, white cloud mountain minnows are very underrated. I have a school of them in a goldfish tank and they perfectly compliment the fish, moving slowly around while the goldfish is going everywhere in the tank. They look like black neons but can be put in temperate water.
I love my rosy red minnows! I have them in with my neon tetras and they are great! Someone suggested them to me as a pet fish, and reluctantly I got them thinking they'd be boring. Boy was I wrong! They are all over the place, and a plus is they keep the gravel clean as well as the plants an decor, they will get whatever food drops on the plants and decor and gobble it up. A downside is they hoard the food, my poor neons can't get to the food fast enough so I end up feeding a little bit more once the rosys are done eating. It all works out though, both my rosys and neons are happy and thriving.
Last April my daughter and I started a 10g aquarium from the covid lockdown. Today I have 20 tanks, multiple 90,75,and 55 gals. Fresh and one salt. I'm addicted. I've spent $$$$$$ getting into this. But it's been great
We have a Zebra Nerite 🐌 in our tank named Waldo. He does a great job cleaning the glass and he hides in the oddest places. We play "Where's Waldo?" whenever we are walking past the tank.
Fathead Minnows are one of my favorite fish in the hobby! In fact, even after fishkeeping for over 10 years, they might just be my favorite! They have absolutely HUGE personalities! They're incredibly personable, they react to you coming up to the tank, they're beautiful (if you like dark grey/peach colorations), they're compadible with Egg-Bellied Goldfish, they'll eat absolutely anything, they're easy to breed, they're not usually aggressive, and they're cheap! I mean, what more could you want in a fish? I once had two very large 3" males in a 75g, and when it got to be roughly 72°F, they would start "dancing", showing off, and headbutting! They would do this for hours on end, even though I had no females in that tank! Best of all, even though this should probably be considered aggression, they would never rip up one another's fins unlike so many other species! Overall, Fathead Minnows will always have a special place in my heart, and there will be one day when I keep two large males in a 125 with Goldfish again! :D
I'm literally deep in guppy bins scooping juveniles for my LFS, I don't even want credit, just a chance for them to be some little fishkeeper's start to the art of husbandry. What a perfect video to listen to while I work. Also, we have our first iridiscent female betta that 'glows', all because of Lisa, thanks!
I have Rosey Reds in my pond. They get so vibrant and pretty once they have room and get healthy! Their breeding habits are fun to watch - the males guard their spots and watch over the fry.
Danios! I have a planted tank dedicated to a small school of them, they are nice and plump, always active, and beautiful. Started off in the hobby with them, and still have them.
Your trail hike and drone clip was great! I loved it. It's wonderful to get out and away hiking... and guess what? There are a lot of people staring at you right now!! LOL. I wouldn't think you were strange for talking to your camera and making a video if i saw you (or anyone else) on a trail.. Thank you for the great content and keep up the great work. Thank you for the helpful info, too.
i love the more personal vlog style you had in the beginning. it's cool to see you guys experiment. i know this vid is old but i thought I'd mention it
It's something else to see some of these beautiful fish underrated!!!Thanks for all you do and everything you share with your experience and your knowledge to help us appreciate the fish we keep!! Another great video guys, you guys are helping so many in the Aquarium community and the hobby..... definitely me included;; loved the drone footage... You guys definitely made 2020 a better year for me♥️🙏🌿🐟💚😆
Heh I see I am not the only one who doesn't care for betta males. They are pretty, but too much work. I love community tanks so I don't bother to keep them.
Hey John, the work you and Lisa do has helped me be a better fish keeper so thank you! Not sure this question is a 10 list but I've always wondered how can you tell your fish are happy? Thanks again!
I moved all the pearl Danios into a bigger tank. Cleaned all the gravel and changed the plants around in their old tank. Next morning I had fry in the tank. I love Pearl Danios. Thanks John and Lisa.
They're so pretty, I have had a hard time using live bait tbh since keeping some leftover minnows in a small pond. I think I'm good with lures and worms.
i have 5 giant danios. right now they are about 3 inches. They were in my community tank, but a little too hyper for my dwarf Gouramis. I moved them into my 110 which will be a Severum, Electric Blue Acarra tank. Planning on 2 red severum and 2 acarra with the danios. In my community tank - I have 2 dalmation mollies. I must be a magnet for underrated fish.
@cadenceaquatics I bought rosy red minnows because you said so!!! I bought 12, sight unseen, curbside pick up. I love them, right now they are a gorgeous peach colour. They're in a quarrantine tank, as feeder fish I am guessing they are probably not all healthy. Two of them look super skinny, but I am not sure what they are supposed to look like. Does anyone have species specific tips or info on keeping them happy and healthy? One thing I already learned, they are jumpers, one jumped out of my rimless tank over night 😭
I love that footage you got of those gold panda lyretail mollies, and that it keeps popping up in your videos. They’re my favorite variety of molly! I finally got a trio of them this summer and now I’ve got about 20.
I love my Rosy Reds! They were bought as feeders for my turtle, as I've never seen them before. but most made it and are fun & fast school fish. Too fast for my turtle!
I LOVE Severums. A Severum so far has been the only fish I named. Sammy. He had such a personality. He could tell if it was me watching him or someone else. He destroyed my planted tank, because I did not know he was SO vegetarian. So anubias, java fern and crypts worked great. Love me some Severums. It has been probably 15 years since I kept one but me and my wife still talk about Sammy.
I have a betta sorority with 12 females. Love them. They live in a heavily planted tank with some ottos, a group of rotund albino corys and a slew of young gold mystery snails. They are so curious and personable.
We have quite a few eagles that over winter a little further south in Va. You're about an hour and a half north of me. Seems like some are already returning here, too. I'm surprised you didn't see any.
Hey guys!! Watch your videos all the time, they are well put together and very informative!! Just wanted to say Thank you!! I’m always learning, I work at a LFS, and love to tell new fish keepers about you guys as it’s a great way for them to learn about what interests them. Again, Thanks for what you do!! ❤️
Really enjoying the new natural style of filming, some great views out in the National park. Keep up the fun videos. Looking forward to you posting the next subject my friend. I love participating. I’ve just had to order new parts for my drone.
I love mystery snails! Funny enough, all of the snails I've had are actually very quick little things. I had one that used to try and land on my betta all the time too. Super underrated!
Goldfish (not the bubble eyes). A lot of them are very pretty and they have a great personality. I think a lot of people don't like them because their labeld as a "beginner" fish so it gives the feeling of "I'm a experiance fish keeper, I dont keep goldfish"
Honestly I don't like goldfish because the only tanks that really should be holding them are large ones or ponds. They get to be very massive even standards can get up to a foot long. But you are right they are very pretty.
Strangely enough I had a ton of rosey reds as feeder fish for my lungfish in a 125g. After moving said lungfish to a 225 the reds kinda took over the tank and I let them. It turned into a high flow tank that suited them perfectly. They are so entertaining to watch and are very playful fish
I would like to put 'Pangio kuhlii' on the list as well. I absolutly love them. I know, they are nocturnal and like to hide, but when they get comfy in a tank they are just stunning and beautyful and I wont make a tank without them ever again :)
I really enjoy all of what you do, and even though I've been on and off fish keeping all of my life you have taught me so much more than I expected, and I appreciate my tank so much more now. I'd like to think that my overstocked 20 gallon is doing so well is thanks to your public service to the fishkeeping world, and yes I do intend to fix the overstocking issue when the 10 gallon finally finishes cycling (round 3 of trying, have a sponge seeding in the 20) And finally I'd like to add one more oddball underappreciated fish, and yes just because it's in EVERY tank ever, doesn't mean it's under appreciated, it just means people treat it as a dime a dozen. The fish I'm talking about is neon tetras.
I haven't watched past the first couple minutes yet but I had to stop and comment on the " Hi doggy, you are my favorite customer"!!!! I laughed so hard lol . That is my favorite movie such story and depth of character.
I have kept rosy red minnows before too. They are amazing parents, the male guards the eggs kinda like plecos do and they colony breed quite well. Honestly some of the best fish behavior.
I get where he's coming from with "beginner fish". I have been fish keeping for 30 years, I still LOVE convicts. I know...they are common, but you almost never see an adult, healthy convict. I always try to have one :)
I totally agree about the Rosie reds. I love love mine. They are so happy and swim fast like the danios. I agree about them being feeder fish☹️ I paid 18 cents each for mine. I feel about them like I do my shelter rescued dogs 😁😁 Get some!!
As many times as I've driven by Caledon, you think I'd have gone to the park. I do though love Westmoreland State Park. Watching the Bald Eagles fly over the cliff side is absolutely breathtaking. 🥰 I love my Oscars, always have, always will. My uncle had a frontosa, it was absolutely beautiful, miss that fish. My son has a female blue-green and black veil Betta, named Cyan, that'll be 4 in September. She's resilient, lived through 2 cases of fun rot. :)
I think y’all have convinced me to buy feeder guppies as pets now! I have been considering something to use as tank mates for my VERY passive male betta in his 20 gallon tank. I like the idea of getting a dirt cheap, peaceful, nano sized, and still very pretty schooling fish for it.
Giant Danios are one of my favorites! I’ve kept them in nearly every fresh water tank I’ve owned and they are normally the first fish in the tank when it’s started up. I haven’t had a tank in about a decade now, but will be once I get my 100 gallon back from getting split and resealed. Giant Danios will be the first in that tank as well. I did also normally keep a couple rosy reds in my tanks. I would call them my “death row parolees”. They stand out a lot more in a tank than one might think.
I bought a bunch of Rosie reds for ice fishing one year. ( ice fishing wasn’t super popular yet so all the bait shops were closed for the season) anyways I had a single black goldfish mixed in with them and it’s very illegal to have them on you when fishing so I threw it in a 10 gallon tank. He started growing so I moved him to a 15 then a 55. His name is shark bait and now he has a huge 55 gallon planted cold water tank to explore!
Great job John- loved the video and I’m glad you were able to get out to get some fresh air. Oh and I knw u and Lisa talk about the female bettas all the time but they just never sparked my interest. After this video I want a female betta and I will be purchasing from you all.
I have almost all the fish in your list. Haha love my mollies feeder guppy tank. I have been looking for severum to go with my Oscar. Female betta is in my tetra tank. Love them all.
I say guppies definitely! They are just thrown away, bred all the time by people who can barely remember their breed! And Bettas too, just thrown away in 2 liter bowls, I am hoping to get my first betta soon. Also Goldfish, they are the most unique fish, they deserve every fishkeepers respect.
Tanganyikans are really underrated imo, except for shell dwellers. I cant believe there isnt more videos on youtube about things like paracyprochromis nigripinnis. Everyone always goes for malawi when they do a rift lake tank but a tanganyikan tank looks so much better imo without all the constant movement.
@KGTropicals I bought some rosy red minnows because of this awesome video. They're in a quarrantine planted tank, I can send you video footage of you like or pictures if it's helpful to you. A small gesture of gratitude for all the amazing content you guys make.
All I can say is that I recently fallen in love with the golden topminnow... 😍 the fact I can’t find someone in Europe that seem to sell them makes me cry... I’m still pretty new when it comes to fish keeping, I don’t feel comfortable ordering fish from far away like America and stuff, I feel bad about putting fish through such an long transport 😥 Other fish I like that doesn’t get as much love as I think they deserve are Clown Killifish (or killifish in general 😅), wild betta like Hendra and others, and paradise fish... They just don’t seem to get enough love IMO. Possibly with the exception of the clown killi, that seems to get overlooked more than not getting enough love 😅
I have a 2.5 gallon planted tank aquarium and im planningto put6cherry shrimp, 10 tetras and 1 halfmoon betta. Is it a good tank community and is it enough space for them
I have white clouds with 2 angels 2 rainbows two 🐸 a yellow electric chiclid and a rubber lip and clown pleco and cory cat and a otocinclus. Luckily they get along great. Really wanting to get another tank for African chiclids.
Rosie Reds are great against a black background in a heavily planted tank. I have a 220 gallon that I put 100 in to help with the nitrogen cycle for my oscars. Only about 65 survived the 6 weeks even with cycled media. They are all now in a 55 gallon planted tank with cherry shrimp. They POP when they color up and are healthy, and the kids love to feed them.
I think black skirt tetras are underrated. They are a beginner fish and I would recommend this fish for first timers. I think they are beautiful and lively in a large school.
Rosy reds are amazing i have an outdoor pond full of them theyre perfect with no heater in south florida and can survive our few below 70 nights a year 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
4:56 bubble is on a brick at the bottom of the screen.
You got it!!
@@KGTropicals speaking of bubbles is bubbles still ok?
@@mjsavage739 he died months ago
@@James-yv1qq holy sweat
Is that a bubbles Tshirt in the video?
US native fish like orange-spot sunfish, tangerine darters, saffron shiners, etc. Are highly underrated in my eyes.
I'd love to see more North American fish in the hobby! I've always wanted to do a native fish tank, but can't find much info out there.
@@Historeliza if you want i can help you, i know where to get many species and how to care for them.
I agree 100% we should be able to buy them far easier
@@alexkarasoulos I would love that!
Common GOLDIES!!!! Absolutely amazing fishies, super friendly and inquisitive! They become members of your family and will forever be my favourite fish! Just SO sad they’re more commonly mistreated and their qualities overlooked!
The production quality on these videos has gotten even better. It's a beautiful thing.
Ikr I love his vids there’s just so much information and now I have three fish tanks that I’m taking care of and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without watching his videos
White clouds are criminally underrated, especially gold and rubies. They’re an easy and cheap way to get tons of color and activity in almost any size aquarium and they’re not picky about water parameters at all
I think goldfish are underrated because people think of them as fish you keep as a child then grow out of and that no serious fish keeper would keep goldfish.
They are my dream fish, and serious fishkeeper (and forty lol )! That’s so true 💖 they are so pretty and amazing and they interract so much wity their keeper
Thank you Lisa it was thanks to you I started an aquarium with three Female Bettas in a well planted tank and I get as much pleasure interacting with them as I do with my males. If not more. Thanks Tony.
You should do an underrated community aquarium to make a tank for them
In my opinion, white cloud mountain minnows are very underrated. I have a school of them in a goldfish tank and they perfectly compliment the fish, moving slowly around while the goldfish is going everywhere in the tank. They look like black neons but can be put in temperate water.
agree id never even heard of them until i saw a you tube video , i love mine very active full of personality , live well with shrimp also
I love my rosy red minnows! I have them in with my neon tetras and they are great! Someone suggested them to me as a pet fish, and reluctantly I got them thinking they'd be boring. Boy was I wrong! They are all over the place, and a plus is they keep the gravel clean as well as the plants an decor, they will get whatever food drops on the plants and decor and gobble it up. A downside is they hoard the food, my poor neons can't get to the food fast enough so I end up feeding a little bit more once the rosys are done eating. It all works out though, both my rosys and neons are happy and thriving.
Last April my daughter and I started a 10g aquarium from the covid lockdown. Today I have 20 tanks, multiple 90,75,and 55 gals. Fresh and one salt. I'm addicted. I've spent $$$$$$ getting into this. But it's been great
We have a Zebra Nerite 🐌 in our tank named Waldo. He does a great job cleaning the glass and he hides in the oddest places. We play "Where's Waldo?" whenever we are walking past the tank.
My Molly tank is my favorite tank. Easy to care for and fun to watch.
Fathead Minnows are one of my favorite fish in the hobby! In fact, even after fishkeeping for over 10 years, they might just be my favorite! They have absolutely HUGE personalities! They're incredibly personable, they react to you coming up to the tank, they're beautiful (if you like dark grey/peach colorations), they're compadible with Egg-Bellied Goldfish, they'll eat absolutely anything, they're easy to breed, they're not usually aggressive, and they're cheap! I mean, what more could you want in a fish?
I once had two very large 3" males in a 75g, and when it got to be roughly 72°F, they would start "dancing", showing off, and headbutting! They would do this for hours on end, even though I had no females in that tank! Best of all, even though this should probably be considered aggression, they would never rip up one another's fins unlike so many other species! Overall, Fathead Minnows will always have a special place in my heart, and there will be one day when I keep two large males in a 125 with Goldfish again! :D
Enjoyed the walk in the woods and seeing you use your new camera!
My minnows are just like the Oscars... I wake up in the morning, and all my minnows are staring at me, knowing they're about to be fed lol
I'm literally deep in guppy bins scooping juveniles for my LFS, I don't even want credit, just a chance for them to be some little fishkeeper's start to the art of husbandry. What a perfect video to listen to while I work. Also, we have our first iridiscent female betta that 'glows', all because of Lisa, thanks!
Danios are great, super hearty. I had a danio jump out of my tank and I found it in time and he survived 3 years ❤️🥺
I have Rosey Reds in my pond. They get so vibrant and pretty once they have room and get healthy! Their breeding habits are fun to watch - the males guard their spots and watch over the fry.
Danios! I have a planted tank dedicated to a small school of them, they are nice and plump, always active, and beautiful. Started off in the hobby with them, and still have them.
Your trail hike and drone clip was great! I loved it. It's wonderful to get out and away hiking... and guess what? There are a lot of people staring at you right now!! LOL. I wouldn't think you were strange for talking to your camera and making a video if i saw you (or anyone else) on a trail.. Thank you for the great content and keep up the great work. Thank you for the helpful info, too.
i love the more personal vlog style you had in the beginning. it's cool to see you guys experiment. i know this vid is old but i thought I'd mention it
It's something else to see some of these beautiful fish underrated!!!Thanks for all you do and everything you share with your experience and your knowledge to help us appreciate the fish we keep!! Another great video guys, you guys are helping so many in the Aquarium community and the hobby..... definitely me included;; loved the drone footage... You guys definitely made 2020 a better year for me♥️🙏🌿🐟💚😆
I have female betta in a filtered and heated 5 gallon tank and i love her.
danios, mollies + female bettas: it’s my time to shine!
I’d say female bettas get of a lot of attention so do mollies but danios maybe not
3 of my all time favorites
Heh I see I am not the only one who doesn't care for betta males. They are pretty, but too much work. I love community tanks so I don't bother to keep them.
I have 6 rosy red minnows as pets and they are great fishes to have !!
Glowlight Tetras ( My favorite fish) are indeed underrated as well.
I'm about to get some for my 15 hex with a white betta and a bunch of ember tetras, I can't believe I forgot the last time I was in my LFS lol
I am excited because I am doing a snail and shrimp 1.5 gallon with no filter! Don't worry, I will do like 3 to 4 water changes each week.
Black phantom tetras are massively underrated in my opinion
And sarpea I just started a species only tank with them
I keep multiple types of tetras I think they all deserve more attention.
@@brooxmill Was the first fish I got, a beautiful addition to any tank.
Love my black phantoms
I have some giant danios in my 125 and they are fun to watch. Beautiful if put on black substrate. They breed at the drop of a hat also which it cool.
Hey John, the work you and Lisa do has helped me be a better fish keeper so thank you! Not sure this question is a 10 list but I've always wondered how can you tell your fish are happy? Thanks again!
I moved all the pearl Danios into a bigger tank. Cleaned all the gravel and changed the plants around in their old tank. Next morning I had fry in the tank. I love Pearl Danios. Thanks John and Lisa.
4:57 I know I’m a bit late but I’m still happy I found him
I am SO pro rosy red minnows. I hope to see MANY more tanks with them, all life deserves love
They're so pretty, I have had a hard time using live bait tbh since keeping some leftover minnows in a small pond. I think I'm good with lures and worms.
Liked for the “Hi doggie. You’re my favorite customer” LOL!
keep the change!
The most underrated fish in my opinion are corydoras. I love them so much!
i have 5 giant danios. right now they are about 3 inches. They were in my community tank, but a little too hyper for my dwarf Gouramis. I moved them into my 110 which will be a Severum, Electric Blue Acarra tank. Planning on 2 red severum and 2 acarra with the danios. In my community tank - I have 2 dalmation mollies. I must be a magnet for underrated fish.
@cadenceaquatics I bought rosy red minnows because you said so!!!
I bought 12, sight unseen, curbside pick up. I love them, right now they are a gorgeous peach colour.
They're in a quarrantine tank, as feeder fish I am guessing they are probably not all healthy. Two of them look super skinny, but I am not sure what they are supposed to look like. Does anyone have species specific tips or info on keeping them happy and healthy?
One thing I already learned, they are jumpers, one jumped out of my rimless tank over night 😭
I love that footage you got of those gold panda lyretail mollies, and that it keeps popping up in your videos. They’re my favorite variety of molly! I finally got a trio of them this summer and now I’ve got about 20.
I love my Rosy Reds! They were bought as feeders for my turtle, as I've never seen them before. but most made it and are fun & fast school fish. Too fast for my turtle!
This is exactly how we came to have minnows too. Frank the turtle can’t catch them!
I LOVE Severums. A Severum so far has been the only fish I named. Sammy. He had such a personality. He could tell if it was me watching him or someone else. He destroyed my planted tank, because I did not know he was SO vegetarian. So anubias, java fern and crypts worked great. Love me some Severums. It has been probably 15 years since I kept one but me and my wife still talk about Sammy.
My g/f loves guppies because of the live birth… they are all we have. We have some pretty cool looking ones
I have a betta sorority with 12 females. Love them. They live in a heavily planted tank with some ottos, a group of rotund albino corys and a slew of young gold mystery snails. They are so curious and personable.
We have quite a few eagles that over winter a little further south in Va. You're about an hour and a half north of me. Seems like some are already returning here, too. I'm surprised you didn't see any.
Hey guys!! Watch your videos all the time, they are well put together and very informative!! Just wanted to say Thank you!! I’m always learning, I work at a LFS, and love to tell new fish keepers about you guys as it’s a great way for them to learn about what interests them. Again, Thanks for what you do!! ❤️
Really enjoying the new natural style of filming, some great views out in the National park. Keep up the fun videos. Looking forward to you posting the next subject my friend. I love participating. I’ve just had to order new parts for my drone.
I definitely agree about rosy red minnows. I love mine!
I love mystery snails! Funny enough, all of the snails I've had are actually very quick little things. I had one that used to try and land on my betta all the time too. Super underrated!
Great video like always 😊👍🏻 I think the Red spot wolf fish and the Pink tail chelous is underrated also 😃 I’m lucky to own both of them
Yes! Snails are Underrated. Yes, they can be a bit of a bother if they decide to breed randomly... But that's not too difficult of an issue
Liking the new format, the hiking and drone footage was a nice addition. Overall a really enjoyable video.
Goldfish (not the bubble eyes). A lot of them are very pretty and they have a great personality. I think a lot of people don't like them because their labeld as a "beginner" fish so it gives the feeling of "I'm a experiance fish keeper, I dont keep goldfish"
Honestly I don't like goldfish because the only tanks that really should be holding them are large ones or ponds. They get to be very massive even standards can get up to a foot long.
But you are right they are very pretty.
I kept Danios in my swamp water abandoned above ground pool and they still going strong. They love swimming with the wild tadpoles
Strangely enough I had a ton of rosey reds as feeder fish for my lungfish in a 125g. After moving said lungfish to a 225 the reds kinda took over the tank and I let them. It turned into a high flow tank that suited them perfectly. They are so entertaining to watch and are very playful fish
I would like to put 'Pangio kuhlii' on the list as well. I absolutly love them. I know, they are nocturnal and like to hide, but when they get comfy in a tank they are just stunning and beautyful and I wont make a tank without them ever again :)
I love this video! You are combining my two favorite things. Hiking and fish keeping! Well done. Love you guys.
I love this channel! Keep going❤️
My female crowntail betta is one of my favorite fish. Great personality, energetic, fun to get excited at feeding time.
I really enjoy all of what you do, and even though I've been on and off fish keeping all of my life you have taught me so much more than I expected, and I appreciate my tank so much more now. I'd like to think that my overstocked 20 gallon is doing so well is thanks to your public service to the fishkeeping world, and yes I do intend to fix the overstocking issue when the 10 gallon finally finishes cycling (round 3 of trying, have a sponge seeding in the 20) And finally I'd like to add one more oddball underappreciated fish, and yes just because it's in EVERY tank ever, doesn't mean it's under appreciated, it just means people treat it as a dime a dozen. The fish I'm talking about is neon tetras.
Love the Tidal35 and tidal 75, wanted to shop, everything i would go to keepfishkeeping it brings me back to videos any idea why
I haven't watched past the first couple minutes yet but I had to stop and comment on the " Hi doggy, you are my favorite customer"!!!! I laughed so hard lol .
That is my favorite movie such story and depth of character.
Ha ha I was wondering if anyone would catch that!
I have kept rosy red minnows before too. They are amazing parents, the male guards the eggs kinda like plecos do and they colony breed quite well. Honestly some of the best fish behavior.
I get where he's coming from with "beginner fish". I have been fish keeping for 30 years, I still LOVE convicts. I know...they are common, but you almost never see an adult, healthy convict. I always try to have one :)
Always helpful ❤️
I totally agree about the Rosie reds. I love love mine. They are so happy and swim fast like the danios. I agree about them being feeder fish☹️ I paid 18 cents each for mine. I feel about them like I do my shelter rescued dogs 😁😁 Get some!!
As many times as I've driven by Caledon, you think I'd have gone to the park. I do though love Westmoreland State Park. Watching the Bald Eagles fly over the cliff side is absolutely breathtaking. 🥰
I love my Oscars, always have, always will. My uncle had a frontosa, it was absolutely beautiful, miss that fish. My son has a female blue-green and black veil Betta, named Cyan, that'll be 4 in September. She's resilient, lived through 2 cases of fun rot. :)
4:57 is bubbles
I think y’all have convinced me to buy feeder guppies as pets now! I have been considering something to use as tank mates for my VERY passive male betta in his 20 gallon tank. I like the idea of getting a dirt cheap, peaceful, nano sized, and still very pretty schooling fish for it.
Giant Danios are one of my favorites! I’ve kept them in nearly every fresh water tank I’ve owned and they are normally the first fish in the tank when it’s started up.
I haven’t had a tank in about a decade now, but will be once I get my 100 gallon back from getting split and resealed. Giant Danios will be the first in that tank as well.
I did also normally keep a couple rosy reds in my tanks. I would call them my “death row parolees”. They stand out a lot more in a tank than one might think.
4:57 he's on one of the bricks
Danios are my absolute favorite. I love my cpds and emeralds. I'm starting to breed celestial pearls as a hobby. They are amazing little fish.
I’m convinced my snail can teleport because every time I take my eyes off the tanks he’s on the other side of the world lol
Hello I am new to ur channel & absolutely luv ur content, it's informative & entertaining at the same time... 😀
I bought a bunch of Rosie reds for ice fishing one year. ( ice fishing wasn’t super popular yet so all the bait shops were closed for the season) anyways I had a single black goldfish mixed in with them and it’s very illegal to have them on you when fishing so I threw it in a 10 gallon tank. He started growing so I moved him to a 15 then a 55. His name is shark bait and now he has a huge 55 gallon planted cold water tank to explore!
Great job John- loved the video and I’m glad you were able to get out to get some fresh air. Oh and I knw u and Lisa talk about the female bettas all the time but they just never sparked my interest. After this video I want a female betta and I will be purchasing from you all.
Bubbles is in 4:56 on the brick at the bottom of the screen in the fance in area.
Buenos Aires Tetras, all the very small New World Cichlids, the classic Bully Male Convict (my favorite) and the too-often-abused Goldfish and Betta
Danios are my favorite fish in the hobby, They are really fun and interesting to look at. they come in alot of different colors
I always appreciate your videos. Thanks for sharing!
I have almost all the fish in your list. Haha love my mollies feeder guppy tank. I have been looking for severum to go with my Oscar. Female betta is in my tetra tank. Love them all.
I say guppies definitely! They are just thrown away, bred all the time by people who can barely remember their breed! And Bettas too, just thrown away in 2 liter bowls, I am hoping to get my first betta soon. Also Goldfish, they are the most unique fish, they deserve every fishkeepers respect.
Tanganyikans are really underrated imo, except for shell dwellers. I cant believe there isnt more videos on youtube about things like paracyprochromis nigripinnis. Everyone always goes for malawi when they do a rift lake tank but a tanganyikan tank looks so much better imo without all the constant movement.
I know this video is older,but I love a field trip once in a while !
5:00 Bublles was on the part if the broken Wood!!!
Or 4:55 if you want
white cloud minnows, I love those fish. they are pretty and bullet proof too and don't need a heater too! Mine respond to me when it's feeding time.
Found Bubbles! He's at 4:56-4:58 on top of a brick at the bottom of the screen :)
I love how feeder guppies made it in the end!!
They’re my whole collection ^^ haha
Mine for a long time, too, lol
I have a school of black skirt tetras and I absolutely love them. Hooray for the underdogs.
Convict cichlids are very underrated IMO.
@KGTropicals I bought some rosy red minnows because of this awesome video. They're in a quarrantine planted tank, I can send you video footage of you like or pictures if it's helpful to you. A small gesture of gratitude for all the amazing content you guys make.
Not Sunday but Tuesday March 30th I just wanted to tell you thank you for all your help with my fish tank
All I can say is that I recently fallen in love with the golden topminnow... 😍
the fact I can’t find someone in Europe that seem to sell them makes me cry... I’m still pretty new when it comes to fish keeping, I don’t feel comfortable ordering fish from far away like America and stuff, I feel bad about putting fish through such an long transport 😥
Other fish I like that doesn’t get as much love as I think they deserve are Clown Killifish (or killifish in general 😅), wild betta like Hendra and others, and paradise fish... They just don’t seem to get enough love IMO. Possibly with the exception of the clown killi, that seems to get overlooked more than not getting enough love 😅
Love the pretty bettas, currently breeding some myself
I hope to take that plunge soon, right now we're just letting them see each other from across the room through another tank lol.
I have a 2.5 gallon planted tank aquarium and im planningto put6cherry shrimp, 10 tetras and 1 halfmoon betta. Is it a good tank community and is it enough space for them
I have white clouds with 2 angels 2 rainbows two 🐸 a yellow electric chiclid and a rubber lip and clown pleco and cory cat and a otocinclus. Luckily they get along great. Really wanting to get another tank for African chiclids.
Rosie Reds are great against a black background in a heavily planted tank. I have a 220 gallon that I put 100 in to help with the nitrogen cycle for my oscars. Only about 65 survived the 6 weeks even with cycled media. They are all now in a 55 gallon planted tank with cherry shrimp. They POP when they color up and are healthy, and the kids love to feed them.
I used to have Rosy red minnows and they were amazing you very much should keep them I recommend a pair
I think black skirt tetras are underrated. They are a beginner fish and I would recommend this fish for first timers. I think they are beautiful and lively in a large school.
I’m a simple man. I see a reference to The Room, I immediately like.
Rosy reds are amazing i have an outdoor pond full of them theyre perfect with no heater in south florida and can survive our few below 70 nights a year 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽