LIGHT LANGUAGE What It Sounds Like, Different Names For It and My Experience & Perspective (Part 1)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2024
  • In this video I begin by speaking in Light Language...also known as Speaking In Tongues...or speaking in Glossolalia.
    From there, I will share my personal experience with it... my perspective and the different terminologies used for it, etc.
    Continuing on, the discussion will evolve to my perspective on The Source Of Life.
    The video accidentally gets cut off as I'm discussing my perspective of the Source Of Life. As a result, I had to create a part 2 to this video.... which I will link here below next: 👇
    🎥"THE SOURCE OF LIFE: My Perspective"
    There are a couple other popular terms used for Light Language which I will list below as well.4
    1.) 💡LIGHT LANGUAGE (Spiritual / Non-Religious terminology)
    Ultimately, Light Language is considered the "Language of the Soul."
    *See More Detailed Info Here:
    *Quick Overview Here:
    Light Language is also called different things in other circles. I will list 2 more popular ones below.
    I personally was 1st introduced to Light Language as "Speaking In Tongues" back when I used to consider myself a Born Again, Evangelical fundamentalist Christian. (But whatever term one uses it's all the same long as it's coming through a pure energy light source.💖)
    2.) 👅SPEAKING IN TONGUES (Christian / Biblical Perspective:
    *See More Detailed Info here from the Biblical text here:
    1 Corinthians chapter 14 is biblical text for spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues.
    In this passage they discuss the 2 different types of speaking in tongues:
    1. Tongues of "Men"
    This one was an actual natural language (Ex Aramaic, Greek, Chinese, etc), but unknown by the speaker...and never previously learned. This one is not generated at the personal prayer language is. It would only come at special moments as Spirit wanted to speak to the people where the speaker could not speak in their language.
    (This is what happened in Acts chapter 2 in the
    2. Tongues of "Angels"
    This is meant for a private prayer language to God, as it is unknown by men. (This is what you heard me speak in tonight )
    3.) 🔬GLOSSALALIA / XENOLALIA (Science / Intellectual terminology)
    A.) "Glossolalia" (language unknown to man)
    B.) "Xenolalia / Xenoglossy" (known by man/ but unlearned by speaker)
    * More Detailed Information here:

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