This is very simple abdominal breathing. During this breathing, when we inhale, our abdomen inflates out and when we exhale, our abdomen goes inside. By doing this breathing for few minutes, one gets clarity, relaxed and relieved of the fatigue. But in ujjayi breath, we constrict our throat and do the breathing in such a way creating a sound of ocean which gives relaxation. I hope that this clears your doubt.
I think this is called ujjayi breath
This is very simple abdominal breathing. During this breathing, when we inhale, our abdomen inflates out and when we exhale, our abdomen goes inside. By doing this breathing for few minutes, one gets clarity, relaxed and relieved of the fatigue. But in ujjayi breath, we constrict our throat and do the breathing in such a way creating a sound of ocean which gives relaxation. I hope that this clears your doubt.