They’re the most flexible unit in the game. Someone charging your big expensive tank? 3” Rapid Ingress them. Someone maneuvering to capture one of your objectives? 3” Rapid Ingress them. Something important with 1-2 wounds that needs to die in your opponents turn? 3” Rapid Ingress them. They have Grenades, can be resurrected, shoot their turret when they arrive from reserves, THEY FRIGGIN HAVE SMOKE FOR EMPERORS SAKE! I know they’re silly because I’m running 20 (which is actually 30 because resurrection baby!) in my competitive guard list for tournaments. Their damage is ok, but their utility is insane.
Aquilons make guard good, they are probably too good at 90 points But they are not a win button. I have ruined a world eater players day by 3" rapid ingress behind a wall and now the charge is ruined but against most other armies they can get blown away in the shooting phase and your fine. They should probably be roughly 100-110 points and then its difficult to justify 20 or 30 of them.
Probably because Mordian is playing Warhammer 40k, while Aspex is talking about Mathhammer. It's not always easy to recognize, but it's a huge difference.
@@CatroiOz Well, maybe that was a misassumption, based on the sheer mass of videos about all the factions in a speed that makes it impossible to play test in practice. Combined with some autistic tendencies and statistic math, it looks a lot like Auspex is playing more Mathhammer than Warhammer. Also, if you compare Auspex and Mordian, the ladder one always gives very practical examples, while Auspex gives you excell sheets. I didn't mean that Auspex doesn't play Warhammer at all, but it's simply impossible to know all the factions he's talking about on a practical level AND creating videos about it at the pace we know of him. I never saw a battle rep between Mordian and Auspex, but I think it's safe to say, that Mordian is the better Guard player.
@@philippschmitz1787 Right and I appreciate Mordian greatly but he has a tendency to be overzealous in what he believes is good or bad, notice he never brings the ghosts despite them being a very reliable tournament unit, notice he has always preferred chimeras over bulgryn which again is fine and I agree and prefer them myself but not from a math perspective rather from an enjoyment of the game perspective. If you want the Uber tournament perspective looking at Gaylords commentaries or Joushi Would be ideal. Love Mordian, he's great, but he loves a good meme, which doesn't work for pure power of units. (need to clarify I still like and often agree with Le Glory, just he's not hyper competitive list building wise)
Hey dude, that's the plan, we are gonna take a pretty good Imperial Guard unit Ok Then we are gonna give them grav-chutes and a lot od deep strike shenanigans Oh cool, that's look like a nice upgrade Yeah, and them we make them cost LESS than the original unit! ....
ISSSSS IT because they are a brand new expensive kit you just DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON! (before being nerfed hugely when units have shifted out the warehouse.)
Yes and no. By far not every new model or box is op, so it’s not a given. While we do know that GW will nerf everything that pops up too much in lists. So what we know is that some stuff is created op and will be nerfed in 6+ months as everything op is going to get nerfed.
@@davidgantenbein9362new models that dont intially overperform can become OP later if the backstock doesnt shift though. They probably use OP rules to help shift models they arent sure will sell quickly, but with popular stuff they just give them mediocre rules and see how it sells.
If I had a nickel for every time a new sculpt came out with busted rules, I'd be rich, but only half as rich as I'd need to be to build an army with these exorbitant models 👍👍
Of course they're good, that's how they're selling the Kill Team boxes. I started kitbashing my Krieg Aquilons and they're probably going to be amazing in an army full of Krieg blocks and tanks.
They are completely balanced in Kill Team, nearly on the weak side I would even say ! Warpcoven, Legionaries and other things like Novitiates or Inquisitorials are 10 times more problematic than them...
@@Bobitrust95 I believe Auspex’s video is referring to the unit in 40k, I certainly am. The models are reselling at a premium due to their demand in 40k, not Kill Team.
That's absolutely not how they're selling killteam boxes. Killteam hasn't had a release that remained in stock for a full day in over a year. They don't need busted 40k rules to move more product, killteam is a popular enough system.
They are completely balanced in Kill Team, nearly on the weak side I would even say ! Warpcoven, Legionaries and other things like Novitiates or Inquisitorials are 10 times more problematic than them...
When Mr. Tactics references wiping out a squad of Gretchin on a home objective. That's literally what he did to me last weekend!!! Since they are T2, and being wounded on 3's; the Sentry Flamer (with its 2D6+6 total shots) seems designed to remove 10 Gretchin. Might be time to have 10 boys, or even 10 flash gits on the home obj...?
@@Dorsidwarf: yes, it does make you think a little more. Like, I am genuinely tempted to keep a squad of Flashgitz closer to the home obj than usual now. Overwatch FTW!
I've just built my set - really cool models in person (except the sniper with all his weight on the back foot) gonna paint them up to match my (planned) knight household.
This is GWs idea of balance. Meanwhile, my codex has been essentially unusable for almost the entirety of 10th edition. I would kill for even one unit that was even close to as efficient as this.
Guard has been historically one of the worst factions ever, it was the worst faction from 5th to 7th edition, unusably bad, got the codex last in 10th and only lasted for 3 months, don't you think Guard players deserve some time in the sun?
@@Norlamon I don't think we should balance things based on what hasn't been busted in a long time, let's thow something crazy there? How about we try to make it balanced instead?
The amazing thing is that I have no idea which faction you're referring to because there have been multiple trash codexes this edition that actively worsened their gameplay.
@@galling2052 This would make the issue worse. 50 points for an expendible move and charge blocker, guard would run 3x5 in every list. 150 points to contain your enemy? Every army would run 3x5 except maybe world eaters lol. They could have 0 weapons (like, any) and would probably still see some play at their current points cost.
@@galling2052thats MUCH worse lmao, making their utility insanely better - the plasma/melta are NOT the attraction here, its the utility and grenades keyword
I was lightly impressed with a squad of 10 Einhyr hearthguard with a kahl the other day, combined with some CP for ancestral sentence (sustained d2) and lethal huts from the kahl against a judgement tokened unit. 10 grenades at d6 shots and following up with 30 sustained hits volkanite and a charge with gauntlets is some scary scary output against a couple of even tough units. An invun from a crest and some deepstrike crest rapid ingress shenanigans from another made it a formidable threat that couldn't be ignored the next turn.
Mostly because the Aquilons are so cheap compared to those other options, have decent damage output and can even do some out-of-sequence damage when they drop in. The potential to pinch defended objectives during the opponent's turn is a game-flipper.
Sadly you can't build the aquilon squad as advertised. They are missing a pistol (component a10) so you can either build the Gunfighter or the Tempestor, but not both. (Yes, you can use the pointy hand and modify a shoulderpad, but then you risk running into problems if the tournament/player is strict on wysiwyg)
They're 10 T3 SV5+ models it'sa glorified squad of Cadian Shock Troops. How are people struggling this hard? Did world eaters and ork players just forget that even most of their melee units have some shooting? It really says to me that either people just can't adapt or don't want to 😂.
This is no longer true... can ONLY 3" Deep strike on YOUR own movement phase AND you can't throw a grenade if you shoot with the turret. So MASSIVE NERF
I played a list that had 3X this and also Auspex what you can add in " it's great for " certainly movement blocking , he threw 1 squad each turn start T2 rapid ingress style and had mess up so many secondaries almost all game and chaff blocked me. so you can ad great for movement blocking in there also ! he also buffed these guys with field of fire and re rol 1s from sentinels made these guys a LITERAL CENTER PEACE for his army ( ATTENTION GUARD PLAYERS )
every one getting 3inch deepstrike units. Guards getting one. IT S OP!. It's a cool unit, allowing you cool tactical play but you are not killing anything over its own point cost, and they are still guards, they melt if you look at them funny. The double shot on flamer sentry might be too much but other than that it's not crazy. GW wants to remove cheap units used only to hold objective behind a cover. Most codex and soon i'm guessing all, have a 12inch interdiction deepstrike that litteraly no one use, maybe it's time to drop 50-100pts for that.
@@ProxyHammer1 Yeah, I was there, but there was nowhere near this amount of talk, it's annoying. Let's remember those mofos stayed broken up to almost the end of 9th despite of the nerfs.
@ Their winrate at the end of 9th tanked hard. They were good but not winning nearly as much. The Aquilons just need a quick points adjustment don’t worry they will still be good at 120pts and near auto take until codex release
@@Wind-Whistler Maybe even get two. You can, at max, have 3. So two units of infiltrators with 2 phobos librarians guarantees your backline is very safe.
I'm fine with their 3" drop but I'm confused how they have a better drop than swooping hawks and a sniper rifle as good as Illic Nightspear and a gun as strong as a star cannon
Well, its also a worse sniper rifle than an eliminator (and the same as in kasrkin) and the worst meltagun available to the Imperium, and they have no post-drop maneuverability, so I guess its just an unfavorably chosen matchup. (Also a star cannon? really? Arent those still kinda ass that nobody takes?)
Meh, as an Eldar player, they seem like inferior Swooping hawks without a baharroth, their definitely awesome and very useful, but their hardly that broken, as others in the comments said, vehicles or squads with good Overwatch can wreck them in short order. People just aren't used to them
How can you say that? I'm also an Eldar player and Swooping hawks don't have 10 models, can't ds at 3", have no chance of taking down vehicles and are all around weaker for just 5 points when you compare the two units. They're way better, I would take 3 units of these all day. Also, don't forget about the trick of using rapid ingress and then killing something with the turret. Tempestus are the more busted unit I've seen in a long time, I guess until they sell all the kits.
I love them and the idea. For me they still miss higher movement. They don't need it, but it does not feel right to have some kind of jetpacks and still moving like normal infantry (and yes, I know that theses are more thrusters to make the better deep strikes). For me it would be cooler, if they had 10 or 12 inch movement and it would make them even more unique compared to the normal scions
@@guerrillavanilla I know, but for me it is still a missed opportunity, as normal scions can be dropped/ported without these "precision nozzles". Just a wish from me, to make them more unique on the board, after the have been dropped onto the board
Jet Trooper Commandoes armed with energetic weapons are good in their job? No way. The supperiority of infantry that can quicky and relatively safely get to The contact zone cause damage and then withdraw when response party arives tend to be efficient.
I'm just glad Rubric flamers absolutely annihilate them with overwatch. But geez I wish TSons had something like this (well, flamers o' Tz kinda are, but we can't have nice things any more). If I played guard, 2-3 units of these would be in almost every list. I'd probably look a bit at the grenade launcher sentry option on one unit too, just for a bit of "general purpose" usage. 1 chaff killer, 1 GP, and maybe another of either. And always the melta gun and long rifle, because why wouldn't you?
Hear me out: melee Rubrics on discs that can deep strike. Twin khopesh on each (or one sword and one bolt pistol) and that'd be the perfect "assault troop" for TS.
I got clapped by them this past weekend, they dropped a squad near my home objective killing my autarch, dropped a squad on my scorpions killing 6 of 10. Killing them if the guard player has command points is useless, because it just enables them to re strategic reserve them and do it again.
Only if your local scene are assholes who won't accept normal scions (Who also explicitly deep strike with grav-chutes that just conveniently GW never bothered to model before) as Aquillons!
Since there are 2 command phases in a battle round(yours and your opponents), and you get 1 per command phase. Solar gives you + 1 command point during your command phase, then you get one from each command phase, totalling 3.
@@rathernotpick7183 Ah thanks. For some reason I got it in to my head that you only get the basic CP on your own command phase. Have to try to remember not to cheap myself out in the future.
I'm sorry to guard players but I absolutely see these guys catching a nerf to something like 100-105 with how good they are. Not unplayable but still gonna not be nearly as nice at that point
Guard are 2/3 on the un-fun trifecta now: Indirect fire, 3" Deepstrike, all they're missing are good flyers. But for real, 3" deepstrike is a stupid rule, similarly to Indirect fire and Flyers there is precious little counterplay, and it dis-proportionally counters low toughness low wound elite armies. At least most indirect is currently pointed at a level where it kind of puts the strain on your list. Most armies would take these happily at 125 points, yet they cost 90. GW must be in real financial hot water if they so desperately need to sell these...
they are fine, its 10 models with 10 wounds overall and toughness 3, if you dont have enough firepower to take care of that, you may need to change up your list
This does not at all address the problem with the unit lol... Literally every decent player is saying they're 200% busted and never once have I heard the comeback "well they die easily". Of course they do but its still 10 wounds of charge blocking, cheap, decent damage 3" deep strike bs.
@arc4830 so they arnt 10 models with one wound each at toughness 3? I think people are annoyed with them because they don't expect them, give it a month or two and people will learn to plan for them and counter them
I wrote out a long reasoning but figured it was wasted. If you dont understand why the unit is busted, try find a top level guard vs world eater match and see how laughable a melee army is into this unit. Your logic is basically like saying warp spiders could be 80 points or whatever they were at start of 10th and people just need to learn how to play around them. The ability on Aquilons is cooked and the unit needs to go up to like, 120 or so points, maybe more, to be remotely balanced.
They resurrect as well. Kill one unit and you have to deal with two more already on the board, plus a resurrected unit your opponent has more than enough CP for.
@LordCrate-du8zm yeah but so you really want to use your one reinforcements on aquilons? It's not that cost effective when you could bring back like 3 armoured sentinels or a giga squad of kriegers.
Why? Because GW wants to sell them. If something new is released and is not just a replacement for something allready existing, they will allways make it super strong. And if its just a replacement, they just change basesizes to kind of make people buy it. 🤷🏻
New model for purchase is good in game > people buy new model for a few months > quarterly numbers go up > nerf. Rinse and repeat. No one is going to buy something that sucks.
"Why This Guard Unit is One of the STRONGEST in 40K Right Now" ? Easy. GW just released these minis, and they want as many people as possible to buy them.
Theyre broken because theyre brand new... So GW want everyone to buy them. Once theyve sold enough to pay for the costs of the mould, theyll be nerfed into the overwhelmingly beige units every other new release becomes.
Less points than necron warriors. The only thing warriors have on them is one toughness, meanwhile these guys have: 3" deepstrike a sentry weapon (that gets free shooting when it drops) a melta or plasma carbine a 3 damage sniper grenades smoke They're somehow better at reanimating as well!
Love them. They're very "punch uppy", which is Gaurd 101. Bringing hurt for a fraction of the points comparatively. Makes me cuiros as to how the standard Scions will be altered. Whether they lose the ability to drop in. I have some Taurox Primes with some resin wheel kits in my pile so might have to crank them out. Thanks AT 💀
Strong yes, busted no, they should go up 10 pts tho Just use your bloddy bolt pistols to sweep them away if they try to block ur charge, they still die rather easily
@@jacket2848 you don't need to kill them all to declare multi charge into them and the big ticket unit their protecting, just enough to charge around them, also most armies have far more than just bolt pistols to deal with them
@@borristheconqueror3927 Yeah most armies do. But most optimized melee lists don't. 180pts of mediocre shooting is a good answer to them, but still a bad unit the rest of the time. Even them being at 110 wouldn't help directly here, it's just they would not be played in the first place but would still hard counter melee lists. GW needs to green light the Atlanta ruling for everyone and remove 3" rapid ingress from the game. Without that mechanic, i'm fine with them at 90pts.
@@Noalak Assuming the official GW tournament ruling that just got released will be carried over to the main game in next months balance pass their restricting the 3" part to your own movement phase only, so no more rapid ingress 3"
They’re the most flexible unit in the game. Someone charging your big expensive tank? 3” Rapid Ingress them. Someone maneuvering to capture one of your objectives? 3” Rapid Ingress them. Something important with 1-2 wounds that needs to die in your opponents turn? 3” Rapid Ingress them.
They have Grenades, can be resurrected, shoot their turret when they arrive from reserves, THEY FRIGGIN HAVE SMOKE FOR EMPERORS SAKE!
I know they’re silly because I’m running 20 (which is actually 30 because resurrection baby!) in my competitive guard list for tournaments.
Their damage is ok, but their utility is insane.
You know what ? you've draw my attention to against them now😂let me check if there's any IG user are using them in my local store😆
So they’re guard inceptors but with insane versatility
They are far to strong i agree.
Aquilons make guard good, they are probably too good at 90 points But they are not a win button. I have ruined a world eater players day by 3" rapid ingress behind a wall and now the charge is ruined but against most other armies they can get blown away in the shooting phase and your fine. They should probably be roughly 100-110 points and then its difficult to justify 20 or 30 of them.
@@sadlyanuxtakustan8950 they would be ok at that pointrange yes
But Uncle Mordian promised me they’re not broken!
Probably because Mordian is playing Warhammer 40k, while Aspex is talking about Mathhammer. It's not always easy to recognize, but it's a huge difference.
@@philippschmitz1787bro not only does Auspex play Guard but he has multiple battle reports against Mordian. Shows what you know 😂
@@CatroiOz Well, maybe that was a misassumption, based on the sheer mass of videos about all the factions in a speed that makes it impossible to play test in practice.
Combined with some autistic tendencies and statistic math, it looks a lot like Auspex is playing more Mathhammer than Warhammer.
Also, if you compare Auspex and Mordian, the ladder one always gives very practical examples, while Auspex gives you excell sheets.
I didn't mean that Auspex doesn't play Warhammer at all, but it's simply impossible to know all the factions he's talking about on a practical level AND creating videos about it at the pace we know of him.
I never saw a battle rep between Mordian and Auspex, but I think it's safe to say, that Mordian is the better Guard player.
@@philippschmitz1787at the end of the day 40k becomes numbers game if u play enough games
@@philippschmitz1787 Right and I appreciate Mordian greatly but he has a tendency to be overzealous in what he believes is good or bad, notice he never brings the ghosts despite them being a very reliable tournament unit, notice he has always preferred chimeras over bulgryn which again is fine and I agree and prefer them myself but not from a math perspective rather from an enjoyment of the game perspective. If you want the Uber tournament perspective looking at Gaylords commentaries or Joushi Would be ideal. Love Mordian, he's great, but he loves a good meme, which doesn't work for pure power of units. (need to clarify I still like and often agree with Le Glory, just he's not hyper competitive list building wise)
Hey dude, that's the plan, we are gonna take a pretty good Imperial Guard unit
Then we are gonna give them grav-chutes and a lot od deep strike shenanigans
Oh cool, that's look like a nice upgrade
Yeah, and them we make them cost LESS than the original unit!
GW balancing Space Marines to have their Jump Intercessors be cheaper than normal ones.
ISSSSS IT because they are a brand new expensive kit you just DONT WANT TO MISS OUT ON! (before being nerfed hugely when units have shifted out the warehouse.)
🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️
Yes and no. By far not every new model or box is op, so it’s not a given. While we do know that GW will nerf everything that pops up too much in lists. So what we know is that some stuff is created op and will be nerfed in 6+ months as everything op is going to get nerfed.
But you can't buy them atm, any sales are via second hand. So that invalidates your conspiracy theory
@@snowy5628 Rules wont be changed until the dataslate after then. Also nice win for scalpers again.
@@davidgantenbein9362new models that dont intially overperform can become OP later if the backstock doesnt shift though.
They probably use OP rules to help shift models they arent sure will sell quickly, but with popular stuff they just give them mediocre rules and see how it sells.
If I had a nickel for every time a new sculpt came out with busted rules, I'd be rich, but only half as rich as I'd need to be to build an army with these exorbitant models 👍👍
There gunna get nerfed next data patch I'm calling it there's no way these guys get to be 90 points lmao. Gunna be at least 120 - 130
@@gnomedgaming514yeh no way they're cheaper than normal scion
Of course they're good, that's how they're selling the Kill Team boxes. I started kitbashing my Krieg Aquilons and they're probably going to be amazing in an army full of Krieg blocks and tanks.
that sounds kinda cursed tbh lol
I wanna see them. That sounds cool.
They are completely balanced in Kill Team, nearly on the weak side I would even say ! Warpcoven, Legionaries and other things like Novitiates or Inquisitorials are 10 times more problematic than them...
@@Bobitrust95 I believe Auspex’s video is referring to the unit in 40k, I certainly am. The models are reselling at a premium due to their demand in 40k, not Kill Team.
That's absolutely not how they're selling killteam boxes. Killteam hasn't had a release that remained in stock for a full day in over a year. They don't need busted 40k rules to move more product, killteam is a popular enough system.
Because it is the most recent one, thank you for reading my answer and for watching, see ya next release
You're welcome 😂
It's how GW gets Kill Team players interested in 40k and vice versa.
They are completely balanced in Kill Team, nearly on the weak side I would even say ! Warpcoven, Legionaries and other things like Novitiates or Inquisitorials are 10 times more problematic than them...
When Mr. Tactics references wiping out a squad of Gretchin on a home objective. That's literally what he did to me last weekend!!!
Since they are T2, and being wounded on 3's; the Sentry Flamer (with its 2D6+6 total shots) seems designed to remove 10 Gretchin.
Might be time to have 10 boys, or even 10 flash gits on the home obj...?
Encouraging people to not just park the cheapest and weakest unit huddled behind terrain on the backfield and forget about it is always nice!
You've seen his face?!
@@Dorsidwarf: yes, it does make you think a little more. Like, I am genuinely tempted to keep a squad of Flashgitz closer to the home obj than usual now. Overwatch FTW!
@@LordCrate-du8zm NGL, he's a handsome fella.
@@sidwidle damn
I've just built my set - really cool models in person (except the sniper with all his weight on the back foot) gonna paint them up to match my (planned) knight household.
Dont forget units that have 12" deep strike deny as a counter!
10 points too cheap, but this is overhype. A good versatile unit youll still balance with scion squads.
Yeah, if they went to 150pts I can confidently say they would be immediately shelved by 98% of tournament players.
Yeah I’m pretty sure I called that said it was cheap for what that unit dose when people were complaining about it being expensive
The Emperor recommends a Baal Predator set to home defense
This is GWs idea of balance. Meanwhile, my codex has been essentially unusable for almost the entirety of 10th edition. I would kill for even one unit that was even close to as efficient as this.
Guard has been historically one of the worst factions ever, it was the worst faction from 5th to 7th edition, unusably bad, got the codex last in 10th and only lasted for 3 months, don't you think Guard players deserve some time in the sun?
Let me guess:
@@Norlamon I don't think we should balance things based on what hasn't been busted in a long time, let's thow something crazy there? How about we try to make it balanced instead?
The amazing thing is that I have no idea which faction you're referring to because there have been multiple trash codexes this edition that actively worsened their gameplay.
double infiltrators are back
Indeed, Phobos librarian infiltrator fuck reserves brick is back.
@@sadlyanuxtakustan8950 ".. and you just cant drop here. or here. ever. good luck! "
@@sadlyanuxtakustan8950 take them in blood angels and give the librarian Gift of Foresight for practically guaranteed D3 devastating wounds a turn
We putting up a 12" anti-deepstrike and lone op bubble with this one 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
Meanwhile vespid do not even get to use their special weapons, because they are locked to Max units which nobody in their right mind would Take...
Yeah, that's just so unfair, unlike Aquillons who can take special weapons in 5-man tea- huh? You cant take cheap 5-mans of Aquillons at all?
@@galling2052 This would make the issue worse. 50 points for an expendible move and charge blocker, guard would run 3x5 in every list. 150 points to contain your enemy? Every army would run 3x5 except maybe world eaters lol. They could have 0 weapons (like, any) and would probably still see some play at their current points cost.
@@arc4830 ture
@@galling2052thats MUCH worse lmao, making their utility insanely better - the plasma/melta are NOT the attraction here, its the utility and grenades keyword
@@mintw4241 also the 3"ingress chargeblock and the very easy secoundaries.
But yea i forgot when i wrote the comment you responded to
They gonna sell a lot of them then nerf them into the dirt.
I was lightly impressed with a squad of 10 Einhyr hearthguard with a kahl the other day, combined with some CP for ancestral sentence (sustained d2) and lethal huts from the kahl against a judgement tokened unit. 10 grenades at d6 shots and following up with 30 sustained hits volkanite and a charge with gauntlets is some scary scary output against a couple of even tough units. An invun from a crest and some deepstrike crest rapid ingress shenanigans from another made it a formidable threat that couldn't be ignored the next turn.
So... this but different?
Incoming points change thats gonna double their cost. lol
The age-old conundrum of a new unit GW wants to sell being paired with rules paired to match.
The fact hernkyn yaegirs cost the same for similar stats yet much worse ability is criminal. 3" deep strike units should cost 100+ at minimum
Love how a Wargear is capable of doing more/comparable damage to entire units for most of the game and that's not even the Scions themselves.
This is what Elysians died for
Servobot mascot is reserved for only the most OP units
I wonder why these are op but not tau or GK 3 inch DS. Juat started the video so I'll be interested to see if he talks about that.
Mostly because the Aquilons are so cheap compared to those other options, have decent damage output and can even do some out-of-sequence damage when they drop in. The potential to pinch defended objectives during the opponent's turn is a game-flipper.
Plus gk and tau have to pay cp for it.
GW wait until everybody bought it and then nerf them to hell.
Nerfed warp talons in 2 weeks. These tools get months. Gotta get those sales up
Hey, in GW's defense it's just poor timing.
Stand by for a big points hike 😂
Because they're only sold in a 200+ killteam set? Seemed fairly obvious to me. They'll get nerfed as soon as the codex drops.
Didn't even have to wait till then
90 pts for this toolbox is just nuts, it has to be a sales strategy
They cannot rapid ingress "3 as of the latest update.
Yeah but that's if the "latest update" is legit
Sadly you can't build the aquilon squad as advertised.
They are missing a pistol (component a10) so you can either build the Gunfighter or the Tempestor, but not both.
(Yes, you can use the pointy hand and modify a shoulderpad, but then you risk running into problems if the tournament/player is strict on wysiwyg)
They're 10 T3 SV5+ models it'sa glorified squad of Cadian Shock Troops. How are people struggling this hard? Did world eaters and ork players just forget that even most of their melee units have some shooting? It really says to me that either people just can't adapt or don't want to 😂.
This is no longer true... can ONLY 3" Deep strike on YOUR own movement phase AND you can't throw a grenade if you shoot with the turret. So MASSIVE NERF
When will Space marines stop complaining about other factions stuff like the greedy meisters they are and realize they have inceptors
I played a list that had 3X this and also Auspex what you can add in " it's great for " certainly movement blocking , he threw 1 squad each turn start T2 rapid ingress style and had mess up so many secondaries almost all game and chaff blocked me. so you can ad great for movement blocking in there also ! he also buffed these guys with field of fire and re rol 1s from sentinels made these guys a LITERAL CENTER PEACE for his army ( ATTENTION GUARD PLAYERS )
Fomo before the nerf hammer.
every one getting 3inch deepstrike units. Guards getting one. IT S OP!. It's a cool unit, allowing you cool tactical play but you are not killing anything over its own point cost, and they are still guards, they melt if you look at them funny. The double shot on flamer sentry might be too much but other than that it's not crazy.
GW wants to remove cheap units used only to hold objective behind a cover.
Most codex and soon i'm guessing all, have a 12inch interdiction deepstrike that litteraly no one use, maybe it's time to drop 50-100pts for that.
Inceptors were crazy good and everyone talked about them when they were cheaper.
This man does not sleep, how is he uploading so frequently??!?!?!
I don't recall this conmotion over the harlequins tbh...
Nope people called them OP in 9th trust me on that
@@ProxyHammer1 Yeah, I was there, but there was nowhere near this amount of talk, it's annoying. Let's remember those mofos stayed broken up to almost the end of 9th despite of the nerfs.
@ Their winrate at the end of 9th tanked hard. They were good but not winning nearly as much.
The Aquilons just need a quick points adjustment don’t worry they will still be good at 120pts and near auto take until codex release
You cant grenade if u already shot that turn (that happens when you set up) but i agree they are crazy broken!
I'm not sure what you mean? As in unit shot with weapons aren't allowed to throw grenades?
@@jackchan3235 when aquilons drop they shoot (movement phase) the stratagem grenade requires that you havent shot that turn
thats it im bringing my infiltrators back in the list
You can't grenade on the setup turn if you shoot on setup
It's because they have the best drip in the guard
wait does that static looking sentry gun thing follow them around?
Yes. It has little legs and scurries around with them.
@LordCrate-du8zm how does it manage when they fly
@@jc5512 It drops to the ground. The Aquilons are drop troopers, they can't fly
Genuine question, how does precision drop interact with a denial rule like infiltrator’s mini-scramblers for example?
Denial rules override 3” drop, so if you have a unit with a 12” no deepstrike rule then no units can override it
@ much appreciated, thank you. Going to a tournament where suddenly a lot of people are playing AM so think I’ll go for two squads of infiltrators lol
If you’re specifically trying to counter guard you might want to budget for a phobos librarian as well to counter artillery.
@@Wind-Whistler Maybe even get two. You can, at max, have 3. So two units of infiltrators with 2 phobos librarians guarantees your backline is very safe.
I wish i could use my aquilons as allies for imperial knights
You can pick navy breachers, sororitas and deathwatch marines, so why not some scions?
We should know by now it’s a marketing trap and they will get that massive nerf hammer once all the units have been sold out!!
People just mad Guard beat their super duper cool homebrew Space Marine Chapter thats like the Blood Angels (but even more brutal!)
They triple-nerfed Obliterators for being a much weaker version of this, way back in June. FFS, GW. Balance has to be tighter than this!
Ik I want to use my oblits once again dammit!
Guard isn't entirely shit = Their units must be broken. People can not fathom of Guard having good units.
Why are they the strongest? Because they’re locked behind a paywall.
I'm fine with their 3" drop but I'm confused how they have a better drop than swooping hawks and a sniper rifle as good as Illic Nightspear and a gun as strong as a star cannon
They have so much going for them it’s nuts
Well, its also a worse sniper rifle than an eliminator (and the same as in kasrkin) and the worst meltagun available to the Imperium, and they have no post-drop maneuverability, so I guess its just an unfavorably chosen matchup. (Also a star cannon? really? Arent those still kinda ass that nobody takes?)
@Dorsidwarf it's different when an infantry model can take one vs a tank with 2 or 3 guns.
@ Very true!
Because fuck eldar that's why.
I remember when scions leaked and someone on FB told me these sucked and I didn't understand the game. Lmfao.
How are 10 of these cheaper than 10 necron warriors...
Meh, as an Eldar player, they seem like inferior Swooping hawks without a baharroth, their definitely awesome and very useful, but their hardly that broken, as others in the comments said, vehicles or squads with good Overwatch can wreck them in short order. People just aren't used to them
How can you say that? I'm also an Eldar player and Swooping hawks don't have 10 models, can't ds at 3", have no chance of taking down vehicles and are all around weaker for just 5 points when you compare the two units. They're way better, I would take 3 units of these all day. Also, don't forget about the trick of using rapid ingress and then killing something with the turret. Tempestus are the more busted unit I've seen in a long time, I guess until they sell all the kits.
I cant believe they're only 90 points. They do WAY less damage than a 100 pt Scion squad, but they get the 3" drop. They could be at least 100.
I love them and the idea. For me they still miss higher movement. They don't need it, but it does not feel right to have some kind of jetpacks and still moving like normal infantry (and yes, I know that theses are more thrusters to make the better deep strikes). For me it would be cooler, if they had 10 or 12 inch movement and it would make them even more unique compared to the normal scions
To be clear, they're grav chutes to slow falling, not jump packs.
@@guerrillavanilla I know, but for me it is still a missed opportunity, as normal scions can be dropped/ported without these "precision nozzles". Just a wish from me, to make them more unique on the board, after the have been dropped onto the board
Jet Trooper Commandoes armed with energetic weapons are good in their job?
No way.
The supperiority of infantry that can quicky and relatively safely get to The contact zone cause damage and then withdraw when response party arives tend to be efficient.
They're broken by design to sell kits, it's the only reason 40k has rules, to shift the new plastic.
Why are they so strong? Because of how much they cost to buy of course.
Im still waiting for the plastic DKoK from that kill team box... so yeah... Its a long wait
God I miss the elysians
at 90 points they are amazing
I'm just glad Rubric flamers absolutely annihilate them with overwatch. But geez I wish TSons had something like this (well, flamers o' Tz kinda are, but we can't have nice things any more).
If I played guard, 2-3 units of these would be in almost every list. I'd probably look a bit at the grenade launcher sentry option on one unit too, just for a bit of "general purpose" usage. 1 chaff killer, 1 GP, and maybe another of either. And always the melta gun and long rifle, because why wouldn't you?
Hear me out: melee Rubrics on discs that can deep strike. Twin khopesh on each (or one sword and one bolt pistol) and that'd be the perfect "assault troop" for TS.
Pretty much 😅 of course as an Eldar player they are even scarier!
I got clapped by them this past weekend, they dropped a squad near my home objective killing my autarch, dropped a squad on my scorpions killing 6 of 10. Killing them if the guard player has command points is useless, because it just enables them to re strategic reserve them and do it again.
@@1019blackjet The only real defense is really strong overwatch :/
This datasheet shows the absolute incompetence of gw's balance team 😂
Glad they’re good in some game. They’re pretty mid in Kill Team right now
It’s a shame they’re almost impossible to get unless you’re wanting to shell out $200+ on the full kill team box.
Only if your local scene are assholes who won't accept normal scions (Who also explicitly deep strike with grav-chutes that just conveniently GW never bothered to model before) as Aquillons!
Uh, Smoke keyword doesn't give Cover...
Forgive me, how does solar guarantee 3 CP per round? You only gain 1 per round and can only gain 1 extra (and solar's ability only gives you 1.)
Since there are 2 command phases in a battle round(yours and your opponents), and you get 1 per command phase. Solar gives you + 1 command point during your command phase, then you get one from each command phase, totalling 3.
@@rathernotpick7183 Ah thanks. For some reason I got it in to my head that you only get the basic CP on your own command phase. Have to try to remember not to cheap myself out in the future.
@@jimmydesouza4375 No problem.
And you can buy them in a box for 150 euro's!! what a deal.
3in DS at 90 points, i think only Culexus has 3in, and it's one dude compared to 10 sooooooo
For now... until the next new unit gw are pushing to sell.
Shhhh we don’t want GW to notice
I'm sorry to guard players but I absolutely see these guys catching a nerf to something like 100-105 with how good they are. Not unplayable but still gonna not be nearly as nice at that point
No stop keep them secret. This information is classified.
dont worry, they get nerfed once all the boxes are sold
Guard are 2/3 on the un-fun trifecta now: Indirect fire, 3" Deepstrike, all they're missing are good flyers.
But for real, 3" deepstrike is a stupid rule, similarly to Indirect fire and Flyers there is precious little counterplay, and it dis-proportionally counters low toughness low wound elite armies. At least most indirect is currently pointed at a level where it kind of puts the strain on your list. Most armies would take these happily at 125 points, yet they cost 90. GW must be in real financial hot water if they so desperately need to sell these...
Couldn’t agree more
@@ProxyHammer1 Fancy seeing you here xD
How many Guillimans to they kill?
they are fine, its 10 models with 10 wounds overall and toughness 3, if you dont have enough firepower to take care of that, you may need to change up your list
This does not at all address the problem with the unit lol... Literally every decent player is saying they're 200% busted and never once have I heard the comeback "well they die easily". Of course they do but its still 10 wounds of charge blocking, cheap, decent damage 3" deep strike bs.
@arc4830 so they arnt 10 models with one wound each at toughness 3? I think people are annoyed with them because they don't expect them, give it a month or two and people will learn to plan for them and counter them
I wrote out a long reasoning but figured it was wasted. If you dont understand why the unit is busted, try find a top level guard vs world eater match and see how laughable a melee army is into this unit.
Your logic is basically like saying warp spiders could be 80 points or whatever they were at start of 10th and people just need to learn how to play around them. The ability on Aquilons is cooked and the unit needs to go up to like, 120 or so points, maybe more, to be remotely balanced.
They resurrect as well. Kill one unit and you have to deal with two more already on the board, plus a resurrected unit your opponent has more than enough CP for.
@LordCrate-du8zm yeah but so you really want to use your one reinforcements on aquilons? It's not that cost effective when you could bring back like 3 armoured sentinels or a giga squad of kriegers.
Why? Because GW wants to sell them. If something new is released and is not just a replacement for something allready existing, they will allways make it super strong. And if its just a replacement, they just change basesizes to kind of make people buy it. 🤷🏻
New model for purchase is good in game > people buy new model for a few months > quarterly numbers go up > nerf. Rinse and repeat. No one is going to buy something that sucks.
I am the first comment on an Auspex video! I've must been touched by the Emperor! If that's not a sign to buy a load of plastic, I don't know what is.
"Why This Guard Unit is One of the STRONGEST in 40K Right Now" ?
Easy. GW just released these minis, and they want as many people as possible to buy them.
Theyre broken because theyre brand new... So GW want everyone to buy them. Once theyve sold enough to pay for the costs of the mould, theyll be nerfed into the overwhelmingly beige units every other new release becomes.
Idk I gotta work on how to properly play these dudes cuz my fiancé pushed my shit in with the sting wings. Maybe says something about how I play…
Typical GW releasing a unit and making it overpowered.
All to artificially boost sales and breaking the game balance.
Yep, nerf fuel if ever has been any.
Less points than necron warriors. The only thing warriors have on them is one toughness, meanwhile these guys have:
3" deepstrike
a sentry weapon (that gets free shooting when it drops)
a melta or plasma carbine
a 3 damage sniper
They're somehow better at reanimating as well!
Well necron players are cringe so who cares. Suffah xenos
They need 2cp
It’s that way to sell the models then it will be immediately nerfed - guaranteed
aaaaaaaaaaand they're nerfed!
Love them. They're very "punch uppy", which is Gaurd 101.
Bringing hurt for a fraction of the points comparatively.
Makes me cuiros as to how the standard Scions will be altered. Whether they lose the ability to drop in.
I have some Taurox Primes with some resin wheel kits in my pile so might have to crank them out.
Thanks AT 💀
Why they are strong? Because they are an expensive Killteam an GW wants to Milk the Gamers befor nerving them to oblivion.
Well, you got your way, now there useless
sell pork bellies.
Already NERFED lmao, guess GW sold enough kits!
Can't wait for them to be completely useless after the next balance dataslate.
Strong yes, busted no, they should go up 10 pts tho
Just use your bloddy bolt pistols to sweep them away if they try to block ur charge, they still die rather easily
If you think 10 bolt pistols kills 10 guardsmen you're inhaling something illegal
@@jacket2848 you don't need to kill them all to declare multi charge into them and the big ticket unit their protecting, just enough to charge around them, also most armies have far more than just bolt pistols to deal with them
@@borristheconqueror3927 Yeah most armies do. But most optimized melee lists don't. 180pts of mediocre shooting is a good answer to them, but still a bad unit the rest of the time. Even them being at 110 wouldn't help directly here, it's just they would not be played in the first place but would still hard counter melee lists. GW needs to green light the Atlanta ruling for everyone and remove 3" rapid ingress from the game. Without that mechanic, i'm fine with them at 90pts.
@@Noalak Assuming the official GW tournament ruling that just got released will be carried over to the main game in next months balance pass their restricting the 3" part to your own movement phase only, so no more rapid ingress 3"
Changing them to a 9” deep strike and putting them at 120 points is a good way of changing them for the better.
The point of them is that they're a 3" deep unit. There's no reason to take that away. Just make them 100 or 110