You should do some real stuff from this guy bend is called horror piknik song name drekavac they were doing some crazy shit he and one more guy and now bishke is pero deformero and other guy is bandar, pero deformero is doing this things and bandar has bend called piknik also great stuff but horror piknik were where they were together doing some darker music hahahahha maybe you like it. (my english sucks i hope you understand it nice channel keep up brother
Hell yeah Defformerooo. Could have picked a better song but fuck yeah. Try "cerka djavola" (devils daughter) from them. A heavy heavy tune bro. SASHA FRIS is one of the best modern serbian axe grinders ever, btw. Cheers
Na ovaj fazon parodija ima milion pesama, ovo nije ništa specijalno. Bolje da ste preporučili S.A.R.S. RAKIJA (official video), ali mu onda morate detaljno objasniti značaj rakije kod nas
"Deformed Pete" rocks!
Best serbian band EVER!!!!
You should do some real stuff from this guy bend is called horror piknik song name drekavac they were doing some crazy shit he and one more guy and now bishke is pero deformero and other guy is bandar, pero deformero is doing this things and bandar has bend called piknik also great stuff but horror piknik were where they were together doing some darker music hahahahha maybe you like it. (my english sucks i hope you understand it nice channel keep up brother
Nice choice Rob, Pero Defformero rules!! Pls try with "Bjesovi - Kisa" or "Bjesovi - Cak i da mogu". I know you"ll like it :)
Hi m'y friend nice to meet you ❤❤❤❤🇹🇳
Hello 😊
Hell yeah Defformerooo. Could have picked a better song but fuck yeah. Try "cerka djavola" (devils daughter) from them. A heavy heavy tune bro. SASHA FRIS is one of the best modern serbian axe grinders ever, btw. Cheers
zalim draga ispalo je sranje :D
You should check out another serbian band from my hometown - VOLT POP and the song Iza ovih zvukova
Hi sir,
Could you please record reaction for "ROBINJA - ROCK KO FOL (rkf za raju) HD (cover)"?
Thank you in advance, Regards from Serbia! :)
Shit happens
Please how can i send you a song?
pero deformerro has many better songs, like gotičarka, or gastarbajter, or i dont know, there are many...
but you must listen to lyrics
Na ovaj fazon parodija ima milion pesama, ovo nije ništa specijalno. Bolje da ste preporučili S.A.R.S. RAKIJA (official video), ali mu onda morate detaljno objasniti značaj rakije kod nas
Kojih milion?
Lupas decko, ne postoji parodije na ovaj nacin, ne postoji u Srbiji tako nesto.