I see, so its name is Kuih Kapit. I've seen people sell the triangular ones with chocolate filling for RM25 a jar. It was delicious though. Maybe I'll make this one day.
mykitchen101en.com/delectable-homemade-kuih-kapit-love-letters-biscuit-light-and-crisp/ Pls go to recipe page at the above link, at the bottom of the page you can convert metric to US Customary.
Kena try beberapa kali untuk dapat masa yang betul mula-mula, mungkin mesin yang lain masa lain juga. Bagi ia bakar sekejap, lepas itu check tengok, kalau belum siap, terus bakar lagi sampai kuning keemasan.
Not sure, I haven't tried with oil or butter for this recipe, or you may try replacing 150 g thick coconut milk + 200g water with 350 g of full cream milk.
Do you mean it become soft? You need to keep the kuih kapit into air-tight container immediately when it has cooled down, about after 1-2 mins when done. If you leave it at room for too long it will become soft.
Via Google Translate: وصفة Kuih Kapit محلية الصنع (بسكويت رسائل الحب) | MyKitchen101en مكونات: 100 جرام دقيق أرز 50 جرام دقيق قمح متعدد الاستعمالات 150 جم بيضة (حوالي 3 × 55 جم - 60 جم بيضة) 150 جرام من حليب جوز الهند السميك 200 جرام ماء 150 جرام سكر حبيبات ناعم نصف ملعقة صغيرة ملح تعليمات: 1 اخفقي 150 جم بيضة حتى تصبح رغوية. 2 أضيفي 150 غ من حليب جوز الهند السميك ، و 200 غ من الماء ، و 150 غ من السكر المحبب الناعم ونصف ملعقة صغيرة من الملح ، واخلطيهم حتى يذوب السكر تمامًا. 3 ينخل 100 جرام من دقيق الأرز و 50 جرام من دقيق القمح لجميع الأغراض ، ويخلط حتى يصبح المزيج ناعماً مع عدم وجود تكتلات ظاهرة ، واتركه يرتاح لمدة 15 دقيقة. 4 يُسخن صانع Kuih Kapit مسبقًا ، ويُسكب في نصف ملعقة كبيرة من الخليط. كمية الخليط لكل قطعة تعتمد على حجم القالب الخاص بك. 5 يمكن تشكيل البسكويت على شكل لفة أو طيها في شكل مثلث. يجب تشكيل البسكويت على الفور ؛ سوف يتصلب ويتحول إلى هش بسرعة كبيرة. يوصى باستخدام القفازات للحماية من الحرارة. 5.1 شكل لفة البيض: اكشط الخليط الزائد ؛ تدحرج على الفور إلى شكل لفائف البيض باستخدام عود. 5.2 شكل مثلثي: يطوي إلى أرباع ، ويقطع الخليط الزائد بالمقص. 6 قم بتخزينها في حاوية محكمة الإغلاق في أسرع وقت ممكن. 7 Kuih Kapit خفيف ومقرمش
Recipe at: mykitchen101en.com/delectable-homemade-kuih-kapit-love-letters-biscuit-light-and-crisp/ If you find this video interesting, please Share and Like the video. Don’t forget to Subscribe Our TH-cam Channel.
Via Google Translate: Homemade Kuih Kapit (Love Letters biscotto) Ricetta | MyKitchen101en Ingredienti: farina di riso 100 g 50g di farina di grano per tutti gli usi 150g di uova (circa 3 x 55g-60g di uova) 150g di latte di cocco di spessore acqua 200 g 150 g di zucchero semolato multa ¼ di cucchiaino di sale Istruzioni: 1 uovo sbatte 150g fino a che spumoso. 2 Aggiungi nella 150g latte denso di cocco, acqua 200g, 150g di zucchero semolato bene e ¼ di cucchiaino di sale, mescolare fino a quando lo zucchero è completamente sciolto. 3 Sift in farina di riso 100g e 50g farina di frumento per tutti gli usi, mescolare fino pastella liscia senza grumi visibili, riposare per 15 minuti. 4 Preriscaldare il creatore Kuih Kapit, versare ½ cucchiaio di pastella. Importo di pastella per ogni pezzo dipende dalle dimensioni del vostro stampo. 5 Il biscotto può essere sagomato in roll-forma o piegata in forma triangolare. Biscotto deve essere sagomata immediatamente; si indurisce e girare croccante molto veloce. I guanti sono raccomandati per la protezione contro il calore. 5.1 figura del rullo dell'uovo: raschiare eccesso pastella; immediatamente rotolare in forma rotolo di uovo con un bastoncino. 5.2 forma triangolare: piegare in trimestre, e tagliare l'eccesso pastella con le forbici. 6 Conservare in contenitore chiuso ermeticamente nel più breve tempo possibile. 7 luce e croccante Kuih Kapit
I see, so its name is Kuih Kapit. I've seen people sell the triangular ones with chocolate filling for RM25 a jar. It was delicious though. Maybe I'll make this one day.
I bought this machine & I can't wait to try your recipe.. thanks ya
Hope you like it!
@@MyKitchen101en absolutely like it! So crispy crunchy & easy to make it
I like it 👍😊
Hi. What is the brand of the kapit maker you are using? thanks
Trio. Buy Electric Kuih Kapit Maker: s.shopee.com.my/3LABDjPNAX
Thank you for share the recipe.
Thank you for sharing.
I would love one of those machines. This looks like an easy recipe i can do
CNY coming up, I'm gonna try and make these
Nice... can non stuck fry be used for cooking this
You will need heat from both top and bottom.
Love this biscuit!! May I know where I can buy the machine?
You may find it online, search "kuih kapit maker".
Can I made it using regular pan?
You may try.
Hi, love your recipe, may I know how long I need to wait to make one kuih kapit using this egg roll maker?
Have taken down the time for each, but for the whole portion of batter it takes about 2 hours.
@@MyKitchen101en For this recipe, how many kuih kapit could you made? a tin only?
About 80 pieces.
1 min and 15 sec
hi.. thanks for sharing. love it. may i ask is it you put in 1 teaspoon per piece? thanks
About½ tablespoon of batter. Amount of batter for each piece depends on the size of your mould.
Hi can I use cake flour instead of all purpose flour?
Please advise. Thanks
Should be ok, you may try.
Do you have a measurement for cups? I don't understand grams
Pls go to recipe page at the above link, at the bottom of the page you can convert metric to US Customary.
Hai..brpa lama masa Yg di perlukan utk dia masak Ya...
Kena try beberapa kali untuk dapat masa yang betul mula-mula, mungkin mesin yang lain masa lain juga. Bagi ia bakar sekejap, lepas itu check tengok, kalau belum siap, terus bakar lagi sampai kuning keemasan.
Can this recipe work without sugar?
Not sure how is the result.
你好,想请问下这egg roll maker好用吗?(我知道影片里的是什么牌子 😄😄)。 烤出来颜色均匀吗?等的时间会长吗?谢谢
要拿捏好烘烤的时间的粉浆的分量成品就比较漂亮, 试做几次后就比较得心应手了。烤的时间还好吧, 不过一次只能弄2片会比较慢, 自己家里吃还行, 如果做来卖就太慢了。这个食品的分量大概需要2小时吧。
how long do i have to leave it in for it to turn out brown and not burnt?
Adjust according to the equipment you use.
Tepung beras lgi byk dri gandum?
Yes for this recipe, please refer to mykitchen101en.com/delectable-homemade-kuih-kapit-love-letters-biscuit-light-and-crisp/
Pan needs to be greased or not before pour batter in?
For this machine I didn't grease, it is non-stick.
How many pieces you can get ?
This recipe yields 80 biscuit with 4 inch diameter mould.
Is there anyway to make it eggless?
Not sure, haven't tried.
@@MyKitchen101en ok
Hi, what is the all purpose wheat flour? Is it the “tang” flour from Chinese store or the ordinary all purpose flour? Thanks
It is ordinary all-purpose flour.
where can i buy chopsticks like this?😚😚😊
You may try to find it from stalls or shops that sell kitchen utensil.
Can u give me the website.please.Thank you 😊
More recipes at: mykitchen101en.com/
Can I use milk instead of santan?
The taste will be different.
hola, si no utilizo leche de coco, cual seria la cantidad de aceite, o mantequilla?
Not sure, I haven't tried with oil or butter for this recipe, or you may try replacing 150 g thick coconut milk +
200g water with 350 g of full cream milk.
Kue semprong tahan berapa bulan?
Biasa habis cepat, jarang simpan lama, 1 bulan mungkin ok la.
Do you know how long this kuih can stay good?
Keep in air-tight container immediately when it has cooled down, if left at room it will soften. 1 month should be ok.
Nak tanya dimana beli pembakar kuih sepit
Lazada, search "kuih kapit maker".
Hai,coconut milk tu kalau guna santan kotak jenama kara bole ke?
Why my kueh kapit feel airy after kept for one day? Kindly advise. Thks
Do you mean it become soft? You need to keep the kuih kapit into air-tight container immediately when it has cooled down, about after 1-2 mins when done. If you leave it at room for too long it will become soft.
@@MyKitchen101en thks
Guna tepung gandum cap apa?
Biasa saya guna Bakers' Choice.
I follow your recipe, but cannot roll it. It crack when i roll
You need to roll it immediately when still hot, it will harden when cool and crack.
謝謝分享 第一次看見無油的蛋捲
Beli dari Lazada.
من فضلكم
هل ممكن تتم الترجمة بالعربي ؟
Via Google Translate:
وصفة Kuih Kapit محلية الصنع (بسكويت رسائل الحب) | MyKitchen101en
100 جرام دقيق أرز
50 جرام دقيق قمح متعدد الاستعمالات
150 جم بيضة (حوالي 3 × 55 جم - 60 جم بيضة)
150 جرام من حليب جوز الهند السميك
200 جرام ماء
150 جرام سكر حبيبات ناعم
نصف ملعقة صغيرة ملح
1 اخفقي 150 جم بيضة حتى تصبح رغوية.
2 أضيفي 150 غ من حليب جوز الهند السميك ، و 200 غ من الماء ، و 150 غ من السكر المحبب الناعم ونصف ملعقة صغيرة من الملح ، واخلطيهم حتى يذوب السكر تمامًا.
3 ينخل 100 جرام من دقيق الأرز و 50 جرام من دقيق القمح لجميع الأغراض ، ويخلط حتى يصبح المزيج ناعماً مع عدم وجود تكتلات ظاهرة ، واتركه يرتاح لمدة 15 دقيقة.
4 يُسخن صانع Kuih Kapit مسبقًا ، ويُسكب في نصف ملعقة كبيرة من الخليط. كمية الخليط لكل قطعة تعتمد على حجم القالب الخاص بك.
5 يمكن تشكيل البسكويت على شكل لفة أو طيها في شكل مثلث. يجب تشكيل البسكويت على الفور ؛ سوف يتصلب ويتحول إلى هش بسرعة كبيرة. يوصى باستخدام القفازات للحماية من الحرارة.
5.1 شكل لفة البيض: اكشط الخليط الزائد ؛ تدحرج على الفور إلى شكل لفائف البيض باستخدام عود.
5.2 شكل مثلثي: يطوي إلى أرباع ، ويقطع الخليط الزائد بالمقص.
6 قم بتخزينها في حاوية محكمة الإغلاق في أسرع وقت ممكن.
7 Kuih Kapit خفيف ومقرمش
@@MyKitchen101en ألف مليون ترليون شكرا لكم
Hellow☺☺I love it..me i ask you
Hows the life time good for how manny Month☺☺
Keep in airtight container, they should be good for about 1 month plus.
Por que se puede reemplazar la leche de coco? No puedo tomar ese tipo de leche. Gracias y muy buena la receta.
I haven't try replacing with other yet, but you may try using evaporated milk, see how it turns out.
@@MyKitchen101en eso en mi pais tampoco hay, probare con leche o crema que opina usted?
Coconut milk contains oil, or you may try mixing milk with cream.
where can i buy the mould?
I bought online, search for "kuih kapit maker".
Recipe at: mykitchen101en.com/delectable-homemade-kuih-kapit-love-letters-biscuit-light-and-crisp/
If you find this video interesting, please Share and Like the video. Don’t forget to Subscribe Our TH-cam Channel.
Perché non mettete le ricette slegate in italiano almeno scritta in italiano
Via Google Translate: Homemade Kuih Kapit (Love Letters biscotto) Ricetta | MyKitchen101en
farina di riso 100 g
50g di farina di grano per tutti gli usi
150g di uova (circa 3 x 55g-60g di uova)
150g di latte di cocco di spessore
acqua 200 g
150 g di zucchero semolato multa
¼ di cucchiaino di sale
1 uovo sbatte 150g fino a che spumoso.
2 Aggiungi nella 150g latte denso di cocco, acqua 200g, 150g di zucchero semolato bene e ¼ di cucchiaino di sale, mescolare fino a quando lo zucchero è completamente sciolto.
3 Sift in farina di riso 100g e 50g farina di frumento per tutti gli usi, mescolare fino pastella liscia senza grumi visibili, riposare per 15 minuti.
4 Preriscaldare il creatore Kuih Kapit, versare ½ cucchiaio di pastella. Importo di pastella per ogni pezzo dipende dalle dimensioni del vostro stampo.
5 Il biscotto può essere sagomato in roll-forma o piegata in forma triangolare. Biscotto deve essere sagomata immediatamente; si indurisce e girare croccante molto veloce. I guanti sono raccomandati per la protezione contro il calore.
5.1 figura del rullo dell'uovo: raschiare eccesso pastella; immediatamente rotolare in forma rotolo di uovo con un bastoncino.
5.2 forma triangolare: piegare in trimestre, e tagliare l'eccesso pastella con le forbici.
6 Conservare in contenitore chiuso ermeticamente nel più breve tempo possibile.
7 luce e croccante Kuih Kapit
Chinese Food
Can i use blender/electric mixer ?
No need to beat too long, hand mixer should be enough I think.
@@MyKitchen101en thanks 😊
Kue semprong tahan berapa bulan?
Saya jarang simpan lama, biasa habis 1-2 minggu, 1 bulan mungkin oklah.